mini bosai musen ml-304b let her go synth and... umm...

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 39

  • @brokensolarpanel2649
    @brokensolarpanel2649  4 месяца назад +6

    video queue:
    43k sub special.
    tsm the love triangle part 5.
    tsm power outage craziness.

    • @Spirit31208
      @Spirit31208 4 месяца назад +3

      Hey Bsp questions for Q&A 1. Can you make a tsm music video for Kenny Loggins I’m free heaven helps the man 2. Can you do my script 2001 130’s rotator problem

    • @Spirit31208
      @Spirit31208 4 месяца назад +4

      Tornado Siren Madness 2001 130’s rotating problem
      2001 130: alright time to test *sounds off for 30 seconds and winds down*
      2001 130: fuck im not rotating
      3T22: that’s bad let’s go to the fix n clean
      2001 130: Ok
      *a few minutes later*
      2001 130: *goes in*
      Fix n clean: *scans him* this object has been identified as a 2001 130 tornado siren. Problem there are 2 branches stuck in it. Fixing now *takes the branches out of the rotator*
      2001 130: thanks
      Fix n clean: your welcome *shuts off*
      2001 130: *exits*
      3T22: what was the problem
      2001 130: 2 branches were stuck in it
      Evil P50: that was me who did that
      2001 130: screw you
      Evil P50: well that’s what you get for laughing at. 2810 when his antenna broke *laughs*
      2001 130: not gonna lie I should apologize to him
      3T22: anyways try testing
      2001 130: *tests rotates and winds down*
      3T22 & 2001 130: yes
      2810: hey 2001 130
      2001 130: hey um sorry for laughing when your antenna broke it was messed up and me and my bros are sorry
      2810: it’s fine but don’t do it again
      The End

    • @ACA_cyclone
      @ACA_cyclone 4 месяца назад

      @@Spirit31208it’s a cool script

    • @LunarFlareStudios
      @LunarFlareStudios 4 месяца назад

      ThorGuard vs. Pocket Perry
      ThorGuard is sitting at the ThorGolf front desk, enjoying a Tempest Cola.
      Hi guys! Did you miss me? It’s been a while since I appeared in a TSM video! Gosh, I’m sure loving this new TG360 radar. I just got it as an upgrade, and now I can sound off for tornadoes and heat alerts too. Anyway, it’s kind of quiet here since there’s a thunderstorm in the area… oh no! It’s getting too close! Time to sound off!
      She sounds off as rain begins to fall.
      And there wasn’t even any lightning yet, I just figured that since the conditions were right, I’d better make sure everyone was safe. Also, I can sound off for tornado warnings now! Yep, that’s right! Major Minty from Lunar Flare Studios snatched up a press release by the company who made me, and the latest firmware update allows me to listen for a tornado warning! Anyway, let’s listen to the radio.
      She flips on the radio and listens in to her favorite station. “Super Singularitization” is playing.
      Yay! My favorite song!
      The song plays a bit before the EAS interrupts the music.
      Oh crap! What’s going on? Is this a Severe Thunderstorm Warning or something? Because I didn’t detect a Tornado Warning! (Pause)
      The National Weather Service has this message for ThorGuard. You’re getting replaced! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
      EAS ends. ThorGuard scowls at the radio.
      Oh, it’s one of those dumb hackers again. I remember all the times that people decided to hack the Emergency Alert System… but wait, did they say I’m getting replaced?! That can’t be!
      Lightning strikes and Pocket Perry goes off.
      Wait, who is that?
      She goes to investigate and finds Pocket Perry sounding off his speakers outside of his house. ThorGuard approaches him and sounds her air horns for a quick blast to get his attention.
      Oh, so the giant spider decided to come and stop me?
      I’m not a spider, I’m ThorGuard! And why did you sound off so late? There’s already a storm around and that lightning was too close!
      I can’t go off until there’s an actual lightning strike.
      Well, I predicted the lightning before it even came! And why did you build a house in the middle of my golf course?
      Because it’s my golf course now! And at least I have the ability to do voice messages!
      Who cares? At least I can see lightning before it comes! Your gimmicks are useless!
      Thunderbolt approaches the two.
      Hey, what’s going on here? I heard the EAS alert and came to make sure ThorGuard was okay!
      Hey, you shouldn’t be here! It’s too dangerous!
      Well he got one thing right. But Thunderbolt is just concerned! Besides, he’s made to be outdoors in this weather!
      Hey, new guy, did you build this house on the fifth hole? Because you’re obstructing the course!
      No, I ordered it on the web and had it dropped in by plane! And by the way, my name is Pocket Perry, not New Guy!
      Well, that explains why I didn’t witness its construction.
      Anyway, ThorGuard is the manager here, so she has the say! So if she says leave, then leave!
      Not anymore! (Throws money in ThorGuard’s face and runs off laughing)
      ThorGuard looks at the money.
      Well, another reason to call the cops.
      What is it?
      Look at these hundred dollar bills! The picture of Benjamin Federal Signal is so obviously photoshopped!
      Let me see. (Takes a look) Oh, that’s not just photoshopped, it’s a terrible parody. He’s wearing sunglasses in the picture!
      I’m calling the cops right now! And he’ll be banned from the golf course too!
      Where’s my dinner?
      That is your dinner!
      It’s not food, so it’s not dinner!
      I won’t give you pizza tonight because you keep escaping! Pizza is only for the well-behaved inmates! Now eat your collard greens and chicken or nothing at all!
      P50 groans. Whelen’s phone rings and he answers it.
      Twisted Cops.
      Hello Whelen, we have a problem. There’s this guy called Pocket Perry who has put a house on the fifth hole of my golf course, and now has tried to buy the golf course with obviously fake money.
      And it looks like he’s throwing out all of ThorGuard’s stuff.
      What? He is? Oh no! We need to stop him before he breaks my radio!
      Enough said, I’m on my way. (Hangs up)
      Back at ThorGolf
      Hey, that’s my friend’s stuff!
      Well, it has to go!
      Don’t touch my 1980’s style radio!
      Police sirens start wailing and Whelen steps out.
      What? Impossible! Who called the cops?!
      Pocket Perry, you are under arrest for building on someone else’s property and creating counterfeit money.
      Oh you just try and catch me! (Runs away)
      Well, let’s just add resisting arrest to the list of charges. (Follows him)
      Darn! He’s painted his name over the ThorGolf logo!
      Don’t worry, I’ll fix it. (Wipes off the wet paint with a cloth)
      Wow, that actually worked! Now we just have to wait for that Pocket Perry to get arrested.
      Taser sound, then Pocket Perry walks by with Whelen behind him.
      And we know exactly where you’re heading. To jail!
      Do I get coffee in the morning and tea every two hours? Or maybe a nice steak for dinner? I mean, someone as rich as me probably-
      We know you faked that money! And no, there’s no luxuries in jail! Now come with me!
      Add a vandalism charge too. He painted over the ThorGolf logo.
      Will do.
      (Whelen escorts Pocket Perry away)
      Well, at least that made today a bit more exciting.
      In the county jail
      Hi prison mate. I’m Pocket Perry. Who are you?
      My name is LRAD, and I’m here because I tried to replace ATI with excessive force. And you?
      Same thing, except I tried to replace ThorGuard.
      Wow, no wonder they put us together. They’re just asking for trouble. Together, we’ll take over Tornado Siren Madness world and replace everyone!
      You know what? That sounds like fun.
      The End?

    • @Am_ati14
      @Am_ati14 4 месяца назад

      @@Spirit31208 cool script

  • @Spirit31208
    @Spirit31208 4 месяца назад +3

    Hey Bsp questions for Q&A 1. Can you make a tsm music video for Kenny Loggins I’m free heaven helps the man 2. Can you do my script 2001 130’s rotator problem

  • @moonprincess500
    @moonprincess500 4 месяца назад +2

    Seems like you’re holding up okay despite recent events. 🌪️

  • @JoseTorres-qj5xq
    @JoseTorres-qj5xq 4 месяца назад +2

    Never saw two mini siren test videos before.

  • @noahkahoot3510
    @noahkahoot3510 3 месяца назад +1

    Next one: われは海の子
    English: I am a child of the sea, please

  • @ATK_J.Y.S_I.N.D_Offical
    @ATK_J.Y.S_I.N.D_Offical 4 месяца назад +3

    Nice! 😊

  • @Spirit31208
    @Spirit31208 4 месяца назад +2

    Χριστός Ανέστη BSP

  • @user-rmmtz1144
    @user-rmmtz1144 4 месяца назад +2

    Cool 😊

  • @thebigtrainguy
    @thebigtrainguy 4 месяца назад

    not my script, but I'm going to help katercode and pearl sterling join tsm, and get this script noticed!
    (originally scripted by the real choco sterling)
    Fedelcode: wakes up it sure is a beautiful day today, I'm gonna watch the news to see what's happening in tsm world turns on the TV and turns to news channel
    Whelen: hey all you sirens, two new sirens joined tsm world and their names are katercode and pearl sterling. They just moved here so come see them in tsm Park. That's all for today
    Fedelcode: turns the TV off and goes to tsm world where katercode and pearl sterling are
    Katercode: look, it's fedelcode goes over to fedelcode
    Pearl sterling: follows behind katercode hi fedelcode
    Fedelcode: hi katercode and pearl sterling
    Pearl sterling: we wanted to join tsm world
    Katercode: yea, so we decided to move here
    Pearl sterling: yea
    Fedelcode: nice, yall can live with me
    Pearl sterling: alright
    Katercode: yea
    Fedelcode: takes them to her house you have your own rooms here
    Pearl sterling: cool
    Katercode: nice
    Fedelcode: want me to help yall set up your rooms?
    Katercode: yes please
    Pearl sterling: yes
    Fedelcode: ok she helps them set up their rooms
    Pearl sterling: thank you fedelcode
    Katercode: yea, thank you fedelcode
    Fedelcode: you're welcome
    Pearl sterling: this will be nice living here
    Katercode: yea especially when fedelcode's here with us
    Pearl sterling: yea
    Fedelcode: I'm glad yall could join here
    Pearl sterling: same
    Katercode: me too
    Pearl sterling is a white female sterling k-5
    Katercode is a tan female fedelcode model 5

  • @thebigtrainguy
    @thebigtrainguy 4 месяца назад

    Tornado Siren Madness - Thunderbolt's clumsy potion:
    Thunderbolt: ugh, I remember when 1003 made me drink her freaking faooh gibberish potion!
    huh, perhaps I should've payed her back with my own potion, and I'm sure I still can!
    just one problem though, I don't know how to make potions.
    hmm, I could try and search if there is any store nearby that sells these kinds of potions?
    (searches on google maps)
    thunderbolt: oh goodie, there is!
    (realizes how far it is)
    thunderbolt: oh god!
    that's pretty far!
    I don't feel like driving there all the way in the Thunder-van!
    I will have to ask blockhead to pick me up in the Tempest School Bus!
    even if he can't singularitize me!
    allertor: may I come along too?
    thunderbolt: of course allertor!
    (calls blockhead)
    blockhead: hello?
    thunderbolt: hey blockhead--
    blockhead: bye bye.
    (hangs up)
    awkward silence...
    thunderbolt: what the f*ck was that?!
    screw blockhead!
    hey, the store is right next to a train station!
    perhaps we could ask if the big train guy knows how to get there!
    (Calls him)
    btg: helloo?
    (use simon, I don't feel like recording voice lines)
    thunderbolt: hello train guy?
    btg: what's up?
    thunderbolt: so there's this store next to a train station, and it is quite a while away,
    I need to go there to get something I need to prank 1003! heh heh!
    btg: oh yeah, I know that shop!
    thunderbolt: you do?!
    btg: just wait there!
    (hangs up)
    (class 158 horn outside)
    (you could recreate the horn in audacity if possible, there are multiple horn videos you could use for reference)
    thunderbolt: what the heck was that noise?!
    (goes out)
    thunderbolt: whoa!
    (big train guy has a class 158 as his private train in either a custom livery/paint scheme, or an East Midlands Railway livery without branding)
    (please make it as detailed and accurate as possible, both externally and internally,
    Do not just make it a cube as cyclone says)
    Btg: this is one of my very own private trains! I will take my friends and other sirens in it!
    I've partially refurbed it with the help of megablaster, by removing a few of the seats and tables, and replaced them with random crap
    Such as a sofa, a fridge, a microwave, we fitted a TV to watch RUclips on,
    And we even replaced the original toilet, with a new high-tech japanese one that plays caramelldansen!
    So this train basically has everything you would ever want now! It is freaking awesome!
    (I know I said I want the trains to be sentient, but please just make this a standard class 158)
    Anyway, all aboard!
    (Thunderbolt and allertor get on, the train's horn blows, and leaves)
    (I want it to be based on a regular 158 horn of course, not replaced with a stupid American K5LA! No offence)
    (As btg said, only some of the seats were removed, the remaining seat backs are from an EMR 158 but with new refurbished seat cushions if you want)
    A little while later...
    (train arrives)
    Thunderbolt: wow, that was pretty quick!
    (goes into the store)
    Allertor: wow, these are some crazy potions!
    A nonstop burping potion? Ha! perfect thing to p1ss off 2810 with!
    (Some easter egg potions also appear like the roblox moonwalk and monster mash potions)
    Thunderbolt: I just hope they have the clumsy potion I want!
    Excuse me sir, do you have--
    Model 5: any French fries?
    Thunderbolt: model 5, what the heck are you doing here!
    Ugh, anyway, do you have a potion that makes sirens clumsy?
    Because there is this siren called 1003, who has a huge crush on me, and won't leave me alone!
    So I want to play a prank on her, and make her run into everything!
    Siren behind the counter: oh yes we do have a clumsy potion,
    Lemme go find it...
    (Finds it)
    Here you go! I put it in a can of thunder-shock,
    Because I haven't finished it's bottle yet.
    Thunderbolt: perfect! 1003 won't be under suspicion! thank you very much!
    Siren by the counter: of course! that will be $1
    Thunderbolt: wow really?
    That's cheap!
    Siren by the counter: yep, have a great day!
    Thunderbolt: I will! (Laughs)
    (They leave, get back on the train and get off at thunderbolt's house)
    Thunderbolt: thanks train guy!
    Btg: no problem!
    (Train leaves)
    (Again, I want every sound on the 158, including the engine sound to be as accurate as you can make it, if you can, it means alot to me! or just use a real life recording)
    (Also use the Cummins engine sound, since the class 158 has 2 engine types the cummins, and the perkins, EMR mostly having Cummins engines)
    Thunderbolt: you know I forgot to ask this, but since when has there been a railroad track right next to my house?
    Allertor: I guess we're supposed to ignore that
    Thunderbolt: you're right
    Allertor: well I will go home now, see you later!
    Thunderbolt: cya!
    I will just put a note on this can and then I'll take it to 1003's house!
    1003: huh?
    (Goes to the door and opens it)
    1003: wow!
    (Reads the note on the can and drinks it)
    Hmm, that tasted kind of strange,
    I don't think that's what thunder-shock tastes like, does it?
    Oh well.
    (Walks right into 3T22 and both fall over)
    3T22: 1003? Why would you run into me like that?
    1003: I'm sorry about that, IDK what just happened
    3T22: it's ok!
    1003: uh, maybe I drank that thunder-shock a little too quickly,
    I really need to pee now!
    (Goes head first into allertor's horn)
    Allertor: 1003 what the heck!
    1003: oh, I'm so sorry allertor!
    (Finds a bathroom but falls into the toilet head first)
    (Gets out and uses the toilet)
    (She tries to flush but falls into the toilet again and gets flushed down)
    (She comes out of the drain cover)
    1003: what is going on?!
    Why am I running into stuff and falling over?
    This is very strange!
    P50: hey thunderbutt!
    Thunderbolt: hey! it's thunderbolt,
    Not butt!
    (1003 busts into thunderbolt's house!)
    1003: get over here thunderbaby!
    (Thunderbolt screams and runs out of the way causing 1003 to accidentally kiss P50!)
    (1003 screams, p1sses herself and runs away at light speed!)
    (Thunderbolt and P50 laugh)
    (Thunderbolt then just slaps P50)
    1003: the heck is wrong with me!
    I better visit Megablaster and or Hurricane to see if they know what could be the problem!
    (busts through the door of the repair shed)
    uh, hello? megablaster, are you here?
    (goes outside and sees a large steel train shed)
    1003: hey! what is this?
    (walks in)
    (there's a former Grand Central train company class 180 in the shed which megablaster is working on, it's gonna be btg's second private train)
    1003: oh wow, I wonder what this high-speed train is for!
    (echo effect on 1003's voice)
    (there is a steel door-level platform next to the train like in some train depots in the UK)
    (one of the train doors is open and 1003 goes onboard)
    1003: I sort of have a feeling this ain't allowed, but who cares!
    ah megablaster, there you are!
    (crashes into megablaster, who is refurbishing the interior)
    megablaster: whoa, 1003?
    what are you doing in here? and why did you run into me like that!
    1003: sorry about that!
    I have no clue what's wrong with me,
    I drank a thunder-shock that thunderbolt gave me,
    and it made me super clumsy!
    megablaster: it was from thunderbolt huh?
    bruh, he most likely just wanted to play a prank on you!
    1003: oh.
    well I don't mean to bother you if you're busy on this train,
    but do you have a potion that cures you from any potion if that makes sense?
    so you can heal me from this clumsy potion?
    megablaster: of course!
    come with me!
    (they go into the repair shed)
    megablaster: found it,
    just take one spoon of this,
    it should heal you instantly!
    1003: thank you!
    (sips it)
    (MMmMMmmm sound from 16V and Friends - the amazing cook)
    1003: okay I hope this will work!
    megablaster: good luck!
    1003: thunderbolt, why did you trick me with a clumsy potion?!
    thunderbolt: that was payback for giving me that gibberish potion lol!
    1003: but that was years ago!
    thunderbolt: yeah but still, it's hilarious!
    wait, aren't you still clumsy?
    megablaster: did you forget that I exist?
    thunderbolt: ugh!
    1003: megablaster, may I ask, what is that train you are working on?
    megablaster: it is an Alstom Class 180 Adelante,
    the big train guy is going to use it as one of his own private trains,
    for him and his friends!
    unfortunately however, it is a class 180,
    so... you'll be going nowhere.
    (it's a common joke with the class 180, it's from an old class 180 faults and failures staff training video,
    if you want you could actually use the line from Paul Tyreman in the original video, it's on youtube)
    1003: what do you mean?
    megablaster: aw screw it!
    it'll be ok!
    1003: hey megablaster,
    megablaster: yes?
    1003: um... may I actually help you refurbish the train's interior?
    I actually know quite a bit about this kind of stuff!
    megablaster: you do?! really???
    1003: yes, I could help you roll out the carpet and stuff!
    and even fit stuff like a TV, and a couch!
    megablaster: yes! that's exactly what the train guy wants!
    come with me!
    the end.

  • @peanutmwo6001
    @peanutmwo6001 4 месяца назад

    well at least the chime worked and sounded nice

  • @AnArcticBlueFox
    @AnArcticBlueFox 4 месяца назад

    Cool, can you show us a test of your mini 2001 SRN

  • @ToothlessThedragon9
    @ToothlessThedragon9 4 месяца назад

    For 43K:
    1. Who was that black siren with the red eyes in Meet JJP?
    2. Are you gonna make a Whelen Vortex Finback and Soundmaster 125, if not then look it up

  • @sugarmashofficial_6210
    @sugarmashofficial_6210 4 месяца назад

    For 43K
    1. Will you add katercode and pearl sterling to TSM?
    2. My new script "Mystery sound" is finished but no character design, it isn't made yet.
    3. Can TSM be 16:9 and also new theme song?

  • @pokemario8673
    @pokemario8673 4 месяца назад

    TSM Thunderbolt’s lost twin part 4
    (At jail)
    P50: One thing about those sirens, they all suck so hard that they come out of their other f$@$ing ends!
    -2t22: I know right! this world freaking sucks!
    Gray 2001: should we think of a plan to bust out of….
    Bad sirens: what the hell!?
    (The smoke fades away)
    Dark red sth-10: hello guys. remembered me?
    Evil red P50: and me!?
    P50: oh f$&$ it’s the evil and deadly P50 clone!
    Evil red P50: no wait don’t panic. I just wanna say I’m really sorry that I betrayed you when we crash the party.
    P50: ARE YOU!?
    Evil red P50: yes.
    Dark red sth-10: anyways look what I got with me ATI tri blaster, red Carter and CS8
    -2t22: wow! now we’re talking!
    Gray 2001: we sure are!
    Dark red sth-10: and here’s a plan that I just cook up. We are going to lightning bolts house to steal his clone gun. We can use it to clone ourselves and take over TSM world!
    Tri blaster: wow that’s a good idea but how we gonna get that cloning gun from him?
    Dark red sth-10: we had to put him into sleep with a tranquilizer, once we do steal his gun then Will use it to clone ourselves.
    P50: great idea let’s do this
    Evil red P50: this rock this mother $&$&ers
    (At lightning bolt’s house)
    Lighting bolt: well it’s getting late time to get ready for bed.
    (go to the bar, the brush his teeth and wash his face gray 2001 pop out the wood though and shot him with a tranquilizer dart)
    Gray 2001: he’s down! quick CS8! take his gun.
    (CS8 takes lighting bolt’s gun from his pocket)
    CS8: got it! meet me at the front door
    Thunderbolt: I wonder how lightning bolt is doing?
    (Opens the front door line, allowing CS8 to bump into him)
    Thunderbolt: CS8 what the heck are you… (see’s the gun in her hand) wait is that lightning bolts cloning gun!?!
    CS8: &$@@ off @$&@$le!
    (Thunderbolt and CS8 wrestle each other and set the dial to evil color, inverted siren and clones thunderbolt)
    Evil clone: I am -1000t an evil version of thunderbolt.
    Thunderbolt: &)&&! This isn’t good.
    CS8: UGG! He must be friendlier than thunderbolt….
    (-1000t pick up thunderbolt spun him around and threw him into lightning bolt’s bathroom)
    CS8: oh. guess what what’s wrong.
    Evil red P50: wow! that was sick
    Red Carter: I know right! that was spontaneous!
    P50: what’s your name?
    -1000t: i’m -1000T and evil version of thunderbolt.
    ATI: nice to meet you I’m ATI
    Tri blaster: i’m tri blaster, and these are our friends
    Dark red sth-10: why won’t you join us in our party? We’re going to use that gun to clone ourselves to take over TSM world.
    P50: well we can’t do that now. it broke.
    Evil red P50: never mind that. we still got him!
    -2t22: that’s right! now let’s go and start the scheme already!
    Dark red sth-10: ok! To the evil siren mobile.
    (Jumps into the vehicle and drives away)
    Thunderbolt: what happened?
    (Looks at lighting bolt) oh my God, lightning bolt! are you OK? (Looks at the tranquilizer dart) crap he’s been tranquilize, and those evil sirens took the gun. I had to take him to my house and call 2t22 and Allertor!!
    To be continued!
    Part 5 will come up in the next video

  • @ToothlessThedragon9
    @ToothlessThedragon9 4 месяца назад

    Hey BSP have you heard of a Whelen vortex finback? if not then look it up i've been thinking about it coming in to tsm

  • @weatherstormlordstudioss
    @weatherstormlordstudioss 4 месяца назад

    My guess is they would’ve canceled the test due to the violent weather that impacted last week into yesterday yesterday evening

  • @wingochan9400
    @wingochan9400 4 месяца назад +1

    Hey BSP, I don't know if you heard, but I completely forgot in The Love Triangle part 4 that I said P-Negative50 to stay at my house until his house gets rebuilt. However, I don't have a guest room in my house in real life, which is why I didn't think of it. And I don't think we should be sleeping together. I'm not really ready for that yet. Hopefully, we can work something out. Plus, Wingo Chan should be getting a bit softer around P-50 since he did save her life in part 4. But again, hopefully the script I wrote will be good enough. 🙏

    • @brokensolarpanel2649
      @brokensolarpanel2649  4 месяца назад +1

      it's alright. i'm sure you and many others are aware that i tend to put in a bit of my own ideas into the tsm scripts i get when i animate them. so i can simply just edit in a part or alter a scene to make it work if i need to.

    • @thebigtrainguy
      @thebigtrainguy 4 месяца назад

      @@brokensolarpanel2649I hope you saw my voice lines video for the episode

    • @Coco_the_spirit_cat
      @Coco_the_spirit_cat 4 месяца назад +1

      @@brokensolarpanel2649 if a fly loses it’s wings is it then called a walk?

    • @wingochan9400
      @wingochan9400 4 месяца назад

      @@brokensolarpanel2649 Cool. Thanks for understanding. 😎👍

    • @Coco_the_spirit_cat
      @Coco_the_spirit_cat 4 месяца назад

      @@wingochan9400 help

  • @YoustinckylittleboyaUGaahee
    @YoustinckylittleboyaUGaahee 4 месяца назад

    The legand is back again

  • @313southrailfan
    @313southrailfan 4 месяца назад

    Double siren pole?

  • @finnythao1548
    @finnythao1548 4 месяца назад

    uh bsp your p10 is dieing

  • @Sirensofgrimescounty
    @Sirensofgrimescounty 4 месяца назад


  • @thebigtrainguy
    @thebigtrainguy 4 месяца назад

    BSP, have you heard about Class 43, The British Transport Enthusiast, North West Trainspotter, and TrainPlaneFan123? Because they are some of the people.e harassing me, but they claim it's the other way around, and I'm harassing them, when it isn't true! On top of that, they also call me train simp, and constantly tell me to grow up saying I am childish! Please do not listen to them! If they ever script for TSM, please don't make make their episode, because it could make them feel more stronger and powerful! Don't do their scripts like you did with JJP, although most of these guys aren't into TSM, but still!

  • @NeilPrasad_1905
    @NeilPrasad_1905 4 месяца назад

    Epic Fail