Interesting how in this tasting, Chef Paik is focused on making Korean food accessible to the masses, and Chef Anh has the confidence knowing that Korean food's strong / complex flavors are universally appealing to modern eaters. Think it's related to their generational differences - Paik in the past might have had to be extra mindful / self-conscious of how a global audience might reduce Korean food to being "stinky" or overpowering, and Ahn's seen success on the global stage being unapologetic about old school Korean flavors. Somewhat ironic because the stereotype of older Koreans is that they impose their personal preferences on others (꼰대z), but Paik definitely doesn't fit that stereotype. IMO this is super encouraging - it feels like seeing my non-Korean friends in the US light up the first time they try dwenjang jjigae or ssam jang, where even those with generally bland palates love the flavors! (tl;dr, i'm with Ahn on this one)
@@FantasiaRed yeah, i just think it's more nuanced than just fine dining vs. not. paik's success was in korea, so he didn't ever need to apologize for strong korean flavors. and ahn growing up in the US and cooking for non-korean palates probably was often tempted to. the same versions of themselves but 20 years ago might have had exact opposite opinions. it's nice to see evolution.
There’s something valuable to learn from this show. The competition between the ‘White Spoon’ (Michelin-starred chefs) and the ‘Blank Spoon’ (up-and-coming, aspiring chefs) is truly fascinating. It’s a classic battle of experience versus perseverance talent. People often say you can’t beat a master, but this show proves that with hard work, dedication, and the right timing, anyone can shine. Even if you’ve achieved a Michelin star, it’s important to stay humble. Losing in this competition isn’t a total loss-it’s a reminder that everyone deserves a chance. All the chefs are incredibly skilled. I also noticed that teamwork plays a key role. The ‘White Spoon’ chefs seem to struggle with collaboration, likely because they’re used to being opinionated and self-assured. Sometimes, more experienced individuals have difficulty accepting others’ input because they’re accustomed to being seen as the experts.
I found so funny how chef paik kept choosing the black spoon n chef an the white spoon whenever there was a tie. But the one time paik's friend n an's student show up they chose them even blind 😂😂😂😂.... It's the both knew who's taste to cater to 😂😂😂
두 철학관이 명확해서 좋았던 부분이 있는데, 첫번째로 백종원이 이야기하는 부분은 우리가 기존에 가지고 있었던 외국에 알려진 한국문화가 거의 없던 시절 베이스가 없는 시대에서 한식을 알리려고 했었던 사람들의 철학점에 가깝다고 생각함. 반대로 두번째 안성재 셰프가 이야기 하는 부분은 이제는 우리가 외국에 한국문화가 어느정도 기반이 잡혀있고 우리만의 맛을 그대로 도드라지게 표현한다고 해도 이상하게 보지 않는 시대의 철학점에 가깝다고 생각함. 근데 한국은 그 두가지 관점의 중간지점정도라고 생각을 하고 점차 전자에서 후자로 옮겨가고 있는 중임. 지금은 한국적인것이 세계적인것이라고 표방하던 시절에서 세계적인것이 한국적인 것으로 변화해 나가고 있는 직선위에 놓여진 점 어딘가임. 이 지향점들이 또 독특하게 과거와 미래로 대변될거 같지만, 그렇지 않고 이후 각자 직선으로 나아갈것이라는것도 재밌는 부분인거 같음. 무엇이 되었던간에 재밌는 구도였고 저 둘이라서 나올법한 씨줄과 날줄 같은 생각들임.
안성재 셰프가 한 말이 이연복 셰프가 옛날에 했던 말이랑 일맥상통하는 말이죠 우리의 장맛을 왜 외국사람에게 보여줄때 감춰야 되냐는 생각 그대로 내보내고 그게 한국적인거다 라고 했었죠 다만 백종원이 한 말은 사업가적인 시선으로 보면 맞기도 하다고 생각함 분명히 아직은 그대로 맛을 보여줄 단계는 아니고 어느정도 미화시켜야할 부분은 있다고 보기도 함
In the trailer judge Paik mentions that he had to spit out the black spoon’s dish. Probably had something to do with the thing he kept aside in the’s not looking good for the black spoon, idk why y’all so optimistic.
And in the end chef Anh had to agree. Post scene he gave the analogy that if a friend he was eating with, spat something out, he'd call the waiter/waitress and make a complaint
I like both perspectives but the goal wasn't for chefs to create a dish with typical Korean ingredients for the international masses - so do not think it is the best argument to make for the winning dish.
3:41 Anh Sung-jae and Choi Hyun-seok are very close. Anh had no idea about the intention of the food. But when he saw Choi, he immediately realized the intention. Choi is a chef with strong characteristics.
i really hope the black spoon won considering the comments about the dish. i fully agree with what chef ahn said, especially considering the challenge, and not the overall cultural application of the dish.
but black chef made a mistake. It does not remove the fascia of the pork, so the Jongwon Baek judge spits it out and shows it to Anchef. That's why Anchef finally acknowledged the victory of the white shef.
저는 대중요리 한국 최고 권위자인 백종원씨가 심사한 관점이 좋습니다. 만약 저 요리를 다른 외국 셰프가 먹어 봤다면, 분명 백종원 씨의 의견에 동의했을 겁니다. 안 셰프는 한국인이라서 장맛을 정확하게 압니다. 하지만, 대다수의 외국 요리사조차 장맛을 확실히 구별못합니다. 이런 점에서 백종원 씨는 과거부터 지금까지 대중적인 평가 심사단이었고, 매우 전문적인 지식을 가지고 있습니다. 아마도 일반 외국인들 다수가 먹은 후에 맛으로 승부했다면, 당연히 절대 다수가 백색 주방장의 음식을 선택했을 겁니다. 한국의 장 맛을 일부러 누그러뜨린 점을 높게 평가했느냐, 아니면 외국인들이 바로 접근하기 힘든 장맛을 그대로 전달했어야 하느냐의 차이인 것 같네요.
I am not sure which foreigners or which countries you meant? I am an Asian not a Korean, but I can accept strong taste like gochujang. I think foreigners are so wide and I think Asians can accept the Korean strong sauce flavour. But maybe not Westerners and European?
Omg Chef Spark as a leader in episode 7 is also annoying. He can’t measure time properly. I think Hidden Genius or Manic should be leader. Now I have feeling black team will lose and we need to wait for next episode 8 to know. The suspense is killing me!
but black chef made a mistake. It does not remove the fascia of the pork, so the Jongwon Baek judge spits it out and shows it to Anchef. That's why Anchef finally acknowledged the victory of the white shef.
@ 3:37 Anh's reaction makes me feel like he convinced Paik to vote for the Black Spoon and finding out it's his student might make things awkward since the White Spoon chef has such high caliber
난 백종원씨를 존경하지만 안성재 쉐프의 의견에 완전히 동감합니다 된장 고추장 간장은 한국만의 고유의 맛이고 그건 단순한 전통을 넘어서 한국인의 영혼 그 자체 같은것인데 외국인들을 위해 그 맛을 일부러 숨긴 요리는 완전히 잘못된 발상이고 한국요리라고 생각하지도 않습니다 외국인들에게 한식을 홍보하기 위해 선조들이 물려준 완벽한 한국의 장맛을 감춘다?? 난 그런 요리는 절대 한국요리도 아니고 그런 요리에 대한민국을 갖다붙이는것도 싫습니다 난 계란후라이에 간장 좀 뿌리고 풋고추를 그냥 된장이나 고추장에 푹 찍어서 따끈한 밥과 함께 맛있게 먹는 한국인으로서 이 맛을 외국인들이 받아들이기 힘들다면 그냥 계속 모르길 간절히 바랍니다😤
말도 안되는 억지 소리. 지금 먹는 된장 고추장 간장 100 년전에 먹던 맛이랑 다름. 심지어 회사 브랜드마다 맛이 다 다름. 님은 햄버거에 한우 넣었다고 햄버거가 아닌게됨? 초밥에 밥알 적게 넣었다고 스시가 아닌게됨? 사람은 미각 세포 보유 갯수가 전부 다르기 때문에 각자 음식 맛을 느끼는게 다름. 그렇기 때문에 사람이 음식에게 맞추는게 아니라 음식을 사람한테 맞추는거. 음식이라는건 생각보다 과학적이고 오묘함. 어떤 재료는 많이 넣어서 맛이 확튀게 할수도 있고 어떤재료는 적데 넣어서 은은한 맛을 낼수도 있음. 고로 적게 넣는다고 음식의 아이덴티티가 없어지는게 아님
I disagree with you. Some people would think the presantation, or look of the food is important but some not so much (that's me). However, we can all agree that the food must tastes good.
Episode 7 this white chef leader in the second seafood match is annoying! Can’t stand him. Gosh! I feel like turning off the TV when I see him. He keep annoyed the black team taking more ingredients from them like the green onions while he himself take all the scallops and mussels. But I have feeling the white team win since the black team win the first meat match. I have to pause the show to vent out my feelings sorry guys!
@@JC-hr7ny 틀을 갖고 요리를 하지 않고 자유롭게 나답게 자기 스타일대로 최현석이라는 요리를 한다는겁니다. 안성재는 그게 없죠. 요리사가 예술가로서 작품을 만들려면 요리를 하는데 있어 자기가 느낀 것을 표현을 하면 됩니다. 그럼 그것을 미식가나 평론가들이 해석을 하죠. 근데 처음부터 의도를 완벽하게 갖춘다? 그건 나중에 ai에 쉽게 대체될 셰프입니다.
@@JC-hr7ny 이해를 못하시네요. 내가 느낀 감정을 표현하는거와, 내 의도를 그대로 전달하는 거와는 차이가 있다는 겁니다. 그래서 장트리오 재료를 가지고 요리를 했는데 안셰프가 의도를 알기 힘들고 난해하다는 거죠. 백종원은 신선하다고 하는거고요. 반면에 원투쓰리 셰프는 누구나 하는 요리를 뻔하게 내놓으니 의도도 분명하고 토론할거리가 없죠. 왜냐? 상품이거든요. 그런 상품을 안셰프도 좋아하고요. 이해하셨나요?^^
최현석이랑 안성재 둘다 파인다이닝셰프이고 상품이자 작품을 만드는사람임 그저 방향성이 다를뿐.. 최현석은 음식재료를 가지고 오만방식으로 놀아보며 기발한 작품을 만들어냄 안솊은 요리 본연의 맛과 재료의 제대로된 사용에 집중한 작품을 만들어내는거고 그리고 모든 작품에는 의도가 있음 그 의도를 파악하는 것도 작품을 읽어내는데 중요한 요소임
Chef Paik is super biased when it comes to the cooking of his friends. I’m starting to be skeptical about all his other tv shows, won’t trust the guy on food reviews again. IT HAD NO TASTE OF SOYA SAUCE AT ALL (don’t forget the theme of that challenge was soya sauce and the other two). Not impressed at all. Not just in this episode, he was also unfair at the first challenge. The lady obviously failed the dumplings but he gave her the first ticket to the top 20. There must have been other competitors doing better than her. She was lucky because her judge wasn’t Chef Ahn. Even worse he even let her come back after defeated. Not to mention that her cooking is not too impressive either.
It's not all the same. Soy sauce in Korea, China, Japan, Southeast Asia is different from the manufacturing process, if you think about it like you, if you put the ingredients in between the bread in a way, it should just be called a sandwich
Think of it the other way round - The chinese probably translates all kinds of cheese as simply "cheese" as they do not have an existing equivalent (or widely-used) translation for each kind, and found no need for it due to the lack of use in their daily lives. But chedder, blue cheese, mozzarella etc feels like completely different ingredients for someone in say Italy, they can't bare to call them in such a broad-based term. At the end of the day, not translating the terms work best.
@@zuiwoshachangyou may or may not be right. In a cheese-eating culture, cheese has to be classified and explained in various categories, but in Asian cuisine, when cooking dishes of different nationalities, only certain ingredients are used. In the case of this program, two countries' soy sauce was used, if not. Chinese cuisine often requires traditional Chinese soy sauce. Since I'm a Korean, I don't have to watch English subtitles, so I don't know if the pd distinguished it. So if you translated the two soy sauce separately, I'd be right, and if not, you'd be right.
@@손민기-g3u By western standards? so that why japan (387) have more michellin star than USA (234), Italy (381), Germany (330), Spain (267), UK (185) v.v ?
I absolutely love this show. It makes you nervous, excited, sad, mad, proud. Favorite cooking show I’ve ever watched here in America.
Why Korean always make outstanding shows in many ways, I think Korean has many brilliant producers ❤
They’re literally in a 5G brain cells
Because we love dopamine
They love cliff hangers
I wouldn't limit videography, music, set designing, and the works of the chefs to just 'writing'. Also, this is a reality show, not a movie.
Be aware! Once you start watching it, you may find it hard to stop.
Yesss, I'm waiting for the other episodes to be available now 😭
Interesting how in this tasting, Chef Paik is focused on making Korean food accessible to the masses, and Chef Anh has the confidence knowing that Korean food's strong / complex flavors are universally appealing to modern eaters. Think it's related to their generational differences - Paik in the past might have had to be extra mindful / self-conscious of how a global audience might reduce Korean food to being "stinky" or overpowering, and Ahn's seen success on the global stage being unapologetic about old school Korean flavors. Somewhat ironic because the stereotype of older Koreans is that they impose their personal preferences on others (꼰대z), but Paik definitely doesn't fit that stereotype. IMO this is super encouraging - it feels like seeing my non-Korean friends in the US light up the first time they try dwenjang jjigae or ssam jang, where even those with generally bland palates love the flavors!
(tl;dr, i'm with Ahn on this one)
Its been apparent that one is fine-dining oriented and one is mass oriented/entrepreneurial
@@FantasiaRed yeah, i just think it's more nuanced than just fine dining vs. not. paik's success was in korea, so he didn't ever need to apologize for strong korean flavors. and ahn growing up in the US and cooking for non-korean palates probably was often tempted to. the same versions of themselves but 20 years ago might have had exact opposite opinions. it's nice to see evolution.
There’s something valuable to learn from this show. The competition between the ‘White Spoon’ (Michelin-starred chefs) and the ‘Blank Spoon’ (up-and-coming, aspiring chefs) is truly fascinating. It’s a classic battle of experience versus perseverance talent. People often say you can’t beat a master, but this show proves that with hard work, dedication, and the right timing, anyone can shine. Even if you’ve achieved a Michelin star, it’s important to stay humble. Losing in this competition isn’t a total loss-it’s a reminder that everyone deserves a chance. All the chefs are incredibly skilled.
I also noticed that teamwork plays a key role. The ‘White Spoon’ chefs seem to struggle with collaboration, likely because they’re used to being opinionated and self-assured. Sometimes, more experienced individuals have difficulty accepting others’ input because they’re accustomed to being seen as the experts.
Nahhh they already planned the black spoon to win somehow. Its all expected of the show
I found so funny how chef paik kept choosing the black spoon n chef an the white spoon whenever there was a tie. But the one time paik's friend n an's student show up they chose them even blind 😂😂😂😂.... It's the both knew who's taste to cater to 😂😂😂
두 철학관이 명확해서 좋았던 부분이 있는데, 첫번째로 백종원이 이야기하는 부분은 우리가 기존에 가지고 있었던 외국에 알려진 한국문화가 거의 없던 시절 베이스가 없는 시대에서 한식을 알리려고 했었던 사람들의 철학점에 가깝다고 생각함. 반대로 두번째 안성재 셰프가 이야기 하는 부분은 이제는 우리가 외국에 한국문화가 어느정도 기반이 잡혀있고 우리만의 맛을 그대로 도드라지게 표현한다고 해도 이상하게 보지 않는 시대의 철학점에 가깝다고 생각함. 근데 한국은 그 두가지 관점의 중간지점정도라고 생각을 하고 점차 전자에서 후자로 옮겨가고 있는 중임. 지금은 한국적인것이 세계적인것이라고 표방하던 시절에서 세계적인것이 한국적인 것으로 변화해 나가고 있는 직선위에 놓여진 점 어딘가임. 이 지향점들이 또 독특하게 과거와 미래로 대변될거 같지만, 그렇지 않고 이후 각자 직선으로 나아갈것이라는것도 재밌는 부분인거 같음. 무엇이 되었던간에 재밌는 구도였고 저 둘이라서 나올법한 씨줄과 날줄 같은 생각들임.
안성재 셰프가 한 말이 이연복 셰프가 옛날에 했던 말이랑 일맥상통하는 말이죠 우리의 장맛을 왜 외국사람에게 보여줄때 감춰야 되냐는 생각 그대로 내보내고 그게 한국적인거다 라고 했었죠 다만 백종원이 한 말은 사업가적인 시선으로 보면 맞기도 하다고 생각함 분명히 아직은 그대로 맛을 보여줄 단계는 아니고 어느정도 미화시켜야할 부분은 있다고 보기도 함
한국적인것이 세계적이라는 국뽕러들은 다 쳐내야 함. 그냥 세계적인것이 세계적인 것임.
백종원이 잘 포장했고
안성재가 잘 주장했지만,
결국 방송입장에선 스타셰프인 최현석을 올리고 싶었던 거고
안성재는 최현석늬 요리가 그냥 싫었을 뿐임
백종원이 계속 안성재 주장에 굽혀주다가
딱 저 대결 하나에서만 절대로 안굽히는거 못봤노
흑수저가 명백한 실수가 있어서 탈락한거임 고기의 근막이 제거되지 않아서 씹다가 뱉었음
@@le.7363 근막때문에 탈락한건데요?
Come on Tuesday! I watch this 4th time already
너 한국 프로그램들을 정말 좋아하는구나?
Best pair of food judges ever!
In the trailer judge Paik mentions that he had to spit out the black spoon’s dish. Probably had something to do with the thing he kept aside in the’s not looking good for the black spoon, idk why y’all so optimistic.
And in the end chef Anh had to agree. Post scene he gave the analogy that if a friend he was eating with, spat something out, he'd call the waiter/waitress and make a complaint
I like both perspectives but the goal wasn't for chefs to create a dish with typical Korean ingredients for the international masses - so do not think it is the best argument to make for the winning dish.
블랙 요리사의 고기에서 근막이 제거되지 않아서 심사위원이 먹다가 뱉었어요 그 장면이 안나왔는데 그게 탈락의 이유가 되었습니다.
love this show
3:41 Anh Sung-jae and Choi Hyun-seok are very close.
Anh had no idea about the intention of the food.
But when he saw Choi, he immediately realized the intention.
Choi is a chef with strong characteristics.
Goora kin
Cant wait for eps 5. Someone pls recommend me another good cooking show !
Masterchef korea is also good show
@@pennyc8252not on Netflix
@@pennyc8252it’s not on Netflix sadly !
Try watch boss in the mirror they are quite fun too!
i really hope the black spoon won considering the comments about the dish. i fully agree with what chef ahn said, especially considering the challenge, and not the overall cultural application of the dish.
but black chef made a mistake. It does not remove the fascia of the pork, so the Jongwon Baek judge spits it out and shows it to Anchef. That's why Anchef finally acknowledged the victory of the white shef.
What an amazing show. I have never liked cooking, but this show makes me interested in it! 😊👍
Waiting for ep 5
저는 대중요리 한국 최고 권위자인 백종원씨가 심사한 관점이 좋습니다. 만약 저 요리를 다른 외국 셰프가 먹어 봤다면, 분명 백종원 씨의 의견에 동의했을 겁니다. 안 셰프는 한국인이라서 장맛을 정확하게 압니다. 하지만, 대다수의 외국 요리사조차 장맛을 확실히 구별못합니다. 이런 점에서 백종원 씨는 과거부터 지금까지 대중적인 평가 심사단이었고, 매우 전문적인 지식을 가지고 있습니다. 아마도 일반 외국인들 다수가 먹은 후에 맛으로 승부했다면, 당연히 절대 다수가 백색 주방장의 음식을 선택했을 겁니다. 한국의 장 맛을 일부러 누그러뜨린 점을 높게 평가했느냐, 아니면 외국인들이 바로 접근하기 힘든 장맛을 그대로 전달했어야 하느냐의 차이인 것 같네요.
I am not sure which foreigners or which countries you meant? I am an Asian not a Korean, but I can accept strong taste like gochujang. I think foreigners are so wide and I think Asians can accept the Korean strong sauce flavour. But maybe not Westerners and European?
@@Bunnylovecryptoit's not just gochujang but for other "~jangs" (fermented sauce). Well that's what comment wants to tell
@@Bunnylovecrypto I think the op meant Western people(西方人)
그렇다면 외국인에게는 3개의 장의 본연의 맛을 계속 가리고 숨겨야 하나요. 애초에 목적을 퓨전이라고 규정 짓는다면 모르겠는데...
Ótimo ❤
Episode 9 competition was not fair.
can someone please tell me the name of the guy in the black team
His name is 배경준. Gyeongjun Bae.
@@yunthewandererCooking maniac name? Got his IG?
He is Kyung Jun Bae, owner of restaurant called Bornyon in Gangnam.
Omg Chef Spark as a leader in episode 7 is also annoying. He can’t measure time properly. I think Hidden Genius or Manic should be leader. Now I have feeling black team will lose and we need to wait for next episode 8 to know. The suspense is killing me!
I blame chef Spark if they have not finished plating in time and didn’t serve 100 plates!
He is not chef Spark though... the black suite guy in this vid is chef 123
It’s the black chef I think who won this battle.
but black chef made a mistake. It does not remove the fascia of the pork, so the Jongwon Baek judge spits it out and shows it to Anchef. That's why Anchef finally acknowledged the victory of the white shef.
I think it was the black spoon only for the reaction
@ 3:37 Anh's reaction makes me feel like he convinced Paik to vote for the Black Spoon and finding out it's his student might make things awkward since the White Spoon chef has such high caliber
블랙스푼 요리사의 고기에서 근막이 나와서 씹다가 뱉었어요 그게 패배 원인이 됩니다. 여기에는 나오지 않네요
Yes Jeff 🔥 yes
난 백종원씨를 존경하지만 안성재 쉐프의 의견에 완전히 동감합니다
된장 고추장 간장은 한국만의 고유의 맛이고 그건 단순한 전통을 넘어서 한국인의 영혼 그 자체 같은것인데
외국인들을 위해 그 맛을 일부러 숨긴 요리는 완전히 잘못된 발상이고 한국요리라고 생각하지도 않습니다
외국인들에게 한식을 홍보하기 위해 선조들이 물려준 완벽한 한국의 장맛을 감춘다??
난 그런 요리는 절대 한국요리도 아니고 그런 요리에 대한민국을 갖다붙이는것도 싫습니다
난 계란후라이에 간장 좀 뿌리고 풋고추를 그냥 된장이나 고추장에 푹 찍어서 따끈한 밥과 함께 맛있게 먹는 한국인으로서
이 맛을 외국인들이 받아들이기 힘들다면 그냥 계속 모르길 간절히 바랍니다😤
말도 안되는 억지 소리. 지금 먹는 된장 고추장 간장 100 년전에 먹던 맛이랑 다름. 심지어 회사 브랜드마다 맛이 다 다름. 님은 햄버거에 한우 넣었다고 햄버거가 아닌게됨? 초밥에 밥알 적게 넣었다고 스시가 아닌게됨? 사람은 미각 세포 보유 갯수가 전부 다르기 때문에 각자 음식 맛을 느끼는게 다름. 그렇기 때문에 사람이 음식에게 맞추는게 아니라 음식을 사람한테 맞추는거. 음식이라는건 생각보다 과학적이고 오묘함. 어떤 재료는 많이 넣어서 맛이 확튀게 할수도 있고 어떤재료는 적데 넣어서 은은한 맛을 낼수도 있음. 고로 적게 넣는다고 음식의 아이덴티티가 없어지는게 아님
그러면 음식 문화의 전파자체가 늦어지고 점점 왜곡이 될 수밖에 없음 소주들의 희석작업 그리고 여러 과일향으로 바리에이션을 주는 이유가 뭐겠음
sorry to see sub par subtitle translation. content couldveen much more interesting if done better
How could it be done better? Just curious
Taylor George Thomas Maria Hall Richard
백종원은 장의 맛이 느낄뜻말뜻 만들어 이제 장인지 x인지 알지도 못한채 외국인이 편하게 먹게 한다는식은 제대로된 세계화의 의미를 이해하지 못하는것 같다.
안성재쉐프의 의견대로 한국의 장이 가진 고유맛의 정체성을 유지하면서 가야 한다.
그건 아닌듯. 아무리 유명하고 잘알려진 음식이라도 현지인들 입에 맞도록 변형됬음. 님이 아는 음식중에 오리지널 형태 100 프로로 전세계에 퍼져서 대중화된 음식 있으면 말해보세요.
현지화도 현지화나름이지 고유의 전통을 무시하고 완전히 변형된 현지화는 의미가 없다. 당신이 아는 음식중에 제대로된 변형된 대중화 성공한것이 있음 말해보라 . 뭘 제대로 알고서 댓글달길 ㅠㅠ
Chif beck
I disagree with blindfolding them. Dishes should also be rated on presentation. Just have the judges turned around and have a rotating table.
I disagree with you. Some people would think the presantation, or look of the food is important but some not so much (that's me). However, we can all agree that the food must tastes good.
@@davidhan9979 You have to know what youre eating to judge the food properly
For someone wondering, Choi was the judge and dropped Anh from an old Korean cooking survival.
need 3 judges...
NAHHH the fact that there are 2 judges and tv show emphasizes them arguing and both chef’s perspective is what makes this show so funnn
3명의 심판이었다면 재미가 없었겠죠. 다른 여타 경연 프로그램과 같으니깐요. PD의 의도는 다른 관점을 가진 2명의 심사위원이 치열한 토론을 거쳐 합의점을 찾는 것에 주안점을 둔 것으로 보입니다.
3 Judges no Fun no Tension
@@YeIIowSubmarinemaybe haha
Noooo~there is a clear intention when the PD put just two judges in the show
Chef ahn was the most inconsistent.
😊👧👋👍🫰❤️🦋 yes
Episode 7 this white chef leader in the second seafood match is annoying! Can’t stand him. Gosh! I feel like turning off the TV when I see him. He keep annoyed the black team taking more ingredients from them like the green onions while he himself take all the scallops and mussels. But I have feeling the white team win since the black team win the first meat match. I have to pause the show to vent out my feelings sorry guys!
Omg now, I am sure he is going to take back the scallops he gave to black team! Haha
최현석 셰프는 작품을 만드는 사람이고. 안성재 셰프는 상품을 만드는 사람임. 상품을 만드는 사람은 작품을 만드는 사람을 이해할 수 없음.
아는척 ㅈ되노 ㅋㅋ
@@JC-hr7ny 상품을 만드는 사람은 의도를 찾지만, 작품을 만드는 사람은 의도가 없습니다. 안성재는 의도를 찾을려는 것 부터 이미 그는 삼류인거예요. 누구나 하는 요리를 완벽하게 상품으로 만들어봤자. 상품일 뿐이거든요.
@@JC-hr7ny 틀을 갖고 요리를 하지 않고 자유롭게 나답게 자기 스타일대로 최현석이라는 요리를 한다는겁니다. 안성재는 그게 없죠. 요리사가 예술가로서 작품을 만들려면 요리를 하는데 있어 자기가 느낀 것을 표현을 하면 됩니다. 그럼 그것을 미식가나 평론가들이 해석을 하죠. 근데 처음부터 의도를 완벽하게 갖춘다? 그건 나중에 ai에 쉽게 대체될 셰프입니다.
@@JC-hr7ny 이해를 못하시네요. 내가 느낀 감정을 표현하는거와, 내 의도를 그대로 전달하는 거와는 차이가 있다는 겁니다. 그래서 장트리오 재료를 가지고 요리를 했는데 안셰프가 의도를 알기 힘들고 난해하다는 거죠. 백종원은 신선하다고 하는거고요. 반면에 원투쓰리 셰프는 누구나 하는 요리를 뻔하게 내놓으니 의도도 분명하고 토론할거리가 없죠. 왜냐? 상품이거든요. 그런 상품을 안셰프도 좋아하고요. 이해하셨나요?^^
최현석이랑 안성재 둘다 파인다이닝셰프이고 상품이자 작품을 만드는사람임 그저 방향성이 다를뿐.. 최현석은 음식재료를 가지고 오만방식으로 놀아보며 기발한 작품을 만들어냄
안솊은 요리 본연의 맛과 재료의 제대로된 사용에 집중한 작품을 만들어내는거고
그리고 모든 작품에는 의도가 있음 그 의도를 파악하는 것도 작품을 읽어내는데 중요한 요소임
Chef Paik is super biased when it comes to the cooking of his friends. I’m starting to be skeptical about all his other tv shows, won’t trust the guy on food reviews again. IT HAD NO TASTE OF SOYA SAUCE AT ALL (don’t forget the theme of that challenge was soya sauce and the other two). Not impressed at all. Not just in this episode, he was also unfair at the first challenge. The lady obviously failed the dumplings but he gave her the first ticket to the top 20. There must have been other competitors doing better than her. She was lucky because her judge wasn’t Chef Ahn. Even worse he even let her come back after defeated. Not to mention that her cooking is not too impressive either.
Please translate some general way just like Soy sauce or something. People cannot understand at all.
It's not all the same. Soy sauce in Korea, China, Japan, Southeast Asia is different from the manufacturing process, if you think about it like you, if you put the ingredients in between the bread in a way, it should just be called a sandwich
Think of it the other way round - The chinese probably translates all kinds of cheese as simply "cheese" as they do not have an existing equivalent (or widely-used) translation for each kind, and found no need for it due to the lack of use in their daily lives. But chedder, blue cheese, mozzarella etc feels like completely different ingredients for someone in say Italy, they can't bare to call them in such a broad-based term. At the end of the day, not translating the terms work best.
@@zuiwoshachangyou may or may not be right. In a cheese-eating culture, cheese has to be classified and explained in various categories, but in Asian cuisine, when cooking dishes of different nationalities, only certain ingredients are used. In the case of this program, two countries' soy sauce was used, if not. Chinese cuisine often requires traditional Chinese soy sauce. Since I'm a Korean, I don't have to watch English subtitles, so I don't know if the pd distinguished it. So if you translated the two soy sauce separately, I'd be right, and if not, you'd be right.
Ahn’s bull shit opinion!
there are only 146 michellin 3 star restaurants in the world you know.
bullshit opinion your ass
@@KemZomBong 미슐랭은 서구의 기준으로 편협하게 평가됩니다. 권위를 보지 말고, 사실을 보세요.
@@손민기-g3u 민기야 까불지마라 턱아지에 원투 주기전에
@@손민기-g3u By western standards? so that why japan (387) have more michellin star than USA (234), Italy (381), Germany (330), Spain (267), UK (185) v.v ?
I found Chef Anh so annoying and snobbish. Too much burden of being a 3 Michelin star? I stop watching after episode 3.
you too bias. open your mind
@@대니얼-p5r Dude, why do you have to win my opinion? Why do you have to work so hard to get me into your side?
@@sunshinevion mate. Calm Down and open your mind
@@JC-hr7ny LOL, I am very serene, thanks. Appreciate your concern.
More like confidence, that’s the point of working hard to be on top. It’s proven fact they excel in what they do and can decide what’s wrong or wrong
anyknow knows the ig of chef onetwothree?
Nope! Maybe any Korean here can help?
@@mich3504 thank you!
@@KOR4lyfe He runs a business called Trid in Apgujeong-dong