How are u Drewmas media mukom Andrew,Mandlooo and Junior Neshamba nevese vandasiya kusanganisira mese ma fans akaita seni ndchit kuricy nhc ndirikuon hngu ndiri PRETORIA EASTLYNNE,,,,,Drewmas media taking us to onother level❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉
Kunyangwe uri Mambo hazvikodzere kudya papemberi pedare, uchiita matare. Uno zvirerutsa. Kana mbuya zhara vauya, kumbira dare uno tsenga uri kure nevateveri.
Kana dzave kutengeswa zveauction zvinoita ivo dai vakakasika kufunga before madays avakanga vapihwa kti tichachengeta kwemazuva akati vakazvitsvagira buyer vega vopihwa mombe back vonopa avapa mari vaigona kusara ne1 but pfungwa dzavo dzinenge dzinoti nonokei because umwe mwana anozovatengera dzimwe mombe instead of paying fees yemwana bit by bit or term by term sei?? Kune vana vanobhadharira masiblings avo school kana vabereki vakundikana wani
Mudhara haasi serious uyu. 5 years asingabhadhare fees achiti zvichainda nepi? Anodheerera. He looks like one of those entitled war veterans vakajaira zvemahara.
@shingiraitrevormboto2105 bhadharai fees makanyarara. Revengo and judgemental zvawabva waziva nema sentences mashoma andanyora iwawa? Only principled people will understand what I meant by what I wrote. Vajaira kusabhadhara zvikwereti ndimi muno supporter rubbish dzakadai
@PaloSant mawar veterans awakaona achida zvemahara ndeapi? Ini i pay fees wangu. Handina mwana akadzoswa even a single second for the same reason yefees. U hate war veterans and it clearly explains who u r.
Haaa ko zvakatanga rinhi zvekuti kana mubereki asina kubhadhara fees head ouya kuzotorwa mombe ko handiti mwana anonyimwa report here or kudzinga mwana
Mwana wasn't denied education ndosaka akaenda kuchikoro 5 years no fees paid. Headmaster vari right. Baba ava vanozviitisa, 5 years vasingabhadhare fees. Apa fees yacho is very low. Ndizvo zvakaita munhu anoshaya mari here izvozvi? Kungoshaya hanya chete uku.
@@PaloSant but its not the duty of the headmaster to enforce kuti mwana avakuchikoro, headmaster haana power to enforce that, its the state to enforce that, this was unfair trial. Headmaster haana right to make decision over the parent, he parent could pay period dont force him. Report the parent to right authourities, right now they have made the situation worse paden. Zvekuti mwana haadzigwe is not law but political campaign messages
@phillthedrill stay in touch nezvinhu zviri kuitika munyika and padare in question. Ma headmaster akapiwa mvumo by the government yekuno reporter ma defaulters efees kuna Headman or Mambo and attach their property. Haaai headmaster akanotora ega mombe. Nyaya yakabva kudare and an order was granted to attach his property kana asina kubhadhara. This man is a serious defaulter, what's his excuse kuita 5 yrs asingabhadharire mwana fees. His child obviously doesn't qualify for BEAM otherwise aibhadharirwa ne BEAM inobhadharira the less privileged. Avo vakanotora mombe ndivana sheriff of court not headmaster and tge paperwork was above board and aitoziva kuti zvaasina kubhadhara fees akaendeswa kwa Mambo kukapiwa judgement the next thing is to attach his property and they did. No surprise there. Nyaya yake haisi pakuti ndakatorerwa mombe because he knows the judgement but he's disputing the amount vs the value of the cattle attached. And anga achinyepa kuti majong'osi 2 akatorwa and then backtracked pabuda paperwork temombe dzacho yavakaita sign for. How do you go for 5 years and not pay fees of a total of less than $200? That's absurd. Nemachenero aakaita asi anoshaya fees of less than $20 per term? People need to learn to pay their dues not kuda zvinhu mahara. That fees is already very low. Kana infrastructure, books, pay yema teachers and school furniture zvinotengeka here government ichibhadharisa ma fees e$10 Per term.
Mkoma Chimbondipawo nyaya yaMandi kwaana Madzibaba vakuramba zvavakataura paye...kuti ngozi ngaiswe paMbudzi..chakkuchaya
How are u Drewmas media mukom Andrew,Mandlooo and Junior Neshamba nevese vandasiya kusanganisira mese ma fans akaita seni ndchit kuricy nhc ndirikuon hngu ndiri PRETORIA EASTLYNNE,,,,,Drewmas media taking us to onother level❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉
Hie how are you
Koyaiveimbqywmurungupapurazi tikuonadesign yacho renovate the place ceilingetc zvongonhazvichawira vakuruwanimambo😂
Pamwe mudhara uyo akanga anzwa nyaya ye free education yaitaurwa nezvayo na president pama campaign
Unozvarira mwana free education?
Mmmm vanhu ka apasi fair apa...mombe two like srs ..musadaro vnhu woyee
Aidini kubhadhara fees yake?
Mambo havagone kutonga spa Mwana wacho ahasi kudzidza headmaster imbavha
Apa hapana chinozivikanwa apa mombe yonzi 150 hapana zviripo apa hapana chinozivikanwa
Kunyangwe uri Mambo hazvikodzere kudya papemberi pedare, uchiita matare. Uno zvirerutsa. Kana mbuya zhara vauya, kumbira dare uno tsenga uri kure nevateveri.
Musabira vanhu imi
Kuendesa mwana kuchikoro usingabhadhare ndokuba kukuru.
@shingiraitrevormboto2105 zvekuzotora mombe 2
Headmaster kana motumirwa zvishiri musazochema nhaika mambo aneasiko kumba kwenyu kuda kuonererwa kwenyu muchitorera munhu zvipfuyo zvake
Saka anoda kut fees yemwana wake waakaita ega ibhadharwe nani?
Hamusi murikubhadhariswa mari dzemu covid here mwana asingadzidze
Zvinenge izvo ndakazvinzwa kwaBhozho
Uuuu ma price emombe awo ndeye huori chaiwo musadaro
Ngatingobhadharei fees zvisati zvasvika pakadai. Its very simple.
Hamusati maiona nyaya yacho🎶
Ko nhai mkoma sndrew imbotsvagai madzibaba vaye vekuuya kwa. Mandi tirikuona voyi tdoka nditsika mutanda uye havana kutaura kyti ngozi iiswe pambudzi kana pamuti
Chipuriro one chief Chinorova mogo nemachips chichidzikisa mutongo
?😂😂😂😂😂😂 ko kuzodya pamberi pevqnhu nhai 😂😂😂
@ chipuriro iborangoma mhani, iyeye na Ngezi havanzwa. ASI chitupa changa chakanzi Chipuriro😂
It's me DJ Tsano in Cape Town
Taapa Guruve nedust
Mhiripiri nyoro moigurirei kani mkoma Andrew? Kkkk
Kamudyiro karikuitwa aka inenge change yemombe
2020 paCorrona mdhara uyo haagoni kutaura
Shumba makadiyi nevamwe venyu
Munobira vabereki imi
Ummm mombe mbiri er shuwa dzotadza kubhadhara zvese izvo haaa murimbavha mese mhani imi mambo mungatotendedzera zvekupenga izvo
Shumba murisei
Dai makasiya munhu akatengesa ega nekutimari dzamakutaura apa mariyakatengesewa mombe haiti kutaurachokwadi musatora zvinhu zvevanhu siyai vanhu vachitengesa vega kutivabhadhare chikoro
Ndosaka vachiroyewa.. Paunorumiswa nenyuchi government inenge isipo unenge uri wega havangataure kti mombe 2 isn't enough for $200
@@ColleenChikanya-h5caimbomirirei mari ichisvika kwese ikoko?
Chikoro ndehurumende not headmaster futseke
Saka sei muchichema nahead kana chikoro chisiri kubudirira?
Chief uyu idofo
Kupfuura iwewe?
Messenger imbavha mombe 2 munondiudza kuti dzinoita 270 haitokwane 1? Or ndatadza kunzwa.
Kana dzave kutengeswa zveauction zvinoita ivo dai vakakasika kufunga before madays avakanga vapihwa kti tichachengeta kwemazuva akati vakazvitsvagira buyer vega vopihwa mombe back vonopa avapa mari vaigona kusara ne1 but pfungwa dzavo dzinenge dzinoti nonokei because umwe mwana anozovatengera dzimwe mombe instead of paying fees yemwana bit by bit or term by term sei?? Kune vana vanobhadharira masiblings avo school kana vabereki vakundikana wani
Dai akasiya munhu vakatengesa mombe dzake muri kubira vabereki
Mudhara haasi serious uyu. 5 years asingabhadhare fees achiti zvichainda nepi? Anodheerera. He looks like one of those entitled war veterans vakajaira zvemahara.
Free education, plus covid , kurikudzidzwa here kuchikoro kwacho🎉
@@PaloSantu more than wrong. Too judgemental and so full of hatred.
@shingiraitrevormboto2105 bhadharai fees makanyarara. Revengo and judgemental zvawabva waziva nema sentences mashoma andanyora iwawa? Only principled people will understand what I meant by what I wrote. Vajaira kusabhadhara zvikwereti ndimi muno supporter rubbish dzakadai
@PaloSant mawar veterans awakaona achida zvemahara ndeapi? Ini i pay fees wangu. Handina mwana akadzoswa even a single second for the same reason yefees.
U hate war veterans and it clearly explains who u r.
Haaa ko zvakatanga rinhi zvekuti kana mubereki asina kubhadhara fees head ouya kuzotorwa mombe ko handiti mwana anonyimwa report here or kudzinga mwana
Zvine udyire akuna zvakadai
Kudzinga mwana nekunyima report ndozvisiri pamurau nekuti mwana haana contract nechikoro. Iri pakati pemubereki nechikoro.
Ndosaka mubereki achisungisirwa fees yemwana.
Zvese zvikuitwa nechikoro ndozviri pamutemo chaiko. Chief are allowed to attach property yeparent to settle fees arrears.
@@pgambizah4962hapana undyire. May be ndimi musina ruzivo rwekuti zvofambiswa sei henyu.
Head should not deny mwana access to education please
Mwana wasn't denied education ndosaka akaenda kuchikoro 5 years no fees paid. Headmaster vari right. Baba ava vanozviitisa, 5 years vasingabhadhare fees. Apa fees yacho is very low. Ndizvo zvakaita munhu anoshaya mari here izvozvi? Kungoshaya hanya chete uku.
@@PaloSant but its not the duty of the headmaster to enforce kuti mwana avakuchikoro, headmaster haana power to enforce that, its the state to enforce that, this was unfair trial. Headmaster haana right to make decision over the parent, he parent could pay period dont force him. Report the parent to right authourities, right now they have made the situation worse paden. Zvekuti mwana haadzigwe is not law but political campaign messages
@phillthedrill stay in touch nezvinhu zviri kuitika munyika and padare in question. Ma headmaster akapiwa mvumo by the government yekuno reporter ma defaulters efees kuna Headman or Mambo and attach their property. Haaai headmaster akanotora ega mombe. Nyaya yakabva kudare and an order was granted to attach his property kana asina kubhadhara. This man is a serious defaulter, what's his excuse kuita 5 yrs asingabhadharire mwana fees. His child obviously doesn't qualify for BEAM otherwise aibhadharirwa ne BEAM inobhadharira the less privileged. Avo vakanotora mombe ndivana sheriff of court not headmaster and tge paperwork was above board and aitoziva kuti zvaasina kubhadhara fees akaendeswa kwa Mambo kukapiwa judgement the next thing is to attach his property and they did. No surprise there. Nyaya yake haisi pakuti ndakatorerwa mombe because he knows the judgement but he's disputing the amount vs the value of the cattle attached. And anga achinyepa kuti majong'osi 2 akatorwa and then backtracked pabuda paperwork temombe dzacho yavakaita sign for. How do you go for 5 years and not pay fees of a total of less than $200? That's absurd. Nemachenero aakaita asi anoshaya fees of less than $20 per term? People need to learn to pay their dues not kuda zvinhu mahara. That fees is already very low. Kana infrastructure, books, pay yema teachers and school furniture zvinotengeka here government ichibhadharisa ma fees e$10 Per term.
Vamotorima fodya inoita Mari sei vanga vasingabhadhare chikoro
@@phillthedrillwhy shld a proper minded parent wait for enforcement to pay fees for his or her own child?
ko kuzodyira mudare hanzi zvadiiko nhai veduwe hazvizodi vanhu vakuru kunyanya vachibuda pazvivhitivhiti kudai
muchandiregerera kana ndaresva kureva.
I cant comment mulive chat😢
Buda udzoke
Kkkkk wanga uchida ku commenta madyiro ari kuita mambo here 😁😁😁
Mambo must have been teacher varikuita kumuverengera pa chiarithmetic s chaipo ukuvapedza zvavo machips 😂😂