The devil´s puppets - Artists in the music industry

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2018

Комментарии •

  • @mrsellenj.a1740
    @mrsellenj.a1740 Месяц назад +304

    I'm an former model and I can tell you that it's not just music but it's in any and everything that can influence,if they can influence the mas they will use the person as a useful idiot...Dear beloved siblings in Christ dare to be different from the world, we are in this world not of it , be strong and of good courage God bless you all and your beautiful families

    • @maryijeahshuahna999
      @maryijeahshuahna999 Месяц назад +1

      I am a former warlock, casting real storms... Saw portals opening, nearly fainted. Love saved me, as my wife came and the situation was normal again. And now i just want to help! Save EVERY SOUL. I am praying daily. When on the streets i hear bad words, i turn it around and say a positive words. Mrsellenj.a1740, Amen, stay positive. Your comment is worthy and helped me connect. Helps to hear others tell this. Normal people deny it all.. So, Amen, mrsellenj, have a good time with Gods protection.

    • @Each1Breach1-z4i
      @Each1Breach1-z4i Месяц назад +9


    • @moeomoton520
      @moeomoton520 24 дня назад +6

      You are absolutely correct and your words speak the truth, this world is not our home. Ours is the Kingdom of HEAVEN!

    • @hugoslavia3670
      @hugoslavia3670 23 дня назад +2

      God Bless Sister

    • @Earthasphagnum
      @Earthasphagnum 20 дней назад +1

      Yeah, but in modelling it's justified, stop indoctrinating and manipulating actual artists. On the plus side: They never managed to indoctrinate or wheel in anyone of any importance so far.

  • @robertsajewski1250
    @robertsajewski1250 3 года назад +7649

    may God protect us from all the words spoken, symbols shown, and portals opened. May everyone watching these videos be protected from the angels of heaven, and may we all find peace at the end of this tunnel in Jesus's holy name. Amen.

  • @shamirahsimra9707
    @shamirahsimra9707 2 года назад +2796

    People really underestimate the power of music over a man's mind......
    Wow thank u so much for likes people 😊❤️

  • @stylistshawn
    @stylistshawn 2 года назад +481

    Lord please watch over me and protect me and the people watching these videos .

    • @redwoodrebelgirl3010
      @redwoodrebelgirl3010 2 месяца назад +15

      And, Lord, please protect all your children, & protect us all from ignorance, confusion, & sin, darkness, depravity, deception, death, & destruction, & evil--
      those who watch this & those who do not.
      God be with us all, & may He seek out the fallen, degraded, the confused, those who have lost our way, & bring them, us, _ALL,_ safely Home.

    • @AWretchedMan
      @AWretchedMan 2 месяца назад

      ​@@redwoodrebelgirl3010 THIS IS THE TRUTH EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR!
      Christianity and all man made religions are a lie from the pit of Hell!! satan is the god of this World.
      It's existed before the Foundation of the Universe... Before any man made demonic religions!!.. GOD is a Spirit and He is HOLY!!!
      Deuteronomy 6:4
      Hear, O Israel: The Lord Our GOD is One Lord!
      Ephesians 4:5-6
      One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism,
      One GOD and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
      Jeremiah 17:9
      The heart is Deceitful above All things and Desperately Wicked, Who can know It?.
      Romans 12:1
      I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of GOD, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, HOLY, acceptable unto GOD, which is your reasonable service.
      Revelation 20:6
      Blessed and HOLY is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of GOD and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years.
      12:14 Follow peace with all men, and HOLINESS, Without which NO Man shall see the LORD.
      Jude 1:20
      But ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most HOLY faith, praying in the HOLY ghost.
      1 Peter 1:16
      Because it is written, BE YE HOLY; FOR I AM HOLY.
      Leviticus 11:44
      For I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD: Ye shall therefore Sanctify yourselves, and YE SHALL BE HOLY; FOR I AM HOLY.
      John 4:24
      GOD is a SPIRIT: And they that worship HIM, Must worship HIM in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.
      Isaiah 35:8
      And an Highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The WAY of HOLINESS; The unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err there in.
      Leviticus 20:7
      Sanctify yourselves therefore, and BE YE HOLY, For I AM The LORD YOUR GOD.
      Ephesians 1:4
      According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be HOLY and without blame before him in love.
      If you practice Witchcraft, Yoga, New Age or any Man Made religion or if you celebrate Xmas, New Years, Easter, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday or Any other PAGAN traditions from Hell, GOD SAYS YOU'RE A HEATHEN!! YOU WILL BE IN HELL!! With YOUR Father the devil!!
      Jeremiah 10:2-4
      Thus saith the LORD, Learn NOT the Way of the HEATHEN, and be not Dismayed at the signs of Heaven; for the HEATHEN are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one Cutteth a tree out of the Forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the Axe. They deck it with Silver & with Gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
      Obey Acts 2:38 and Tarry for the HOLY SPIRIT, totally submit and surrender your life to Him and be Filled with The SPIRIT of GOD and be BORN AGAIN!
      If you die without Jesus Christ, Rejecting Jesus Christ you will go to HELL! Seek Him while He may be found. That's while you have life. Once you're dead it's too late. JESUS CHRIST said, "Before Abraham was, I AM!".
      Acts 7:55-59
      But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
      And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
      Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord,
      And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.
      And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord JESUS, receive my spirit.
      Acts 9:3-5
      And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:
      And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
      And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am JESUS whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
      Matthew 7:7-8
      Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
      For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
      Luke 13:3-5
      I tell you, Nay: but except Ye REPENT, Ye shall All likewise PERISH!
      When you Read your Bible, it Reads You.
      When you Pick up your Bible, it Picks You Up.
      When you Dust off your Bible, it Dusts You Off.
      Ephesians 2:8-9
      For by Grace are ye saved through Faith; and that not of yourselves: It is the Gift of GOD:
      Not of Works, Lest any man should boast.
      Isaiah 64:6
      But we are all as a Unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as Filthy Rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our Iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
      James 2:17-19
      Even so Faith, If it hath not Works, is DEAD, being Alone.
      Yea, a man may say, Thou hast Faith, and I have works:
      Shew me thy Faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my Faith by my Works.
      Thou believest that there is ONE GOD; thou doest well: the Devils also believe, and Tremble.

    • @AmberSumerall
      @AmberSumerall 2 месяца назад +8

      Cover us all with the Blood of Jesus! Amen 🙏🏾

    • @justinross940
      @justinross940 2 месяца назад

      is this "lord" watching over the children in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Africa.... nope...

    • @mariner1358
      @mariner1358 2 месяца назад

      @@AmberSumerall vampire

  • @htsawyers
    @htsawyers 2 года назад +3096

    “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist”-

  • @mikewhipkey6863
    @mikewhipkey6863 3 года назад +3766

    Nothing in this world is worth my soul

    • @josettemason110
      @josettemason110 3 года назад +130

      What does a man profit for selling his soul=...HELL👹

    • @taylorcook5238
      @taylorcook5238 3 года назад +75

      Either way you sell your soul fool. Y’all just lame and hate
      Work a 9-5 you a slave to the company . Only way out is to be your own boss own your own shit so better work for yourself or shut the fuck up

    • @johnnyjacuzzi7498
      @johnnyjacuzzi7498 3 года назад +78

      @@taylorcook5238 You sound ridiculous. Entrepreneurs are even worse. They sell themselves at the cost of time with family and friends, and they subjugate others as employees, paying them as little as possible and demanding all of their time.

    • @royortega3721
      @royortega3721 3 года назад +165

      @@taylorcook5238 when i die, my soul wont belong to whatever company i work for.. The body is temporary, The soul is eternal

    • @dougie2fly538
      @dougie2fly538 3 года назад +34

      @@royortega3721 Right on!

  • @Yahsaxe
    @Yahsaxe 3 года назад +2047

    All praises is due to the Most High.

  • @mikejones9122
    @mikejones9122 2 месяца назад +160

    Its 2024, We need more videos like this to help wake up more people! 🙏🏽

    • @EsteLado559
      @EsteLado559 12 дней назад +2

      AMEN ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @peacemaker3156
      @peacemaker3156 11 дней назад

      100% true! So whats another 1 hour + of research???видео.htmlsi=l1OGSENHkMuGJ3U5

    • @JaneQPublic
      @JaneQPublic 9 дней назад +1

      You should check out shattered paradise - they deep dive and give biblical context while connecting all the dots

    • @EsteLado559
      @EsteLado559 9 дней назад

      @@JaneQPublic will do

    • @mikejones9122
      @mikejones9122 9 дней назад +1

      @@JaneQPublic yup shattered paradise, and the truth is... Also Knowledgeispower, and call for an uprising, are good youtube channels

  • @Lilbird2fye
    @Lilbird2fye 2 года назад +1512

    Seems the devil will tempt you at your lowest moments.... That's why I keep my faith high
    Edit: 1k likes wow glad so many people love god 🙏

    • @jwsmith1470
      @jwsmith1470 2 года назад +41

      @TazTunez Well said.
      It is no coincidence that the devil
      waited until Jesus was at His
      "weakest and most afraid":
      when Jesus had fasted in
      the Wilderness for 40-days
      ("if You were really were The Son of God,
      turn these stones to bread").
      just before His arrest in
      the Garden of Gethsemane
      (not a single one of the
      Apostles could not stay awake,
      likely because the powers of darkness
      were intentionally causing
      them to get drowsy)...
      And finally...
      the devil even went so far as to tempt
      The Lord as He hung on the cross
      ("If You really are The Christ...
      come down from the cross
      and save Yourself").

    • @jackiegoodspeed1849
      @jackiegoodspeed1849 2 года назад +3

      Amen. Good point.

    • @PamphileJonathan
      @PamphileJonathan 2 года назад +7

      That’s very true.

    • @c.b.griefaddict1745
      @c.b.griefaddict1745 2 года назадвидео.html

    • @sewison7990
      @sewison7990 2 года назад

      He will for sure

  • @alexism.7712
    @alexism.7712 2 года назад +677

    Dmx was deep and have been fighting demons all his life. May he rest in peace (hopefully). Those lyrics from all the artist was some real deal not to mess with life experiences. I just told my husband I could have been in the industry modeling or acting but I know what comes with the territory. No amount of money is worth losing my (or yours) soul for, so I passed. Glory be to God our heavenly father. 🙏☝💖

    • @BENNN1999
      @BENNN1999 2 года назад +5

      God bless you

    • @erikhall9407
      @erikhall9407 2 года назад +7

      Dmx is in heaven

    • @chuckunplugged
      @chuckunplugged 2 года назад +9

      Hahaha those hellhounds biting DMX ass right about now.

    • @chuckunplugged
      @chuckunplugged 2 года назад +3

      @@erikhall9407 nope. Hellhounds got him. He gone

    • @erikhall9407
      @erikhall9407 2 года назад +4

      @@chuckunplugged i think you right but I'm gonna pray you are wrong

  • @therealjulez7886
    @therealjulez7886 2 года назад +569

    Music is the strongest form of magic - Marilyn Manson

    • @xedoccodex
      @xedoccodex 2 года назад +30

      Depends how you using it.

    • @nicolaypastore
      @nicolaypastore 2 года назад

      @Bleu Barclay why you so mad?

    • @spacecase7504
      @spacecase7504 2 года назад

      @Bleu Barclay 😂😂😂

    • @jovanreid6782
      @jovanreid6782 2 года назад +4

      Stop taking everything literally, you lops.

    • @shaqlobo4297
      @shaqlobo4297 2 года назад +27

      @@jovanreid6782 it rings true kinda look what hip hop did to us u can't even lie that shit has us under a spell

  • @GoGary4040
    @GoGary4040 Год назад +223


    • @hektorcortez7503
      @hektorcortez7503 Год назад +9

      This video can totally be raleted to any aspect of life

    • @kinnick5643
      @kinnick5643 2 месяца назад +4

      This the only vid on channel

    • @GoGary4040
      @GoGary4040 2 месяца назад +4

      @kinnick5643 NNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Hope to see more...I'm subscribed!!!

    • @kinnick5643
      @kinnick5643 2 месяца назад

      @@GoGary4040 it's been 5 years

    • @Anne10-k4u
      @Anne10-k4u 5 дней назад

      Can people who sell their souls be saved

  • @kiraseabrook9083
    @kiraseabrook9083 3 года назад +1764

    My father holy Christ protect me and everyone watching this

  • @maddd8883
    @maddd8883 2 года назад +544

    Man..gotta love DMX for always being real..even when he was treated foul by everyone..he told the truth before people were capable of listening💔

    • @BallsackDestroyer228
      @BallsackDestroyer228 2 года назад +23

      @Louisville Cardinals you can see he was trying to change and started to do good before his death

    • @DJiNstncT
      @DJiNstncT 2 года назад +21

      @Louisville Cardinals if he was truly asking for forgiveness and regretted his earlier choices who are we to continue to judge him? Sounds pretty anti Christian

    • @ROZAYG
      @ROZAYG 2 года назад +8

      @Louisville Cardinals you still no jugdge thats between him and God there isnt time frames here

    • @ROZAYG
      @ROZAYG 2 года назад +2

      @Louisville Cardinals well if you remember correctly even back in the time of Jesus there was that one tax collector who was seen as a devil remember by all those rightous people and yet he turned around and was forgiven .......point is you and i dont know if X turned his life around or not and might i remind you the the Christian religion is based on Faith not facts

    • @augustusbrown5320
      @augustusbrown5320 2 года назад +7

      The Creator Still Has The Last Say! #YourSoul

  • @Skin-deepInk
    @Skin-deepInk 8 месяцев назад +191

    DMX was such a tortured soul. I pray he's at peace with the Lord. He made all the changes in his life that he could and he had a huge heart. Gone too soon 😢.

    • @DarrenFrazier-nm2co
      @DarrenFrazier-nm2co 2 месяца назад +9

      what soul is not tortured in the life as we know it now? the difference DMX knew he was...the rest "us" don't!

    • @AmberSumerall
      @AmberSumerall 2 месяца назад +15

      The Devil killed him. It was time to collect, but yes I hope he secretly gave his soul back to the Lord.

    • @9teen9t4
      @9teen9t4 2 месяца назад +11

      @Mysterious - I agree 100%. It's my understanding that he did give his life to Christ as evidenced in that last song. He had a rough childhood and there are some things floating around about a certain person who shall remain unnamed who allegedly had a hand in making sure his career never went further than it did, and possibly also same person allegedly either setting him up or keeping those temptations close to feed his addictions. Certainly not taking away any of his blame and personal responsibility but I also know that for a really long time he was trying to blow the whistle - a.k.a. 'Industry".. RIP X

  • @bluemusej
    @bluemusej 6 месяцев назад +70

    I don't know a lot of things, but I can tell you that DMX touched my heart when I was at my lowest, and I truly do thank the Lord for using him in a public way. May his soul RIP.

    • @WarrenDay-we9do
      @WarrenDay-we9do Месяц назад

      They never die when media reports them to have. And they never fully tell the truth and their personal lives are all a script. They're also all gender reassigned (MTFs and FTMs).

  • @victoriaclausen5892
    @victoriaclausen5892 3 года назад +1078

    Father God protect those watching this

  • @waronamogobye436
    @waronamogobye436 2 года назад +108

    Me coming across this video is no coincidence. I'm listening Jesus...I'm listening

    • @truthislife8947
      @truthislife8947 2 года назадвидео.html

    • @DiegoGonzalez-jo2tw
      @DiegoGonzalez-jo2tw 2 года назад +2


    • @kl3568
      @kl3568 2 года назад

      Your bible is full if contradictions, it's corrupted just face the truth, try reading about islam with and open heart be fait, tge truth will enravel to you

    • @lay588
      @lay588 2 года назад +3


    • @oedi_mf
      @oedi_mf 2 месяца назад

      Maybe jesus is the god of this world 😂😂

  • @squangelnutz762
    @squangelnutz762 3 года назад +1731

    I asked myself years ago. Does listening to this music turn me this direction ? It fills ur mind with these thoughts. U listen to them for years and years. U almost become numb to it. I’m starting to dislike mainstream music cause it’s always the same crap just reworded

    • @carlosjalvaradog2961
      @carlosjalvaradog2961 3 года назад +70

      Your right trust me.

    • @richmoney1574
      @richmoney1574 3 года назад +110

      If you are living righteous you will Hate sin... you will not listen to rap go to clubs sex not married you will live a holy life.

    • @kiara198923
      @kiara198923 3 года назад +1


    • @carlosjalvaradog2961
      @carlosjalvaradog2961 3 года назад +16

      @@richmoney1574 amen

    • @OOGBossHogg
      @OOGBossHogg 3 года назад +52

      I listened to Sade for a week every time I drove or worked out and my mood was different my mannerisms and everything. Sade isn’t an idol or anything it was just that it was not negative music. When I listened to gangsta rap, hip hop, some r&b and heavy metal my mood was not crazy but I was a little angry, sad sometimes.. I can go on but man music right?

  • @mnd9700
    @mnd9700 2 года назад +64

    My soul is too pure and it isn’t mine to give up. I pray we all have nothing, but love, peace and happiness

  • @athi-enkosimapukata1478
    @athi-enkosimapukata1478 3 года назад +552

    The devil is the king of this world. He rules over the weak. He has the power of persuasion through greed and confusion.

    • @lleoneilosbourne7412
      @lleoneilosbourne7412 3 года назад +18

      Your crazy

    • @justsomebody5450
      @justsomebody5450 3 года назад +46

      @@lleoneilosbourne7412 I mean he isn't wrong the devil is the king of Earth while we should always follow God you know

    • @lleoneilosbourne7412
      @lleoneilosbourne7412 3 года назад +4

      @@justsomebody5450 he isn't because God himself have Satan power forgot that?

    • @Chris666satanisgod
      @Chris666satanisgod 3 года назад +2

      Satan is king of kings

    • @bloodmoneyhistory6845
      @bloodmoneyhistory6845 3 года назад +12

      @@lleoneilosbourne7412 the reason most people follow religion is because they are afraid of satan… that mean he even rules your choices

  • @Gabriel_J33
    @Gabriel_J33 6 месяцев назад +24

    God is good. Love is the answer. For anyone reading this, may your soul be saved, may you find a place of unconditional love and understanding, and may the truth prevail. God is coming, our souls will be saved.

  • @carolinasalazar703
    @carolinasalazar703 2 года назад +132

    Just last night watching one of those New Year’s Eve party things on Tv. Someone was preforming. I think it was Macklemore ft. Windser. Couldn’t tell you the song but I caught one of the lyrics go, “ this year were gunna party with the devil and his family!” Then the beat dropped and the whole crowd went wild and yelled “yeahhh” and I was like 😳 I’m a baby born again Christian and I’m still like 😳. Bc it’s all real. Thank you Jesus, for never leaving me even when I didn’t know I was lost and for opening my eyes.

    • @I.Am.RosaMarie
      @I.Am.RosaMarie 2 года назад +4


    • @himmy_turner_
      @himmy_turner_ 2 года назад

      it’s not real ur just insane

    • @NorNevaAL
      @NorNevaAL 2 месяца назад

      ​@@himmy_turner_😂 Public school tought u enough to get work efficiently with version ____ history. Some Internet screen cultured u how to feel with films and music the algorithm programmed with the agenda ur eating right up. No sides ur my not my enemy nor do I care. Open up ur noggin ur not in control. Uve never been. U watch listen and believe what u see on screens or people that rehearse the lines ur believing. Research how rulers rule over masses. Not new or hard to understand ur being manipulated by the age old trick.🎉

    • @wyd-astro9943
      @wyd-astro9943 2 месяца назад

      @@himmy_turner_ Industry plant

    • @ejstrawberry9659
      @ejstrawberry9659 14 дней назад


  • @bunnbbabyboyy546
    @bunnbbabyboyy546 2 года назад +23

    GOD protect us all....My great grandma used to tell me as a kid..Don't sell yourself...And I've always remembered that...She said work hard and don't look back ...

  • @rick2056
    @rick2056 2 года назад +793

    If you watched this. you agree travis needs to be included in this since astroworld was so demonic

    • @kevintravis2682
      @kevintravis2682 2 года назад +41

      Eh tbh I don’t think Astroworld was intended to be demonic, it’s just the way the stage was setup and the music Travis uses includes a lot of tritones, which can give off an uneasy / unsettling vibe, the same way music can intensify a scene in a horror movie. However, if he has talked about selling his soul or anything like that it would be interesting to see

    • @josetorres5566
      @josetorres5566 2 года назад +106

      @@kevintravis2682 you still haven't open your eyes and ears... I'll give you time ⏲

    • @rocko5766
      @rocko5766 2 года назад +10

      @@kevintravis2682видео.html he explains why it was a satanic ritual

    • @mrloso3205
      @mrloso3205 2 года назад +19

      @@kevintravis2682 open ya fucking eyes. Geezz ya kind kill me.

    • @onecrunch5308
      @onecrunch5308 2 года назад +48

      @@mrloso3205 chill bro, yeah he's still asleep, but we don't need that language on God's team.

  • @bigjohnson3721
    @bigjohnson3721 2 года назад +30

    Wow , what a eye opener . Music , Hollywood . Jesus saves.......only through Jesus Christ shall ye be saved . Amen

  • @alongjunor7729
    @alongjunor7729 3 года назад +577

    Oh man... I really miss DMX..what a brave and free spirit he was..

    • @Gggg-cq1ih
      @Gggg-cq1ih 3 года назад +60

      Free enough to bath in blood on his second album cover.

    • @khalifisilva
      @khalifisilva 3 года назад +15

      @@Gggg-cq1ih lol

    • @risingstar3344
      @risingstar3344 3 года назад +39

      @@Gggg-cq1ihlol big facts tho . People be thinking cuz they did something good, or said something nice that their actions be type suspiciously in the occult and ancient Egyptian type shit and people overlook it all the time

    • @carvin7CHANNEL
      @carvin7CHANNEL 3 года назад +14

      He’s in Hell

    • @alongjunor7729
      @alongjunor7729 3 года назад +16

      @@carvin7CHANNEL really? How did you know? Did your parent teach you how to peek what's going on in hell?

  • @Apocalypse4162
    @Apocalypse4162 Месяц назад +12

    I am a musician and I do my best to use my musical muse for good, and for therapy. I find music is the most powerful form of art, it can wisk away the listener into a better realm for a brief period of time, completely change someones mood or outlook to be more appreciative, the lyrics can make someone question everything, open the eyes of the blind... but on the contrary, music can cast spells, lower someones vibes, praising the devil, encourage lewd and horrid acts and mindsets, hypnotize the listener and then inject the evil straight to their brain. Its too powerful and the industry knows this, those who work for the devil know this, and it can be hard for the average person to see... it can be disguised, but for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, theres no denying when a certain artist has sold themselves or when a song promotes evil. It was harder in the past to notice this. Such as the 60s and 70s, it wasnt so upfront in your face, and many of the artists tried to do and say good things and use their talent to shine light and bring people together, but of course there were the bad apples even then... but today its so much more obvious and prominent, evil certainly has no issue with shoving it right in our faces now, as it is aware that so many souls are so deeply lost that theres no reason to hide anymore. Keep your minds and thoughts pure and watch out for the hidden agendas in some music! Dont let it fool you! Appreciate the beautiful sounds in music made with mastery but bottom line don't worship those musicians, God first.

  • @mikehughes8023
    @mikehughes8023 2 года назад +544

    Prince, Michael, and even Mariah told us about the industry way back when. It’s up to the artist on whether they want to be rich & famous or just do it for the love of music.

    • @marjimhip8487
      @marjimhip8487 2 года назад +36

      Yessir, you can’t serve both, love and money

    • @lltetx6929
      @lltetx6929 2 года назад +57

      U still can be an independent artist & get rich without the industry there's a couple independent successful artist like sauce walka, he's don't fuck with the industry he already know wassup with them.

    • @alexandruhmunoz6968
      @alexandruhmunoz6968 2 года назад +8

      And what now she's a queen of Christmas carols maybe she signed the wrong contract being who she was back in the day she should still be just as big

    • @rimadaschakraborty8411
      @rimadaschakraborty8411 2 года назад +4

      @@lltetx6929 we don't know who sauce walka is? He isn't famous!

    • @lltetx6929
      @lltetx6929 2 года назад +16

      @@rimadaschakraborty8411 lol that's because he's an independent artist out of Texas, but trust he's well known u might not know of him but he's well known

  • @NTGx32
    @NTGx32 3 года назад +130

    "What would it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?" Mark 8:36
    Fame, wealth, and success in this life is not worth an eternity of suffering. Hell is very real, and Satan is very real.

    • @sslimerz6129
      @sslimerz6129 3 года назад +2

      How do you know

    • @ASeeds-uc8to
      @ASeeds-uc8to 2 года назад

      Using the computer simulation probability, Hell has a high chance of being real. (Look up Nick Bostrom)

    • @raymax7965
      @raymax7965 2 года назад

      Same way, poverty is not the only way to heaven

    • @hueyfreeman6262
      @hueyfreeman6262 2 года назад

      No he's not

  • @CrownxMe7
    @CrownxMe7 3 года назад +334

    Contrary to popular belief, you cannot sell your soul as it is God’s property. You can only pledge allegiance to who you will serve.

    • @DeathHelper420
      @DeathHelper420 3 года назад +15

      True but he also let us make our own choices. Human hubris allows soul selling in unpopular beliefs

    • @DeathHelper420
      @DeathHelper420 3 года назад +47

      Also nowadays a diamond chain after signing a contract is a funny symbol because they slave deal themselves in music contracts without even reading one word. Once they get their chains they feel like a champion but all they did was put DIAMONDS on our CHAINS

    • @rapiddog2
      @rapiddog2 3 года назад +14

      You can forfeit your soul

    • @BlueWaterCleaning
      @BlueWaterCleaning 3 года назад +21

      @@rapiddog2 correct
      The Bible also uses “soul” as a synonym for “life.” For example, Job 33:22 uses the Hebrew word for “soul” (neʹphesh) as a parallel for “life.” Similarly, the Bible shows that a person’s soul, or life, can be risked or lost.​-Exodus 4:​19; Judges 9:​17; Philippians 2:​30.

    • @ants9151
      @ants9151 3 года назад +2

      Wrong bub. Born with sin. Find God. Then..

  • @ChristChickAutistic
    @ChristChickAutistic Месяц назад +9

    I could have been famous too, as in my youth I hit those whistle notes like Minnie and Mariah. I also knew that the music business was nasty, as my daddy was a musician and I grew up hearing stories, plus I read a lot about music and musicians. Robert Johnson was a particularly frightening story, as I'm from Mississippi and I know all the history about him. We even have a Robert Johnson Highway here, a stretch of I55 South running through Hazlehurst where he was born. They hype it that the Crossroads of Hwy 49 and Hwy 61 is where the deal went down, but most history people agree that it wasn't there. Anyway, I knew what was required back in the 80s, and I wasn't willing to do that. I thank Our Father for protecting me from that. Peace of Christ to all, ❤

  • @lulu2235
    @lulu2235 3 года назад +194

    for anyone who has knowledge of the battle against our souls dont shy away from putting something together wether a document or a video a story a testimony. We need to talk about whats real in this world

  • @fesalatijannati5677
    @fesalatijannati5677 2 года назад +87

    Nicole Scherzinger has one of the most beautiful and strongest singing voices I've heard in our time... It just goes to show that having talent gets you no where.. But selling all morales and dignity does.

    • @ASeeds-uc8to
      @ASeeds-uc8to 2 года назад +8

      An example is Charles Manson. He was a good lyricists, and the beach boys used his song. He never sold his soul, but I guess the devil saw what was coming so there was no need.

    • @fesalatijannati5677
      @fesalatijannati5677 2 года назад +8

      @@ASeeds-uc8to that's right...
      Even 50 cent said in an interview that how can he be in the illuminati while he hasn't won any awards... (Just as Nicole mention in the video.)
      These award shows are a good indication of how deep an "artist" is in all of this..
      Did Charles Manson win any awards or over the top recognition?

    • @kayladiamond8536
      @kayladiamond8536 2 года назад


    • @abusednomoresilence
      @abusednomoresilence 9 дней назад

      Same as Imdia Irie her voice is beautiful and always positive message. Yet the Industry pushed Sexy Redd ~ Ratchet music..

  • @kyriiyvonne
    @kyriiyvonne 2 года назад +595

    People don’t take these types of things serious when celebrities say it & thats exactly why they say it, they’re presenting the truth as a “metaphor”

    • @simonaspirache
      @simonaspirache 2 года назад +28

      Well, that would be very naive of you to think when so many celebrities speak about talking to lucifer or being tormented by him. Beyonce claims to be possessed by a demon called "Sasha", many actors claim to be channeling spirits for their roles. Are they also speaking metaphorically? That would've been so nice to be true, but is not. Is enough just to look at all the sick and pornographic messages transmitted through the music and media industry these days to understand that is all evil.

    • @kyriiyvonne
      @kyriiyvonne 2 года назад +9

      @@simonaspirache what are you even saying honestly.

    • @sarahhhx3
      @sarahhhx3 2 года назад +29

      She’s saying it’s more then methaphor^ if u read that without having bitterness in your heart you wouldn’t feel attacked

    • @kyriiyvonne
      @kyriiyvonne 2 года назад +4

      @@sarahhhx3 obviously I didn’t understand what she was saying and I know it’s more than a metaphor hence my comment. but thanks.

    • @kyriiyvonne
      @kyriiyvonne 2 года назад +1

      @@sarahhhx3 and unfortunately ion need neither of you to tell me anything when I’ve been doing my own research on the subject for the longest.

  • @christianvaldez755
    @christianvaldez755 2 года назад +77

    Our soul is not for sale.

    • @Fred.Carpenter
      @Fred.Carpenter 2 месяца назад +4

      Most people have already sold theirs, especially Christians.

    • @Chiefamongsinnerz
      @Chiefamongsinnerz Месяц назад +5

      Actually its been purchased with the blood of our Redeemer Jesus Christ, Son of The Living God. It is not ours to sell.

    • @nickpatton3188
      @nickpatton3188 Месяц назад


    • @Haddasahssecret
      @Haddasahssecret 9 дней назад

      Finally someone says this!!! You can't sell what's not yours

    • @Fred.Carpenter
      @Fred.Carpenter 9 дней назад

      @@Haddasahssecret Americans do a good job of selling what they stole from the natives.

  • @mamamarianovits9029
    @mamamarianovits9029 2 года назад +140

    The Lord Jesus overcame death and hell, it is the devil that lies to you and tells you that nothing can save you... Jesus can. He can break each and every stronghold, each and every curse, each and every tie... the Lord Jesus.
    Call out to him, reach out for him, read his word and praise his name. He is worthy, of all praise and all glory.

  • @Tiefenliebe-aka-DJMOK
    @Tiefenliebe-aka-DJMOK Месяц назад +59

    You always should also include: The Fashion, Sport, Media, Politics Industry, for they are also part of This SECRET SOCIETY!

    • @user-vf6nn6hx9x
      @user-vf6nn6hx9x 12 дней назад

      Don't forget the tortilla chip industry is riddled with satanic and witchcraft symbolism

  • @the_doomer5780
    @the_doomer5780 2 года назад +199

    When they say
    "sell your soul"
    it means, to allow others to use your talent, fame, and influence over a generation of people, to spread any type of message they want, (usually an evil one) for 'financial gain'. Giving permission toportray you and your beliefs and "soul" however they want. Because your such a popular influential person that they can effectively use you to brainwash a certain group or generation of people who don't know any better, to believe in certain things effectively dictating the way they live, the choices they make, their beliefs, and actions.

    • @tahairazen
      @tahairazen 2 года назад +10

      Thats exactly what it is

    • @melissabarham4837
      @melissabarham4837 2 года назад +8

      Wisdom. Let us attend!

    • @anothersadlovesong
      @anothersadlovesong 2 года назад +7

      Definitely and you'll be doing things or agreeing to things that are unethical

    • @connoisseuroftigolbitts
      @connoisseuroftigolbitts 2 года назад +1

      Gimmicks like 69

    • @brownrusselredeemedbyblood
      @brownrusselredeemedbyblood 2 года назад +23

      No,it’s literal. If you don’t see,you’re spiritually dead,and will not see until you realize there’s much more than the carnal flesh. May Jesus show you the truth.

  • @nasmobbin8536
    @nasmobbin8536 2 года назад +85

    Music is frequency engineering. stay woke

    • @notsocrates9529
      @notsocrates9529 2 месяца назад +23

      I am awake, not wOkE.

    • @jesseroggio7260
      @jesseroggio7260 2 месяца назад +20

      I prefer the term "awake", woke has a lot of negative connotations. The cast of The View, and Biden and Harris are "woke". Woke people cancel those who don't share their views.

    • @Thejbelow
      @Thejbelow Месяц назад

      Awake. Woke is for DEI clowns now

    • @Cheeseburgertime
      @Cheeseburgertime Месяц назад

      The term woke was coined by Mexicana rapper legend snow Tha Product, that was her word no one she put a lot of words out there no one really was using even gaslighting. I believe white people took that word and put it on black people because shes a proud latina a daughter of immigrants and she's proud of immigrants, she has a song called immigrants get the job done. Why would white people do that jealousy, to cause trouble, and to deepen the dislike and separation of browns and blacks. She's the greatest female rapper of all time the term woke means to us snow fans is step up YOU as a person make something out of yourself no snooze. Like immigrants do, they're making money here then heading back to their homes to build generational wealth.

    • @notsocrates9529
      @notsocrates9529 Месяц назад

      @@Cheeseburgertime You would be in loincloths if it were not for White people.

  • @BVonBuescher
    @BVonBuescher 2 года назад +592

    Wow. Powerful stuff. Thank you for putting this together.
    I have spent a decent chunk of my life playing music, and living in LA/Hollywood. There are undoubtedly dark forces at play. It’s very real.
    This video made me come to a realization: If you believe any of this video, with any sort of conviction, then you should approach life and your relationship with God with the same amount of seriousness.
    For if the devil exists, then God exists as well, and you should live your life accordingly. Actions matter in life, and we will all be held accountable in the end.
    Be kind and love each other.

    • @blakelarsen3743
      @blakelarsen3743 2 года назад +18

      yep. i finally gave in to my selfishness the in the last year to jesus because i finally was oddly blessed to finally see and experience true evil. once i knew that was real, every doubt about god changed. ironic but the spiritual war is very real and god gave satan domain over the earth, but he came here to sacrifice to save us. now i approach the evil in the world without fear and a calmness about it, instead of running away or pretending it doesnt exist

    • @sparklesparklesparkle6318
      @sparklesparklesparkle6318 2 года назад +3

      I sold my soul for a chicken sandwich. Can I get it back and sell it once more. This time, for two chicken sandwiches?

    • @sruiz2547
      @sruiz2547 2 года назад +1

      Great Words Brother Amen!!!

    • @Harmz1229
      @Harmz1229 2 года назад +7

      Bohemian Grove is a real place.....satanic ritual with the elite are real the devils greatest trick is getting people to believe is he doesnt exist

    • @sparklesparklesparkle6318
      @sparklesparklesparkle6318 2 года назад +1

      @@Harmz1229 You know if I could get my soul back I would totally sell it to smoke more crack and commit devil worship in sexy orgies. Too bad I left all that behind long ago. Now I just sit here and wait to die while drinking a cold beer. Shouldn't be long now...Only 50 more years left...

  • @KStatus7
    @KStatus7 3 года назад +927

    Many people don't know, this was accurate AF

  • @Jimmyknapp2
    @Jimmyknapp2 3 года назад +104

    Hearing that "chief commander" quip made everything sink in when I first heard it. It finally became one time too many for coincidence.

  • @jeromerobinsonjr.127
    @jeromerobinsonjr.127 Месяц назад +5

    Please Heavenly Father, this world needs you now more than ever! Be with us Jesus!🙏🏽❤️

  • @chuckchillout6421
    @chuckchillout6421 3 года назад +190

    Funny how they blatantly tell u.. This world is truly "The Devils Playground"

    • @imhereforentertainmentonly2309
      @imhereforentertainmentonly2309 3 года назад +22

      Bro..I've been telling people that for year's..

    • @stevegaudreau67
      @stevegaudreau67 3 года назад +11

      Only need to read the book of Job to know that. But one of the most striking things that I walked away with from reading the book of Job was that the interaction between the two seemed like gambling on humanity and their faith. It seemed very smug of both of them, God and Lucifer. Maybe it's me, most likely, but I can't seem to find any other conclusion.

    • @moderndayentertainment5812
      @moderndayentertainment5812 3 года назад +12

      If I’m not mistaken the Bible talks about the devil controlling Earth because he’s been here since the dawn of time. He’s had tons of time to study humans and know how to manipulate them. But the Earth was still created by GOD which is why nature is so beautiful.

    • @ASeeds-uc8to
      @ASeeds-uc8to 2 года назад +1

      @@moderndayentertainment5812 So for the sake of argument if the devil pretends to be the all powerful God and tricks someone to pull a Samson. Wouldn't intent be the judging factor whether the Samson goes to heaven or hell?

    • @aydenbelcourt6035
      @aydenbelcourt6035 2 года назад

      They do that because they know people are taking the hints. It's like the devil smiling and winking at us and saying "Hey kid I got something to show you but first let me tell you about but make sure your father ain't around" Father meaning God of course.

  • @marcocano8399
    @marcocano8399 3 года назад +377

    Can’t believe I’m barely seeing this now, it ties up a lot of my own research. The devil has us all in a trance, don’t fret, it can be defeated.

  • @nickcallisdead
    @nickcallisdead 3 года назад +288

    With "X" You can see the pain as well as his fighting soul. Made me tear up a bit

    • @kiara198923
      @kiara198923 3 года назад +13

      I miss him so much.

    • @SuperRonnel89
      @SuperRonnel89 3 года назад +13

      He did what he had to do before he left . Yeah he had plenty more but tht wasn't god's plan , he knew god's plan and done it , all the extras was on his time not god's time . He's happy where he is , he had a lot of pain here missing him is only reminding him . Let him be at peace

    • @wedontlikenoneofyou
      @wedontlikenoneofyou 3 года назад +5

      Cause you're gay

    • @raczgreen6053
      @raczgreen6053 3 года назад


    • @ana-ww8yc
      @ana-ww8yc 2 года назад +3

      @@SuperRonnel89 God*

  • @woodrowaugustusrogers8778
    @woodrowaugustusrogers8778 2 года назад +8

    They can all be saved, no soul of Gods can be sold. I remember in recent years passed I was dead set on a goal of fame and greatness. Glad I found the Lord and he saved me. Oh merciful God please place your hand upon the hearts of the lost and confused, we need you now more than ever. 🙏

  • @fredo7747
    @fredo7747 2 года назад +662

    I wish more people talked about the Memphis rap scene from the 90's, lots of occult and devil references, even some cassette tapes theorize to be cursed.

    • @brassofthe9
      @brassofthe9 2 года назад +103

      FACTS. Even back in the day I was like how don't the adults hear this

    • @y.e.a.h5634
      @y.e.a.h5634 2 года назад +181

      Three 6 mafia.
      666 👁

    • @moderndayentertainment5812
      @moderndayentertainment5812 2 года назад +60

      Watch Crunchy Blacks interview with VladTV. He was apart of Three 6 Mafia so he knows about that satanic stuff. He even talks about how he met the Devil.

    • @user-rb4cf5dy4p
      @user-rb4cf5dy4p 2 года назад +51

      Barely any of them blew up tho I think dj paul said everyone was doing it for shock value cause of marilyn manson

    • @solodolo6878
      @solodolo6878 2 года назад +35

      Bone thugz n harmony

  • @AwokenEntertainment
    @AwokenEntertainment 2 года назад +57

    Lucifer has always been the fallen angel of music..

  • @OfficialJuggaloJesus
    @OfficialJuggaloJesus 2 года назад +64

    More relevant today than ever before. This is that timeless type of stuff. We like to call it the truth.

    • @truthislife8947
      @truthislife8947 2 года назадвидео.html

  • @thepeanutgallery6100
    @thepeanutgallery6100 2 года назад +12

    DMX was and still is one of my favorite artists. Damien 1, 2, and 3 is some of my favorite songs. "The industry don't give a f*** about you but the industry can't make a dime without you." Rest in peace Earl "DMX" Simmons.🙏😞

  • @Ares4R
    @Ares4R 2 года назад +16

    I’m an artist and constantly have this thoughts about music but I believe in God and I have a lot of faith. I love Christ. I would die before selling my soul. I accepted Christ in my heart.

  • @gl6996
    @gl6996 2 года назад +39

    The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world that there are no consequences.

    • @rasheemthebestfirstone3274
      @rasheemthebestfirstone3274 2 года назад

      Consequences for what

    • @gl6996
      @gl6996 2 года назад +10

      @@rasheemthebestfirstone3274 Consequences for our actions.

    • @nateb3679
      @nateb3679 2 года назад

      @@gl6996 what? who thinks that?

    • @gl6996
      @gl6996 2 года назад +8

      @@nateb3679 No one has to "think" this. It's simply the truth. This was Satan's first trick in the Garden of Eden.

    • @nateb3679
      @nateb3679 2 года назад

      @@gl6996 everybody is aware there are consequences to actions

  • @oswaldjr.
    @oswaldjr. 2 года назад +35

    “Show business is an extension of the Jewish religion.” - John Lennon

  • @goldensilverback952
    @goldensilverback952 2 года назад +10

    “Be careful who you trust, for even the Devil was once an Angel.”

  • @yesmaam090
    @yesmaam090 2 года назад +195

    It always saddens me to watch the clip on Kanye telling the crowd he sold his soul, and all the people just cheer him on, not even understanding what he’s actually saying.

    • @ElFknKronos10
      @ElFknKronos10 2 года назад +19

      I know.. But these people ask for it, they know what they’re getting into..

    • @1greenwaterr
      @1greenwaterr 2 года назад +8

      That’s right…and. Real

    • @thebluraygamer5943
      @thebluraygamer5943 2 года назад +9

      You don’t know why Kanye said that in that very short clip, he could of been making a joke or anything. Kanye has reached the level he has because he’s been grinding to become a top musician since he was 13. Kanye has some of the best music of all time that’s why he’s mega successful. And he has a Jesus album and been a Christian all his life

    • @tanagunda1368
      @tanagunda1368 2 года назад +2

      @@ElFknKronos10 actually you need to understand the devil is the father of all lies, and he comes to people are their weakest, he proposes a tantalizing deal but it doesn’t mean that’s actually what it is, cause he ends up screwing you over a lot of the times... when people are damaged, broken and desperate it’s easy to manipulate them, that what they did with mind control they break the person then start inserting and wiring their brain to suit them.

    • @ElFknKronos10
      @ElFknKronos10 2 года назад +2

      ​@@tanagunda1368 that's also very true... But I think nowadays that the whole satanism in hollywood is VERY out in the open... It's not like a mystery or something.. So Idk man.. Too many artists mess with that stuff, I think it's not even a secret anymore.
      But like you said, maybe who knows how those people approach celebrities, maybe it's not everywhere in hollywood but in certain circles.. That's very scary..

  • @tylersamuels4438
    @tylersamuels4438 2 года назад +414

    This is perfect for Christians who don't understand figurative speech. Can't wait till my mom gets a hold of this

    • @jacquailliusb
      @jacquailliusb 2 года назад +3


    • @haydeanbeatz1449
      @haydeanbeatz1449 2 года назад +43

      Some of that shit ain’t figurative. Though, a lot of it is, there’s definitely some real shit.

    • @ALEX-eh6qk
      @ALEX-eh6qk 2 года назад +26

      @@haydeanbeatz1449 i agree. to deny this...we live in a war fought spiritually.

    • @harrison.o1618
      @harrison.o1618 2 года назад


    • @tylersamuels4438
      @tylersamuels4438 2 года назад +12

      @@haydeanbeatz1449 True, but look at the Bible thumping in the comments and tell me those people picked up on that lol. I might have to watch that initial movie though. It sounds like a sermon which should make it a hoot.

  • @lasenoradelacruz
    @lasenoradelacruz 2 года назад +337

    It’s quite shocking to see Bob Dylan’s expression change over the years. The first interview he’s all smiles and happiness talking about the crossroads deal. The later he looks very tired and his tone is much more serious. Probably in his older years he knows what awaits ahead. I hope he thinks it’s worth it.

    • @c.b.griefaddict1745
      @c.b.griefaddict1745 2 года назадвидео.html

    • @jaysoncamerro3033
      @jaysoncamerro3033 2 года назад +11

      It wasn't. Even though his son got a piece of it...for a quick min.

    • @nateb3679
      @nateb3679 2 года назад +7

      Drugs lol

    • @returnofbeaux
      @returnofbeaux 2 года назад +25

      The captions were incorrect. He said "holding up my end," and the caption said, "holding out my hand."

    • @drewhook7590
      @drewhook7590 2 года назад +11

      Makes me sad,my favorite artist,I'm 36,when I saw the documentary no direction home,and his interview saying he made a deal with the commandor and chief of this world and one we can't see,and that songs like " blowing in the wind" were "magically" written,was beyond saddening..and I just saw this shows both clips I mentioned.🙈 fernt.

  • @KingSavy100
    @KingSavy100 2 года назад +80

    When i first took mushrooms, i swear i could feel a power not of this world.

    • @intellectsourcecode3653
      @intellectsourcecode3653 2 месяца назад +18

      Yep...seeing through the veil.

    • @Underliner07
      @Underliner07 2 месяца назад +9

      Yup me too. Scared the shit out of me when I started looking at the ceiling and the infamous hex pattern started coming out measured with the insane ear piercing buzzing and can’t forget the awfully weird cold sensation. Hypersensitivity on another level that’s for sure

    • @redwoodrebelgirl3010
      @redwoodrebelgirl3010 2 месяца назад

      True Power _is_ *not* of this world.
      God is very real.
      The Realest thing
      Person ❤
      --that there is.
      And, indescribably Beautiful, Joyful, & Bright.
      Pure Love, Light, & Life.
      Pure Beauty, pure Harmony, Pure Compassion, pure Nurturing, pure pure Peace.
      Pure UNCONDITIONAL Love.💗
      Everything Good, all at once, in the most mindblowing, heart-rending way.💗
      God is closer than your jugular.
      And, God Loves you so very much!
      (Darkness, depravity, deception, destruction, death, & evil are, obviously, all too real too.
      But, there is freedom from all that.
      They melt away like butter, in the presence of God💗)
      There is nothing that you _can EVEN do,_ to make God stop Loving you.
      That's what *_UNCONDITIONAL_* Love means.
      We can separate ourselves from God (kinda), but God will ALWAYS be looking for us,
      coming to find us,
      begging us to please just come Home,
      so we can experience the Love, & the comforting, & the compassion, & care, & JOY, & peace that we deserve, that God longs to pour on us.
      God is like a Mother whose child is lost, & She cannot find her,
      & the Mother is
      frantic with worry, & care, & desperate to find her precious, precious, dearly, deeply Beloved baby,
      to make sure she is ok!
      To find her, protect her, see that she is SAFE, & well, & warm, & at peace.
      And, "hey--
      have you eaten yet?
      can I make your favorite dinner?"
      & "I hope you saved room for dessert!"
      To comfort her, & hold her, & clutch her to her heart.
      I know.
      I'm an Earthly Mom.
      There is *_nothing_* my child could EVER do, that would make me not Love them with all of my heart & forgive them, easily.
      And, now that they are grown & far, far away from me,
      I ache with worry, & a heart that is broken in pieces from missing my baby ("baby"),
      even after them having "flown the nest" several years ago,
      I cry if I let myself think about my child too much, &
      how much I miss them, & how much I just want to be able to hug them, &
      make sure that they really are SAFE, & warm, & well, & happy, at peace.
      This is how God Loves you.
      One little fraction of it, anyway.💗

    • @Listening-Lynnie
      @Listening-Lynnie 2 месяца назад +3

      We picked ours outta cow patties early 70's, made tea. No need to repeat, as i remember pulling out my license, not Knowing who i was. Thank God i Returned to Him!

    • @officialmxndy2831
      @officialmxndy2831 2 месяца назад +7

      @@Underliner07you saw the hex pattern too! It’s absolutely frightening right? Like we’re in a cage or something

  • @msqueenlyminded7579
    @msqueenlyminded7579 3 года назад +372

    May Elohim bless those who can see the truth and turn away from sin, I know it's hard but we must. Life is temporary and God is real, we all will be judged, in jesus name I pray that we choose God always 🙏🏽 be strong

    • @eleanorjones5093
      @eleanorjones5093 3 года назад +5

      Amen 🙏🏾

    • @02986-M
      @02986-M 3 года назад +4

      Yes. Yahoshua name.

    • @LibertyandJustice76
      @LibertyandJustice76 3 года назад +1


    • @dshydshy
      @dshydshy 3 года назад +7

      Elohim is (are) not God neither Yahweh do you homework

    • @morearthanhuman
      @morearthanhuman 3 года назад +1

      @@dshydshy glad someone said it!!! The moment they mention Jesus or any other name besides the one that was personally given to Moses. There’s no need to mingle w these people who claim to bring us a message..

  • @blessings1015
    @blessings1015 2 года назад +271

    DMX changed gave his soul to Jesus he’s in paradise as we keep him in our prayers

    • @detroitboxingtv9875
      @detroitboxingtv9875 2 года назад +16

      That fake image of a white Jesus? The one with recessive genes who supposedly lived in Africa?? That Jesus?? I’ll pass

    • @fatalfox13
      @fatalfox13 2 года назад +20

      Jesus is not white

    • @fatalfox13
      @fatalfox13 2 года назад +8

      Dmx is already going to hell for selling his soul

    • @mayramc8790
      @mayramc8790 2 года назад +9

      I have to disagree, because once you sell your sould, its over. Because Allah(my religion, dont take me for my religious beliefs) has stated to not fall into temptations, cause this world is only monentary, and a test to see if you heed HIS words.

    • @jimbobaron7064
      @jimbobaron7064 2 года назад +37

      @@detroitboxingtv9875 The colour of Jesus skin is completely irrelevant.

  • @stun2187
    @stun2187 3 года назад +113

    It’s just a metaphor for compromising your morals or values

  • @amandarecoveryjones8216
    @amandarecoveryjones8216 Год назад +89

    Its no wonder Snoop been so famous for so long without having much talent.

    • @Calmlysmoke420
      @Calmlysmoke420 Год назад +17

      Yup same can go for Dr Dre and Jay Z

    • @TheKiddSoftYT
      @TheKiddSoftYT 2 месяца назад +14

      ​@@Calmlysmoke420Dr. Dre??? He practically invented hip-hop as we know it. Talent is there. Just not maybe as an artist himself. But can produce like hell

    • @TheKiddSoftYT
      @TheKiddSoftYT 2 месяца назад +2

      Get it. Hell 🎉

    • @FlatTruther
      @FlatTruther 2 месяца назад +10

      And having killed someone and being a pimp

    • @MarrkDa1st
      @MarrkDa1st 2 месяца назад +5

      Snoop..?? Not much talent..??
      U’re fucking delirious..😂😂😂

  • @rxyxs5319
    @rxyxs5319 3 года назад +365

    After watching this video and realizing Kanye brought out Marilyn Manson for his album drop .... I’m starting to connect some dots .

      @THEMIGHTYSTOIC 3 года назад +26

      God did want us to love everyone even if that met those who turned away from him.

    • @ceaserofrome1000
      @ceaserofrome1000 3 года назад +18

      @@THEMIGHTYSTOIC which God 🤔😏

    • @hamedhinston9148
      @hamedhinston9148 3 года назад +52

      @@ceaserofrome1000 there is only one God not which as in many ..there is only The God of the Bible the God of Abraham Isaac, and Jacob’s really not that complicated..the devil is the one who has blinded the eyes of the unbelievers my friend on Jesus and repent

    • @ceaserofrome1000
      @ceaserofrome1000 3 года назад +16

      @@hamedhinston9148 😁I get it ur religion told you that and people from other regions religion told them the same. I wonder if it would be more complicated than you think to get someone that felt the same as you about their religion and savior to conform 🤔I know one thing that you all have missed and continue to manifest without being aware tho, and this concerns all of your religion's bad guy🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @hamedhinston9148
      @hamedhinston9148 3 года назад +6

      @@ceaserofrome1000 are you an atheist’s a simple yes or no

  • @RahRahz
    @RahRahz 2 года назад +43

    DMX RIP..🙏HE even admitted in an interview his first two albums were platinum because of the evil faith he followed.. and when he changed he fell off

  • @richboyprado
    @richboyprado 3 года назад +147

    People speak in metaphors. You essentially sell yourself in any line of work, to get to the top.

    • @ceaserofrome1000
      @ceaserofrome1000 3 года назад +13

      Lol all the religious mumbo jumbo is a deflection from wuts actually happening, but u trying to rationalize all these people blatantly claiming to have sold their souls in detail at crossroads is u deflecting from a world invisible to u, yet apart of u feels it ...... Or u wouldn't of been here watching this video😁ijs

    • @ony583
      @ony583 3 года назад +23

      People "sell themselves" from the moment they attend a job interview.

    • @johntynan8161
      @johntynan8161 3 года назад +2

      Thats how the system is set up,' cages of convention, from the cradle to the grave' to steal a line

    • @itwasallwrittenthough5840
      @itwasallwrittenthough5840 3 года назад +17

      @@ony583 & Richard Prado... selling your soul is about going against your moral values and beliefs for earthly gains. Seeking employment is different from that, otherwise everyone with a job would be sold out. As long as your job don't break your values or beliefs it's fine.

    • @ony583
      @ony583 3 года назад +3

      @@itwasallwrittenthough5840 yes I agree, I was just pointing out that you also sell yourself (as in your Skills/Energy/Time) but in exchange for money, and then yes some people will unfortunately be faced with having to decide on weather they can afford not sell their soul, some people don't have morals or believes so it's an easy decision.

  • @jasonfrew2394
    @jasonfrew2394 2 года назад +7

    'What does it profit a man to gain the world and yet lose his very own soul?' Right you are Jesus!!🙏👍

  • @stevesiri9700
    @stevesiri9700 2 года назад +40

    This is why most people don't join the music industry, I've had people tell me that people sell their soul to the devil once you join the music industry. Some people from my old neighborhood in Brooklyn New York told me this when I was 15 years old.

    • @a1kev
      @a1kev 2 года назад +18

      It’s so obvious. But the masses choose to ignore it.

  • @jaeerock9799
    @jaeerock9799 2 года назад +145

    That part with snoop dog is crazy we don’t really pay attention father god please bless everyone watching this please protect us for any evil energy and keep us safe father 🙏 amen 🙏

    • @Prince_Yonte
      @Prince_Yonte 2 года назад +25

      Yall need to start capitalizing the g in “God”.

    • @nuttybangerz
      @nuttybangerz 2 года назад +11

      @@Prince_Yonte yesss, He is King, He is God the Almighty!

    • @robynhood6162
      @robynhood6162 2 года назад +6


    • @Reversisms
      @Reversisms 2 года назад +1

      And watch how franchised he is, how accepted.

    • @mgevlog7294
      @mgevlog7294 2 года назад

      it’s actually Yah not god

  • @fiji310
    @fiji310 2 года назад +19

    "Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."

  • @burtknighten4438
    @burtknighten4438 2 месяца назад +9

    Lucifer was heavens musician before the fall

  • @PoGoBattleTrainer
    @PoGoBattleTrainer 2 года назад +49

    I just realized during the DMX snippet that the sacrifices that are being made are not only the ppl closest to them but are their “guardian angel” “positive energy”, their “LIGHT!” Which is why the devil chooses these sacrifices to create more negative avenues.

  • @skateoddish9629
    @skateoddish9629 2 года назад +82

    I honestly think DMX was trying to build his relationship with God, and God was planning to use him as a message to lukewarm Christians who continue to sin but hope in Lord Jesus Christ as their savior. His demons just got the better of him in the end, but I pray that his message of hoping to change; before it’s to late, doesn’t go unnoticed.

    • @user-ik5ze1sh7i
      @user-ik5ze1sh7i 2 года назад +5

      When people in the entertainment industry say god they mean the devil, you can publicly say w/e but in private they submit to the pyramid

    • @skateoddish9629
      @skateoddish9629 2 года назад +8

      @@user-ik5ze1sh7i that is being a bit judgemental. You are associating an entire group into a negative stereotype. The father is the Judge, we as Christians pray for our fellow man regardless of what we may think of them; Alive or passed.

    • @alyj5825
      @alyj5825 2 года назад +1

      That’s how I feel too, it was sad about him but once you make **that** deal- you really can’t go back on that one.

  • @Dmbm789
    @Dmbm789 3 года назад +119

    Rip DMX honestly my favorite rapper accepts his flaws and didn’t hide his mistakes he really wanted to learn and grow from it

  • @familyinchrist4649
    @familyinchrist4649 2 года назад +9

    Dear God protect and shield us in the name of Jesus Christ May Your Light Shine from Heaven and expose the plans of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ May we serve you with humility and reverence because it is You that deserve all the Glory Honor and Praise in Jesus name bring us to place True Praise and Worship We love You Lord !!!!!!!!!! AMEN HALLUJAH

  • @sneakerheadonlys
    @sneakerheadonlys 3 года назад +66

    I’m not only person who feel bad for dmx He really wanted to leave the industry may he Rest In Peace 😔

    • @gelato-x234
      @gelato-x234 3 года назад +13

      He turned to god In his last moments. They probably got him killed so they don’t get to see that other artist can also repent

    • @sammysteel2384
      @sammysteel2384 3 года назад

      @@gelato-x234 he overdosed.
      Stop blaming everything on them

    • @rykerz105
      @rykerz105 3 года назад +4

      @@sammysteel2384 actually from the v shot man

    • @dextermorgan7441
      @dextermorgan7441 3 года назад

      Too late, he had already crossed that line that can’t be crossed.

    • @sneakerheadonlys
      @sneakerheadonlys 3 года назад

      @@dextermorgan7441 true once u sellout to the Illuminati ur soul is doomed

  • @BrownKingPabz
    @BrownKingPabz 2 года назад +174

    "and he cried out to the sky because he was lonley and scared, but only the devil responded because God wasn't there."
    Great line from a horrifying amazing song.
    "The devil grows inside the hearts of the selfish and wicked. White, brown, yellow and black, color is not restricted".

  • @TheHolyFlipsterTHF
    @TheHolyFlipsterTHF 2 года назад +356

    It’s scary this came out 3 years before DMX’s death. I remember feeling weird when he went out and prayed with Kanye’s choir. Then when he died, Kanye made this red glow on the stage for the choir to mourn DMX’s death but for some reason it felt sinister. I’m not religious (I do believe in Jesus though), but it’ll freak you out watching things like this of course, maybe even have you lose faith in humanity. I believe, whether it’s metaphor or not, that we can have heaven on earth, and we make it hard for ourselves but it’s simple; love. That’s what I felt made Christs’ message so important:
    This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. ~ John 15:12
    As scary as the world may be, that’s all we need to help change it, believe in Jesus and spread love!
    It might be too late for some of the souls here but notice that even some the people that sold their soul still tried at the end to let you know that the devil is real but so is god!

    • @ejejejelelelel926
      @ejejejelelelel926 2 года назад +2

      Hes also on the drake diss which I should've have to explain why thats important

    • @thaessence9461
      @thaessence9461 2 года назад +30

      Thats a good start bro, but its deeper then that theres more to Jesus. Read your bible brother gain wisdom and study Gods word. Don't make up your own image of God and Christ. Study the real words get to know the real God. Wish you the best ✌

    • @connoisseuroftigolbitts
      @connoisseuroftigolbitts 2 года назад +5

      Spiritual War is cleansing the world

    • @kvasqq
      @kvasqq 2 года назад +4

      What do you mean you’re not religious but believe in Jesus?

    • @TheHolyFlipsterTHF
      @TheHolyFlipsterTHF 2 года назад +10

      @@kvasqq I don't believe Jesus is tied down to what we read from an incomplete book. I do believe he existed and I believe his purpose was for the greater good.

  • @whoohaaXL
    @whoohaaXL 2 года назад +43

    If you haven't seen the movie "Crossroads" I suggest you check it out. It stars Ralph Macchio and Steve Vai even has a long like almost 20 min, scene in it. It's about an old man who sold his soul to the devil and Ralph is a classical guitarist who picks up the blues along their travel and vows to get the old man's soul back and beat Steve in a guitar battle... and I believe they mention Robert Johnson in it too.
    Back on topic; if any of you guys think satan ain't real, you're sadly mistaken. Gave my life to God at 13 and never looked back. I have my troubles, I have my issues, but I leave anything and everything to him.

  • @tebogomakgakga6494
    @tebogomakgakga6494 3 года назад +80

    Maybe in time will Understand that Only God Can Save Us - Makaveli

  • @papheke5333
    @papheke5333 3 года назад +62

    Yup because the devil was a musician in heaven.

  • @DizzyHempstead516
    @DizzyHempstead516 2 года назад +36

    Everyone’s story sounds the same how they go from nothing to hearing that little voice that says i can make you greater beyond your wildest means everytime even in my own darkness the only voice i ever cry out to is Lord jesus christ

  • @yefrm48
    @yefrm48 Год назад +12

    Now i realize what bone thugs n harmony meant when they sung quote see you at the crossroads so you won't be lonely

  • @alcoholically4280
    @alcoholically4280 2 года назад +77

    I love how the world is in on Jay Z and everyone makes jokes about his ties. Jay Z really wasn’t playing when he sold himself for it all. Music becomes a passion then when money comes that passion is sold and you’re just a puppet till it’s time to collect

    • @user-ob9zo9cr4c
      @user-ob9zo9cr4c 2 года назад

      ok super, but when he started it or was doing it.. ? do it now.. different world to be

    • @happypeople3746
      @happypeople3746 2 года назад +8

      This is stupid. Everyone who likes making music/getting paid is NOT associated with the devil......God literally places desires on some ppls heart and choosing the devvil deals is an INDIVIDUAL CHOICE.

    • @tanagunda1368
      @tanagunda1368 2 года назад +12

      @@happypeople3746 but he never once stated that everyone who is associated with the music world sold their soul he is literally talking about Jay z...

    • @alcoholically4280
      @alcoholically4280 2 года назад

      @@happypeople3746 I never said everyone does it I said Jay Z specifically. I did indirectly mention how ANYONE can have such a genuine love and passion for it, but what people would sell just to buy a dollar is scary, insane, and sad. Artists w whole fanbases influences fans w Illuminati or soul selling ties n intent n then you try to tell em and they just suck off the artists more like gods. It’s crazy how one person will view another person as divine all from their status as a human

    • @tanagunda1368
      @tanagunda1368 2 года назад

      @@navminhas412 and your point is?

  • @brookelynnpaige7828
    @brookelynnpaige7828 2 года назад +182

    I looked down at these artists for manipulating us all the time, but this showed me that they too deserve all our prayers. we don't know what it's like in Hollywood especially for the celebrities who were born into it. I don't know if once you sell your soul that you can be saved, but I pray that they can cause it's really sad especially when they want out, but can't escape.

    • @ko-rp7ge
      @ko-rp7ge 2 года назад +9

      A lot of artists have talked about getting out of their deal.

    • @moniselvera3622
      @moniselvera3622 2 года назад +42

      Souls belong to God. He is our creator, we can not sell what is not ours to sell. The evil one will have people believe it’s too late, but as long is there is breathe in lungs and we can cry out and repent and truly give our lives over to God, his faithful and mighty to save.

    • @garyr7027
      @garyr7027 9 месяцев назад +8

      It's a lie saying one can sell their soul, it's made up so people are convinced they can't get it back. Selling out is what they do yes, but not selling their soul.

    • @casstay4499
      @casstay4499 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@moniselvera3622Thank you, finally someone who speaks sense.🎉

    • @itzAurora_Xoxo
      @itzAurora_Xoxo Месяц назад +1

      I believe you cam be turn ur back on that life..but alot won't or cant..

  • @elikat1987
    @elikat1987 3 года назад +151

    Its also fascinating that this is not an old thing..

    • @masterk5372
      @masterk5372 3 года назад +2

      I know right

    • @sxyngel
      @sxyngel 3 года назад +18

      its been there since begining of man, scientific/technological advancements and discoveries etc all the devil. Its just only becoming more mainstream, past decades and slowly normalising it to the public. God help us

    • @nateb3679
      @nateb3679 2 года назад

      @@sxyngel scientific and technological advancements are ALL thanks to the devil? Wtf lmfao how do you believe that? Isn’t that literally God’s job?

  • @eze8933
    @eze8933 2 года назад +9

    Another one about Crossroads... Bone Thugs N Harmony - Crossroads... has over 130 million views on RUclips... Lyrics: "even though the Devil is all up in my face, but he's keeping me safe and in my place". The whole music video feels demonic.

  • @denverjohnson5640
    @denverjohnson5640 3 года назад +112

    ALL creation belongs to the TRUE and LIVING YAH! Souls cannot be sold, but those who attempt to do so are deceived into rejecting the blessing of eternal life in Yahushuwah. This mistake results in their destruction.

    • @j.symone
      @j.symone 3 года назад +5

      So profound

    • @Thollis1987
      @Thollis1987 3 года назад


    • @mikeylopez9625
      @mikeylopez9625 3 года назад

      He's God ...not yah.

    • @Thollis1987
      @Thollis1987 3 года назад +4

      @@mikeylopez9625 God is a title. Anything or anyone could be a God.

    • @albundy9584
      @albundy9584 3 года назад

      @@Thollis1987 then I’m going to change my name to Yah..... anyone can call themselves Yah. Yah, God.... same entity.

  • @kailani112
    @kailani112 2 года назад +92

    I remember listening to metal and I was constantly having nightmares it felt so real ! I had to stop and it stopped . Thank God

    • @bolasinjurfese2347
      @bolasinjurfese2347 2 года назад +2

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 you should listen to The Devil Wears Prada. You'll have nightmares of Jesus saving the you.

    • @bolasinjurfese2347
      @bolasinjurfese2347 2 года назад

      @Michael Davis Well... If you consider Jesus the devil then ok youre right. It's a Christian metalcore band. All their songs are religious and. Based on Christianity. Here's their bio.
      The Devil Wears Prada was founded during 2005 in Dayton Ohio; they derived their band name from the story with the same title. Being founded with all Christian members and maintaining a theme that follows toward their religion, the group played their first show in 2005 with a fill-in bassist and only one guitarist. Rhythm guitarist Jeremy Depoyster and bassist Andy Trick joined the band soon afterward. They continued playing at local areas in Dayton before recording their demo later in the year which was titled Patterns of a Horizon.

    • @bolasinjurfese2347
      @bolasinjurfese2347 2 года назад +1

      Check Out
      The band .
      Lamb of God
      Listen to the album called
      New American Gospel.

    • @bolasinjurfese2347
      @bolasinjurfese2347 2 года назад

      @Michael Davis haha damn for someone who hates the devil you sure turn into one quick. 😬
      This is another Cristian band.видео.html
      (I think the guitarist name is Christian) might be wrong though
      Practice on your sense of humor. You wake up bitter you'll stay bitter. Your cholesterol might lower as well

    • @thegiron8730
      @thegiron8730 2 года назад +9

      Wtf what metal where you listening too hahahaa

  • @cflohill177
    @cflohill177 3 года назад +265

    Gotta have a strong mind these days

    • @ndzhakamabasa6063
      @ndzhakamabasa6063 3 года назад

      He died of a drug overdose, so that means he went to hell. Even if he got his soul back, well if there's such a thing

    • @user-ts2tm7zu1b
      @user-ts2tm7zu1b 3 года назад +7

      @@ndzhakamabasa6063 where did you hear that from? if he was a born again believer in Jesus Christ he went to heaven. Only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ.

    • @Jimmyknapp2
      @Jimmyknapp2 3 года назад +8

      And a stronger spirit.

    • @Beautifully_Chaotic3109
      @Beautifully_Chaotic3109 3 года назад +4

      @@user-ts2tm7zu1b we can't live in habitual sin we must repent and transform our hearts and minds back to Jesus Christ... That's why satan creates distractions from the truth and promote other religions....

    • @user-ts2tm7zu1b
      @user-ts2tm7zu1b 3 года назад

      @@Beautifully_Chaotic3109 that's not true. we sin a million times a day. more than you even know. It's impossible to lose your salvation.... if you ever had it..... Once you are the Lord's you cannot be taken out of his hand.

  • @firehunterz2311
    @firehunterz2311 2 месяца назад +4

    This helps me tremendously as a Muslim to avoid music. Generally, music (with some specific exceptions) is haram - meaning forbidden- in Islam, especially modern music with all these filth in it. We even have a saying that music is the Qur'an of the Devil. Now I understand the benefits of it being haram. Because it's truly the game of Shaytaan!

  • @azareya19
    @azareya19 2 года назад +137

    I feel bad for Dmx you can tell he was a tortured soul😔 The drugs really messed him up you tell his whole being. I wish he found a Pastor to lay hands on him

    • @phoenixrose6608
      @phoenixrose6608 2 года назад +8

      Life was messed up before the drugs

    • @jaasadlewis4827
      @jaasadlewis4827 2 года назад +9

      A pastor can’t save you either the most high

    • @spellbinder7036
      @spellbinder7036 2 года назад +4

      He turned to drugs because of his life

    • @azareya19
      @azareya19 2 года назад +1

      @@jaasadlewis4827 I never said a Pastor coud save him! The power belongs to GOD! I a not talking of about Pastors that wasn't chosen by GOD!There are churches that do deliverance.

    • @azareya19
      @azareya19 2 года назад +12

      @@phoenixrose6608 The Drugs was an escape trust me I have been there

  • @inphinitezero5499
    @inphinitezero5499 2 года назад +68

    I heard Lucifer was the angel of music before he fell so kinda makes sense he now uses it in a dark way. Also were the hell is that statue of him? Cant believe they just put it in plain sight :o and the kids next to him thats just sick

    • @happypeople3746
      @happypeople3746 2 года назад +14

      Psalm 71:22 ....."i will praise your holy name with music " ....everyone who makes music is NOT associated with the devil. ...the devil can also mean contracts,stress,fame,money,sex,drugs......things that come with fame/money and that can be individual choices

  • @sarahhhx3
    @sarahhhx3 2 года назад +35

    I’m 23, and I learned about this at like 10 by my uncle let’s just say my outlook and world is a lot different. It’s like a veil is open and I see all the fake and sinister ness of it all it’s a gift and blessing this awareness but I’m sticking w the hood not the evil 👏

    • @sarahhhx3
      @sarahhhx3 2 года назад +2


    • @sigmahardi1790
      @sigmahardi1790 2 года назад +2


    • @Mvrko.J
      @Mvrko.J 2 года назад +1

      Real life been like that since birth even before i knew about spiritual things and got saved I’ve had this born fear of God and outlook to see the things people don’t usually notice

  • @theeccentricone6357
    @theeccentricone6357 2 года назад +26

    You feel that quick flow hitting the soul!
    RIP DMX!

  • @letmetellyoumyexperiencesi9775
    @letmetellyoumyexperiencesi9775 2 года назад +65

    Who's here after Travis Scott sacrifices?😢

  • @bluebird2256
    @bluebird2256 2 года назад +36

    Reminds me of all the artists I used to listen to. I’m still trying to release some artists and music. It’s not just the music it’s tv, movies u watch, everything. It’s sad that u can’t enjoy hobbies and turn them into a career without the devil getting involved.

  • @kiara198923
    @kiara198923 3 года назад +83

    It's always 6 months to a year then they blow up in the interviews. I caught on to it.

    • @suwoo4729
      @suwoo4729 3 года назад +1

      What do you mean ?

    • @kiara198923
      @kiara198923 3 года назад +28

      @@suwoo4729 the time it takes them to prepare. For example if they ask how long did it take to make the album. Their answers are always 3-6 months or a year.
      If they asked how long it took to shoot the music video... 3 days... 6 days... etc

    • @AstralYouth
      @AstralYouth 3 года назад +7

      @@kiara198923 what? They make an album for 3-6 months then go on interviews.. i mean ever heard of promotion? An album rollout? You act like it’s something wild lmao

    • @MikeMackie
      @MikeMackie 3 года назад +9

      I've heard that is how long it takes to be initiated. You don't just get thrown into fame. I'm guessing it's so they already know how to behave, what to say, how to influence the masses, etc.

    • @doughboi8735
      @doughboi8735 3 года назад +15

      @@AstralYouth damn n*gga you hard defending these sellouts on every comment..

  • @MsDormy
    @MsDormy 2 года назад +17

    Thank you for this powerful and moving film. I will pray for those trapped in evil contracts - they have made a huge mistake, but it’s never too late to ask Jesus on their behalf. ❤️🙏❤️