GrandShaykh Nazim al-Haqqani - UNSEEN WORLDS - 1993-09-24 Friday
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahiim,
MSN USA 1993-09-24 Friday
In September 1993, at the Inglewood Mosque in Los Angeles, California, USA, GrandShaykh Nazim al-Haqqani gave an amazing sohbet entitled UNSEEN WORLDS, in which he described the spiritual powers of the people of IMAN UL-HAQIQI who are able to see the heavens, an endless ocean of sand where each grain is a world like ours, full of people worshiping, and the huge mosque at the MAGHRIB UL SHAMS with 12,000 entrances.
He also spoke about secrets held by NASA of 'green bees' circling John Glenn's space capsule. (search John Glenn Fireflies)
00:08:34 sohbet - UNSEEN WORLDS
00:15:27 NASA Secrets
00:16:31 Sayedina Ahmad ar-Rifa'i Kabir seeing 4th Heaven
00:21:04 About Maghrib ul-Shams
00:22:07 The Mosque built by Angels
See the USA WEST COAST 1993 Video playlist here
• The GrandShaykh Nazim ...
There are many more GrandShaykh Nazim al-Haqqani videos at