That's the nature of silent knowledge. We imagine that reading a piece of literature again is doing the same thing over again. We couldn't be further from the truth. Our assemblage point shifts massively throughout life, especially if we conduct not doings and don't conform to the same strata of living throughout. So then it's like hitting a gong with metal to get one vibration, then reading it again later in life is like hitting the same gong but with wood or a different material, giving a completely different vibration/sound. We can't change without everything around us changing, because everything consists of layers of energy, and depending on what layer of the onion we operate from, decides what we perceive. In this way, it becomes apparent that objective reality is an illusion, existing the way it does 'only' because of the agreements of many people's rings of power.
@@Fintan33I asked Don Juan what he could have possibly meant when he called Castaneda a “trickster”. Don Juan looked at me with a sharp glint in his eye, trying to conceal a mischievous smile before erupting into laughter. He suddenly stood up straight, stomped his foot and threw his hat on the ground. “I meant” he said sharply, changing the mood, “just what I said! He was a trickster!”
not that anyone asked but I would recommend ignoring most of what Carlos writes and focus on Juan Matus's words. Juan himself said that this knowledge is not the product of Yaqui culture but of the Toltecs.; it was Carlos who couldn't get past Juan's ethnicity. ❤️🩹 🙏🏻
@@Fintan33 Art is a Lie which tells us the Truth; literature is an Art. Nature uses tricks all the time; look at flowers and bees- it's scandalous! Camouflage is routinely deployed in nature as a survival mechanism. When aren't we being tricked? the tonal itself is a trick! We live propped up among the lifeless projected images of Dreaming, the reflections of which have no energy-generating ability. Men being closed and fixated on the Tonal have to be tricked. He is not available. God often uses tricks. No man in his right 'rational' mind would choose the life of a warrior. He only does so as a response to a survival threat. Ego imprisons Nagual in the nuthouse, afraid to admit that's where its power comes from. Until the Nagual earns the monkey mind's trust, his ego will deny its informing power until it is convinced to acquiesce to its superior opponent. This is like death.
I discovered "The Power of Silence" in Barnes and Noble over 10 yrs ago and now that I'm "re-reading" some ov my favorites I've come to know that I am just as frustrated with Carlos as don juan was 😂❤
I forget the exact quote from acim but it's basically that you should have infinite patience, as you're patience with an "other" is your patience with your "self."
In the early 1970s I was a university student in Canada. I had studied eastern philosophy for some years and had become involved with psychedelics. I would not discover the Don Juan books for some two or three years. Casteneda's books would eventually explain a number of baffling experiences I had during this period. Firstly having discovered the Christian mystics; Theresa of Avalon, Meister Elkhart, St John of the Cross etc. through Aldous Huxley's Perennial Philosophy I had developed my own meditation to subdue my ego. One afternoon while walking alone on campus I was pursuing the censorship of my thoughts. Suddenly a disembodied voice loudly and clearly said "If you continue to pursue your practise you will die". I immediately heeded the warning and ended my practise. I intuitively treated this voice as having simply conveyed information. I sensed no personality, God or angel. When years later I read the Don Juan saga I learned that this is the Voice of Seeing and yes there was no one home. In another section of the books Don Juan explains that mystics in aggressively assaulting their selves are actually attacking the egg of energy enveloping us and protecting us from death. The mystic unwittingly rips open his or her cocoon of energy and perishes. Another uncanny incident occurred when home from school for a long weekend. I awoke on Sunday morning with the feeling of a heavy sphere in my head. It gradually descended through my body all day long and disappeared though my feet in the evening. Years later I read Carlos Casteneda's account of his losing the human form. It was exactly as I had experienced it. After finally discovering the Don Juan stories, so perhaps under their influence, I had other experiences as described by Carlos. I moved my assemblage point in an encounter with a telepathic young woman attacking me emotionally (magically). The most disturbing was a year and half of revelations, mind altering and often terrifying. I was forced to review many incidents from my life infusing them with new meaning and destroying my belief in my mundane life. I have only recently realized this was the Recapitulation of one's life practised as a discipline amongst warriors, but forcefully imposed upon me, having no teacher I suppose. As I am not a joiner I never sought out Carlos or his organization. But I cannot deny the power of these works. I am definitely not a nagual. Strange things happen to me but I cannot accomplish anything through my will. So now to discuss the fraud charges levied against Carlos which appear to be well authenticated. The later books of Castaneda have much to do with Stalking. Stalking is the creation of a false crisis designed to move a student's assemblage point and push them into magical realms. I believe the whole Castaneda phenomena was an exercise in Stalking. The World was Stalked. To what end. Sorry no idea.
There is an old zen saying "one day you must die upon the meditation pillow." It's just the dying of the "self" because there is no one there, it's all ego. There's no real death either. ❤
you must now realize that those that were so intent on getting rid of Castaneda they are malignant narcissists and they are the Predator. I have found this in my late 50s and its the answer to a lifelong desire to be a warrior against stupidity, or stupor
Preface - 00:00:10 1. The Transformation of Dona Soledad - 00:03:48 2. The Little Sisters - 02:26:27 3. La Gorda - 03:57:23 4. The Genaros - 06:03:19 5. The Art of Dreaming - 07:54:48 6. The Second Attention - 10:00:15
First place, I’ve ever heard anyone else talk about the tickling on top of your head. I can make it happen and make it stop. I can think of certain things and turn it on and off like a switch.
Whenever i gaze at rocks, I see an eye like the eye of horus forming somewhere very subtly at first then I cannot unsee it even after looking away and back again. Diring these times the pupil will change its shape or pattern according to our relationship at that moment (I began communicating in different ways after noticing the eyes on all the rocks I had in my collected cache)
There is objective reality, and subjective reality. The energy body traverses subjective reality, for this is truly the real one, the one that exists once the body is dropped. This is why no level of logic, reason or explaining can dispell a childs fear from a nighmare, to the energy body everything is 'real'. We strengthen our tonal in adulthood to the point that we can live only in objective reality, because it staves off fears to be part of a herd, we reassure each other that reality is just this or just that, then we get depressed that there is no magic left in life, a self installed limitation that we systematically created for ourselves, leaving only a feeling of victimhood and self importance. What a service carlos castenada has done for western man at such a sacrifice. If he had fully immersed himself in that world, he would have become impeccable and not died the death of a fat, angry manipulative alcoholic. But instead, he had unwittingly forsaken enlightenment in order to make his notes, something we should be eternally grateful for, as we now have a wealth of spiritual knowledge in the form of his books. His work is akin to an astronaut agreeing to be sucked into a black hole and die just so he can report back the few seconds of what he saw, in the hope of helping mankind
@crispypodcast2843 yeh I think he made it clear that there was a lot he missed, exactly because he treated the apprenticeship as a scholarly exercise, so he stayed in his 'everyday self' enough to report reasonably accurately, but lost the ability to become completely fluid, in which case he would have disappeared from public awareness.
I got the hardback version of this book - with the same, wonderful sleeve art. I would probably buy the books just for the artwork. I will never forget the time in Sweden when a bookseller commented on my purchase of A Seperate Reality, and said he liked it. He was a grumpy so and so, and I never heard him comment on a books - except justifying sometimes slightly higher cover prices. It´s funny to consider if that solitary bookseller was a man of knowledge, ha. Subsequently, I stumbled on quite a few occultists in Sweden - which has a very small, disparate population.
@@oryan2235 3 books you must read are Robert Monroe's books: journeys out of the body, far journeys and ultimate journey. Absolute epics and by far the most truthful, untainted and objective account of what many call occult knowledge.
I find it amusing that people that have NEVER walked a similar path call him ….a fiction writer ….for sure there are liberties taken of course…..but if you have never sought power through extreme activities …..take a breath ….the world is so much more than you think …all the best !
Use your awareness to draw a circle on top of your head make a call around and around and around. It will start to stimulate this area practice it think about your intuition feel your spine create the circle over and over again then imagine a lotus opening then imagine a tornado spinning the cosmos Down into the base of your spine
9:46:30 “My reason, was the Demon that kept me chained.” This is an important point to me, but I don’t yet know why. I don’t think it’s my “reasoning” or desire to understand how things work. I think that was Castenada’s Demon. My Demon is something else. Similar to how Roland The Gunslinger (from the Dark Tower) had a Demon of stubbornness. 9:49:32 “The daily world exists because we know how to hold its images. Consequently if one drops the attention needed to maintain those images, the world collapses.”
@@BloodStoriesAreRealeverything is filtered through individual, conditioned perception. This distorts and limits having clarity into how the world really is. Find your own conditioning through observation of your relationship with everything external. Even your relationship with your own thoughts. They are external to the real you that is perceiving them. Just observe your reactions, and when you react, observe that too. Let yourself go to faith of something larger than yourself. In this you will see observation is enough. This will build through experience. Frustrations will ensue. Observe these frustrations like everything else. You will learn just observing if done correctly is all there is to do as it ceases the mind. In its own time. Faith comes in again. Things will be taken care of. The world becomes a little clearer and more access is gained to the original reality. Discover yourself and when you get momentum something that you might of found tiresome or any number of negative feelings towards, will now be the most interesting thing. Eventually it becomes the whole thing. But leave that to fate and be in the moment. Observing what is here. Be easy, go slow. If you are fighting the mind, then you are caught in the quicksand of the mind. Just leave it. Just observe. The whole world has only ever been you. That is all you can ever know. Stories are fine but that have a start and an ending. You are the story teller forever and you are never who you think you are.
I read these in my late teens and early 20's in the late 70's. They inspired me to take an awful lot of LSD and other assorted drugs. I had some very heavy experiences, but far and few.
I read "The Teachings of Don Juan" in the 70's and I found the book to be fascinating. I was saddened to recently learn the Castaneda was a complete fraud, "Don Juan" did not exist, and Castaneda went on to form a bizarre cult for which he was the "guru."
@@DEPARTMENTOFREDUNDANCYDEPT knowing me as i know me i probably could come up with more worse ways I am no way as eloquent as Carlos is in his books.This debate has raged since the books came out and yes I am that old. Sorry I poked a nerve . But to be fair I have yet to see any evidence presented either way. it is an interesting debate however.
@@marcsalzman8082 I’m not sure I know where the beginning is 🥺 And this is totally off topic but I was reading some things about Carlos Castaneda and I was really shocked to hear about his past.. I’m not sure if anyone can comment on this , and believe me I’m not so naive to believe everything I read especially if it’s something I’ve “ googled” but quite a few people were writing about his story being “ fake” Was Don Juan a real person? I thought the book was non fiction but apparently it’s fiction? Anyone wanna comment on this ? I just found a lot of conflicting information and I’m new to his work ❤️🙏
@@azaleaslightsage1271 in another age, thousands of years ago, this statement would be true. But now the human being is too focused in logic and materialism to learn by himself
Yes! I'm encountering them for the first time, and am surprised that anyone ever took them literally. I'm enjoying them so much though, and they contain a lot of truth about how we should or could live. Whether or not the actual events ever happened as written seems irrelevant. What I think I like the most is their originality. They aren't just a repackaged eastern mysticism. The first book is a bit "wax on, wax off" but I enjoyed that one also.
@@succytash the fact that he used the early “stories” to obtain an PHD in Anthropology is not cool. Fraud. That being said, reading them as fiction they are fun stories. And yes they are in fact fiction.
There's no fiction here....if you think so then you've lived a shallow life indeed. You want this to be fiction to dull your fear of possibility, just because most people live in a dull limited world is not proof of the non existence of other unlimited realms .
I wonder if Don Juan ,Carlos Castaneda's Yaqui medicine man friend is still alive? How about His friend Don Quisitos? I read 3 or 4 of his books around 1977.
well divine light mission was very popular here as Proff Tim's elder daughter Sahara ran it. "Divinity dave" a son of a Proff born in Roman UK city of Bath, got busted & started eating Peck's paste much more superior etc. Impeccable warrior. As for Donna she turned to be as a hare krsna with Randall after he dropped out of Flinders uni as he could not handle livingg with an academic female in a share house. Why bother? I have a book about it all which this weekdn got 9 views as it was free. I'll advertise it next week. I need to cell 3 copies so that Amazon will pay me three months later as they got hacked some years ago and tried to restore services.
Don Juan the socerer was Premier of State Don Dunstan who made international news 1972 when he wore clothes that girl wore when raped circa 1967. Thhey now have an international highschool etc.
He died of liver failure, he abused his position as a nagual, as Don Juan said he might, fell into alcoholism and died from it. It seems he took the easy way instead of staying on the warriors path, became engrossed in using his position for sexual exploitation of female students and became a drinker to block out his new found abilities. Sad really.
To hold yourself in high enough regard as to assume that anyone reading these comments gives a shit about your opinion is true hubris. Better to stay quiet and have your stupidity assumed, than to speak and have it confirmed.
Come on! Is there any body out there who thinks this is anything but bullshit 😒? Great entertainment for sure 🙄 sewing up a lizards eyes and mouth with a cactus thorn. Carlos was a con man
Not everything but surprising amount of information is true. Thousands of people have learned to lucid dream while trying to find their hands in their dream. And that's just the first step. Most will fail at the first step because they have the attention span of a fly and apps like Facebook, Instagram and tiktok has made it worse.
@@mentalgrace6233 I was a starry eyed seeker for many years. As I learned from my own education I realized carlos was just plaguerizing true scholars. Fraud. Womanizer scum
UCLA rightly revoked his Masters and PhD. There's some wisdom in the books in spite of his deception, which must have had karmic consequences for him. He can still be enjoyed as a metaphysical novelist and cartographer of his own lucid dream states.
Everything he says is trye, i have a friend who knew him Very well, he also met alejandro jororowsky who met w castaneda and castaneda said everything is true, he didnt fake anything
🙏🏻👍👍☯️🕉. Read this a zillion years ago. At my age now, it is a completely different book with way different meanings and lessons.❤️
Likewise. Feel the same way
That's the nature of silent knowledge. We imagine that reading a piece of literature again is doing the same thing over again. We couldn't be further from the truth. Our assemblage point shifts massively throughout life, especially if we conduct not doings and don't conform to the same strata of living throughout.
So then it's like hitting a gong with metal to get one vibration, then reading it again later in life is like hitting the same gong but with wood or a different material, giving a completely different vibration/sound.
We can't change without everything around us changing, because everything consists of layers of energy, and depending on what layer of the onion we operate from, decides what we perceive.
In this way, it becomes apparent that objective reality is an illusion, existing the way it does 'only' because of the agreements of many people's rings of power.
That’s true
@@escapevelocity8092 have you seen this assemblage point?
Castaneda was a trickster and student of Yaqui wisdom. We are fortunate to have his audiobooks available. Thank you
what do you mean by trickster? tricking and then showing the true reality?
Why trickster ?
@@Fintan33I asked Don Juan what he could have possibly meant when he called Castaneda a “trickster”. Don Juan looked at me with a sharp glint in his eye, trying to conceal a mischievous smile before erupting into laughter. He suddenly stood up straight, stomped his foot and threw his hat on the ground. “I meant” he said sharply, changing the mood, “just what I said! He was a trickster!”
not that anyone asked but I would recommend ignoring most of what Carlos writes and focus on Juan Matus's words. Juan himself said that this knowledge is not the product of Yaqui culture but of the Toltecs.; it was Carlos who couldn't get past Juan's ethnicity.
❤️🩹 🙏🏻
@@Fintan33 Art is a Lie which tells us the Truth; literature is an Art. Nature uses tricks all the time; look at flowers and bees- it's scandalous! Camouflage is routinely deployed in nature as a survival mechanism. When aren't we being tricked? the tonal itself is a trick! We live propped up among the lifeless projected images of Dreaming, the reflections of which have no energy-generating ability. Men being closed and fixated on the Tonal have to be tricked. He is not available. God often uses tricks. No man in his right 'rational' mind would choose the life of a warrior. He only does so as a response to a survival threat. Ego imprisons Nagual in the nuthouse, afraid to admit that's where its power comes from. Until the Nagual earns the monkey mind's trust, his ego will deny its informing power until it is convinced to acquiesce to its superior opponent. This is like death.
I discovered "The Power of Silence" in Barnes and Noble over 10 yrs ago and now that I'm "re-reading" some ov my favorites I've come to know that I am just as frustrated with Carlos as don juan was 😂❤
I forget the exact quote from acim but it's basically that you should have infinite patience, as you're patience with an "other" is your patience with your "self."
The best audio book I ever listened to. Thank you. 🙏
Thank you putting this up. Really appreciate it.
Thank you for this. I haven’t thought of these books in 20 years. I love them.
Me too
In the early 1970s I was a university student in Canada. I had studied eastern philosophy for some years and had become involved with psychedelics. I would not discover the Don Juan books for some two or three years. Casteneda's books would eventually explain a number of baffling experiences I had during this period.
Firstly having discovered the Christian mystics; Theresa of Avalon, Meister Elkhart, St John of the Cross etc. through Aldous Huxley's Perennial Philosophy I had developed my own meditation to subdue my ego. One afternoon while walking alone on campus I was pursuing the censorship of my thoughts. Suddenly a disembodied voice loudly and clearly said "If you continue to pursue your practise you will die". I immediately heeded the warning and ended my practise. I intuitively treated this voice as having simply conveyed information. I sensed no personality, God or angel.
When years later I read the Don Juan saga I learned that this is the Voice of Seeing and yes there was no one home.
In another section of the books Don Juan explains that mystics in aggressively assaulting their selves are actually attacking the egg of energy enveloping us and protecting us from death. The mystic unwittingly rips open his or her cocoon of energy and perishes.
Another uncanny incident occurred when home from school for a long weekend. I awoke on Sunday morning with the feeling of a heavy sphere in my head. It gradually descended through my body all day long and disappeared though my feet in the evening. Years later I read Carlos Casteneda's account of his losing the human form. It was exactly as I had experienced it.
After finally discovering the Don Juan stories, so perhaps under their influence, I had other experiences as described by Carlos. I moved my assemblage point in an encounter with a telepathic young woman attacking me emotionally (magically).
The most disturbing was a year and half of revelations, mind altering and often terrifying. I was forced to review many incidents from my life infusing them with new meaning and destroying my belief in my mundane life. I have only recently realized this was the Recapitulation of one's life practised as a discipline amongst warriors, but forcefully imposed upon me, having no teacher I suppose.
As I am not a joiner I never sought out Carlos or his organization. But I cannot deny the power of these works. I am definitely not a nagual. Strange things happen to me but I cannot accomplish anything through my will.
So now to discuss the fraud charges levied against Carlos which appear to be well authenticated. The later books of Castaneda have much to do with Stalking. Stalking is the creation of a false crisis designed to move a student's assemblage point and push them into magical realms. I believe the whole Castaneda phenomena was an exercise in Stalking. The World was Stalked. To what end. Sorry no idea.
There is an old zen saying "one day you must die upon the meditation pillow."
It's just the dying of the "self" because there is no one there, it's all ego. There's no real death either. ❤
you must now realize that those that were so intent on getting rid of Castaneda they are malignant narcissists and they are the Predator. I have found this in my late 50s and its the answer to a lifelong desire to be a warrior against stupidity, or stupor
Thank you for this marvelous gift.
Thank you for this!
Humanity needs more Warriors. Thank You for showing the Way...
Preface - 00:00:10
1. The Transformation of Dona Soledad - 00:03:48
2. The Little Sisters - 02:26:27
3. La Gorda - 03:57:23
4. The Genaros - 06:03:19
5. The Art of Dreaming - 07:54:48
6. The Second Attention - 10:00:15
Thank you for your efforts. 👍
Lovely narration.. very relaxing to hear Castaneda again!
Thanks for this!
I've read most of these books and still own some of them in the 1970s. Just the idea of seeing things differently is very intriguing.
“Piss on your hands”😂
A wonderful story teller. First read these about 30 years ago, better than Tolkien in my opinion.
Your opinion is crap
Been reading Carlos and Paramahansa over 50 years, and they’re similar
Wdym by paramahansa?
They essentially all say the same. This world is not solid. But: you listened over 50 years? OMG. And it didn't free you?
Impeccable Warrior!
First place, I’ve ever heard anyone else talk about the tickling on top of your head. I can make it happen and make it stop. I can think of certain things and turn it on and off like a switch.
Whenever i gaze at rocks, I see an eye like the eye of horus forming somewhere very subtly at first then I cannot unsee it even after looking away and back again. Diring these times the pupil will change its shape or pattern according to our relationship at that moment (I began communicating in different ways after noticing the eyes on all the rocks I had in my collected cache)
Stay away from sharp objects.
this is wonderful content, thank you ❤
There is objective reality, and subjective reality. The energy body traverses subjective reality, for this is truly the real one, the one that exists once the body is dropped.
This is why no level of logic, reason or explaining can dispell a childs fear from a nighmare, to the energy body everything is 'real'.
We strengthen our tonal in adulthood to the point that we can live only in objective reality, because it staves off fears to be part of a herd, we reassure each other that reality is just this or just that, then we get depressed that there is no magic left in life, a self installed limitation that we systematically created for ourselves, leaving only a feeling of victimhood and self importance.
What a service carlos castenada has done for western man at such a sacrifice. If he had fully immersed himself in that world, he would have become impeccable and not died the death of a fat, angry manipulative alcoholic. But instead, he had unwittingly forsaken enlightenment in order to make his notes, something we should be eternally grateful for, as we now have a wealth of spiritual knowledge in the form of his books. His work is akin to an astronaut agreeing to be sucked into a black hole and die just so he can report back the few seconds of what he saw, in the hope of helping mankind
Excellent! I never wondered what happened to castaneda’s spiritual growth
@crispypodcast2843 yeh I think he made it clear that there was a lot he missed, exactly because he treated the apprenticeship as a scholarly exercise, so he stayed in his 'everyday self' enough to report reasonably accurately, but lost the ability to become completely fluid, in which case he would have disappeared from public awareness.
I got the hardback version of this book - with the same, wonderful sleeve art. I would probably buy the books just for the artwork.
I will never forget the time in Sweden when a bookseller commented on my purchase of A Seperate Reality, and said he liked it. He was a grumpy so and so, and I never heard him comment on a books - except justifying sometimes slightly higher cover prices. It´s funny to consider if that solitary bookseller was a man of knowledge, ha. Subsequently, I stumbled on quite a few occultists in Sweden - which has a very small, disparate population.
Sense you are open to occult book , what would be one occult book that you would recommend??
@@oryan2235 3 books you must read are Robert Monroe's books: journeys out of the body, far journeys and ultimate journey. Absolute epics and by far the most truthful, untainted and objective account of what many call occult knowledge.
@@oryan2235 beelzebub's tales to his grandson
@@oryan2235 “Introduction to magic - UR group”
Projection of The Astral Body by Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington, or anything by Josephine McCarthy@@oryan2235
I find it amusing that people that have NEVER walked a similar path call him ….a fiction writer ….for sure there are liberties taken of course…..but if you have never sought power through extreme activities …..take a breath ….the world is so much more than you think …all the best !
9:45:45 Thank you. “The art of the dreamer, is the art of attention.” The rings of power.
Use your awareness to draw a circle on top of your head make a call around and around and around. It will start to stimulate this area practice it think about your intuition feel your spine create the circle over and over again then imagine a lotus opening then imagine a tornado spinning the cosmos Down into the base of your spine
9:46:30 “My reason, was the Demon that kept me chained.”
This is an important point to me, but I don’t yet know why. I don’t think it’s my “reasoning” or desire to understand how things work. I think that was Castenada’s Demon. My Demon is something else. Similar to how Roland The Gunslinger (from the Dark Tower) had a Demon of stubbornness.
9:49:32 “The daily world exists because we know how to hold its images. Consequently if one drops the attention needed to maintain those images, the world collapses.”
Authors Castaneda and Robert Monroe are my go to guys .
The world is in our must lose it to find it...
What you mean?
@@BloodStoriesAreRealeverything is filtered through individual, conditioned perception. This distorts and limits having clarity into how the world really is. Find your own conditioning through observation of your relationship with everything external. Even your relationship with your own thoughts. They are external to the real you that is perceiving them. Just observe your reactions, and when you react, observe that too. Let yourself go to faith of something larger than yourself. In this you will see observation is enough. This will build through experience. Frustrations will ensue. Observe these frustrations like everything else. You will learn just observing if done correctly is all there is to do as it ceases the mind. In its own time. Faith comes in again. Things will be taken care of. The world becomes a little clearer and more access is gained to the original reality. Discover yourself and when you get momentum something that you might of found tiresome or any number of negative feelings towards, will now be the most interesting thing. Eventually it becomes the whole thing. But leave that to fate and be in the moment. Observing what is here. Be easy, go slow. If you are fighting the mind, then you are caught in the quicksand of the mind. Just leave it. Just observe. The whole world has only ever been you. That is all you can ever know. Stories are fine but that have a start and an ending. You are the story teller forever and you are never who you think you are.
I read these in my late teens and early 20's in the late 70's. They inspired me to take an awful lot of LSD and other assorted drugs. I had some very heavy experiences, but far and few.
Tell me about them?
One needs to start from the beginning to get the full story.
Haven’t found that bridge, crack, or 2nd Attention yet. 🦉
you need the smoke haha
All you need is silence!
Crack is everywhere
What happened to the first ring of power? I dunno I’m weird. Here I go listening to these 11+ hours
Chapter 2
The Little Sisters - 2:26:29
How does the energy flow if there are more children? Let's say 3 or 4 ... ? Can anyone help ??
0:20 2:00 2:54 4:59 5:55 * 11:05 16:02 18:17 19:18 26:59 35:04 39:32
I read "The Teachings of Don Juan" in the 70's and I found the book to be fascinating. I was saddened to recently learn the Castaneda was a complete fraud, "Don Juan" did not exist, and Castaneda went on to form a bizarre cult for which he was the "guru."
I hate to burst any bubbles but dwarves and elves dont exist either so I would avoid reading Lord of the rings too.
@@GimmeSum Nobody ever claimed that they were real. You could not come up with a worse comparison.
@@DEPARTMENTOFREDUNDANCYDEPT knowing me as i know me i probably could come up with more worse ways I am no way as eloquent as Carlos is in his books.This debate has raged since the books came out and yes I am that old. Sorry I poked a nerve . But to be fair I have yet to see any evidence presented either way. it is an interesting debate however.
Can someone please recommend some of his best books? There are so many I’m not sure where to start lol 🙏🙏🤗
@@GimmeSum oh THANK YOU so much! Bless your heart ♥️
All of them. 👍
@Miss Meggie
I'd start from the beginning & read them sequentially.
@@marcsalzman8082 I’m not sure I know where the beginning is 🥺
And this is totally off topic but I was reading some things about Carlos Castaneda and I was really shocked to hear about his past.. I’m not sure if anyone can comment on this , and believe me I’m not so naive to believe everything I read especially if it’s something I’ve “ googled” but quite a few people were writing about his story being “ fake”
Was Don Juan a real person? I thought the book was non fiction but apparently it’s fiction?
Anyone wanna comment on this ?
I just found a lot of conflicting information and I’m new to his work
Have absolutely no idea what the hefner is going on in this book. Can I get a like for honesty? 😢
Have you read the previous books? If not you'll be as lost as a wombat in a whirlwind
This book is the first one yet that I thought was trash
Anyone have a guess what the crick in his neck is?
Tô fully understand what's going on, you have to have the soul of a child who never even once, has sold his or her soul to the devil
True story
We need no teachers books guides ect
Everything from within
@@azaleaslightsage1271 in another age, thousands of years ago, this statement would be true. But now the human being is too focused in logic and materialism to learn by himself
It's somehow similar with writing a poem to propose a conceited and yet alluring woman.
In that point of view, the wizard's staff is only a pen.
@@crispypodcast2843Oh but you can. First you learn then you find these texts like this one.
Life mysteries revealing...Aliens,Depradators.....
Too bad there are no chapter timings anywhere.
This was the DARKEST book he ever wrote. I'm surprised they made it into an audiobook.
00:03:50 - CHAPTER 1
His books were fiction at one level but revelation at another.
Yes! I'm encountering them for the first time, and am surprised that anyone ever took them literally. I'm enjoying them so much though, and they contain a lot of truth about how we should or could live. Whether or not the actual events ever happened as written seems irrelevant.
What I think I like the most is their originality. They aren't just a repackaged eastern mysticism. The first book is a bit "wax on, wax off" but I enjoyed that one also.
Nothing fiction about it. Put it into practice and see
I can also testify, it's not fiction at all. Reality is stranger than you can imagine!
@@succytash the fact that he used the early “stories” to obtain an PHD in Anthropology is not cool. Fraud.
That being said, reading them as fiction they are fun stories. And yes they are in fact fiction.
There's no fiction here....if you think so then you've lived a shallow life indeed. You want this to be fiction to dull your fear of possibility, just because most people live in a dull limited world is not proof of the non existence of other unlimited realms .
My body knows well that what Carlos Castaneda wrote is as real as death!!!!!
Well, sometimes our body lies to us but if it makes you feel better about the world, who am I to question a luminous being.
I now know death to be my friend, my closest companion. It has taught me life as a gift, rather than the curse of my old thinking. i am a child again.
I wonder if Don Juan ,Carlos Castaneda's Yaqui medicine man friend is still alive? How about His friend Don Quisitos? I read 3 or 4 of his books around 1977.
Only one of the afore mentioned was a real person.
The why to lose my time listening to him.
The lady in the beginning sounds like a "Skinwalker".
50 minutes in and I am so confused!
well divine light mission was very popular here as Proff Tim's elder daughter Sahara ran it. "Divinity dave" a son of a Proff born in Roman UK city of Bath, got busted & started eating Peck's paste much more superior etc. Impeccable warrior. As for Donna she turned to be as a hare krsna with Randall after he dropped out of Flinders uni as he could not handle livingg with an academic female in a share house. Why bother? I have a book about it all which this weekdn got 9 views as it was free. I'll advertise it next week. I need to cell 3 copies so that Amazon will pay me three months later as they got hacked some years ago and tried to restore services.
Don Juan the socerer was Premier of State Don Dunstan who made international news 1972 when he wore clothes that girl wore when raped circa 1967. Thhey now have an international highschool etc.
Fun novels.
I wonder if Castañeda died of cancer
Then he was not a nagual, was he?
That dose not matter
Apparently he ran off with his cohorts b4 he died, and no one saw his death
He died of liver failure, he abused his position as a nagual, as Don Juan said he might, fell into alcoholism and died from it.
It seems he took the easy way instead of staying on the warriors path, became engrossed in using his position for sexual exploitation of female students and became a drinker to block out his new found abilities. Sad really.
When you speak of evil you lose my intrest.
Castaneda = One trick pony. I’m not a fan.
To hold yourself in high enough regard as to assume that anyone reading these comments gives a shit about your opinion is true hubris. Better to stay quiet and have your stupidity assumed, than to speak and have it confirmed.
Come on! Is there any body out there who thinks this is anything but bullshit 😒? Great entertainment for sure 🙄 sewing up a lizards eyes and mouth with a cactus thorn. Carlos was a con man
Not everything but surprising amount of information is true. Thousands of people have learned to lucid dream while trying to find their hands in their dream. And that's just the first step. Most will fail at the first step because they have the attention span of a fly and apps like Facebook, Instagram and tiktok has made it worse.
Your loss.
@@mentalgrace6233 I was a starry eyed seeker for many years. As I learned from my own education I realized carlos was just plaguerizing true scholars. Fraud. Womanizer scum
UCLA rightly revoked his Masters and PhD. There's some wisdom in the books in spite of his deception, which must have had karmic consequences for him. He can still be enjoyed as a metaphysical novelist and cartographer of his own lucid dream states.
Everything he says is trye, i have a friend who knew him Very well, he also met alejandro jororowsky who met w castaneda and castaneda said everything is true, he didnt fake anything
What a load of tripe.