His Man 3 Episodes 07 + 08 | Boys Love Boys Love

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 223

  • @channa5528
    @channa5528 Месяц назад +125

    i was super impressed by Hanmin's emotional intelligence and maturity. def became one of my faves of the show in these eps!

    • @Nisha_ASMR
      @Nisha_ASMR Месяц назад +4

      Hamin and Jaeseung attentiveness In Episode 7 & 8 Had Me Lowkey Crushing & Blushing 😂🥺🤧🤭💯🩷🍿💻

    • @positivepumpkin
      @positivepumpkin Месяц назад +2

      Hanmin was a pleasant surprise to the past few episodes! He seems like a great judge of character and someone who's rooting for others' happiness! Can't help but think he should end up with someone who's a bit less self centered than Youngjoon! Hanmin, Jaesung and Seungmin seem like they would be so compatible as friends and something more too.
      Jaesung and Seongmin ending up together I could totally see! Although Seongmin and Hwi have the chemistry and are gaga for one another, I think Seongmin needs someone a bit less clingy. That's where Jaesung and Seongmin being different from one another could make them more compatible as they can compliment with their differences!

    • @channa5528
      @channa5528 Месяц назад

      @@Nisha_ASMR you're right they are both so attentive. like hanmin recognising that jaesung might not have someone to talk about his burdens with and then going to see him and bringing an ice cream for him. such a little gesture, but so meaningful and kind. such characteristics are really handsome

    • @channa5528
      @channa5528 Месяц назад

      @@positivepumpkin yes, i'm also really curious what will happen in the seongmin, hwi, jaesung 'love triangle'. i think that seongmin liked the fact that jaesung was able to suprise him these eps, whereas him and hwi already know each better and seem quite comfortable already. i was happy that seongmin honestly communicated to hwi that he was getting more in jaesung, and i'm curious to see in what manner hwi will react to that. regardless of who ends up with who, i think they are all boys with a good heart and i hope they can all find a compatible match :)

  • @maiathebee410
    @maiathebee410 Месяц назад +117

    Agree with your discussion of the audience response. I think that people have high expectations of the people they watch on tv but low expectations of their own way of talking about it. If we want people to be their best on the show, they should be on their best behavior when discussing it.

    • @Kngle6062
      @Kngle6062 Месяц назад +23

      Yes - so many people psycho analyzing and assuming the worst of everyone, ignoring all the cultural boundaries and reality show pressures in the way of their understanding. Why watch if you're only going to choose 1 or 2 guys to be decent, and hate the others?

  • @brittany7298
    @brittany7298 Месяц назад +76

    I don't see the Minseon and Myeongkyun chemistry either, but I feel MK does need someone chill like Minseon. They would be nice together.

    • @Nisha_ASMR
      @Nisha_ASMR Месяц назад +2

      I Agree 💯💯💯💯

    • @heykay5610
      @heykay5610 Месяц назад +12

      I think they're pretty good together, there were a few times they showed of MK and MS laughing a weird non-sequitur jokes. They seem to be on the same page mentally.

  • @lonsi4211
    @lonsi4211 Месяц назад +51

    "It's so messy and I'm living for it"

  • @krissybell76
    @krissybell76 Месяц назад +32

    I’m 100% Team MK. You don’t get to ghost someone and then dictate how they react once you see them again.

  • @ruich3n
    @ruich3n Месяц назад +66

    1000% on the youngjoon myeongkyun dissection. myeongkyun questioning youngjoon’s “sincerity/being real on the show” definitely stems from youngjoon being SUPER conscious about what others thought about their ‘relationship’ even though myeongkyun’s perception was that youngjoon held no significance towards what they had that enabled him to ghost myeongkyun for months. and myeongkyun told youngjoon that he didn’t care what others thought when confronted by youngjoon the first few times abt when/how/where to tell the rest because of this belief in a “it wasn’t a big deal to him, so it shouldn’t be a big deal to me too” way.

    • @ruich3n
      @ruich3n Месяц назад +11

      that aside, i do think shading youngjoon on blast was a complete asshole move by myeongkyun. but for their argument afterwards, i believe youngjoon’s frustration piled on throughout the episode being expressed all at once made myeongkyun extra closed off. so it was harder on myeongkyun to express his hurt and his thought process which youngjoon found frustrating and wanted him to get to the point and answer his questions straightforwardly..

    • @heykay5610
      @heykay5610 Месяц назад +8

      @@ruich3n It was pretty bad to have that question about YJ being read out, but I dont think MK meant for his question to be public, since the producer's instructions said all of their questions would be "guaranteed anonymous". I'd have thought that meant the questions would be handed to the guys separately, like how they handed private letters to the season 2 guys and noone knew what was written. Who knows. They're both kindof innocent, and just shouldn't try to be friends, their minds just work too differently.

    • @ruich3n
      @ruich3n Месяц назад +1

      @@heykay5610 that’s an interesting take! i didn’t think of that but if that was what myeongkyun assumed about the anonymous letter i can see how he would decide to write that. but yes i agree that they’re just two people who are wired differently which led to this situation happening and being exposed on a public dating show, i feel bad for them considering the hate they’re getting online because of this rn

    • @positivepumpkin
      @positivepumpkin Месяц назад +4

      Let's be real if someone was peeved at your mere existence for days, I'd feel like I don't owe you an answer either! I'd feel your coldness is uncalled for! Youngjoon is sending mixed signals here and can't put aside his pride for peace.

    • @camambar8610
      @camambar8610 Месяц назад +1

      @@positivepumpkinmk’s issue might be his ego, its hard for him to see Joon happy after showing a sad side when they where together 4 years ago. On the past, Mk took Joon’s attraction for granted and didn’t value this till YoungJoon decided to move on from their fling. NOW they are on a show where Mk did something out of line. That is chasing after Joon even tho’ the other part is clearly avoiding him since the other asked him to not tell anyone about his past.

  • @gaiza9324
    @gaiza9324 Месяц назад +59

    lol the minseon pose on the thumbnail

  • @marieschmidt1262
    @marieschmidt1262 Месяц назад +53

    As someone who has been ghosted by an ex, I completely empathizes with Myeong-kyun!
    I felt my heart drop, when I realised what had happened, because I know exactly how heart breaking, confusing and devestating it is. It can completly change who you are as a person, your self esteem and trust in others (it litterally made me spiral into a depression). It took me almost a decade to move past it, before I was actually ready to give someone else a chance or more correctly: To give myself a chance. But in that time, I was basically just sitting around waiting for him to return to me, just like he said he would, when he left and stopped replying. And every once in a while I tried texting him, hoping this would be the time he would respond - but he never did.
    And so I understand Myeong-kyun's "need" to give those non-responsive answers to whatever Young-joon is asking him and asking of him. In short, he doesn't think Young-joon deserves clearity just like that. He's to some extent trying to get back at him for not answering his questions at that time. It may seem petty, frustrating and confusing, but it's a way for him to shield himself from the pain Young-joon cost him in the first place, and it's also a way for him to keep his power, despite probably knowing that Young-joon still has that power over him.
    I hope Myeong-kyun at some point becomes brave enough to let his guard down, so they can actually talk it through. Not necessarily for them to get together, but for him to heal and perhaps for Young-joon to learn something too and grow as a person.

    • @kiritsu79
      @kiritsu79 Месяц назад

      i feel the same way, i've been ghosted too by an ex who couldn't cal ourselves boyfriends and after a good morning msg he block me, after months he got into the same college and course i was previously studying, it was such a stressful experiencing trying to get to know why he did that, but no answer, sometimes we just need to move on and attach ourselves to our self steen, as little as it may be, so i totally get MyungGyun, he's angry and hurt and getting carried alway by time, he needed to experience this to heal this wound this whole misunderstanding opened up, it's always the short and hottest guys who does that to us

  • @shreyasharma1101
    @shreyasharma1101 Месяц назад +30

    I don't know about chemistry, but mk and minseon friendship and comfort with each other as of right now is so sweet

    • @unasasmr
      @unasasmr Месяц назад +1

      Hard agree

  • @eggs1249
    @eggs1249 Месяц назад +54

    the boyfriend is crazy.. looking forward to yalls recaps on that, one day

    • @ilincatope3551
      @ilincatope3551 Месяц назад +4


    • @kiritsu79
      @kiritsu79 Месяц назад

      tbh not even close to this season of hisman, there's just shirtless men there

    • @ace_1998
      @ace_1998 Месяц назад +2

      ​@@kiritsu79 No. Watching shun and dai is like watching a drama. And all the men seems to be fun too

    • @kiritsu79
      @kiritsu79 Месяц назад +1

      @@ace_1998 shun and dai it's just a worse and more annoying situation than SeongMin's whole drama, with the lack of multiple variables, it's not entertaining to watch someone change up his mind ignoring his feelings for literally no reason

    • @ace_1998
      @ace_1998 Месяц назад +1

      @@kiritsu79 I don't think it's for no reason. Shun's been hurt in the past so it's more like a battle between heart and mind, so he doesn't which to listen to

  • @jonnn6931
    @jonnn6931 Месяц назад +16

    To summary episode 8 in a few words, “I bring, I bring, all the dramamamama! Dramamamama with my girls in the back, girls in the back! Drama!”
    Well, to me, I think the secret is that Meongkhyun (which he said is his weakness) is that he’s still in love with, or have feelings for, or still likes Youngjoon. Cause he said he was happy to see Youngjoon but was so hurt that he ignored him!
    This was all crazy and I lived for it!

  • @shadowlikekoo
    @shadowlikekoo Месяц назад +62

    tbh this yj and mk drama saved the season

    • @Amylian4
      @Amylian4 Месяц назад +5

      No cuz u are so right

    • @Amylian4
      @Amylian4 Месяц назад

      No cuz u are so right

    • @Amylian4
      @Amylian4 Месяц назад

      No cuz u are so right

    • @theaolivia6989
      @theaolivia6989 Месяц назад +4

      for me definitely, i just like their drama

    • @manale9366
      @manale9366 Месяц назад +1

      The drama Is interessting. But I also like the other guys and what they have going on…so I disagree

  • @theaolivia6989
    @theaolivia6989 Месяц назад +18

    41:20 from the whole conversation, the reason YJ not text MK back.
    This on off things happened a few time, MK is okey in "situationship" because for him if it up until the point i am not talking to other people, and only focus on you, they already dating in his head. (He can't verbally said it, because maybe it's to cheese for him) 😂😂
    But for YJ perspective, oh this one again, contact me again, to getting closer and having fun again, but will never committed to me, will never ask me to be his boyfriend, so he reached his boiling point, and cut him completely ( of course is wrong for YJ, that he never actually talk about it to MK, he just make up in his mind, MK never serious about him)
    But i can understand both of their perspective

  • @marienefelimathy182
    @marienefelimathy182 Месяц назад +28

    Yet again, a Korean tv reality show that screams the importance of having good communication.
    Can’t wait to see where all of this is goingggg
    Genuinely have no idea of how this show will end at this point lmao

    • @taylove1461
      @taylove1461 Месяц назад +1

      Fr 😭 the communication is not there at allll

  • @nehayadav772
    @nehayadav772 Месяц назад +29

    you are right, if Yungjoon wasn't getting answer, he could have clarified his won feelings towards MK. why he was insisting that MK tells whether he has feelings for him? does he low-key want MG to have still feelings for him. I have lots of thoughts about this fight, but let's wait for final episodes. It would be interesting to see whether we understood their inner feelings rightly or not. it's classic case. and very unique convo

  • @irakulkarni5445
    @irakulkarni5445 Месяц назад +58

    But if youngjun genuinely dislikes meongkhyun, why would he say that if he still has feelings for him, he'll think about it??😭

    • @mothicbeauty
      @mothicbeauty Месяц назад +7

      I think he was trying to negotiate/get MK to cooperate & just talk to him

    • @irakulkarni5445
      @irakulkarni5445 Месяц назад +19

      @@mothicbeauty idkkk.. I think yj is still trying to figure out what he himself feels

    • @Theoneandonlybish
      @Theoneandonlybish Месяц назад +7

      Nah i dont think so cuz he also said why are you ignoring me and a few minuts later he said leave me alone😭e​@@mothicbeauty

    • @sheilaajiambo9675
      @sheilaajiambo9675 Месяц назад

      He doesn't dislike him infact he has feelings for myoungkyun

  • @sarahlouise4606
    @sarahlouise4606 Месяц назад +17

    I think the “secret” is ghosting and that they had an actual romantic relationship because they still didn’t tell the guys that they actually had a situationship, obviously the guys picked up on the hints because it was clear but Youngjoon and Myeongkun didn’t say the actual words.
    And Youngjoon is so scared of the guys in the house and the audience knowing about the ghosting because when they talked about it, he said “yeah we stopped contacting each other, you sent me some messages and I didn’t answer and you should’ve known that it was over” he tried to put the situation in a lighter way and never used the word ghosting. Myeongkun spilled the tea in the talking head and used the word ghosting but Youngjoon doesn’t know that he did it, that’s why Myeongkun said “I feel like you’re trying to control me” in the sense that Youngjoon was trying to control what he says or doesn’t say about the ghosting because, as you two said, who would want to date a person that does ghosting? Hanmin seems like a good communicator, I’m sure that piece of information would turn him off

    • @positivepumpkin
      @positivepumpkin Месяц назад +3

      Always a surprise when ghosters don't think they'll be found out! With the community being small, I'd be shocked you wouldn't have the reputation of being a ghoster! It does seem like Youngjoon is trying to "PR" the situation so that he doesn't have a bad reputation with the men. Myeongkun isn't doing anything to him, yet Youngjoon is insecure and then lasting out at Myeongkun. Don't get me wrong, dating a Myeongkun would likely be frustrating since he won't talk it out or tell you how he really feels. But Youngjoon, man, let the guy breathe. You're coming on so hot that the guy can't get this thoughts out cause he's afraid of your explosiveness! Angry Youngjoon seems like he'd be scary!

  • @Princessyoku
    @Princessyoku Месяц назад +12

    The way MK said that the "secret" would hurt him, i thought that the secret was that MK still really likes YJ

    • @Theoneandonlybish
      @Theoneandonlybish Месяц назад +3

      Yea definetly i feel yj knows and wants him to say it for whatever reason

  • @jungersrules
    @jungersrules Месяц назад +18

    I don’t watch reality dating shows because I’m a zero drama gal. I confess I only watch your recaps of HM3 and not the show itself because you guys are just so fun to watch. I discovered HM2 like just last month, and started watching the episodes where the JSH couple were taking off. I then watched your recaps of that season, and only then did I slowly watch from the start. At this point I’m more interested in knowing more about Adam and RJ, lol.

    • @manale9366
      @manale9366 Месяц назад +1

      Drama is the best thing ever lol

    • @positivepumpkin
      @positivepumpkin Месяц назад +2

      I totally agree, tuned into His Man originally because it seemed like a dating show that was more about love than drama. If we wanted a full blown out dating drama show, we'd watch the Bachelor franchise on repeat! Less a fan of these season than last season! Nothing will beat JSH's chemistry, I get that, but doesn't mean the drama needs be instigated by production!

    • @jungersrules
      @jungersrules Месяц назад +1

      @@positivepumpkin Sadly, I'm the type of person that needs to know the end results before I'll watch something. So, I was hoping for a JSH type of connection this season, but seems like the usual drama filled reality dating show.

    • @manale9366
      @manale9366 Месяц назад

      @@jungersrulesit’s still way less tame then a drama reality show. It’s Korean after all. Every season is different. This season has more drama, the last ones didn’t that much. But I still like them all for what they are….fun to watch

  • @ChimmysMoodlamp
    @ChimmysMoodlamp Месяц назад +16

    Just woke up from the dead (a nap) and you finally posted a recap. I'VE BEEN WAITING😂😂😂😂😂 i needed to kiki kaka with yall
    "One person who likes you and he DOES NOT CARE" Say it louder so Youngjoon can hear you back in Seoul 😭😭 i too wanted to pull him to the side and be like baby shh.
    Hanmin too is slowly becoming my favourite too😂, hes all smiles and no judgement and i love that
    I agree with Adam. I would have played knowing Myeongkun from the beginning. Like hardy ha ha look who it is

  • @unasasmr
    @unasasmr Месяц назад +13

    Rewatching these episodes I realised how hostile Youngjoon was towards MK from the beginning and yeah I don’t vibe with it, I really felt for MK during these episodes.

    @DARYND Месяц назад +7

    I think Myumgkyun's secret is that he still likes Youngjoon and he's keeping it a "secret" because he thinks saying it will give Youngjoon the upper hand, and obviously he can't do that because he's hurt by the ghosting. Youngjoon is pissed because he thinks he did nothing wrong - in his mind he ghosted a guy he liked who was not interested in dating him. YJ doesn't understand why this person he likes who doesn't want to date him is teasing him, he doesn't understand why MK is not being open with him, he has no idea that he hurt MK or what the secret is and every time he asks MK a question he basically gets completely ignored and so gets more and more frustrated the harder he tries to resolve the issue.

  • @saarahfallil
    @saarahfallil Месяц назад +18

    The whole conversation between yj and mk got me soo frustrated. cuz yj just couldnt keep quiet and mk was too chill. I feel mk is slightly petty. and yj just gets irritated by anything mk does. both needs a sit down i think theyll do that next episode.

  • @TheMissCareless
    @TheMissCareless Месяц назад +7

    You guys are so right! Especially about the part where I also think YJ lowkey knows he did wrong by ghosting MK and that’s why he gets so agitated and defensive. And I do agree with MK feeling like YJ is trying to control him from the start; YJ’s personality is the type to make plans in general and he gets frustrated when things doesn’t go according to plan. So that’s why even in the initial conversation with MK, YJ keep trying to steer the conversation to the result that he wants (aka tell everyone asap even though MK said he preferred saying it the next day when everyone is together. He just continues to circle around this until MK would give him the answer he wants to hear)

  • @gaiza9324
    @gaiza9324 Месяц назад +12

    just finished watching the eps and kiki with my favorite guncles was very much needed thank you

  • @shanemadkour
    @shanemadkour Месяц назад +5

    divas... you come to me as long lost friends on a stormy night. I have been looking forward to this recap since the SECOND i viewed this stellar piece of media. I have not felt as alive as I did watching episode 8 of His Man Season 3 in YEARS!! you literally hit every point I was pontificating upon but at the end of the day... it was SO entertaining so literally who cares. when youngjoon said "I fucking HATE you" in a room full of people ???!?!??!?!?! PEOPLE DIED!!!! I love u guys so much u are the highlight of my weeks thank u so much for ur service

  • @Jangwlo
    @Jangwlo Месяц назад +4

    Hanmin was the angel of the season in these two episodes 😭 hes become my fav

  • @AsHiFa-2521
    @AsHiFa-2521 Месяц назад +13

    His man ep 8 was basically exchange 😂

  • @theaolivia6989
    @theaolivia6989 Месяц назад +6

    I believe we will never fully understand what or where YJ-MK attitude come from..
    It's 2 years of history for them from 2020 - 2022 according to YJ tiktok account. The misunderstanding, the hurt both of them cause to each other, can't be easily brush to the side.

  • @ilidog
    @ilidog Месяц назад +5

    After watching The Boyfriend, I think His Man should start evolving into that. Not necessarily copy, but especially the amount of time the men are there needs to be extended and the men can kind of live their everyday lives while still being in the house. So sometimes not everyone will be there at once. And the reason I think that is not only to get more time with these men, but so the men don’t feel so pressured to find a partner in 8 days. As someone who lived in Korea, couples do form quickly so I get it. But the men actually get time to build relationships and figure everything out rather than put in this like InstaPot where they have to find their future husband tomorrow. And then production won’t have to get as involved because the drama will just happen naturally.

    • @beetaeil6204
      @beetaeil6204 Месяц назад +4

      funny I had the opposite thought when I watched the Boyfriend, I think it needs a bit more production to get things moving. It seems like asian culture kinda pushes passivity, so especially for asian shows its okay for the scenarios to be purposefully set up, it's the reaction to their predicament that makes reality shows fun.

  • @saltoftheegg
    @saltoftheegg Месяц назад +1

    I cried actual tears when Seungjin got no one in his chat room. Girl, I've been there.

  • @auburnmorrow
    @auburnmorrow Месяц назад +5

    I think producers DO force the exes on a date based on the preview 😅 And I'm so curious how Minseon and Hamin react to the drama and if they'll talk to other guys, but halfway through the show, I'm not sure what new situations could spark

  • @vivelmoralesmateo8101
    @vivelmoralesmateo8101 13 дней назад

    One of the reasons I liked The Boyfriend more this year, is because I think the conversations are more respectful and mature, for example in that show something similar to the MK and Youngjoo situation happened, where Alan and Dai had a past relationship and they met again on the show, but they are so honest and they both get along wonderfully, in fact they are my favorite contestants.

  • @rashenraan9576
    @rashenraan9576 Месяц назад +2

    YJ said in the beginning of their chat yr b4 that MK was interesting of a relationship, after hearing him said that started distancing himself so MK can have a hint that he was not interested too. MK's ego was hurt bcz YJ did not play by his rules and he can't accept it. YJ is playing civil by asking Mk if he is ok to say they know each other to others but MK doesn't like to see how YJ is different and expressive with Hanmin

  • @jungersrules
    @jungersrules Месяц назад +2

    Anyone watch "His Man Season 2: Boy's Trip"? They all get together to have a 2 day/1 night stay mini trip. They play games and visit/talk, celebrate (at the time) JSH's 300 days together. Someone here on YT has loaded it up.

  • @piggybackjikook6226
    @piggybackjikook6226 Месяц назад +19

    I was totally on myeongkyun's side by the end of ep 8 so watching your patreon reaction to the conversation was soo validating. mk summed the whole thing up when he said that if yj couldn't answer him for months he shouldn't expect mk to answer him in a much shorter amount of time. the way that yj acted towards mk leading up to this conversation was so rude for literally no reason, like the way he responded when mk said they had similar alcohol tolerance was completely childish and uncalled for. he's insistent on announcing to everyone that they know each other but wants to pretend like he doesn't know anything about him? bullshit. I don't think any of these guys are bad people and I hate the way some of the audience take things overboard and start diagnosing contestants but I definitely care less about yj's journey on this show after that fight and telling mk he hates him.

    • @unasasmr
      @unasasmr Месяц назад +6

      Thank you for validating my feelings as well

    • @munashe5861
      @munashe5861 Месяц назад +2

      Well there's clearly a reason Youngjoon is acting this way. I'm not saying he has a right to be rude towards Myeongkyun, at all. We know that the ghosting itself really hurt Myeongkyun, but we don't know how hurt Youngjoon was to get to the point of ghosting him.

    • @piggybackjikook6226
      @piggybackjikook6226 Месяц назад +6

      @@munashe5861 from my perspective he didn't really come off as having been hurt by mk since he's saying things along the lines of "what did I ever even promise you to make you think I'd want to be with you/come back to you eventually?". but even if it is the case that he felt that way in the past then why doesn't he say that? instead he's just pushing mk to say they didn't really have anything and then agreeing with him about that. obviously it's possible things could be edited out and maybe we'll find that out next week but from where I was sitting all the things he was saying seemed like he didn't really care that much about whatever he had going on with mk at the time and decided to stop communicating because he wasn't invested.

  • @sherryanderson3750
    @sherryanderson3750 Месяц назад +2

    YJ is not interested in MK because YJ places emphasis on being educated and MK gives the appearance that he is a pretty face but "the lights are off"

  • @ananyasubramani4596
    @ananyasubramani4596 Месяц назад +10

    Did y'all hear, Juwon and Seokyung also got back together lmaoooo. Also, I have some tea about Myungkyun post-show filming but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone lol.
    Edit: Also, I know people might not want to talk about it because it's a negative vibe, but Jeonghyun (aka 'chaos twink') from Season 1 said on a livestream that a contestant on His Man 3 kept DMing him despite him being underage at the time and communicating that clearly. He even said it got so bad that he had to block him or something similar.

    • @unasasmr
      @unasasmr Месяц назад +1


    • @ananyasubramani4596
      @ananyasubramani4596 Месяц назад +2

      @@unasasmr Yes Juwon confirmed on his RUclips channel (@ownwid) in the latest Q&A video.

    • @shadowlikekoo
      @shadowlikekoo Месяц назад +4

      bro at this point everyone is back with their ex from s3. i really didn't like how small the gaps were btw their breakups and joining the show, so I kinda expected this.

    • @SocialMyst
      @SocialMyst Месяц назад

      Wait does anyone know who the guy could be?? Probably not the younger ones since they’re just stepping into 20s

    • @ananyasubramani4596
      @ananyasubramani4596 Месяц назад +1

      @@SocialMyst Don't want to speculate (and Jeonghyun probably couldn't say anything because of Korea's defamation laws), but don't want to kept it swept under the rug either like a lot of the His Man 3 fandom seems to be doing (along with some crazzzyy victim blaming).

  • @Trivial_delineations
    @Trivial_delineations Месяц назад +5

    Guys, wanna recommend you the taiwanese version of his man called "boys like boys". just finished the entire season yesterday night and lemme tell, the show delivered. do give it a try and hopefully a future review.

  • @tati2660
    @tati2660 Месяц назад +5

    The guys should not be called narcissists, I'm so sorry for unreasonable hate they receive.
    But I understand the general response of the audience to this season, season 2 was magical, most people love to see LOVE and how the guys literally became good friends while filming, they set the bar very high. Even the messy situations of that season were quickly resolved and the person struggling was always comforted. It just all worked out during such a little time, like a miracle
    It's not the fault of His Man 3 cast that they did not bond that much, in my opinion. I'm sure they are all kind and amazing people. But as a viewer who can enjoy a little mess, it appears to be just mess here, and no romance to compensate for it😢 Again, not the guys' fault. 7 days is not enough time and the stress is so high
    Hope all the issues will get resolved and they became friends (and that we get a happy couple in the end)

  • @Hoefortaegikook
    @Hoefortaegikook Месяц назад +1

    I’m sorry but I can’t help but smile every time I see the moabong behind you 😭

  • @oliviagarcia4326
    @oliviagarcia4326 Месяц назад +7

    Yess I want a the boyfriend recapppppp

  • @MealineN
    @MealineN Месяц назад +5

    I see YJoon and MyeongKyun chemistry but YJoon is a ghoster and he don't want to know all people that he is a ghoster.. and don't want to ruin he's image..and yelling and banging the table in front of Mk and even cursing MK Literally...

  • @kabelo2
    @kabelo2 Месяц назад +13

    I have a lot of thoughts about that conversation because i could feel the frustration younjoon felt and also, myeongkyun flirts like a 9th grader. When he randomly started shooting youngjoon with a water gun?? 😭😭

  • @annihunni
    @annihunni Месяц назад +3

    I’ve been waiting for this video since I finished watching the episode 😭

  • @judithferguson5718
    @judithferguson5718 Месяц назад

    I love you two. I hope you continue. I love your humor too.

  • @LinhMel
    @LinhMel Месяц назад +1

    I think MK did offend YJ's ego in the past. YJ confessed that MK did not clarify their relationship, he think they were not in a relationship and he did not feel the love from MK so YJ got away from MK. From MK's side, MK seems not realize that, it's obvious that MK had feeling and emotion to YJ but YJ did not feel the same. The way of showing their love are so different and that made them misunderstood each other. I think if they can pass this obstacle, they will become an interesting couple however it will not happen. Now I root for Hanmin and YJ because they are perfectly matched.

  • @manale9366
    @manale9366 Месяц назад +4

    I really like this season, I find it crazy that people complain so much, cause they don’t like drama. I even saw people say they found this season boring cause of the drama. And I’m like ?? How is drama boring? Have people never watched reality shows? I get that people love season 2 so much (let’s be real mostly cause of sungho and Jungseong) but why can’t people just enjoy this show (they also complained about season 1) I also loved season 2 and the ship, but not every season is going to have that. I find all 3 seasons entertaining and great. The boys are great tho. It’s not fair to them at all. And I always root for a ship either away. Season 1 it was changbin and jeoyseong (I don’t remember his name correctly) last season ofc our endgame ship and this season I like hanmin and yoonjoon. But finding love in 8 days is not that likely. Doesn’t make it scripted or not fun to watch. That’s how reality tv/ datingshows are.

  • @munashe5861
    @munashe5861 Месяц назад +13

    Oh I've been WAITING for this one. Okay girls let's talk. I am sitting firmly on team Youngjoon. I hear you both but I feel like you're not taking into account how their history hurt Youngjoon. I am making assumptions about their past but I know types like Myeongkyun. Youngjoon says several times that he felt, all throughout their time together, Myeongkyun didn't reciprocate much back to him. For a person like Youngjoon who will clearly give their whole self to a relationship, (and fairly quickly), when you feel like you don't get anything back, it really hurts. Then when he decides to stop putting energy into a person who doesn't want to put energy into him, all of a sudden they start acting super interested. It can feel very manipulative, it can feel very "It's too late." It can feel very, "I'm just tired of questioning how you feel about me.
    And then we get into the communication styles. Something tells me that versions of this conversation have played out several times in their situationship and has left Youngjoon more and more frustrated and it bubbled up to this point, but as an audience this is the only part of that we see. Myeongkyun is a frustrating person to communicate with. I communicate similarly to Youngjoon, were at a certain point of miscommunication, I just need everything to be ironed out as quickly as possible. Is it the prettiest thing in the world? No. But can you imagine every time you hint at defining a relationship with someone, not only do you feel like they don't even like you, they can't even articulate that to you. So your mind is just left to run in circles on its own.
    Youngjoon was tired of his BS then and he's tired of it now. Now he has new feelings for someone and this shadow of the past keeps following him around, being the same kind aloof as before but now you're stuck in a house with him where he keeps doing annoying little stuff. PLUS saying you're being disingenuous possibly threatening the new relationship you want to have. And all because what? Because you stopped answering his texts?
    Youngjoon clearly didn't want it to come to this, (which is why he kept pushing Myeongkyun at the beginning), and he knows that he will be seen as the antagonist for what's going on. But his feelings and frustrations are completely valid in my eyes and I see how everything led to this point.

  • @HobiLove794
    @HobiLove794 Месяц назад +3

    I initially thought he chose the name Adam because Adam is the first man, as in “I came before anyone else . . . I ‘knew’ Youngjoon first.”

  • @GLKim95
    @GLKim95 Месяц назад +2

    I think the translations weren't 100% accurate because based off Youngjoon and Myeongyun's conversation outside vs their behind solo talks (not subbed), it seemed like they never were a "thing" or 썸. More like they were just talking as acquaintances and from the vibe then, Youngjoon just felt there was no sign of wanting a relationship so he didnt think there was a need for closure for the situation since there was nothing. but in Myungyun's head, he thought that he expressed his feelings, but not explicitly as he is very beat around the bush type. Myungyun even said it wasn't a "thing" to Youngjoon when they were talking outside. But YES, they both need to work on communication.

  • @ms-oi4gc
    @ms-oi4gc Месяц назад +4


  • @wishonamoonbeam
    @wishonamoonbeam Месяц назад +6

    So Junseong and Seongho (season 2) did a commentary video on episode 1 & 2 and they said that there is a couple from this season who are still together a year later. Also Seongho did one of the guys makeup for episode 1.

    • @sarahlouise4606
      @sarahlouise4606 Месяц назад +1

      wait really??? can you guess from their video who the couple could be? like based on junseongho’s reactions or small hints? 😯

    • @manale9366
      @manale9366 Месяц назад

      What? They can spoil? Also the show was a year ago? I thought a couple months

    • @Theoneandonlybish
      @Theoneandonlybish Месяц назад +4

      No they said they hoped whoever got together stays together

    • @sudiptajabinchowdhury7882
      @sudiptajabinchowdhury7882 Месяц назад

      umm.. i think you misunderstood. they didn't say there is a couple, they hoped for a couple who would last longer.

  • @JorgeoftheCity
    @JorgeoftheCity Месяц назад +3

    I feel like I have to defend YJ because the only explanation that has been given about the ending of the relationship is from MK. MK said he was ghosted and was hurt, so automatically everyone assumes YJ was the bad person. What if YJ had a different experience? What if YJ was chasing MK during their flirting and MK was the one that was aloof and avoiding communication? Given what MK has shown on His Man, this is a reasonable possibility. YJ was embarrassed to see MK because he chased MK and MK didn't reciprocate enough so finally, for YJs own sake YJ decided to cut off all communication? If you were YJ's friend, would you say " wow don't ghost him, keep him as a friend " or " finally, stop chasing someone that doesn't give you what you need and move on"?
    Now MK shows up and YJ thinks, wow, I tried so hard to get over this guy and now I have to spend a week locked in a house with him. As YJ is showing interest in Hanmin, MK continues to show interest in YJ and act like they are old friends when in YJ's mind, MK is a guy that kept stringing him along but wouldn't commit. That would be really irritating to YJ so he loses his cool. I know some people will think this is fanfic, but I think this is a possibility and we won't know until we hear YJ's version of the relationship. Is YJ too worried about his tv persona- yes- but he does work in the industry so he does recognize that any negative view of him could hurt his business. Hanmin seems to have a very good awareness of people and he is spending the most time with YJ, so I am going to trust that Hanmin's judgment of YJ is more accurate than the perception the editors and producers have given us of YJ. Maybe I will be wrong, but if he were a bad person, why would everyone else in the house seem to have a good relationship with him?
    I still think the ones to worry about are Hwi and Minseon because there are young and sensitive and it is looking more and more like they are the ones that will get their hearts broken at the end.

    • @TheAmpliverse
      @TheAmpliverse  Месяц назад +3

      to be clear, we don’t think youngjoon is a bad person! i don’t think people nearly fit into boxes like good or bad generally. hope that’s not how our conversation came across!

    • @JorgeoftheCity
      @JorgeoftheCity Месяц назад +1

      @@TheAmpliverse nope it didn't. I still don't believe MK is as innocent as he is portraying himself in this situation. If I don't want to talk to you and I don't want to share my feelings with you, I don't keep following you around and pestering you and going off to talk with you. I avoid you. This whole episode probably demonstrates the communication between YJ and MK throughout their whole situationship- YJ doing too much and MK doing too little.

    • @AskMe-fl2sm
      @AskMe-fl2sm Месяц назад

      @@JorgeoftheCitythen why is yj asking mk about relationship reveal? Yj should have greeted him normally & tell the truth to others on what their relationship is.

    • @JorgeoftheCity
      @JorgeoftheCity Месяц назад +2

      @@AskMe-fl2sm because they were meeting on a television show and YJ knows MK is an actor and wants to be courteous of the way they are both portrayed. How would YJ know how much MK wanted to reveal without asking him? YJ stated more than once that he didn't want to say things about their relationship that could be regretted later by MK. I didnt take that as any threat, I took that as someone who works in social media being protective of his image. Was YJ on edge at their first meeting, yes. Was he on edge because of fear of being outed as ghosting someone, I still don't believe that. Lets see what the next few episodes show and get more info.

    • @AskMe-fl2sm
      @AskMe-fl2sm Месяц назад +1

      @@JorgeoftheCity why does relationship reveal is even matter? Mk literally said he doesn’t care & doesn’t even need to say anything.
      The way u can’t even see the problem that yj approaching mk regarding this issue makes me think that u gonna defend yj even if he slaps mk by saying “yj has right to commit bcz mk is not answering to him”.
      Why should mk even need to answer to yj demanding question? Go support yj all u want but calling saying that yj respects mk is so laughable

  • @girlnextdoor0703
    @girlnextdoor0703 Месяц назад +1

    What’s crazy is I’m sure the casting people went through these guys instas to make sure there were no big red flags, and probably saw the couple vids they did together and noticed there weren’t any recent vids. They probably 100% knew M was his ex-whatever and figured it’d be good for some drama. They were right! Them boys are messy messy.

  • @HayleyB-p6y
    @HayleyB-p6y Месяц назад

    as a person who isn't watching the show with you, just watching your recaps, this new side of Myungkyun was so interesting. It has seemed like Youngjoon was way more bothered from the get go, but the sneakyness is so interesting!

  • @fabianofkb8089
    @fabianofkb8089 Месяц назад +3

    I think I'll have to get back to this recap and watch it all over again - it is this good.
    You should definitely watch "The Boyfriend" when you guys have the time. Latest episodes are particularly juicy. A different flavor of drama but still DRA..MA.

  • @Callmewhatever.
    @Callmewhatever. Месяц назад +2

    I look forward to these every week

  • @niczyjeBL
    @niczyjeBL Месяц назад +1

    I absolutely love Adam's hairdo in this ep

    • @TheAmpliverse
      @TheAmpliverse  Месяц назад +1

      that’s what happens to my hair in the humid summer lmfao

    • @SocialMyst
      @SocialMyst Месяц назад

      @@TheAmpliversethe little side curl is so cute tho!!

  • @downbad-c1j
    @downbad-c1j Месяц назад +4

    I still on Youngjoon side in here like i will scream at people who told me i have dirt but when i talk to them they just give nothing, if you hurt by me just said what where when u hurt and maybe i can apologize?

  • @AnaLuisa-vj5fo
    @AnaLuisa-vj5fo Месяц назад +15

    I completely understand your POV, but having had a similar experience with a guy who was avoidant, I get YJ and his frustration. MK wouldnt stop teasing him and even going as far as trying to make him look bad to the others with that anonymous message, and when he finally confronts him, hes suddenly quiet? YJ tried so hard to push some answers out of him but got NOTHING, and only when MK is alone with Minseon does he actually open up... I get that YJ ghosted you, but if you cant trust him to open up then why bother to even mess with him in the first place?
    YJ is worried because he's suddenly on TV with a potential guy he likes and doesnt want missunderstandings to happen. MK is literally lying about having a big secret of his and its so damn childish I get YJs frustration bcs if someone threatened me on TV with a lie just bcs they are still bitter I ghosted them MONTHS ago yeah you're a manchild for SURE.
    At the end of the day we dont know the full story and YJ could have dealt with it all better. He's clearly a hot-headed person who overthinks a lot. Still, I can understand where he's coming from and hope to see them make up in the next episodes!

  • @feikepynket3790
    @feikepynket3790 Месяц назад +9

    i mean yess youngjoon was being snappy but like i get him myeonkyun was getting on my nervess but like i'm sure they're both awsome people tho i think they both were in the right and in the wrong

  • @Simplebadger27
    @Simplebadger27 Месяц назад +1

    I don’t know about y’all but I expect everyone on my reality shows to be perfect and have absolutely no flaws and never do anything questionable or dramatic /s
    I also really hope that Myeong Kyun and Young Joon can get some resolution on the show. I don’t think they should end up together but I do want them to leave with some closure.

  • @unasasmr
    @unasasmr Месяц назад +8

    Just a little correction : youngjoon introduced the word secret in the conversation

  • @maame255
    @maame255 Месяц назад +1

    YJ’s anger mad sense to me… MK was being secretive and indirect all the time, It’s so obvious that MK is literally obsessed with YJ, YJ cut ties with him ghosted him or whatever but like they said they never actually dated, so MK should have gotten over him already, leave the past behind and move forward… didn’t he came in HM3 for that purpose?? Or is he here to “still” pursue YJ and make things messy for both of them… I hope he finds the right path at the end and get things clear with YJ.

  • @hkpoker4298
    @hkpoker4298 Месяц назад

    Adam M.D. giving us a whole diagnosis in this recap

  • @joyvincent4278
    @joyvincent4278 Месяц назад +1

    The issue: miscommunication
    Because the backstory is :
    Youngjun-: to him,he wanted a serious relationship with Mk(yes, there was flirting basically the talking stage)but through that he felt mk was not looking for something serious ,so he decided to cut him off,instead of having a conversation with mk . He didn’t see the need to block him or delete their videos because it was not a ‘bad breakup’ , there was no hate or dislike or argument.it was just a matter to ‘let go’ to him and that was what he did instead to talking to mk at that time .
    MK -: same thing , they were in talking stage ,in is head they were already dating ‘probably without popping the question directly or whatnot’.
    Now the issue of coming to the show , mk is SUBCONSCIOUS trying to be in YJ face without home even knowing especially when he found out abt hanmin . Because I remember one of the interviews he said ‘HE is YJ type not Hanmin, why will YJ go for Hanmin’ .
    YJ wants to be open about their connection but at first MK said no, YJ took into consideration that he is already in d house before and he does not want to stand in his way of making connections with other people but this days Mk is acting like he wasn’t the one who said not to say anything.
    What I see here is simple. They both like each other,but didnot communicate their feeling well leading both of them getting hurt by each other actions (YJ feeling hurt that he was getting played, then letting go and MK feeling hurt because YJ let go and ignored him).
    …….that’s my take from the situation

  • @Carly-ys7vv
    @Carly-ys7vv Месяц назад +8

    Hard agree on the audience response discussion! I’m not really watching this season cause I was not hooked the first 2/3 episodes, but I see a lot of clips on my TikTok feed and I listen to these episodes so I know what y’all are talking about. But I see the same thing happening with the Japanese show The Boyfriend. People thinking they can judge these guys based on who they’re liking/showing interest in and then getting mad when it’s different from the ship they’re rooting for as if they’re not real human beings instead of fictional tv characters. It honestly pisses me off that those are the only TikTok videos and comments I’m seeing.

    • @manale9366
      @manale9366 Месяц назад

      This season is so good, you are missing out

  • @moyosorebusari
    @moyosorebusari Месяц назад +2

    I've been waiting for you guys😂😂

  • @user-ru9or3xo1d
    @user-ru9or3xo1d Месяц назад +2

    For all the people who get angry at anyone from the program. What are you doing? Do you think yourselves are perfect? You are all acting like it is a strange thing for a misunderstanding or miscommunication to happen between people. Everything I see in this season is an example of what could happen between normal people in their daily lives,
    and here you are calling their feelings a drama then are we not also living our lives in drama?. Anyone who calls it a drama is a red flag. You are trying to appear perfect and that y'all have never had a misunderstanding or miscommunication.
    You're really acting as though you've never experienced getting angry, mixed emotions, emotional confusion, or feeling overwhelmed by your feelings. You're making judgments about people's behaviors based on only one week.
    And you are trying to villainize any of them in any way possible for making mistakes, then we are all villains.
    You can sympathize with each of these eight 8 boys and see things from each of them's point of view without being angry at any of them because we all do things that are not perfect and make mistakes, especially under pressure, and this is very normal unless you are not human. It seems that you people have lost your sympathy for each other and are busy pretending to be perfect. Grow up, people

  • @jayayyy2878
    @jayayyy2878 Месяц назад +1

    We haven’t heard Yougjoon side of his relationship with MK. YJ knows Mk probably still likes him but wants to hear MK say it himself but MK isn’t coming forward which really bother YJ.

  • @reniguima
    @reniguima Месяц назад +15

    So interesting how people watching the same show can have different perspectives, because I don't agree at all with you guys (respectfully), In my pov MK is a huge ass for being dismissive of YJ trying to talk to him from day one and annoying YJ to the point of snapping than going cry to play the victim. If i was YJ being called a fake and a liar in front of people and on TV would have me even angrier than YJ was, and saying I hate you was understandable.
    But in the end of the day these conversations and disagreements are what makes watching all the reactions fun. Can't wait for the next ep.

    • @AskMe-fl2sm
      @AskMe-fl2sm Месяц назад +1

      Yj Trying to talk do mk? R u serious? He want to talk to him about relationship reveal that it.i don’t even und understand why he even asking mk about it.by his pov,he don’t have any feeling for mk so he should have simply said the truth to others.
      Yj literally called mk annoying & uncomfortable & snapping at him without any reason bfr the anonymous letter.do u think mk gonna sit calmly & do nothing? Mk tried to approach nicely from day 2 but i think he had enough so he clapped back.

    • @Arscelona
      @Arscelona Месяц назад +2

      ​@AskMe-fl2sm no YG went to talk to him about being called fake in that question not their past. Mk needs to learn how to communicate properly. I don't blame YJ for being frustrated

    • @AskMe-fl2sm
      @AskMe-fl2sm Месяц назад

      @@Arscelona I also don’t blame yj for being frustrated & he has evry right to get mad.but he can’t demand anything from mk.mk said he don’t want to answer & giving back the same treatment yj gave him in the past.

    • @reniguima
      @reniguima Месяц назад

      @@AskMe-fl2sm "
      To answer " Yj Trying to talk do mk? R u serious? He want to talk to him about relationship reveal that it.i don’t even und understand why he even asking mk about" i"In my point of view, YJ got a bit of a shock when he saw MK; but as soon as he got his barring he wanted to talk to him and come to a consensus ( because he respected MK opinion since it involved him) and was considered of how people knowing they were "ex" could affect MK who has just entered the house, but MK attitude in that conversation aggravated YJ to the point of reaching his limit. especially after being offended in public. But again, is just my POV of how i saw the interaction

    • @AskMe-fl2sm
      @AskMe-fl2sm Месяц назад +1

      @@reniguima r u serious? Why is he asking the person he ghosted? Do you even think from mk pov & what he felt when yj acting like this.u keep saying respect.what respect mk got from yj from day2.all yj did things that benefit him that’s why he is talking with mk about relationship reveal.
      I mean if they r only acquaintences like yj said,he should said the truth to others & would have greeted mk like a normal person does.

  • @annihunni
    @annihunni Месяц назад

    Back again to say that ep8 felt like a fever dream and I constantly have to remind myself that it’s actually real 😭

  • @premkumarirai7848
    @premkumarirai7848 Месяц назад +4

    I was pulling my hair out of frustration, they were not reaching at any point but i went in being on youngjuns side though like why would myeong keeps doing things, commenting on his actions, being playful to him when he knows youngjun is really annoyed by him 😂 but then i can relate to myeong because i find expressing feelings difficult and felt bad when he cried.....but i think the way myeong expressed himself to minseon and infront of camera he should confront youngjun directly in face rather than saying i dont want to talk....and youngjun should also chill the F down...and listen for once 😂

  • @nann420
    @nann420 Месяц назад

    Latest HM and TB episodes were so good I can’t move on

  • @mothicbeauty
    @mothicbeauty Месяц назад +1

    The tiktoks lmaooo

  • @ms-oi4gc
    @ms-oi4gc Месяц назад +2

    Me too, i am not sold on the minseon MK chemistry

  • @Amylian4
    @Amylian4 Месяц назад +1

    Let's be honest, YJ is the main plot, cmon

  • @MrsGamgee977
    @MrsGamgee977 Месяц назад +1

    I'm just like you in that I won't start The Boyfriend before His Man ends. 😅

  • @Gnarly109
    @Gnarly109 Месяц назад

    Situationship is Seom in korean, as in theres 'something' there

  • @TheMissCareless
    @TheMissCareless Месяц назад +6

    Also I’m sorry but anyone trying to justify ghosting gives me the irk (unless it’s to get away from some type of abuse or related). YJ kept emphasising on how MK should have just gotten the cue and how he should have the “common sense to know” if YJ wasn’t replying like… that’s so disrespectful in my books. Never mind that he wasn’t apologetic about ghosting, now he’s demanding answers straight away and brushing the ghosting off. If you were really so done with this situationship then why can’t you just pluck up the courage and tell the other party straight up? Even if it’s just a line or 2. Instead of saying that MK still watches his insta stories even though he had already unfollowed him months ago. YJ obviously saw that there were signs that MK thought there was some hope there but YJ avoided it, thinking he didn’t have to settle it but fate works in weird ways and put them on the show I guess 😂😂

  • @manale9366
    @manale9366 Месяц назад +2

    I like youngjoon and myeongkyung as guys. But watching them together and there talks is really frustrating to watch. I hope they make up soon (or at least stop fighting) but people really act like this are drama characters and are pretty harsh on them. Like stop also I feel bad for seunjin. In season 1 was a also a cute guys nobody liked.but everyone was into the same two guys so more guys haven’t gotten interest. But since it’s more equally with who likes who, it looks more extrem with seunjin

  • @sunwoosjawline613
    @sunwoosjawline613 Месяц назад +13

    I'm sorry to say that I'm not impartial when it comes to Myeongkyun. From the first time I saw him I knew that I would always be on the side of someone with that face and that beauty.

    • @annihunni
      @annihunni Месяц назад +2

      I had to admit this to myself the other day actually 😅😂

    • @ReRe_1k
      @ReRe_1k Месяц назад +2

      Lmaoo you’re so real

    • @Theoneandonlybish
      @Theoneandonlybish Месяц назад +2


  • @jadealison8259
    @jadealison8259 Месяц назад +1

    Are you guys watching the Japanese show The Boyfriend on Netflix? It’s great so far.

  • @pinetry
    @pinetry Месяц назад +5

    I have been in a relationship like youngjoon, i cared too much and my partner took me for granted and i got the idea that they didn't want a relationship, and they were even vocal about.
    Then I was also hurt and ghosted her.
    But she got angry at me that's why i get youngjoon's side.
    They were so nonchalant about the relationship but couldn't take that i would be fine with out them. That's the vibe im getting from mk.
    And even I don't ever want to ever cross paths with such a person who made me insecure and took me for granted, plus wasted my time, yup i too resent her. That's why I get the treatment yj is giving mk.
    Cause i also do the same when we are in the same vicinity.
    Oh and i too snap at her when she is around, idek where the anger comes from so i prefer to stay away.

    • @AskMe-fl2sm
      @AskMe-fl2sm Месяц назад +1

      So do u go & ask ur ex-partner what u should tell to others about ur relationship too? Do u think ur ex gonna be happy to discuss it with u?

  • @Hoefortaegikook
    @Hoefortaegikook Месяц назад

    And that’s ladies and gentlemen why you should NOT ghost anyone

  • @zackwilson8701
    @zackwilson8701 Месяц назад +2

    MK is definitely the victim here, but... he needs to learn how to communicate his feelings directly and stop pretending to be this unbothered, aloof, cool boy. Like, people ghost you because every signal you give them is that you're not a sensitive person. People aren't going to treat with you care if you can't reciprocate vulnerability. If you say you're a f--- boi, then people will treat you like one. He's only in his 20's though and has plenty of time to figure this out.

  • @karofauske
    @karofauske Месяц назад

    I feel like MK wanted to provoke YJ cause he still feel stung about what happened. He wanted to make him mad and to seem like the good person. I don't agree with what YJ did, ghosting sucks but we still don't know the full story. And the fact that MK got offended YJ acted like he didn't know him, I also think he's petty about that and just won't leave him alone about it, poking the bear. YJ was just as shocked to see him and wanted to tell everyone and wanted to do it in a way that was good for both of them but MK dismissed it. It's messy. I have no idea what side I'm on. I was first pissed at MK but now that I know YJ ghosted I can't say I'm on his side either.

  • @rxlhr7134
    @rxlhr7134 Месяц назад +1

    looking at the thumbnail for a sec i thought you talk and sit with minseong lmao

    • @TheAmpliverse
      @TheAmpliverse  Месяц назад

      and sister you have an open invitation to join us!!

    • @rxlhr7134
      @rxlhr7134 Месяц назад

      @@TheAmpliverseoww we can do kiki kaka with minseon

  • @user-xs4zm9zn4f
    @user-xs4zm9zn4f Месяц назад

    HANMIN IS HOT AS MK BUT WITH A BRAIN jajajajajajajajajajajajja Love u so much

  • @saltoftheegg
    @saltoftheegg Месяц назад +1

    RJ idk what youre doing but you look incroyable madame

  • @Princessyoku
    @Princessyoku Месяц назад +7

    I sympathized more with Youngjoon during this argument because I also would have responded poorly to someone insinuating that I'm fake on national television. And MK is sooooo difficult to communicate with that I would just get more and more frustrated. I get that MK's feelings are hurt, but hes being passive aggressive and thats frustrating

  • @vssugakookie2398
    @vssugakookie2398 Месяц назад

    Chankyu was the seunjin of season 1

  • @JamillaDegree
    @JamillaDegree Месяц назад +1

    Have you seen blonde jiwoong?❤

  • @Amylian4
    @Amylian4 Месяц назад +1

    can I just say, this is not hate, but tge 2ble standard is crazy when JS was the bad guy tge time they would think he did it, but when they discovered it was SM they all were like "oh yeah u are good" lets at least acknowledge that

    • @sarahlouise4606
      @sarahlouise4606 Месяц назад +2

      but it’s not because they don’t like Jaesung, they love Jaesung, they had different reactions because if Jaesung was the one that did it, it would be to “separate” the “couple” which is hwi and seongmin because for some reason everyone in the house is rooting for them 🙄 I don’t get it but well 🤷‍♀️ but because it was seongmin, they understand that it was because he wanted to “isolate” hwi and jaesung, the people he likes, so in their minds it’s a “fair” reasoning. I personally don’t think it is… seongmin gets to go on dates with whoever he wants but hwi has to be “isolated” and can’t open to other people? Very hypocritical of seongmin but the house ships them so they don’t even realize the hypocrisy

    • @beetaeil6204
      @beetaeil6204 Месяц назад

      it's not a double standard its just a different relationship dynamic, they were teasing JS and he was handling it fine even laughing along, but SM was literally in tears reacting the same way would have been scummy

  • @GLKim95
    @GLKim95 Месяц назад

    I love this drama

  • @karaiflowers2783
    @karaiflowers2783 Месяц назад

    i need you guys to recap The Boyfriend pleaseeee 🙏

  • @mabestgo
    @mabestgo Месяц назад

    He just want an apology for the ghost ing

  • @alicemiriam7737
    @alicemiriam7737 Месяц назад +2

    Please react to the boyfriend!! 🙏🙏🙏

  • @fangirldiary6465
    @fangirldiary6465 Месяц назад +1

    The boyfriend pleaaassseeeee