I converted in december, but had been interested in islam years ago. my family is christian .. they hate islam. they know nothing and i do everything secretly, fasting, praying, everything behind closed doors .. but i'm still grateful for everything Alhamdulillah .. the one before I was nobody and now i have islam in my heart and in my life. It is a gift from Allah never underestimate it. no matter how hard you have it you have to be patient if you need anything then ask allah make duaa.. and he will help you in shaa allah .. you are not alone, dear sister or brother May Allah bless you and give you the strength to keep .. I love you all for Allah ❤️☝🏽
Stay strong and fear only Allah because he is with whoever fears him . Have full knowledge of Quran with understanding and I know this will take time because I am doing this too now but it will answer a lot of ur answers and give u light to differentiate between falsehood and truth as it helped me. May Allah bless you , keep u safe and provide you only from all the good he has created . Whenever u r in doubt (these are doubts about silly things)stick with what u know 100% truth about islam from Quran and Hadith because doubts are from Satan .
As Salamu Alaikum, welcome home. May Allah SWT keep you on the straight path. May Allah give you strength to overcome the obstacles. May Allah replace your difficulty with ease. May Allah fill your life with good righteous friends to guide you. May Allah soften your parents hearts and change the hatred to kindness. May Allah place peace in your mind and calmness in your heart. May Allah be your support when you are lonely.
Hello dear ! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you ! May I suggest something ? 😊 I have been following an account on Tumblr called Reverthelp, and their Instagram is @revert_help. I have made a couple of revert friends and they mentioned that the admin is a professional life coach who helps them with their questions and supports them through their process. They are really happy with the support they get. They have a really nice community too. Seeing your comment I thought they can be of good use for you as well if you need any information or resources. Do send them a message 😊 best ✌🏻
QURAN ( 2:105), and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: "We are Christians." That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud.
🤍Did you know that the Prophet Muhammad met Jesus and all the prophets on the night of the (Isra and Mi’raj )in Al-Aqsa Mosque? in the holy land They all prayed to God there and it's Mentioned in the Quran Muhammad said about him/As for Jesus son of Maryam, he is a red man, between short and long, with long, curly hair, and a very handsome face, as if he had come out of bathing plece . You would imagine his head was dripping with water, but there was no water in it./and the closest of the people in resemblance to him. from those I have seen, is 'Urwah bin Mas'ud. And I saw Ibrahim, and the closest of the people in resemblance to him, from those I have seen, is your companion" - meaning himself - The Prophet said, "I saw Moses, Jesus and Abraham (on the night of my Ascension to the heavens). Jesus was of red complexion, curly hair and a broad chest. Moses was of brown complexion, straight hair and tall stature as if he was from the people of Az-Zutt." Muhammad (p) felt a special closeness to Jesus (p): "Both in this world and in the Hereaf- ter, I am the nearest of all the people to Jesus, the son of Mary. The proph- ets are paternal brothers; their moth- ers are different, but their religion is one." Since God made all the prophets descend to meet the Prophet Muhammad on the night of the esra'a and meraaj , this indicates the absolute greatness of Muhammad and his message How Jesus is God and Adam was the first human who worship the Creator. Jesus was not in the time of Adam. How do you think? . I want you to be safe So I have to tell you Did you know We as Muslims cannot be Muslims without believing in Moses, Jesus (As a prophets)& all prophets, and the Bible, and the Torah, and Moses and Jesus are mentioned in the Qur’an a lot!!!! The Qur’an is the last book from God to the earth To learn more, watch Ahmed Deedat or Dr Zakir naik Because they are scholars and memorize all the holy books Muhammad is the last prophet from God to the earth. God sent him to all people, and his call included the Jews, Christians, and all nations of the earth.//Verses from the Qur’an about Muhammad((((((We have sent you ˹O Prophet˺ only as a mercy for the whole world.)
Quran surah as-saf 6 //And ˹remember˺ when Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O children of Israel! I am truly Allah’s messenger to you, confirming the Torah which came before me, and giving good news of a messenger after me whose name will be Aḥmad.”1 Yet when the Prophet came to them with clear proofs, they said, “This is pure magic.” // 🤍 Quran/They1 say, “The Most Compassionate has offspring_You have certainly made an outrageous claim,by which the heavens are about to burst, the earth to split apart, and the mountains to crumble to pieces_in protest of attributing children to the Most Compassionate.It does not befit ˹the majesty of˺ the Most Compassionate to have children/ Those who say, “Allah is one in a Trinity,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. There is only One God. If they do not stop saying this, those who disbelieve among them will be afflicted with a painful punishment./ Those who say, “Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. The Messiah ˹himself˺ , “O Children of Israel! Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord.” Whoever associates others with Allah ˹in worship˺ will surely be forbidden Paradise by Allah. Their home will be the Fire. And the wrongdoers will have no helpers.🤍 🤍Quran//Muḥammad is not the father of any of your men,1 but is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things. // Quran: That is Jesus, son of Mary. ˹And this is˺ a word of truth, about which they dispute. It is not for Allah to take a son! Glory be to Him. When He decrees a matter, He simply tells it, “Be!” And it is! ˹Jesus also declared,˺ “Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him ˹alone˺. This is the Straight Path.” Yet their ˹various˺ groups have differed among themselves ˹about him˺, so woe to the disbelievers when they face a tremendous Day! سورة : المائدة - Al-Mā’idah - الجزء : ( 7 ) - الصفحة: ( 127 ) And (remember) when Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection): "O 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Did you say unto men: 'Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?' " He will say: "Glory be to You! It was not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would surely have known it. You know what is in my inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours, truly, You, only You, are the All-Knower of all that is hidden and unseen. 🤍 How can the human mind believe that Jesus forgave all your sins when he was crucified? In this state, sins and crimes will spread. If a strange Christian man came and killed your wife, then raped your daughter, killed and oppressed thousands of innocent people, then disappeared and was not punished by the law, do you believe that he will die safely because Jesus forgave his sins? My answer is impossible.
May Allah bless our muslim brothers and sisters in Somalia. May Allah make it easy for them and also make Somalia prosperous so they don't have to be in debt to any other country but only to Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala. Ameen.
May Allah preserve you, the faith in your heart and also preserve the deen in your life.. aameen, and may Allah sace us all from fitnas of this time, aameen.
Hi from ireland. As a Irish Catholic man. I must say this very beautiful music. God bless the children of Syria Yemen palastine etc and all Muslim people. Post edit. Please forgive my ignorance about mentioning nasheed as music. Pray for the men women and children of Palestine.
May Allah also keep you and your family safe as well. It's always nice to see a person respect anothers faith instead of insulting them. Jazakallah Khair
They desire to extinguish the light (religion) of Allah with their mouths (words), while Allah does not want it except to perfect His light even though the disbelievers dislike it. It is He Who sent His Messenger (by bringing) the true (Quran) and the true religion to prevail over all religions even though the heathen dislike it. " (QS at-Taubah: 32-33).
@@ArmigeriDefensores Depressing me Too much Whenever I hear a Hadees of him... Whenever I hear that he was too much Hungry just for us. Whenever He hurt himself for us... And We Just doing bad Sins and Deeds 😔... He's our Everything World nothing without him ❤️... Peace be upon him 💔
‘Allah Made Everything’, song that reminds us that whilst all of creation recognises Allah as their Creator, it is only us as human beings who forget at times of our Lord, to whom we will all return someday. This video features islam Beautiful family muslim songs 🤲🏻beautiful religion❤ #islam #edit #islamicstatus
My father passed away last year in a road accident. He was very pure of heart ,he always had a smile on his face and used to help others whenever he could. He was the bestest and the most innocent person I've ever seem in my life. I miss him a lot May Allah grant him Jannah and reunite our family there. Ameen
My mom passed away just 4 months ago. Ive been looking for this nasheed since then and never knew the lyrics were about mothers until just now. Mashaallah
My father passed away on last November. He's one of the best, if not the best, person I've ever seen in my life. Please pray him brothers and sisters. May Allah accept his good deeds and grant him forgiveness. And may Allah give my mother the strength to go through it.
Allah is the greatest. AlhumduAllah we born as a Muslim. We have to improve our self more. Pray for me Allah more guide me. It is requested to all who listen to this voice
I’m in a difficult situation right now,And sometimes I feel I lost everything but I’m always telling myself that Allah is here for me and I got faith in him! He’s my strength 🙏🏾
My father is a martyr. The Americans killed him in 2005 when he was a soldier in the former Iraqi army..Pray for my father. Greetings from Iraq to all Muslims in the world ☪️🇮🇶💔 Free Palestine 🇵🇸♥️
Oh Allah please Safe our Iraqi , Syrian, PALASTINE, Uygher muslim brother and sister Please 😭😭 Praying from india , Allahs ajab is very near brother dont Worry whole America, China Europe will be end
ya Allah please guard my parents in Indonesia while i'm so far away from 'em. You know i cant live anymore in this world without them. my precious heart and soul around them. ameen ameen ya Allah
I reverted to Islam 4 years ago, as time went on I have become a Muslimah who wears hijab and strives in the way of Allah. I love Islam and I love Allah always and forever 💖 I stand with all the muslims that Allah is our Lord and Muhammad is the last and final messenger ﷺ
@Shuheb Ahmed Never seen a single Muslim saying it for Srilanka bombing until they are pressed ( like you ) The fact which irritate me is , majority of so called moderate muslim are the one who don't condemn these activity , instead they try to prosleltize there activity by giving out irrelevant logic ! Problem is that majority moderate Muslims !
Watching helplessly something you loved and became a part of your heart, life and, journey ready to part ways from you forever hurts so much, no words to comprehend the pain. 🐾 😭
This nasheed is so special to me ❤️ when I first listened to it I felt a feeling just indescribable and it was during the time when I was becoming a Muslim 🥰 Alhamdulillah
1 God; no image, beyond imaginations. Sent messengers, revealed revelation via angels. Main message: Worship The One God, follow the messenger of your time. Reward? Eternity in paradise, in which you get whatever you ask for. What do you think?
Assalamalekum Wa Rahmatulallahi Wa Barakatu Please change your dp Putting these types of dp is haram in Islam We can put photos of Aulia Allah/Wali not of any living thing except Aulia Allah So putting living things in Profile Pic is haram It's not music It's vocal & You must keep a beard
M so blessd tht v r born muslims. I've no words hw will i thank Allah(swt) fr this. May Allah guide n mag Allah have mercy on us. Any 1 in 2019 #Hit like. Most importantly heart touching Nasheed❤️❤️👌😭😭
This nasheed sounds so familiar it made little tears on my face I remember this beautiful voice too I think my mum had made me watch this. 5 years ago or more
our lord only Allah ,Allah is only one,lord,gives one real religion that is Islam , please research about religious, and find your real way of life. may Allah help you ameen..
The nasheed about his dead Mother. The lyrics: O mother, the heart has walked towards you With compassion and kindness it as filled I grew within her embrace And from the amount of her love, my heart is leaning O mother, the heart has walked towards you With compassion and kindness it as filled I grew within her embrace And from the amount of her love, my heart is leaning My mother is my life and my heaven You are my eyes and my smile Your love is like a ray of light within my soul And poetry flows from your love And poetry flows from your love The hearts happiness comes from your satisfaction And the perfume of the universe comes from your scent The whole of me is a sacrifice to you If you are absent they will call me a victim The whole of me is a sacrifice to you If you are absent they will call me a victim O you who is the beat of my heart and all of existence O you who is my life's soul, you who is warm-hearted O you who is more precious than all the crowds Appraisal is very little when it comes to you Appraisal is very little when it comes to you Mother.. I am a sacrifice for you Mother. You are an angel Mother.. oh mother Mother.. oh mother Mother.. oh mother Mother.. oh mother O tears, you have burnt the eyes My mother is not something I would easily give up But when the time comes Nothing will stand in the way O tears, you have burnt the eyes My mother is not something I would easily give up But when the time comes Nothing will stand in the way O people, who do I have after her O people, who will bring her back? Please, tell me where she is She has tortured my heart with her departure O God, may she be in your heavens Being blissed with all the goods And you change the old times With rice, and a good home O God, may she be in your heavens Being blissed with all the goods And you change the old times With rice, and a good home With rice, and a good home O God, may she be in your heavens Being blissed with all the goods And you change the old times With rice, and a good home With rice, and a good home O God, may she be in your heavens Being blissed with all the goods And you change the old times With rice, and a good home With rice, and a good home
Ameen Summa Ameen. A mother is a mother. Irreplaceable. Cherish the memories send bismillah ka sawaab upon our Beloved Prophet Muhammed Peace Love and Blessings Be Upon Him and your mother. AMEEN SUMMA AMEEN. I know how you are feeling this month 7 years I lost my whole world but Allah Subhanahu Wa Ataala was very Merciful and Compassionate towards me he bestowed his blessings upon me granted me two MashAllah righteous sons. The grandsons my mother never had. SubhanAllah.
In Munich you find all kinds of people. I have argued with Muslims, Christians, Hindus and people with the vague feeling that there has to be "something" or "someone". I have defended the building of a Mosque and attacked Islam. For one I'm disappointed. On the other hand I like the opportunity to engage the religious.
mashaallah very touching ! May Allah make us obedient to our parents .... And for those who lost either pls keep doing aamal ( good deeds ) for them and keep praying ... Ya Allah forgive our Mothers and Fathers .....and bless them with firdous !
Please pray for my Mother she passed away 7 years ago. She was the most humble, closer to Allah and sweet human being that i ever knew. I miss her everyday, Ya Allah grant my mother Jannat ul Firdous for the sake of your mercy. And all the muslims who passed away. Ameen
My mother died 2001 Allah swt bless my sweet mother 😭😭😭😭and all muslims died mothers and give Jannah Tul Firdous .....🤲🙏 Ya Allah swt Ameen Sum'ma Ameen..
Im a christian but i love this nasheed and i respect islam. We might not have the same religion but we are still brothers and sisters in faith, much love 😊❤🙏
We are not brothers and sisters According to Al-Quran (49-10) only the believers of Allah are brothers and sisters I mean no hate to u, may Allah guide u in the right path.
MasaALLAH. Allah is the one❤ and the owner of our front and back and between them. ⚘Subhanallah⚘Hamd and Shukran to Allah. Let we love Allah and let we love, who loves Allah.
Amri exprezz I'M from reunion everyday I cry in worshipping allah to ease the life of the oppressed muslim throughout the world we are persecuting coz we belong the religion of truth n muhamad is the messenger of the one and only Allah.
To any reverts out there like myself. I want you to know one thing. I know it’s hard and you feel lonely. But I can say one thing. I PROMISE if you hold fast to Islam, Allah will bless you in ways you never imagined. He will send other Muslims by your side and a support. I have seen it with my own eyes in my life. Stay strong my reverts! Much 💕 love
I converted in december, but had been interested in islam years ago. my family is christian .. they hate islam. they know nothing and i do everything secretly, fasting, praying, everything behind closed doors .. but i'm still grateful for everything Alhamdulillah .. the one before I was nobody and now i have islam in my heart and in my life. It is a gift from Allah never underestimate it. no matter how hard you have it you have to be patient if you need anything then ask allah make duaa.. and he will help you in shaa allah .. you are not alone, dear sister or brother May Allah bless you and give you the strength to keep .. I love you all for Allah ❤️☝🏽
Stay strong and fear only Allah because he is with whoever fears him . Have full knowledge of Quran with understanding and I know this will take time because I am doing this too now but it will answer a lot of ur answers and give u light to differentiate between falsehood and truth as it helped me. May Allah bless you , keep u safe and provide you only from all the good he has created . Whenever u r in doubt (these are doubts about silly things)stick with what u know 100% truth about islam from Quran and Hadith because doubts are from Satan .
As Salamu Alaikum, welcome home. May Allah SWT keep you on the straight path. May Allah give you strength to overcome the obstacles. May Allah replace your difficulty with ease. May Allah fill your life with good righteous friends to guide you. May Allah soften your parents hearts and change the hatred to kindness. May Allah place peace in your mind and calmness in your heart. May Allah be your support when you are lonely.
Hello dear ! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you ! May I suggest something ? 😊
I have been following an account on Tumblr called Reverthelp, and their Instagram is @revert_help. I have made a couple of revert friends and they mentioned that the admin is a professional life coach who helps them with their questions and supports them through their process. They are really happy with the support they get. They have a really nice community too. Seeing your comment I thought they can be of good use for you as well if you need any information or resources. Do send them a message 😊 best ✌🏻
May Allah bless you I think u have been through a lot may Allah make that easy for u in Shaa allah
My dad and mom no more in this world, I miss them alot,
May Allah grant them highest rank in jannah
May they go in Jannah
Ammen summa ameen
They killed my brothers n sisters inside masjid in Christchurch.
May Allah grant them paradise.
Inshallah they get the highest rank in Jannah I will pray for them I am so sorry for your loss😔
May their souls rest in Peace.
Iam christian and i like this nasheed and i love ALLAH S. W. T and MUHAMMED S. A. W
You are muslim than!
QURAN ( 2:105), and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: "We are Christians." That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud.
🤍Did you know that the Prophet Muhammad met Jesus and all the prophets on the night of the (Isra and Mi’raj )in Al-Aqsa Mosque? in the holy land They all prayed to God there and it's Mentioned in the Quran
Muhammad said about him/As for Jesus son of Maryam, he is a red man, between short and long, with long, curly hair, and a very handsome face, as if he had come out of bathing plece . You would imagine his head was dripping with water, but there was no water in it./and the closest of the people in resemblance to him. from those I have seen, is 'Urwah bin Mas'ud.
And I saw Ibrahim, and the closest of the people in resemblance to him, from those I have seen, is your companion" - meaning himself -
The Prophet said, "I saw Moses, Jesus and Abraham (on the night of my Ascension to the heavens). Jesus was of red complexion, curly hair and a broad chest. Moses was of brown complexion, straight hair and tall stature as if he was from the people of Az-Zutt."
Muhammad (p) felt a special closeness to Jesus (p): "Both in this world and in the Hereaf- ter, I am the nearest of all the people to Jesus, the son of Mary. The proph- ets are paternal brothers; their moth- ers are different, but their religion is one."
Since God made all the prophets descend to meet the Prophet Muhammad on the night of the esra'a and meraaj , this indicates the absolute greatness of Muhammad and his message
How Jesus is God and Adam was the first human who worship the Creator. Jesus was not in the time of Adam. How do you think?
. I want you to be safe So I have to tell you
Did you know We as Muslims cannot be Muslims without believing in Moses, Jesus (As a prophets)& all prophets, and the Bible, and the Torah, and Moses and Jesus are mentioned in the Qur’an a lot!!!! The Qur’an is the last book from God to the earth To learn more, watch Ahmed Deedat or Dr Zakir naik Because they are scholars and memorize all the holy books
Muhammad is the last prophet from God to the earth. God sent him to all people, and his call included the Jews, Christians, and all nations of the earth.//Verses from the Qur’an about Muhammad((((((We have sent you ˹O Prophet˺ only as a mercy for the whole world.)
Quran surah as-saf 6 //And ˹remember˺ when Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O children of Israel! I am truly Allah’s messenger to you, confirming the Torah which came before me, and giving good news of a messenger after me whose name will be Aḥmad.”1 Yet when the Prophet came to them with clear proofs, they said, “This is pure magic.”
// 🤍
Quran/They1 say, “The Most Compassionate has offspring_You have certainly made an outrageous claim,by which the heavens are about to burst, the earth to split apart, and the mountains to crumble to pieces_in protest of attributing children to the Most Compassionate.It does not befit ˹the majesty of˺ the Most Compassionate to have children/
Those who say, “Allah is one in a Trinity,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. There is only One God. If they do not stop saying this, those who disbelieve among them will be afflicted with a painful punishment./
Those who say, “Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. The Messiah ˹himself˺ , “O Children of Israel! Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord.” Whoever associates others with Allah ˹in worship˺ will surely be forbidden Paradise by Allah. Their home will be the Fire. And the wrongdoers will have no helpers.🤍
🤍Quran//Muḥammad is not the father of any of your men,1 but is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.
That is Jesus, son of Mary. ˹And this is˺ a word of truth, about which they dispute.
It is not for Allah to take a son! Glory be to Him. When He decrees a matter, He simply tells it, “Be!” And it is!
˹Jesus also declared,˺ “Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him ˹alone˺. This is the Straight Path.”
Yet their ˹various˺ groups have differed among themselves ˹about him˺, so woe to the disbelievers when they face a tremendous Day!
سورة : المائدة - Al-Mā’idah - الجزء : ( 7 ) - الصفحة: ( 127 )
And (remember) when Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection): "O 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Did you say unto men: 'Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?' " He will say: "Glory be to You! It was not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would surely have known it. You know what is in my inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours, truly, You, only You, are the All-Knower of all that is hidden and unseen.
How can the human mind believe that Jesus forgave all your sins when he was crucified? In this state, sins and crimes will spread.
If a strange Christian man came and killed your wife, then raped your daughter, killed and oppressed thousands of innocent people, then disappeared and was not punished by the law, do you believe that he will die safely because Jesus forgave his sins? My answer is impossible.
Iam not alone,allah is always with me,allah is only my hope
Masya Allah...
ExTrEme GaMErs z الله و اكبر
Alhamdu lilha 😍😍😍😍😍
Pray for Kashmir
Pray for Palestine
Pray for whole Muslim ummah
We are one we are united
@Miley Moose ...." Allah is one....Muslims are one "...
Love from Kashmir...
Alllah save our ummah insha allah
I am from kashmir thankyou you brother
I am from Somalia pray for our brothers, fathers, muslim mothers, & sisters.
Amiiin yaa Allah bless I'll 🇸🇴🇸🇴❣️❣️❣️❣️🌼🌼
May Allah bless our muslim brothers and sisters in Somalia. May Allah make it easy for them and also make Somalia prosperous so they don't have to be in debt to any other country but only to Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala. Ameen.
Pls dont say i love ALLAH its not good
@@DinadinIslam why not
Listening to this type of sound's is what made me revert to Islam so peaceful Alhamdulillah best decision I've ever made
May Allah preserve you, the faith in your heart and also preserve the deen in your life.. aameen, and may Allah sace us all from fitnas of this time, aameen.
Hi from ireland. As a Irish Catholic man. I must say this very beautiful music. God bless the children of Syria Yemen palastine etc and all Muslim people. Post edit. Please forgive my ignorance about mentioning nasheed as music. Pray for the men women and children of Palestine.
May Allah also keep you and your family safe as well. It's always nice to see a person respect anothers faith instead of insulting them. Jazakallah Khair
May Allah guide you to right path
Please accept islam..its the only way of life and you will find peace❤
I hope u find your way in life. 🙂
Anyone can try to destroy Islam but one day they will have to answer
Allah is The Greatest
Gucci Hayek in shAA ALLAH
I'm Thinking About the Journey of Taif...
@@leighthompson7729 is that anything that disturbing you, bro
They desire to extinguish the light (religion) of Allah with their mouths (words), while Allah does not want it except to perfect His light even though the disbelievers dislike it. It is He Who sent His Messenger (by bringing) the true (Quran) and the true religion to prevail over all religions even though the heathen dislike it. " (QS at-Taubah: 32-33).
@@ArmigeriDefensores Depressing me Too much Whenever I hear a Hadees of him... Whenever I hear that he was too much Hungry just for us. Whenever He hurt himself for us... And We Just doing bad Sins and Deeds 😔... He's our Everything World nothing without him ❤️... Peace be upon him 💔
There is no term of "Loneliness" in Islam, because Allah is always with us.
"Don't be sad, indeed Allah is with us."(Surah At-Taubah : 40)
😥i needed this...oh Allah thank yu for makin me a muslim..oh Allah have mercy on all muslims and grant us jannah with your mercy
{ إِلَّا تَنصُرُوهُ فَقَدْ نَصَرَهُ اللَّهُ إِذْ أَخْرَجَهُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ثَانِيَ اثْنَيْنِ إِذْ هُمَا فِي الْغَارِ إِذْ يَقُولُ لِصَاحِبِهِ لَا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَنَا ۖ فَأَنزَلَ اللَّهُ سَكِينَتَهُ عَلَيْهِ وَأَيَّدَهُ بِجُنُودٍ لَّمْ تَرَوْهَا وَجَعَلَ كَلِمَةَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا السُّفْلَىٰ ۗ وَكَلِمَةُ اللَّهِ هِيَ الْعُلْيَا ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ } [ (40) - التوبة ]
‘Allah Made Everything’, song that reminds us that whilst all of creation recognises Allah as their Creator, it is only us as human beings who forget at times of our Lord, to whom we will all return someday. This video features islam Beautiful family muslim songs 🤲🏻beautiful religion❤ #islam #edit #islamicstatus
I love it
This nasheed makes me cry
استغفرالله لى و اتوب اليه
My father passed away last year in a road accident. He was very pure of heart ,he always had a smile on his face and used to help others whenever he could. He was the bestest and the most innocent person I've ever seem in my life.
I miss him a lot
May Allah grant him Jannah and reunite our family there. Ameen
Ameen inshallah he will be in jannah dont worry brother ask dua for him
Ameen x
May Allah Grant Him Jannah aameen
My mom passed away just 4 months ago. Ive been looking for this nasheed since then and never knew the lyrics were about mothers until just now. Mashaallah
innalillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon. may Allah grant her jannat inshallah. Ameen thumma ameen!
+Jannatun Nisa Thank you so much! Amen.
Allah yurhamha May allah grant her Jannah and forgive her for all her sins.May she rest peacefully in Jannah Ameen so sorry for your lose!
+June N Thank you!! Ameen. Ramadan Mubarak btw :)
+Jannatun Nisa Ameen....
I'm proud of being a Muslim.
Me too❤️❤️
ruclips.net/video/fZ2apkFPVGY/видео.html best nasheed
Alhamdulilah me too
I lost my father 2011 when I was class 6 and my mother 2021 Pray for my parents my brother and sister in Muslims to Grant them Jannah Insha Allah
So you were adopt or a orphan yallah habibi no sports of course I will pray for your parents😊❤
ALLAAH give jannah aameen
May our LORD give them jannah ameen . May ALLAH give you strength and more stronger iman in this life . Ameen .
Ameen yarrab❤
My wife died in 16 fev 2o 19 .please pray for me she was just 57 years old plz pray for me
You are the one who suffered.
You are the one who the dua is the most being ijabath by Allah Swt.
So you know the next brother...😊
Allah yarhama ya aghy
@@Darapenaa thank you very much,👍👍👍
@@mohannou9207 thank you very much❤❤❤👆
Inshallah she gets the highest rank in jannah I am so sorry for your loss 😔
My sister is dies in 2019 May ALLAH give him highest place in janat Aameen ( 24 years old) 😭
@Habibah Zaheer May Allah bless you with ease. Ameen!
Ameen 😭
Ameen suma ameen
My father passed away on last November. He's one of the best, if not the best, person I've ever seen in my life. Please pray him brothers and sisters. May Allah accept his good deeds and grant him forgiveness. And may Allah give my mother the strength to go through it.
رحمه الله وغفر له.
Ameen! Thumma Ameen!
@@khalid2676 آمين
May Allah grant him Jannah
Allah is the greatest. AlhumduAllah we born as a Muslim. We have to improve our self more. Pray for me Allah more guide me. It is requested to all who listen to this voice
I love ALLAH. proud to be a Muslim. from Kashmir
Me too sister from Kashmir..Allah bless u
Areena Mushtaq i am also a kashmiri
This is so beautiful how our religion binds us together... Me Too from Kashmir
New Muslim revert from Uttarakhand,India ❤️
Assalamu alikkum I am from kerala
This nasheed reminds me our utmost journey of aakhirah. May allah grant us jannha. Ameen.
Ameen ya rab summa ameen
Amiin Amiin In Shaa Allah
Summa aameen.
I’m in a difficult situation right now,And sometimes I feel I lost everything but I’m always telling myself that Allah is here for me and I got faith in him! He’s my strength 🙏🏾
Kadija Toure stay strong sister allah is always with you and knows what to do. You will get your power just have sabr 🙏💪🏽
Shaitan plays tricks on us stay stead fast
You are not alone sister, hold the rope of allah tight.
Believe in Allah not in shaiyatan astagfirullah
You got Allah and you just need him in your life,amine🤲🏻
My father is a martyr. The Americans killed him in 2005 when he was a soldier in the former Iraqi army..Pray for my father. Greetings from Iraq to all Muslims in the world ☪️🇮🇶💔
Free Palestine 🇵🇸♥️
I wish you the best and I m sorry for your loss🙏❤️❤️❤️
May his soul rest in peace
Oh Allah please Safe our Iraqi , Syrian, PALASTINE, Uygher muslim brother and sister Please 😭😭 Praying from india , Allahs ajab is very near brother dont Worry whole America, China Europe will be end
love brother Muslim🕋❤️
Saheed jannati !!!!!
I feel sorry for other people who are missing out on such a beautiful religion❤
We are so so blessed Alhamdulillah
May Allah SWT bless us even more and make us amazing Muslims Ameen Ya Wadod 💗🙏
Abu talib du bist ja auch hier👌🏾😂
We are so so so so blessed Alhamdulillah.... I'm grateful to you Allah...
Every religion is beautiful
thanks god i am finally muslim now
allahu akbar
+pendachou star n♥
I am from Afghanistan thanks very good voice beautiful and islam is peace jazakallah
I'm from Afghanistan too brother ❤
Me from Dubai salam
Pk Tv Tv walikum asalaam ramazan Mubarak brother
S.k tnx ramazan Mubarak.
Shuma chethor hasthayn Khan Jan!👋
If Allah has made our mother's hearts love us so much then you imagine how much He loves us. Subhana'Allah ❤️
ya Allah please guard my parents in Indonesia while i'm so far away from 'em. You know i cant live anymore in this world without them. my precious heart and soul around them. ameen ameen ya Allah
E Lithuania what happened to them?
E Lithuania
E Lithuania amen Allah will be protect your family 🤲🏼
Brothers and sisters in Islam I feel so blessed to be Muslim listening to this and reading your comments 2019. So much love for you all.
This nasheed is the way i feel that i belong to Allah . Ina lillah wa ina ilaehe rajeoon. Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰🇵🇰
the way bro?
I reverted to Islam 4 years ago, as time went on I have become a Muslimah who wears hijab and strives in the way of Allah. I love Islam and I love Allah always and forever 💖 I stand with all the muslims that Allah is our Lord and Muhammad is the last and final messenger ﷺ
I am indian muslim mashallah touch my heart this naat 👍 alhamdulilla
I just discovered nasheeds and I've been listening to this one over and over all day today
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christchurch New Zealand
What about the Christian brother in Srilanka bombed by Islamist ?
@Shuheb Ahmed Never seen a single Muslim saying it for Srilanka bombing until they are pressed ( like you )
The fact which irritate me is , majority of so called moderate muslim are the one who don't condemn these activity , instead they try to prosleltize there activity by giving out irrelevant logic !
Problem is that majority moderate Muslims !
Listening again n again from 6 years but not fed up of this heart melting Nasheed until now❤️❤️❤️
I'm a Hindu but I honestly feel blessed hearing this❤ So beautiful!!
I invite you to Islam. Submission to the true God
_thanu25 May Allah Guide you
Watch :
Dr zakir naik
Such a Good speaker ^^^
Masha allah
Mashallah.......feel the words of ALLAH .....more you will listen ......more you will influence with it.......🤩
Asalmamualikum welcome to Islam ma'am 😊😊😊
Everytime when I'm sad...I listen this...this make me stronger
Ya Allah protect all people in this world♡♡♡♡♡
This audio really make my heart more pure. Some Islamic audios are really heart touching and they keep me away from doing sins
Oh merciful allah
Its about mom ,
My grandma died 4 years ago and I miss her a lot may Allah put her in THE Highest Place In Jannah ameen.
Inshallah Sister or brother.
Allahuma ameen
I'm proud to say that I'm a Muslim! Allahu Akbar ☝️❤
Mert Dogan allah akbar mushalla
Mert Dogan masallah
I am to ALLAHHUAKBAR 💖💓💖❤❤😀☝☝🙏✨✨
Mert Dogan same heir
Yasasin muslumanlik allahuakber 👆🏻❤️
2019... anyone ?😐
Yup yup : )
I SEE A BROTHERHOOD IN UMMAH IN COMMENTS HERE.... May allah Unite us all and Guide us on the islamic path... AMEEN
Allahuakbar ☝
Redd One Did You Know My Name Is Akbar
Ammen :-)
Redd One ameen ❤️
Watching helplessly something you loved and became a part of your heart, life and, journey ready to part ways from you forever hurts so much, no words to comprehend the pain. 🐾 😭
At first time I feel cry.... Ya Allah safe us....from Bangladesh
cant stop tearing😢 seeing muslims all over world subhanALLAH
Farooq Ahmed
سبحان الله
Farooq Ahmed akhii same here wallah
Trust in allah
Fitnah all around the world. The time is coming. May Allah Azza wa Jalla give us mercy and stengthen our iman.
لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ
This nasheed is so special to me ❤️ when I first listened to it I felt a feeling just indescribable and it was during the time when I was becoming a Muslim 🥰 Alhamdulillah
I am Muslim from India I love muslims brothers from all over the world may allah bless all muslims
This reminds me of all the people who must've lost their mothers in syria and other places of war.
Allah give them sabr.😢
I remember this vid that i sawmi forgot now
I dont know.....this nasheed automatically makes my imaan stronger.....😍😍😍😍
may god protect u
@@itsneji7350 Thanks bro....May Allah give you Content
@@mubashirm9759 All love and respect to you brother.
@@itsneji7350 Selam Alaikum bro
My dad died in 2019 ya Allah grant him paradise.
That nasshed can make me cry 😢
esselamu alaikum from Turkey. Wè love you Muslim brothers. Allahu Ekber.
i go today to Turkey:)
bir kac saat sonra
+DeXHiT XH Selamun Aleyküm.
وعلیکم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Waalaikum asalam wa rahmato ALLAH wa barakatoh brother, from Algeria.
me too
Love to all ❣️ Muslims from Pakistan 🇵🇰
Pakistan zindabad
Pkistan pakhtoon zindabad
What about other Muslim country s
@@Smiling_is_sunnah nothing
@@Smiling_is_sunnah love and nothing
Nice Nasheed Allah save our Muslims Ummah
Khaled Hossain ,Sir,I think You mistook the meaning of the arabic word "Ummi" as "Ummah".The real meaning of the arabic word "Ummi" is "mother".
Khaled Hossain AMEEN.
Inshallah azawajal ameen
Khaled Hossain aameen
My beautiful ami passes away in ramzan 2023 may allah give you the best jannah this is one ramzan I will never forget for the years to come
And she is in the best place looking over us 💔🥲🕊️
@@saarahx1564Please tell me something about Fathima RADIYALLAAHU ANNHA
this Nasheed is very peaceful in a way, it is very heartwarming
we fear nothing because Allah is with us
bismilah alrahman Rahim salam aleykum to All muslims
W.salaam love frm pakistan..
We should fear Allah only, The Greatest
Youssef El muez ar rahman*
May Allah help Umma'te Muhammad SAW
I’m not muslim but for some reason this stirs my heart
You could learn about Islam its very interesting religion brother
Plz learn about Islam... Before death comes to u 😓 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Islam is very peaceful religion.
God put those reasons there for you to find the truth.. Follow your heart..
1 God; no image, beyond imaginations. Sent messengers, revealed revelation via angels. Main message: Worship The One God, follow the messenger of your time. Reward? Eternity in paradise, in which you get whatever you ask for. What do you think?
One day you will accept Islam Insha Allah 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
salam from kashmir... Love you All brothers.... & sister's
walaykum salaam wa rahmah tullah my brother. I'm also originally from Kashmir. I've never visited. In Sha Allah I will soon
+Jey A where are you living now.... and which part of kashmir u r frm
Mudasir Najar London. From Sri nagar
+Jey A me also from srinagar bro.. See ya here soon...
Mudasir Najar JazakAllahu Khair brother. Will you show me around if I come?
This reminds me that we all will be in jannah one day in sha allah💪
إنشاء الله
Insha allah
I love Allah he is the greatest the number 1 we should show him more love i trust Allah the most Alhamdulillah may god bless you all ❤️
Asalamu alaykum.brothers\ sister ,its not appropriate to call Allah a king
@@jomskyull6063 Allah is the King over everyone & everything.
@@jomskyull6063*Allah Is The King Of Kings*
It has such an angelic rythm, as if the angels themselves were singing this...Ma sha Allah
My brother is killed in 2018. Please make dua for him please. My heart is still broken. Allah y rahmek a ghoya 28-10-2018 💔💔
Allah ap ko sabar de
May Allah Grant Him Jannah aameen
Allah i rahmo Allah i gefirloe allahoma amien
Ina lil lahi wa ina ilahi rajioon
Heart touching back ground music it's make me cry💚💚😢
Assalamalekum Wa Rahmatulallahi Wa Barakatu
Please change your dp
Putting these types of dp is haram in Islam
We can put photos of Aulia Allah/Wali
not of any living thing except Aulia Allah
So putting living things in Profile Pic is haram
It's not music
It's vocal
& You must keep a beard
if its made you Cry then don't forget to do salah 5 times .. remember Allah always watching you
alhamdullah I'm moslim I love allah I love mohammed Rasolallah
I love mother I love father and I love all moslim
Md Kawsar Ahmed we all love you too brother
Ahsen Aftab sisters ?
Md Kawsar Ahmed i love you too brother:-)
I love you too brother
I love you to brother
For the ones who says they converted to islam, no my family members you aren't.... you just returned on the right path...
M so blessd tht v r born muslims. I've no words hw will i thank Allah(swt) fr this. May Allah guide n mag Allah have mercy on us.
Any 1 in 2019
#Hit like.
Most importantly heart touching Nasheed❤️❤️👌😭😭
This nasheed sounds so familiar it made little tears on my face
I remember this beautiful voice too I think my mum had made me watch this. 5 years ago or more
I'm not Muslim but this is beautiful
RMS Titanic,
May peace be upon you,
Islam is beautiful than this
our lord only Allah ,Allah is only one,lord,gives one real religion that is Islam , please research about religious, and find your real way of life.
may Allah help you ameen..
My brother just more research in Islam is best in the world
RMS Titanic Alhamdulillah, may Allah guide you to the right path and grant you a good life on earth and a better one in the hereafter!
May Allah grant you guidance and correct your affairs.....
We always feel peace hearing even a single ayat. This is the beauty of islam Alhamdulilah.
This nasheed just give me so many past feelings
This nasheed is the best nasheed I ever had mashallah. I feel like crying 😭😭😭😭😭☝️☝️☝️☝️ Allah the most merciful 🥰🥰🥰😘😍❤
Can you tall me what is the name of this nasheed? And where can i get its subtitle?
The nasheed about his dead Mother.
The lyrics:
O mother, the heart has walked towards you
With compassion and kindness it as filled
I grew within her embrace
And from the amount of her love, my heart is leaning
O mother, the heart has walked towards you
With compassion and kindness it as filled
I grew within her embrace
And from the amount of her love, my heart is leaning
My mother is my life and my heaven
You are my eyes and my smile
Your love is like a ray of light within my soul
And poetry flows from your love
And poetry flows from your love
The hearts happiness comes from your satisfaction
And the perfume of the universe comes from your scent
The whole of me is a sacrifice to you
If you are absent they will call me a victim
The whole of me is a sacrifice to you
If you are absent they will call me a victim
O you who is the beat of my heart and all of existence
O you who is my life's soul, you who is warm-hearted
O you who is more precious than all the crowds
Appraisal is very little when it comes to you
Appraisal is very little when it comes to you
Mother.. I am a sacrifice for you
Mother. You are an angel
Mother.. oh mother
Mother.. oh mother
Mother.. oh mother
Mother.. oh mother
O tears, you have burnt the eyes
My mother is not something I would easily give up
But when the time comes
Nothing will stand in the way
O tears, you have burnt the eyes
My mother is not something I would easily give up
But when the time comes
Nothing will stand in the way
O people, who do I have after her
O people, who will bring her back?
Please, tell me where she is
She has tortured my heart with her departure
O God, may she be in your heavens
Being blissed with all the goods
And you change the old times
With rice, and a good home
O God, may she be in your heavens
Being blissed with all the goods
And you change the old times
With rice, and a good home
With rice, and a good home
O God, may she be in your heavens
Being blissed with all the goods
And you change the old times
With rice, and a good home
With rice, and a good home
O God, may she be in your heavens
Being blissed with all the goods
And you change the old times
With rice, and a good home
With rice, and a good home
Thank you so much for this
This remind my mother and her love to me
Ya allah give her a highest rank in Jannath 😭😭😭
I misssing u every moment maa
Yes Thank you soooo much.JazakAllah khairrrrr.i longed to know what it meant!!!!!!
Awn, thank you so much for translating this whole thing for us < 3
My little brother cried of your comment.
He said: ,,What i will do, if my mother will die one day“ …
My mom passed away earlier this month. And this song reminds me of her. may Allah forgive her and elevate her station among those who are guided.
Ameen Summa Ameen. A mother is a mother. Irreplaceable. Cherish the memories send bismillah ka sawaab upon our Beloved Prophet Muhammed Peace Love and Blessings Be Upon Him and your mother. AMEEN SUMMA AMEEN.
I know how you are feeling this month 7 years I lost my whole world but Allah Subhanahu Wa Ataala was very Merciful and Compassionate towards me he bestowed his blessings upon me granted me two MashAllah righteous sons. The grandsons my mother never had. SubhanAllah.
LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Not even an atom size of uncertainty or doubt
Im a moroccan muslim from italy and Allah swt It's all in my life,I never been so much proud 🥰🥰☪️💫
I’m a Moroccan Muslim from the US ❤️
I'm a Moroccan Muslim , greetings from Spain alhamdu lillah 🇲🇦❤️
Salam alikom from MUNICH(GERMANY) to all brothers and sisters around the world
yhpaR-g walaikum Assalam from Pakistan
all Muslims may God bless you
In Munich you find all kinds of people.
I have argued with Muslims, Christians, Hindus and people with the vague feeling that there has to be "something" or "someone".
I have defended the building of a Mosque and attacked Islam.
For one I'm disappointed. On the other hand I like the opportunity to engage the religious.
bro its asalamu alaekum not salamalikom
wa alikum al salam from Arabia to our far brothers and sisters in Germany and European countries....
I miss my father💔2022.I can’t imagine this life I can’t control my tears 💔I love my father ❤
Whenever i listen to it i cry. I love my Ammi
Powerfull heart warming nasheed
I am from bangladesh ,,I very much like this naseed,may allah give to produce and publish more beautiful naseed
mashaallah very touching !
May Allah make us obedient to our parents ....
And for those who lost either pls keep doing aamal ( good deeds ) for them and keep praying ...
Ya Allah forgive our Mothers and Fathers .....and bless them with firdous !
Ameen masha Allah very nice du'a
+Next Vidzz May Allah shower his blessings on you :)
Please pray for my Mother she passed away 7 years ago. She was the most humble, closer to Allah and sweet human being that i ever knew.
I miss her everyday, Ya Allah grant my mother Jannat ul Firdous for the sake of your mercy. And all the muslims who passed away. Ameen
Ameen, May Allah elevate her every second of eternity, Ameen.
Ameen akhi
Assalamo alykum for the whole Muslim ummah....
Farjana Akter Farjana walaikumassalam
Farjana Akter Farjana
Farjana Akter Farjana وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
Walaikumassalam warehmatullai wa barakatu hu
My mother died 2001 Allah swt bless my sweet mother 😭😭😭😭and all muslims died mothers and give Jannah Tul Firdous .....🤲🙏 Ya Allah swt Ameen Sum'ma Ameen..
Salamualikum I am 9 my name is naseem love this nasheed beautiful PLZ dua for me 🕋❤️❤️🕋
Im a christian but i love this nasheed and i respect islam. We might not have the same religion but we are still brothers and sisters in faith, much love 😊❤🙏
Yeah we do, respect to you Brother❤️
Please search for the truth away from emotions because the punishment is severe and I pray to God to guide you
No muslim is a muslim until he believes on jesus christ and other prophets and we love all the prophets
I love u 2
We are not brothers and sisters
According to Al-Quran (49-10) only the believers of Allah are brothers and sisters
I mean no hate to u, may Allah guide u in the right path.
I feel proud for being muslim. Love you ALLAH
eden alam mashaAllah!
MasaALLAH. Allah is the one❤ and the owner of our front and back and between them. ⚘Subhanallah⚘Hamd and Shukran to Allah. Let we love Allah and let we love, who loves Allah.
eden alam
congratulations to all Muslims. because we are one we are Muslims
Ya Allah bismillah Allahu Ekber from Germany 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
❤❤🇦🇱☝️🇹🇷 was geht bruder
Nix bei euch?❤🇹🇷
@@nevineleven9109 auch nix habibi akhi
Türksün sanırım
Assalamualaikum from Indonesia to All My brothers and sisters in Islam
Amri exprezz I'M from reunion everyday I cry in worshipping allah to ease the life of the oppressed muslim throughout the world we are persecuting coz we belong the religion of truth n muhamad is the messenger of the one and only Allah.
Fazila Amv like
This nasheed increases my heartbeat..I dont know why 💔
Every time I listen to it it make me remember of my bad sins and i started cry
Muhammad Osama what is this nashaid call?
@@AbdusSalam-hp3if that's the same thing I wanna know
Its about mom
Heartfelt 😭It heals me whenever I saw this beautiful nasheed 💔
This nasheed touched my heart♥ 😭Allah loves me so much he saved my life from evil and gave me Islam😭😭
My mom passed away in november 2022. may الله grant her jannatul firdaus. Please make dua for her.
May Allah give her best place 😢😢❤❤❤
I am totally broken without my mom. Even don't know how mom love is. Allah may bless your mom's. Amin
2018? Anyone or I'm I alone
mo za no
mo za you are never alone allah is always by you
mo za i m also here
mo za here too
mo za a hahaha u ain't alone bro
Being a MUSLIM is the greatest reward you can ask for and ever receive ALHAMDULILAH - EID MUBARAK 2021
To any reverts out there like myself. I want you to know one thing. I know it’s hard and you feel lonely. But I can say one thing. I PROMISE if you hold fast to Islam, Allah will bless you in ways you never imagined. He will send other Muslims by your side and a support. I have seen it with my own eyes in my life. Stay strong my reverts! Much 💕 love
أحسنت قولا أخي سبحان الله وبحمده