Obadja 8, 2 "Siehe, ich mache dich klein unter den Völkern, du wirst tief verachtet sein. 3 Dein vermessener Sinn hat dich betört; du wohnst in Felsenklüften, du sitzt auf dem hohen Berg und denkst: Wer stürzt mich hinab? 4 Erhebst du dich auch wie der Adler und baust dein Nest zwischen den Sternen, ich stürze dich von dort hinab."
it seems someone or a higher power wants to fuck with us.. there are millions of peole making musik ( im saying making not creating ). but . is he really the only one on earth who have such ideos and phantasy of creating thiat Kind of Music. i dont get it .then you would almost have to say almost all the others musicans in the world got less phantasy.. its unbelievable this visualisation.. ( getting Angry now at this Moment i write this down ) can not be. impossible. nearly 8 billon People on earth.and he is the only one.. AAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH. who is fucking with us. Face me. i kick you Right in your ass that you will fly to the moon !
This is really strange, calm and somehow powerful. Can't resist.
I can't describe what I feel when I listen to this. It's ethereal...
Obadja 8, 2 "Siehe, ich mache dich klein unter den Völkern, du wirst tief verachtet sein. 3 Dein vermessener Sinn hat dich betört; du wohnst in Felsenklüften, du sitzt auf dem hohen Berg und denkst: Wer stürzt mich hinab? 4 Erhebst du dich auch wie der Adler und baust dein Nest zwischen den Sternen, ich stürze dich von dort hinab."
Beautiful song. I'm feeling sad and this helps me cope in some weird way.
Nice upload Hal :)
8:08 OOOFT!!!!
it seems someone or a higher power wants to fuck with us.. there are millions of peole making musik ( im saying making not creating ). but . is he really the only one on earth who have such ideos and phantasy of creating thiat Kind of Music. i dont get it .then you would almost have to say almost all the others musicans in the world got less phantasy.. its unbelievable this visualisation.. ( getting Angry now at this Moment i write this down ) can not be. impossible. nearly 8 billon People on earth.and he is the only one.. AAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH. who is fucking with us. Face me. i kick you Right in your ass that you will fly to the moon !