This was quite fun! Great episode! I really like your recipe changes/additions. Very logical and smart and immersive. So kudos on that! I love the whole automating everything aspect combined with making things look good. Such a good combo.
13:25 Bigger suggestions: Dynamic Trees (not for world gen, I just know you and Mr Beardstone both hate making your own trees, and this just kinda does it for you if you convert saplings), another one that kindof fits the aesthetic is Immersive Engineering (yes, I know there's overlap with Create, but it gives you more varieties of blocks to work with, and you can have actual power lines etc). Smaller suggestions: Friends & Foes (adds the mobs that lost the mob vote, and a few structures and things to go with them), and maybe some kind of tool and armor mod (I don't have something specific in mind, but I'm a collectaholic, and I like watching people make collections of loot and stuff).
@@puffnthe neoforge version works fine on regular forge (I am currently using it in a modified pack, and it is fully functional, including village structures, this is why I put it under "bigger" as it would generate those in new villages)
I think a farm for create components could be fun to have. a farm that auto crafts big and small cogs, shafts, gear boxes, chain drives, belts, maybe even go a little crazy and farm precision mechanisms. Go crazy with it!
Additional mod ideas: Create: Central Kitchen: Allows for more automation of the Farmer's Delight mod. Create: Connected: General Create quality of life mod. Miner's Delight: Allows for automation of Phantom Membranes using bat wings. 'Dustrial Decor: Industrial decoration pack that contains many building blocks perfect for any factory. AllTheCompressed: Adds tiered compressed versions of many blocks, useful for storage. Create: The Factory Must Grow: Adds many bits and bobs, including different colored pipes and building blocks!
This might be a long shot but I’ve been really enjoying using Alex’s caves and create Oppenheimered as it lets you automate things base create doesn’t let you in unusual ways
A few mods I really like are: Create: Garnished, Untamed Wilds, Alex's caves, easy villagers, easy piglins, and more villagers (by samedifferent). All are great and work on 1.20.1
Be aware that despite how cool untamed wilds is, it can be very laggy due to its world gen properties and because certain creatures (bison specifically) breed like crazy and create infestations if not controlled well. I do still love the mod
Create: Garnished allows for easy automation of many resources through unique liquid "cobble" gens. This mods definitely helps simplify farms and free up lag/frames for better running gameplay
Create ore excavation is a good mod as well, if you are looking for relatively easy ore generation (specifically for netherite, diamond, lapis, and zinc)
You should install the Valkyrian skies mod and make working airships or similar. I don't know what versions it works for but it will be great to transport millions of items over larger distances
problem with the mod is it crashes with mods that changes visual quality (like oculus) in modpacks that aren't vanilla like, there's also lots of compatibility error with that mods and other stuff, so sadly in 1.20.1 this mod is simply not stable and will cause his game to crash on startup
I think you should build a dye factory that produces each dye color! The process might be a little tedious (because some dyes require mixing other dyes together), but in the end, you would have a larger block pallette to work with :)
Some mods I've added to my own pack; Create: Interiours - Pretty seats for trains! Expanding Technologies - Adds railroad crossing lights and if you add a noteblock on top it makes the dutch train-crossing sound :P Copycats+ - A lot more copycat blocks (might require lag-testing) Handcrafted - Creators of Chipped, pretty decorative blocks, interiours, pillars, benches (great for stations!)
A Mod you could add and a Farm you could build are: Create Dreams n Desires (Mod) and a Diamond Farm. Dreams n Desires adds a renewable way to produce diamonds and adds other recipes that allow you to produce zinc, copper and other important materials. It also adds deco blocks, some Items from old create and other cool stuff. I also really like your create series. Keep up the good work!
you might want to include the large torch mod that Beardy uses that prevents mobs in a radius. just a suggestion for quality of life type mods 😊 the inferno looks amazing! thanx Foxy ❤
I’d love to see you make an automated restaurant using the create food/delight integrations. On fabric at least you can customize what toppings go on your burgers, for instance.
@@Potatoeunderscore I mean just the car itself, the rails would already be in place for the car to drive off, and the schedule would be created manually. The 3d printer would essentially work like a cooler schematicannon.
A good idea for the silverfish spawner/xp farm is to glue a lot of infested stone together onto a bearing. The stone will turn into an entity, and the silverfish would spawn without breaking the rock. You could then make the silverfish get moved into a crushing wheel. Repeat for lots of xp
Nice video. Here are my suggestions: Mods: Eureka (it basically allows you to build airships. You could build a workshop on it so you don't have to go back to hill valley whenever you need something) Trim Effects (this mod adds potion effects to armor trims. For example: if you have the spire armor trim on all armor pieces you will get strength) Farms: I have around 30 ideas but because I don't want to bore you I'm only going to write my top 3 The first is a giant stone factory where you produce everything from cobblestone to granite and so on The second is a framed block farm you. could build a small separate wood farm and make the top 10 framed blocks you use The third is a dye factory. I think that concrete, terracotta and wool are the best building blocks so having infinite dye to color them would be quite useful
Also Foxy, if you take that excess clay and make terracota, crush it to red sand and wash it you get way better gold returns than with soul sand. Might help speed up the netherite farm some. But the silverfish is a clever idea.
I have an idea what you could build a storage building where all your items for Hill Valley, from the snow area, the area your working on. You could see what you have alot of and you can use it for future projects.
I'd like to see a whole FNTSA (FoxyNoTail Space Agency) facility complete with a giant rocket to launch you to... Wherever you want? Maybe another collab?
Everything you've created thus far has been really peaceful. I think you should build a Fort or some kind. I'm not sure what you would put in it, maybe a farm for TNT or some other kind of destruction based block.
Just a quick suggestion, why don't you create a diamond farm since it is in low supply? I have a few mod ideas as well that should work on your server (or world). A great mod that I recommend is Minecraft Transit Railway, not necessarily because of the trains, but because you can make a boat or plane route (maybe between the new area and Hill Valley?), also Create New Age is a great addon that you should also think about adding. They both work with Forge, and I think that they work with 1.20.1 as well. However, with Minecraft Transit Railway, you can't transport blocks like with the Create mod, so it is purely decoration. You did a great job with the Inferno, by the way, and I love your videos😄!
I feel like the different places you’ve built all have their own kind of theme to it. Starter builds excluded, but your snowy place has a very cheery winter wonderland vibe to it while the place you’re building in now has a modern city like vibe. I think it would be cool to see a couple different themes come up too. Like a medieval castle in the mountains vibe , or something like that 🤷 maybe there is some mods that line up with that?
seeing you make create farms for normal minecraft items is always satisfying asf. The farm dosnt even need to be super useful but seeing something that is hard too get a lot of in vanilla get automated is so cool(at least to me)
I think having a clock building that turns 90 degrees every minute would be cool. Maybe the rotation can move inputs and outputs that are responsible for delivering ingredients for something
I think that you should make a hospital and on the inside you should have a raid farm for totems or something. As for mods to add I would recommend like a basic furniture mod to make everything seem more lively.
Honestly, I love the cornflower spawn point search. Always makes me branch out and make more than one base, eventually. Flower farms are GREAT for if you're running a power generation setup that makes use of Create Stuff and Additions' biomass.
For mods that could be fun to see you explore, there's actually a compatibility mod between Ars Nouveau and Create, meaning you could try playing around with that! I know it's a bit out-there compared to the typical mechanical vibes of most things you have going on in this world but it could be fun! Other than that, Valkyrian skies is always a cool mod to see!
Crossroads is a pretty cool mod that I don't see anyone using, even tho it is REALLY old but still available for 1.20. It goes really well with Create, as it is all about making really complicated machines for automation, but not "One-Block Wonders" like Mekanism or Thermal Foundation. It also adds a couple of really cool recipes that Create can't automate, like diamonds (Really difficult recipe though), but some involve automation of chemistry or with Lasers that transmute blocks into others (Like Glowstone into Redstone) Another mod which is more for QoL, is Effortless Building, that adds a wheel that you can access with a keybind and let's you place blocks; In a line, Circle, Box, Wall, Floor, etc
Crossroads is really interesting alongside Create despite having its own rotation system that works very differently, they don't overlap that much and moreso compliment eachother. It's built around making automation of its processes interesting, with ways to build setups complicated setups to achieve preventing mob spawning in an area without lighting, accelerating a block or an area, applying permanent potion effects, and a lot more. It's a really unique mod that does a lot that you don't see often from technical mods.
Hey man! Someone probably mentioned this already, but you can use different types of drawer trim so they don't accidentally connect together I think. This place is incredible btw, your videos are wonderfully entertaining, keep up the smashing work my dude!
Got a cool idea for a new area in the air. You could make a floating island with whatever design, and for transportation vehicles you can do planes (trains) using phantom rails to “fly” them from a runway up to the island.
love it m8, you could turn the clay into blocks and fire the blocks into terracotta then crush into red sand, wash that into gold,... just to make a tad more gold...for completion ;)
I really enjoy your content, thanks for what you do. Create: Garnished.. and automate everything from scratch to make Hazelnut: Melted Cinder Flour. I've done it in my world and enjoyed the challenges that it brings to make it slow enough for single player. The bonus is everytime your backpack feeds you, 90 seconds of Speed 2 is fun; down side is having to find new chunks to get the trees.
I think you should add immersive railroading for bulk moving blocks and liquids to your factories, and you can keep you hand made create trains for transporting goods to keep you factories going
Honestly.... I'd really like you to explore some of the drinks mods I've seen in other playthroughs. Stuff like Let's Do Vinery (I think it's updated?), and whichever beer mod you've got on the Create Astral series you just started. You building a winery or a brewhouse (and possibly involving villagers as the clerks, if they have new professions to go along with it that make them look interesting) would be amazing. Doing more with your honey farm would also be nice - maybe putting together a greenhouse to upscale production (possibly for mead?) would be cool. More just. General fooling around with villagers would be interesting to watch - maybe you making a village where villagers could free roam without getting their silly butts killed would be cool. Maybe they have a brewery, a bakery, and an engineer's house (and more) - all involving Create like they might have put it together on their own. I know Villagers probably produce a lot of lag, free-roaming, but all the creative ways you could take a genuine village would be mindblowing to see. The Friends and Foes addition suggested by another commenter sounds awesome too. Maybe putting together a zoo of those critters (or maybe just a zoo in general, considering you have some interesting looking mobs already on your world)?
For the mod suggestions, I think you should download 2 more Create things. Create connected, which adds stuff like a 6-sided gearbox, and Create power loader which lets you force load chunks.
The Aether would be a great one since as of 1.20.1, trains can go through Aether portals (and for the fact it is one of the most famous minecraft mods). Plus it would make for some stunning bridge designs. I have the Aether installed on my Create survival world and have a few trains running between it.
A small suggestion for a mod is "Create Ore Excavation" and "Create Ore Excavation Plus". You could add "steel mill" building for processing iron and netherite that you mine
Great vid as always, would have been a good Halloween special because the building is kinda Halloween themed. But too late, or too early I don't actually know which is better. Well whatever bye!
13:27 -What mods? Here are some ideas: Vampirism: Allows you to become either a vampire, or a vampire hunter. As a vampire, you have night vision, have a regen ability, can turn into a bat, teleport, powerup, and more. but you are also weak to the sun. As a hunter, you advance technologically and alchemically, allowing you to make better crossbows, stronger potions(strength 3, 40 minute potions, etc), and more. Ars Nouveau: Allows you to make custom spells by combining "Glyphs", which are like the lego building stones of a spell. There are 3 types of glyphs. "Form" which decides the form of the spell, such as a projectile spell, a touch spell, a ray spell, a self spell, or others. Then there's "Augment", which is a modifier to change certain aspects of spells, such as speed, strength, etc to make the spell move faster, or make it more potent. Then there's "Effect" which has the most glyphs, ranging from something as simple to "Harm" which just does magic damage, to something like flare which does AOE fire damage, lightning bolt which summons a lightning bolt on the target block or even blink which teleports you across short distances. TLDR: You can make your own spells for almost anything. Addons recommended. -What Farms/Buildings? If you add Ars Nouveau: A source farm. Source is like the energy of Ars Nouveau. It can be generated in many way. You can use something as simple as throwing coal at a "Volcanic SourcelinK" which generates source from burnable items, to using a simple automatic crop farm to automatically generate a ton of source without even doing anything. Source can be used to cast massive spells that you wouldn't be able to cast yourself, by using spell turrets. Spell turrets can be equipped with a spell, then you place some source jars(containers for source) next to them and give it a redstone signal, and boom, spell casted. Otherwise: Chocolate Factory. Reason? chocolate is cool. Jokes aside, Maybe you could create a villager-friendly trading hall? Like, a nice village with basic farms the villagers can use, and basically giving them freedom within the village. Of course surrounded by walls to keep them safe and totally not keep them trapped in the village
Love the series, its great! 14 minutes in you did ask for mod suggestions and farm suggestions. The first mod I recommend is Destroy. While the name is called Destroy, it only adds 4 tnt, and all of which are useful for terraforming. Destroy is a create addon that focuses more on the nitty gritty of automating. A farm I would recommend building is a Super Silverfish XP farm. I think you did say something against silverfish in the mob grinding episode (correct me if im wrong :D) but these farms can generate, depending on how you build it, thousands of MB per second of experience. Keep up the great work! Its a lovely series!
if you're interested in some neat visuals, then the Physics Mod is a good one assuming you remember to turn collapsing off as for buildings: you should make a full netherite beacon kit factory, now that you have a netherite farm, just to show off. having trucks that transport the netherite to the factory would also be pretty cool, plus beacon production seems like a fun challenge to tackle
For the armour trims at the end, you can fairly easy use a datapack and resourcepack combo to add a brass trim material, assuming there isn't one available already. That would match your brass jetpack nicely
Hey Foxy i really love your video's and i would recommend using immersive engineering, create interactive, immersive portals, Eureka. And i would also love if you would do more things with trains, trucks, cars, and you could build some trams.
Foxy, since you've build a beautiful snowy area, I'd love to see something similar with a beach! you know, like a huge beach resort, palms, maybe a huge oceanarium, a village on the water etc.!
Create garnished, with it you can automate zinc and younhave some nuts; create big cannons, juste for fun ; create cristal clear, you have Glass casing; btw Nice série, I ´m following it since the beginning
13:48 bro don't know to tell what to build or add but fr what ever u build its just awesome... I started to watch your videos randomly and am now a regular viewer of you'rs... 😭😭😭😭 keep going bro
I can recomend to add a void and stack downgrade( one kills the items the other locks the drawer to a single stack for those that don't know) upgrade to the clay and flint drawers that way, you don't have to worry about entities and maybe reduce on lag creation
Mod suggestions? add Vic's point blank, whether you keep it in there or not is up to you but i think it would be funny to see randomly one episode lmao add Vic's point blank recipes for it to be survival friendly aaand then you can make a factory to craft endless firearms!!! now, hear me out, add cobblemon and then you have legitimately just palworld, but with pokemon lol probably will never happen but i think it would be extremely funny to see you either randomly pull out a gun and shoot a mob, or see you build a full on super sized factory making guns
You making netherite dust is like us rediscovering the recipe for Roman concrete, an awesome material which was lost to time being rediscovered and mass produced
I'm going to be honest, hearing the Super Mario World castle music made me REALLY like the idea of using the Create mod to build a parkour obstacle course full of moving parts, and then using the Super Mario 64 character mod to try and navigate it as though it's a SM64 level similar to the various Bowser levels. It would be interesting to see you go from building things for production to full-on evil villain building a death trap course. You could even have a few friends come at the end of the project to play through it. Heck, throw in some kind of weapon mod, and you could even lurk at the end of the course and BE the final boss encounter yourself!
Create interactive: it's an add-on that allows you to keep machines and all sort of things running on contraptions and trains. You could make a moving factory!!
A few mod ideas tinker's contract, the eureka mod, nether overhaul creepers and enderman overhaul, and just to throw it out there might be crazy as hell. Any and ALL magic mods Love your series and hope to see you and this series go on for a very long time😊
This was quite fun! Great episode!
I really like your recipe changes/additions. Very logical and smart and immersive. So kudos on that!
I love the whole automating everything aspect combined with making things look good. Such a good combo.
How to change the recipes?
How does he add recipes?
Custom mod or data pack but to add that dust he has his own custom mod
you are a great builder... wish I was as good
@@ThatOneDevil the mod is called FXNT BitsNBobs btw
2015: today Im gonna build my new base and an small zombie farm.
2024: today im gonna build a netherite factory.
2030: Today I'm gonna build The Void
2031 hey today I'm gonna mine 100% of the world
3000 today I built all of existence and became god
9999 today I made a factory of every item in all of existence even in other games
Bigger suggestions: Dynamic Trees (not for world gen, I just know you and Mr Beardstone both hate making your own trees, and this just kinda does it for you if you convert saplings), another one that kindof fits the aesthetic is Immersive Engineering (yes, I know there's overlap with Create, but it gives you more varieties of blocks to work with, and you can have actual power lines etc).
Smaller suggestions: Friends & Foes (adds the mobs that lost the mob vote, and a few structures and things to go with them), and maybe some kind of tool and armor mod (I don't have something specific in mind, but I'm a collectaholic, and I like watching people make collections of loot and stuff).
Immersive is not on 1.20 Forge. Only NeoForge.
There was a create add on that got released a week or 2 ago and that released a magnetic generator with power lines
@@puffnthe neoforge version works fine on regular forge (I am currently using it in a modified pack, and it is fully functional, including village structures, this is why I put it under "bigger" as it would generate those in new villages)
What about create new age? You can get wires from that
I think a farm for create components could be fun to have.
a farm that auto crafts big and small cogs, shafts, gear boxes, chain drives, belts, maybe even go a little crazy and farm precision mechanisms. Go crazy with it!
Sounds great!
Yes I would love to see this too 👍
Can you make your modpack available on tlauncher@@foxynotail
Sounds fun
@@foxynotail plz do it it'll be awesome steampunk factory next to the netherrite factory
Create: The Factory Must Grow
Itll conflict with create: diesel generator
Just as well. Cause The Factory Must Grow has a better generator that uses combustible fuels
It is also quite complex and doesn't add much aside from other sources of power, not to mention lag, so it probably isn't worth the effort of adding
Agreed, along with create new age
@@notram249then... hmm you got a good point
Well use biodiesel and dom't use the mods engines only factory must grow ones
Additional mod ideas:
Create: Central Kitchen: Allows for more automation of the Farmer's Delight mod.
Create: Connected: General Create quality of life mod.
Miner's Delight: Allows for automation of Phantom Membranes using bat wings.
'Dustrial Decor: Industrial decoration pack that contains many building blocks perfect for any factory.
AllTheCompressed: Adds tiered compressed versions of many blocks, useful for storage.
Create: The Factory Must Grow: Adds many bits and bobs, including different colored pipes and building blocks!
Bonus: Little Logistics + Little Contraptions: Tiny tug boats and mini steam trains you can attach contraptions to. (Choo choo!)
i would also add the Create ore excavation mod
also create new age
non entity mob heads
This might be a long shot but I’ve been really enjoying using Alex’s caves and create Oppenheimered as it lets you automate things base create doesn’t let you in unusual ways
A few mods I really like are: Create: Garnished, Untamed Wilds, Alex's caves, easy villagers, easy piglins, and more villagers (by samedifferent). All are great and work on 1.20.1
Be aware that despite how cool untamed wilds is, it can be very laggy due to its world gen properties and because certain creatures (bison specifically) breed like crazy and create infestations if not controlled well. I do still love the mod
Create: Garnished allows for easy automation of many resources through unique liquid "cobble" gens. This mods definitely helps simplify farms and free up lag/frames for better running gameplay
I would also recommend using compacting drawers (from storage drawers) for ingot and other resource management. It helps with lag as well
Create ore excavation is a good mod as well, if you are looking for relatively easy ore generation (specifically for netherite, diamond, lapis, and zinc)
You should install the Valkyrian skies mod and make working airships or similar. I don't know what versions it works for but it will be great to transport millions of items over larger distances
Sadly the mod is not very stable and tends to crash your Game, even on a very powerful PC. Also it is not easy to work with the Mod in survival...
problem with the mod is it crashes with mods that changes visual quality (like oculus) in modpacks that aren't vanilla like, there's also lots of compatibility error with that mods and other stuff, so sadly in 1.20.1 this mod is simply not stable and will cause his game to crash on startup
this would be an awesome mod
Loving the series. One farm i haven't seen done with create is a guardian farm
Coming soon
@@foxynotailwhat about an Ender Dragon Farm? or Dragon's Breath Farm?
@@Drago_Whoovesinfinite Ruby chocolate!
I think you should build a dye factory that produces each dye color! The process might be a little tedious (because some dyes require mixing other dyes together), but in the end, you would have a larger block pallette to work with :)
Im not sure but i think he has done this already, he has enough dye for the rest of the series
Some mods I've added to my own pack;
Create: Interiours - Pretty seats for trains!
Expanding Technologies - Adds railroad crossing lights and if you add a noteblock on top it makes the dutch train-crossing sound :P
Copycats+ - A lot more copycat blocks (might require lag-testing)
Handcrafted - Creators of Chipped, pretty decorative blocks, interiours, pillars, benches (great for stations!)
A Mod you could add and a Farm you could build are: Create Dreams n Desires (Mod) and a Diamond Farm. Dreams n Desires adds a renewable way to produce diamonds and adds other recipes that allow you to produce zinc, copper and other important materials. It also adds deco blocks, some Items from old create and other cool stuff. I also really like your create series. Keep up the good work!
I'd find "Pollution of the Realms" quite interesting to see, giving it a bit more of an enviromental aspect to it all
you might want to include the large torch mod that Beardy uses that prevents mobs in a radius. just a suggestion for quality of life type mods 😊
the inferno looks amazing! thanx Foxy ❤
Cool, thanks
Ad Astral?@@foxynotail
@@Inferno_Snapnot to be rude, but who asked? 😎
The mod is called torch master
I’d love to see you make an automated restaurant using the create food/delight integrations. On fabric at least you can customize what toppings go on your burgers, for instance.
You could build a 3d printer using gantries, deployed and schematics. This could connect to a road which is where you build all of the cars and trucks
That would be cool but you wold need to make the schedules and tracks and I don't know of any way to aoutmate that
@@Potatoeunderscore I mean just the car itself, the rails would already be in place for the car to drive off, and the schedule would be created manually. The 3d printer would essentially work like a cooler schematicannon.
A good idea for the silverfish spawner/xp farm is to glue a lot of infested stone together onto a bearing. The stone will turn into an entity, and the silverfish would spawn without breaking the rock. You could then make the silverfish get moved into a crushing wheel.
Repeat for lots of xp
is there any vids on YT showing this?
Zedaph had a video where he made one, I ended end basing a design of my own off of his
The castle theme is perfect for the tour inside Inferno! Well done
13:25 I reccommend adding Mrcrayfish's Furniture mod along with his vechicle mod. Anyways love your videos man keep up the great work! ❤
Nice video. Here are my suggestions:
Eureka (it basically allows you to build airships. You could build a workshop on it so you don't have to go back to hill valley whenever you need something)
Trim Effects (this mod adds potion effects to armor trims. For example: if you have the spire armor trim on all armor pieces you will get strength)
I have around 30 ideas but because I don't want to bore you I'm only going to write my top 3
The first is a giant stone factory where you produce everything from cobblestone to granite and so on
The second is a framed block farm you. could build a small separate wood farm and make the top 10 framed blocks you use
The third is a dye factory. I think that concrete, terracotta and wool are the best building blocks so having infinite dye to color them would be quite useful
Bro really said "SCP-001 Bright's proposal: The Factory"
Also Foxy, if you take that excess clay and make terracota, crush it to red sand and wash it you get way better gold returns than with soul sand. Might help speed up the netherite farm some. But the silverfish is a clever idea.
I think you can haunt red sand into soul sand to, giving you more experience
@kageninja3749 havent tried it. But with millions of quartz i dont think he needs another process that makes more lol
The new building looks like a warehouse turned Nightclub, it rules!
Thanks 👍
I have an idea what you could build a storage building where all your items for Hill Valley, from the snow area, the area your working on. You could see what you have alot of and you can use it for future projects.
I'd like to see a whole FNTSA (FoxyNoTail Space Agency) facility complete with a giant rocket to launch you to... Wherever you want? Maybe another collab?
Everything you've created thus far has been really peaceful. I think you should build a Fort or some kind. I'm not sure what you would put in it, maybe a farm for TNT or some other kind of destruction based block.
Did somebody say Create: Big Cannons?
@@iamsushi1056 yes
can ylu list evry mod you use rn
FXNT on curseforge
@@SavageSki13 i know but its bad to many structures
This is my favorite build of this series. The Inferno just has an ominous vibe going (awesome) and it looks amazing at night! Well done!
Okay but like hear me out- Cobblemon-
Why do you have the trans pfp
@@Kingslayer11 probably because there trans?
I don't know much about create, but a Blackstone farm and a crying obsidian farm would be cool to put in the netherite factory if it's possible
[Let's do] Vinery is definitely a good mod, you could automate wine and grapes too!
Just a quick suggestion, why don't you create a diamond farm since it is in low supply? I have a few mod ideas as well that should work on your server (or world). A great mod that I recommend is Minecraft Transit Railway, not necessarily because of the trains, but because you can make a boat or plane route (maybe between the new area and Hill Valley?), also Create New Age is a great addon that you should also think about adding. They both work with Forge, and I think that they work with 1.20.1 as well. However, with Minecraft Transit Railway, you can't transport blocks like with the Create mod, so it is purely decoration. You did a great job with the Inferno, by the way, and I love your videos😄!
I agree! That is a great idea!
At least someone agrees with me!
I feel like the different places you’ve built all have their own kind of theme to it. Starter builds excluded, but your snowy place has a very cheery winter wonderland vibe to it while the place you’re building in now has a modern city like vibe. I think it would be cool to see a couple different themes come up too. Like a medieval castle in the mountains vibe , or something like that 🤷 maybe there is some mods that line up with that?
seeing you make create farms for normal minecraft items is always satisfying asf. The farm dosnt even need to be super useful but seeing something that is hard too get a lot of in vanilla get automated is so cool(at least to me)
Create: Armory, Epic Samurai
I think having a clock building that turns 90 degrees every minute would be cool. Maybe the rotation can move inputs and outputs that are responsible for delivering ingredients for something
Make an factory that produces every important create component btw i love your videos :D
I think that you should make a hospital and on the inside you should have a raid farm for totems or something. As for mods to add I would recommend like a basic furniture mod to make everything seem more lively.
Create connected, Create power loader, Valkyrian skies eureka. Great mods
PLEASE add, create: bitterballen, just what the curseforge description says, adds some Dutch snacks to minecraft create mod
Would love to see some bee and honey and honey comb farms. Maybe you can find some use for it.
Honestly, I love the cornflower spawn point search. Always makes me branch out and make more than one base, eventually. Flower farms are GREAT for if you're running a power generation setup that makes use of Create Stuff and Additions' biomass.
For mods that could be fun to see you explore, there's actually a compatibility mod between Ars Nouveau and Create, meaning you could try playing around with that! I know it's a bit out-there compared to the typical mechanical vibes of most things you have going on in this world but it could be fun! Other than that, Valkyrian skies is always a cool mod to see!
To add on, Ars Nouveau also has a compatability mod with AE2, which Foxy also has :)
Crossroads is a pretty cool mod that I don't see anyone using, even tho it is REALLY old but still available for 1.20. It goes really well with Create, as it is all about making really complicated machines for automation, but not "One-Block Wonders" like Mekanism or Thermal Foundation. It also adds a couple of really cool recipes that Create can't automate, like diamonds (Really difficult recipe though), but some involve automation of chemistry or with Lasers that transmute blocks into others (Like Glowstone into Redstone)
Another mod which is more for QoL, is Effortless Building, that adds a wheel that you can access with a keybind and let's you place blocks; In a line, Circle, Box, Wall, Floor, etc
Crossroads is really interesting alongside Create despite having its own rotation system that works very differently, they don't overlap that much and moreso compliment eachother. It's built around making automation of its processes interesting, with ways to build setups complicated setups to achieve preventing mob spawning in an area without lighting, accelerating a block or an area, applying permanent potion effects, and a lot more. It's a really unique mod that does a lot that you don't see often from technical mods.
Hey man! Someone probably mentioned this already, but you can use different types of drawer trim so they don't accidentally connect together I think.
This place is incredible btw, your videos are wonderfully entertaining, keep up the smashing work my dude!
mod suggestion: Create big cannon
New build: Create mod minigame district
Got a cool idea for a new area in the air. You could make a floating island with whatever design, and for transportation vehicles you can do planes (trains) using phantom rails to “fly” them from a runway up to the island.
love it m8, you could turn the clay into blocks and fire the blocks into terracotta then crush into red sand, wash that into gold,... just to make a tad more gold...for completion ;)
I really enjoy your content, thanks for what you do.
Create: Garnished.. and automate everything from scratch to make Hazelnut: Melted Cinder Flour. I've done it in my world and enjoyed the challenges that it brings to make it slow enough for single player. The bonus is everytime your backpack feeds you, 90 seconds of Speed 2 is fun; down side is having to find new chunks to get the trees.
I think you should add immersive railroading for bulk moving blocks and liquids to your factories, and you can keep you hand made create trains for transporting goods to keep you factories going
Your create series seems to be a huge success. Congrats!
You should build an airport to transport blocks and objects, using trains to make the planes fly
Twilight Forest and Twilight Delights! I think building a cozy fantasy inn in the Twilight forest would be cool!
i would like to see a open hair quarry build, with the big digging machine, idk what kind of farm it could be but i wanna see the big wheel turn
Honestly.... I'd really like you to explore some of the drinks mods I've seen in other playthroughs. Stuff like Let's Do Vinery (I think it's updated?), and whichever beer mod you've got on the Create Astral series you just started. You building a winery or a brewhouse (and possibly involving villagers as the clerks, if they have new professions to go along with it that make them look interesting) would be amazing. Doing more with your honey farm would also be nice - maybe putting together a greenhouse to upscale production (possibly for mead?) would be cool.
More just. General fooling around with villagers would be interesting to watch - maybe you making a village where villagers could free roam without getting their silly butts killed would be cool. Maybe they have a brewery, a bakery, and an engineer's house (and more) - all involving Create like they might have put it together on their own. I know Villagers probably produce a lot of lag, free-roaming, but all the creative ways you could take a genuine village would be mindblowing to see.
The Friends and Foes addition suggested by another commenter sounds awesome too. Maybe putting together a zoo of those critters (or maybe just a zoo in general, considering you have some interesting looking mobs already on your world)?
I think you should build a raid farm. You can get LOADS of emerald and Totems. You can also get a LOAD of Redstone and glowstone
For the mod suggestions, I think you should download 2 more Create things. Create connected, which adds stuff like a 6-sided gearbox, and Create power loader which lets you force load chunks.
Add the aether!! You could make a church for it (and also add create drinks to make a cafe)
The Aether would be a great one since as of 1.20.1, trains can go through Aether portals (and for the fact it is one of the most famous minecraft mods). Plus it would make for some stunning bridge designs. I have the Aether installed on my Create survival world and have a few trains running between it.
Love the fantasy elements of the netherite factory ! Very fun
TBH I think a scientific building with a meteor inside of it being harvested would’ve fit the un worldly ness of the netherite perfectly
true, good idea lol
Create: connected; adds several blocks to make stress connections better
Create: powerloader; adds mob/stress powered chunkloaders
Build a farmland where every crops harvest specifically. And also build a zoo with all mobs
A small suggestion for a mod is "Create Ore Excavation" and "Create Ore Excavation Plus". You could add "steel mill" building for processing iron and netherite that you mine
Great vid as always, would have been a good Halloween special because the building is kinda Halloween themed. But too late, or too early I don't actually know which is better. Well whatever bye!
Please rewatch this video at the end of October... 👀
No wayyyy you replied!! Moooom I'm famous!! Foxy spoke to me on RUclips!!!
-What mods?
Here are some ideas:
Vampirism: Allows you to become either a vampire, or a vampire hunter. As a vampire, you have night vision, have a regen ability, can turn into a bat, teleport, powerup, and more. but you are also weak to the sun. As a hunter, you advance technologically and alchemically, allowing you to make better crossbows, stronger potions(strength 3, 40 minute potions, etc), and more.
Ars Nouveau: Allows you to make custom spells by combining "Glyphs", which are like the lego building stones of a spell. There are 3 types of glyphs. "Form" which decides the form of the spell, such as a projectile spell, a touch spell, a ray spell, a self spell, or others. Then there's "Augment", which is a modifier to change certain aspects of spells, such as speed, strength, etc to make the spell move faster, or make it more potent. Then there's "Effect" which has the most glyphs, ranging from something as simple to "Harm" which just does magic damage, to something like flare which does AOE fire damage, lightning bolt which summons a lightning bolt on the target block or even blink which teleports you across short distances.
TLDR: You can make your own spells for almost anything. Addons recommended.
-What Farms/Buildings?
If you add Ars Nouveau:
A source farm. Source is like the energy of Ars Nouveau. It can be generated in many way. You can use something as simple as throwing coal at a "Volcanic SourcelinK" which generates source from burnable items, to using a simple automatic crop farm to automatically generate a ton of source without even doing anything. Source can be used to cast massive spells that you wouldn't be able to cast yourself, by using spell turrets. Spell turrets can be equipped with a spell, then you place some source jars(containers for source) next to them and give it a redstone signal, and boom, spell casted.
Chocolate Factory. Reason? chocolate is cool. Jokes aside,
Maybe you could create a villager-friendly trading hall? Like, a nice village with basic farms the villagers can use, and basically giving them freedom within the village. Of course surrounded by walls to keep them safe and totally not keep them trapped in the village
I'd like to see an underground railroad system. Maybe in a new area or something.
mod suggestion: Destroy (create add-on focused on chemistry and explosions (although not that much) and you can do some pretty cool stuff with it)
Mob Grind Utilities is fantastic for collecting EXP and mob drops
Literally my favorite series
16:55 start of nether farm
The item drain trick instead of a short belt is brilliant
Love the series, its great! 14 minutes in you did ask for mod suggestions and farm suggestions. The first mod I recommend is Destroy. While the name is called Destroy, it only adds 4 tnt, and all of which are useful for terraforming. Destroy is a create addon that focuses more on the nitty gritty of automating. A farm I would recommend building is a Super Silverfish XP farm. I think you did say something against silverfish in the mob grinding episode (correct me if im wrong :D) but these farms can generate, depending on how you build it, thousands of MB per second of experience.
Keep up the great work! Its a lovely series!
if you're interested in some neat visuals, then the Physics Mod is a good one assuming you remember to turn collapsing off
as for buildings: you should make a full netherite beacon kit factory, now that you have a netherite farm, just to show off. having trucks that transport the netherite to the factory would also be pretty cool, plus beacon production seems like a fun challenge to tackle
Mod Suggestions:
- Create: New Age
- Create: Connected
- Create: Power Loader
A good mod to add would be create: Garnishes! Its a very fun mod that adds new foods, feul sources and wood.
Oh man, I can’t wait for FXNT Bits&Bobs to release! It looks super exciting
It's already released
@@foxynotail oh, is it? It must have gone up since last time I checked. Today really is a good day
A space mod would be cool but having a factory on moon would be even cooler.
For the armour trims at the end, you can fairly easy use a datapack and resourcepack combo to add a brass trim material, assuming there isn't one available already. That would match your brass jetpack nicely
This is the most complex version of create I have ever Seen any one do...and I love it!!!
Create: New Age
Create: Big Cannons
The Factory Must Grow, I want to see you mess with that
I don't think it adds anything I haven't already got
Hey Foxy i really love your video's and i would recommend using immersive engineering, create interactive, immersive portals, Eureka.
And i would also love if you would do more things with trains, trucks, cars, and you could build some trams.
Jeah i thought also Abut trams
@@geilomatig that's pretty fun i guess
that must mean he has to do it at some point right?
Foxy, since you've build a beautiful snowy area, I'd love to see something similar with a beach! you know, like a huge beach resort, palms, maybe a huge oceanarium, a village on the water etc.!
Create garnished, with it you can automate zinc and younhave some nuts; create big cannons, juste for fun ; create cristal clear, you have Glass casing; btw Nice série, I ´m following it since the beginning
nether blocks never looked so good
13:48 bro don't know to tell what to build or add but fr what ever u build its just awesome... I started to watch your videos randomly and am now a regular viewer of you'rs... 😭😭😭😭 keep going bro
Thank you so much 😀
@@foxynotail can't believe that you replied to my comment 😭😭 means a lot bro... Btw am from India ..(Kerala)
I can recomend to add a void and stack downgrade( one kills the items the other locks the drawer to a single stack for those that don't know) upgrade to the clay and flint drawers that way, you don't have to worry about entities and maybe reduce on lag creation
you could also build an apartment complex and make a villager breeder inside of it to make your place look a lil more lively
Create: chromatic return adds tons of end game stuff to grind for
Mod suggestions?
add Vic's point blank, whether you keep it in there or not is up to you but i think it would be funny to see randomly one episode lmao
add Vic's point blank recipes for it to be survival friendly
aaand then you can make a factory to craft endless firearms!!!
now, hear me out, add cobblemon and then you have legitimately just palworld, but with pokemon lol
probably will never happen but i think it would be extremely funny to see you either randomly pull out a gun and shoot a mob, or see you build a full on super sized factory making guns
Have you ever considered adding thermal series? It’s a fun tech mod
the moment foxy got on create he cant stop playing 😂. Love the journey fam keep it up
Build the most efficent brick farm, produce every single type of bricks in the game!
You making netherite dust is like us rediscovering the recipe for Roman concrete, an awesome material which was lost to time being rediscovered and mass produced
I'm going to be honest, hearing the Super Mario World castle music made me REALLY like the idea of using the Create mod to build a parkour obstacle course full of moving parts, and then using the Super Mario 64 character mod to try and navigate it as though it's a SM64 level similar to the various Bowser levels. It would be interesting to see you go from building things for production to full-on evil villain building a death trap course. You could even have a few friends come at the end of the project to play through it. Heck, throw in some kind of weapon mod, and you could even lurk at the end of the course and BE the final boss encounter yourself!
Create interactive: it's an add-on that allows you to keep machines and all sort of things running on contraptions and trains. You could make a moving factory!!
A few mod ideas tinker's contract, the eureka mod, nether overhaul creepers and enderman overhaul, and just to throw it out there might be crazy as hell. Any and ALL magic mods
Love your series and hope to see you and this series go on for a very long time😊