Dimensional Typhoon Event - Content News | Star Trek Online (Game News)

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024

Комментарии • 8

  • @edgarbrooks7695
    @edgarbrooks7695 28 дней назад +3

    apparently it use to be the ship that showed up when you would use fleet support beacon

  • @Ashkihyena
    @Ashkihyena 28 дней назад +2

    I like how the reward is a Typhoon when they had the Typhon in the Heritage Bundle.
    And the Gorn Mark Twain is killing me.

  • @Antler2009
    @Antler2009 28 дней назад +3

    @brentjustice you can see a typhoon class ship in the fluidic dynamics mission u.s.s. stardancer and U.S.S. Phinda, it use to be part of npc fleets back in the day, you can almost see typhoon wreckage, as 10.5 all typhoon class ship mobs were replaced with generic fed battlecruisers except uss stardancer

  • @matthewkeeling886
    @matthewkeeling886 28 дней назад +1

    There are exactly 2 annoyances with this event: the non-reclaimable nature of the phaser pack, and that we are fighting yet more Bore-g. Other than that, it is a great event. The TFO is not bad, the patrols are really good ("Out of Control" feels like it would normally have been an episode with annoyingly designed ground sections, so this might be something of an upgrade). The ship will be fun to fly, so I am looking forward to that.

  • @terranadmiral6758
    @terranadmiral6758 28 дней назад +2

    The patrols are pretty easy you should because able to take out the borg ships pretty easily

  • @A7XBradyMCS
    @A7XBradyMCS 10 дней назад

    Have I mistakenly glossed right over and missed where the articles talking about this event state how much later down the road the event is hitting console?
    Or has that not been announced yet?

  • @reerjgiorge
    @reerjgiorge 27 дней назад

    And thats how Cryptic fix the pssible unhappyness of the playerbase. They give a free ship, and everything is forgotten. People automatically forget how broken the game is, how cryptic completely ignores the enjoyement of the playerbase, how cryptic ignores de powercreep ruining the game since ages ago, etc. Playerbase in this game is incredibly stupid, its like completely surreal.

  • @reerjgiorge
    @reerjgiorge 27 дней назад

    Hopes - None. I left the game in 2018, due to the massive amount of unfixed bugs that ruined my enjoyment. I came back january 2024 to see that things are even worst. Not only important bugs are still not fixed (loadouts, fleet projects, visuals, etc) but many others have emerged and now in september 2024 they are still not fixed after almost eight months, that tells me that Cryptic is doing what they have been doing all along, keep releasing grabbing money things without investing a single dime in fixing things.
    Expectations - None. As i said, every year is worst. Cryptic just dont bother to fix anything at all, visuals keep dissapearing or breaking and cryptic dont g1ve a f1ck, the loadouts keep going awol, all traits go awol and the equpment on the ship goes awol by time to time, its amazing that a feature THEY ARE SELLING is broken since the day one of release, and they dont g1ve a f1ck.
    They release broken TFOs and they didnt even bother to fix em, battle of 359, broken since release two different bugs never fixed but they dont fuck1n care, they even put it on another event still completely unfixed, DISGUSTING!! but players are completely ok with it. Of course they are because they are getting a new free ship. DISGUSTING.
    They keep the playerbase happy releasing events with free content, many free ships. Thats how they do it. And people is aparently very happy. Sadly knowing how dumb and stupid the community around this game is, im not susprised.
    They even barely release new content at all. Its ridiculous. One episode every year. No reputations or real content since, well, since i left the game in 2018 LOL. Ridiculous.Everything locked behind lock boxes. Every single ship.
    Visuals and FX dissapearing all over the place. This happened in 2017 - 2018 as well. Cryptic did nothing, probably a quick fix on the engine and thats about it. Right now, i cant even see my own weapons in the moment there are many things happeining on the screen. Disgusting. I have half of my characters unusable because of this, and cryptic dont g1ve a f1ck they never did. Torps firing twice, this is happening at least since one year ago, they dont care either. And this seems not important but its also breaking the immersion of many players, cryptic doesnt g1ve a f1ck.
    I just wish this game could dissapear for good because as long as its alive we are never EVER going to get a decent star trek game. And what also surprises me the most is that Paramount and CBS are completely ok giving the rights to the worst videogaming company ever existed. Shame on you CBS and Paramount for ruining star trek. Shame.
    And dont let me start with the official forums, reddit and twitter. WHAT A JOKE. There is absolutely zero free of speech there. Every single post must not have any negative mention to cryptic or the way they do things, or that post is automatically flagged by the disgusting moderators as trolling/flaming. Its amazing that the only posts that are left are from newbies complaining about broken things they think are new but in reality are broken since 15 years ago..... but since nobody can tell em the truth, well there they are. People complaining about loadouts... they dont have a clue that feature is broken since 2015. LOL.Disgusting.And the moderators??? how can even call emselves moderators?? they favouritize some members of the forums over others even when they actually "break" the rules, while others are flagged or banned for no reason at all.. DISGUSTING!!!.
    Reddit more of the same. Posts automatically deleted if you say something like "cryptic doesnt fix things". Hahahaha. Twitter? write a comment with negative opinion about them.. automatically hidden. Almost instantly.... you complain about the powercreep? hidden. You complain about all the things that are broken and not fixed? hidden. And so on. Literally a pure joke.
    And the powercreep??? is it for real??? people in TFOS literally flying all over the place and killing everything in a blink of an eye, leaving the rest of us, players who actually prefer enjoy the game nothing to do??? so we get an AFK penalty for not doing enough damage because 4 of 5 players are stupid powercreepers. What the hell are we supossed to do??? and dont let me started about battlezones. How the h3ck are we going to get credit for the final phase when the game consider that not doing 1000k damage per seconds is not doing damage at all, so we dont get credit and we dont get elite marks. REALLY???? seriously who is the dumb head that still throws money into this thing called game????
    And shame on you guys. The ones who throw real money into this game. Shame on you because the only thing you doing is to keep breaking this game and tell cryptic that everything is ok. So they dont need to fix anything at all or make Q&L improvements to the game. Shame on you guys.
    At this point it doesnt matter who grabs the development. Power creep is so massive and broken things are sooooo many that at this point this whoever throws real money really need a brain asap. Specially a game that forces you literally to increase your dps yes or yes to keep up with the powercreep (or you are screwed in TFOs and battlezones) because the company dont want to do anything about it, is a game that doesnt deserve to live AT ALL.