"Too many choices" has been studied by marketing groups. Being overwhelmed with options often results in either no purchase decision being made, or buying with low confidence that the "right" product was chosen.
Have you tried turning to God for help? Asking Him sincerely to help you? Often people who drink sometimes crave alcohol when their glucose level drops. Try eating something first when you crave alcohol and see if it helps. My dad drank a fifth of Crown Royal whiskey a day, smoked 3 packs of cigarettes daily, & laid it all down when he asked the Lord into his heart to be the center of his life. Everyone is different, but I have confidence in you that you can conquer this. Get strong support from friends & family. Find a hobby or interest to focus on. You can do this! Your life matters, & you are on this planet for a good purpose. You can make it!
"Too many choices" has been studied by marketing groups. Being overwhelmed with options often results in either no purchase decision being made, or buying with low confidence that the
"right" product was chosen.
Thanks for the input! 👍
I can't even go a day without drinking AA isn't helping..
Have you tried turning to God for help? Asking Him sincerely to help you? Often people who drink sometimes crave alcohol when their glucose level drops. Try eating something first when you crave alcohol and see if it helps. My dad drank a fifth of Crown Royal whiskey a day, smoked 3 packs of cigarettes daily, & laid it all down when he asked the Lord into his heart to be the center of his life. Everyone is different, but I have confidence in you that you can conquer this. Get strong support from friends & family. Find a hobby or interest to focus on. You can do this! Your life matters, & you are on this planet for a good purpose. You can make it!
I'll drink to that...
I decided it wasn’t a choice to drink. It’s gotten me 35 years without drinking. Don’t miss it
You forgot "phylum"
Monetized ?