07 Question and Answer 1 2005

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Download vandaag gratis ons boek: godendewereld.nl/
    Opmerkingen, vragen of suggesties? Schrijf ons een e-mail: info@genesisinstituut.nl
    Dit boek zal een cursus/handleiding worden die als doel heeft om Christenen - wetenschappelijk correcte- argumenten aan te reiken waarmee ze hun geloof naar buiten toe kunnen verdedigen - en hun geloof naar binnen toe - de hoop op vergeving van de zonden en het eeuwige leven in de nabijheid van God - kunnen verdiepen. Dit boek wil Christenen laten zien dat ze God op Z’n Woord kunnen geloven; het zal hen helpen om hun geloof tot volle bloei te laten komen!
    Deze kwestie is uiterst relevant! Wat zou namelijk de enig logische conclusie zijn als blijkt dat de informatie die de Bijbel over de zichtbare wereld geeft, niet betrouwbaar is? Dat zou betekenen dat Jezus Christus de schepping niet begreep … en dat Hij dus niet kan zijn wie Hij zei dat Hij was. Christenen zouden dan dus een charlatan met grootheidswaanzin vereren - en ze zouden zeker niet mogen verwachten dat Zijn lijden, dood en wederopstanding hen verlost heeft van de zonde.
    Sterker nog: de komst van Jezus Christus als Verlosser zou volstrekt overbodig zijn geweest!
    Hoewel uiterst relevant, wordt deze kwestie - naar onze bescheiden mening, althans - door kerken en Christenen veels te weinig belicht. Daarom hebben wij gemeend een boek te moeten publiceren dat niet alleen accuraat is - alle genoemde feiten zijn uitvoerig gecheckt en verantwoord - maar vooral ook heel toegankelijk is. Iedereen die tussen de 15 en 80 is - en meer over God en de wereld zou willen weten - kan dit boek lezen.
    Dit boek laat zien: iedereen gelooft … alleen gelooft niet iedereen in God. Maar geloven in de God van de Bijbel, blijkt echter geen blind geloof te zijn - en de hoop die veel Christenen hebben dat hun ziel niet verloren zal gaan, geen ijdele hoop!

Комментарии • 36

  • @ReasonsForOurFaithMinistries
    @ReasonsForOurFaithMinistries 2 месяца назад +6

    God bless you Ken for all you do

  • @Thugrobb1991
    @Thugrobb1991 3 месяца назад +6

    This guy was kicking ass much love to him and his family❤

  • @rogerwaterhouse
    @rogerwaterhouse 6 месяцев назад +6


  • @BradPounders
    @BradPounders 8 дней назад

    Why do we ‘have to keep the balance’ in stars.

  • @RyanHamley-cl6en
    @RyanHamley-cl6en 3 дня назад +1

    Jesus Christ is Lord and King 👑

  • @YG7Y6kY2k33
    @YG7Y6kY2k33 6 месяцев назад +1

    Dowd aka King David is the Messiah, King and the One YaHoWaH called his Son

    • @IronSharpensIron127
      @IronSharpensIron127 5 месяцев назад +2

      How is David the Messiah?

    • @YG7Y6kY2k33
      @YG7Y6kY2k33 5 месяцев назад +1

      Because , and our creators name and author of the towrahs name is YaHoWaH ( thats the best transliteration of the name from hebrew) called him his son, and because Dowd aka David speaks in his psalms about himself.
      all you know from so called jesus is from paul / shauwl which yahowah calls by name that hes the plague of death and people should flee him (but because shauwl and sheol is written identicly in hebrew , the religious twisted it into sheol but its spoken about a person and not a place).
      also yahowah himself(contradictory to the "you are the devil when you know when he coming back" people claim, says when hes coming back and why. there is a geneanology which can be calculated what year it is (because 2024 is not now, at least not according to yahowah. year on of man is when man went out of eden) and return dowd and yahowah does to the millenial shabat because they want to celebrate family reunion.
      Dowd is the Messiah because hes the one that will come back , hes the one Yahowah says his his son, the one of his own heart and the true one friend and brother anyone can have.
      Listen to yahowah which is the author of the towrah and not shaul aka paul which contradicts yahowah.
      shauwl too, many dont realize is a false prophet, because the claimed that (and he called it harpazo) the "rapture" was within his lifetime, and because hes dead and we still here means he lied)
      too shauwl changed , adds and substract what yahowah says "his word will never change" and no one should add or substract from it.
      Dowd is the chosen one, ever was, just dont listen to shauwl or the religious somehow morphin dowds own scripture to describe another messiah, because dowd talked and described literally his own experiences

    • @IronSharpensIron127
      @IronSharpensIron127 5 месяцев назад +6

      @@YG7Y6kY2k33 when was David pierced for our transgressions, and beaten for our iniquities? Was Jesus just a liar and a false prophet? If he was , how was he able to perform all those miracles, and raise from the dead to deceive all those 500 people that witness him ?

    • @YG7Y6kY2k33
      @YG7Y6kY2k33 5 месяцев назад

      paul is the liar according to the author of the towrah, dowd was there like he described in his psalms. dowd volunteered and fullfilled all the 3 forgotten miqraeys of yahowah.
      dowd is the only one yahowah calls his son and multiply times already here and will return again at exactly the time yahowah says he will, to celebrate the millenial shabat with his family to which not one religious person in human history belongs to, neither the political , its in facts a prerequisit to leave babylon and corruption behind before even engaging in a relationship and the invited family oriented covenant. christianity is not based on jesus but on paul/ shauwl which yahowah calls out by name

    • @angieg.5562
      @angieg.5562 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@LDSYG7 Jesus is Christ the messiah. I have only just begun reading the Bible but I know God said Jesus is his Son. I don't know where you got your information from but I don't think you've read the new testament, the peshitta. Where do you get your information from, brother? Open your heart, Jesus Christ died for us all.

  • @LanceHall
    @LanceHall 23 дня назад +4

    He shows it's possible to be wrong on literally every aspect of science.

  • @MrXanderthegreat1
    @MrXanderthegreat1 4 месяца назад


  • @robertghilarducci8045
    @robertghilarducci8045 Месяц назад

    Kent is not a Doctor !!

    • @LanceHall
      @LanceHall 23 дня назад +2

      Literally a fake degree from a fake university from a double wide trailer in the desert.

    • @mynonameyt
      @mynonameyt 21 день назад

      How do you know? Because he didn’t go to you of your “accredited,$100,000 a year stuffy schools”?
      Even if…. Now a days we got real medical doctors calling boys, girls and girls, boys. I guess in your book that makes it so.

    • @bloodgrss
      @bloodgrss 10 дней назад

      @@mynonameyt Because he went to a 'diploma scam school'. But I venture to say truth and reason are foreign to an idiot like you...