Is mental illness spiritual? Let's talk about it.

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 62

  • @vjimenezsma5
    @vjimenezsma5 Год назад +8

    Thank you for this, brother! I’ve been healed of bipolar & borderline 11 years, off all psych meds 9 years. I searched & found Him & obeying His healing word, healed me too.

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  Год назад +1

      That is amazing, praise the Lord. I would absolutely love to hear your testimony. Have you shared it anywhere I could listen/watch. God bless you.

    • @vjimenezsma5
      @vjimenezsma5 Год назадвидео.htmlsi=wLVaxZOKBz2SHTE6

    • @RosieeeTee
      @RosieeeTee Год назад

      ​@@TheExSchizophrenicPerspective Hi. Please can I send you an email? Thank you.

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  Год назад +1

      @@RosieeeTee I've added it in the video description sister

    • @Douglas.MurrayKyle04
      @Douglas.MurrayKyle04 6 месяцев назад

      How do you know when GOD wants you to come off the medication ? Or is it an individual thing ?

  • @dougcaggiano3961
    @dougcaggiano3961 5 месяцев назад +2

    This channel has been encouraging to me. I just ran across it a day ago. I have a buddy that has been struggling with schizophrenia for about 10 years. He just got saved about 4 months ago. He is being tormented by voices, smells, thoughts, etc. I'm surprised at how little church leaders know about this and how much they have tried to discourage me in hoping for healing. I have been reading "Praying Medic's" book "Emotional Healing Made Simple". It has been great! I just wish I had more people that have faith for healing from schizophrenia that I could talk to for prayer support, encouragement, and a little guidance.

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  5 месяцев назад +1

      Just be careful regarding the praying medic as last I saw he was totally into the Qanon movement which is masonic. Healing is not only possible but is our birthright as children of God, I'm talking about healing of the spirit and the mind though, not necessarily all physical conditions. Schizophrenia is just a man made term for spiritual oppression and so when a man becomes a new creation it is just a case of being freed from all deception because deception brings bondage. It is not always a short path though but the Lord is faithful. Email me if you have any specific questions or if you'd like to talk on Skype or zoom or something.

  • @joypearson7139
    @joypearson7139 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, be encouraged, you do make an impact just as you are. Please pray for my son Jay, and me, his Mom!

  • @erikjohnson5750
    @erikjohnson5750 Год назад +6

    Still dealing with voices talking in my head. I believe the Lord can and will deliver me. Please pray for me.

    • @christanmaria9759
      @christanmaria9759 Год назад +3

      Praying for you!

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  2 месяца назад +1

      @@erikjohnson5750 Hi Erik, sorry I missed your comment earlier. Are you a believer. Have you heard of Michael Heiser. He wrote a book called the unseen realm which has helped me a lot to better understand spiritual things recently. Praying for you bro, for breakthrough, power, love and revelation.

    • @salettamyers8845
      @salettamyers8845 Месяц назад +1

      Fasting & prayer is the only thing to break this- something they have left out of most of our bibles- Ephesians 6 & Psalms 91- pray this daily & seek Father with all of your heart beautiful Warrior💪👊👊

  • @sarahbellum5227
    @sarahbellum5227 21 день назад

    Thank God, God is real. ✨️💜

  • @DarthTwilight
    @DarthTwilight Год назад +3

    Yeshua healed me of bipolar, gad, psychogenic seizures, PTSD, explosive anger, he healed me from demonic oppression, and has shown me how much He truly loves me. I look at it this way: take an eeg of someone having a panic attack. You're able to use that to see the effect of a cause that you can't see. Huh. If there are absolutely no neurological reasons for it, nor metabolic, et cetera, and can't find anything that, by treating it, you eliminate the anxiety, then you have to consider the spiritual. Eventually, you run out of reasons to suspect something physical. If someone says it's based in PTSD, and we go look at that trauma, that trauma isn't supposed to be treated with physical medicine. I've been through horrible trauma, and you wouldn't know it, because Yeshua took the pain from me, and helped me to understand what happened. The mind, from the scriptural position, is you. I'm glad you're addressing this. Psychologists are hacks, for the most part. I think they could be incredibly helpful if they modeled after scripture, because I think demonic oppression is a rampant thing, indeed.

  • @avantikafrancis8101
    @avantikafrancis8101 9 месяцев назад +4

    Such encouraging video. Please post more videos brother.

    • @BFASHOW51
      @BFASHOW51 4 месяца назад

      Very beautiful!!!
      I will forward this to many more!!!

  • @BibleRecital
    @BibleRecital 9 месяцев назад +1

    Well done mate. I really relate to these words, and probably have been through similar experiences to you. Things are only on the up when you have Jesus 👍👍

  • @joyantoinette
    @joyantoinette Год назад +1

    Go Andrew, keep it up, we need to hear this, all of it, again and again. Thank you so much
    for showing and sharing your thoughts and your time! We need someone to keep bringing up the subject of Jesus and His love from this perspective. Thank you, hope to see more of these.

  • @markdeduke606
    @markdeduke606 Год назад +4

    And Christ didn’t leave us alone when He left but sent back His Holy Spirit to comfort us , to convict us , and also to remind us of what Christ said and teach us
    John 14:26-But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

  • @ElizaFragmented
    @ElizaFragmented 3 месяца назад +1

    I feel in similar ways

  • @markdeduke606
    @markdeduke606 Год назад +2

    We are not alone
    God’s word is very clear
    Romans 10:13-17-13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
    14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
    16 But not all the Israelites accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our message?” 17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

  • @markdeduke606
    @markdeduke606 Год назад +3

    Look at king David, with all the sins he committed, God still called him a man after God’s heart , why because when he did sin , he came back to God and confessed his sin and asked for forgiveness.

  • @markdeduke606
    @markdeduke606 Год назад +2

    And remember mental illnesses are not new or just to our time , illnesses are as old as time .
    The some mental illnesses yes can be a result of lack or parental neglect also , poor health, accidents, born with. And why God allows that , He does not say .

  • @markdeduke606
    @markdeduke606 Год назад

    😊your absolutely right God does show us and gives us a choice
    Deuteronomy 30:19-This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.
    And yes this side of the rapture we still live in these bodies that will never see eternity. But and I say again but
    If you have called out to God and you have chosen to be saved , you even this side the rapture. And have God’s spoken and written guarantee.
    Ephesians 1:13-14 -And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession-to the praise of his glory.

  • @markdeduke606
    @markdeduke606 Год назад +2

    😊 well said bro well said

  • @markdeduke606
    @markdeduke606 Год назад +2

    Yes of course. We must remember that illnesses, spiritual, physical, and mental. Are all a result of sin . God didn’t create illness so He’d have something to heal , so folk would say “ wow I think I like God “.
    Remember what God said
    Genesis 1:31-God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day.
    Illnesses weren’t part of God’s perfect creation, but were a result of chosen sin

    • @justinamusyoka4986
      @justinamusyoka4986 Год назад +5

      Someone asked the Messiah about a man who was born paralyzed,whose sin it was,parents or himself,He answered it was for The name of The Most High Yah to be glorified through that man.

    • @markdeduke606
      @markdeduke606 Год назад

      @@justinamusyoka4986 exactly, exactly

  • @leinad5243
    @leinad5243 2 месяца назад

    ❤ How can/come the evil spirits are controlled by the medication ?

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  2 месяца назад +1

      @@leinad5243 I don't think spirits can be controlled by medication. I don't know exactly how the different medications affect the brain to get their outcome. I do know that people can try different medications and not find any affective. Medication didn't really affect me when I took it, except to maybe slow by brain down. Maybe the drugs affect our brain chemistry somehow dulling our spiritual senses. Maybe the spirits let up a little because they have us in a defeated state. Ultimately you can't fix a spiritual bondage problem with a physical drug.

  • @GeorgeMarshall-hl2vm
    @GeorgeMarshall-hl2vm 8 дней назад

    Hello Andrew, my name is George and I live in York I'm 29. I'm born again and a serious, serious believer in the Lord Jesus Christ yet I am still woefully suffering from demonic oppression inside of me. I have been diagnosed with the same thing you were. I have hoped to find a man or woman or God who has the authority to cast out the demons that utterly torment me and can cause my life to be a living hell in agony. What shall I do Andrew? God bless you

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  8 дней назад

      @@GeorgeMarshall-hl2vm send me an email bro and we can meet up, my email is in the video description

    • @GeorgeMarshall-hl2vm
      @GeorgeMarshall-hl2vm 8 дней назад

      @@TheExSchizophrenicPerspective okay I have sent you one. Thank you

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  8 дней назад

      @@GeorgeMarshall-hl2vm I didn't receive it yet bro, will check back later

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  7 дней назад

      @@GeorgeMarshall-hl2vm Hi George, your email didn't come through, do you want to check you got the address right.

    • @GeorgeMarshall-hl2vm
      @GeorgeMarshall-hl2vm 2 дня назад

      @@TheExSchizophrenicPerspective i used the one that is on your page brother

  • @Douglas.MurrayKyle04
    @Douglas.MurrayKyle04 6 месяцев назад

    Good video bro. What happens if the doctor don't agree with me about coming off the medications ? Do I runaway to another state or country ?

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  6 месяцев назад

      I think there are a few things to be considered and everything should be prayed about substantially. I think it would be important to have a church support group that you talk to and pray with or at least one or two older christians. I don't know the laws in the US about these medical things, I assume taking medication is always voluntary. May I ask how old you are bro, and how long have you been a believer. Are you a part of a good church. How long have you been taking meds? I know christians who don't have the faith/conviction that they should stop their meds. I believe that nobody really needs them but we only need Jesus, however there can be severe withdrawals and side affects when stopping any medication, which can involve hallucinations and emotional reactions which can be very difficult to cope with without strong people to be there for you. I honestly believe that God told me that I didn't need the meds anymore so I was confident that no matter what happened I would come through, that said it was still really hard at times. The spiritual attack was heavy, but it got better with time. I don't think running away is a good idea, you need a good support group

    • @Douglas.MurrayKyle04
      @Douglas.MurrayKyle04 6 месяцев назад

      @@TheExSchizophrenicPerspective I went to church today it was one I hadn't been to in a few years. Also i went to hillsongs first here in Brisbane Australia. I'm 39 they gave me two injections of palliperidone in the last month. And prescribed me olanzapine. I feel like I don't need them.

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  6 месяцев назад

      @@Douglas.MurrayKyle04 I would recommend talking with your doctor about wanting to come off of the medication and see if they will support your choice. It would make it easier if they are supportive. Pray for wisdom, stopping medication can cause serious withdrawals so you'd need to be prepared for both that and the potential spiritual warfare that may come. Its when we are weak that faith in God can carry us through when nothing else can, but satan will try hard in those times because we are more vulnerable and because we are trusting God for freedom.

    • @Douglas.MurrayKyle04
      @Douglas.MurrayKyle04 6 месяцев назад

      @@TheExSchizophrenicPerspective They want me to take the needle for another 12 months once a month. But I don't want too. It takes my strength

  • @aesop1451
    @aesop1451 2 месяца назад

    I was diagnosed recently with bipolar type I. I was looking for testimonies of healing from mental illness and found your channel. What should I do?

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  2 месяца назад

      Hello friend. Could you send me an email.
      Ultimately my advice would be to believe and trust Jesus, but we have many variables in our lives and things that may be affecting us. The Lord leads us and gives us wisdom so that we can grow and overcome those obstacles.

    • @aesop1451
      @aesop1451 2 месяца назад

      @@TheExSchizophrenicPerspective Why can't we talk here?

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  2 месяца назад

      @@aesop1451 i figured that your recent diagnosis was a personal thing and that youd probably want a private conversation, rather than have me ask you things about your life on an open public platform that anyone can see.

    • @aesop1451
      @aesop1451 2 месяца назад

      @@TheExSchizophrenicPerspective You can ask me questions here. I just want to be healed.

    • @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective
      @TheExSchizophrenicPerspective  2 месяца назад

      @@aesop1451 ok, no worries. So how old are you, are you M/F, how long have you been a Christian and what is your denominational background. As far as I am concerned terms such as schizophrenia and bipolar are modern materialistic terms for spiritually oppressed inderviduals that seek to make a medical condition out of a spiritual one. Is that something that seems reasonable to you? God bless and am praying for you. I have been sick for a couple of days so I'm sorry for a late response.