The exposition and development of her improvisation especially on this organ in France, is devastatingly beautiful, an exquisite delirium. This theme, so deeply haunting, conveys nothing less than the soul and timeless identity of France. She should be awarded the Legion of Honor.
I cannot but imagine how proud and happy Aristide Cavaillé-Coll would be if he could be present in 2018 to see, hear and KNOW first-hand how highly respected, beloved , well-cared-for and well-played the great majority of his instruments are, one-hundred nineteen years after he departed this Earth in 1899!
Hum, most of his instuments are barely working due to the lack of funding. Only the bigger one are well maintained. Plus the one that have been modified later (are they still called ACC ?). But yeah, he won't be forgotten, that's for sure.
In England we still have C-C's little gem at Farnborough Abbey. 2+P and a mere fourteen stops, but it sounds rather bigger than that. Glorious instrument!
@@paulcaswell2813 We also have the 3 manual CC at Parr Hall, but unfortunately it is unrestored. The Albert hall in Sheffield had a IV/70 CC, but it was sadly destroyed by a fire in 1937.
Isn't the one in Manchester Town Hall going to be restored with the rest of the Town Hall which is undergoing restoration which is expected to be finished in 2024?
I don't quite know what to say. I've heard Cochereau, recordings of Dupre's improvisations, Roth himself, Bardon on baroque themes, Latry, Lefebvre, and Hakim but this is quite possibly the finest improvisation I've heard. Unbelievable stuff. Thanks Matteo for giving us the privilege of hearing this. And thanks to Sophie-Veronique too :-D
One of the greatest organists around today. She improvised as grandly as most composers compose! Fabulous music off the cuff from the greatest we have today!
Since Notre-Dame's fire, the organist situation seems strange at Sulpice these days. Roth's recently retired, Sophie is now Titulaire, but alongside Mossakowski. Plus Louis Jullien in charge of the Choir Organ. But then we also have Latry and Castagnet from 'over the river'. It was strange to see Roth go, as normally S Sulpice's titulaires stay put 'til they drop...
Le profond sentiment de Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin pour la mélodie et l'harmonie est toujours admirable. Cette musique ne vous laisse jamais partir !
Musica cosi bella, esecuzione cosi importante e sensibilità cosi grandiosa non potevano rimanere solo li, effimeri, in quel momento. Grazie per averla resa immortale con questo video.
She must be one the greatest organists ever, especially in improvisation. The other clip when she makes a postludium in St Sulpice is just amazing. She just “wish the carpet” of everything anyone would have dreamed of...
Its easy to forget Caville-Coll and how he was an incredible tonal genius . the sound his organs created, the sound he made, how he voiced his instruments, the tonal palet of each stop and how it blended in with the next and not just the next but the whole organ. he was a genius!
+Si Smith you're absolutely right, these organs are as exceptional with solist stops (flûtes, cornet, voix humaines etc.) than they are with very powerful, but still very precise, tuttis. It is also important to hear how the CCs are perfectly adapted with the different spaces they were built for.
Quelle belle musique, pleine de passion et pourtant sereine, j'en ai les yeux qui transpirent ! Merci de tout coeur, Mme Cauchefer ! Vous êtes un ange à la suite de Jean-Sébastien Bach et tant d'autres que Dieu a créé et utilise, au-travers de votre don et travail quotidien, pour amener de la beauté et de profondeur bienfaisante à notre monde ! Encore merci !
as a complete newbie to organ music, yet a diverse music lover, this is simply astounding. Got to see Daniel Roth today in Providence RI....absolutely transcendent, visceral and magic!
Merci mille pour cette merveilleuse improvisation madame Véronique. Vous m'avez vraiment fait pleurer de l'émotion. Je vous ne connaissez pas avant, mais vous avez maintenant en moi un vrai fan.
You're sitting in the nave before mass and, unless you've seen this, you can have little idea of the creative teamwork that makes this extraordinary music. Absolutely breathtaking.
That melody line literally moved me to tears. How she builds, takes us to the edge, goes back and further developed, then allows it to reappear in its full glory. Extraordinaire!
Wat een geweldige vakvrouw is het toch, Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin. En ze houdt de regie volkomen in eigen hand! Ik heb het geluk gehad haar in het echt te kunnen horen in Rotterdam (Grote of St. Laurenskerk) en Delft (Maria van Jessekerk). Onvergetelijk was het. Ik hoop dat ze spoedig weer naar Nederland komt. Welkom Sophie-Véronique!
Her improvisations are so like lovemaking at its tenderest, mostly vulnerable, most exposed, most abandoned, and most unlettered state. Brava, dear lady!
beautiful. I so hope more would show what goes on at a console. i say that often to people who say.."it sounds like church music" which i hate more than anything. Just the way a pipe organ works should be facinating enough. so many don't understand a pipe organ, it's a shame. great video
She connects with the organ like how a pianist would connect with their instrument. This exquisite result is therefore no surprise - play from your heart, they say... Absolutely lovely...
I had a dream in which I had a practice to play this improvisation in Moscow Conservatory. Alas I can't even read musical notes... Mme Cauchefer-Choplin impresses me every time I see this video.
Cinquante années d'écoute musicale m'amènent à constater que c'est elle, Sophie Véronique Choplin, qui est sans conteste la véritable "Grande Dame" de l'orgue, que ce soit en France ou sur le plan international! : Que ce soit dans ses improvisations ou ses interprètations, elle est extraordinairement inventive, sensible, poétique, émouvante, et aussi facétieuse, attachante et belle
Já ouvi esta apresentação dezenas de vezes e não me canso de ouvi-la novamente. Sophie Vèronique é sensacional, fantástica, radical. Parabéns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mme. Choplin is a living master and the St. Sulpice organ is both a Masterpiece and Aristide's Magnum Opus - beauty that truly inspires and melts the heart. It has been written that the Cavaille-Coll instruments, inspired the great composers, (Franck, Guilmant, Gigout, Tournemire, Widor, Vierne, Dupre, Alain, Durulfe and Messiaen) to create, and that the French Organ School otherwise might not have been. And here is that miracle, present, once again, and before us to witness and behold today. My awareness is that improvisation on this inspired level is just that, the power of the Divine outpouring inspiration and grace through the improviser, as a vessel, to birth a gift to mankind of sacred and exquisite beauty. Soli Deo Gloria.
Very well said Michael! BTW, are you aware of the fact that you share your last name with one of America's preeminent organ firms? The Schantz Organ company of Orville OH. Same spelling too!
What jumps off the screen at me is the sheer passion of the playing. By the time we get to 10:40 she's clearly divinely inspired! Definitely a clip to treasure
+David Griffiths Absolutely. She is one of about six living Master on this planet. Her works and great techniqunical abilites shall inspire generations and generations to come. And she lives among us. CVD
Off hand, I can think of several others. St. Sulpice's own Daniel Roth, Notre Dame's Olivier Latry, Finnish Maestro Kalevi Kivinimmi and America's Peter Richard Conte!
Absolutely beautiful! MY favourite chords played so exquisitely, and on my birthday as well! Seems as though Tony Banks is a fan as well, as there are so many Genesis elements here, but maybe it's the other way round! What a gorgeous performance - I love the way she chats with the others and retains total control! Incredible skills and a lovely manner of playing such a huge piece with such intricacity! Fabulous - thank you for posting this, I want to borrow it for a special blog post and it will mean so much to friends! Required watching on a regular basis...
Can’t decide if it is her exquisite playing on this unbelievable instrument that is so amazing or if she is may be the greatest organist I’ve ever heard and would play as superbly on any lesser instrument? I do believe she must be the greatest most creative organist alive today! !
Merci beaucoup pour enregistrer ce chef-d'oeuvre: c'est tout à fait merveilleux, tellement parfait qu'il paraît une composition plus qu'une improvisation. (Je crois voir au côté de l'orgue, au fond de la console, Pierre Pincemaille!)
I love seeing the teamwork of the organist and registrants and find myself wondering… maybe someone can enlighten me. Do the assistants come with the job or the organ? Why do all of the large famous organs not have registrants helping the organist? Is it because of the specifications of certain instruments (like St. Sulpice)? It seems that the St. Sulpice organists tend to work with the same assistants and they are always on the same sides. Are they themselves organists? Maybe someone can explain how it works..
There you are dear Sophie, inspiring an entire world with your wondrous spirit. Words falls empty in my ability to express what you just did with love and joy... for us all. Freedom, liberty, excellence, and inspiration... only point in the right direction. Thank you dear Sophie. Thank you form the "all that I am." Charles Vincent Davis.
Majestic! Heard it 50 times - can't get enough!.. One thing i cannot understand - how come the people around her don't burst out in joyful cries and clapping when this fantastic piece ends..
You don't know French culture. (Not an insult; just str8up). A school grading system based on 20. 12/20 is great-enough. 15/20 is about all you can hope for. I have heard rumors of the odd 16/20 given reluctantly bc the professor or teacher was forced to do it by the astonishing originality, rigor, alive-ness of the response to a written or oral classroom or exam question. Firsthand, though, a Parisian friend told me he once got a 16/20 for a major-paper assignment. He asked the teacher what he needed to do to get 20/20. Reply: "When you write like Balzac [Shakespeare], then maybe." Under such a system there is no big congratulation and NEVER any self-congratulation. I read once that the assistants are her close-ish family. The man at her right is her husband. I am 98% assuming the guy to her left is a son. That degree of familiarity of loving-beaming smiles and trading insults and 50/50 power dynamics an only happen between 2 longtime homies where it's allowed to sau stuff like "U G" or "U my niggah." OR within a happy-regular family. Jumping for joy would just be "duh" after that level of performance in France. BUT. Notice however how son leans over +/- 15 seconds after it's all over, hides mouth so no one could read his lips (this is dead-private), whispers something. Tbh, I never want to know what was said. Bc that would be obscenity/porn of the lowest sort. But you can bet it was the most loving insult ever spoken. "Maman. U gonna have hell to pay over dinner later." ...bc she showed who was boss NOT couple times during the ride. But think: they were all boss. Like 3 *joined* (or entangled) family parachutists who jumped out of a burning burning plane that exploded right after the improv big leap. No time for egotistical power plays, for sure. And time for maman to pull 'em thru like she did on that hospital slab crankin that boy into this world. And dad and son know it, damn well. I call out Vive la France! And I call out it out 2 days after my/our July 4th over here in a deeply troubled "Amérique" .. United States of America. I weep. But I smile thru the darkness at the level of sheer divinity and humanity brought to us by a historically-severely chastised but great nation (France and all Europe). And by technology created in another great nation I pray, with all my heart, will yet "come to itself."
Nul doute que si Suzanne Chaisemartin a laissé son empreinte dans cette somptueuse et claquetante mécanique de St. Sulpice, Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin y laissera la sienne pour les siècles à venir! Bravo, Madame!
Sophie Véronique est certainement l'une des meilleures improvisatrices, ses improvisations sont divinement belles. Un régal pour nos oreilles. Je pense aussi comme Bastien, qu'elle devrait se faire davantage connaitre. J'ai eu la chance de la rencontrer, et elle a un gros atout supplémentaire, une incroyable gentillesse. Merci Sophie.
She is great! Of all women organists French or otherwise! To think she has all this in her head coming alive right before our eyes and ears! How marvelous !
I’ve listened to this at least 25 times and it still makes the hairs on my arms stand on end. This organist is a miracle !
Listened to this with my 6 year old daughter and she‘s like: Oh dad, is that beautiful!
Me too. This was an inspired beyond words.
Her style is very different, in a good way! its like the french composers before Dupres style.
The exposition and development of her improvisation especially on this organ in France, is devastatingly beautiful, an exquisite delirium. This theme, so deeply haunting, conveys nothing less than the soul and timeless identity of France. She should be awarded the Legion of Honor.
I cannot but imagine how proud and happy Aristide Cavaillé-Coll would be if he could be present in 2018 to see, hear and KNOW first-hand how highly respected, beloved , well-cared-for and well-played the great majority of his instruments are, one-hundred nineteen years after he departed this Earth in 1899!
Hum, most of his instuments are barely working due to the lack of funding. Only the bigger one are well maintained. Plus the one that have been modified later (are they still called ACC ?). But yeah, he won't be forgotten, that's for sure.
In England we still have C-C's little gem at Farnborough Abbey. 2+P and a mere fourteen stops, but it sounds rather bigger than that. Glorious instrument!
@@paulcaswell2813 We also have the 3 manual CC at Parr Hall, but unfortunately it is unrestored. The Albert hall in Sheffield had a IV/70 CC, but it was sadly destroyed by a fire in 1937.
And Heavenly Blessings of Thanks to those who keep this instrument serviced and tuned. May it Sing Forever!!
Isn't the one in Manchester Town Hall going to be restored with the rest of the Town Hall which is undergoing restoration which is expected to be finished in 2024?
I don't quite know what to say. I've heard Cochereau, recordings of Dupre's improvisations, Roth himself, Bardon on baroque themes, Latry, Lefebvre, and Hakim but this is quite possibly the finest improvisation I've heard. Unbelievable stuff. Thanks Matteo for giving us the privilege of hearing this. And thanks to Sophie-Veronique too :-D
I find Pierre Pincemaille even better.
Sophie is an incredible organist and a beautiful genuine person, This has to be one of her finest improvisations.
This may be one of the greatest musical performances I’ve ever seen.
One of the greatest organists around today. She improvised as grandly as most composers compose! Fabulous music off the cuff from the greatest we have today!
Je ne me lasse pas de réécouter cette superbe mélodie. Bravo et quelle poésie !
This is definitely the best improvisation I've ever heard! Absolutely blown away!
This sound so melodic and complex, I almost can't imagine this was improvised. It sounds like composed masterpiece.
I love how she just calls out the registrations to the two stop-pullers! It’s so fun.
A beautiful lady and superb artist playing a wonderful treasure of an organ. Totally made for each other.
When i feel gloomy, I search Sophie's improvisations in youtube. What a greatest women organist this century. Merci♥
Tout simplement génial ... cette Sophie Véronique est incroyable de talent et d'empathie ... Bernard Vadon
Quelle grande Dame !! Quelle magnifique improvisation... J'adore l'orgue. A travers cet instrument que d'émotions !!!
To hear her play on a regular basis must be the greatest joy on earth for those who love great music making.
Used to be every other week: Roth, Sophie, Roth, Sophie etc...
Since Notre-Dame's fire, the organist situation seems strange at Sulpice these days. Roth's recently retired, Sophie is now Titulaire, but alongside Mossakowski. Plus Louis Jullien in charge of the Choir Organ. But then we also have Latry and Castagnet from 'over the river'. It was strange to see Roth go, as normally S Sulpice's titulaires stay put 'til they drop...
Un thème simple, tout de suite mémorisé, un développement grandiose, un pouvoir inventif éblouissant. Merci Sophie Véronique.
Alain Favre
Le profond sentiment de Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin pour la mélodie et l'harmonie est toujours admirable. Cette musique ne vous laisse jamais partir !
Sophie = intensité, grâce, sensibilité et émotion intenses !
Musica cosi bella, esecuzione cosi importante e sensibilità cosi grandiosa non potevano rimanere solo li, effimeri, in quel momento. Grazie per averla resa immortale con questo video.
Genius beyond description. Words fail me.
She must be one the greatest organists ever, especially in improvisation. The other clip when she makes a postludium in St Sulpice is just amazing. She just “wish the carpet” of everything anyone would have dreamed of...
Daniel Roth great, indeed, but listening to Sophie's improvisations is like listening to heaven :)
All these years and I still have not made a visit to the St Sulpice organ loft. It’s a must when things get back to normal.
@@mattbod You've missed out on something very, very special :-)
I listen to this over and over. So beautiful and great.
Its easy to forget Caville-Coll and how he was an incredible tonal genius . the sound his organs created, the sound he made, how he voiced his instruments, the tonal palet of each stop and how it blended in with the next and not just the next but the whole organ. he was a genius!
+Si Smith you're absolutely right, these organs are as exceptional with solist stops (flûtes, cornet, voix humaines etc.) than they are with very powerful, but still very precise, tuttis. It is also important to hear how the CCs are perfectly adapted with the different spaces they were built for.
Absolument merveilleux! Quelle musique! Quelle improvisatrice tellement douée!
Incredible that she can carry on a conversation while making up music! Brava !
Quelle belle musique, pleine de passion et pourtant sereine, j'en ai les yeux qui transpirent ! Merci de tout coeur, Mme Cauchefer ! Vous êtes un ange à la suite de Jean-Sébastien Bach et tant d'autres que Dieu a créé et utilise, au-travers de votre don et travail quotidien, pour amener de la beauté et de profondeur bienfaisante à notre monde ! Encore merci !
I'm at loss for words. That is heavenly.
Where I first got chills: 4:28. What a transporting experience it must have been to be there!
as a complete newbie to organ music, yet a diverse music lover, this is simply astounding. Got to see Daniel Roth today in Providence RI....absolutely transcendent, visceral and magic!
Merci mille pour cette merveilleuse improvisation madame Véronique. Vous m'avez vraiment fait pleurer de l'émotion.
Je vous ne connaissez pas avant, mais vous avez maintenant en moi un vrai fan.
You're sitting in the nave before mass and, unless you've seen this, you can have little idea of the creative teamwork that makes this extraordinary music.
Absolutely breathtaking.
This is Heavenly improvising at its best ! It just pours forth !
That melody line literally moved me to tears. How she builds, takes us to the edge, goes back and further developed, then allows it to reappear in its full glory. Extraordinaire!
Magnifique je m'en lasse pas
Wat een geweldige vakvrouw is het toch, Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin.
En ze houdt de regie volkomen in eigen hand!
Ik heb het geluk gehad haar in het echt te kunnen horen in Rotterdam (Grote of St. Laurenskerk) en Delft (Maria van Jessekerk).
Onvergetelijk was het. Ik hoop dat ze spoedig weer naar Nederland komt. Welkom Sophie-Véronique!
She is supreme at what she does at the keyboard better than any other mortal alive today! what an artist in sound she is!
Her improvisations are so like lovemaking at its tenderest, mostly vulnerable, most exposed, most abandoned, and most unlettered state. Brava, dear lady!
Always a joy to watch/listen
beautiful. I so hope more would show what goes on at a console. i say that often to people who say.."it sounds like church music" which i hate more than anything. Just the way a pipe organ works should be facinating enough. so many don't understand a pipe organ, it's a shame. great video
Wonderful, have listened to this many times and never fail to be thrilled Sophie's genius.
Absolutely amazing!!! Driven by true talent! Can't get enough of the ROAR!!! Bravo!
wow, I am glad I stumbled on this !
I love the interaction at 6:33-6:50. Great improvisation!
Stunning and totally engrossing. Thank you thank you.
Absolument sublime.
She connects with the organ like how a pianist would connect with their instrument. This exquisite result is therefore no surprise - play from your heart, they say... Absolutely lovely...
Direi travolgente!!! Improvvisazione!!!!!!!!!!!🎼mi emoziona molto ........... in modo speciale la parte introduttiva!
Absolutely electrifying. Hope to hear Sophie live someday.
I had a dream in which I had a practice to play this improvisation in Moscow Conservatory. Alas I can't even read musical notes... Mme Cauchefer-Choplin impresses me every time I see this video.
You have enchanted us all. What magic is in you soul! God bless you and all you love. CVD
GLORIOUS !!! A work to last on into eternity. CVD
+Charles Davis You're right!
Meravigliosa ! Improvvisazione così dolce ma potente che non riesco quasi a crederci.... Bellissima ! Saluti da Venezia, Italia
Cinquante années d'écoute musicale m'amènent à constater que c'est elle, Sophie Véronique Choplin, qui est sans conteste la véritable "Grande Dame" de l'orgue, que ce soit en France ou sur le plan international! : Que ce soit dans ses improvisations ou ses interprètations, elle est extraordinairement inventive, sensible, poétique, émouvante, et aussi facétieuse, attachante et belle
INCONTESTABLEMENT ! Les larmes coulent de contempler autant de joie et de plaisir à jouer de cet instrument divin : Le SUBLIME !
bravo encore une fois !...
This organ is like a monster: if you think you hear the full organ, there still comes more and more...
J'aime cette pièce et il suffit de l'entendre dans une boucle sans fin. Il est plein de force, de sévérité et de gaieté
Whole 7 years! This heaven music was just released...
Just superb Sophie, absolutely Brilliant!!
Butterflyfilmsltd boléro de concert Lefebure
It is my dream to go to Paris and hear these great organists and instruments live. Maybe in the Spring...
Straight to my heart. Thank you Sophie.
Absolutely stunning!
Já ouvi esta apresentação dezenas de vezes e não me canso de ouvi-la novamente. Sophie Vèronique é sensacional, fantástica, radical. Parabéns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mme. Choplin is a living master and the St. Sulpice organ is both a Masterpiece and Aristide's Magnum Opus - beauty that truly inspires and melts the heart. It has been written that the Cavaille-Coll instruments, inspired the great composers, (Franck, Guilmant, Gigout, Tournemire, Widor, Vierne, Dupre, Alain, Durulfe and Messiaen) to create, and that the French Organ School otherwise might not have been.
And here is that miracle, present, once again, and before us to witness and behold today. My awareness is that improvisation on this inspired level is just that, the power of the Divine outpouring inspiration and grace through the improviser, as a vessel, to birth a gift to mankind of sacred and exquisite beauty. Soli Deo Gloria.
Very well said Michael! BTW, are you aware of the fact that you share your last name with one of America's preeminent organ firms? The Schantz Organ company of Orville OH. Same spelling too!
C'est Magnifique!
I can't imagine what I'd like to hear or see more. Jesus walking on water or Sophie playing this eternal work. I am in awe. God is real.
What jumps off the screen at me is the sheer passion of the playing. By the time we get to 10:40 she's clearly divinely inspired! Definitely a clip to treasure
+David Griffiths Absolutely. She is one of about six living Master on this planet. Her works and great techniqunical abilites shall inspire generations and generations to come. And she lives among us. CVD
I'm new to this. Could you tell me what six masters are you thinking of? Who are the master organ improvisers alive?
Off hand, I can think of several others. St. Sulpice's own Daniel Roth, Notre Dame's Olivier Latry, Finnish Maestro Kalevi Kivinimmi and America's Peter Richard Conte!
@@TheBaritoneCrooner Naji Hakim???
Absolutely beautiful!
MY favourite chords played so exquisitely, and on my birthday as well!
Seems as though Tony Banks is a fan as well, as there are so many Genesis elements here, but maybe it's the other way round!
What a gorgeous performance - I love the way she chats with the others and retains total control! Incredible skills and a lovely manner of playing such a huge piece with such intricacity!
Fabulous - thank you for posting this, I want to borrow it for a special blog post and it will mean so much to friends!
Required watching on a regular basis...
Can’t decide if it is her exquisite playing on this unbelievable instrument that is so amazing or if she is may be the greatest organist I’ve ever heard and would play as superbly on any lesser instrument?
I do believe she must be the greatest most creative organist alive today! !
The melody in pedal, harmony and expression and timing. Par excellence!! 👌👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍👍💥💥💥💥💥💥
J’ai toujours aimé les musiciens passionnés et talentueux qui vivent humblement leurs passions et la partagent.
Thank you for posting this wonderful performance. Really appreciate the lovely stereo sound you have provided from your camera. Thank you!!!
Mon Dieu!! Quelle belle harmonie.sois béni Sophie
A master of improvisation!
Merci beaucoup pour enregistrer ce chef-d'oeuvre: c'est tout à fait merveilleux, tellement parfait qu'il paraît une composition plus qu'une improvisation. (Je crois voir au côté de l'orgue, au fond de la console, Pierre Pincemaille!)
Maravilloso!!! Gracias !!!
I love seeing the teamwork of the organist and registrants and find myself wondering… maybe someone can enlighten me. Do the assistants come with the job or the organ? Why do all of the large famous organs not have registrants helping the organist? Is it because of the specifications of certain instruments (like St. Sulpice)? It seems that the St. Sulpice organists tend to work with the same assistants and they are always on the same sides. Are they themselves organists? Maybe someone can explain how it works..
Beautiful! LOVED it!! Very well done!!!
There you are dear Sophie, inspiring an entire world with your wondrous spirit. Words falls empty in my ability to express what you just did with love and joy... for us all. Freedom, liberty, excellence, and inspiration... only point in the right direction. Thank you dear Sophie. Thank you form the "all that I am." Charles Vincent Davis.
Questa improvvisazione di Sophi Veronique è di una bellezza struggente. meravigliosa e bravissima.
DIVINE. Simply divine. Recorded on Earth.
Très remarquable, merveilleuses idées harmonieuses!
St. Sulpice Organ + Sophie Veronique = Heaven.
The music that flows through finger to the keys is a glimpse of what I hope waits for all of us at the Gates of Heaven. Can't wait to hear more!
Excelente performance! 2022!
Heard it 50 times - can't get enough!..
One thing i cannot understand - how come the people around her don't burst out in joyful cries and clapping when this fantastic piece ends..
Many people have no idea what they've witnessed....sadly.
You don't know French culture. (Not an insult; just str8up). A school grading system based on 20. 12/20 is great-enough. 15/20 is about all you can hope for. I have heard rumors of the odd 16/20 given reluctantly bc the professor or teacher was forced to do it by the astonishing originality, rigor, alive-ness of the response to a written or oral classroom or exam question. Firsthand, though, a Parisian friend told me he once got a 16/20 for a major-paper assignment. He asked the teacher what he needed to do to get 20/20. Reply: "When you write like Balzac [Shakespeare], then maybe." Under such a system there is no big congratulation and NEVER any self-congratulation. I read once that the assistants are her close-ish family. The man at her right is her husband. I am 98% assuming the guy to her left is a son. That degree of familiarity of loving-beaming smiles and trading insults and 50/50 power dynamics an only happen between 2 longtime homies where it's allowed to sau stuff like "U G" or "U my niggah." OR within a happy-regular family. Jumping for joy would just be "duh" after that level of performance in France. BUT. Notice however how son leans over +/- 15 seconds after it's all over, hides mouth so no one could read his lips (this is dead-private), whispers something. Tbh, I never want to know what was said. Bc that would be obscenity/porn of the lowest sort. But you can bet it was the most loving insult ever spoken. "Maman. U gonna have hell to pay over dinner later." ...bc she showed who was boss NOT couple times during the ride. But think: they were all boss. Like 3 *joined* (or entangled) family parachutists who jumped out of a burning burning plane that exploded right after the improv big leap. No time for egotistical power plays, for sure. And time for maman to pull 'em thru like she did on that hospital slab crankin that boy into this world. And dad and son know it, damn well.
I call out Vive la France! And I call out it out 2 days after my/our July 4th over here in a deeply troubled "Amérique" .. United States of America. I weep. But I smile thru the darkness at the level of sheer divinity and humanity brought to us by a historically-severely chastised but great nation (France and all Europe). And by technology created in another great nation I pray, with all my heart, will yet "come to itself."
Des impros toujours très lyriques et qui mettent en joie ! cherche mes mots...pour dire ce que je ressens. Je dirai "Eblouissant" ! Vraiment. Merci pour le partage.
Nul doute que si Suzanne Chaisemartin a laissé son empreinte dans cette somptueuse et claquetante mécanique de St. Sulpice, Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin y laissera la sienne pour les siècles à venir! Bravo, Madame!
Sophie Véronique est certainement l'une des meilleures improvisatrices, ses improvisations sont divinement belles. Un régal pour nos oreilles. Je pense aussi comme Bastien, qu'elle devrait se faire davantage connaitre. J'ai eu la chance de la rencontrer, et elle a un gros atout supplémentaire, une incroyable gentillesse. Merci Sophie.
got to meet her this past Summer!
WoW!!! The change of colour and mood at around 6:10 was a magical moment.
J’adore aussi ce brusque changement
She is great! Of all women organists French or otherwise! To think she has all this in her head coming alive right before our eyes and ears! How marvelous !
Je me sens propulsé, il y a une énergie, une cohérence que l on cherche au plus profond de sois en écoutant... quel talent !
Excellent! Merci!
Eblouissant , lumineux , puissant , prodigieuse ascension vers l ' Infini ; Sophie Véronique Cauchefer Choplin magnifique paraît comme transfigurée .
this lady's improv is awe-inspiring