KDA is great in theory as it lets you still climb while playing solo and gives you a bit more control, but in reality, it's trash. There's a place for it, though. Whatever ranks 343 wants to "protect" for the lower skilled players, make KDA a bigger part of climbing. So if you place Bronze, if you have a couple games of dominating the enemies, then you move up, and quick. But once you get to Gold it should be 95% win/loss with a bonus for being top 2 on the scoreboard or something. This needs to come with some tweaks to objective play scoring too, though, bc right now slaying gives you a higher score than holding the oddball all game. Win/loss works better, the game should attempt to get you to a 50% win rate. If you are significantly better than the other players at your current rank you will climb faster as you will have more of an impact in each game you play and have a higher win rate. Yeah, this will favor 4-stacks, but we have a solo/duo queue for this EXACT reason, but it doesn't seem that the open vs. solo/duo queues seem to be catching on with the community the way they should be -- maybe the default selected queue should be a newly created crossplay/solo-duo instead of crossplay/open, idk. This all needs to come with a big change to how they balance teams, though. A high ranked player shouldn't be chained to 3 lower ranked players to "balance" the teams out. All players within a lobby should be within ~200 CSR of each other. Open crossplay should be a wider variety to let 4 stacks play easier.
1552 pre reset. I went 2-8 in placements after not playing in a couple weeks and placed diamond 5. Multiple games with a negative KDA (some above obviously). Placed diamond 5. Playing with a 4 stack of 2 pre diamonds. Every game felt super sweaty
If you're playing capture the flag, steal the flag like 8 times, but still have a negative K/D, and your team loses... your score shouldn't go down further than the teammate who got like 20+ kills, but completely ignores the flag when you drop it Just sayin
Hidden MMR is great in theory, but makes playing the game fairly miserable in actuality. I got onyx last season fairly quickly and can compete in those matches well when I am warmed up and feeling myself a bit, but the first few games of any session are really rough, and god forbid I want to play with my buddies or hop in some social game-modes without sweating because I'm still getting diamond/onyx players and it makes the experience too taxing and downright miserable for my friends who are silver/gold/plat. I went 0-10 in my placement matches intentionally (sorry not sorry) with terrible statlines every game just to try to place lower so I wouldn't ruin the group gaming sessions, but I still got placed Diamond 3, so idk. Still seems super generous based on last season's ranking.
Tip for that ShyWay jump on Live Fire! I discovered the problem that I was having was that when I hit the drop slide I was holding crouch throughout the entire jump and just barely falling short of the clamber. As soon as I started releasing crouch immediately after starting the slide I went from 0% success rate to well over 50% success rate. The rest is getting the timing down.
Gaining 1 CSR every time I win a game and losing 15 CSR when I lost really killed my motivation to play ranked. There would be some days my team would end like 8-3 and I finished with a ~1.3 KD but I overall went down in rank. It just feels like the ranking system punishes your mistakes way more than it rewards your good games.
That's what I've been saying. 343 said about the reset "the previous system is too generous". Like dude, I was already being punished a ton before the reset. If its just gonna be harder on you now, I'm surely fucked haha
2:20 Yesterday, I had a game where my teammate’s game crashed at the very beginning of the game. We lost 48 to 50, but I did go positive. I still lost 14 CSR for that. The CSR gains unfortunately don’t seem to be consistent even if you went positive. They enemy were all diamond like us as well.
I found this in this academic research paper on matchmaking ranking systems and thought it was interesting to see how much they used to care about their matchmaking that they developed a whole system with it's own name that's seemingly comparable to the age old chess ranking known as ELO:. "In a many-player ranked competition, it is important to note that the pairwise match outcomes are not independent, as they would be in a series of 1v1 matches. Thus, TrueSkill [20] and its variants [12, 24, 25] model a player’s performance during each contest as a single random variable. The overall rankings are assumed to reveal the total order among these hidden performance variables, with various strategies used to model ties and teams.well into the millions (the Halo series, for example, has over 60 million sales since 2001 [4]). The main disadvantage of TrueSkill is its complexity: originally developed by Microsoft for the popular Halo video game, TrueSkill performs approximate belief propagation on a factor graph, which is iterated until convergence [20]. Aside from being less human- interpretable, this complexity means that, to our knowledge, there are no proofs of key properties such as runtime and incentive align- ment. Even when these properties are discussed [24], no rigorous justification is provided. In addition, we are not aware of any work that extends TrueSkill to non-Gaussian performance models, which might be desirable to limit the influence of outlier performances (see Section 5.2)"
Shady system and a POS ranked mode. I was almost Onyx and I was constantly being paired with garbage cans but of course the enemy team was stacked af. Yeah...really fair.
I'm pretty sure I commented about this exact issue on your last video about the ranked reset... As soon as they announced it I knew it would be an absolute waste of time unless they officially reset global MMR and then separated social and ranked mmr.. They didn't, and so once again I'm not going to bother with ranked anymore.
I'm all for SBMM/MMR as skilled players shouldn't match new players. Though I really don't like strict SBMM/MMR. I just play ranked because my MMR makes regular Team Slayer games feel like Ranked.
Played a ctf yesterday, I got the worst kda on our team but was the only one who actually got any steals and actually succeeded to get a capture. Because we lost, I probably got punished the most. Needless to say I'm not a fan of the kda being weighted so heavily in these game modes. It encourages people to just sit back and farm kills on people that actually play the objective.
Something I’ve noticed in my games is that CSR gain/loss is tied more to damage ratio than K/dA. I can top frag but be playing a clean up role and not rank up, but if I’m constantly pressuring the map uncontested and doing 2x damage to my damage taken, as well as 2x damage to the next player, CSR gains are massive. I think Damage ratio is the true indicator, as well as a fair one. This might explain why some people are fragging out and winning, but not climbing over time?
I was plat 3 in open queue and like gold 5 or 6 in Solo duo before the reset. Won 7/10 placements and went positive 9/10 in open queue. Placed gold 5. Quit after two games in Solo duo because the first match two teammates dropped immediately and the second match I was up against a bunch of high diamonds.
I keep getting horribly team mates that shouldn’t play ranked like 80% of the time Gets really frustrating. I need to find more people to play with asap
I won 9 of 10 placement matches with a 1.3 K/D (Not even KDA) and got placed in Gold 4. I literally played out of my skin on those games. Spent about a week having to then grind up with Bronze and Silvers in my team who leave at the slightest hint of a challenge. It was torturous. Now back around Plat 3 and making steady progress up but those first 20 games after placement nearly put me off forever, having to solo carry constantly because my MMR was higher than CSR.
Win and loss is not controllable in the player's hands as much as KD because it's weighted on the whole team and if the MMR system works you against 4-stacks on solo queue with subpar teammates to your skill level, you're unlikely to progress higher. KD can be controlled because it's in your hands as a player to make the right decisions on positioning and winning your gunfights often by aim/movement/nades altogether. KD helps players climb without getting weighted by no-brained teammates pulling them down as much and allows them to climb on their own competence. Winning is technically the reward for playing OBJ, the ranked system is pretty simple as it is.
@@kalebgie7461 who said I was only 1800? I'm just saying its a team game and at the highest level winning is what matters. If you cant grasp that then I'm afraid you're prob not the greatest teammate. Don't want to type an essay to explain how a guy that goes 25-30 and 9 assists with 1:55 on ball is not a bad teammate on paper. Infer from there please.
@@kalebgie7461 TLDR: If your goal is to win than winning should matter more than just fragging out. Also it was against pros for all the games I went neg. I was saying what I said to prove a point not to say that i was better than you, rather that your opinion is more weighted towards the lower ranks. Disagreeing still would put you in what you like to call, and yes this is a quote from you, "no-brained teammates pulling them down" category. Your comment is also just wrong in so many ways on basically all fronts. this turned into more of an essay than i wanted, but just some points that are wrong/dumb ill list for you. 1 "Win and loss is not controllable in the player's hands as much as KD" - if your so good this is so clear why this is a flawed argument. (please note the use of the word flawed and not wrong because there are some good aspects to be explored in there) 2 "MMR system works you against 4-stacks on solo queue" confusing point are you mad because your solo in the open? I could be misreading that bit. 3 "subpar teammates to your skill level" along with "it's weighted on the whole team" referring to the mmr and mm system. so this is a fair point if you get matched with golds in onyx but then (in theory) the other team should be much worse than you too due to the averaging of mmr. But still is an underlying issue if that is happening consistently and makes the k/d argument more valid in this derivative scenario. but again you cant use the few instances of just bad mm to justify fucking the rest, especially at high level. 4 "KD can be controlled because it's in your hands" similar to point one again but this is just so goofy. I mean lets think about it... spawning out, getting spawns pushed... lets think. your team sucks 3 die, you get killed last and now your getting spawns pushed and your getting farmed. 5 "Winning is technically the reward for playing OBJ" the point of the game is to win. no ifs ands buts or maybes. Hopefully that addresses any concerns you have with me saying I disagree. I'm sure your a great player, however that does not mean you automatically have a better opinion than someone of a perceived lower rank, which you just so kindly said was broken (refer to points above where you implied heavy issues) thus invalidating your statement of "how about you work your diamond 5 to Onyx 1800+ without going neg often and come back to me". Hopefully this can be a learning experience for you and open our eyes to why I believe your take was incorrect. Feel free to let me know if this changes anything or you have a question on anything I said! and pulling "rank" (pun intended) makes you seem immature and comes across as snarky. My intent was not to step on any toes and good luck in your games.
I placed D5 going neg every game except for a few which we won. In my experience and experience of friends it’s all based off of mmr. We matched with and against pros for 7/10 of the matches. This was just after the rank reset so no one was placed yet.
Aright. I had a game this week where I had the best kda out of both teams, and the most zones captured out of both teams. And we still lost. The loss didn't affect my rank at all. If I had gone down because of this game, it wouldn't be good. So yeah. Objective should matter more than it does, but leave kda alone honestly. And I don't agree that straight win or loss is the answer. I think they have the balance almost right. Especially for solo duo players who prefer the open lobby
Im kinda frustrated with my new rank, i won 9 out of 10 of my placement matches, top 2 in the list every time. Lost the last game due to a dc on my team. I got platinum 3 for my new rank ( I was diamond before) I'm just annoyed that I didnt get the opportunity to struggle even a little all 10 games. cant begin to try and understand how their unranked matchmaking works, but i feel like there should be more room for wider opponent ranges, instead of just making you play 10 games without getting feedback of how well youre doing / not doing, only to rank you down for winning easy games
This game is hella weird. I lost 9 out of 10 games with some prettyy bad Kda.. landed diamond 5. I was onyx 1700 on my smerf before this season. Idk if my MMR from my other account played a factor? I was almost Onyx 2000 on my main though... this games ranking is too easy. Fix the game! Add new Maps, ping fair servers, and a proper ranking system.
I think to much of anything could be a bad thing. A weighted KDA is a good thing, but should be less weighted depending on game type. In slayer obviously KDA should weighted 100%. Objective it should only make up for 60%. You have to slay more then you play objective. You don’t grab ball until they are down. You don’t grab flag until they are down. You can’t cap until they are down. If you choose to put 100% effort into “holding ball” or “sneaking” behind enemies to get a flag pull while your team is dying you shouldn’t get rewarded for plays like that. Slay first objective second.
Ranked has had me at gold 5 when in all reality I'm easily a plat player I absolutely dominate my games and I get terrible teammates and if I don't carry the game we ain't winning....most won't even hold the oddball and are terrible with slays and in order for me to pull a w I have to rotate the oddball and it gets so annoying because I should be slaying.solo duo gold is a nightmare
I went positive every game and won 4-5 games and was placed plat 3 even though I was diamond 4 before. I know more than 2 people who were diamond or onyx and lost every single ranking game and even one that barely went positive in only a game or two and they all ended up diamond 5
I'm trying to understand how I got with average of 1.34 k/d to only gold 3 from the 10 placement matches. I had negative k/d in 2/10 games and it was only a couple of deaths more than kills. Also played the objective in every game. Oh well.
I only lost 3 matches in my placement matches - placed 1st in 4 of the wins and every loss I was in 5th place. my KDA may have been low but I played the objective. Not saying I deserve higher than the rank I was given (gold 3), just saying the placement doesnt match the outcome of the 10 placement games in my opinion.
Before the reset in solo duo I was in always bouncing between onyx and d6. I did my placements in solo/duo and lost 6-7 of them got placed in plat 6 then straight dominated games until I got to diamond 4. Im talking like dropping 40 and 50 bombs a game and 20 in slayers. Now in diamond 4-5 things are starting to even out. In the open playlist I was solidly in low onyx before the reset and after doing all my placements with one friend of mine and losing mostly all of them I placed diamond 5 which I believe is the highest u can be placed. Idk what the reset did but I do feel like winning and losing still means nothing it’s all about that hidden mmr value I will have games where I go 5-15 and lose bad and then won’t lose any rank and then I will barley win going like plus 2 and gain like a quarter of the bar. Weird stuff
This game should piggy back from the halo 2 ranking system. I loved those ranks and IMO it was actually in tune with ppls true skill level. E.g when i played against a rank 25, it felt like a gold/platinum player. 33-36 it felt like a more skilled player (diamond range player). And obviously 37+ were onxy players, again its just my opinion.
I was d4. After reset. I won 5/10 Was positive in 9/10 matches. Soke ganes i was 25-7 etc. Placed plat 3.. My beother went negative in 8/10 and won 3/10... placed plat 3. Im pretty sure its just random
I think objective time, flag caps, cap assists should matter more. The majority of game types are objective but you don't really get rewarded for getting 2minutes of ball time or 2/5 flag caps, etc... it doesn't really feel like it matters right now. I do like the fact that individual performance matters to a degree in this game because you're kinda set up to lose almost 50% of your games. but objective play should be rewarded. I dunno how you do this for strongholds tho, people just run around the clock capping anyway, maybe reward more for defense instead of caps?
By not readjusting the way MMR is compromised by Feb 22, 2022 they successfully just crashed ranked multiplayer. It's a major strike for new, average, and enthusiastic players; expect numbers to drop steadily. If the day 1 population was here today a major percentage wouldn't get past silver, say 50%... not everyone is finding onyx easy and not everyone enjoys the grilling competition. certainly not playing 2 tiers above their skill level. they had a chance to rebalance it better and they blew it.. I'd give k/d 25%, objective 25%, win/ loss 50%. it's just not fun and the competition regularly makes you feel terrible. you sugar coat it. it was a critical error.
you get the same points across quite calmly. But it's more than just an annoyance. this decision broke the game. if kd is all that should matter play COD.
Was plat 3 before the reset. Won 7 of my crossplay placements and went positive in all except one. Placed mid gold 5. Got two matches in solo duo controller. Game 1, two teammates dropped immediately. Automatic loss with crap KD. Game two was with a ton of high Diamonds. Won, but also crap KD. Haven't touched solo duo since.
i prioritized holding the ball as long as possible one game and went two death above kills. we won but I lost about 15-20 percent of a rank. after that I prioritized my kd ratio and have shot up two ranks since the focus change with wins and losses. This ranking system is shit lmao.
Yeah I really don't like the KDA weighting (if that is what it is, it sure seems like it plays a role in the CSR outcomes), I would rather players be rewarded for winning an objective gametype, than playing more for stats
When you try to factor in “quality of play” to give people bigger/lower gains/losses in csr it’s just a bad idea. It’s too hard to look at stats and figure out how big the contribution was to winning or losing. Can’t figure out if people contested power weapons. Can’t figure out if they lone wolfed or coordinated with teammates. Can’t figure out how the approached map control. It should be wins and losses only. It will balance out with your “performance” in those games. And it will force people to play to win. The only factors to change the size of csr gains and losses is if someone disconnected and it wasn’t 4v4, or if one team completely outranked the other initially, like a lobby of onyx against one of diamond. “Performance” is too hard to measure. I don’t like it at all.
kda's impact in non-slayer game types is way too high, crash/3v4 rate is way too high, rank differential in mnk lobbies is way too high.. someone at 343 needs to be fired
I just don't get why I did good in bot matches and then got thrown against the best halo players in the fucking world in EVERYTHING else. Fucking stupid game is stupid. SBMM ruined online games IMHO. Even in games I am ACTUALLY at top ranking at least ONE of my friends isn't so I basically have to write off playing with them. It's sooooo frustrating.
I'm not exaggerating when I say Infinite's rank system is the worst I've personally ever experienced. Win/loss should always be the priority in a team based shooter, and then yeah sure take into account KDA, damage and objective score too. Also, the hidden MMR system is objectively terrible and they need to switch to a CS GO or Siege style ranked system. Infinite's core gameplay is so awesome, but almost everything else around it is objectively bad. It's mind blowing 343 reset ranks only to repeat the same mistake.
I agree, I’ve 1v1 friends who are onyx, diamond, and platinum and beat the diamond and platinum and I keep getting gold 1, and I’ve won 8/10 matches for ranked
@@AphineHalo as someone who was 4.2k in overwatch on KB&M halo infinite on controller IMO is waay too easy and getting perfect 4 shots is broken with the aim assist. I love a challenge i will always be KB&M it simply takes more skill to me
KDA weighting and Hidden MMR... What are your thoughts on them in the Ranked Halo Infinite experience?
KDA is great in theory as it lets you still climb while playing solo and gives you a bit more control, but in reality, it's trash. There's a place for it, though. Whatever ranks 343 wants to "protect" for the lower skilled players, make KDA a bigger part of climbing. So if you place Bronze, if you have a couple games of dominating the enemies, then you move up, and quick. But once you get to Gold it should be 95% win/loss with a bonus for being top 2 on the scoreboard or something. This needs to come with some tweaks to objective play scoring too, though, bc right now slaying gives you a higher score than holding the oddball all game.
Win/loss works better, the game should attempt to get you to a 50% win rate. If you are significantly better than the other players at your current rank you will climb faster as you will have more of an impact in each game you play and have a higher win rate. Yeah, this will favor 4-stacks, but we have a solo/duo queue for this EXACT reason, but it doesn't seem that the open vs. solo/duo queues seem to be catching on with the community the way they should be -- maybe the default selected queue should be a newly created crossplay/solo-duo instead of crossplay/open, idk.
This all needs to come with a big change to how they balance teams, though. A high ranked player shouldn't be chained to 3 lower ranked players to "balance" the teams out. All players within a lobby should be within ~200 CSR of each other. Open crossplay should be a wider variety to let 4 stacks play easier.
1552 pre reset. I went 2-8 in placements after not playing in a couple weeks and placed diamond 5. Multiple games with a negative KDA (some above obviously). Placed diamond 5. Playing with a 4 stack of 2 pre diamonds. Every game felt super sweaty
If you're playing capture the flag, steal the flag like 8 times, but still have a negative K/D, and your team loses... your score shouldn't go down further than the teammate who got like 20+ kills, but completely ignores the flag when you drop it
Just sayin
Hidden MMR is great in theory, but makes playing the game fairly miserable in actuality.
I got onyx last season fairly quickly and can compete in those matches well when I am warmed up and feeling myself a bit, but the first few games of any session are really rough, and god forbid I want to play with my buddies or hop in some social game-modes without sweating because I'm still getting diamond/onyx players and it makes the experience too taxing and downright miserable for my friends who are silver/gold/plat.
I went 0-10 in my placement matches intentionally (sorry not sorry) with terrible statlines every game just to try to place lower so I wouldn't ruin the group gaming sessions, but I still got placed Diamond 3, so idk. Still seems super generous based on last season's ranking.
Interesting observation.
Tip for that ShyWay jump on Live Fire!
I discovered the problem that I was having was that when I hit the drop slide I was holding crouch throughout the entire jump and just barely falling short of the clamber.
As soon as I started releasing crouch immediately after starting the slide I went from 0% success rate to well over 50% success rate. The rest is getting the timing down.
Gaining 1 CSR every time I win a game and losing 15 CSR when I lost really killed my motivation to play ranked. There would be some days my team would end like 8-3 and I finished with a ~1.3 KD but I overall went down in rank. It just feels like the ranking system punishes your mistakes way more than it rewards your good games.
That's what I've been saying. 343 said about the reset "the previous system is too generous". Like dude, I was already being punished a ton before the reset. If its just gonna be harder on you now, I'm surely fucked haha
Yesterday, I had a game where my teammate’s game crashed at the very beginning of the game. We lost 48 to 50, but I did go positive. I still lost 14 CSR for that. The CSR gains unfortunately don’t seem to be consistent even if you went positive. They enemy were all diamond like us as well.
Have him a play a custom b4 so he loads a map then end the game to proceed into other games
I found this in this academic research paper on matchmaking ranking systems and thought it was interesting to see how much they used to care about their matchmaking that they developed a whole system with it's own name that's seemingly comparable to the age old chess ranking known as ELO:.
"In a many-player ranked competition, it is important to note that
the pairwise match outcomes are not independent, as they would be
in a series of 1v1 matches. Thus, TrueSkill [20] and its variants [12,
24, 25] model a player’s performance during each contest as a single
random variable. The overall rankings are assumed to reveal the
total order among these hidden performance variables, with various
strategies used to model ties and teams.well into the millions (the Halo series, for example, has over 60
million sales since 2001 [4]).
The main disadvantage of TrueSkill is its complexity: originally
developed by Microsoft for the popular Halo video game, TrueSkill
performs approximate belief propagation on a factor graph, which
is iterated until convergence [20]. Aside from being less human-
interpretable, this complexity means that, to our knowledge, there
are no proofs of key properties such as runtime and incentive align-
ment. Even when these properties are discussed [24], no rigorous
justification is provided. In addition, we are not aware of any work
that extends TrueSkill to non-Gaussian performance models, which
might be desirable to limit the influence of outlier performances
(see Section 5.2)"
Shady system and a POS ranked mode. I was almost Onyx and I was constantly being paired with garbage cans but of course the enemy team was stacked af.
Yeah...really fair.
That match playing in the background was so close holy shit I lost my focus on the topic you were talking about and had to rewatch the video lmao
Bro I was so into that match I stopped listening. CLUTCH!!!
I'm pretty sure I commented about this exact issue on your last video about the ranked reset... As soon as they announced it I knew it would be an absolute waste of time unless they officially reset global MMR and then separated social and ranked mmr.. They didn't, and so once again I'm not going to bother with ranked anymore.
I'm all for SBMM/MMR as skilled players shouldn't match new players. Though I really don't like strict SBMM/MMR. I just play ranked because my MMR makes regular Team Slayer games feel like Ranked.
Played a ctf yesterday, I got the worst kda on our team but was the only one who actually got any steals and actually succeeded to get a capture. Because we lost, I probably got punished the most. Needless to say I'm not a fan of the kda being weighted so heavily in these game modes. It encourages people to just sit back and farm kills on people that actually play the objective.
I honestly think the reset was pointless. Especially when it wasn’t even a proper, everyone starts completely fresh, reset.
OBJ’s prioritize the points not the KDA
Something I’ve noticed in my games is that CSR gain/loss is tied more to damage ratio than K/dA. I can top frag but be playing a clean up role and not rank up, but if I’m constantly pressuring the map uncontested and doing 2x damage to my damage taken, as well as 2x damage to the next player, CSR gains are massive. I think Damage ratio is the true indicator, as well as a fair one. This might explain why some people are fragging out and winning, but not climbing over time?
I need to finally do my placements.
I was plat 3 in open queue and like gold 5 or 6 in Solo duo before the reset. Won 7/10 placements and went positive 9/10 in open queue. Placed gold 5. Quit after two games in Solo duo because the first match two teammates dropped immediately and the second match I was up against a bunch of high diamonds.
I keep getting horribly team mates that shouldn’t play ranked like 80% of the time
Gets really frustrating.
I need to find more people to play with asap
I won 9 of 10 placement matches with a 1.3 K/D (Not even KDA) and got placed in Gold 4. I literally played out of my skin on those games. Spent about a week having to then grind up with Bronze and Silvers in my team who leave at the slightest hint of a challenge. It was torturous. Now back around Plat 3 and making steady progress up but those first 20 games after placement nearly put me off forever, having to solo carry constantly because my MMR was higher than CSR.
Win and loss is not controllable in the player's hands as much as KD because it's weighted on the whole team and if the MMR system works you against 4-stacks on solo queue with subpar teammates to your skill level, you're unlikely to progress higher. KD can be controlled because it's in your hands as a player to make the right decisions on positioning and winning your gunfights often by aim/movement/nades altogether. KD helps players climb without getting weighted by no-brained teammates pulling them down as much and allows them to climb on their own competence. Winning is technically the reward for playing OBJ, the ranked system is pretty simple as it is.
Think over that one again plz.
@@jacobwhitman585 how about you work your diamond 5 to Onyx 1800+ without going neg often and come back to me.
@@kalebgie7461 who said I was only 1800? I'm just saying its a team game and at the highest level winning is what matters. If you cant grasp that then I'm afraid you're prob not the greatest teammate. Don't want to type an essay to explain how a guy that goes 25-30 and 9 assists with 1:55 on ball is not a bad teammate on paper. Infer from there please.
TLDR: If your goal is to win than winning should matter more than just fragging out.
Also it was against pros for all the games I went neg. I was saying what I said to prove a point not to say that i was better than you, rather that your opinion is more weighted towards the lower ranks. Disagreeing still would put you in what you like to call, and yes this is a quote from you, "no-brained teammates pulling them down" category. Your comment is also just wrong in so many ways on basically all fronts. this turned into more of an essay than i wanted, but just some points that are wrong/dumb ill list for you.
1 "Win and loss is not controllable in the player's hands as much as KD" - if your so good this is so clear why this is a flawed argument. (please note the use of the word flawed and not wrong because there are some good aspects to be explored in there)
2 "MMR system works you against 4-stacks on solo queue" confusing point are you mad because your solo in the open? I could be misreading that bit.
3 "subpar teammates to your skill level" along with "it's weighted on the whole team" referring to the mmr and mm system. so this is a fair point if you get matched with golds in onyx but then (in theory) the other team should be much worse than you too due to the averaging of mmr. But still is an underlying issue if that is happening consistently and makes the k/d argument more valid in this derivative scenario. but again you cant use the few instances of just bad mm to justify fucking the rest, especially at high level.
4 "KD can be controlled because it's in your hands" similar to point one again but this is just so goofy. I mean lets think about it... spawning out, getting spawns pushed... lets think. your team sucks 3 die, you get killed last and now your getting spawns pushed and your getting farmed.
5 "Winning is technically the reward for playing OBJ" the point of the game is to win. no ifs ands buts or maybes.
Hopefully that addresses any concerns you have with me saying I disagree. I'm sure your a great player, however that does not mean you automatically have a better opinion than someone of a perceived lower rank, which you just so kindly said was broken (refer to points above where you implied heavy issues) thus invalidating your statement of "how about you work your diamond 5 to Onyx 1800+ without going neg often and come back to me". Hopefully this can be a learning experience for you and open our eyes to why I believe your take was incorrect. Feel free to let me know if this changes anything or you have a question on anything I said! and pulling "rank" (pun intended) makes you seem immature and comes across as snarky. My intent was not to step on any toes and good luck in your games.
@@jacobwhitman585 cope.
If you play with 1 person who’s silver and you’re diamond you will get plats to balance it and you’ll boost all the way to Onyx
We definitely need a tournament implementation like rocket league.
why not just go back to 1 through 50 start at 1 and have to work your way up
I placed D5 going neg every game except for a few which we won. In my experience and experience of friends it’s all based off of mmr. We matched with and against pros for 7/10 of the matches. This was just after the rank reset so no one was placed yet.
Aright. I had a game this week where I had the best kda out of both teams, and the most zones captured out of both teams. And we still lost. The loss didn't affect my rank at all. If I had gone down because of this game, it wouldn't be good. So yeah. Objective should matter more than it does, but leave kda alone honestly. And I don't agree that straight win or loss is the answer. I think they have the balance almost right. Especially for solo duo players who prefer the open lobby
How do you change your team colors and stuff that is really cool
Im kinda frustrated with my new rank, i won 9 out of 10 of my placement matches, top 2 in the list every time. Lost the last game due to a dc on my team. I got platinum 3 for my new rank ( I was diamond before) I'm just annoyed that I didnt get the opportunity to struggle even a little all 10 games. cant begin to try and understand how their unranked matchmaking works, but i feel like there should be more room for wider opponent ranges, instead of just making you play 10 games without getting feedback of how well youre doing / not doing, only to rank you down for winning easy games
This game is hella weird. I lost 9 out of 10 games with some prettyy bad Kda.. landed diamond 5. I was onyx 1700 on my smerf before this season. Idk if my MMR from my other account played a factor? I was almost Onyx 2000 on my main though... this games ranking is too easy. Fix the game! Add new Maps, ping fair servers, and a proper ranking system.
I think to much of anything could be a bad thing. A weighted KDA is a good thing, but should be less weighted depending on game type. In slayer obviously KDA should weighted 100%. Objective it should only make up for 60%. You have to slay more then you play objective. You don’t grab ball until they are down. You don’t grab flag until they are down. You can’t cap until they are down. If you choose to put 100% effort into “holding ball” or “sneaking” behind enemies to get a flag pull while your team is dying you shouldn’t get rewarded for plays like that. Slay first objective second.
I went neg but held the ball for the longest time and went from onyx 1501 to 1512 after the reset 19 and 21 but I did play against an onyx 1600
I should try out Ranked while there aren't any events happening. Too busy grinding out Tenrai in my free time lol
I need to finish that event off, I have quite a few tiers to go. cheers!
I got 5 flag caps and 0 csr the other day : ) and yes, i went positive
Ranked has had me at gold 5 when in all reality I'm easily a plat player I absolutely dominate my games and I get terrible teammates and if I don't carry the game we ain't winning....most won't even hold the oddball and are terrible with slays and in order for me to pull a w I have to rotate the oddball and it gets so annoying because I should be slaying.solo duo gold is a nightmare
I went positive every game and won 4-5 games and was placed plat 3 even though I was diamond 4 before. I know more than 2 people who were diamond or onyx and lost every single ranking game and even one that barely went positive in only a game or two and they all ended up diamond 5
Why do we have "social" and "ranked"? Why doesn't each playlist have it's own rankings, like previous Halos?
You should try battlebit when it comes back in 38 days
Wow, 343 released a fix that didn't work properly? I'm absolutely shocked.. 💀
I'm trying to understand how I got with average of 1.34 k/d to only gold 3 from the 10 placement matches. I had negative k/d in 2/10 games and it was only a couple of deaths more than kills. Also played the objective in every game. Oh well.
WE NEED JOSH MENKE BACK!!!! The hero we need but the one we deserve
I only lost 3 matches in my placement matches - placed 1st in 4 of the wins and every loss I was in 5th place. my KDA may have been low but I played the objective. Not saying I deserve higher than the rank I was given (gold 3), just saying the placement doesnt match the outcome of the 10 placement games in my opinion.
Anybody else not seem to be ranking up after playing countless ranked games?
I don’t think the distribution of players is THAT bad, I think a Bell curve is okay
Before the reset in solo duo I was in always bouncing between onyx and d6. I did my placements in solo/duo and lost 6-7 of them got placed in plat 6 then straight dominated games until I got to diamond 4. Im talking like dropping 40 and 50 bombs a game and 20 in slayers. Now in diamond 4-5 things are starting to even out.
In the open playlist I was solidly in low onyx before the reset and after doing all my placements with one friend of mine and losing mostly all of them I placed diamond 5 which I believe is the highest u can be placed.
Idk what the reset did but I do feel like winning and losing still means nothing it’s all about that hidden mmr value I will have games where I go 5-15 and lose bad and then won’t lose any rank and then I will barley win going like plus 2 and gain like a quarter of the bar. Weird stuff
its makes me sad to say but I've really taken a break from this game for a while because it hit me that I really wasnt enjoying the game anymore.
Its all about KDA, its so frustrating when i play more games and have a higher win % however I'm placed lower because i don't hold a 1.50 KD.
Kda shouldn't matter in objective gametypes
This game should piggy back from the halo 2 ranking system. I loved those ranks and IMO it was actually in tune with ppls true skill level. E.g when i played against a rank 25, it felt like a gold/platinum player. 33-36 it felt like a more skilled player (diamond range player). And obviously 37+ were onxy players, again its just my opinion.
I was d4.
After reset. I won 5/10
Was positive in 9/10 matches. Soke ganes i was 25-7 etc.
Placed plat 3..
My beother went negative in 8/10 and won 3/10... placed plat 3. Im pretty sure its just random
I like being destroyed by much better players and being a bullet shield for my fwiends
That's definitely how ranked feels sometimes haha
I'm unironically fine with doing the same if it helps my team win
What rank are u??
Why doesnt it just let everyone start at bronze 1
I think objective time, flag caps, cap assists should matter more. The majority of game types are objective but you don't really get rewarded for getting 2minutes of ball time or 2/5 flag caps, etc... it doesn't really feel like it matters right now. I do like the fact that individual performance matters to a degree in this game because you're kinda set up to lose almost 50% of your games. but objective play should be rewarded. I dunno how you do this for strongholds tho, people just run around the clock capping anyway, maybe reward more for defense instead of caps?
By not readjusting the way MMR is compromised by Feb 22, 2022 they successfully just crashed ranked multiplayer. It's a major strike for new, average, and enthusiastic players; expect numbers to drop steadily.
If the day 1 population was here today a major percentage wouldn't get past silver, say 50%... not everyone is finding onyx easy and not everyone enjoys the grilling competition. certainly not playing 2 tiers above their skill level.
they had a chance to rebalance it better and they blew it.. I'd give k/d 25%, objective 25%, win/ loss 50%. it's just not fun and the competition regularly makes you feel terrible.
you sugar coat it. it was a critical error.
you get the same points across quite calmly. But it's more than just an annoyance. this decision broke the game. if kd is all that should matter play COD.
Won 7 of my K/M matches w/ positive K/D, placed in gold. Won 5 of my crossplay matches with positive K/D, placed in Platinum? Working as intended.
Was plat 3 before the reset. Won 7 of my crossplay placements and went positive in all except one. Placed mid gold 5. Got two matches in solo duo controller. Game 1, two teammates dropped immediately. Automatic loss with crap KD. Game two was with a ton of high Diamonds. Won, but also crap KD. Haven't touched solo duo since.
I think I won 8 of 10 rank placement games and don't think I went negative in any of them. Only started Diamond 3 as well. Dumb
i prioritized holding the ball as long as possible one game and went two death above kills. we won but I lost about 15-20 percent of a rank. after that I prioritized my kd ratio and have shot up two ranks since the focus change with wins and losses. This ranking system is shit lmao.
Yeah I really don't like the KDA weighting (if that is what it is, it sure seems like it plays a role in the CSR outcomes), I would rather players be rewarded for winning an objective gametype, than playing more for stats
@@BBKDRAGOON would see a big increase of teamwork and mics i think if that was the case.
You can’t lose CSR in wins. Sometimes you don’t gain CSR or give u +1 CSR but you can’t lose in you win the match
@@Silver4Hire the bar was red after the match and it was shorter than before all im saying
Ya the hidden MMR is the reason why it's bad. Your rank should be the only way they decide skill in ranked
When you try to factor in “quality of play” to give people bigger/lower gains/losses in csr it’s just a bad idea. It’s too hard to look at stats and figure out how big the contribution was to winning or losing. Can’t figure out if people contested power weapons. Can’t figure out if they lone wolfed or coordinated with teammates. Can’t figure out how the approached map control.
It should be wins and losses only. It will balance out with your “performance” in those games. And it will force people to play to win. The only factors to change the size of csr gains and losses is if someone disconnected and it wasn’t 4v4, or if one team completely outranked the other initially, like a lobby of onyx against one of diamond.
“Performance” is too hard to measure. I don’t like it at all.
kda's impact in non-slayer game types is way too high, crash/3v4 rate is way too high, rank differential in mnk lobbies is way too high.. someone at 343 needs to be fired
I just don't get why I did good in bot matches and then got thrown against the best halo players in the fucking world in EVERYTHING else. Fucking stupid game is stupid. SBMM ruined online games IMHO. Even in games I am ACTUALLY at top ranking at least ONE of my friends isn't so I basically have to write off playing with them. It's sooooo frustrating.
I'm not exaggerating when I say Infinite's rank system is the worst I've personally ever experienced.
Win/loss should always be the priority in a team based shooter, and then yeah sure take into account KDA, damage and objective score too.
Also, the hidden MMR system is objectively terrible and they need to switch to a CS GO or Siege style ranked system.
Infinite's core gameplay is so awesome, but almost everything else around it is objectively bad.
It's mind blowing 343 reset ranks only to repeat the same mistake.
I agree, I’ve 1v1 friends who are onyx, diamond, and platinum and beat the diamond and platinum and I keep getting gold 1, and I’ve won 8/10 matches for ranked
IMO if you play competitive using controller on pc your meh but if you use KB&M your a pro
You couldn't be more wrong
I'm playing in the solo controller only que
im playing on controller on computer because theres more competition.
@@AphineHalo as someone who was 4.2k in overwatch on KB&M halo infinite on controller IMO is waay too easy and getting perfect 4 shots is broken with the aim assist. I love a challenge i will always be KB&M it simply takes more skill to me
@@tristenwilliams558 Too easy huh ? whats your gamertag so we can fact check those infinite stats ?