This info is generally wrong - Generally thermals go down the hill in morning not up - at least in the west where I hunt and then by afternoon it changes to up hill.
We're probably on the same page. Air that gets warmed by the sun, rises. Air that is cooling, falls. When that happens just depends on how quickly your air is getting warmed or cooled.
How to hunt is the real deal this guy has the rte idea but there is no way to hide ur sent those sprays are all bull shit nothing but a moneymaker for those big companys but this guys has the rte idea people but go to steve hes great at his hunting skills n he makes sense
So to be sure down wind is away from where the wind is coming from right?
Great, concise material. 👍🏽
Good stuff!
This info is generally wrong - Generally thermals go down the hill in morning not up - at least in the west where I hunt and then by afternoon it changes to up hill.
We're probably on the same page. Air that gets warmed by the sun, rises. Air that is cooling, falls. When that happens just depends on how quickly your air is getting warmed or cooled.
@@BowhuntersUnited Im not a hunter but cool air is more dense so it's logical it would descend forcing warm air to rise seems accurate to me
How to hunt is the real deal this guy has the rte idea but there is no way to hide ur sent those sprays are all bull shit nothing but a moneymaker for those big companys but this guys has the rte idea people but go to steve hes great at his hunting skills n he makes sense