UPSC Essay Mains 2021 Detailed Discussion (4D Analysis). How to deal with Philosophical Essays.

  • Опубликовано: 14 июл 2024
  • Essay Writing Super -Session UPSC Mains 2021-2022 Essay Paper 4D Analysis
    This Super-Session about Essay-writing for the UPSC exam contains detailed discussions, deconstructions, demonstrations and demystifications of UPSC Essay paper with UPSC MAINS ESSAY PAPER 2021-2022 as it's template.
    We will go through ALL the topics asked in the Essay Paper and Use Deconstruction Technique to get to the Heart of each Essay topic.
    Some of the questions discussed in the Session will be-
    *How to deal with 'philosophical' essays.
    *How to structure your arguments?
    *What are the major themes in the topic to touch upon?
    *What is the underlying debate at the heart of the Essay topic?
    *How to conclude the Essay with a holistic synthesis?
    All the techniques discussed and MANY more are explained in detail in the Ultimate Cheatbook of Essay & Answer-writing
    Lesson page with Writing samples and solutions to all Essay topic in UPSC 2021 Mains Essay Paper-
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Комментарии • 813

  • @vigna.d9523
    @vigna.d9523 2 года назад +14

    Good evening sir, thank you for the session.
    Essay topic: There are better practices to best practices.
    Deconstruction :
    Thing 1: Best practices
    Thing 2: Better practices
    Heart of the topic :
    Best practices are methods or procedures that are widely accepted and treated as superior to any other alternatives as they gave optimal results in a given situation or problems faced by mankind. But in the process of evolution, challenges thrown by the nature, the inevitable dynamic nature of the world and the evolving technology and its effects makes the best practices to no longer be sacrosanct.
    The adaptive nature of the living beings to the new environment and new challenges, makes them to find new and better ways for survival which are absolutely essential. Further, the competitive world with advanced technologies ignites the urge of the people to stand out from the rest of the world and so with their cognitive ability they come up with innovative ways breaking the regular standard procedures which evolve as better practices to the existing best practices.
    Best practices are evolved as a result of thorough research and are proved to be efficient in tackling difficult situations which are experienced by earlier generations. It is good to follow them to avoid threat to ourselves and to the society. But they should not hinder creativity and innovation of humans where there is scope of improvement with better practices and make them sustainable in long run.
    Practices which appear to be best in the past are now considered to be inefficient and practices which are now considered best may become obsolete in future. They may get replaced with better ways in future and these keep changing with time.
    Materialism may appear to be best practice as it gives comfort with lavish lifestyle but following minimalism as better practice gives happiness and peace.
    Government coming up with best polices is a best practice but make sure to reach them to vulnerable sections by strengthening the local governments and improving service delivery mechanism would be a better practice.
    Making stringent laws, convicting and punishing the accused are best practices but counselling the accused to realise their mistakes and see not to repeat them, rehabilitation, friendly policing are some of the better practices. Example : Police with the help of local people and organisations conducting games like volleyball for the youth to avoid them engaging in cockfights and gambling.
    Providing online education with sophisticated equipment to children is a best practice but improving standards of education with creativity, critical thinking and moral values are better practices.
    Improving health infrastructure, medical and hospitalisation facilities for unhealthy are best practices but bringing awareness among people to prevent diseases with dietary and life style changes, hygienic surroundings and providing moral support to patients to defeat the disease are better practices.
    Consensus, framework, COP's on climate change, conservation of nature are best practices but implementing the designed strategies and monitoring them are better practices. For example, recently Tamilnadu government has set up first ever SPV (Special purpose vehicle) mission which includes planning, execution and monitoring it's statewide nature conservation programs for climate change adaptation and mitigation.
    Art restorers usually use chemical agents, recent laser techniques to remove dirt, oil, glue or pollutants from the monuments, stone works and paintings which can be considered as best practices but researchers used grime eating bacteria like Desulfovibrio vulgaris to clean marble monuments and recognising role of microorganisms in protecting artistic heritage is a better practice.
    Best practices evolved to be best as they survived test and time but may not suit with the changing time and challenges. And so, we should provide room for continuous improvement and creativity targeting better practices and envisage best results for the desired future.

  • @abisharufina4191
    @abisharufina4191 Час назад

    Thing 1 - best practices
    Thing 2 - better practices
    Being the best at something implies that one has reached the peak of one's potential while being better implies that there is still room for growth and development.
    The concept of best practices has become commonplace in the business world as a means of promoting efficiency, consistency and excellence. However, it's worth noting that the notion of best practices is often flawed and there are several better practices that can be implemented instead.
    Another limitation of best practices is that they often prioritize short term gains over long term sustainability.
    Striving to be better acknowledges the fact that there is always room for improvement. It is an ongoing process that requires constant self reflection, growth and change. The beauty of striving to be better is that there is always something to work on, whether it be a personal or professional aspect of life. By focusing on being better, individuals and companies can adapt to changing circumstances and remain relevant and meaningful in a constantly evolving world.
    Therefore, don’t get stuck and limit yourself to best, move beyond that to better. Best practices or even great practices should not stop you from getting better!

  • @talpasai485
    @talpasai485 7 дней назад

    In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving world, the concepts of "best" and "better" have taken on a new level of significance. The distinction between the two words is not only important but critical to understanding how to thrive in today's society. Being the "best" at something implies that one has reached the peak of one’s potential, while being "better" means that there is still room for growth and improvement.
    The concept of "best practices" has become commonplace in the business world as a means of promoting efficiency, consistency, and excellence. However, it's worth noting that the notion of best practices is often flawed, and there are several better practices that can be implemented instead.
    One of the primary issues with best practices is that they tend to be overly generalized. When an organization adopts a best practice, they're essentially trying to replicate a process that has been successful in other contexts. However, what works well for one company or team may not necessarily work for another. This is because there are a multitude of variables that can impact the efficacy of a given practice, such as team size, industry, organizational culture, and more. Therefore, blindly adopting a best practice can lead to suboptimal outcomes.
    Another limitation of best practices is that they often prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability. For example, a company may adopt a best practice that streamlines a particular process and results in a temporary boost in productivity. However, if that process isn't aligned with the company's broader strategic goals, it may ultimately hinder the organization's ability to adapt to changing circumstances or achieve its long-term objectives. In this sense, best practices can be somewhat myopic, focusing on immediate improvements rather than sustainable growth.

  • @Muskanv2607
    @Muskanv2607 2 года назад +1

    Thing 1 = better practices
    Thing 2 = best practices
    This is the heart of this essay topic
    As we know about the best things we got in our life ,but how we got them .
    The journey of having these best things in today's life is begin so long ago when people or scientists research or practices every day to discover anything which makes our life easier and best. For example = At my grandfather's generation they used to go by walk or on cycles and it takes longer time to travel somewhere from one to other place. But now we use bikes and other machines which do it in a faster way . This is how we can say that the better practices becomes the best.
    Thank you sir for being our mentor 🙏 ❤

  • @aditya_vatsa
    @aditya_vatsa 2 месяца назад

    In our ever-changing world, the idea of "better practices" is gaining ground over "best practices." While "best practices" suggest a fixed set of rules to follow, "better practices" focus on continuous improvement.
    "Best practices" have long been seen as the gold standard in various fields. They offer established methods and guidelines to achieve success based on past experiences. However, what works well in one situation may not be the most effective in another. With the pace of change accelerating, what was once considered "best" may quickly become outdated.
    On the other hand, "better practices" emphasize flexibility and adaptation. Instead of adhering strictly to predefined standards, they encourage ongoing evaluation and refinement. This approach recognizes that there is always room for improvement and that circumstances can vary widely.
    By embracing "better practices," organizations can stay nimble and responsive to changing needs and circumstances. They foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning, where experimentation is encouraged, and failure is seen as a stepping stone to success.
    In conclusion, while "best practices" provide a useful starting point, "better practices" offer a more dynamic approach to problem-solving and innovation. By prioritizing adaptability and continuous improvement, they empower individuals and organizations to thrive in an uncertain world.

  • @pallaviborah6381
    @pallaviborah6381 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you sir for your effort.
    Thing 1- Better practices
    Thing 2- Best Practices
    Heart of the topic- when we refer something as ‘best’ we mostly use comparative perspective. But who decides what is best? And who sets the parameters of the best? Here comes a lacuna or a void. Nearly everything in this world has an alternative and that alternative can be better than what we perceived as best. ‘The best’ is a subjective opinion and situation based.
    Our development discourse which focus on building infrastructure , skilling people, use of latest technology might be the best practice to attain the ‘developed country’ country status. But there is definitely a better discourse of development that is harmonised relationship with nature. Using Miyawaki model, not building hospitals at the expense of clearing a thick forest.
    Hence, the best can always be challenged as there is always a probability of better.
    Thank you sir.

  • @rahul46806
    @rahul46806 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for these detailed insights sir. Much appreciated :)

  • @abhijitkakad6428
    @abhijitkakad6428 2 года назад +4

    Thank You Sir, I will definitely be there with a pen and paper.

  • @tanyakumari3302
    @tanyakumari3302 7 месяцев назад +1

    "There are better practices, to best practices".
    Thing 1: Better practices
    Thing 2: Best practices
    Thing 1: Better practices
    The practice which is done,then there remains some space or room for further new development, innovation and achievements. Scope of adding new things, experiences etc, are available. So, it doesn't become monotonous and freshness of this practice always sustain.
    Thing 2:Best practices
    The practice which attain its peak success ,that further no more development remains after this practice. There is no any space for new things to add , nothing remains .There is no any adventurous development as this is at its top position.

  • @hritwikabiswas9363
    @hritwikabiswas9363 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much Sir for the session..
    Thing 1: Best practices
    Thing 2: Better practices
    Being a part of the rapid pace of growth and development, we love to follow the path of best practices that promises to lead us to the lofty tower of success. In everyday-life, we follow the different ways of best practices, for example regularly we follow the same route to our office. We follow even the same time and the same routine that help us to complete everything in a disciplined manner. But interestingly, we forget something special sometimes. In order to follow the same route regularly, we forget to discover the new ones. For that reason we should break the rules sometimes.
    If we focus on our lives through a philosophical perspective, we will see one thing that , many of us try to listen to the renowned philosophers in order to lead a happy life. We start following the remedies given by them to solve our problems. We try to apply their formula to solve our own equation. We think that these are the 'best' practices. But we forget a simple fact that it's not possible to solve the equation of our life with a formula of a person who doesn't even know who we are, how our situation is. But there are some practices that are "better" than those practices which are considered to be the best ones as they do not enable us to discover a different dimension of life. The "better practices" definitely can be different from the stereotypical processes of the 'best practices' but will definitely help us to transcend all the boundaries of limitations. But it is true that the best practices are needed, for example, to build a house one needs to make the base strong firstly. To archive the success one must pay attention to the work he is doing with utmost sincerity, honesty and dedication, because there is no choice. But definitely the person should do it in his own creative way only then he will be able to enjoy the true essence of this.

  • @niyasmohamed2901
    @niyasmohamed2901 7 месяцев назад

    "There are better practices to best practices".
    The journey from "better practices" to "best practices" represents a significant shift in how people and organizations strive for excellence.
    Initially, when people aimed for "better practices," the focus was on making things a bit better within the existing methods. It was about small improvements, like finding ways to do things more efficiently without completely changing everything.
    But as time went on and competition increased, there was a realization that just being better wasn't enough anymore. The spotlight shifted to finding the absolute best ways of doing things. This shift in mindset meant being open to exploring entirely new methods, not just tweaking the old ones.
    Technology played a huge role in this change. Nowadays, using the latest technology isn't just an option, it's a necessity for staying ahead. Things like automation and artificial intelligence have become essential parts of getting things done in the best possible way.
    Another big part of this evolution is learning from others. Sharing knowledge and experiences has become very important. Instead of trying to figure everything out on their own, people and organizations now look to what others have done to see what works best. Learning from each other speeds up progress for everyone.
    What's interesting about this journey is that it's all about constantly getting better. But now, the focus is on not just making small improvements, but on actively searching for new and innovative ways of doing things. It's like always aiming for the highest level of excellence.
    As things keep changing and new challenges pop up, this idea of "best practices" will keep evolving. So, moving from "better" to "best" isn't just about doing things a little bit better; it's about always striving for the absolute best ways to do things, adapting to changes, and staying ahead in a world that's always moving forward.

  • @sriparnamondal7677
    @sriparnamondal7677 2 года назад +1

    I'm eagerly waiting for this session sir

  • @bhaktisonawane7342
    @bhaktisonawane7342 10 месяцев назад

    Good evening sir. Thank you for the session.
    Topic: There are better practices for best practices.
    Thing 1: Better practices
    Thing 2: Best practices.
    Better practices can be understood as any alternate ways to do a practice that provides with more utility, less damage than the general way of doing so.
    Best practices can be understood as the only way most utility, maximum benefit can be obtained by doing a practice.
    A rice farmer obtains maximum yield by carrying best field operations, irrigation facilities, fertilizer, etc. and gains profit. However, another farmer practices mixed farming where he takes the yield of rice crop as well as multiplies fishes in the rice puddles field, thys obtaining income from multiple sources by utilizing same space. This can be taken as an apparent example of prevailing better practices for best practices.
    Do better practices develop for best practices instantly?
    Well, it is not an instantaneous result but a long and continous process that involve dimensions of inventions, circumstances, time, etc.
    Inventions : Over time new inventions bring more alternatives to do a tasks. But not always can they lead to better utility. For example- Plastic in the short run proved to be very beneficial and the only material to be used for preparation of various products. In the long run, this invention has made us taste its disastrous outcomes. A more better solution to usage of plasctic is the seaweed plastic thats can be used the same way plastic is used for packaging and is edible as well. Thus, best material at one time has found a better alternative seaweed plastic.
    Time : With time needs, circumstances change and thus there arise a need to find more alternatives for a best practice. Electric vehicles though found as a best solution for polluting vehicles, but electric vehicles using renewable energy baswd generated electricity can be found as a more better practice than using electric vehicles with coal based Electricity.
    Thus, it is apparent from the above examples that there can be better practices for best practices, however it is necessary that the outcomes of it be predetermined in the long run to avoid any negative repercussions.

  • @bidishasanyal3332
    @bidishasanyal3332 2 года назад +1

    Thing 1: Better practices Thing 2: Best practices
    Best practices can be defined as the best way to do something. But every practice has a particular context and Best practices aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Moreover in life sometimes we have to go through a series of better practices to figure out the best one. So at some point these two words are intertwined. Best practices can be effective for some organizations like army, judiciary which need stability. Error and trial methods may cause harm to them. But in case of creativity we need relentless experiments and improvisations. Fields like music, cinema, scientific innovations etc. claim elevated curiosity as well as undying passion. Nothing should be labelled as ‘best’ in regard with a piece of art. In case of sector like business best and better practices can coexist in a symbiotic fashion to help the organization grow and keep pace with time. By ignoring creativity we would be saturated and by ignoring process we would miss out efficiency. On other hand in some scenario best practices prevent reinventing the wheel, opening up time for constructive activity. Frequent changes or uncertainties can disrupt our ability to focus, adapt and thrive. Best practices often provide psychological security that ensures our sense of wellbeing. So we should not be blindly adhered to any kind of practices unless it reflects our own way of working. A practice should fit within our own context.

  • @swatitiwari4054
    @swatitiwari4054 9 месяцев назад

    t1 सर्वश्रेष्ठ
    लगातार विकसित हो रही दुनिया में, "सर्वश्रेष्ठ" और "बेहतर" की स्थापना ने महत्वपूर्ण रूप से एक नया स्तर ले लिया है। दोनों शब्दों के बीच अंतर महत्वपूर्ण है किसी भी चीज़ में "सर्वश्रेष्ठ" होने का मतलब यह है कि कोई व्यक्ति अपनी क्षमता के चरम तक पहुँच गया है, जबकि "बेहतर" होने का मतलब यह है कि अभी भी विकास और सुधार की संभावना है। बेहतर बनने का प्रयास इस तथ्य को स्वीकार करता है कि सुधार की स्वीकृति हमेशा बनी रहती है। बेहतर बनने की चाह एक यात्रा के बजाय एक मंजिल की है। यह विकास और परिवर्तन की एक सतत प्रक्रिया है।नए वातावरण और नई चुनौतियों के प्रति प्राणियों की अनुकूलन प्रकृति उन्हें जीवित रहने के लिए नए और बेहतर तरीके खोजने के लिए प्रेरित करती है जो नितांत आवश्यक है। इसके अलावा, उन्नत प्रौद्योगिकियों के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धी दुनिया लोगों में अपनी संज्ञानात्मक क्षमता का उपयोग करके बाकी दुनिया से अलग दिखने की इच्छा जगाती है, वे नियमित मानक तरीकों को तोड़कर नवीन विचारों के साथ आते हैं जो मौजूदा सर्वोत्तम प्रथाओं के लिए बेहतर प्रथाओं के रूप में विकसित होते हैं।
    जो चीजें अतीत में सर्वोत्तम प्रतीत होती थीं, उन्हें अब अप्रभावी माना जाता है और जो चीजें अब सर्वोत्तम मानी जाती हैं, वे भविष्य में अप्रचलित हो सकती हैं। भविष्य में इन्हें बेहतर तरीकों से प्रतिस्थापित किया जा सकता है और ये समय के साथ बदलते रहते हैं। इसका बेहतर उदाहरण हमारा संविधान हैं जो कई देशों के संविधान की बातों का समावेश कर हमारे विवेकी बुद्धिजीवियों के द्वारा लिखा गया हैं पर समय से साथ इसमें भी संशोधन किए जाते हैं
    वैसे ही व्यवसाय जगत में, जो कंपनिया सर्वोच्च बनने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं, वे अक्सर आत्मसंतुष्टि के जाल में फंस जाते हैं। इसके विपरीत, जो बेहतर बनने में ध्यान केन्द्रित करती हैं वे हमेशा सुधार और नवप्रवर्तन के प्रयासों में बनी रहती हैं। वे जोखिम लेने में और बदलाव करने की सोचते हैं, जो उन्हें आगे बढ़ने में मदद करती हैं।
    यह सिद्धांत व्यक्तिगत वृद्धि और विकास पर भी लागू होता है। जो व्यक्ति सर्वश्रेष्ठ बनने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं वे बार-बार स्कोर से अपनी तुलना करने के जाल में फंस जाते हैं। वे बाहरी प्रतिभूतियों पर केन्द्रित हो जाते हैं और अपने व्यक्तिगत लक्ष्य और प्रतिभूतियों को भूल जाते हैं। इसके विपरीत, जो व्यक्ति बेहतर बनने पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करता है, उनमें विकास की संभावना अधिक होती है। वे अंतर्निहित हैं कि असफलताएँ और असफलताएँसीखने और विकास के अवसर हैं। बेहतर बनने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करके, व्यक्तिगत पूर्ण और सार्थक जीवन के लिए आवश्यक कौशल और गुण विकसित किए जा सकते हैं।
    सबसे अच्छा और बेहतर होने का अंतर केवल शब्द अर्थ होने का मामला नहीं है। यह कल्पना में एक बदलाव है जो व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक सफलता पर महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव डाल सकता है।

  • @user-lh5mk5dy8m
    @user-lh5mk5dy8m 9 месяцев назад

    T1-best practices
    T2-better practices
    Heart of the topic- not what others says is always correct.
    There are better practices to best practices.
    We are born to see this wonderful world. We learn to walk, talk, and everything. We are born without anything. All that we acquire is here seeing others. All that we become and acheive is possible with the help of others. The society is living from decades and deserving to guide us with there experiences. With the knowledge they acquire over time by working, learning from there mistakes, taking what is best and leaving what is not. Without them we would have to work ourselves, learning through, and wasting our lives. Because of them we can fast forward and learn from what is not available.
    But we offen find the best possible ways suggested by them not working for us. We begin to thing was it all that they taught us not that worthy as we thought. Maybe while following there way we never could really filter the learning. Perhaps the apparatus, conditions, has changed with time and need new ways to follow. Why is our change with time seems different to our parents evolution with time. Why do they oppose us to take unique steps while when they were young stood up for there revolutionary ideas. Maybe because it is safe. But not always appropriate. Gas stoves saved time for them but induction saves time for us. Railways made travelling easy for them but airplanes makes for us.
    The use of both put into appropriate working is what the need. We cannot abandon conventional methods for we will have to start from the beginning then. And can't even leave thinking unique. While following prescribed itinerary we should stop for new solutions there where can fit.
    Samiksha Dere

  • @pushpanjaliece506
    @pushpanjaliece506 2 года назад +2

    There are better practice, to best practices
    thing 1 Better practice
    thing 2 Best practice
    Heart of the topic
    Better practice refers to that practice which can be become best by some modification or correction in it.
    Best practice are the result come of many experiment which is superior to any other things. Some better practices done by the government in providing education, enhancing the student skills and promote or support the youth. And also it can be best practice by seeing that in reality these type of practice or policies which are for the students and youth meet up or not. Better practice can become best just by sone extra effort done by the person.
    In this world where there is technology, day by day it expand in the market and come up with daily new update and new feature in it. Few years ago we can't even thought about this technology which we are using now, and now this is like best for us but after some time it become better because there will come new things.
    thanks sir

  • @sushiranju6623
    @sushiranju6623 Месяц назад

    Thing 1 : emphasizing contextual adaptation
    Thing 2: Encouraging experimentation.
    In dynamic and complicated situations, the idea of "best practices" frequently suggests a one-size-fits-all strategy, which can be restrictive. Adopting "better practices" instead recognises the importance of flexibility and ongoing development. This strategy produces better results since it is more adaptable and sensitive to certain situations.First, we should emphasise contextual adaptation.Adapting to the circumstances is the first step towards better practices. Sometimes, best practices might be rigid, not taking into consideration the unique requirements and subtleties of various situations. A project management strategy that is effective for a tech startup, for example, might not be appropriate for a major manufacturing company. Organisations can modify their strategy to meet their particular possibilities and challenges by concentrating on contextual adaptation. This calls for ongoing education, getting input, and remaining receptive to.

  • @nanditabajpayee0811
    @nanditabajpayee0811 2 года назад

    "There are better practices, to best practices."
    T1- best practices
    T2- better practices
    The word "best"- makes us think of something that is extraordinarily amazing and is in it's most acceptable form. Whereas "better"- makes us understand the need of improvement in everything we can think of. Both seem contradictory to one-another, but are interrelated; as because perfection is a myth that none can attain. It's just a mere state of mind that makes us believe that we are the best. Instead in the real world, nothing is best or worst, there is always scope for betterment, refinement and evolution in every walk of our lives.
    The world is undergoing dynamic changes and striving for the best practices and possibilities to make our lives simplified and modified at the same time. Realisation and understanding have to be developed to a scale to expand our limits and move out of our comfort zones, whereas if we fail to develop these qualities in our character, we will remain at a particular point without any improvements.
    The most common example that could relate to the topic is, 'technology' as it is evolving every single day and is at it's best to simplify and modernize our lives. Technology has changed alot and is still changing, from 2G to 4G and now to 5G & 6G and so on ; robotics, nanotech, aerospace and medicine and many more. New researches and results are found everyday, and future is just being better from it's best day by day. There is always scope for betterment in everything if we have the ideas and will power to implement it.
    When a holistic view is brought in any aspect of life, it enables us to identify the pros and cons of that issue, and then we seek for a better way to find a solution to our problems. So, there is always a way for better in best, if we have a view.

  • @sanjaykumar-ld6bd
    @sanjaykumar-ld6bd 2 года назад

    this season i learned so many valuebule information in this season human thinking and society think and what read and write very detailed explanation total clarity this video tq sir

  • @pahrishagupta1026
    @pahrishagupta1026 6 месяцев назад

    Good morning sir, thank you for the session.
    Thing 1- better practices
    Thing 2- best practices
    Heart of the essay topic: It signifies that there is something beyond the extremity that can be done in another alternate way.
    Key debate - Extremity of something is not possible. Only God is extreme.
    Short essay:
    There are better practices to the best practices. What is better and what is best? Better is something which can be done in more detail and efficient manner than one done before. The best is extreme. Best is something that signifies its importance and the level where it is supreme, it is eternal. But something can be supreme than God? If we analyze the past, In ancient times when the whole society was divided into 4 Varna, society was working so well and it was best practices as per their need. But human life can not be stagnant. Soon it was replaced by Buddhism and Jainism where we give the lower caste some privileges. In modern times, we realize the importance of all religions where we follow secularism. Our constitution has provided reservations to lower castes to ensure that all have justice. It is evolving and we are being and trying to be better with times. From sati, child marriage, and patriarchy we moved to women's empowerment, women's education, and women's participation in most of the important dimensions of the world. Many wise personalities such as Chanakya, Tenaliram, Birbal to Vivekananda, Rajaram Mohan Roy, Ishwarchandra Vidya Sagar to 21st century's AbJ Abdul Kalam are constantly coming as our needs are evolving and we are changing with times. So why best? It is a human tendency that he/she wants to be first at the top or supreme. But there are so many subparts where people like such are best and it ultimately leads to being better than others. Best is infinite and it is beyond one's reach.
    Thus one needs to occupy the good practices then it must have modifications as per time and situations.

  • @JyotiKumari-ro5ks
    @JyotiKumari-ro5ks 9 месяцев назад

    Sir this analysis of essay and deconstruction of it has made the essay easy to do thank you sir

  • @aishwaryavenu4327
    @aishwaryavenu4327 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this session,Sir.
    Task :There are better practices, to best practices.
    Thing 1 : Better practices
    Thing 2 : Best practices
    In this fast moving world, Change is the buzz word. Change is inevitable. Change is the norm in all aspects of life. Because of their flexibility and adaptability, some practices are considered as best practices. But we cannot deny the fact that there will always be a better practice for all the best practices. After every change, the best need to become better to accommodate the evolution.
    Let’s say, Irrigational methods in agriculture, Rain-fed and Well - style irrigation methods are considered as best practices in the past. Now, because of the climate change which led to changes in the rainfall pattern, demanded better practices which paved way for effective water usage methods such as drip irrigation , sprinkler systems.
    Followed by the administrative methods in today’s world. Monarchy may have been the norm of the past and considered as best practice for many decades even in India. But, Now democracy is considered as the better practice in our country.

  • @priyakumar9285
    @priyakumar9285 2 года назад +1

    I am eagerly waiting for this session sir

  • @bluewhale9843
    @bluewhale9843 2 года назад +1

    Sir your effort is more than a civil servant responsiblity

  • @monicadevaraj7677
    @monicadevaraj7677 2 года назад

    T1- better practices
    T2- best practices
    Better practices refers to the attachment of action with consistency and complete mindfulness. On one hand best practices desire conformity whereas better practices encourage and appreciate creativity and rationality.
    Everything we do today is a practice for something we are going to face in the future.
    Better practices always gives us scope to do better than the existing phase.
    Eg: Education and Technology
    In the pre Covid world, we believed in classroom study and offline mode of education. But after the pandemic started we started to study from the comfort of our homes. This is saving and alot of time and energy.
    This helps us to understand that no best practice is permanent. And there is always better to the best. We should evolve with best practices with time.

  • @arnabchakraborty3645
    @arnabchakraborty3645 6 месяцев назад

    Good evening sir,thank you for valuable insights about essay writing
    Essay topic:There are better practices,to best practices
    Thing 1:Better practices
    Thing 2:Best practices
    Heart of the topic:This essay talks about the relationship between better practices and best practices
    Best practices are the practices which are best solutions for solving a particular problem.The problem may be related to a individual,environment ,relations with other countries,economy and political problem etc.They are called best because they are coming through previous experiences , already it has come into existence.for example:type of technology used in films,a particular concept etc.
    Better practices are practices which are better solutions for solving a particular problem.Better practices enhance the overall well being for an individual,society,environment and nation as a whole.Better practices are better because of creativity.
    we need better practices over best practices because it not only gives an opportunity to know oneself better it also leads to motivation,dedication,passion.

  • @sakshisonal216
    @sakshisonal216 2 года назад +3

    "You perception of me is reflection of you ; my reaction to you is an awareness of me".
    It simply means we influence others and are influenced by others. Perception of a person depends upon his or her socio-ideological location.
    Gandhi saw violence as illegitimate means to achieve independence and he choose non-violence against the british rule. It shows his ideals, thoughts and approach towards independence on the other end we had extremists who wanted self rule through violent means against british rule. Its reflects how Gandhi and Extremists differ in their perceptions towards British rule.
    Positive perception of a person towards other reflects the positivity inside that person and the way he or she reacts to the negativity in a positive way is his or her level of awareness.Positivity attracts positivity even in the worst situation.
    Our constitutions which indicates India as the most modern democracies in the world is also a reflection of our Society's perception towards self-rule, to live a dignified life, religious tolerance etc.
    Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there is the order in the nation. When there is the order in the nation, there is peace in the world.” - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

  • @AmitYadavstayfoolish2day
    @AmitYadavstayfoolish2day 2 года назад +1

    Exactly. Most Essays are abstract than being philosophical. 👌

  • @deepakkumar-mv8qg
    @deepakkumar-mv8qg 9 месяцев назад

    Good afternoon sir and thank you
    Thing1: better practices
    Thing 2: best practices
    There are better practices to best practices. In better practices, there is always scope of grow. As for example in politics it is believed to be better democracy. There is always a chance of better democracy. In the democratic country we thought that direct democracy is better than the indirect democracy. Both type of democracy has some merits and demerits. But we are in the process of better democracy that is chances of improvement available. We can also see in the case of business management. Here we can not say that that country has best business management rather we say that that country has better business management than the other country. Business management can not be best. It may be today count as best later it seems not to be even better practices. Similar way in education system also there is always chances of improvement. New invention is the birth of better practices. We are in the search of better comfort zone and quick solution and it's growing day by day. In the field of medicine, also we are in search of better medicine and we are working on that problem. Some time we get success and get better results than previous on and sometimes even worst than previous one. In this world each and every persons are in search of better human life. In the search of better countries prosperity depend. Countries developed if they are doing better practices.
    Best practices meaning best level that is last level. In this case no further improvement is possible. It assumed that it is a perfect. But according to Mahatma Gandhi, " what is today best, a future time it is not best practices hence always better practices required". So almost all living beings are in the search of better practices. Yes people are doing best practices but actually that is not best practices infact that are better practices. It may be best at that time of work but later same work count as better.

  • @ambalakarraamoolya7867
    @ambalakarraamoolya7867 10 месяцев назад

    In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving world, the concepts of "best" and "better" have taken on a new level of significance. The distinction between the two words is not only important but critical to understanding how to thrive in today's society. Being the "best" at something implies that one has reached the peak of one’s potential, while being "better" means that there is still room for growth and improvement.
    The concept of "best practices" has become commonplace in the business world as a means of promoting efficiency, consistency, and excellence. However, it's worth noting that the notion of best practices is often flawed, and there are several better practices that can be implemented instead.
    One of the primary issues with best practices is that they tend to be overly generalized. When an organization adopts a best practice, they're essentially trying to replicate a process that has been successful in other contexts. However, what works well for one company or team may not necessarily work for another. This is because there are a multitude of variables that can impact the efficacy of a given practice, such as team size, industry, organizational culture, and more. Therefore, blindly adopting a best practice can lead to suboptimal outcomes.
    Another limitation of best practices is that they often prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability. For example, a company may adopt a best practice that streamlines a particular process and results in a temporary boost in productivity. However, if that process isn't aligned with the company's broader strategic goals, it may ultimately hinder the organization's ability to adapt to changing circumstances or achieve its long-term objectives. In this sense, best practices can be somewhat myopic, focusing on immediate improvements rather than sustainable growth.

    @ABHISHEKKUMAR-jb9hy 7 месяцев назад

    Thanku so much sir for this session

  • @BabaYaga___
    @BabaYaga___ 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you for the session.
    Thing 1 : Better practises
    Thing 2 : Best practises
    Heart of the topic :
    In a world where change is constant, human beings often try to incorporate and learn new methods to redefine themselves. Better practises signifies the process of accepting one's own flaws and striving to improve themselves. For ex: a student might incorporate new techniques to study in the hope to produce better results. This might be helpful for the student but not necessarily be universally applicable.
    Best practises are the proven techniques that have shown continuous success across various situations. One key aspect of best practises is that it has widespread recognition.
    Moving from better practices to best practices is an important process. When we adopt best practices to perform a task, we use the highest level of techniques and methods to complete that task successfully. Ultimately, the path from better to best practices is not just about achieving success; it's about sustaining it in a world that is constantly changing.

  • @jarpalarukesh2017
    @jarpalarukesh2017 7 месяцев назад +2

    Than you sir
    The idea of best practices is unreal since there is always room for improvement. There are no such things as best practices because, in the words of APJ ABDUL KALAM , "Practice makes a man perfect," which is an enduring fact. Sometimes we fail to see the full potential of our abilities and believe that we are unable of doing any better. However, as time goes on and we continue to work on something, it becomes better every day, and eventually we come to see that what we formerly thought was our best is actually well below what we are capable of.
    Better practices are those that involve doing something regularly and making an effort to make it better each time. While best practices stagnate the process of possibilities for growth, better practices are an ongoing

  • @pragatishukla4684
    @pragatishukla4684 2 года назад +1

    T1: Better practices, T2: Best practices
    Better practice tells us about the comparison whereas best practice is the superlative degree and there is nothing better than this.
    As we know, whatever we do practice, there will always be a better practice there which leads us to best practices. As we always hear, 'Practice makes a man perfect' but no nothing can be perfect ever there is always a scope of improvement in everything and hence we can say practice doesn't make a man perfect but it surely reduces imperfection. It is our daily small effort of even better practice which leads us to get even better.
    In my opinion, best means stability beyond which nothing can be done or improved and everyone and everything in this universe tends to get stable from the electronic configuration in atoms to the man in real life. Everybody is struggling to achieve that but when we reach there, we see something even better and then think, that is the best and again start working to reach there.
    Also as mentioned by Plato, by the example of allegory of cave, this world is only the reflection of our ideas and it is not real. This is not perfect, hence we can imply even Plato recognised that this world is not the best and something is better out there and may be that idea is reflection of something else which is perfect or the best and the cycle goes on.
    Hence, we can conclude that better practices take us towards best practices but not help us to achieve best practices.

  • @nidhikm3957
    @nidhikm3957 7 месяцев назад

    Thing 1: impovement in better practice
    Thing 2: Reaching the best practice
    The expression "THERE ARE BETTER PRACTICES TO BEST PRACTICES" encapsulates a philosophy of perpetual improvement in a succinct manner. It underscores the notion that what we currently consider as best practices should not be viewed as static or unchanging. Instead, it implies a dynamic approach to efficiency and effectiveness. By acknowledging that there are continual advancements and innovations, this phrase encourages a mindset of ongoing evaluation and evolution in our methodologies.
    The message is clear: the pursuit of excellence requires a commitment to constant refinement. It challenges the notion of resting on established best practices and encourages a proactive search for even more effective approaches. In a rapidly evolving world, industries, processes, and technologies are in a state of constant flux, necessitating a willingness to explore and adopt new practices that may surpass existing standards.

  • @anithanarayanan352
    @anithanarayanan352 7 месяцев назад

    hello sir ,
    Thank you for this session sir
    Thing 1: better practices
    Thing 2: best practices
    heart of the essay
    Striving to be better implies that there is always room for improvement in a particular task. On the other hand, being the best suggests that one has reached the pinnacle of their potential. However, this is a short-term gain that may not be sustainable in the long run. As life, the modern world, and time progress, the best practices of the past may need to be replaced with better ones.
    People who focus on being the best tend to fall into the trap of comparing themselves to others. They become obsessed with external validation. In contrast, people who focus on being better are more likely to have a growth mindset.
    In this competitive world where innovative ideas and continuous improvement are essential, companies that once produced the best product may now struggle to receive the same level of appreciation. Therefore, better practices are needed to stay ahead of the competition.
    Let us strive for better practices instead of settling for best practices in order to overcome the challenges of the ever-changing world.

  • @geetikakanwar6400
    @geetikakanwar6400 8 месяцев назад

    Good Evening sir , thank you for the session
    Essay topic : There are better practices to best practices .
    Thing 1: Better Practices
    Thing 2: Best practices
    Heart of the essay : Best practices are result of attaining constant practices and getting it finner with every attempt to reach a point to curb problem .
    The mother nature has nurtured mankind with all the love , care and providing necessities at its demand and has always been a perfect place or best place for humans to live in even at its rawest phase where humans lived in caves and hunted for food but the curious and ambiguous nature of man strived for better from the best by setting up homes , factories , textiles , etc which has made his life comfortable .
    This has often created miserable impact on the nature few of which are , reducing fresh water availability , higher soil degradability , outbreak of hazardous diseases and climate change . The original ways or best ways to deal with these challenges are improving water storage mechanism, rainwater harvesting , severage water treatment plants , etc but these measures have not created a significant redrassal to the issues of being a better way has become crucial such as treating enormous amount of seawater which constitutes around 71% of total Earth involving the salinity plants we can solve the issue of freshwater availability as it will never exhaust this way for Idea behind restructuring the spread of covid-19 was to practice social distancing frequent hand wash is and use of sanitizers to pertain in covid-19 rising cases and the use of covalent but all these measures were considered inadequate impacting the virus one of the variations of covid-19 that is that is omicron virus so better measures were adopted to deal with the same creativity or thinking all the way out of the box is crucial for feels like business where you cannot really rely upon the traditional ideologiesaur strategies by ancestors you must comply with the rising needs of modern world so to excel areas of stability such as military required an original stubborn framework to work upon therefore no creativity is required instead feeling of compliance is at most privatized .
    Increasing number of volcanic eruptions, Tsunami is, earthquakes ,floods ,droughts, forest fires etc are all indicative of the frequent challenges by mother earth or nature which are to be dealt with improved and inventiveness.
    Hence , there is always scope for the improvement oor betterment even to the best .
    I was very nervous before posting this comment . But I am welcoming towards every suggestion for betterment . Thank you sir hoping for your feedback .

  • @ravinshkumar6477
    @ravinshkumar6477 6 месяцев назад

    Good evening sir, thank you for give to me such wonderful session of essay in detail way.
    Essay topic:- "There are better practices, to best practices ".
    Thing 1:- better practices
    Thing 2:- best practices
    Heart of the topic:-
    In today world, concept of better and best stands on new level of significance. The difference between these two words 'better' and 'best' is not important but best means that anyone reach the peak of stability and better means that anyone does not reach the peak of stability that means something is left behind, which is needs of development and modified. For example, when Mahatma Buddha got enlightenment then his whole life is completely satisfied and he feel that it is best practices but in same era, mostly people doest not got enlightenment after doing such practices and he thought that something is missing and this is happen due to better practices and if all are wants to such things that is satisfaction then all are doing more practices and after that I feel best practices because best practices always give satisfaction to all people and better practices always feel people something is missing.

  • @jijojacob9402
    @jijojacob9402 2 года назад +1

    Eagerly waiting ⏳🔥

  • @ishmatfatima3814
    @ishmatfatima3814 8 месяцев назад

    Moving from better practices to best practices is an evolution that reflects an ongoing commitment to excellence and efficiency. Best practices are the gold standard in any field, representing a pinnacle of achievement.
    The heart of this progression lies in embracing a culture of continuous improvement. It requires organizations to be receptive to feedback, assess their processes, and actively seek ways to enhance them. Better practices are static; best practices are dynamic and responsive.The journey from better to best practices is a transformative process that requires dedication, strategic thinking, and a commitment to excellence. It is not a destination but an ongoing pursuit of perfection, adapting to changes and challenges along the way. This transition positions organizations to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape and deliver the highest quality products or services to their stakeholders.

  • @091sridevi.p3
    @091sridevi.p3 2 года назад +1

    T1- Better Practices
    T2- Best Practices
    The word "best" means that one have reached the top /perfection. But " better" means there is a chance to grow and change.
    By replacing the word "best" with "better" we are giving chance for future changes and flexibility . When you think about " best" it is actually the perfect.But it is not real because it is not allowing people to think about potential development.
    Change alone does not change so from this one can understand that things are always varying and so practices should not be fixed. Practice should be updated all the time based on new technology, new understanding etc.
    If you realise that " practice" implies not perfection but an ongoing habit or work to improve so that we can make a progress by moving forward.
    Even though best is like doing the work that was perfect but there is always a space to improve. We should not limit ourselves. We have to work hard continuously to improve ourselves on what is "best" ." Better" practices makes one self "best".

  • @Sumantvyas
    @Sumantvyas 6 месяцев назад

    Hi sir,
    Topic: there are better practices to best practices
    Thing 1- better practices
    Thing 2- best practices
    In the realm of professional standards and methodologies, the notion of "best practices" has long been upheld as the gold standard-a set of tried-and-true methods acknowledged as the optimal approach in various fields. However, there's a growing school of thought that challenges this idea, advocating for a shift towards the concept of "better practices."
    While best practices imply a one-size-fits-all solution, better practices emphasize adaptability and continuous improvement. Best practices often stem from past successes and established norms, but they might not always align perfectly with every context or changing environments. On the other hand, better practices focus on ongoing refinement and innovation, acknowledging that what works best today might not be ideal tomorrow.
    One key aspect of better practices is their flexibility. They encourage exploration, experimentation, and customization to suit specific circumstances. Instead of rigidly adhering to a set of predefined steps, better practices emphasize agility and the ability to pivot when necessary. This approach fosters creativity and a willingness to challenge existing norms, leading to breakthroughs and improved outcomes.
    However, the transition from best to better practices requires a paradigm shift. It necessitates a willingness to step away from traditional thinking and embrace uncertainty. It also calls for a culture that values feedback, collaboration, and adaptability.
    In conclusion, while best practices have long been regarded as the pinnacle of achievement, the concept of better practices offers a compelling alternative. By emphasizing adaptability, continuous improvement, and a willingness to challenge established norms, better practices pave the way for innovation and sustained success in a rapidly evolving world.

  • @mukeshmuki
    @mukeshmuki 2 года назад +2

    Thank You For making us read this superb part.
    'There are better practices for Best practices'
    Two things define it - Better and the Best.
    It's said aptly- " practice makes a man perfect and it's true though. Practice is a wonderful act of doing things for perfection and where stability is more significant. It needs originality and conformity in every aspect of our doings, mostly in a creative way sometimes.
    Best and Better - the segregation were been linked in various ways. The better practices be differed with various aspects like socio, ethical, psychological, temporal and economical in a very slight margin. Whereas the best practices lead to stability which is the need of the right hour usually. It's mostly like how are practices to be perfect in speaking & expressing views and how does one get to someone at once consensus share a good example here.
    Also the practices depends on how we practice them in the way whether that be good and do good to others or the most worst ones we're practising. And just by short instincts one can't achieve things in the name of perfection or practice. It all need hardwork, constant effort and persistence to achieve our goal. It's mostly not about perfect practice, the consistency and persistence makes it a best practice always.

  • @keshavrajput8980
    @keshavrajput8980 2 года назад

    Thank you sir for this amazing video

  • @neelakantasiri9824
    @neelakantasiri9824 2 года назад +1

    Thing 1- better practices
    Thing 2- best practice
    Heart of essay- this deals with originality verses creativity, where situations restricts ones development.
    Here better practices are one, which we have to follow by hard and fast rule as we will be in such arena of group, however if one is encouraged or recharged he/she will be exposed to best practices. For example, in our school days we will be doing well and good in extracurricular activities than studies, but we will be forced to score hard rather than having encouragement for our talent in particular area. Likewise, we are building sanctuaries for wildlife protection but if we had used network with certain bandwidth, sparrow, great Indian bustard would have not suffered. So, "there are better practices to best practices".

    • @RaviKapoorIRS
      @RaviKapoorIRS  2 года назад

      You've expressed it very eloquently, keep it up!

  • @sounakdholay8298
    @sounakdholay8298 6 месяцев назад

    There are better practices to 'Best practices'.
    Albert Einstein once said - You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking you used when you created it.
    Now the term best means someone is doing a thing at the best of his potential when the term better means there is a room for improvement. Todays world being best is a very commonplace aspiration as we are always seeking for consistency efficiency and promoting excellence. To be the best is definitely a great attitude as it reflects integrity and honesty towards one's contribution and responsibilities but many times it brings certain drawbacks as there is no certain definition of The Best. If one is labeling himself the best at something he probably attained self complacency and likely to be less productive ,less creative and less experimenting which can lead to unsustainable outcome. Rather always trying to do better implies one is always in a process of experimentation and improvisation. That process the quest to improve is very much important for innovation. It simply means that 'The journey is always more interesting and fascinating that the Destination'.

  • @pulkitakohli4211
    @pulkitakohli4211 12 дней назад

    'There are better practices for best practices'
    Topic 1:- Best practices
    Topic:- Better practices.
    We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
    In today's fast paced world best and better are two important significant things...
    Best is something implied to that which has reached at its peak but better can be implied to that which there is still some improvement is needed..
    And having best thing in today's life can make our life much easier...
    Just as in ancient time we can see we have not much facilities such as people sent messages to each other through post which could take time but in today's world we can send msgs to one another in just one click which is a better practice....

  • @surajhans4436
    @surajhans4436 13 дней назад

    Essay on
    There are better practices,to best practices.
    Thing 1.practices.
    आचरण से तात्पर्य है मानव अपने समाज रहते हुए अपने आचरण को किस प्रकार व्यवस्थित एवं लोगों में लोक प्रिय रहता है। मनुष्य को आचरण ही समाज एवं परिवार में उसे सर्वोत्रम बनाता है जिसके कारण व अपने बच्चो अपने जैसा आचरण अप‌नाने समाज में बड़े-बुजुगो का सम्मान करने एवं अपनी वाणी पर संयम रखने और अपने से बड़े लोगो से अच्छी शिक्षा ग्रहण करने के लिए हमेशा तैयार रहे। मानव के अच्छे आचरण से उनके भावी पीढ़ी के बच्चों में अच्छी मानसिकता का विकास हो सकता है जिससे वे अपने देश को एक विकसित राष्ट्र के रूप में आगे बढ़ने में अपना योगदान दे सकते है।
    Thing 2. Practices
    प्रथाएँ से तात्पर्य है कि रूढ़िवादी सोच ये कर रही है। इस समाज में व्याप्त कुरीतियाँ एवं समाज को अंदर से खोखला वजह भारत में महिला सशक्तीकरू को बढ़ावा नहीं मिल रहा है दहेज प्रथा जिसमें नई बहुओं को अपने मायके से दहेज लाने के लिए प्रताडित किया जाता है, उनका अपने ससुराल में मान-सम्मान नहीं मिल पाता है। रुदिवादी सोच की वजह से लड़‌कियो को आगे बढ़ने नही दिया जाता है। बल्कि लाकिया दूर क्षेत्र में लड़‌को से बहुत कुछ अच्छा कर सकती है। उन्हे बस अवसर और सहायता की जरूरत है।आचरण से तात्पर्य है मानव अपने समाज रहते हुए अपने आचरण को किस प्रकार व्यवस्थित एवं लोगों में लोक प्रिय रहता है। मनुष्य को आचरण ही समाज एवं परिवार में उसे सर्वोत्रम बनाता है जिसके कारण व अपने बच्चो अपने जैसा आचरण अप‌नाने समाज में बड़े-बुजुगो का सम्मान करने एवं अपनी वाणी पर संयम रखने और अपने से बड़े लोगो से अच्छी शिक्षा ग्रहण करने के लिए हमेशा तैयार रहे। मानव के अच्छे आचरण से उनके भावी पीढ़ी के बच्चों में अच्छी मानसिकता का विकास हो सकता है जिससे वे अपने देश को एक विकसित राष्ट्र के रूप में आगे बढ़ने में अपना योगदान दे सकते है।
    प्रथाएँ से तात्पर्य है कि रूढ़िवादी सोच ये कर रही है। इस समाज में व्याप्त कुरीतियाँ एवं समाज को अंदर से खोखला वजह भारत में महिला सशक्तीकरू को बढ़ावा नहीं मिल रहा है दहेज प्रथा जिसमें नई बहुओं को अपने मायके से दहेज लाने के लिए प्रताडित किया जाता है, उनका अपने ससुराल में मान-सम्मान नहीं मिल पाता है। रुदिवादी सोच की वजह से लड़‌कियो को आगे बढ़ने नही दिया जाता है। बल्कि लाकिया दूर क्षेत्र में लड़‌को से बहुत कुछ अच्छा कर सकती है। उन्हे बस अवसर और सहायता की जरूरत है।

  • @anmolreetkaur4297
    @anmolreetkaur4297 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you sir for this session.
    Topic- There are better practices to best practices.
    Thing 1- better practices
    Thing 2-Best practices
    Better practices are those practices which have scope for improvement whereas best practices are those which has achieved their peak for that point of time. But will that best be suitable in changing circumstances? Will that best be best for all generations to come? Well, best remains best until something better is found.
    Since time immemorial human has evolved himself. From apes to homo sapiens, he has better himself at each stage. Today being the most dominant species, he is still trying to achieve his best form.
    In philosophical world too, there has been no best ideology still. For every thesis there exists an anti-thesis. Like Hegel's idealism once considered best was criticised by Marx's materialism.
    Every scientific invention is considered best of its time but afterwards it is not suitable for changing environment and replaced by improved version.
    Industrialization had a great impact on family system. Joint families considered best family practice were forced to go for nuclear family.
    In the ever evolving nature of technology, business and society, what was considered a best practice yesterday may not be optimal today due to changing circumstances, new technologies or evolving understanding of problems.
    Moreover, the notion that "there are better practices to best practices" fosters a culture of innovation and creativity. It encourages individuals and organizations to question the status quo and seek out novel solutions to existing problems. This mindset is crucial in addressing complex global challenges, from climate change to healthcare, where traditional best practices may fall short.

  • @monishaa1271
    @monishaa1271 10 месяцев назад

    Thankyou sir for the wonderful session.
    The transition from "best practises" to "better practises" represents a dynamic growth in how we approach many disciplines, from business to technology and beyond. The idea of "better practises" contradicts the idea of a predetermined, ideal answer, even though "best practises" have long been considered the gold standard. Instead, it values flexibility, ongoing development, and relevance to the situation.
    "Better practises" take into account that industries are dynamic and that every situation has its own set of problems. This strategy invites stakeholders to consider creative solutions that are tailored to their individual situations and encourages flexibility. "Better practises" encourage a culture of experimentation and learning as opposed to "best practises," which may restrict creativity by enforcing a one-size-fits-all approach.
    "Better practises" enable the assimilation of new technology, insights, and ideas in a world that is continually moving.

  • @beautyaroundus9905
    @beautyaroundus9905 Год назад

    Thank you so much sir for your effort and I'm lucky to be member of your mentorship

  • @vivektayade2631
    @vivektayade2631 2 года назад

    Thank you so much sir for this session.
    "There are better practices, to best practices"
    • Thing 1: Better Practices
    • Thing 2: Best Practices
    • Heart of the essay topic: originality versus creativity. The idea of better practices and best practices revolves around themes of conformity and rigidness.
    • key debates: Big data, cloud seeding technology, carbon capture, ocean desalination
    • Write a micro-essay in less than 300 words:
    When you have best practices it means you've taken something and you've given it a structure and you say this is the best way to do it just follow this. This works wonderfully well in places where you require stability. For example, the army or any militarized place in fact where you require stability. A best practice for COVID and avoiding it is to wash your hands. It is to follow the safety protocol the social distancing protocol and so on. You don't need to get innovative with that. It’s not a good idea to start to become innovative with something so vital.
    What you might require creativity is for instance starting a business that does not require and it should not be done traditionally. It has been the same thing applies to UPSC preparation and everybody goes through a different journey even though all are reading the same subjects and will appear in the examination on the same day. Your journey will be very different from the journey of the person sitting next to you in the examination and it does pay to find your way in this examination and in life where a set pattern of best practices is not promised to lead you anywhere.
    There are certain aspects of life including during development or during our lives where best practices are best and which have survived the test of time. But at the same time, there is always hope for improvement. Nature and the environment around us continue to throw different challenges at us which might not be amenable to best practices. A very good example is the Omicron COVID variant, the best practices for the other variants don't apply to it. A new approach is required so to deal with novelty. We cannot have best practices we require better practices to best practices.

  • @divyaparmar950
    @divyaparmar950 9 месяцев назад

    There are better practices to best practices
    Thing 1: Better Practices
    Thing 2: Best Practice
    Heart of the Essay:-
    In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving world, the concepts of "best" and "better" have taken on a new level of significance. The distinction between the two words is not only important but critical to understanding how to thrive in today's society. Being the "best" at something implies that one has reached the peak of one’s potential, while being "better" means that there is still room for growth and improvement.
    The concept of "best practices" has become common place in the business world as a means of promoting efficiency, consistency, and excellence. However, it's worth noting that the notion of best practices is often flawed, and there are several better practices that can be implemented instead.
    To be the best is an ideal that many individuals and companies strive for, whether it be the best athlete, the best company, or the best product. However, the problem with being the best is that it is a fleeting state. What is considered the best today may not be considered the best tomorrow. The world is constantly changing, and with it, the criteria for what is considered the best. Therefore, striving to be the best is not only unsustainable but also counterproductive.
    One example of a company that focuses on being better rather than the best is Amazon. Amazon started as an online bookstore but has since grown into one of the largest retailers in the world. However, Jeff Bezos, Amazon's founder, has always emphasized the importance of being customer-centric and continuously improving the customer experience. This focus on being better has allowed Amazon to stay relevant and meaningful in a constantly changing retail landscape.
    The distinction between being the best and being better is not just a matter of semantics. It is a fundamental shift in mindset that can have a significant impact on personal and professional success.

  • @khushimeena8657
    @khushimeena8657 4 месяца назад

    Thank you so much sir for guiding us 😊

  • @hazeldhir6288
    @hazeldhir6288 2 года назад +1

    Thank you sir for the valuable session.
    There are better practices to best practices
    Thing 1: Better practices
    Thing2: best practices
    Theme: creativity vs conformity, innovation , standards
    Best practices are the tested standards which are likely to give a fruitful outcome in a situation whereas better practices focus on the scope of improvement to tackle any problem. The better practices to the best practices gives humans an opportunity to grow.
    The Gandhian principle of non -violence can be considered as the best way to lead a life. The way to achieve happiness by bringing what one think, say and do in harmony with each other continue to light our way of living even after years. Best practices carry with them the experience of life and gives a reliable way to lead our lives.
    The Indian military is another example which continue to prove this fact through its discipline way of living. Best practices not only provides security but also takes care of the cultural and social aspects of the society. The traditional way to respect our elders with folded hands reminds us of our roots.
    Where best practices can be followed in every walk of life ,they bring with them rigidity to change. It closes the scope of improvement and the liberty of having a different perspective to be successful. When we think of better practices to the best ones, we invite curiosity and innovation. The transition to clean energy fuels like solar energy from coal gives us hope to save our planet from global warming. The transformation of educational sector to digital during the pandemic saved the future of millions of students across the country.
    The constitution of India though is rigid also provides flexibility with changing time and circumstances. Our forefathers knew that what is considered best today may not be the best in near future.
    When we reside in the world where the only constant is change, better practices indeed should be our focus to best practices.

  • @sARavikumar
    @sARavikumar 2 месяца назад

    "There are better practices, to best practices”
    Thing 1 : better practices
    Thing 2 : best practices
    In the World of management, the pursuit of excellence often importance on the difference between good and best practices.. It implies that within various fields or domains, there are methods, approaches, or strategies that are more effective, efficient compared to others. It opens up discussions regarding how these "better practices" are identified and implemented.
    Best practices suggests an ongoing process of improvement and optimization, indicating that what is currently considered best may not be static and could be surpassed in the future. This raises questions about how organizations, institutions, and individuals navigate the journey towards best practices, including challenges they encounter.

  • @anushriverma2586
    @anushriverma2586 8 месяцев назад

    "There are better practices, to best practices."
    T1: Better practices
    T2: Best practices
    Heart of the essay-
    'Practice makes a man perfect', this phrase is often heard and has a meaningful idea behind it. The idea implies that while doing certain thing and in order to get skilled in that particular thing one must keep on practicing, day by day one can move towards betterment and ultimately to the best possible way or solution.
    The better practices are those which evolve with time or as the practice continues. It keeps on removing the lacking aspects and hence can lead to one best practice. On the other hand best practices are the one which are already at peak and don't require any additional add ons. Better to best practice is a full fledged process of transformation, from a developing to a fully developed stage.
    There are times when it is possible that the one we are thinking to be the best solution isn't the best. It may require some alterations. As we know time changes, situations and conditions also change so the things best suited for a particular thing earlier may not be the best for it when the situation is changed.
    So, we can say that better as well as the best practices are somewhat dependent upon the circumstances what seems best may need betterment and what seems to need betterment may be the perfect solution. But it's true that in order to be the best, betterment is the key.
    Thank you sir!!

  • @user-uz6is6sw4w
    @user-uz6is6sw4w 4 месяца назад

    Respected sir 🙏
    Good evening sir
    The topic here is " There better practices to best practices".
    Thing 1- better practices
    Thing 2 - best practices
    Better practices is just told that modification and corrections in the way of the daily practices and find the mistake for correction and they became best practices.
    Because in my daily life, specially in our study,we have studied various subjects but some subject covers facts just like in history.
    We have saw many facts and there learning process is very necessary in subject.
    And what I do that, I continued practices on there facts and figures which are helpfull for becoming easier. And it developed through better practice and become best practices.
    And next things I mentioned that in our upsc journey we have studied various subjects but it could not became easier if we don't practice upon them and in this journey better practices which are required to became best practices.
    Thank you sir, for a wonderful session 🙏

  • @Heenanaaz857
    @Heenanaaz857 8 месяцев назад

    🙏 Thank you very much Sir.🙏

  • @manasare4902
    @manasare4902 2 года назад +1

    “There are better practices, to best practices”
    THING 1 - Better Practices
    THING 2 - Best Practices
    Better Practices are those practices which are creative version of best practices whose output is always either same or more and the process is always an easier and quicker one.
    Best Practices are those Practices which are declared by mainly intellectuals and others as best for majority of the people or for a particular purpose based on research and experience.
    A Practice or a way we do a thing is not permanent, it keeps on changing upgrading to a new level. Just like how earlier human beings had tools made of stone/bone which are upgraded today with other metals.
    It is important that we cannot stick to a single practice to achieve end result. With time better practices are invented with intellect which leads to evolution.
    Students have their own ways of studying, in general reading, understanding and memorizing which was thought to be the best way but many methods of how to study, how to understand and techniques to keep things in memory for longer duration had evolved over time which helped many students to make their study organized.
    Technology is something that was and/or is not stagnant any point of time. Various technology offered solutions had made our life easy consuming less manpower and energy.
    Defence - use of UAV’s (Unmanned aerial vehicles) for surveillance, weapons used, fighter jets, submarines and the technology associated with them were developed over some basic ideas.
    Every original aspect was improvised, advanced, made easier with the help of creativity.
    How humans evolved from primitive lifestyles to modern man improving themselves Politically, economically, geographically, in agriculture, in lifestyle, culturally and in all other fields shows that there are better practices to best practices.

  • @Gaming_Star944
    @Gaming_Star944 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you sir for guidance

  • @sonaltiwari6302
    @sonaltiwari6302 4 месяца назад

    thanks for this session sir, its mean a lots.

  • @swathik8792
    @swathik8792 5 месяцев назад

    Respected sir
    Thank you for your guidance and support.
    Essay:There are Better Practices to Best Practices
    Thing 1-Better Practices
    Thing 2-Best practices
    The topic remembers the famous quote 'A practice makes man perfect ' . The word better and best may look simpler but it has a huge difference.That can be described as man cannot be perfect without practice,perfectness always come with more and more better practice or best always come after succeeding the better. It cannot be achieved with daydreaming it works out when hardwork and sacrifice is made, To substain the goal, one should know the best way or stream which leads them from better to best it also deserve all the never giveup attitude and consistency.

  • @anjalisrivastava6253
    @anjalisrivastava6253 2 года назад +1

    There are better practices, to best practices.
    Thing 1- Better Practices
    Thing 2- Best Practices
    Best Practices are the practices which are tried and tested by generations before us, the practices which give results with more than 99% accuracy. A training plan for military soldiers, morning practice session for musicians, agricultural practices as per regions and seasons. All these examples constitute as best practices. But if everyone is already aware of all the best practices then why do we encounter failure sometime in our ways, not just at individual level but big business organizations also succumb to failure in their methods sometime.
    The phrase “There are better practices, to best practices” means that there is always a place for creativity and new ideas, which can help our traditional ideas and enhance their efficiency time to time. An idea or a practice after some time becomes obsolete according to its environment, for us to always move towards advancement, we should keep on renovating our best practices to much better practices, to adapt the given environment and thrive.
    Earlier in the 18th century, when bulk of information need to be printed, printing press were established, some major players printed and distributed the information via newspaper, articles, magazines. At that time the ability to run the printing press, to read and write, was given importance. As we move towards technological advancement, digitization happened and now we can read any news or any article on our phone, which is now considered as the best practice. Many major business firms used to work on waterfall model but now they have shifted to Agile model, which increases efficiency. We have to change the way we work, we have keep modifying the old practices for them to work in the new environment.

    • @RaviKapoorIRS
      @RaviKapoorIRS  2 года назад +1

      So well articulated! I'm sure you'll do well :)

  • @aayushithakur7123
    @aayushithakur7123 3 месяца назад

    I have completed my today task sir 😊😊❤

  • @gangaramsuryavanshi8860
    @gangaramsuryavanshi8860 2 года назад +1

    Sir ur helpful to me every time I feel y did nt u come in my preparation 5 years back

  • @samreenpathan7150
    @samreenpathan7150 2 года назад +5

    Good afternoon sir, I am a beginner. This is the first time I wrote an essay.
    There are better practices, to best practices.
    Thing two- better practices
    Thing two- best practices.
    Heart of the essay- If we talk about better and best everyone knew that best is always best but the journey of between them is what something is pushing you to do in any condition . For example A girl is begin her preparations for any exam they start from basic resources after that standardized resources and if they do hardwork daily with daily goals and achieve those goals this is her practice to becoming better day by day. One day comes in her life when they are best in our knowledge of world. They knew everything about each topic not in very deeply but they have idea of everything. So the journey is important to become better to best practices..
    Waiting for your feedback.

  • @aparajitapaul6885
    @aparajitapaul6885 2 года назад

    It was a very insightful session. The topic assigned is :
    There are better practices to best practices..
    This can be debunked into-
    Thing 1: best practices
    Thing 2: betterment
    There exists a trend among evaluators of examination papers in academics, particularly in literature subjects, that no one awards full marks in any answer, irrespective of how well written it is. The fact that underlies this practice is that there is always a scope of betterment and improvement despite employing best efforts. One cannot unanimously say one has achieved and adopted the perfect way of executing a task, because there is always a possibility that the same task, when assigned to another person, may be carried out in a different and more efficient way. Same argument goes for numerous other persons.
    The argument behind this is contained in the principle of comparison. Any talk of 'better' implies a comparison between two entities, while that of 'the best' involves comparison among several entities. This invariably leads us to think that the entire idea is a matter of perspective and the subsequent judgement to choose the better among the best which suits the situation parameters. A practice deemed to be better in comparison to another under a particular set of conditions may not seem so when viewed from a wider angle.
    For example, while walking down a road, the best practice is to choose the left flank; an even better practice- to choose one's own left no matter which side of the road, lane or footpath one is walking by.
    Thank you..

  • @baishalidas908
    @baishalidas908 2 года назад

    There are better practices to best practices
    T1- better practices
    T2- best practices
    A best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means. Better practices, on the other hand, leave a lot of room for improvement.
    “Best practice” is usually a business buzzword. This phrase goes very well with straight forward tasks like wearing a mask in crowded areas, not littering public places, etc. However, best practices are theoretical but business is real. What is best for one company might not be the same other. So, sometimes, labeling an action as best habit limits the ability to be innovative and creative. Better practice comes with its own set of insecurities. It often leads to failure. But isn’t failure an inevitable part of our lives? Well, we fail, get up and learn from our mistakes. Many a times, failure takes us to places beyond our own expectations. Having said that, it’s also true that best practices can be valuable especially as a baseline for simple situations like wearing a raincoat during rains, washing our hands and covering our hair before cooking. However, if we look close enough, best practices are short term practices because if they are not tweaked and adapted to fit the changing needs, they might end up being a rug covering innovation and creativity. Better practices go through a method of trial and error where new ideas and dimensions are unearthed. So, best practices can be worth considering but they should not be blindly adhered to.

  • @ChhanditaSingh
    @ChhanditaSingh 10 месяцев назад

    thing 1 - Better practicesthing 2 - best practices
    “There are better practices to best practices” is signifying two variants of practices, one of which is considered ‘the best practices’ while considering alternative practices as “better practices” existing ones. “The best practice” can be defined as an occupation or profession that is most lucrative and beneficial in monetary or developmental aspects. For instance, India was an agricultural dependant nation till the industrial boom of the 1980s. However, with the advent of modern technology such as television, radio and the internet, the demand for professional courses such as engineering and business administration subsequently emerged as a better practice than the erstwhile best practice of agriculture.
    The historical instances are a testament to the fact that the evolution of practices is a dynamic process.The quote also signifies that “best practice” is a practice devoid of further improvements while “better practices” refer to constant modifications of the same profession. For instance, agriculture in India was a heavily manual labour-intensive profession characterized by the use of natural fertilizers such as cattle dung. The Green Revolution of the 1960s brought about the use of High Yielding Variety of seeds and the use of chemical fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate and ammonium phosphate that multiplied the production of crops manifold. Genetically Modified crops pave the way for technological developments in the agricultural sector.

  • @praveendeshmukh484
    @praveendeshmukh484 6 месяцев назад

    Thing 1: Evaluating Existing Practices
    The first element of the essay prompt involves examining the current state of practices and discerning their effectiveness. This requires a critical analysis of established methods and systems across various domains. It prompts the exploration of whether the existing practices are indeed optimal or if there is room for improvement. This aspect delves into the intricacies of different fields, ranging from governance and education to healthcare and technology. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of prevalent practices becomes crucial in understanding the landscape for potential enhancements.
    Thing 2: The Pursuit of Best Practices
    The second dimension of the essay centers on the concept of "best practices." It requires an exploration of what constitutes an ideal or superior approach in diverse contexts. This involves investigating global benchmarks, innovative solutions, and evolving methodologies. Debates arise around the adaptability of so-called best practices across cultures and regions. Additionally, the feasibility of implementing these practices on a broader scale and the potential resistance to change within established systems become pivotal topics. The pursuit of best practices necessitates a nuanced understanding of what makes a practice superior and the challenges associated with widespread adoption.
    Key Debates:
    Cultural Context vs. Universality: Should best practices be universally applicable, or should they consider the unique cultural and contextual nuances of each setting?
    Innovation vs. Tradition: How much emphasis should be placed on innovative practices compared to traditional methods? Balancing the two may be crucial for sustainable development.
    Resistance to Change: Addressing the challenges of implementing best practices, including resistance from existing structures, bureaucracies, or individuals who may be hesitant to embrace change.
    In summary, the essay topic prompts a thorough examination of current practices, the definition of "best practices," and the challenges associated with transitioning from existing methods to optimal approaches. It encourages a nuanced exploration of the dynamics between what is practiced and what ought to be practiced for improved outcomes.

  • @kevimhenuorio1199
    @kevimhenuorio1199 13 дней назад

    The core values of the statement "There are better practices to best practices" underscore the propagation and advancement in knowledge and skills to attain the pinnacle in every aspect of life.
    For instance the evolution theory on "Survival of the fittest" proposed by Charles Darwin which is evident that the organism undergoes a drastic change genetically with the ever fast changing external environment and modified itself into absolute best form to adapt the changes and challenges in response to the external factors.
    In a series of the computer generations vividly manifested the advancement in science and technology to fit the best form of advanced inputs to adapt with the fast changing world.
    The path of evolving from better practices to best practices is challenging and crucial step to adapt to the external changing factors in every aspect.

  • @gardenlover8182
    @gardenlover8182 Год назад

    Gaining a lot. Thank you sir for the mail.❤️🙏🏻

  • @sanjaybarhate1692
    @sanjaybarhate1692 2 года назад

    Thanks sir

  • @anjalip6772
    @anjalip6772 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this session sir.
    Essay Topic: There are better practices to best practices.
    Thing1: Best Practices
    Thing2: Better Practices
    This Topic is signifying two variants of practices, one of which is considered 'The best Practices' while considering alternative practices as "better practices" existing ones. The perception of what is considered as 'the best' or 'better' depends upon a wide range of factors such as the need of the hour, socio-economic circumstances of the nation and remuneration.
    Heart of the Topic:
    "The best practices" can be defined as an occupation or profession that is most lucrative and beneficial in monetary or development aspects. For instances, India was an agricultural dependent nation till the industrial boom of the 1980s. However, with the advent of modern technology such as television, radio and the internet, the demand for professional courses such as engineering and business administration subsequently emerged as the better practices than the erstwhile best practices of agriculture.
    The historical instances are a testament to the fact the evolution of the practices is a dynamic process. The technological boom of cellular phones such as Motorola, Nokia and Samsung is proof. Cellular Phones revolutionized communication in general and telecommunication in particular. Telecommunication was reliant on a complex structure of landlines before the advent of cellular phones which were dependent on call-receptive towers.
    The quote also signifies that "best practices" is a practice devoid of further improvement while "better practices" refer to constant modifications of the same profession. For instance, agriculture in India was a heavily manual labor-intensive profession characterized by the use of natural fertilizers such as cattle dung. The Green Revolution of the 1960s brought about the use of High Yielding Variety of seeds and the use of chemical fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate and ammonium phosphate that multiplied the production of crops manifold. Genetically Modified crops pave the way for technological developments in the agricultural sector.
    It can be stated that "the best practices" is a myth as best practices are transient and subject to change with changing needs and changing situations. On the other hand "better practices" are more plausible as they keep up with changing demands of society. Cellular phones and Genetically Modified crops are prime examples of the aforementioned quote.

  • @lawanyabalamurugan436
    @lawanyabalamurugan436 2 года назад

    "There are better practices , to best practices. "
    1. Thing 1 - Better practices
    2. Thing 2 - Best practices
    Best practices mean you are following the category and the leader. Better practices, are creating a new path and a different approach to success." Best practices” have been defined as the best way to do something. However, there are many other acceptable methods that are just as effective, if not more so ,few of these better practices that should be used in place of traditional best practices for business success.For example; If we consider the statement,
    1) Don’t Be Afraid To Fail - Failure is an inevitable part of life. It’s how we learn from our mistakes and grow stronger. If you’re afraid to fail, you’ll never get anywhere.
    2) Learn From Your Mistakes - That’s how we explore best practices

  • @sriparnamondal7677
    @sriparnamondal7677 2 года назад +1

    Thing 1- best practices
    Thing 2- better practices
    The heart of the topic:
    "Best practices" is a term that can be applied broadly and across a swath of industries. In accounting, the best practices are laid out in Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures, which the whole profession makes use of. Accounting would be an example of a field with a rigid set of best practices, as you want to be sure that economic figures are relevant and based upon a widely accepted standard. In the world of business, the phrase is used in connection with everything from project management to audit functions to explain the most efficient method of completing any task. Best practices are a set of guidelines, ethics, or ideas that represent the most efficient or prudent course of action in a given situation.
    Best practices in education include staying proactive by ensuring our next teaching activity is prepared and set to go before the current one finishes. This allows students to be engaged by reducing disruptions.
    'Kaizen' is a Japanese management philosophy which seeks to improve productivity gradually and methodically. It is a Japanese word that means "change for the better" or "continuous improvement." Finding best practices is simply taking the time to research what we are planning to do and finding the best way to go about getting it done. Establishing our own best practices for our own area of expertise is an important part of making everything work smoothly and efficiently. Best practices can keep evolving as new and better solutions are found or evolve from better awareness, new technology, or simply different ways of looking at things.
    There is no permanent best. There is always scope of improving the best. Every different situation helps us to find various better practices to the best practice. “Better” means there is room to grow and change which is what our perspectives will need to do to stay relevant and meaningful.

    • @RaviKapoorIRS
      @RaviKapoorIRS  2 года назад +1

      Your thoughts are of good quality and you exhibit depth. You may need to work on your expression and structuring a bit. But goof work!

    • @sriparnamondal7677
      @sriparnamondal7677 2 года назад

      @@RaviKapoorIRS thanks a lot sir for your review 🙏

  • @bestpayal9478
    @bestpayal9478 6 месяцев назад

    A big gratitude to u sir for this wonderful initiative....I have not written any essays till now....first time trying to write.
    Thing 1 : best practice
    Thing 2 : better practice
    There are many methodologies we can use to do the things get practices are the standardised methods set by society or some leaders who have used this practices and achieved great things in life...
    While Better practices works like a room for improvement....though best practices are standardised methods....but with time, they become outdated and there will be need for creativeness and that will lead way to better practices...
    For example : In this upsc exam , if we ask a 1990 upsc topper , their strategy might be the best at those time....but with time , as the syllabus , patterns , needs changes....we need to get updated by better practices .
    Not everything needs better practices , because some best practices are so perfectly organised that they don't need to make any changes....For example : ayurveda , yoga, meditation etc.....
    But yes there are things which becomes inefficient after the changed : green revolution was the best practice at the time of famines...but in today's alarming global warming, it proves to be the disaster....and we are approaching a way for better practice that is second green revolution or smart revolution or agriculture 2.0, that is using eco friendly methods for sustainable development. Hence, we can say there is need for improvement even in the best practices when things get outdated.

  • @KC-wi3ln
    @KC-wi3ln 4 месяца назад

    “There are better practices, to best practices”
    Thing 1- Better practices
    Thing 2- Best practices
    Core- As one takes interest in a particular task and steadily works at it, they progress from better ways to accomplish the task to best ways to do the same.
    When one approaches an activity initially, it seems difficult to see it through as one lacks experience regarding the work and various nuances associated with it. Approaches taken towards life vary as people do which is reflected in the manner of thinking and practices adopted towards work.
    After working consistently, one starts to see the bigger picture and the finer details related to their task, and start to establish procedures to improve their speed and the amount of work that they can complete. As one keeps at it, the procedures become finer tuned and gradually, mastery is attained in the task at hand.
    Only when one keeps practising and focusing on the task at hand can one expect to develop the skill and aptitude required to reach from better to best in a field of their choice.

  • @learningfacts8985
    @learningfacts8985 10 месяцев назад

    Thanx for this wonderful session sir.
    There are better practices to best practices.
    Thing1. better practices,
    Thing2. Best practices.
    "We can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
    Albert Einstein
    Our entire universe is based on a fundamental concept of changing or moving on continuously. Then how can we say that anything can be absolutely the perfect or the best in it. Like universe everything is changing day by day. Nothing is stable in life or we can't say anything is developed completely or it has become it's best version. For example our way of life, culture, science and technology, trends in fashion, education system, all these things are being modified or changing with the passage of time. So we can't choose a best thing or any best version of these things once.
    Let say if we choose a dress for a function or party of current trend, we can say it best for a particular period of time not for ever. Similarly if we choose any business growing technology that is giving us huge profit, it may be best for some time interval not forever because once people will change their demands for any product, we have to change our business production method according to their demand or need. If we will not do improvement in our business techniques and production according to public need and use continuously our best procedure which gave us benefit for the past time then it hardly will work for us second time.
    On the other hand the practices that are better not best, are in more developing stage. Nobody is perfect and best. Practice makes a man perfect. So if we learn new things daily and adapt changes then do our best on daily basis then we can say that it will work for our in the good way. Better practices means there is a room for improving more and empty space in which further new knowledge can be added. Then the things that we do in this way will be more and more perfect day by day and also can be modified according to demands and needs. So we should keep in mind that we have to do better than our past or last one not we have to achieve any stable state by doing things once in a best way. We have to compare things with their last version so they can be the best on daily basis.
    Best things are good and we surely achieve the level of best one but be your best version for a particular time of interval or be the best on regular basis. Today's best will be outdated tomorrow. So try to keep up to dated and adapt changes and improve more and more. Do batter than previous day to stay always best.
    Thanks sir g.

  • @movies_adda21
    @movies_adda21 5 месяцев назад

    “There are better Practices to best practices”
    Thing 1: Better practices
    Thing2: Best Practices
    Eventually the growth of a human is from better practices. One’s initial life is getting better with best practices since childhood. Different aspects of life teach us to lead both better and best practices in various situations. One must know to handle according to perceptions of situations.
    We all follow random habits simultaneously, leading our life in a better way. We must consider being at better practices to lead it smoothly. Better choices makes better aspects to follow. Better practices not only give temporary satisfaction but also, permanent relaxations. Importantly we must also consider the society. The place of living gives us choice, whether to take better practices or best practices.
    Best practices are considered to necessity sometimes for enhancement. These practices are like pre-defined libraries introduced for efficient working of humans. Even here, the society i.e, the geographical concern is necessary to choose best or the better practice for a livelihood. Consider for example a law or rule which strictly followed in other countries, might be a daily practice in India by the people. As so, geography also plays a vital role in selection of practices to be followed.
    Last, but not least, we tend to follow better practices to lead a best life and best practices to lead a better life.

  • @amrithakarthikeyan1352
    @amrithakarthikeyan1352 4 месяца назад

    "There are better practices, to best practices"
    Thing 1: Best practices
    Thing 2: Better practices
    In contemporary discourse, the notion of "best practices" has been revered as a benchmark for excellence across various domains, from business management to education and beyond. However, an emerging perspective challenges the static nature of "best practices" and advocates for the dynamism inherent in "better practices." While "best practices" suggest a singular, optimal approach, "better practices" emphasize continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving circumstances. Firstly, the concept of "best practices" implies a static and universal solution applicable in all contexts. However, the complexity of real-world challenges often renders such one-size-fits-all solutions ineffective or unsustainable. In contrast, "better practices" acknowledge the need for flexibility and customization to suit specific circumstances, fostering innovation and resilience in problem-solving. Moreover, "best practices" can inadvertently promote complacency by suggesting an ultimate solution has been achieved. Conversely, "better practices" encourage a mindset of perpetual learning and refinement, promoting a culture of experimentation and iteration. By embracing continuous improvement, organizations and individuals can stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing conditions more effectively.
    The pursuit of "best practices" may inadvertently stifle creativity and diversity of thought by prescribing a singular path to success. In contrast, "better practices" celebrate diversity and encourage exploration of alternative approaches, leading to richer problem-solving and innovation.
    In conclusion, while "best practices" have long been upheld as a gold standard, the concept of "better practices" offers a more dynamic and adaptive approach to tackling complex challenge
    Therefore, it is time to shift our focus from the pursuit of the best towards the cultivation of the better.

  • @festivalworlds
    @festivalworlds 4 месяца назад

    thing 1: better practice
    thing 2 : Best practice
    The concept of "best practices" has become commonplace in the business world as a means of promoting efficiency, consistency, and excellence. However, it's worth noting that the notion of best practices is often flawed, and there are several better practices that can be implemented instead.
    One of the primary issues with best practices is that they tend to be overly generalized. When an organization adopts a best practice, they're essentially trying to replicate a process that has been successful in other contexts. However, what works well for one company or team may not necessarily work for another.
    Another limitation of best practices is that they often prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability. For example, a company may adopt a best practice that streamlines a particular process and results in a temporary boost in productivity.
    The distinction between being the best and being better is not just a matter of semantics. It is a fundamental shift in mindset that can have a significant impact on personal and professional success.

  • @Shivam-ok9lr
    @Shivam-ok9lr 5 месяцев назад

    Thing 1: Best practices
    Thing 2: Better practices
    Being a part of the rapid pace of growth and development, we love to follow the path of best practices that promises to lead us to the lofty tower of success. In everyday-life, we follow the different ways of best practices, for example regularly we follow the same route to our office. We follow even the same time and the same routine that help us to complete everything in a disciplined manner. But interestingly, we forget something special sometimes. In order to follow the same route regularly, we forget to discover the new ones. For that reason we should break the rules sometimes.

  • @akritisingh9880
    @akritisingh9880 2 года назад +1

    Your Perception of me is a reflection of you; and my reaction of you is an awareness of me.
    We are able to see only those of the things in our surrounding which we want to see.
    Whatever we see and say about others it is the reflection of our thinking and whatsoever others have their believes about us it's about the level or the way they are thinking or seeing us.
    We need to take care about not being in the cage of stubbornness or an outdated stage of the thinking level.
    We can't change others but we can change the way we think, we act or we do behave with others.
    If there is need of implementation then we should not feel shameful to come up with an implemented identity one.
    Our behaviour with others is directly proportional to our thinking.
    We need to think good,do good and behave good with others.It provides a +ve vibe to us.

  • @btpriyanka064
    @btpriyanka064 Год назад

    Thank u so much sir

  • @r.sowmyarekha2928
    @r.sowmyarekha2928 Год назад +1

    There are better practices, to best practices.

    Thing 1 _ Best practices
    Thing 2 _ Better practices
    Best practices are widely accepted and followed to reach a destination or a specific goal, these practices can be considered as normative standard path to tread in order to ensure a positive outcome, tried and tested by others over a period of time these practices form the guiding figures. For instance, the procedure to recruit officers into Indian defense forces stood the test of time, the standard 5-day long procedure comprising of psychological tests, ground tests and one-to-one interview has been the mechanism to induct officers since ages and is considered to be the best way that serves the purpose. But a question that arises now is, can’t there be a better approach or procedure to do the same since the times have changed since its inception?
    There comes the concept of better practices, it’s rightly said that “change is the only constant” and the system that learns to put up and evolve with the changing times and requirements is the one that survives the test of time, considering the example again the selection board has introduced the concept of stage 1 and stage 2 as the number of applicants increased wherein one is filtration stage, this was a betterment to already effective “best” practice to make it more efficient.
    The concept of “best” and “better” practices can be understood as a comparative degree of same aspect, it talks about the extent of efficiency. The acknowledgement that the best practices also always have some scope for improvement and the fact that best of best practices adopted by people are workable only when one’s able to give it a tad bit of personal twist, deduce own best path that surely would differ and that is what makes those best practice even better that ultimately improve efficacy.

  • @nandinibarot7546
    @nandinibarot7546 Год назад +1

    There are better practices, to best practices
    Thing 1: better practices
    Thing 2: best practices
    The creation of something new can be called as best but as everything can be improved with the passage of time we can improve the best thing in a more better way according to the change in requirements. So we can say that there is always better practices to best practices.
    If we talk about the infrastructure and the road connectivity as compared to earlier times and as of now we are more connected to the diffrent part of the world with the help of means of transport and the road facilities so we can say it it the best thing ever but now government is trying to improve that in such a way that it consumes leass amount of time to reach one place to the other so from now onwards government focusing more on better and fast connectivity which helps not only in time saving but also saves fuel ,money and it benefits to us in many more ways so this is an example of better to best practices .
    Best is always best in a specific situation but with the change in situation we have to change the method of doing things in more efficient way. At this movement we have to find the new and more suitable way of handling things . This can be called as better way.
    One more examples of this topic is that we don't have the vehicle for the satellite to launch at that point of time after so many reasearch we have found out the best vehicles called PSLV. This is the best practices but now we are finding the new ways of how to reusing the vehicle again so this is the better to best practices.

  • @vasudha248
    @vasudha248 8 месяцев назад

    Thank You sir for this session ,
    essay topic-There are better practices to best practices.
    Thing 1-best practices.
    Thing 2-better practices
    when we have any goals in life we have to do better practices for the best result .for better practices we need proper planning how we have to complete this goals or achieve it ,consistency and patience also important. sometime we face so many challenges we have to face these challenges because this challenges make strong to face other challenges also.
    if we take example of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam , they struggle a lot for their dreams .and was an aerospace scientist and statesman and become 11th president of India.
    however, we get opportunity for improvement if we make use of that for better practice it leads to best practice.

  • @Mindset-k4
    @Mindset-k4 2 года назад +2

    "There are better practices ,to best practice"
    Thing 1:best practice
    Thing 2: better practices
    Heart of the essay:
    Better practices refers to estimated futuristic output and best practice refers to desired output
    Even how much best practice is great yhere is still bettee practices for best practice
    For example if we consider in ancient times the news is communicated through human to human but in mediaeval times the news is communicated through newspaper and radio etc...,this is considered as the best practice at the time of mediaeval we know that there is always better practices for best practice in that manner in recent modern times the news is communicated through digital platforms this is considered as the bettter practices
    However there are advantages and disadvantages of the digital news communications these can be modified and still better practices are yet to come!
    Simply finding optimal method for existed best practice in the better practices.
    Thank u sir

  • @sonamswarupa5787
    @sonamswarupa5787 4 месяца назад

    Good Evening Sir!
    Thank You for this insightful session.
    Essay Topic: "There are better practices, to best practices."
    In today's dynamic and evolving landscape, the concept of "best practices" often reigns supreme, representing standardized methods or approaches deemed superior within a particular field or industry. However, a shift in perspective suggests that "better practices" may hold more value and flexibility than the notion of an absolute "best."
    Best practices imply a fixed set of guidelines or methodologies, which, while proven effective in certain contexts, may not always adapt optimally to evolving situations or diverse environments. They can foster rigidity and hinder innovation by discouraging experimentation or alternative methods.
    On the contrary, embracing "better practices" acknowledges the fluidity of progress and the need for continual improvement. It encourages critical evaluation, adaptation, and customization of approaches based on specific circumstances, resources, and objectives. This mindset promotes a culture of learning and agility, where professionals continuously strive to enhance their processes and outcomes.
    Moreover, the pursuit of better practices encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing. Rather than adhering blindly to established norms, individuals and organizations can engage in dialogue, exchange insights, and integrate diverse perspectives to refine their practices collectively. This collaborative approach fosters creativity and resilience, enabling practitioners to navigate uncertainties and challenges more effectively.
    In conclusion, while best practices offer valuable insights and benchmarks, they should serve as points of departure rather than destinations. By prioritizing the pursuit of better practices, professionals can cultivate adaptability, innovation, and relevance in an ever-changing landscape, ultimately driving sustained excellence and progress.

  • @chikeershasahay1012
    @chikeershasahay1012 6 месяцев назад

    Happy New Year, sir!
    Thank you so much for the mind-expanding insights that we gained from the session and lesson.
    Deconstruction :
    Thing 1: Best practices
    Thing 2: Better practices
    In the ever-evolving landscape of methodologies and approaches,While best practices represent established methods with a track record of success, better practices signify a commitment to continuous improvement and adaptability.
    Best practices, rooted in past successes, provide a solid foundation for efficiency and effectiveness. However, in a rapidly evolving world, what worked exceptionally well in the past may not be the optimal solution for the future. Better practices acknowledge this reality and encourage a proactive approach to refining existing methods or exploring novel approaches.
    Best practices are the tried-and-true methods that have stood the test of time. These are the reliable strategies that organizations, industries, or individuals adopt based on past successes. These practices are often entrenched in standard operating procedures and serve as benchmarks for efficiency and effectiveness. However, the world is in a constant state of flux, and what worked exceptionally well yesterday might not be the optimal solution tomorrow.
    One key aspect of better practices is the acknowledgment of uncertainty. While best practices provide a sense of security and stability, better practices operate in the realm of experimentation and calculated risk-taking. Organizations embracing better practices recognize that innovation often involves stepping into the unknown, and the outcome might not be guaranteed. This acceptance of uncertainty fosters a culture of curiosity and exploration, driving organizations to discover solutions that may surpass the limitations of established best practices.
    In conclusion, it is evident that better practices complement best practices by infusing a sense of dynamism and adaptability into organizational frameworks. They encourage a forward-thinking mentality, where the pursuit of excellence is not confined by pre-existing norms. While best practices offer reliability and a foundation for success, better practices pave the way for continuous advancement and breakthroughs in an ever-changing world. Ultimately, the synergy between best practices and better practices creates a balanced approach to navigating the complexities of the modern landscape, ensuring that organizations remain agile, resilient, and prepared for the challenges of the future.

  • @shiwangikumari9908
    @shiwangikumari9908 2 года назад +2

    Topic - There are better practices, to best practices
    Thing 1- Better practices
    Thing 2- Best practices
    The heart core of this topic is, it is ultimately the repeated practices which result into the perfection of anything. As, the great actor Jackie Chan once said I will do one move 100 times instead of doing 100 moves just one time.
    This clearly depicts that the key to perfection is the constant practice. By constantly practicing on our works we can easily able to know and rectify our mistakes and hence become the master in that feild.
    We can easily say that in the path of perfection, one thing which matters the most is the constant and repeated practice.
    At last it is concluded that no one is best from the beginning but after repeated practice one can easily achive the top notch level of perfection. And becoming best is nothing but having the quality in oneself to upgrade the skills day by day.

  • @oindrilahaldar6341
    @oindrilahaldar6341 Год назад

    Thank you Sir for the session. Essay topic: There are better practices to best practices. Thing 1: Best practices
    Thing 2: Better practices
    A best practices is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternative. Best practices are the ideal, most efficient, safe and effective method to do some task.
    Even the best practices keep on evolving. What were considered the best practices will be obsolete and inefficient in future. They will be replaced by better practices. Earlier in MGNREGA the workers were given daily wages in cash. Later this practice changed and money are now directly transferred to bank account of workers. Further another better step has been taken that is linking aadhar with bank account.
    It is better to keep on evolving the best practices with time to incorporate new technologies and to face new challenges.

  • @sumanemmadi7099
    @sumanemmadi7099 4 месяца назад

    Nice explanation sir

  • @tamannakhatun1981
    @tamannakhatun1981 4 месяца назад

    Topic: There are better practices, to best practices
    Thing-1: better practices
    Thing -2: best practices
    It is rightly said by Francis Bacon , the renowned essayist: "Practice makes man perfect..." But practices sometime do not get its form as best then we start to think on how to make the practice better and at the same time of doing this we find our mind is getting expanded and a lot of creative ideas humming over mind . Best practices make us to conform the way we have done but when there is no place for conformity i.e , something is not practised in best way, our mind opens up and leads the way of solving with creativity. So , in summing up, we may say that best practices are always best, no doubt about that , but better practices are such that has the power to open a new path towards success.

  • @JyotiMishra-nv1vl
    @JyotiMishra-nv1vl 6 месяцев назад

    Respected sir,
    Thanks for this knowledgeable session.
    I'm going to write my first essay on RUclips so may be i make some mistakes but being you I'm not afraid because i know that you'll definitely correct my mistake.
    Thing 1. Better practice
    Thing 2. Best practice
    Essay topic- there are better practice to best practice
    Heart of the essay : conflict between two things better and best
    We know that nothing is Perfect there's scope of development,and improvement. Better practice means it's perfect and there is no need for changes, but it's doesn't happens in our daily life it's feels good only in our thoughts. Any thing looking amazing at present time but after some time it's will become old model and we need to update it. For example- at this time our education system is very advanced and our government are doing some wonderful work in this field , much better than old education policy but we can't say that it doesn't need any development but day by day it's getting better than last year.
    We purchase a new phone and think it's so unique and my phone is better than all person but the next year our model changes and it doesn't looks as good.
    So we can say that there is much scope for growth in all things.
    Thanku so much sir for your guide and support. It's very useful class for me.

  • @ishansharma4134
    @ishansharma4134 2 года назад +1

    Thing 1 - Better practices
    Thing 2 - Best practice
    Best practice refres to the best way of doing something or finishing a task under given circumstances. It is more about doing anything perfectly all the while maintaining balance and stability by following certain rules. In a way we can very crudely say that it is about achieving best results while thinking inside the box.
    Better practices to best practice refers to think in a more innovative way outside the box. It means that same thing may be completed in a more easier and efficient way just by changing the mindset and finding creative way to do things.
    Better practices also have more chance of creating disorder and also carry certain probability of failure relatively higher than traditional way of doing things.
    So, it's all about needs which needs to be fulfilled that decide which way is "better" or "best"

    • @RaviKapoorIRS
      @RaviKapoorIRS  2 года назад

      So well articulated! I'm sure you'll do well :)

    • @user-ox1wn9wi2y
      @user-ox1wn9wi2y 6 месяцев назад

      Thing 1: best practices
      Thing 2: better practice
      Better practice is something which asks for focus, intentions and deep knowledge of a specific problem or process while best practices is a set of task and proven process that may lead to achieve shrt term goals. The concept of best practices or being best is common nowadays in most of the industry. We can relate best practices with Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
      If we follow SOP strictly we can perform particular task with great efficiency and safety but we can't perform different sets of task with same SOP so is the applicable in the case of best practice.
      World is constantly changing and this changing environment demands new untouched sets of way to achieve common goal. It is necessary to understand for any industry that this changing demand can be fully supplied only by adjusting their work culture as per change which can not be possible with best practice, industry can survive only if they are striving to be better. Striving to be better acknowledges the fact that there is always a scope for innovation and improvement.
      Best practices may lead us to early success but by focusing on being better we can develop various needed skills by learning from setbacks and can develop qualities which may lead us to sustainable growth.
      Thank you

  • @harshmishra1459
    @harshmishra1459 2 года назад +1

    There are better practices to best practices.
    Thing 1 - Better Practices
    Thing 2 - Best practices
    At any point of time, a best practice method is that which is most efficient, effective and Safe for a particular work. But as we all know nothing is best in the world and as the time evolves human beings get to know some better practices in lieu of those earlier best practices.
    The new better practice may be some modifications of the earlier practice which resulted in easier use of the earlier practice or the new practice may be an all together new concept.
    For example, going to a bank was once the best practice to carry on transactions, but as time passed some type of payments became available through sms and call services and now online payment services such as Gpay are the best practices but there will be times when new better practices would be introduced to these best practices.