Your videos are really good! I have done a few courses in Finland, but your explenations and the speed of your lessons are perfect for me. I think to dome degree this is all about repitition, but good to go over these things as a reminder
I'm glad to hear you enjoy the videos! You are absolutely correct about repetition. Learning is cyclical in nature, old lessons must be revisited to improve long-term memorization.
Kiitos paljon opettaja
kiitos paljon opettaja. selittää oli hyvin kiitos
Your videos are really good! I have done a few courses in Finland, but your explenations and the speed of your lessons are perfect for me. I think to dome degree this is all about repitition, but good to go over these things as a reminder
I'm glad to hear you enjoy the videos! You are absolutely correct about repetition. Learning is cyclical in nature, old lessons must be revisited to improve long-term memorization.
Hei Ope! Kiitos! Todella selität hyvin!!! mä tyytyväinen!!!
Hieno kuulla! ☺
Awesome!!! Kiitos paljon!!!
Tosi hyvää kiitos
Hei, kiitoksia! Kaikki on selvää
Kiitos videosta!
Nukahdan saman tien kun kuuntelen sua ❤
Kiitos ❤
Moi kiitos
Tämä on vaikeaa
Kyllä, mutta tämä on mahdollista oppia 👍 Joskus asia pitää opiskella monta kertaa ennen kuin sen oppii