I know we need 144 fps to get the 144hz effect, I actually have one myself :-) I was meaning that from Mikalele's perspective its laggy from him because his eyes are used to see his screen re-freshes 144 times a second, but he started to see the screen refresh only 70 times a second.
That was clearly not what you meant. If you wanted to say that, you wouldn't have said "but". Your most recent reply is completely irrelevant to your first comment. Everyone knows about refresh rates of monitors, so I don't know why blurting out common sense adds to your case exactly?
последний момент - топ. Тольк челик слишком быстро читал
прпрпрпрппрррррррррррррррррпррррррррррррррррррррррррппппппппрррррррррррррррррррррр пцк пцк пцк пцк уооо
что там в консоли то написано?
Это не консоль. Там вывод донатов и ему 2к долларов задонили
what a crosshair?
Draken давай
Ice Mc
3:41 70fps 0_0
but 144hz
You realize having 70fps doesn't utilize 144hz properly. It's basically a bottleneck.
I run on 80fps constant
I know we need 144 fps to get the 144hz effect, I actually have one myself :-)
I was meaning that from Mikalele's perspective its laggy from him because his eyes are used to see his screen re-freshes 144 times a second, but he started to see the screen refresh only 70 times a second.
That was clearly not what you meant. If you wanted to say that, you wouldn't have said "but". Your most recent reply is completely irrelevant to your first comment. Everyone knows about refresh rates of monitors, so I don't know why blurting out common sense adds to your case exactly?