I admire you so much. It bothers me so much when people buy reptiles without researching first. I can’t imagine how many beardies are out there sick. My beardies rely on me for everything so I make sure they are happy and healthy. Thank you for all you do. Edit : I would love to change the laws how pet stores sell reptiles.
Lisa Crazed yes! I wish pet stores would stop selling beardies or if they do they have to have a special license to do so where they’re regulated closely. They must be giving the most accurate care instructions. And why we’re at it, people should have to fill out applications to get approved to purchase them. Maybe have them prove they have the correct set ups and know the proper care. I’m sure there’d still be some terrible people that wouldn’t care for them properly. But it would cut down on it a lot. You have to apply to adopt most dogs & cats, why should reptiles be treated any differently?
We've rescued three beardies in the last 10 months, I can't look at the classifieds anymore seeing all the beardies. Some are better off than others, but it breaks my heart too.
I think anything that lives over 3 to 5 yrs should have regulation but that costs alot of money & effort. The best way to start is doing exactly what Alex is doing, spreading awareness. More animal keepers need to go teach at grade schools. Train em young to love & especially respect their pets.
in Australia, we have strict licenses, and anyone who's involved with reptiles needs one. so only certain shops have reptiles dealers licenses, and anyone who wants to buy a reptile needs a keepers license. i believe some states also have licenses for breeders. so luckily we don't really have impulse or bad buyers of reps here
I adore Stan so much. If he goes up on the site, I pray I can grab him. He's such a dorky old man and I 100% vibe with that. He's the main reason I want to get into beardies haha.
I have an enigma that I wasn't informed was an enigma when I bought her. (I had no idea what an enigma leopard gecko was at the time, though I had researched leopard gecko husbandry I wasn't particularly interested in the different morphs), and she does much better when I leave the lights in her tank on very low (ambient light only and no specialized lighting, UTH for belly heat), and I've fount that feeding her out of a mealworm bowl (raised sides, the gecko puts her front feet up on the lip of the bowl and then retrieves her food from inside) keeps her from biting herself. I still tong feed most of the time, and she's a genuinely sweet gecko, but I would never ever buy another enigma.
It's heartbreaking when I watch her and think 'people are still breeding them like this' , especially when I realize people aren't informed of what the reality of owning one is and might even get one unknowingly, like we did. She's taught me a lot and I value the experience but I wish I hadn't supported the seller. I am very careful to research different colors and patterns now, given what I know about spider balls and enigma geckos...
I learned a lot about enigma geckos from Jessica's Animal Friends and wow are they bad. Look forward to you bringing more awareness about them. You should get Peach tested for nidovirus if that RI doesn't clear up. Fishhead Diagnostics sells a kit that you can mail in to find out.
because of the source of the irritant for Peach's RI, it might just end up being a permanent noisy breathing thing. hopefully it won't be but i'd not be surprised if the noise just stuck.
@@LINKINservicedog the breeding it takes to make an enigma leopard gecko means they all will always have notable neurological issues(it's linked to the pattern genes), some have it mild but more tend to have it bad. The 2 main things it does is make it harder for them to feed and get around. It can seriously drop their quality of life, even to the best of their caretakers abilities.
For the Enigma. You can take out the water bowl, as long as you keep the humid hide sprayed down. They will lick the drops of water off the sides of their humid hide. It is what JessicasAnimalFriends does for her rescue Enigma geckos, because she is afraid of them accidentally drowning themselves.
I'm new to learning about reptiles, ( this is my favorite channel to learn things), anyhow, what exactly is wrong with the Enigmas. I mean all of their issues.
Aww poor little geckos. I have a rescue Leo at home who was skin and bones when I got him. Parked up once he got some good meals in him and now, at 1 year old, he’s the sweetest little guy. You’ve helped me a lot Alex, so thank you!!
I was given a leo by a little girl who wanted a dog instead (her parents were more than happy to get rid of the gecko since it was a gift from the grandma and not an animal they wanted) and she was so skinny and had a light that didn't even give off heat in a little ten gallon tank with no moist hide. She's got a 30 gallon tank with a heat mat and regular meals with vitamins now and she looks so much better. I used Alex's leo care guide video a lot to find out how to care for her properly, since I had never really intended on getting a leopard gecko.
Man whenever I see spider ball pythons and enigma gecks it reminds me of when I get off my meds I have severe vertigo except these animals have that permanently and honestly it sounds like a miserable existence
I feel like I'm slowly watching Alex become a vet tech type thing from practical knowledge and first hand experience. Thank you Alex, for all that you share with us. You're a breath of fresh air & a blessing for the reptile community ^-^
"Jessicas Animal Friend" has amazing information on enigma syndrome! I learned to much from her. Try to reduce stress as much as possible, generally a smaller tank is better too with paper towles.
That nose to snoot boop is super pure. I put my iguana on my chest and he rests his head or his chin on my nose (when I’m laying on the couch). Simple affections. Edit: it starts at 18:21
Can you even prove he's not making them sick can you . Now I can't prove he does . But you can't prove that he doesn't . And just because he says something does not make it facts .
Do either of u think its neurological or does it look like balance issue? Dogs & cats get something like this where they can't c or move straight cuz of a malformation of the ear thing that regulates where their body is n relation to their spacial orientation. Sometimes u can even c their eyes moving all around cuz life is a high speed roller coaster for them.
As a keeper and breeder of Chinese water dragons. You’re doing everything perfectly! Keep up the great work rehabilitating that female! (And maybe contact me once she’s ready for sale! 😁)
NeverDoubtThePowerOfAlliteration, yes I do have numerous videos on the care and needs of Chinese water dragons. I’ve been keeping the species for years now. And have successfully bred them a few times. While they are not an easy lizard by any means, they’re still one of my favorites. If you do need help with caring for a Chinese water dragon. My channel will have all the resources you need for them!
Awe I have a beardie rescue with MBD as well. shes doing a lot better she was on deaths door when I got her and wasn't moving at all. she has almost no teeth so I have been syringe feeding her some blended greens with vitamins. I love her to bits she is so sweet. Shes going through shed for the first time since I've gotten her. Super excited.
I have a piebald ball python called winter and she is awesome and love her with my whole heart... I cannot even begin to comprehend how these people can disregard and ignore their pets to the point they are so horribly sick and skinny and unhealthy, they are amazing animals who should be treated with lover, respect and care. Love what u r doing! I’m sure these guys are all so thankful! Peace from England!
My leopard gecko, Bennie, was just diagnosed with cryptosporidium earlier today. She probably won't make it but I'm giving her 3 medicines and an intensive care food prescribed by the vet in hopes of some miracle she gets better. She is not even a year old yet and it breaks my heart to know that I may never see her grow up. I hope your little guys don't have it and slowly whither away like my sweet girl ❤️
After hearing about ES in Leos this is actually my first time SEEING it. I would agree that it's more depressing than spider BPs. I really wish the animal world was better regulated on what can and can't be bred. Why anyone would purposefully breed something like that is beyond me.
A good channel to learn about enigma leopard geckos through is Jessica's Animal Friends, she's adopted many geckos with enigma syndrome, and has an entire playlist about it
I'm so glad someone like you got these animals and that you care about them and try so hard to help them and give them a better quality of life. The enigma gecko made me cry, but she's super cute and looks pretty healthy to have the kind of issues she has. I imagine caring for animals with such needs can be quite challenging. I applaud you for your efforts and caring!
Glad to see peaches is recovering so quickly! And i did watch the other video with them, hope it isn't going to cause the sweetheart much lasting damage. And oh my, an enigma leopard gecko. Beautiful looks but oh dear, that movement pattern... I know some are less severe with it, but i genuinely can never be certain how these survive the egg. I know there are feeder bugs with high water content, can't remember which rn, probably wouldn't hurt to add those in if they can't reliably make their way to a water bowl. And a humidity box, but those are just a generally helpful thing for herps. Edit: silkworms! that was the one i was thinking of. also hornworms but those grow super fast and aren't as cost effective.
I have an enigma leopard gecko actually! She is special needs because of her nasty neurological symptoms. They can get stressed really easily so sometimes a smaller enclosure with everything close together and paper towel is best for them. I have mine in a 10 gallon because I feel like upgrading her would not be a good idea considering how small she is. With enigmas, the more stressed they are, the less likely they are to eat and will rapidly lose weight as I have found. I couldn't believe a breeder was selling her but I fell in love with the full intent of keeping her stress free. Just keep an eye out for the death rolling and seizures!
My Leo has Enigma Syndrome or something similar to it. Luckily she is mild and she hasn't circles since she was a little runty. Helped her to pay attention to what keeps her calm. Helped a ton to get her some coverage so that she isn't out in the open as much. But unfortunately I had to reposition her tank and she took up stargazing again for a bit. She was horizontal to me since she was a hatchling, so being parallel is going to take some getting used to for her. But at least she can more easily do her favorite activity of staring into my soul and making me uncomfortable. It's 2:38 and pitch dark, but I bet if I turn on the light, she'll be looking at me.
Love your chill presentation, my dude, always love your update vids and I feel like I learn a lot of stuff from you dealing head-on with the hardest cases. Thank you for posting!
Be sure you get the water dragon on substrate as soon as possible- she looks to be at least 2 years old (if not a bit stunted) and the female lay eggs regularly regardless of being with a male. If you don't provide at least 6-8 inches of damp substrate, she'll 100% hold the eggs and may become fatally egg bound.
Aww I had a Chinese water dragon his name was Aussie and he was the sweetest lizard he passed away like a year ago but we had him the whole time while i was growing up and always loved being held
Yay, ok just got into ur channel cuz i adopted a beardie recently (little over a month now) and saw ur beardie sample food video ❤️ Btw, and my favorite was the pretty eye one who satisfyingly ate almost everything, so I just saw the video on 10 yr old dragon/clog pores/no eating...& in this video u confirmed it was him, so glad! I adore him, & so happy of his turnaround!
You're one of my favorite youtubers, seriously on par with Snake Discovery and a shade above Clint's Reptiles. (I love Clint but anyone who supports and participates in the breeding in Spider Ball Pythons isn't going to be a top favorite. I would usually not support someone who does either of those things, but his channel is otherwise a wonderful place for someone looking to get started with reptiles for really figuring out what's good to start with and advance to.) I've done rescues, alot. I generally have enough stuff from animals I've had through the years, and stuff I've had to get to save a reptile that came out of nowhere- that even when most of the time I take them in to get them healthy and rehome- I've had to buy enough stuff to just have on hand. Tanks from 2 gallons up to a spare 40 breeder (though that will be for my still-new ball python when she gets bigger), a wide variety of undertank heaters, thermometers, hydrometers, fishtank heaters for when I've been given dying bettas to try to save (though I usually end up keeping the bettas- have a crap ton of 10 gallons and bettas being given to me to save is rare), fish tank filters, I have a diatom filter in storage, which is amazing for any fish to turtles, esp if parasites are an issue, a UV sterilizer (same), automatic misters, mesh enclosures, substrate from forest flooring and moss for my python and tarantula, with sand and walnut for my tarantula too- need to mix that in with the dirt so when she burrows it keeps a shape), I have those green squares florists use for bouquets that's amazing at holding humidity- also thanks to my tarantula- I cut tunnels into them and put them under the dirt so she has pre-made tunnels to just have, and then she'll dig into them more. (It's great- I'll check in on her a few times a day, and when I've done a cleanout and give her new foam caves, mixed in with the dirt she's kicked out of her way while digging, green flakes will be there from her preferring the entry in a different place, and she'll cover the holes she doesn't like. I have a range of heat bulbs, though when I have a random reptile I'll buy new UVB bulbs. I usually give those bulbs to the new home since they need to be replaced every 3-9ish months depending on the brand and kind of UVB bulbs (it will say on each box how long they last), and even if I used it for a few days, it can be years until I use them again and while the UVB creating substances * should * still be good if not used that much, I just feel better making sure it's new, and specific for what I'm bringing in. When I lived in Brooklyn I had 2 "feasts" (a street festival) that would go to 2 avenues at different times of the years, both 2 avenues from my home, where they gave iguanas and baby turtles as prizes. (Illegal in NYC and trust me I talked to the beat cops there and called complaints in to the humane society and the ASPCA and nothing ever gets done), they give them away with tiny plastic containers and care sheets that are actually decent. (I took a look at them)- so of course when people win an iguana who will get humongous, and red ear slider babies that do the same, where both live decades, I've found many in garbage cans on on stoops. To the point where every night of the feasts, and for a week or two after, I walked up and down avenues glancing in garbage cans making sure nothing alive were in there. I found 2 baby turtles once in one of those containers on the double yellow line of a 4 lane street around the corner of where I lived. Another time 2 babies in a zip lock bag under a tree. Get them in proper conditions, get them slowly strong enough to swim and climb out, get them eating a healthy range of food, vet checks when needed (thankfully not needed as often as one would think), and from the SECOND I get them I start asking around to see who will want them once they're a safe age/size. I know people who have large fenced ponds including my parents from when I used to live in a cabin on their property, and thankfully the number of turtles I couldn't place with people with the proper knowledge could go to, and iguanas are tricky to home, so the times I've ended up with them myself and my friends bust our asses handling them so they're easier to home with people who understand their needs, usually with people who just ended up custom making the enclosures when they grew up because the right sized enclosure for iguanas is expensive and so on... But yeah- rescuing you end up with animals who are not in good shape, even when they don't need a vet, and it takes time and effort to get them back to health, and handleable so they're ready for a new home.
You should contact Jessica’s Animal Friends about the enigma syndrome leopard gecko. She specializes in caring for leopard gecko the disabilities and problems.
you should get you’re veterinary license and take care of sick reptiles! you’re obviously really good at it, better than most vets who’ve gone to school !
Your enigma leopard gecko has ES, unfortunately we can only assume as to whether it causes the animal pain beyond having difficulty navigating around. If you do have a female , I recommend being vigilant during breeding season because its more stressful for enigmas and lose a lot of weight and some have even been known to lay calcified eggs when not bread during breeding season. Breeding isn’t really an option though. And on another note when trying to find out the morph, it might be a little difficult because the enigma gene changes the pattern and eye color just slightly compared to what the morph would have looked like without the enigma gene. The morph could be known for black spot and black eyes, but with the enigma gene you might get brown spots with slighly redish black eyes. Ect.
The dragon you showed as your 2nd animal you’re rehabilitating. Ive had issues with coconut husk getting in my reptiles food or eyes, i would highly recommend trying out reptobark. I use it for substrate for a few of my reptiles that like to play or mess up their bedding, some tanks i even use half reptobark and half ecoearth.
I think taking in and healing animals is great, and I like your videos! I take in some pretty severely neglected fish and work to bring them back to health and show them off on my little channel. I think it's a good thing. You be you.
I have a rescue enigma as well and I've found that keeping him in relative darkness with not much for him to see and keeping him as stress free as possible really helps him not show as many symptoms. Also mine has trouble finding his water dish also so I use a large kidney bowl near his favorite hide and that seems to help. I show him some on my Instagram if anyone wants to follow. Oh_heck_its_geck
oh man, that enigma leopard gecko looks just like my gecko who’s part enigma. thank god mine is just a little wobbly when she walks cuz i didn’t know about the morph when i bought her :(
My first injection was on an ackie monitor who didn’t like being held. Fun stuff, gave the next seven days worth too. This was just an animal at my workplace with poor care.
Make sure you get cat urine destroyer for the tank as it stays in there even if you clean it. That's maybe why it's still there. Also he's pastel orange ghost.
Chinese water dragons are one of my favorites, I have two babies of my own and they love people, never had a problem with that. One of mine did get sick (got her sick from petco of course, didn’t know petco was bad at the time) had MBD, but not has scoliosis, and one blind eye. Gotta love chain pet stores! 🙃
Jessica's Animal Friends has a whole series on what the Enigma Syndrome does to leos. It's very much like the spider ball python (but far far worse). It's a neurological/balance issue. Symptoms get worse with stress. They likely will need to be hand/tong fed for their entire lives. And will need assistance shedding. That said yours does appear to be a good weight, which is at least a start....
My gecko passed away due to cancer a few months back. I really miss him I had him since I was a kid. I definitely plan on adopting from yall hopefully soon.
From what you’ve said about the condition of the water dragon I would say that she didn’t have a specific condition per-say but was suffering from poor nutrition in general
You should do some side research on orthopaedics, I think you may find it interesting you seem quite smart. It's amazing how taping and splinting can re train the muscles to move more naturally, many people have helped their deformed pets by trying these methods. Obviously not everything can be fixed but you may get success with some of the issues with their limbs. The one with neurological problems for example, I believe she can learn to walk forward properly by wearing a braced sleeve on her torso to stop her bending to the right with a neck collar. A round lollipop stick could be attached from the sleeve to the neck collar to stop her head turning right. As they're small animals the materials would be really easy and cheap to make from various miscellaneous things polystyrene plastics and fabrics. It would be interesting as a side project and to see what difference there is.
I used to have a cross breed enigma morph leopard gecko. She was my very first and I was not told of any enigma morph jeans. It was really sad for her, and eventually it killed her, which just broke my heart...
For the chinese water dragon, they need a ton of humidity, very hot light, and lots of UVA/UVB. The hind legs on her looks like she could be getting/got metabolic bone disease which is very common in CWDs who arent fed with calcium powder and dont have a good UV light SOURCE: I have owned a chinese water dragon for 3 years
Just FYI - I put a vote down for the ghost one just because I wanted to see the results of the poll. I don’t know anything about reptiles so you should consider one of the ghost votes to not count.
My water dragon has always been super nice to me (her owner) but always hated everyone else. Really the only thing I've ever noticed that is hard to do for a water dragon is to try and keep everything in their enclosure clean as they decide to dirty everything instantly. Happily mines being going for 4 years strong now and at the time I had gotten her from a PetSmart that did seem to neglect them as usual. She was real little. Never had very much human interaction but for me was a great pet to get at the time. The only thing is the costs that come with the $30 you spend on them.
For help regarding your enigma leo, I recommend watching Jessica's Animal Friends playlist on Enigma Syndrome. She has a loooot of enigma leos and they are all thriving. I think getting in contact with her or watching her videos would be a great idea!
“I’m not other youtubers” the shade, I love it 😂
The shade at tnd man, gotta love it
@@yeetskeet3278 i thought it was about welcome to the vlog
@@yeetskeet3278 I doubt it's about TND, for all of her issues I have never seen her try to replace an animal without anybody noticing.
Fanatical Trekkie oh ho buddy have I got some NEWS for you. READY TO GLARE, Mike Dane, and what ever all have great videos on it.
I need someone to call out RAWWWfishing and catch_em_all
*slaps beardy's back* This bad boy can fit so many bugs in him
Best reptile comment ever
Such a old comment, glad I found it🤣
People who breed spider balls and enigma leopard geckos deserve a good slap
I don't get why people think is pretty once they have so many issues like spining around. is so sad
@@brendaaraujo9231 some sick mofo probably thinks its 'cute'
@animayyy At least Clint doesn't breed them himself. BUT as a fan of his channel, I was disappointed he was basically defending the morph.
@animayyy Rewatched the video and you're right. Clint deserves a slap in that case.
I always thought clints reptiles was good
I admire you so much. It bothers me so much when people buy reptiles without researching first. I can’t imagine how many beardies are out there sick. My beardies rely on me for everything so I make sure they are happy and healthy. Thank you for all you do.
Edit : I would love to change the laws how pet stores sell reptiles.
Lisa Crazed yes! I wish pet stores would stop selling beardies or if they do they have to have a special license to do so where they’re regulated closely. They must be giving the most accurate care instructions. And why we’re at it, people should have to fill out applications to get approved to purchase them. Maybe have them prove they have the correct set ups and know the proper care. I’m sure there’d still be some terrible people that wouldn’t care for them properly. But it would cut down on it a lot. You have to apply to adopt most dogs & cats, why should reptiles be treated any differently?
And not just beardies but all reptiles and even the poor hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, etc. and the birds
We've rescued three beardies in the last 10 months, I can't look at the classifieds anymore seeing all the beardies. Some are better off than others, but it breaks my heart too.
I think anything that lives over 3 to 5 yrs should have regulation but that costs alot of money & effort. The best way to start is doing exactly what Alex is doing, spreading awareness. More animal keepers need to go teach at grade schools. Train em young to love & especially respect their pets.
in Australia, we have strict licenses, and anyone who's involved with reptiles needs one. so only certain shops have reptiles dealers licenses, and anyone who wants to buy a reptile needs a keepers license. i believe some states also have licenses for breeders. so luckily we don't really have impulse or bad buyers of reps here
How's our boy fat king snake doing though
Talos :(
Ethan has it now 😒
Alex Osuna seriously? 🙄
@@aosundragonkiller11 whats wrong with ethan having it?
@@aosundragonkiller11 Is that a bad thing?
"I'm not other youtubers"
Why is him throwing shade one of the best parts in his videos, it's always so funny to me
he threw shade at emzotic, afrokeeper and taylor nicole dean lmao
@@BoglimWrangler666 I didn't catch the AHK shade and now I'm interested. IDK that guy seems alright to me
@@DZrache AHK is a reptile hoarder who rarely cleans his cages and has had MANY animals die in poor conditions
seraphxl18 yeah after she had to because she never addressed them and people kept asking about them . It took her a long while to address them.
@@iGabiMarie Well, it's hard to address people on the internet when you're basically dying.
I adore Stan so much. If he goes up on the site, I pray I can grab him. He's such a dorky old man and I 100% vibe with that. He's the main reason I want to get into beardies haha.
same, he has such an insane amount of personality
We stan Stan.
Alex is keeping Stan btw
im sure theres plenty of old beardies who have a ton of personality that need a home! i hope you get your forever baby :)
uh this comment is old but he’s dead now.
I have an enigma that I wasn't informed was an enigma when I bought her. (I had no idea what an enigma leopard gecko was at the time, though I had researched leopard gecko husbandry I wasn't particularly interested in the different morphs), and she does much better when I leave the lights in her tank on very low (ambient light only and no specialized lighting, UTH for belly heat), and I've fount that feeding her out of a mealworm bowl (raised sides, the gecko puts her front feet up on the lip of the bowl and then retrieves her food from inside) keeps her from biting herself. I still tong feed most of the time, and she's a genuinely sweet gecko, but I would never ever buy another enigma.
It's heartbreaking when I watch her and think 'people are still breeding them like this' , especially when I realize people aren't informed of what the reality of owning one is and might even get one unknowingly, like we did. She's taught me a lot and I value the experience but I wish I hadn't supported the seller. I am very careful to research different colors and patterns now, given what I know about spider balls and enigma geckos...
I learned a lot about enigma geckos from Jessica's Animal Friends and wow are they bad. Look forward to you bringing more awareness about them. You should get Peach tested for nidovirus if that RI doesn't clear up. Fishhead Diagnostics sells a kit that you can mail in to find out.
Jessica's Animal Friends would be such a good resource for that sweet enigma!! Poor baby :(
because of the source of the irritant for Peach's RI, it might just end up being a permanent noisy breathing thing. hopefully it won't be but i'd not be surprised if the noise just stuck.
New to the reptile world, what's wrong with them?
@@LINKINservicedog the breeding it takes to make an enigma leopard gecko means they all will always have notable neurological issues(it's linked to the pattern genes), some have it mild but more tend to have it bad. The 2 main things it does is make it harder for them to feed and get around.
It can seriously drop their quality of life, even to the best of their caretakers abilities.
@@prcervi thanks for your reply. I'll look more into them. I feel they should not breed them anymore.
I myself got dizzy after watching that poor gecko
For the Enigma. You can take out the water bowl, as long as you keep the humid hide sprayed down. They will lick the drops of water off the sides of their humid hide. It is what JessicasAnimalFriends does for her rescue Enigma geckos, because she is afraid of them accidentally drowning themselves.
"sad animals are sad, and happy animals are not... Sad." 😂
Because of the enigma's issues I'd put her in a 10 gallon. It is small but it might cause less stress and help her navigate better.
I second this they do much better in smaller tanks,
Thirding this! Also, if you can put the hides and items on the edge of the enclosure it might be easier for your gecko to find it.
Give it more cover not less space, leaves and vines are very cheap.
@@bbduckgaming9482 the less space is so it can find it's way around easier, adding more stuff will just confuse her more and cause more stress.
I'm new to learning about reptiles, ( this is my favorite channel to learn things), anyhow, what exactly is wrong with the Enigmas. I mean all of their issues.
It’s on you are such a great reptile keeper my aunt and I just picked out a albino milksnake
I really need to learn how to read. An albino milkshake is a bit different to a milksnake
Abbie Dowell XD
Abbie Dowell I read it the same way😂
He should name the spider and the enigma nuts and bolts
Nuts and Volts like from hunger games catching fire... maybe
1:25 "Just because I don't show an animal doesn't mean they're automatically dead.
...I'm not other RUclipsrs."
Omg the shade is real. I love it 😂😂😂
Aww poor little geckos. I have a rescue Leo at home who was skin and bones when I got him. Parked up once he got some good meals in him and now, at 1 year old, he’s the sweetest little guy. You’ve helped me a lot Alex, so thank you!!
Was that Bryan he sniped at?
I was given a leo by a little girl who wanted a dog instead (her parents were more than happy to get rid of the gecko since it was a gift from the grandma and not an animal they wanted) and she was so skinny and had a light that didn't even give off heat in a little ten gallon tank with no moist hide. She's got a 30 gallon tank with a heat mat and regular meals with vitamins now and she looks so much better. I used Alex's leo care guide video a lot to find out how to care for her properly, since I had never really intended on getting a leopard gecko.
"just because I don't show animals for a while doesn't mean they are dead I'm not other RUclipsrs"😂 btw great job with all the animals you rescue
1:30 - We all know he was referencing Taylor Nicole Dean and Brian Barczyk.
Man whenever I see spider ball pythons and enigma gecks it reminds me of when I get off my meds I have severe vertigo except these animals have that permanently and honestly it sounds like a miserable existence
I feel like I'm slowly watching Alex become a vet tech type thing from practical knowledge and first hand experience.
Thank you Alex, for all that you share with us. You're a breath of fresh air & a blessing for the reptile community ^-^
"Jessicas Animal Friend" has amazing information on enigma syndrome! I learned to much from her. Try to reduce stress as much as possible, generally a smaller tank is better too with paper towles.
That nose to snoot boop is super pure. I put my iguana on my chest and he rests his head or his chin on my nose (when I’m laying on the couch). Simple affections.
Edit: it starts at 18:21
"I'm not other RUclipsrs."
Oh, that was not lost on me.
alex's shade is the best
He is other bad u tubers he has so many sick animals . I think most get sick in his care .
@@robertmoore1123 he literally fosters sick animals who we're sick before he got them so he can help them get better to be adopted 🤪 learn the facts 😉
Can you even prove he's not making them sick can you . Now I can't prove he does . But you can't prove that he doesn't . And just because he says something does not make it facts .
Haters be like 🤪😵 dure
fun fact : yep! the government can make you pay taxes twice and sometimes they'll increase the due amount. it happened to my older sister.
Angie just angie that sucks you poor Americans
@@Tyler-dm9jw "poor Americans" as if we don't live in the world's greatest country
@@JBZofficial812 we don't 🙄
John your healthcare says otherwise lol and we have you beat for 2019 quality of life ranking 🇨🇦
@@tianaobey2105 go to some other country and tell me how much better it is.
I have a leopard gecko with enigma and she does much better in a small enclosure. Also keeping stress low will help prevent so much circling.
Do either of u think its neurological or does it look like balance issue? Dogs & cats get something like this where they can't c or move straight cuz of a malformation of the ear thing that regulates where their body is n relation to their spacial orientation. Sometimes u can even c their eyes moving all around cuz life is a high speed roller coaster for them.
Destiney Fowler
Thank u. I was just wondering if anyone thot of mechanical malformation that is paired with this gene morph.
the enigma leopard gecko broke my whole heart... I didn't even know about them before this video :( people are so cruel just for money
i’ve never watched you before but OMG your humor had me crying
As a keeper and breeder of Chinese water dragons. You’re doing everything perfectly! Keep up the great work rehabilitating that female! (And maybe contact me once she’s ready for sale! 😁)
Alex’s Agamids do you have any videos on owning and caring for Chinese Water Dragons?
NeverDoubtThePowerOfAlliteration, yes I do have numerous videos on the care and needs of Chinese water dragons. I’ve been keeping the species for years now. And have successfully bred them a few times. While they are not an easy lizard by any means, they’re still one of my favorites. If you do need help with caring for a Chinese water dragon. My channel will have all the resources you need for them!
"No iguanas." lol Yeah, cuz one iguana is the equivalent of like 50 snakes' worth of care!
Awe I have a beardie rescue with MBD as well. shes doing a lot better she was on deaths door when I got her and wasn't moving at all. she has almost no teeth so I have been syringe feeding her some blended greens with vitamins. I love her to bits she is so sweet. Shes going through shed for the first time since I've gotten her. Super excited.
I have a piebald ball python called winter and she is awesome and love her with my whole heart... I cannot even begin to comprehend how these people can disregard and ignore their pets to the point they are so horribly sick and skinny and unhealthy, they are amazing animals who should be treated with lover, respect and care. Love what u r doing! I’m sure these guys are all so thankful! Peace from England!
Head blushing tells me that this is a ghost/hypo pastel, NOT a super pastel. Gorgeous snake.
I thought it was the other kind of sick-
Anzu wyliei same!
Throwing some TND shade, I love it lmao
My leopard gecko, Bennie, was just diagnosed with cryptosporidium earlier today. She probably won't make it but I'm giving her 3 medicines and an intensive care food prescribed by the vet in hopes of some miracle she gets better. She is not even a year old yet and it breaks my heart to know that I may never see her grow up. I hope your little guys don't have it and slowly whither away like my sweet girl ❤️
After hearing about ES in Leos this is actually my first time SEEING it. I would agree that it's more depressing than spider BPs. I really wish the animal world was better regulated on what can and can't be bred. Why anyone would purposefully breed something like that is beyond me.
I love the commit shovel head in the background.
Pope potato its a jojo reference
@@c4nn3dtun4 ok.. don't watch that anime that's why i don't get it
That poor enigma leopard gecko. Hurts my heart to see her struggle so much.
The fact that enigmas are bred irritates my soul
A good channel to learn about enigma leopard geckos through is Jessica's Animal Friends, she's adopted many geckos with enigma syndrome, and has an entire playlist about it
That shade at Taylor was fucking amazing
I love Yellow Beardie! He's so old and mad.
Great job. Keep up the good work man. God is smiling at what you are doing to help beardies.
Can we just all acknowledge just how long he has had that avocado painting for?
He looks so much better then the first video. Great work there
This is generally true about going to see a doctor too... Things often do get better on their own!
I'm so glad someone like you got these animals and that you care about them and try so hard to help them and give them a better quality of life. The enigma gecko made me cry, but she's super cute and looks pretty healthy to have the kind of issues she has. I imagine caring for animals with such needs can be quite challenging. I applaud you for your efforts and caring!
Glad to see peaches is recovering so quickly! And i did watch the other video with them, hope it isn't going to cause the sweetheart much lasting damage.
And oh my, an enigma leopard gecko. Beautiful looks but oh dear, that movement pattern... I know some are less severe with it, but i genuinely can never be certain how these survive the egg.
I know there are feeder bugs with high water content, can't remember which rn, probably wouldn't hurt to add those in if they can't reliably make their way to a water bowl. And a humidity box, but those are just a generally helpful thing for herps.
Edit: silkworms! that was the one i was thinking of. also hornworms but those grow super fast and aren't as cost effective.
Thank you for your great work with taking in sick animals and give them a better chance in life.
I have an enigma leopard gecko actually! She is special needs because of her nasty neurological symptoms. They can get stressed really easily so sometimes a smaller enclosure with everything close together and paper towel is best for them. I have mine in a 10 gallon because I feel like upgrading her would not be a good idea considering how small she is.
With enigmas, the more stressed they are, the less likely they are to eat and will rapidly lose weight as I have found. I couldn't believe a breeder was selling her but I fell in love with the full intent of keeping her stress free. Just keep an eye out for the death rolling and seizures!
My Leo has Enigma Syndrome or something similar to it. Luckily she is mild and she hasn't circles since she was a little runty. Helped her to pay attention to what keeps her calm. Helped a ton to get her some coverage so that she isn't out in the open as much. But unfortunately I had to reposition her tank and she took up stargazing again for a bit. She was horizontal to me since she was a hatchling, so being parallel is going to take some getting used to for her. But at least she can more easily do her favorite activity of staring into my soul and making me uncomfortable. It's 2:38 and pitch dark, but I bet if I turn on the light, she'll be looking at me.
Love your chill presentation, my dude, always love your update vids and I feel like I learn a lot of stuff from you dealing head-on with the hardest cases. Thank you for posting!
Poor leopards, all of them. Thank you for taking care of them!
I love how right when Alex said “no bubbling” the ball python let out some bubbles😂 16:38
Bryan Barczyk is awesone! You shouldn't hate and you'd maybe learn a thing or 2
That enigma gecko broke my heart 😔
I know! The poor thing. I could never have a gecko like that, just watching the little one spin in a circle made me so sad.
I just wanna say thanks for making captions on all you videos I appreciate that shit
I admire your dedication so much, you aren't afraid of challenges and are honest abt struggles. tbh the only pettuber I trust
Be sure you get the water dragon on substrate as soon as possible- she looks to be at least 2 years old (if not a bit stunted) and the female lay eggs regularly regardless of being with a male. If you don't provide at least 6-8 inches of damp substrate, she'll 100% hold the eggs and may become fatally egg bound.
The snake touches his nose so cutely aw
“No longer bubbling”
*Bubbles on the side of the snakes mouth* 16:34
Aww I had a Chinese water dragon his name was Aussie and he was the sweetest lizard he passed away like a year ago but we had him the whole time while i was growing up and always loved being held
Yay, ok just got into ur channel cuz i adopted a beardie recently (little over a month now) and saw ur beardie sample food video ❤️ Btw, and my favorite was the pretty eye one who satisfyingly ate almost everything, so I just saw the video on 10 yr old dragon/clog pores/no eating...& in this video u confirmed it was him, so glad! I adore him, & so happy of his turnaround!
You're one of my favorite youtubers, seriously on par with Snake Discovery and a shade above Clint's Reptiles. (I love Clint but anyone who supports and participates in the breeding in Spider Ball Pythons isn't going to be a top favorite. I would usually not support someone who does either of those things, but his channel is otherwise a wonderful place for someone looking to get started with reptiles for really figuring out what's good to start with and advance to.)
I've done rescues, alot. I generally have enough stuff from animals I've had through the years, and stuff I've had to get to save a reptile that came out of nowhere- that even when most of the time I take them in to get them healthy and rehome- I've had to buy enough stuff to just have on hand.
Tanks from 2 gallons up to a spare 40 breeder (though that will be for my still-new ball python when she gets bigger), a wide variety of undertank heaters, thermometers, hydrometers, fishtank heaters for when I've been given dying bettas to try to save (though I usually end up keeping the bettas- have a crap ton of 10 gallons and bettas being given to me to save is rare), fish tank filters, I have a diatom filter in storage, which is amazing for any fish to turtles, esp if parasites are an issue, a UV sterilizer (same), automatic misters, mesh enclosures, substrate from forest flooring and moss for my python and tarantula, with sand and walnut for my tarantula too- need to mix that in with the dirt so when she burrows it keeps a shape), I have those green squares florists use for bouquets that's amazing at holding humidity- also thanks to my tarantula- I cut tunnels into them and put them under the dirt so she has pre-made tunnels to just have, and then she'll dig into them more. (It's great- I'll check in on her a few times a day, and when I've done a cleanout and give her new foam caves, mixed in with the dirt she's kicked out of her way while digging, green flakes will be there from her preferring the entry in a different place, and she'll cover the holes she doesn't like.
I have a range of heat bulbs, though when I have a random reptile I'll buy new UVB bulbs. I usually give those bulbs to the new home since they need to be replaced every 3-9ish months depending on the brand and kind of UVB bulbs (it will say on each box how long they last), and even if I used it for a few days, it can be years until I use them again and while the UVB creating substances * should * still be good if not used that much, I just feel better making sure it's new, and specific for what I'm bringing in.
When I lived in Brooklyn I had 2 "feasts" (a street festival) that would go to 2 avenues at different times of the years, both 2 avenues from my home, where they gave iguanas and baby turtles as prizes. (Illegal in NYC and trust me I talked to the beat cops there and called complaints in to the humane society and the ASPCA and nothing ever gets done), they give them away with tiny plastic containers and care sheets that are actually decent. (I took a look at them)- so of course when people win an iguana who will get humongous, and red ear slider babies that do the same, where both live decades, I've found many in garbage cans on on stoops. To the point where every night of the feasts, and for a week or two after, I walked up and down avenues glancing in garbage cans making sure nothing alive were in there.
I found 2 baby turtles once in one of those containers on the double yellow line of a 4 lane street around the corner of where I lived. Another time 2 babies in a zip lock bag under a tree.
Get them in proper conditions, get them slowly strong enough to swim and climb out, get them eating a healthy range of food, vet checks when needed (thankfully not needed as often as one would think), and from the SECOND I get them I start asking around to see who will want them once they're a safe age/size.
I know people who have large fenced ponds including my parents from when I used to live in a cabin on their property, and thankfully the number of turtles I couldn't place with people with the proper knowledge could go to, and iguanas are tricky to home, so the times I've ended up with them myself and my friends bust our asses handling them so they're easier to home with people who understand their needs, usually with people who just ended up custom making the enclosures when they grew up because the right sized enclosure for iguanas is expensive and so on...
But yeah- rescuing you end up with animals who are not in good shape, even when they don't need a vet, and it takes time and effort to get them back to health, and handleable so they're ready for a new home.
ty for that lil snake boop, I needed to see that tonight 🤗
You should contact Jessica’s Animal Friends about the enigma syndrome leopard gecko. She specializes in caring for leopard gecko the disabilities and problems.
you should get you’re veterinary license and take care of sick reptiles! you’re obviously really good at it, better than most vets who’ve gone to school !
Your enigma leopard gecko has ES, unfortunately we can only assume as to whether it causes the animal pain beyond having difficulty navigating around. If you do have a female , I recommend being vigilant during breeding season because its more stressful for enigmas and lose a lot of weight and some have even been known to lay calcified eggs when not bread during breeding season. Breeding isn’t really an option though.
And on another note when trying to find out the morph, it might be a little difficult because the enigma gene changes the pattern and eye color just slightly compared to what the morph would have looked like without the enigma gene. The morph could be known for black spot and black eyes, but with the enigma gene you might get brown spots with slighly redish black eyes. Ect.
Well done man, its so difficult to rescue animals, it's something I've tried to do on my channel but my heart couldn't take it!
Shout out from the UK BTW
The dragon you showed as your 2nd animal you’re rehabilitating. Ive had issues with coconut husk getting in my reptiles food or eyes, i would highly recommend trying out reptobark. I use it for substrate for a few of my reptiles that like to play or mess up their bedding, some tanks i even use half reptobark and half ecoearth.
I really appecriate how you rescue and help these animals. I wish I had the time to do it too, but thank you ❤️❤️
I think taking in and healing animals is great, and I like your videos! I take in some pretty severely neglected fish and work to bring them back to health and show them off on my little channel. I think it's a good thing. You be you.
Those animals are so sweet on you ☺😍
Especially the ball python, that was adorable
Bless your kid heart for taking in these little creatures. Continue to to good by them. Take care.
I have a rescue enigma as well and I've found that keeping him in relative darkness with not much for him to see and keeping him as stress free as possible really helps him not show as many symptoms. Also mine has trouble finding his water dish also so I use a large kidney bowl near his favorite hide and that seems to help. I show him some on my Instagram if anyone wants to follow. Oh_heck_its_geck
oh man, that enigma leopard gecko looks just like my gecko who’s part enigma. thank god mine is just a little wobbly when she walks cuz i didn’t know about the morph when i bought her :(
enigmas usually stargaze rollover have trouble eating food spins around and around flips over
My first injection was on an ackie monitor who didn’t like being held. Fun stuff, gave the next seven days worth too. This was just an animal at my workplace with poor care.
Make sure you get cat urine destroyer for the tank as it stays in there even if you clean it. That's maybe why it's still there. Also he's pastel orange ghost.
Stan’s eyes are gorgeous, I bet he’s a ladies man
Chinese water dragons are one of my favorites, I have two babies of my own and they love people, never had a problem with that. One of mine did get sick (got her sick from petco of course, didn’t know petco was bad at the time) had MBD, but not has scoliosis, and one blind eye. Gotta love chain pet stores! 🙃
i’m genuinely curious about how Alex talks to kids
Now that you mention it... yes.
I bet it’s the same lol
I like watching your lamp change colors
Jessica's Animal Friends has a whole series on what the Enigma Syndrome does to leos. It's very much like the spider ball python (but far far worse). It's a neurological/balance issue. Symptoms get worse with stress. They likely will need to be hand/tong fed for their entire lives. And will need assistance shedding. That said yours does appear to be a good weight, which is at least a start....
Thank you for being so amazing
You’re doing incredible work
My gecko passed away due to cancer a few months back. I really miss him I had him since I was a kid. I definitely plan on adopting from yall hopefully soon.
From what you’ve said about the condition of the water dragon I would say that she didn’t have a specific condition per-say but was suffering from poor nutrition in general
You should do some side research on orthopaedics, I think you may find it interesting you seem quite smart. It's amazing how taping and splinting can re train the muscles to move more naturally, many people have helped their deformed pets by trying these methods. Obviously not everything can be fixed but you may get success with some of the issues with their limbs. The one with neurological problems for example, I believe she can learn to walk forward properly by wearing a braced sleeve on her torso to stop her bending to the right with a neck collar. A round lollipop stick could be attached from the sleeve to the neck collar to stop her head turning right. As they're small animals the materials would be really easy and cheap to make from various miscellaneous things polystyrene plastics and fabrics. It would be interesting as a side project and to see what difference there is.
I used to have a cross breed enigma morph leopard gecko. She was my very first and I was not told of any enigma morph jeans. It was really sad for her, and eventually it killed her, which just broke my heart...
For the chinese water dragon, they need a ton of humidity, very hot light, and lots of UVA/UVB. The hind legs on her looks like she could be getting/got metabolic bone disease which is very common in CWDs who arent fed with calcium powder and dont have a good UV light
SOURCE: I have owned a chinese water dragon for 3 years
I have a blind 10 yr old. You have to talk to her to take her out but otherwise shes fine. Eats a ton
Just FYI - I put a vote down for the ghost one just because I wanted to see the results of the poll. I don’t know anything about reptiles so you should consider one of the ghost votes to not count.
My water dragon has always been super nice to me (her owner) but always hated everyone else. Really the only thing I've ever noticed that is hard to do for a water dragon is to try and keep everything in their enclosure clean as they decide to dirty everything instantly. Happily mines being going for 4 years strong now and at the time I had gotten her from a PetSmart that did seem to neglect them as usual. She was real little. Never had very much human interaction but for me was a great pet to get at the time. The only thing is the costs that come with the $30 you spend on them.
For help regarding your enigma leo, I recommend watching Jessica's Animal Friends playlist on Enigma Syndrome. She has a loooot of enigma leos and they are all thriving. I think getting in contact with her or watching her videos would be a great idea!
Good to know I just got a 4 month old male beardie my first 😅💓 still doing research still more to learn but I got the habitat and feeding etc down
God I love you and your videos!!! You are so open and straight to the point and the sarcasm/truths is amazing and hilarious.
-Alex Green
My water dragon is a saint and thinks he is a lap dog. Love em