Keep up the good work for the lord. We are the only one's the sinners see. We have to let our light shine for the world to see Jesus in us. Be blessef!
Is Worship a Show? When you go to worship service where you attend, is what is going on a bit confusing? A lot of churches have recently revamped their worship services. Pretty much gone is the traditional preacher who stands at the front teaching the congregation from God's word. In his place is a full scale production in entertainment. Supposedly in an effort to bring the church "up to date" and get it more "in touch" with society at large, the worship services of many churches now look like anything but a church worship service. There is now a stage, with props, stage lights and music. Actors now take the place of the preacher. Full stage plays are put on, supposedly portraying lessons with Biblical application. These productions become quite intricate. The effort is to make the church, along with the worship of the church, more "contemporary." Of course, there are varying degrees to which individual churches have adopted this "contemporary worship." Some may have not yet gone the route of the full stage play. But you may see musical singing groups putting on productions of more contemporary music. There may be duets, trios or larger groups with all manner of musical accompaniment singing contemporary, supposedly "spiritual" songs as part of the worship. The traditional or scriptural church hymns to a great extent have been dropped You may hear songs sung in worship that you've heard on a regular radio station. What is the purpose of this faddish trend? Obviously, it is an attempt to replace true worship with entertainment. Now, the entertainment is supposed to have spiritual overtones, but it is entertainment first and foremost. The idea is to get people who are bored with "traditional" religion to come back to church. We live in a sophisticated society. Our culture is high tech. Four year olds play on computers. Parents set up entertainment centers in their homes for their children. Video games with super graphics are the norm. We entertain ourselves with virtual reality games. We want fun and excitement. How could we expect to get people to come to a quiet church building, sit on somewhat uncomfortable pews, sing what some might consider to be out of touch songs and listen to some preacher talk about principles out of a book most people hardly ever read anyway? Has worship where you attend become a "show?" Has the church where you are a member resorted to putting on shows to get people to come to services? Is this what worshiping God is supposed to be? A lot of the problem is that people have lost the true purpose of worship. Worship is supposed to be done by us and directed toward God. Many churches today seem to have turned that around. They have made the focus of worship the individual in the pew. He is to be entertained, made to feel good, gotten excited, stroked. But, true worship is supposed to be adoration and honor rendered to God by the individual in the pew. In worship we're not there to have something done "for us." We're supposed to be there to do something "toward God." It makes a difference how you worship God. Jesus said, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (Jn. 4:24). You will be held accountable for how you serve God, including how you worship Him. When we get too smart to do things God's way, we're not very smart after all. If you're confused, there is a way to find the answers. They're right where they've always been, in God's word, the Bible.
Sue Ellen not every church has changed there worship services back in my home town they still sing the hymnals and praise god in spirit u can feel his spirit in so many places.
Modern church in my town 2024 is like a rock concert. The whole focus is on the young people singing. The spotlight is on them , they’re dressed in the latest clothes, the Pastor aged over 50, bald head, wearing tight black skinny jeans. The sound is deafening, in the dark with coloured lights flashing. Too loud for the oldies, too damaging for babies!!
What does worship mean to you? Is it a time to sit back and listen or a time to actively participate? Are you waiting to experience an emotional high without having to think about what you’re doing? Do you come prepared to worship Jehovah or do you expect others to get you prepared? such as playing music and performing songs for the congregation? Romans 1 challenges us with its chilling words "they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man" (vv. 22-23). Man has the propensity to change God and the worship of God into what he desires. Instead of doing what the Lord says we easily and quickly do what we want, and then dub that "honoring God." Things have not changed much. As denominational churches have drifted further and further from the Bible they have lost their place in people's lives. Why should someone go to church if there is no such thing as right and wrong, sin or righteousness, heaven or hell? As churches emptied out some bright lights hit upon the answer: you should come to church because it is fun. We must follow strictly the commandments of God, maturing in His Word without being tossed about by the winds of false doctrine. In the New Testament, the Law of Christ to which all men are now being held accountable, there are no commands authorizing the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship. That is not to say that the New Testament writers did not give instruction about how to worship God musically. For example, to the church in Ephesus the apostle Paul wrote, “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:19). This, along with other New Testament passages, commands us to worship God musically by singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord. We know that we can safely obey this direct command by simply singing without the addition of any mechanical instruments. We acknowledge and strongly believe that adding a manmade musical instrument to this command is dangerous and displeasing to God. We will therefore offer to God what He requires nothing added and nothing subtracted. People have employed several justifications for using instrumental music in New Testament worship. Some say that since God authorized the use of instrumental music in the Old Testament then we can safely conclude that He authorizes its use in the New Testament. If that were the case, then should we not assume that God still authorizes other Old Testament laws as well? First of all, we need to understand that when we are talking about authorization from God we are not talking about allowance but rather about requirement. What God authorizes He requires. In the Old Testament God authorized animal sacrifices. Does God still authorize animal sacrifices today? God commanded that unruly and disobedient children be stoned to death. Does God still authorize this practice today? God authorized circumcision as the sign of the Old Covenant. There were many things that God authorized then that He strictly forbids now. Paul wrote, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law; you have fallen from grace.” (Galatians 5:1-4). We cannot pick and choose what we want from Old Testament authority to justify what we want to do now. James wrote, “Whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all…So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty.” (James 2:9-12). Jesus, comparing the physical worship of the Old Testament to the spiritual worship of the New Testament, said to the woman at the well, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:21-24). Another justification that has been used for the use of instrumental music is that it is an expedience to worship, the same way as are microphones, speakers, songbooks, etc. Without taking liberties against the specifics of God’s word it must be said that much of what we do in religion is expedient. For example, Jesus said, “Go into all the world…” (Mark 16:15). He didn’t say how we should go - by foot, horseback, automobiles, etc. We therefore infer that we can use any means of transportation available to obey this command. An automobile is not a necessity it is an expedience to the command, “Go into all the world.” Microphones, speakers and songbooks are modern conveniences that make it easier for congregations to sing together, hear the preachers and teachers better, etc. Jesus stood up on a mountainside or in a boat on occasion so that He could be more easily seen and His voice more easily heard. We use these modern devices for the same reasons. A manmade musical instrument however is a different matter. The apostle Paul specifically commanded the Christians in Ephesus to “sing and make melody in their hearts to the Lord…” (Ephesians 5:19). We can obey this command by using our voices. The use of manmade musical instruments, adds to the worship something not authorized by this verse or by any other New Testament passage - Why take the unnecessary risk? Another justification that has frequently been employed is what might be called the “God-given talent argument.” People have said, “I don’t believe that God would give such wonderful musical talent to people and then not allow them to use them in worship to Him.” I agree that some people are wonderfully talented musically and I would not deny that that talent is God-given. Furthermore, I believe that those God-given talents should be used to bring glory and honor to God. They certainly should not be used to bring shame and dishonor to God. Therefore, if a Christian with these God-given talents can use them in such a way that they are a blessing to themselves and to others and bring honor and glory to God then they should and they should give God credit. That does not change the fact, however, that the use of mechanical musical instruments in worship to God is not authorized in the New Testament. For that matter, there are many talents that God gives to individuals that are unauthorized and inappropriate to use in worship. Paul wrote, “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.” (1Corinthians 10:23-24). If God has given to an individual a talent then that individual has the ability to use that talent, either for good or for evil, however he or she chooses. If we are to be pleasing to God, however, we must not insist on using our God-given talents in ways that God does not authorize. Musical instruments in New Testament worship today have become almost the equivalent of first century idolatry. People cling to these lifeless instruments, made by men’s hands, made of costly materials, as though without them they could not worship God effectively. They claim that worship without the aid of musical instruments is dull and without feeling. The apostle Paul, speaking to the Athenians about their idolatrous worship, said, “Since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold of silver or stone, something shaped by the art of man’s devising. Truly these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.” (Acts 17:29-30). True Joy and fulfillment (even emotional fulfillment) should come from obeying the will of God, not by seeking our own pleasure. Worship that is pleasing to God is that which follows the teaching of His word. Notice carefully what Paul wrote, “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:19-20). Our singing in worship is an offering we make to God. Pure, voice only, a’ cappella music, is beautiful. If we are singing and making melody in our hearts in obedience to God’s word, then we should sing enthusiastically with feeling and with understanding, but ultimately we should not be seeking the noise that is appealing to our ears, but that which pleases God.
That was a sermon of a comment. So are you saying you liked and we're blessed by Jared's song ,or are you using the Bible to passive aggressively to say you think he's putting one a show ? Your comment could really be viewed two ways . I personally think you Jared is not only talented but Anointed of God to Preach and Sing the Gospel . With his talent he could've gone to Nashville and easily gotten a big day muti million dollar record deal singing county . I use to be in the business ,I have not doubt he could . But he's chosen to follow Jesus and do his work. For that I truly respect him !
Keep up the good work for the lord. We are the only one's the sinners see. We have to let our light shine for the world to see Jesus in us. Be blessef!
Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Yes sir amen brother Jared
Prais the Lord
The words say it all, his marvelous wonderful amazing grace!
Great and awesome song !!!!!!!
does any one have the lyrics to changed by Jared Dixon?
Does anyone know the guitar chords to this song? Or know where I can find tabs on this song?
Is Worship a Show?
When you go to worship service where you attend, is what is going on a bit confusing? A lot of churches have recently revamped their worship services. Pretty much gone is the traditional preacher who stands at the front teaching the congregation from God's word. In his place is a full scale production in entertainment.
Supposedly in an effort to bring the church "up to date" and get it more "in touch" with society at large, the worship services of many churches now look like anything but a church worship service. There is now a stage, with props, stage lights and music. Actors now take the place of the preacher. Full stage plays are put on, supposedly portraying lessons with Biblical application. These productions become quite intricate. The effort is to make the church, along with the worship of the church, more "contemporary."
Of course, there are varying degrees to which individual churches have adopted this "contemporary worship." Some may have not yet gone the route of the full stage play. But you may see musical singing groups putting on productions of more contemporary music. There may be duets, trios or larger groups with all manner of musical accompaniment singing contemporary, supposedly "spiritual" songs as part of the worship. The traditional or scriptural church hymns to a great extent have been dropped You may hear songs sung in worship that you've heard on a regular radio station.
What is the purpose of this faddish trend? Obviously, it is an attempt to replace true worship with entertainment. Now, the entertainment is supposed to have spiritual overtones, but it is entertainment first and foremost. The idea is to get people who are bored with "traditional" religion to come back to church.
We live in a sophisticated society. Our culture is high tech. Four year olds play on computers. Parents set up entertainment centers in their homes for their children. Video games with super graphics are the norm. We entertain ourselves with virtual reality games. We want fun and excitement. How could we expect to get people to come to a quiet church building, sit on somewhat uncomfortable pews, sing what some might consider to be out of touch songs and listen to some preacher talk about principles out of a book most people hardly ever read anyway?
Has worship where you attend become a "show?" Has the church where you are a member resorted to putting on shows to get people to come to services? Is this what worshiping God is supposed to be? A lot of the problem is that people have lost the true purpose of worship. Worship is supposed to be done by us and directed toward God. Many churches today seem to have turned that around. They have made the focus of worship the individual in the pew. He is to be entertained, made to feel good, gotten excited, stroked. But, true worship is supposed to be adoration and honor rendered to God by the individual in the pew. In worship we're not there to have something done "for us." We're supposed to be there to do something "toward God."
It makes a difference how you worship God. Jesus said, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (Jn. 4:24). You will be held accountable for how you serve God, including how you worship Him. When we get too smart to do things God's way, we're not very smart after all. If you're confused, there is a way to find the answers. They're right where they've always been, in God's word, the Bible.
Sue Ellen not every church has changed there worship services back in my home town they still sing the hymnals and praise god in spirit u can feel his spirit in so many places.
Modern church in my town 2024 is like a rock concert. The whole focus is on the young people singing. The spotlight is on them , they’re dressed in the latest clothes, the Pastor aged over 50, bald head, wearing tight black skinny jeans. The sound is deafening, in the dark with coloured lights flashing. Too loud for the oldies, too damaging for babies!!
What does worship mean to you? Is it a time to sit back and listen or a time to actively participate? Are you waiting to experience an emotional high without having to think about what you’re doing? Do you come prepared to worship Jehovah or do you expect others to get you prepared? such as playing music and performing songs for the congregation?
Romans 1 challenges us with its chilling words "they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man" (vv. 22-23). Man has the propensity to change God and the worship of God into what he desires. Instead of doing what the Lord says we easily and quickly do what we want, and then dub that "honoring God."
Things have not changed much. As denominational churches have drifted further and further from the Bible they have lost their place in people's lives. Why should someone go to church if there is no such thing as right and wrong, sin or righteousness, heaven or hell? As churches emptied out some bright lights hit upon the answer: you should come to church because it is fun.
We must follow strictly the commandments of God, maturing in His Word without being tossed about by the winds of false doctrine.
In the New Testament, the Law of Christ to which all men are now being held accountable, there are no commands authorizing the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship. That is not to say that the New Testament writers did not give instruction about how to worship God musically. For example, to the church in Ephesus the apostle Paul wrote, “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:19). This, along with other New Testament passages, commands us to worship God musically by singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord. We know that we can safely obey this direct command by simply singing without the addition of any mechanical instruments. We acknowledge and strongly believe that adding a manmade musical instrument to this command is dangerous and displeasing to God. We will therefore offer to God what He requires nothing added and nothing subtracted.
People have employed several justifications for using instrumental music in New Testament worship. Some say that since God authorized the use of instrumental music in the Old Testament then we can safely conclude that He authorizes its use in the New Testament. If that were the case, then should we not assume that God still authorizes other Old Testament laws as well? First of all, we need to understand that when we are talking about authorization from God we are not talking about allowance but rather about requirement. What God authorizes He requires. In the Old Testament God authorized animal sacrifices. Does God still authorize animal sacrifices today? God commanded that unruly and disobedient children be stoned to death. Does God still authorize this practice today? God authorized circumcision as the sign of the Old Covenant. There were many things that God authorized then that He strictly forbids now. Paul wrote, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law; you have fallen from grace.” (Galatians 5:1-4). We cannot pick and choose what we want from Old Testament authority to justify what we want to do now. James wrote, “Whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all…So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty.” (James 2:9-12). Jesus, comparing the physical worship of the Old Testament to the spiritual worship of the New Testament, said to the woman at the well, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:21-24).
Another justification that has been used for the use of instrumental music is that it is an expedience to worship, the same way as are microphones, speakers, songbooks, etc. Without taking liberties against the specifics of God’s word it must be said that much of what we do in religion is expedient. For example, Jesus said, “Go into all the world…” (Mark 16:15). He didn’t say how we should go - by foot, horseback, automobiles, etc. We therefore infer that we can use any means of transportation available to obey this command. An automobile is not a necessity it is an expedience to the command, “Go into all the world.” Microphones, speakers and songbooks are modern conveniences that make it easier for congregations to sing together, hear the preachers and teachers better, etc. Jesus stood up on a mountainside or in a boat on occasion so that He could be more easily seen and His voice more easily heard. We use these modern devices for the same reasons. A manmade musical instrument however is a different matter. The apostle Paul specifically commanded the Christians in Ephesus to “sing and make melody in their hearts to the Lord…” (Ephesians 5:19). We can obey this command by using our voices. The use of manmade musical instruments, adds to the worship something not authorized by this verse or by any other New Testament passage - Why take the unnecessary risk?
Another justification that has frequently been employed is what might be called the “God-given talent argument.” People have said, “I don’t believe that God would give such wonderful musical talent to people and then not allow them to use them in worship to Him.” I agree that some people are wonderfully talented musically and I would not deny that that talent is God-given. Furthermore, I believe that those God-given talents should be used to bring glory and honor to God. They certainly should not be used to bring shame and dishonor to God. Therefore, if a Christian with these God-given talents can use them in such a way that they are a blessing to themselves and to others and bring honor and glory to God then they should and they should give God credit. That does not change the fact, however, that the use of mechanical musical instruments in worship to God is not authorized in the New Testament. For that matter, there are many talents that God gives to individuals that are unauthorized and inappropriate to use in worship. Paul wrote, “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.” (1Corinthians 10:23-24). If God has given to an individual a talent then that individual has the ability to use that talent, either for good or for evil, however he or she chooses. If we are to be pleasing to God, however, we must not insist on using our God-given talents in ways that God does not authorize.
Musical instruments in New Testament worship today have become almost the equivalent of first century idolatry. People cling to these lifeless instruments, made by men’s hands, made of costly materials, as though without them they could not worship God effectively. They claim that worship without the aid of musical instruments is dull and without feeling. The apostle Paul, speaking to the Athenians about their idolatrous worship, said, “Since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold of silver or stone, something shaped by the art of man’s devising. Truly these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.” (Acts 17:29-30). True Joy and fulfillment (even emotional fulfillment) should come from obeying the will of God, not by seeking our own pleasure. Worship that is pleasing to God is that which follows the teaching of His word. Notice carefully what Paul wrote, “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:19-20). Our singing in worship is an offering we make to God. Pure, voice only, a’ cappella music, is beautiful. If we are singing and making melody in our hearts in obedience to God’s word, then we should sing enthusiastically with feeling and with understanding, but ultimately we should not be seeking the noise that is appealing to our ears, but that which pleases God.
Thankful Bro. Jared is making a joyful noise unto the LORD! He us using his talent for the Lord's glory.. as we all should do.
That was a sermon of a comment. So are you saying you liked and we're blessed by Jared's song ,or are you using the Bible to passive aggressively to say you think he's putting one a show ? Your comment could really be viewed two ways . I personally think you Jared is not only talented but Anointed of God to Preach and Sing the Gospel . With his talent he could've gone to Nashville and easily gotten a big day muti million dollar record deal singing county . I use to be in the business ,I have not doubt he could . But he's chosen to follow Jesus and do his work. For that I truly respect him !