Legend .... wait for it .... Dairy!!

  • Опубликовано: 14 янв 2025
  • On this episode of the Dairy Farmer's Digest (DFD) podcast, I talk to Dr. Mike Hutjens. Mike is a Professor Emeritus in the department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois.
    Dr. Hutjens grew up on a dairy farm in Green Bay, Wisconsin and has a PhD from the University of Wisconsin and has focused his entire career on teaching dairy professionals and producers how to make milk as efficiently and economically as possible. He has published several hundred if not thousand articles for publications like Hoard's Dairyman and other industry publications around the world. Mike has won numerous awards and was a President of the ADSA (American Dairy Science Association).
    Our discussion on this podcast covers how to evaluate whether a feed additive is right for you farm, how do reduce feed costs from non feed factors (shrink) and his own list of must haves in your feeding program.
    I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast. If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at keithschweitzer@wfs.ca by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer

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