Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Pope Francis - HOSSANA

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 143

  • @paxchristi168
    @paxchristi168 7 лет назад +21

    Blessed to be a part of the Catholic Charismatic community! Truly the Holy Spirit works wonders! Praised be Jesus!

  • @ethelbertsangriang3585
    @ethelbertsangriang3585 5 лет назад +28

    I was born in Catholic family and I will die as Catholic
    praise the lord
    praise the lord

  • @felistamarandu8140
    @felistamarandu8140 6 лет назад +10

    I m hapy to see my family catholic singing together💞

  • @joekowarso9213
    @joekowarso9213 9 лет назад +16

    Terpujilah Allah Bapa, terpujilah Yesus Kristus, terpujilah Roh Kudus yang senantiasa menyertai, menyemangati, dan memberi daya kepada Gereja-Nya. Hosana kemuliaan bagi Allah di tempat-Nya yang tinggi!

  • @shahrozesarfraz4930
    @shahrozesarfraz4930 8 лет назад +29

    Proud to be a part of such a beautiful family .......... proud to be a part of Body of Christ.............. Proud to be a Catholic

  • @fxrianriantoro1791
    @fxrianriantoro1791 4 года назад +4

    Halleluja. Proud to be part *Christian Catholic* 🇻🇦✝️♥️✝️🇻🇦

  • @kelechukwuanozyk7605
    @kelechukwuanozyk7605 3 года назад +3

    I think Catholic Charismatic Renewal is the largest group among laity in the Catholic Church. They have their gifts and we appreciate them

  • @joel_aranha
    @joel_aranha 8 лет назад +22

    what an amazing sight to see so many people gathered to represent the renewal in the Catholic Church :)

    • @russellg1274
      @russellg1274 8 лет назад +3

      Renewal? Oh yeah because the Eucharist we have had for the past 2000 years isnt good enough. We need to throw in hair pulling and jumping about...Faithless

    • @russellg1274
      @russellg1274 7 лет назад +3

      Thats because your faith is weak. Solemnity of the sacrifice of mass doesnt do it for you.Because you no longer believe.The hole in your heart needs to be filled with entertainment something tangible something you can see to believe. Thats why you need that extra push. More of a protestant style type of worship. The prots dont have the real presence of Christ and thats exactly why they worship chaotically, charismatically. You choose to worship as in chaos yet you have the true presence.A need for all this nonsense Its for you not God.

    • @russellg1274
      @russellg1274 7 лет назад +3

      Come on man...Charismatics are like children in the faith. Think about school the young kids start off with playing,colours,interactions. When the kids get older they are expected to stay in their seats conduct them selves quietly etc... Its spiritual maturity plain and simple. Do you know (and you and google) People have heard blasphemies in so called people speaking in tongues because they speak the languages being spoken?Besides this came from Penticostals not 2000 years of Catholisism. Eastern Cats are normaly more traditional 2Thessalonians 215 So then brother stick to your traditions that you were taught. Dont go chasing extra stuff Its not necessary for your salvation. Can we agree this stuff is not necessary for salvation?psalm 47 "Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!" Even David only danced in the streets not in church service in the Synagogues.

    • @russellg1274
      @russellg1274 7 лет назад +1

      God bless you Antony.You are charitable and kind and I hope Ive shown the same to you or perhaps I need to learn this from you. God love you and your family and Merry Christmas.
      Ill say this in the Roman Rite charismatics have done the most damage in my humble opinion. Alter rails being torn out,Eucharist in the hand,holding hands during the Our Father, Alter Girls, extra ordinary Eucharistic Ministers being used every mass, Applause for human achievement, Loud conversations during holy silence, Orans postures, These are either additions charismatics have added or adopted from protestants (heretics) The rubrics state the mass should not be added to nor subtracted to. The mass is not democratic to conduct yourself as you please. Im just saying conduct yourself as your tradtions have taught you NOT how secularism/the world has taught you. As for me and my family we shall worship the Lord in solemnity and those who pray behind close doors shall rewarded and those who put on a show in worship in front of others the Lord says has already been rewarded Matthew 6:6

    • @russellg1274
      @russellg1274 7 лет назад +1

      Antony Pawath Yes I agree. God bless you and I appreciate the lesson in patience and charity.

  • @RileySoares
    @RileySoares 3 года назад +3

    The Holy Spirit transcends every human way of thinking; the Wisdom of God is foolish to man. Thank God for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

  • @CandiLoko1010
    @CandiLoko1010 7 лет назад +4

    Thanks Jesus, Love You

  • @basilideszea9106
    @basilideszea9106 14 дней назад

    En mi vida mucha Fe en su Alma tengo y conosco en persona donde en mi Tierra Cusco sur del Peru Guapo alto gringo hermoso Polaco Hecho ❤❤❤❤😮😮😮😮Paz paz que descanza me cuida me vendise su alma

  • @bingroxas4700
    @bingroxas4700 7 лет назад +4


  • @juanmaruli4977
    @juanmaruli4977 4 года назад +5

    Boy what have our Church become

  • @annadanielatravaglio2196
    @annadanielatravaglio2196 7 лет назад +2

    Bellissimo video si percepisce l'unità di tutti i popoli,nazioni,razze,grande armonia con tutta l'umanità e il creato

  • @chryshembrom6641
    @chryshembrom6641 3 года назад

    Great. Long live papa. Long live Charismatic prayers movements. From India

  • @Vincentbyers-fg4ob
    @Vincentbyers-fg4ob Год назад

    Oh oh oh oh heaven is in mybheart

  • @elizabethsackey4852
    @elizabethsackey4852 2 года назад

    Glory be to God

  • @agnesbraziel3969
    @agnesbraziel3969 6 лет назад +2

    I like the song, halleluyah. Thanks GOD

  • @crazybill2128
    @crazybill2128 4 года назад

    Wow. What a sight. Big Catholic family. Im so proud..

  • @evacardenas8628
    @evacardenas8628 6 лет назад +1

    wonderfull very proud to be a catholic..Glory be to God

  • @Vincentbyers-fg4ob
    @Vincentbyers-fg4ob Год назад

    Gratitude to the queen and king
    As they gave me a piece of heaven too
    At catholic carismatic conference
    At della la SAlle college gym,Cospicua
    I never knew that such joy existed IN THE
    Who could do all after heaven came hell,I did not like church anymore
    It became hell not joy,lasted for many years this hell not church
    I thought I became hard not kind so instead of heaven I thought church is hell
    The ,ion works not Jesus at all ,then I got the message torture anew,and be kind
    And lo ing not preach,that is a duty for a priest

  • @peterfall1681
    @peterfall1681 2 года назад +1

    I got filled with the Spirit in the Catholic Charismtic Renewal in 1987. I started reading the word and saw all the non biblical practices in he catholic Church. I had been a catholic for 40 years. No longer. I have been a member of two non denominational full gospel churches for the last 37 years nd found my calling by ministering to the incarcerated .

    • @33ketamine33
      @33ketamine33 2 года назад

      Thank God for the light you recieved. There is nothing in Catholic church which is from Bible. Virgin mary is the Divine Feminine . She is Ashera on Bible . The Mother of Jesus Mary will not take any adoration or do mediation. She is human and cannot make Jesus her Saviour a child. It is Mother and Child cult which is an ancient Babylonian cult.

  • @reubenjoseph9947
    @reubenjoseph9947 6 лет назад +5

    Hosanna be unto Jesus not to fraud Pope.Thanks to Jesus who is above all other powers.May the Spirit of Truth lead the Charismatic Movement in right way.

  • @Drooblemeister
    @Drooblemeister 7 лет назад +12

    It is not our worship style, doctrine or denomination that unites us as Christians, it is the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for him that unites us as Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Independents.

    • @Drooblemeister
      @Drooblemeister 7 лет назад

      Hi Doug, I'm afraid we have 2 different ideas perhaps of what true unity in Christ looks like, however, in spite of our differences I hope we can address each other as brothers in the Lord =) Perhaps this is one level of unity. I want to start out by saying that although my virtue I am a non-Catholic Christian by default, a Protestant, I am not concerned with these labels so much as the One to whom each of us belong to, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. Some Catholics as well as some Protestants can be rather arrogant thinking they somehow are 'more Christian' than other groups, this is the opposite of unity and the opposite of humility. We have to first of all differentiate between unity and uniformity, we do not all have to worship the same way nor have the same carbon-copy beliefs and rituals regarding the Lord's Supper, Baptism, prayer, worship, or how to hold a church service to have a spirit of unity, we can have unity because we can celebrate that in spite of our differences (and none of us nor our church is a picture-perfect image of Jesus Christ and history is full of examples of how short we have all fallen of this) we can still love each other from the heart and accept one another as brothers and sisters in the Jesus name and even pray and worship together as One body. I don't for example believe that just because this person is a baptist, another a pentecostal and another a Roman Catholic that this means they somehow cannot put aside their differences and focus on the most important thing we have. I am not downplaying any of these important aspects of the Christian faith, and there is certainly a right way and a wrong way to worship God and to practice what Scripture commands us, but we can also recognize the fact that we are all approaching the same Book from slightly different perspectives and it's okay, as long as we keep the spirit of unity in the faith and keep the main thing the main thing. Even the Apostle Paul addressed differences within the church and acknowledged that they existed, rather than trying to address point by point every last detail, his pattern seems to be that we don't have to all agree on every minute detail in order to keep the main thing the main thing and to remember the greater reason, for example why we meet for the Lord's Supper. I will say 2 things, one is that I wish more evangelicals would study the Church Fathers more than they did and could benefit from their teachings, but I will also say that I do not put them on the same playing field as the Apostles and judge everything they say carefully according to the Written Word of God while still trying to understand how they followed the Apostles and how they followed the Scriptures, the Word of God will always be my main anchor however and I do believe that in the centuries after the Apostle, the Church moved in some regard from being a primarily Holy-Spirit led living organism of the resurrected Christ to becoming more and more of an institution mixing the interest of politics with religion as we see with the Emperor Constantine and we also have some Church Fathers like John Chrysostrom and many others who write some hateful things towards the Jews and introducing more of a Roman and less Jewish overtone into the Faith, again, this is why we need to be careful when weighing the importance of Jesus Christ and his Apostles to the ones that came after them while not downplaying their importance to the spread of Christianity and the development of Christian doctrine (i.e. Nicene Creed). I hope I am clear. May the Lord bless you always,

    • @Drooblemeister
      @Drooblemeister 7 лет назад

      Hi Doug, I to have thoughtfully and carefully read your message and believe we can still come to a point of unity because of our belief in the One who died to make us all one in him even if we don't agree on some of the points you have mentioned. I do also want to assert 2 things, first of all I never have or never will claim to have ALL the answers regarding faith nor a perfect interpretation of Scripture, none of us will have this until we enter into glory. The second thing is although I have not arrived, nor will I until I see Him face to face, I am 100 percent at rest and assured that I will see Him face to face and more or less feel the battle for my soul was won at the cross and so I guess I don't worry about 'what if I stop believing or following him,' I know I am going to die a Christian and God sustains me by His grace, anything good I do is not to 'earn' or 'merit' God's favor or something I already have, it is simply the result of being God's child and being in His family, it is a response to His grace in my life.
      While I do also understand your point about divisions in the church (you had mentioned 60,000 denominations which I agree is too much), we should also realize that the church is NOT an institution or a building, but the people who belong to Christ and represent him on this earth. All this to say that I don't think the church is our example, I think Christ is our example and our ultimate and the Holy Spirit living inside of us is the One who unites us and helps the Word of God (both the Logos, Jesus and the Scripture) come alive and keep us in right doctrine. I am in no way downplaying the role of Church, pastors, teachers priests, church fathers, and other believers, but they cannot be our ultimate model for living the Christian life, only Jesus Christ, His Word in the power of the Holy Spirit has to be our ultimate, everything else is secondary. I guess the final thing I wanted to say is that I do NOT believe the church was in a constant state of apostasy for 1,500 years and then suddenly became perfect, every denomination, including all 60,000 Protestant, including all branches of Orthodoxy, and I hate to say it, but even Roman Catholic Church is not perfect, it is Christ who is perfect and trying to perfect His bride, and His bride is found in every denomination, people who have repented of their sin, put their trust in Jesus and decided to live their life for Him, this is the 'born-again' experience, if you have trusted in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation, you are a brother in the Lord, if I have, I am also in the Lord and this is the Church, the true Bride of Christ that He is returning for =) History shows that the church even in the New Testament was full of imperfections and mistakes (i.e. look at Annas and Saphhira in Acts 5, divisions in Acts 6 between Grecian and Judean Jews, Peter's hypocrisy towards Gentile believers in Galatians 1-2, Paul's struggle against the flesh Romans 7), but we are saved and redeemed by HIs blood, this is what makes us Christians and we come from all denominations, but we are united by our common belief in the Nicene and Apostolic Creed, One Father, Jesus Christ His Son, the Holy Spirit, fully God and man, crucified for our sins, died, buried and risen on the 3rd day and coming back to earth to judge the living and the dead. If you and I can realize these things are the most important and that thing that characterizes us as Christians first, then I think we can all reach true unity, again, baptism, Lord's Supper, prayer, confession, it's not that these are unimportant, they are, it's just that we have a different expression or even just form of what these look like even though we are reading from the same Bible, I have no problem for example with how a Catholic vs a Lutheran vs a Baptist vs a Pentecost vs a non-denominational practices the Lord's Supper as long as they remember what it represents. This is just one example but I think it is enough to make my point. Bless you,

    • @molintsui7501
      @molintsui7501 7 лет назад

      Drooblemeister Please elaborate on Independents. I mean my theology doesn't completely fit anywhere, does that make me Independent?

    • @thomasmataloa
      @thomasmataloa 6 лет назад

      Drooblemeister I agree.

    • @nishantsoren6871
      @nishantsoren6871 5 лет назад

      Drooblemeister.. true.. I agree

  • @SamA-pp4gz
    @SamA-pp4gz 4 года назад

    Lagunya sgt bagus Tuhan Yesus menyertai kita semua yg berharap padaNYA

  • @reindinaldokastilong2211
    @reindinaldokastilong2211 8 лет назад +1

    God Bless Erope #Amen

  • @33ketamine33
    @33ketamine33 2 года назад +1

    They are singing Hosanna to Pope Francis . He is taking worship

  • @Lcoreyful
    @Lcoreyful 2 года назад

    This is what being Catholic is all about!

  • @rosalbalopez7897
    @rosalbalopez7897 5 лет назад +2

    Ese canto no es cantado al papa es cantada a Jesucristo El Dios que vive y está en medio de su pueblo a El todo honor y toda Gloria hosanna en el cielo bendito es el que viene en el Nombré del Señor 🙏❤️🕊

  • @thanhlinhoregon4101
    @thanhlinhoregon4101 2 года назад

    Love it.Thankyou for your post

  • @prisilamaria1225
    @prisilamaria1225 8 лет назад +2


  • @danit.samuel2270
    @danit.samuel2270 4 года назад


  • @payamkhamgoo387
    @payamkhamgoo387 8 лет назад +1

    popa ist love haleluya und hi alles from

  • @xwill2730
    @xwill2730 3 года назад +2


    • @rosiependlebury1834
      @rosiependlebury1834 3 года назад +1

      I personally was not that keen, I think it was the temperature of the old ladies wig at 0:14 . joyful and vibrant, Jesus' story is dull nd we need to repsect him. better luck next time - Mrs Bligh

    • @captainstaples4562
      @captainstaples4562 3 года назад

      Now this, this is epic!

  • @basilideszea9106
    @basilideszea9106 14 дней назад

    Tambien conosco al Papa Francisco vino a Lima estuve tambien presente claro Hecho habla con Propiedad 2024 agosto eh Estrella Papa Fransisco para el mundo 😢

  • @emmanuelhofu5960
    @emmanuelhofu5960 6 лет назад

    Praise the Lord people of God

    • @emmanuelhofu5960
      @emmanuelhofu5960 6 лет назад

      I am so proud to be a Catholic Church and a part of my country Tanzania

  • @mathiraqueen8524
    @mathiraqueen8524 6 лет назад +1

    Oh yes

  • @user-em9on2jq4t
    @user-em9on2jq4t 8 лет назад +1


  • @coledesantis1406
    @coledesantis1406 8 лет назад +9

    The net best alternative is going to a Traditional Latin Mass...boy we Catholics can't get enough of speaking in tongues!

    • @c.g.jonesze9089
      @c.g.jonesze9089 8 лет назад +2

      lets do both😁👍

    •  4 года назад

      Never. TLM is what is proper. Not this protestant injected hippy fest.

  • @marcoantonioaragonvalenzue1594
    @marcoantonioaragonvalenzue1594 3 года назад +1

    Hermoso canto inspirado al cantautor mexicano Rafael Moreno.

    • @dereckbrown3465
      @dereckbrown3465 2 года назад

      Eso es falso, el autor es Carl Tuttle, cristiano evangélico, Mercy Publishing 1985© Music Services 209 Chapelwood TN 37064.

  • @wilsonmello6150
    @wilsonmello6150 4 года назад +1

    I love my Pope Indian

  • @banjoplangsohkhwai5568
    @banjoplangsohkhwai5568 5 лет назад +1

    bless the Lord

  • @gabriellamar2683
    @gabriellamar2683 4 года назад

    I LOVE this song!

  • @yansnyanuaris4577
    @yansnyanuaris4577 6 лет назад +1

    bangga jadi orang katolik

  • @alberthutabarat955
    @alberthutabarat955 8 лет назад +1

    wanna be meet the Pope Francis :)

  • @mariasiska1969
    @mariasiska1969 4 года назад

    Klo bukan Roh Kudus..gak mungkin paus diilhami begini..dan menyuruh slrh umat bruder pastor paus umat bersatu puji Tuhan..

  • @Polack21
    @Polack21 5 лет назад +4

    Whatever this is, its not Catholic

  • @marialuizaozoriofernandes9096
    @marialuizaozoriofernandes9096 Год назад

    The basic is Protestian charasmatic

    • @ntlearning
      @ntlearning Год назад +1

      As a Pentecostal myself, I can assure you, these Catholics have no desire to be protestants. You should embrace them. They are on your side.

  • @raycaster4398
    @raycaster4398 3 года назад

    Muchoomalucka ferrengee estuvidoconagra kerreliando ferrenggee mohoggytuismtuaidee!

  • @brooklyn5466
    @brooklyn5466 7 лет назад +4

    Sorry guys no pope in bible.
    Hossanaa welcomes in Jesus only

    • @julianatimothi9559
      @julianatimothi9559 6 лет назад +1

      brooklyn why stupid human coment like this😂😂🤣

    • @reubenjoseph9947
      @reubenjoseph9947 6 лет назад

      Yes.Good opinion brooklyn

    • @julianatimothi9559
      @julianatimothi9559 6 лет назад

      brooklyn omg stupid

    • @petrushasibuan2263
      @petrushasibuan2263 5 лет назад +1

      Brooklyn....... your name too was not found in the bible..... Is that mean you are going to hell ? LOL
      BUT Love U in Christ Bro.....

    • @julianatimothi5134
      @julianatimothi5134 5 лет назад

      brooklyn is not sing pope there why you so stupid coz No pope in the bible

  • @Blomke1972
    @Blomke1972 9 лет назад +4

    The pope should read the Bible, Gods Word just like all these people. There is only One and thats the Son of God, Jesus Christ who died for all people. The pope is the same as all other people, he also needs Jesus Christ. If you follow him or sing for him like this or clap for him you are decieved the pope cant give you eternal live run from this runnnnn!!

    • @karenlam2988
      @karenlam2988 9 лет назад +2

      +Blomke1972 Can't you hear that they are praising God not the pope? They are singing Hosannah in the the highest! Glory to the King of Kings!Oh praise God if they kept quiet as Jesus said"even the stones would cry out!" You have not been told the truth about Catholics.....if only you knew it!

    • @mohaubereng9315
      @mohaubereng9315 8 лет назад +3

      +Blomke1972 Lol! What are you on about? Who says Catholics think the Pope doesn't need Jesus? Who says there isn't only One, being the Son of God, Jesus Christ who died for all people? Who said the Pope is not the same as all other people? Follow him? We follow Christ, but we need leaders. He is the religious leader. Sing for him? Clap for him? What's the problem with that? They are singing, praising God in the Highest, not the Pope, but they really are happy to see him among them...AS THEY PRAISE THE ONE TRUE GOD TOGETHER, he's their leader, our leader. Eternal life? Of course he can't, Jesus does. What's your problem?

    • @thewholearmourofgod7471
      @thewholearmourofgod7471 7 лет назад

      +Mohau Bereng do you and all other Roman Catholics call other people, 'holy father' which is FORBIDDEN by Christ Himself not to call any man on earth?! The answer is NO! The last time I checked the pope and all the popes are from earth....
      So please stop contradicting your beliefs to convince yourself you are not out of the Way. And please research what the title, pope means and what the eucharist stands for, before you start attacking others.

    • @mohaubereng9315
      @mohaubereng9315 7 лет назад

      Who did we attack thewholearmourofgod 7? This post is an attack, our responses are defences to an attack.
      Pope means father, Eucharist means thanksgiving.
      Now, about father, I don't wanna say much as yet. I just want you to interprete for me the following passage. Tell me if after reading it, you think Paul is an inspired writer, who was writing that passage under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, or not: 1 Corinthians 4:14-16.

    • @mohaubereng9315
      @mohaubereng9315 7 лет назад

      We will later talk about "your father Abraham", "brothers and fathers", "my children", and also our biological fathers and so on. We will also later discuss, peacefully, as brothers, what Jesus meant by "Call no man father", or at least how we both understand that and how we apply that in our lives.

  • @plastipinturitas
    @plastipinturitas 7 лет назад

    esto en la biblia se llama idolatria. querer sacarse con el papa una foto. quien es el papa?

  • @elizabethsackey4852
    @elizabethsackey4852 2 года назад

    Glory be to God