When Can the Gov't Lock You in Your House? Quarantines and the Constitution

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 927

  • @elaineclementsfinn1872
    @elaineclementsfinn1872 4 года назад +160

    The problem is this....I DON'T TRUST ANY OF THEM !!! If our state heads were not corrupt, if cops actually were treated like the average person if they broke a law, if attorneys had moral compasses, if judges couldn't be bought.....then maybe we can talk !

    • @mcse-nv2ou
      @mcse-nv2ou 4 года назад +6

      exactly - they're all crooks or they don't get in

    • @missmaxwell3363
      @missmaxwell3363 4 года назад +6

      Patent 060606

    • @ttgallea9532
      @ttgallea9532 4 года назад +3

      @@missmaxwell3363 yep when you catch Gov't in lies, it cancels their power.

    • @DRAKED411
      @DRAKED411 4 года назад +6

      Miss Maxwell absolutely,!! I think most people have no idea what you are talking about.. so happy to see people like you are out there....

    • @fredflinstone3173
      @fredflinstone3173 4 года назад

      If power didn’t corrupt.
      But it does and it always will.

  • @daydreamer5492
    @daydreamer5492 4 года назад

    The limits of power to our elected and appointed government lies directly within the Bill of Rights. If the Bill Of Rights declares it a citizens right, then the power of the government must stop at the same point that citizens rights have begun, which was at the signing of the Bill Of Rights, by our founding fathers. The first ten amendments are immutable, and only a power-hungry tyrant would want to argue that premise. None of the other amendments to our Constitution are immutable, and have been preyed-upon by minor despots from time to time, with hardly any damage to the first ten. A foreign government power has been instilling into the hearts and minds of American citizens, for over 100 years, the dangers associated with allowing American patriots to possess or carry arms sufficient to overthrow a corrupt government, which shows the degree of anti-Americanism prevalent within state and federal governments, whereas, "federal gun-control" is an oxymoron, so far as American patriotism is concerned. Let freedom ring !!!

  • @oregontrackers6062
    @oregontrackers6062 4 года назад

    "For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party (Corpus Delicti) There can be no sanction or penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional right." Sherer v. Cullen 481 F. 945:
    Supreme courts ruled "Without Corpus delicti there can be no crime"“In every prosecution for crime it is necessary to establish the “corpus delecti”, i.e., the body or elements of the crime.” People v. Lopez, 62 Ca.Rptr. 47, 254 C.A.2d 185.
    "In every criminal trial, the prosecution must prove the corpus delecti, or the body of the crime itself-i.e., the fact of injury, loss or harm, and the existence of a criminal agency as its cause. " People v. Sapp, 73 P.3d 433, 467 (Cal. 2003) [quoting People v. Alvarez, (2002) 27 Cal.4th 1161, 1168-1169, 119 Cal.Rptr.2d 903, 46 P.3d 372.].
    "As a general principal, standing to invoke the judicial process requires an actual justiciable controversy as to which the complainant has a real interest in the ultimate adjudication because he or she has either suffered or is about to suffer an injury. " People v. Superior Court, 126 Cal.Rptr.2d 793.
    “Without standing, there is no actual or justiciable controversy, and courts will not entertain such cases. (3 Witlen, Cal. Procedure (3rd ed. 1985) Actions § 44, pp 70-72.) “Typically, … the standing inquiry requires careful judicial examination of a complaint’s allegations to ascertain whether the particular plaintiff is entitled to an adjudication of the particular claims asserted. ” (Allen v. Wright, (1984) 468 U.S. 737, 752…Whether one has standing in a particular case generally revolved around the question whether that person has rights that may suffer some injury, actual or threatened. ” Clifford S. v. Superior Court, 45 Cal.Rptr.2d 333, 335
    Please Make Amends Honor thy Oath Elected and public servants, title 5USC2906-3331 0ath of office, title 18 241-242-
    It is No injury or Property damage to any child, woman or man, thus the State CORPS can not be an injured party that would be A lawful American's by Honoring thy Oath office of servitude to God; false allegiance to the Treaty of 1213 of religious, cult, organizations are The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) Title 5 2906 3331-3333. Whereas Their is title 18 241 242.Merely being native born within the territorial boundaries of the United States of America does not make such an inhabitant a Citizen of the United States subject to the jurisdiction of the Fourteenth Amendment" ... Elk v. Wilkins, Neb (1884), 5s.ct.41,112 U.S. 99, 28 L. Ed. 643.
    "The fact is, property is a tree; income is the fruit; labour is a tree; income the fruit; capital, the tree; income the 'fruit.' The fruit, if not consumed (severed) as fast as it ripens, will germinate from the seed... and will produce other trees and grow into more property; but so long as it is fruit merely, and plucked (severed) to eat... it is no tree, and will produce itself no fruit." Waring v. City of Savennah. 60 Ga. 93, 100 (1878.}

  • @cryhavoc9748
    @cryhavoc9748 4 года назад

    The Supreme Court ruling Marbury v Madison found that, "Any supposed "law" that violates the Constitution or the Bill of Rights is null and void from the moment the ink hits the paper." These "stay at home" edicts violate both the 1st Amendment and the 5th Amendment. If they want to quarantine someone, the State must go before a judge and show (1) they are contagious and (2) if allowed to interact with the public, they will infect others. The burden of proof is on the State. This would satisfy the due process clause. But....saying everyone in a State/city/ zip code/ area code is under quarantine is unconstitutional.

  • @ccasagram
    @ccasagram 4 года назад

    The people do not lose power when GRANTING” the government power. The people CREATE the power the government holds by the action of GRANTING. That act of grant does not decrease the power of the people. That is akin to saying that, by granting, the people lose what God granted the people. RIGHTS ARE UNALIENABLE!!! That means, the people cannot give them away. We can not give away what belongs to God. Only God can do that. Creation BELONGS to the creator. Government can never be more powerful then what gave it power! These people talking, still have much to learn! Sadly they will not find this information in schools, an educated public is not welcomed by those that wish to control it!

  • @bencruz563
    @bencruz563 4 года назад +31

    I will never ask permission to leave my house, work, or assemble. I am not up for asking permission.

  • @justthinking2667
    @justthinking2667 4 года назад +46

    If I don't have the power to lock you in your house against your will, how can I give that power to anyone else?

    • @ryanmike7021
      @ryanmike7021 4 года назад +9

      This is all a show to see how much power and control they can strut.. This is a dry run to see what is going to happen when they truly come out and lock us down..

    • @VidarrKerr
      @VidarrKerr 4 года назад +3

      @@ryanmike7021 Yes, you nailed it.

    • @frankh.3849
      @frankh.3849 4 года назад +4

      @@ryanmike7021 exactly. If a real virus was gonna go ape shit our government wouldn't say a word until it killed so many people they couldn't deny it. This convid-19 BS is nothing but a way to learn how to do it better when the time comes

    • @ryanmike7021
      @ryanmike7021 4 года назад

      @Robert Slackware amending the constitution is treason.. It specifically states that those words can't be changed.. And it tells us why they can't be changed.. And what will happen if they try too change it.. Read the 📜 declaration of independence

  • @ancapftw9113
    @ancapftw9113 4 года назад +50

    "Or the right of the people peaceably to assemble in a public place."
    Stay at home orders are a violation of the first amendment.

    • @juliedotseth2441
      @juliedotseth2441 4 года назад +1

      None the less, cover our faces against the flu. This is going to get ugly.

    • @getredytagetredy
      @getredytagetredy 4 года назад +2

      AncapFTW ...everything this zionist controlled govt. does violates
      Something...No foreign govt. Should be telling Americans what they can or cant do!!!!!!

    • @getredytagetredy
      @getredytagetredy 4 года назад +1

      Julie Dotseth ...there aint no flu...just a bunch of TV believing idiots that think there is...This is another false flag to backdoor 5G which will KILL PEOPLE and they will blame it on a fiction
      Virus....people in America are made to order stupid...At the Olympics of Stupidity they would sweep gold from A to Z....It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled...

    • @juliedotseth2441
      @juliedotseth2441 4 года назад

      @@getredytagetredy Agreed. Was being sarcastic when I said flu.

    • @thomasspringer5738
      @thomasspringer5738 4 года назад

      And the word "require" was changed to 'petition' to futher trespass upon our rights !!!!

  • @michaelanderson9914
    @michaelanderson9914 4 года назад +32

    this is the discussion of slaves. we do not give government power. government takes that power with violence.

    • @mediocrefloridaman
      @mediocrefloridaman 4 года назад +5

      Exactly. And if we stand up to the power, we risk kidnapping, extortion, or even death.

    • @NeverTalkToCops1
      @NeverTalkToCops1 4 года назад

      @@mediocrefloridaman Yes. Is standing up and dying a better death?

    • @mediocrefloridaman
      @mediocrefloridaman 4 года назад +1

      @@NeverTalkToCops1 death is death. When it's in God's will for me to die, then i will die, but I'm not going to leave my family or put them in jeopardy to go fight an enemy that has more power than my own self. The government know's they've accomplished their division tactics and they know we have no real malitias capable of of any real offense or defense to compete with their own.

    • @NikoBellaKhouf
      @NikoBellaKhouf 4 года назад

      @Robert Slackware 👍👍

  • @juliedotseth2441
    @juliedotseth2441 4 года назад +31

    The government needs to be held accountable for their misinformation.

    • @aquamarine0023
      @aquamarine0023 4 года назад +1

      Yes! They need to be in prison for staging a fraudulent pandemic in order to pull off a communist coup d'etat for n the US and worldwide!

    • @avimae4225
      @avimae4225 4 года назад

      They will never repeal the smith-mundt ACT.

  • @lawrencemiller3829
    @lawrencemiller3829 4 года назад +102

    The statement at the end is a good point. This is not about the people's rights, it is about the limits on government power. We should not be defending our inherent rights, we should be protesting abuse of government power.

    • @brigittelm6054
      @brigittelm6054 4 года назад +1

      Get together fast Forced vaccine toxic soup is coming, cell phones & internet going down for at least 3 day ( longer in my thought) get you items of importance, photos, docs, research safe from server emails etc.

    • @NunYa953
      @NunYa953 4 года назад +3

      You are correct. And not peacefully either, they have gone off the rails.

    • @ryanmike7021
      @ryanmike7021 4 года назад +3

      Protesting is a form of defending

    • @NunYa953
      @NunYa953 4 года назад +5

      So is defiance in the face of tyranny.

    • @ryanmike7021
      @ryanmike7021 4 года назад +3

      @nun ya i dont understand what ur asking.. Nvm.. I just re read it.. I see it wasn't a question just a statement... And peacefully is best for everyone.. And truthfully to fix the problem we need to stop electing ignorance and stupidity

  • @ryankorn5911
    @ryankorn5911 4 года назад +116

    The District of Columbia, The United States Corporation Company is not my God or my country. Art. 4 Sec. 4 1787-91?

    • @yliberal6355
      @yliberal6355 4 года назад +3

      Ryan Korn

    • @aquamarine0023
      @aquamarine0023 4 года назад +8

      Absolutely and they are not our owners!

    • @lovelight5294
      @lovelight5294 4 года назад +11


    • @emojiking8580
      @emojiking8580 4 года назад +2

      Life LoveLight

    • @LisaMacInnes
      @LisaMacInnes 4 года назад +2

      Ryan Korn I will look that up but I have a feeling you get a right on! That in the books they hide in the library which you can not get to right now. Probably can find it if I just look it up on google.

  • @anthony94570
    @anthony94570 4 года назад +24

    Your Opinion has no Authority over my rights and freedom

  • @larryerwin7999
    @larryerwin7999 4 года назад +35

    They get their authority from their guns.

  • @toonnut1
    @toonnut1 4 года назад +72

    I'll tell you something "interesting" Event 201.....that's "interesting"

    • @tigernikki101
      @tigernikki101 4 года назад +3


    • @laurid6272
      @laurid6272 4 года назад +1

      Verrrry interesting" Event 201''

    • @kat.66
      @kat.66 4 года назад +6

      Yes. And now that evidence is showing up all over the place that not only is this a regular flu like any other year but also add event 201, Bill & Melinda Gates who keeps manipulating the world to his benefit, Johns Hopkins, and the WHO.... the whole crew from Event 201 seem to have MISUSED their free reign. Then there's the CDC and FDA and Fauci who is a fraud and of course the President and every president the country's ever had that has attended any G7+ meeting. And more. Should we build a prison fema Wal-Mart for them? How do we launch a class action lawsuit with everyone from North America to benefit from the quadrillion dollar lawsuit? Quadrillion dollars or the equivalent of the new money notes we'll have to start from scratch, since they're finally destroying the petro dollar.
      And still make sure they DON'T hold the same level of power they've had up til now?

    • @99percenter1
      @99percenter1 4 года назад +6

      And what makes that even more interesting is that Dr. Fauci said just days before Trump took office, "there is no question that there will be a challenge to the incoming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,...but also there will be a surprise outbreak."

    • @missmaxwell3363
      @missmaxwell3363 4 года назад +2

      Google patent 060606

  • @tooge47
    @tooge47 4 года назад +26

    The next, LONG overdue 2nd Amerikan Revolution is long, long, long overdue

    • @beautifulfeather3050
      @beautifulfeather3050 4 года назад

      Yes long overdue

    • @beautifulfeather3050
      @beautifulfeather3050 4 года назад

      Yes long overdue

    • @NeverTalkToCops1
      @NeverTalkToCops1 4 года назад +1

      Stop expecting a revolution. Police state "won" a long time ago. This "control" will persist until we invent (and we will!) something better than human beings.

    • @tooge47
      @tooge47 4 года назад +1

      @@NeverTalkToCops1 Contraire ! Another revolution WILL occur, it just won't have the support of today's modern, Amerikan sheeple

    • @intuitivedruid5732
      @intuitivedruid5732 4 года назад

      Ah like the civil war? We talk about WW3 but forget about CW2! ;)

  • @jaemeegasaway1120
    @jaemeegasaway1120 4 года назад +45

    So this is how they are supposedly getting away with it. I don't care what these guys are saying, OUR RIGHTS ARE GOD GIVEN!!!!

    • @helentelehowski679
      @helentelehowski679 4 года назад +2

      A God given right doesn't matter to a Godless government.

    • @zackknoll1615
      @zackknoll1615 4 года назад +1

      They are inherent. Government can only protect or violate them. Not give or take away

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 4 года назад

      i was not Given rights by any god. AS a human being, these are inherent rights of existence by common sense and basic conscience and laws of nature.

    • @zackknoll1615
      @zackknoll1615 4 года назад

      @@michaelkahn8903 common sense says you have no rights. You deserve an exploitative government just as you exploit animals weaker and less intelligent than you.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 4 года назад

      @@zackknoll1615 while i acknowledge my superiority to those who call themselves god, I, being in every way more ethical and moral, would treat them as equals.
      The idea of desiring to being worshiped by human beings, to feel deserving of better and finer things due to mere position rather than character and works,
      and to feel justified to murder other beings to acquire more power and wealth makes the gods totally inferior, morally bankrupt and self-deceived.

  • @davidjensen2411
    @davidjensen2411 4 года назад +26

    I never "delegated" any of my Rights to the State, nor would I!
    Where is the *Opt Out Button?!*

    • @inquisitor4635
      @inquisitor4635 4 года назад +6

      Your parents entered you into the matrix when they signed your birth certificate. No federal judge will ever allow you to opt out, even though they know there is an opt out. And they will never speak of it as they have confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements that will result in consequences if they breach those agreements.

    • @hisslamb5378
      @hisslamb5378 4 года назад

      @Janice Cricket - My real name means 'dark hared prince of peace', so until the [so-called] elite
      reveals me, (and [everyone] stops screwing the over-18 & over 6 foot tall (and any other women)),
      peace will continue to be elusive.

    • @bigd7861
      @bigd7861 4 года назад +1

      @@inquisitor4635 No one, including parents, are able to enter you into a legally binding contract without your expressed agreement at, and/or after, your age of consent. ANY AND ALL contracts without your explicit consent are cases of *fraud and are null and void.*
      Simple basics of contract (business) law.
      *THIS* is what they don't want you to know.

    • @timgreen2426
      @timgreen2426 4 года назад

      @@bigd7861 that isnt true. That is why age of consent, and legal guardianship exist. Even immigration a parent signs a dependent into citizenship.

    • @bigd7861
      @bigd7861 4 года назад

      @@timgreen2426 Neither of which is a consentual Agreement of Contract. Business law. Look into it.

  • @jocelynamtower9508
    @jocelynamtower9508 4 года назад +22

    Never I don’t care who gave themselves permission to enslave me, I will not consent

  • @estrelladelmar6466
    @estrelladelmar6466 4 года назад +23

    In Beaverton OR, a dispensary must pay the city, even though the state legalized weed and declared cities could not also charge dispensaries. But no one can afford the legal fees if they don't pay off the city, so the city mobsters continue to extort money from these businesses.

    • @dtom8830
      @dtom8830 4 года назад +3

      Well, in Colorado weed stores are an essential service. State needs it's weed tax.

    • @NunYa953
      @NunYa953 4 года назад +1

      Time for the dispensaries to quit bitching and move.

    • @aprilmoore2917
      @aprilmoore2917 4 года назад +1

      It requires court challenge. Start at district and keep appealing till state court. If this is clearly written law/ declaration maybe dispensaries should challenge pro se...

    • @mediocrefloridaman
      @mediocrefloridaman 4 года назад

      Mobsters is right. We gotta continue to pay them or they will come take our stuff with force.

    • @arrowe487
      @arrowe487 4 года назад

      Execute them motherfuckers , case closed.

  • @DickHead-v8l
    @DickHead-v8l 4 года назад +28

    Basically you have rights until the government decides you don't. because freedom is an illusion and so are rights for a certain class of Americans the masses aka the poor

    • @brigittelm6054
      @brigittelm6054 4 года назад

      Not rich or poor, state or STATE citizen, united States or UNITED STATES

    • @NunYa953
      @NunYa953 4 года назад +1

      Literally the dumbest comment I've read in awhile. The facts are pretty clear: the poor stay poor because they depend on the government to take care of them.

    • @GlobeKrusha
      @GlobeKrusha 4 года назад +2

      @@NunYa953 I'm not sure if you came down from the last shower, but your inconsideration for the poor defies your lackluster to life. Most of the Poor, have been subjugated as mentally and/or intellectually incapacitated, to forming their lives as gracefully as the wealthy counterparts. It's also a inter-generational spiral of bad crediting due to their lack of understanding, of how the cogs turn. Not trying to be rude, but do you have Asian background?(supposing your name). I asked because my driver encounters many Asians from schools and interactions that heavily suggest that they comply and conform, to the needs of their Authority in a very majorly fashion.

    • @NunYa953
      @NunYa953 4 года назад +2

      Another moron. I'm half gringo and half Mexican. Born in Colorado. I grew up poor. I became very successful in my late teens and 20s, the poor choices and drug addiction controlled my life and I was homeless for a few years. Then I started to get things together and relapsed and lost everything again. Now, I'm back on top. I own multiple businesses, I'm employ over a dozen people (who I'm paying out of my savings right now due to this horseshit virus). Do you want to know who is to blame for the hardship in every course of my life? ME! I will say it again and the data supports it, the poor stay poor because the depend on the government to take care of them.

    • @ryanmike7021
      @ryanmike7021 4 года назад +2

      U have to be smart and intelligent with the way you speak to actually prove to yourself that freedom and rights arent illusions. The illusion is them thinking they have control over us.. Everyone has a choice... Stand or lay.. Right or wrong.. Even when it a choice that u dont like.. Even when there are 2 choices presented to you.. There are still other choices lingering that others dont want u to see...

  • @americopedroni6837
    @americopedroni6837 4 года назад +24

    Who can give themselves authority to tell another man how to live?

    • @GrandMoffVixen
      @GrandMoffVixen 4 года назад +3

      Nobody. If any individual does not have any right to do something, then it follows that it may not be delegated.
      Example: I do not have the right to steal. Therefore, I am not allowed to delegate that to anyone, including the government.

    • @NunYa953
      @NunYa953 4 года назад +1

      A democratic governor on marching orders of Nancy Pelosi. That's who.

    • @americopedroni6837
      @americopedroni6837 4 года назад +1

      Nun Ya
      Do you acknowledge that authority and decision?

    • @yliberal6355
      @yliberal6355 4 года назад

      Americo Pedroni

    • @yliberal6355
      @yliberal6355 4 года назад

      Nun Ya

  • @neckarsulme
    @neckarsulme 4 года назад +9

    so how are they ordering homeless people to stay home...where are they staying?

    • @codybanks9944
      @codybanks9944 4 года назад +2

      Here in the USA Towns are rounding up homeless people and making them stay in Makeshift Shelters in abandoned parking lots and other abandoned or unoccupied buildings so they can keep track of them.

    • @thomasspringer5738
      @thomasspringer5738 4 года назад +1

      They're being murdered in FEMA institutions they're calling camps ...

  • @texan4americanliberty870
    @texan4americanliberty870 4 года назад +10

    Very interesting. I think the courts have made way to much of the "police power" and have been way too deferential in that regard. Police powers are not talked about explicitly, but are only justified morally (and ideally, constitutionally) if the force of government is needed to retaliate against an aggression (including threats) by one against another.
    Since we have been talking Locke, he was very clear that there are certain things that government cannot do because no individual has a right to do them. In his Second Treatise, he said, “As usurpation is the exercise of power which another has a right to, so tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right, which nobody can have a right to.” In the Declaration, Jefferson channeled Locke when with the phrase, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
    So, in the context of pandemics, the question goes to what power as individuals do we have to use force to stop others from spreading a deadly disease? I think it clear that if someone is proven that someone has a deadly disease, we and our agents in government have the right to use force to stop that people from endangering others. THAT is the "police power" discussed. Even quarantines can pass this test because those who we use force against have some test that shows they have been exposed to a deadly disease and are highly likely to become dangerous.
    What we are witnessing with coronavirus is that force is being used to stop EVERYONE from exercising liberty because they MIGHT be contagious (and therefore dangerous) because it is alleged that anyone might have the disease and be contagious and not know it. THAT is the bridge too far. I think that a mere possibility of a threat by all does not justify the use of force against all to modify behavior.

    • @t.rok13
      @t.rok13 4 года назад

      Well, we do know, that
      The NWO has finally reared its ugly head.. for all to see.. well those capable anyway. And we've known for decades that Agenda21 aka 'climate change' being the gateway to the NWO enslavement of Humanity for their 'Open Border 1 global Gov't/World Order'.. and this Pandemic 'safety' etc is how the end begins.. hence the Patriot act being reinstated during Obama admin, and expanded constantly to infringe our civil liberties,( last was NOV2019, not 1 R voted in favor, obviously)
      And we've also known for decades now, that their Agenda21 (2030 plan) has stated all property/land belonging to citizens shall be confiscated etc etc but for now, they're looking for excuses to confiscate..until their agenda is fulfilled.
      And ironically, if you've noticed it's been all Democrats that have sold our national parks, Yellowstone, etc etc since 1971 to the UN..
      that the EPA doesn't even have juristiction , As most/all our national parks etc was sold to the UN aka Globalists NWO headquarters.
      They have absolutely corrupted everything possible, on any/all levels for over half a century now..
      we are in so deep.. thankfully since the 2016 election, we now actually have a glimmer of hope..
      Also watch todays video about CV19 on the MR. REAGAN channel..
      You won't regret it!

    • @Youtubeforcedmetochangemyname
      @Youtubeforcedmetochangemyname 4 года назад

      Those people but not everyone to stay locked down healthy people arent endangering anyone so yeah youre wrong

    • @Youtubeforcedmetochangemyname
      @Youtubeforcedmetochangemyname 4 года назад

      Anyone might have it thats utterly stupid they could say that about anything and you would just go along with it you are a sheep being lead to the slaughter

    • @NeverTalkToCops1
      @NeverTalkToCops1 4 года назад

      Your last paragraph is spot on. Locking down damn near everything to save a few lives is just barbaric.

  • @redressfromtyranny7491
    @redressfromtyranny7491 4 года назад +8

    This is the most egregious thing I've ever heard that the state is regulated by the politicians not the people I mean really come on

    • @yasminenasserrafi4635
      @yasminenasserrafi4635 4 года назад

      Since when have the state governments possess police powers to dictate behavior or control behavior? To put healthy people under house arrest and violate the Bill of Rights? This sounds like north Korea.

  • @fredflinstone3173
    @fredflinstone3173 4 года назад +6

    “How does government get that kind of authority?”
    By the use of force. That’s how all governments exercise “authority” (tyranny).

  • @frankmoore3598
    @frankmoore3598 4 года назад +7

    But all of this didnt address the responsibility of the citizens. And to leave it to courts, is opening up to despotism.

  • @tooge47
    @tooge47 4 года назад +4

    If paid, public servants can "order" you to stay in your home and prevent you from going to work to earn a living, you are not free.
    Just admit you are nothing more than a glorified slave and be HONEST about it.
    Land of the Free my hiney

  • @miausermcfur9099
    @miausermcfur9099 4 года назад +6

    event201 "We are on a Live Exercise"

  • @Jammiestar8
    @Jammiestar8 4 года назад +4

    Institute for Justice. Are you kidding? What justice?

  • @549BR
    @549BR 4 года назад +3

    So far in Florida, I've paid no attention to governmental "orders" and have gone about my normal routines. I do protect myself with really good hygiene and keep my distance from other people. My behavior has not brought me into contact with authorities, most of whom I am told, really don't want to be protecting me from myself.

  • @randalb1386
    @randalb1386 4 года назад +11

    A point that may have been missed is this current situation has left the average person without a redress of grievance.
    In my area the courts are closed. The government can keep you in lockdown forever if they want because you can’t get into a court.

    • @Youtubeforcedmetochangemyname
      @Youtubeforcedmetochangemyname 4 года назад +3

      Any and all laws repugnent to the constitution are null and void

    • @AECRADIO1
      @AECRADIO1 3 года назад +2


    • @DadCanFixAnything
      @DadCanFixAnything Год назад +1

      'Can' is a matter of ability. They don't have the ability/manpower to keep all of us locked in if even only 3% refuse to comply.

  • @boo-boolip7528
    @boo-boolip7528 4 года назад +3

    Should those who get fined for playing ball in their yard with their kids during quarantine, have to pay that fine? It's bullshit that the police can arrest you or fine you for doing nothing wrong

  • @kennethpollard5041
    @kennethpollard5041 4 года назад +4

    I have never given any of my power to anyone by deed or action.

  • @eddiemcfadden4386
    @eddiemcfadden4386 4 года назад +6

    I see why some hate lawyers

  • @endorbr
    @endorbr 4 года назад +2

    I don’t give the government the right to ruin my livelihood because some sheeple are afraid they’re going to get sick.

  • @kennethpollard5041
    @kennethpollard5041 4 года назад +3

    Every order or law must adhere to the Constitution of the United States, no where does the Constitution allow for the removal of the peoples rights as a whole. Man nor government gave me my rights nor can they take them away,as we are fixing to find out.

    • @thatguy3493
      @thatguy3493 4 года назад

      kenneth pollard very well said and 100% correct!!

  • @dtom8830
    @dtom8830 4 года назад +8

    I love how the lawyers are OK with shutting down regular citizens but they do not want lawyers to be required to stay home.

    • @ScottWaa
      @ScottWaa 4 года назад +5

      Everyone is okay with people loosing their job until they come for your job. In the mean time thousands of restaurants & bars are out of work.
      So the government banned my job, but still requires state tax. What are you going to do when they come to you.

  • @georgepawlak6806
    @georgepawlak6806 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for all the great knowledge about the law and certain types of law! I really like your video!

  • @nunya3797
    @nunya3797 4 года назад +3


    • @MentalDeviant
      @MentalDeviant 4 года назад

      Be careful, if you know the system you might be labeled sovereign.

    • @ryanmike7021
      @ryanmike7021 4 года назад

      🐑 🐑 🐑.

  • @cubanexile39
    @cubanexile39 4 года назад +2

    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness . . That includes my 2nd Amendment and all other ones . .

  • @mrsixxthsense5123
    @mrsixxthsense5123 4 года назад +8

    There is a whole book written about this topic, named the Scripture. No one can decide for another human being. Period.
    Always ask these 3 questions if you find yourself confronted with the dilemma about understanding "viruses" and getting a "vaccine" :
    1: Is there an electronmagnagraph of the pure and fully characterized virus?
    2: What is the name of the primary specialist peer reviewed paper in which the virus is illustrated and it's full genetic information described?
    3: What is the name of the primary publication that provides proof that a particular virus is the sole cause of the particular disease?
    If, whoever it is, cannot answer these questions, then you have your answer!
    There's astonishing evidence that "viruses" essentially do not exist and the "theories" that so called medical professionals put forward are based on electron microscope images of bacteria, which are part of the human defense system and are essential for health and well-being.

    • @dubzspoke
      @dubzspoke 4 года назад +1


    • @mrsixxthsense5123
      @mrsixxthsense5123 4 года назад +1

      @@dubzspoke You're welcome! Pray to our Almighty Creator and Father Yahweh and help each other as best as we can. Evil can never triumph, so become a follower of Yahshua as He will lead you to our Father Yahweh. That relationship with Yahweh is one on one and His Temple is within your body. No church or priest necessary.
      Must our Almighty Elohim Yahweh bless you all!

    • @dubzspoke
      @dubzspoke 4 года назад +1

      @@mrsixxthsense5123 indeed!

    • @dubzspoke
      @dubzspoke 4 года назад +1

      What is a electronmagnagraph not listed in google

    • @mrsixxthsense5123
      @mrsixxthsense5123 4 года назад

      @@dubzspoke Device that scan.

  • @planetnutritionderidder6252
    @planetnutritionderidder6252 3 года назад +2

    im going to have 30 something people at my house for thanksgiving. bring it
    idc if they can make it legal somehow. to tell someone to stay in their house or jail/fine is wrong. period.

  • @williamfree9565
    @williamfree9565 4 года назад +11

    My mother and her brothers and sisters tell stories about the late 30s into the 40s of being quarantined by the doctors when they had the childhood illnesses we are now vaccinated for.

    • @frankh.3849
      @frankh.3849 4 года назад +2

      When I was a kid my mom sent me to a friend's house that had chicken pox. Best 3 week vacation from school I ever had as a child

    • @t.rok13
      @t.rok13 4 года назад

      @@frankh.3849 LoL your definately fortunate.
      Unfortunately I had German Measles at 6y.o and was confined to my bed for weeks. Barely even saw my parents lol

    • @mrsa9130
      @mrsa9130 4 года назад +1

      @@frankh.3849 yep I got chicken pox and my kids...hmmm

  • @anonymous-tn6ij
    @anonymous-tn6ij 4 года назад +2

    If I’m out in public and the government says I’m violating a stay at home order what evidence do they have that I have a Home to order me to stay there I don’t know I’m homeless they can’t order me to someone else’s home

  • @burntreynolds8312
    @burntreynolds8312 4 года назад +3

    This is all garbage you're either free or you're not

    • @garolstipock
      @garolstipock 4 года назад

      this is America! We infer that you are free, but the very fact that we live in a place where we have the debate to address that question tells you that you are not. Do what you will but the instance a government agent shows up with a tin badge you have to account to be allowed to continue.

    • @burntreynolds8312
      @burntreynolds8312 4 года назад

      @@garolstipock agreed.

  • @VoxUrbana
    @VoxUrbana 4 года назад +2

    I love these segments. This should have more viewers ...out of 400million in population that constantly touched by law a minimum 200million views.

  • @kikevallezburgh8884
    @kikevallezburgh8884 4 года назад +5

    Blah blah blah, I thought I was actually gonna learn something!!!

    • @pappychksix9294
      @pappychksix9294 4 года назад +1

      Me too. These idiots said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!

  • @ToyMachine22122
    @ToyMachine22122 4 года назад +2

    I appreciate the video inasmuch as it reveals the kind of dysfunctional thinking that underlies statism, particularly as it applies to the modern injustice system.
    But in reality this is all so much BS. The “legitimate power of the government” does not exist, because one cannot properly delegate a right he does not possess:
    If I don’t have the right to take up residence in your house, then I cannot delegate to my “representative” the right to do the same.
    If I don’t have the right to take your money by force (commonly known as “theft”), then I cannot properly bestow upon government functionaries the right to do the same thing (euphemistically called “taxation” when it is done by government, in order to obfuscate the true nature of the activity).
    Even if I can convince a group of thousands or even millions of people to all agree that I have the right to take your money by force, that still wouldn’t make it true; no such right exists for anyone. Even if we wrote a complex “official” document that spells out exactly how much of your money I can take, and when, and in what way, that still doesn’t grant me the right to do so; no such right exists.
    Taxation is theft; government is slavery. Nobody has a higher claim over your life and property than you. The only legitimate authority is that of a parent over their own children; all government authority is illegitimate.

  • @bufka1111
    @bufka1111 4 года назад +8

    A terrific treatment of the issue, as always. Keep up the good work.

  • @heylookout3173
    @heylookout3173 4 года назад +2

    I will NEVER give up my power or rights

  • @jendeh1000
    @jendeh1000 4 года назад +4

    Listen , I would like to see a video on how we can sue the ccp in China.
    Lets get paid, for the love of God.

    • @KeepItReal1
      @KeepItReal1 4 года назад +2

      Sue China for what? US funded and created it, stop buying msm crap!! WAKE UP!!!

    • @TrapperAaron
      @TrapperAaron 4 года назад +2

      We owe soo much money to China the best we could hope for is to nicely ask them to lower our debt. They have no reason to do that. So yea good luck w that lawsuit. U gonna need ghost of Johnny Cochran

    • @chippullin
      @chippullin 4 года назад

      @@TrapperAaron hilarious!

  • @voodooreddevil7325
    @voodooreddevil7325 4 года назад +1

    So the government doesn't lie? Were did word lawyer come from? "Lawyer" " liers " oddly similar? Honesty and integrity & lawyer and liars! Seems like oil and water! They don't mix !!! Tell me it's not about the MONEY? LAWYER/ LIERS!!!!!!!!

  • @cementer7665
    @cementer7665 4 года назад +2

    It was mentioned both at the beginning of the video, and again, deeper into the commentary, that the Federal government does NOT have 'police powers'', IF this is indeed the case, where does the FBI derive its law enforcement power from?

    • @tooge47
      @tooge47 4 года назад +1

      Shut up and don't ask questions !!
      Be a good little slave.

    • @AECRADIO1
      @AECRADIO1 3 года назад +1


  • @GlobeKrusha
    @GlobeKrusha 4 года назад +1

    Quarantine started as early as Christ (hence 40 days). Also 40 years ago Georgia Guidestones were erected. 19 years ago (9/11 and covid), a lot of people will need to wake up if they think the powers, have solutions as carriers and saviours (they don't) of them.

  • @ntotrr8585
    @ntotrr8585 4 года назад +1

    Help me understand this: a state legislature passes a law that gives power to the governor or, say, the public health officials to restrict our movement, such as a stay-at-home order. The governor issues a stay-at-home order. Isn't the law that gives the governor this sweeping power to "quarantine" people who aren't sick unconstitutional since it violates our constitutional rights to freely travel?

    • @t.rok13
      @t.rok13 4 года назад

      Seriously look into Agenda21 and the 2030 plan. This is what's going on now. The Globalist Democrats have been selling our national parks etc for decades now (since 1971?) , to the UN (aka Globalists NWO headquarters), and the EPA doesn't even have juristiction , as they're not longer federal property/parks.. they now belong to UN /Democrats "Open Border 1 Global Gov't'/World Order" (Hence 20% of US uranium one sold by HRC) aka NWO (by definition and decades of Dem policies).
      And in their Agenda21/2030 also states confiscation of all citizens property/land/homes. All in the name of climate change, of course, as we've known this for decades.
      Seriously, if your not familiar with Agenda21, please look into it! You won't regret it

  • @MarsMan1
    @MarsMan1 4 года назад +1

    *For most of my life I thought we were a Free people... this is not true! We are slaves to a "Ruling Class" with numerous "Privilege Special Classes" called Heroes, Lawmakers, Judges, and the wealthy!*
    *I learned in school that the US Constitution was written to define and restrain the Government. Over the years the government has made up numerous broad laws and had judicial decisions to restrain the people and extract money, property, and freedom from them! One of the most draconian phrases in the judicial system is the "the Government's compelling interest"*
    *If you want to Slow down Government and Police Corruption and Abuse of Civil Rights... Change the LAWS! The Government Sanctions these Abuses! Here is a start!*
    *Title 18 USC 241 Conspiracy Against Rights & 18 USC 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law... Needs to be amended: Punishment shall be a Mandatory Minimum of 5 years in Prison and 5 Million Dollar Fine (Paid to the Victims) including all reasonable attorney fees. **_Ignorance, misinterpretation, misunderstanding, or mistake of the LAW shall not be an EXCUSE or Defense by any Government, Agency, or representative thereof!_*
    *Let me tell you about your "Rights"... they are subject to Time, Place, and Manner as Dictated by your Masters! According to the 5th Circuit Court you DON"T have the “Right” unless it is “Clearly Defined” by the Court!*
    *You might as well use the US Constitution and Bill of "Rights" to wipe your ASS!*

  • @michaelmcvahle2465
    @michaelmcvahle2465 4 года назад +1

    I would disagree that the power of police is reserved entirely to the states, and the the federal government has no policing power or authority. Else under what authority or governmental power does the FBI, Federal Marshals, or US Treasury Law Enforcement operate?
    The US Constitution also grants the Federal Government power and authority to act for the "General welfare of the populous".

  • @allen8iluminada
    @allen8iluminada 4 года назад +1

    POWER CORRUPTS MEN EVERY TIME! As a person's power increases, their moral sense diminishes. It is human nature, unfortunately.

  • @Dobbs321
    @Dobbs321 4 года назад +2

    Could you please comment on the constitutionality of non-essential travel fines, on the premise of Covid stay at home orders?

  • @LuisCruz-cc4zh
    @LuisCruz-cc4zh 4 года назад +2

    To much talk saying nothing

  • @KT-tz8ws
    @KT-tz8ws 4 года назад +1

    As Regan said, "The 9 most scary words in the English language are 'I'm from the Government and I'm here to help'".

  • @jethrohetero4990
    @jethrohetero4990 4 года назад +2

    They need to be challenged by every one of us

  • @knoxfamily150
    @knoxfamily150 4 года назад +1

    Um what kind of question is this? The Government can never EVER lock you into your home! EVER!!!!

  • @kurtpodlipsky3841
    @kurtpodlipsky3841 4 года назад +1

    This dude in glasses is giving mostly opinions and not quoting any federal amendments. State constitutions and laws must abide by the first ten and all the federal amendments. Big reason why the 13th and 14th amendments were created. The southern states were trying to go against federal with their own amendments not allowing black people rights.

  • @bamafanforlife7837
    @bamafanforlife7837 4 года назад +1

    These people piss me off. The Constitution doesn't need people to interpreting it, we the people need officials to abide by it. It's self-explanatory.

  • @visitor3756
    @visitor3756 4 года назад +1

    Watch a 1:17 min long documentary
    Here on the tube
    Out of shadows official
    Outofshadows org
    So not add “the” in the title search

  • @arrowe487
    @arrowe487 4 года назад +1

    No one or entity has a higher claim on my life than me. Nothing trumps something endowed to me by my creator. I expect nothing from government and do not want anything but to be left alone. No injury No crime.

  • @billsmith2038
    @billsmith2038 4 года назад +1

    I just watched the video I think it was in Virginia of a town that said you have to have this sticker on your vehicle if you live in this town or you will get a ticket $15 for the sticker $35 for the ticket

  • @thecentralscrutinizer5105
    @thecentralscrutinizer5105 4 года назад +1

    small correction Melanie darling, the word's _"Plannedemic"_ dearheart, not _"Pandemic"_

  • @juliedotseth2441
    @juliedotseth2441 4 года назад +1

    What if they're actions are based on false information? There is undeniable proof that they are not being truthful.

  • @edredfish
    @edredfish 4 года назад +1

    Simple answer is ...they can try , but I WILL NOT COMPLY!

  • @Smarterthanyou-mthrfkr
    @Smarterthanyou-mthrfkr 4 года назад +1

    Anyone tries to lock me indoors, i will be emptying magazines fast!.

  • @mi66gt80
    @mi66gt80 4 года назад +1

    Could you please give article & section on the quarantine power given to states??

  • @TechKnowCSS
    @TechKnowCSS 4 года назад +1


  • @trosanelli
    @trosanelli 4 года назад

    I am a business owner and was wondering if a lack of consideration argument would apply to the business closures. When signing contracts, the contract has to reasonably consider both party or the contract in unenforceable. As the closures get longer, it seems that a full shutdown of business don't reasonably consider both parties, the public health and the economic needs of business owners.

  • @oneofthosepeople2101
    @oneofthosepeople2101 4 года назад +1

    They only have the authority that we allow them to have. Governments have no rights, people do.

  • @kearyadamson168
    @kearyadamson168 4 года назад +1

    Time to sue the governors for business failures and bankruptcy

  • @timgreen2426
    @timgreen2426 4 года назад +2

    And here I was wanting a yes or no answer....

    • @mikecoffee7548
      @mikecoffee7548 4 года назад

      Me too. But then again they are lawyers and lawyers become politicians. Experts in talking around the subject.

  • @NikoBellaKhouf
    @NikoBellaKhouf 4 года назад +1

    I didn't consent to give anything to the government. I don't need their tyrannical protection.

  • @daydreamer5492
    @daydreamer5492 4 года назад +1

    Dangerous freedom is better than peaceful slavery.

  • @YooTooobJeff
    @YooTooobJeff 4 года назад +1

    Supreme law of the land... under all circumstances...

  • @BondedLiberty
    @BondedLiberty 4 года назад +2

    Could it be the burden of proof is on the claimant?

  • @cementer7665
    @cementer7665 4 года назад +1

    15:35 Law Enforcement will NOT be nearly as willing to give up their newly acquired powers, with nearly as much speed and enthusiasm, as they were to take them on.
    Law enforcement has long desired a police state, where THEY have total control over the most minute details of OUR everyday life, and NOW that they have such control, they will be loathe to relinquish it.

    • @AECRADIO1
      @AECRADIO1 3 года назад


  • @Killianwsh
    @Killianwsh 4 года назад +1

    1. You are, as you've named yourselves, "The National law firm for liberty"..
    2. We,The People, some how, without our express knowledge or informed consent, have , as you've stated, "Given" some of OUR powers to the Govt. "for our protection"
    I ask you this:
    How do we, as Individuals that make up this Nation, cancel or revoke that "giving" and in doing so re-shoulder the whole of the burden of our own Individual protection but also re-claim THE WHOLE OF OUR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY!
    If there is a 'social contract" there must be a way to cancel that contract. There must be a process by which an Individual Man or Woman can officially revoke the presumed "power of attorney" and or presumed right to 'act on our behalf" used so frequently with false piety(on behalf of the people) , blanket anonymity (for our protection), & virtually complete immunity to propagate injustice on upon injustice against our Brothers and Sisters for victim-less crimes that we as Individuals would not prosecute.
    There must be a means, by which, we, as Individuals, can reign in, or, if necessary put down, our Govt. dog that has gone rabid, as it is currently out of control!
    I would request you to use your knowledge to find answers to these questions and make instructive videos about the means to accomplish these goals.
    Respectfully, while professionally produced, your videos, are akin to spectators , outside the ring, telling us how badly we are getting the hell beat out of us & do little to nothing to actually HELP your Brothers & Sisters who are desperately fighting for their lives!
    As a Nation we are already painfully aware of the fact that the Govt has gotten out of control and is trying to crush us into a dictatorship or worse! If you truly are "fighting for liberty and justice" then TEACH US HOW TO FIGHT!!

    • @freebirdnation923
      @freebirdnation923 4 года назад

      Look up some of Karl Lentz content

    • @Killianwsh
      @Killianwsh 4 года назад

      I have. He has some interesting elements and points. What he lacks is 1. The ability to give clear step by precise step instructions. Make no mistake, there are hidden meanings to almost every word used in a legal context. There are also intentionally placed pit falls and consequences for using incorrect term or phrases at the wrong time, on the wrong form, or on the right form filed at the wrong time, etc. Karl has repeatedly cautioned his viewers and listeners of this exact issue & admonished them not to "speak" in court, but to only write things down and shut up. However not 5min later he'll instruct listeners to "say" this or "tell" them when asked about how to respond/answer questions from officers or the courts. He admonishes listeners that they are "sloppy" with their words/language and yet he himself is all over the road with his.
      2. He lacks the legal clout, experience, and manpower compared to I.F.J. (I don't mean any ill will or words towards Karl. I truly believe his head and heart are in the right place towards trying to help his Brothers and Sisters. However he is but one man. I hope my sentiments carry my thoughts in full)

  • @JohnKennedy-zi5oi
    @JohnKennedy-zi5oi 4 года назад +1

    The goverment is us WE THE PEOPLE NO ONE ELSE

  • @sigsauergunner6063
    @sigsauergunner6063 4 года назад +1


  • @Amareeka
    @Amareeka 4 года назад +1

    Isn't it not an example of false imprisonment. It do limit our liberty and govt. overreach? Empower people not govt. Govt should issue advisory and aid

  • @francesturner2664
    @francesturner2664 4 года назад +1


  • @JROQUEfounderofcoolhandvets
    @JROQUEfounderofcoolhandvets 4 года назад +1

    god i cant even sit through this. disgusting hogwash

  • @NikoBellaKhouf
    @NikoBellaKhouf 4 года назад +1

    So we need to close this "police powers" loophole?

  • @kat.66
    @kat.66 4 года назад +1

    Thank you, you showed me my thinking was skewed about the rights thing. Very interesting, I appreciate it, thank you so much.

  • @stuarttaylor2107
    @stuarttaylor2107 4 года назад +1

    Yeah what a joke at the peoples expensive.

  • @miausermcfur9099
    @miausermcfur9099 4 года назад +2

    Bad things are done with "good intent"

    @IDATMAN 4 года назад +1

    I'm not in quarantine. Join me.

  • @karent2288
    @karent2288 4 года назад +1


    • @NeverTalkToCops1
      @NeverTalkToCops1 4 года назад

      Empty hospitals in N.Y. city?

    • @karent2288
      @karent2288 4 года назад

      @@NeverTalkToCops1 Do a search on youtube if they're still up....People who go to these areas with cell phones are filming staging areas. We have a nurse friend who's been sent home and 5 of her friends laid off. Lot's going on, but the virus doesn't look to be nearly as deadly ... with less than 1% dying...this looks like a new world order coup, wanting to chip us all with vaccines and put us on cryptocurrency.

  • @LivingCoast2Coast
    @LivingCoast2Coast 4 года назад

    I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.[1]

  • @oregontrackers6062
    @oregontrackers6062 4 года назад

    This Person Does Not Exist. The law does not guarantee justice In law, a legal person is any person or 'thing' (less ambiguously, any legal entity)[1][2] that can do the things an everyday person can usually do in law - such as enter into contracts, sue and be sued, own property, and so on.[3][4][5]
    The reason for the term "legal person" is that some legal persons are not people: companies and other corporations are "persons" legally speaking (they can legally do most of the things an ordinary person can do), but they are clearly not people in the ordinary sense with Republic rights to Native Treaties and Constitution rights of Law. Meaning Lawful Bloodline Natives of any color of 1866 Can not be held for Ransom with out an Affidavit form a Women or Man ,
    There are therefore two kinds of legal entities: human and non-human. In law a human person is called a "natural person" (sometimes also a physical person), and a non-human person is called a juridical person (sometimes also a juridic, juristic, artificial, legal, or fictitious person, Latin: persona ficta). The BAR Is England’s own British Accreditation Registry, its members were considered to be nobles - being above the common person, and all lawyers or attorneys had to belong to it, and they were under the will of the King, and the Bank of England The reason for Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA or the Act), 22 U.S.C. 611 -621, agents of foreign principals are required to register with the Department of Justice in order to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign Government principal, All initial registration statements must be submitted online using the new FARA eFile system. This upgraded filing system allows registrants to submit data through a self-guided, web-based questionnaire, rather than uploading PDFs. Currently, this new system is available for initial FARA registration filings only; all other FARA filings (e.g. supplemental statements and amendments) will be submitted to the FARA Unit using the existing eFile system. In the coming months, we will update you when the next phase is complete and all FARA filings will be submitted on the new platform. www.fara.gov/forms/2017/OMB_1124_0003.pdf
    The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) is a United States law passed in 1938 requiring that agents representing the interests of foreign powers in a "political or quasi-political capacity" disclose their relationship with the foreign government and information about related activities and finances. The purpose is to facilitate "evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons." Agents of foreign principals ,All Elected ,public servants, government employees ,government contractors, Attorneys, lawyers , Any and all clerks ,
    Any agent of a person described in section 611(b)(2) of this title or an entity described in section 611(b)(3) of this title if the agent has engaged in lobbying activities and has registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 [2 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.] in connection with the agent’s representation of such person or entity.
    (June 8, 1938, ch. 327, § 3, 52 Stat. 632; Aug. 7, 1939, ch. 521, § 2, 53 Stat. 1245; Apr. 29, 1942, ch. 263, § 1, 56 Stat. 254; Pub. L. 87-366, § 2, Oct. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 784; Pub. L. 89-486, § 3, July 4, 1966, 80 Stat. 246; Pub. L. 104-65, § 9(2), (3), Dec. 19, 1995, 109 Stat. 700; Pub. L. 105-166, § 5, Apr. 6, 1998, 112 Stat. 39.) All "public servants," officials, Congressmen, politicians, judges, attorneys, law enforcement officers, States and their various agencies, etc., are the express agents of these foreign principals - see Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938; 22 USC 286 et seq, 263A, 185G, 267J, 611(C) (ii) & (iii); Treasury Delegation Order #91 information how to file and education Whereas : " Failure to file the " Foreign Agents Registration Statement " goes directly to the jurisdiction and lack of standing to be before the Court and is a FELONY" pursuant to 18 US 219, 951 -Fw: Agents of foreign principals OR Foreign Agents Any agent of a person described in section 611(b)(2) of this title or an entity described in section 611(b)(3) of this title, if the agent has engaged in lobbying activities and has registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 [2 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.] in connection with the agent’s representation of such person or entity. (June 8, 1938, ch. 327, § 3, 52 Stat. 632; Aug. 7, 1939, ch. 521, § 2, 53 Stat. 1245; Apr. 29, 1942, ch. 263, § 1, 56 Stat. 254; Pub. L. 87-366, § 2, Oct. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 784; Pub. L. 89-486, § 3, July 4, 1966, 80 Stat. 246; Pub. L. 104-65, § 9(2), (3), Dec. 19, 1995, 109 Stat. 700; Pub. L. 105-166, § 5, Apr. 6, 1998, 112 Stat. 39.) All "public servants," officials, Congressmen, politicians, judges, attorneys, law enforcement officers, States and their various agencies, etc., are the express agents of these foreign principals - see Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938; All are Privately Held Companies (NGO) funding the UN, City of London and the Vatican. 22 USC 286 et seq, 263A, 185G, 267J, 611(C) (ii) & (iii); Treasury Delegation Order #91 information how to file and education Whereas : " Failure to file the " Foreign Agents Registration Statement " goes directly to the jurisdiction and lack of standing to be before the Court and is a FELONY" pursuant to 18 US 219, 951 -" Failure to file the " Foreign Agents Registration Statement " goes directly to the jurisdiction and lack of standing to be before the Court and is a FELONY" pursuant to 18 US 219, 951
    Juridical persons are entities such as corporations, firms (in some jurisdictions), and many government agencies. They are treated in law as if they were persons.[4][6][7]
    While natural persons acquire legal personality "naturally", simply by being born (or before that, in some jurisdictions), juridical persons must have legal personality conferred on them by some "unnatural", legal process, and it is for this reason that they are sometimes called "artificial" persons. In the most common case, incorporating a business, legal personality is usually acquired by registration with a government agency set up for the purpose. In other cases it may be by primary legislation: an example is the Charity Commission in the UK.[8]
    As legal personality is a prerequisite to legal capacity (the ability of any legal person to amend (enter into, transfer, etc.) rights and obligations), it is a prerequisite for an international organization to be able to sign international treaties in its own name.
    The term "legal person" can be ambiguous because it is often used as a synonym of terms that refer only to non-human legal entities, specifically in contradistinction to "natural person

  • @kentrobinson7479
    @kentrobinson7479 4 года назад +1


  • @oregontrackers6062
    @oregontrackers6062 4 года назад

    The BAR Is England’s own British Accreditation Registry, its members were considered to be nobles - being above the common person, and all lawyers or attorneys had to belong to it, and they were under the will of the King, and the Bank of England.
    British Accreditation RegistryThere was reference to the BAR being the British Accreditation Registryuntil now. Although the BAR tried to re-write history by disguising itself as the ―Bar‖ and the ―bench‖; And so it was in Ireland the incriminating link was found(of course the BAR will attempt to rubbish the reality). The BAR association was administered and still controlled in Ireland by the semi-secret society of the ―Honourable Society of Kings Inn‖
    BRITISH ACCREDITATION REGISTRY - CROWN TEMPLE B.A.R. “The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of a Foreign State.” (A foreign entity, agency,...
    Aug 21 1878 Foundation of the American Bar Association
    Foundation of the American Bar Association | World History ...
    Foundation of the American Bar Association The ABA was founded on August 21,1878, in Saratoga Springs, New York, by 100 lawyers from 21 states. The legal profession as we know it today barely existed at that time. Lawyers were generally sole practitioners who trained under a system of apprenticeship.
    American Bar Association - Wikipedia
    The American Bar Association (ABA), founded August 21, 1878, is a voluntary bar association of lawyers and law students, which is not specific to any jurisdiction in the United States.
    What the DC Act of 1871 effectively did was to create a financial colony of the City of London (Crown Temple) House of Windsor (British Royal Family) and the Vatican. And for those who don't know by now, the Federal Reserve is a quasi private Bank with no congressional oversight. This is in direct violation of the constitution. There has never been a full audit of the Fed, and if I'm not mistaken a partial audit was carried out in 2011 by the GAO and a report published
    the Roman Catholic Church (vatican) is the whore, harlot, mother, babylon of Revelation who gets rich and makes rich the kings (governments) of the earth. the pope is the man, the antichrist, who has the number 666 (vicarius filii dei). church and state will again unite
    All this can be traced back to the District of Columbia Act of 1871. This act turned the United States of America into the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (note the caps) This turned the good ol USA country into a corporation. Yep! That's it folks. Remember the American Revolution fought against the Red Coats of King George? Well, they came back on the sly as Banksters in 1871. The final blow was the plot to hatch the Federal Reserve on Jekyll Island in 1913.
    IRS Tax dollars go to Vatican/Bank of England - World Bank whistleblower ruclips.net/video/5LxeIw3594o/видео.html
    IRS Tax dollars go to Vatican/Bank of England - RUclips
    Aug 05, 2013 · Here is Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot interviewing World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes. In this clip Karen explains how IRS tax dollars are funnelled off to the Vatican and Bank of England.
    Do Americans still pay a tax to England for debts incurred ...
    Here is Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot interviewing World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes. In this clip Karen explains how IRS tax dollars are funnelled off to the Vatican and Bank of England
    Do Americans still pay a tax to England for debts incurred during the civil war through creation of the Federal Income tax? I'm having a lot of confusion trying to understand the founding of the IRS, and the 16th Amendment to the US Constitution.
    Did you know that your payments to the IRS goes to pay off US ...
    Apr 08, 2008 · One is a movie called The Esoteric Agenda which explains a LOT of what is going on on this planet right now and the other links was something I ran into when I was trying to find IRS Publication 6209 which is where it states that we are paying off debts to King George of England and the POPE.
    Does America still pay taxes to England? | Yahoo Answers
    Apr 02, 2009 · The United states STILL pays taxes to the queen of England. The IRS is a UN agency not a federal one. The 1040 tax form is a foreign tax paid to the king/queen of England.
    THEFIRSTECHARTEROFTHEVIRGINIACOMPANIEApril10,1606James,bythegraceofGod,KingofEngland,Scotland,andIreland,DefenderoftheFaith,etc www.historyisfun.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Excerpts-First-Charter.pdf
    IRS Forces U.S. Citizens To Pay A Percentage Of Their Taxes ...
    Feb 08, 2012 · Americans pay a percentage of their taxes to the Queen of England via the IRS. The IRS is not an agency of the Federal Government. It is an agency of the International Monetary Fund which is an agency of the United Nations. No law has ever been passed legalizing the charging of income tax.
    Elizabeth II - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_II
    Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926) [a] is the queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms.
    get ti yet your bible images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=irs+queen+of+england&fr=yfp-t-s&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-e6Oz19g31Qw%2FUyeKsh7gIJI%2FAAAAAAAACEA%2FrtZZT3JK2_U%2Fw1200-h630-p-k-no-nu%2FVirginia-Company-charter-1606.jpg#id=32&iurl=https%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-e6Oz19g31Qw%2FUyeKsh7gIJI%2FAAAAAAAACEA%2FrtZZT3JK2_U%2Fw1200-h630-p-k-no-nu%2FVirginia-Company-charter-1606.jpg&action=click
    THE FIRST CHARTER - History Is Fun
    April 10, 1606 James, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc. Whereas our loving subjects, the knights, gentlemen, marchants and certain adventurers of our cittie of London, have asked that we give them a licence to make a colonie in