Personally I think this method is underrated. I do the same thing but I sandwich the blade between two pieces of 2x2 so I’m not fighting the bend of the blade and can use two hands on the grinder. Cheers!
Yeah I've tried different ways to sharpen without spending much money. A file and fish hook stone right on the mill actually works fine. Takes about 45 minutes. How come you are adjusting tension while the mill is running/cutting? Did you make a video of the chain saw sharpener?
Personally I think this method is underrated. I do the same thing but I sandwich the blade between two pieces of 2x2 so I’m not fighting the bend of the blade and can use two hands on the grinder. Cheers!
Ended up getting a proper grinder. Well worth it. Check it out it wasn't expensive either
Use a bench mount grinder for chain saws
already found it! thanks though. it works awesome i have a video on here of the one i found
Even better, leave it in the mill under tension and due it that way. Way easier.
Thats not a bad idea. Honestly I found a cheaper Harbour freight/ princess auto chainsaw sharpener that works amazing. Check it out
Way cheaper then the official unit
Yeah I've tried different ways to sharpen without spending much money. A file and fish hook stone right on the mill actually works fine. Takes about 45 minutes. How come you are adjusting tension while the mill is running/cutting? Did you make a video of the chain saw sharpener?
I'll sometimes snug it up once it heats up . Yes there's a video on the Harbour freight one. Cheers.
I can do a vlade in 8 minutes and it cuts extremely well