How would I go about changing the forward voltage value to an LED? For example, I'm using 12v dc and I have an LED with a forward voltage of 6V and 350mA. It's not your standard 5mm led. I'm actually trying to use a 10w RGB LED but I figured the above example using the voltage drop of red at 6v and 350mA.
You would have to make a new Spice model that matches the characteristics of your particular LED. I just used the Diode Spice model that came in Fusion 360 for this one. You can probably search for "how to model a diode with forward voltage in Spice" and then create your own custom LED component that uses your custom Spice model. You might even be able to find a Spice model that somebody already wrote for your particular LED.
How would I go about changing the forward voltage value to an LED?
For example, I'm using 12v dc and I have an LED with a forward voltage of 6V and 350mA.
It's not your standard 5mm led. I'm actually trying to use a 10w RGB LED but I figured the above example using the voltage drop of red at 6v and 350mA.
You would have to make a new Spice model that matches the characteristics of your particular LED. I just used the Diode Spice model that came in Fusion 360 for this one. You can probably search for "how to model a diode with forward voltage in Spice" and then create your own custom LED component that uses your custom Spice model. You might even be able to find a Spice model that somebody already wrote for your particular LED.