beautyful tribute to the LASST of the Pharaohnic african tribe = the Somali of east africa's SoMali coast... this tribute is by a fellow pharaohnic aa brother and a fellow black-muslim.. bless Somalia and the rest of the abOriginal Melanin-blessed world.... HOOTEP and asalamuun-aleykum
Mashallah this poem reflects an unfortunate truth. I and the samolian's shouldn't be the only one crying the governments of the united nations should be ashamed to let this continue. Hadiyah Canada
Emancipatedby emam " only if yuhr beauty wasnt so black" i think means if yuh were not african/black yuh wud get yuhr voice heard nd ppl wud give yuh more attention.!
@MegaHadiyah its spelled Somalian's but nevermind... u rather spell white christian amerikkka correctly but not speall black-muslim darkskinend Somalia correctly huh... how typical
WALAHI I CRIED. I love you somalia, I know I wasn't their for you but I love you and you flow thru my vein's. Amir sulaiman jaza khallah akhi
Africa is the original of the world .. Somalia is a beautiful country & big Up to Amir !
Every time I hear this I break down. Our people's blood is considered so cheap. But it isn't cheap. It is worth something. We are worth something.
moving and beautiful indeed
@MegaHadiyah true that
@Rita90ish It is !! :) brilliant !
beautyful tribute to the LASST of the Pharaohnic african tribe = the Somali of east africa's SoMali coast... this tribute is by a fellow pharaohnic aa brother and a fellow black-muslim.. bless Somalia and the rest of the abOriginal Melanin-blessed world....
HOOTEP and asalamuun-aleykum
who the heck would dislike this ?? really though !!!
beautyful poem by a fellow darkskinned believer a.k.a a fellow black-Muslim....
Mashallah this poem reflects an unfortunate truth. I and the samolian's shouldn't be the only one crying the governments of the united nations should be ashamed to let this continue.
While your children were falling
Emancipatedby emam " only if yuhr beauty wasnt so black" i think means if yuh were not african/black yuh wud get yuhr voice heard nd ppl wud give yuh more attention.!
I am a white South African. I think this poem is entirely accurate sadly. Shame on us all.
its spelled Somalian's but nevermind... u rather spell white christian amerikkka correctly but not speall black-muslim darkskinend Somalia correctly huh... how typical