Maybe you could print your own cart that has a zero-car so the front wheels can bank independently from the back ones? I think that would solve a lot of issues already!
Designing better trains is something I would like to do in the future, with a front axle, upstop and side friction wheels, retractable chain dog and possibly a brake fin. This would be very hard and is currently beyond not only my physical recourses, but my time resources as school is taking a gigantic amount out of me.
Looks super smooth! I'm working on a piece that turns and banks at the same time, and my current method for creating it has me using about 90 small cylinders to create the turn, which gives it a slightly rough surface. How did you manage to make these pieces so smooth in tinkercad?
I used a “Spring” shape in order to create a spiral that I stretched out to the necessary length, with the tube thickness being set in the shape settings. The result isn’t a perfect smooth rail, but something that will function. The spine was mainly so that I don’t have to configure a side plate that the current LEGO rails (4 stud being the exception) have.
Awesome work!
I got an idea how about you customize the roller coaster cart or use a smoother plastic
Maybe you could print your own cart that has a zero-car so the front wheels can bank independently from the back ones? I think that would solve a lot of issues already!
Designing better trains is something I would like to do in the future, with a front axle, upstop and side friction wheels, retractable chain dog and possibly a brake fin. This would be very hard and is currently beyond not only my physical recourses, but my time resources as school is taking a gigantic amount out of me.
Looks super smooth! I'm working on a piece that turns and banks at the same time, and my current method for creating it has me using about 90 small cylinders to create the turn, which gives it a slightly rough surface. How did you manage to make these pieces so smooth in tinkercad?
I used a “Spring” shape in order to create a spiral that I stretched out to the necessary length, with the tube thickness being set in the shape settings. The result isn’t a perfect smooth rail, but something that will function. The spine was mainly so that I don’t have to configure a side plate that the current LEGO rails (4 stud being the exception) have.