Last nights new year celebration where the most muted in Europe I have ever seen. People know it’s very very bad. EU citizens are reaching the end of their rope
If I did this Social Services would put me in sheltered accommodation and takeover my finance and money accusing me Financially Unsafe. We give these idiots €Billions to do it.😂😂😂
We in Romania are exporting cheap electricity to Moldova and Ukraine and then we buy from Ukraine much more expensive when they have a surplus and we don't necessarily need it. All the energy companies are in the hands of the Romanian intelligence that receives orders from US and France. And we, the people, are paying for it all... All transactions are public and we all see them, but they don't make any sense other than national treason and oppression of Romanian population.
"EU prepares to launch energy war". Question is: against whom? Answer: against its own people. Silver lining: this will precipitate the downfall of the EU.
no way the EU will survive in its present form. As. more governments go to the right they will blow the EU apart or initiate some major reforms. First step Ursula von der Crazy and her position need to go the way of the dinosaurs.
Incompetence is a pre-requisite for getting the job. Didn't you hear?! 😂 If you can articulate dumb ideas, you'll get even farther than just being plain dumb.
The EU can just buy gas for other countries. However Russia can’t export their gas to any other countries. Expect for the country’s who already buy it. Yes it might cost the EU more money. But it’s far less than the money Russia will lose though losing the EU market.
The alternative to politicians thinking in national interests is in the interests of others. She is likely highly corrupt. When she was defence minister in germany there was some corruption scandals.
Because you have tons of dissilusional people there who love EU style of life, citizens are so divided, it is such a struggle to get anything done for the country.
Maybe to still have a voice in Europe? On the other hand: Slovakia -as Austria and many more countries in the EU, especially the landlocked ones- are heavily dependent on free trade within Europe. Then there is te free movement of people, the integration in the EuRO-System: It's not so easy to become member of the EU. But to get out is not so easy either - for a small landocked country, having strong ties -economic and otherwise- to EU-countries
Same reason all poor countries want to be in the EU. IE Jobs in the EU & the remittance payments to families at home that have a family member or 3 working abroad in the EU.
Too late. Russia has moved East. Nordstream I suspect will be demolished at source. Which is what people do when infrastructure is of no use. Well played to the USA, they now have a captive buyer paying big money for energy. It won't help with paying the bills and I see even the BBC is now warning of increased energy bills to come.
@@basook6116& the EU is too stupid or stubborn to admit they lost against Russia 😂. NATO & EU had lost this pissing contest against Russia as soon as it started. EU is pathetic
It makes you laugh right, and these people in the EU look sneeringly down their noses at people like us as if we are the ones that have no idea. All the right people in the wrong places and all the wrong people in the WRONG places!!
Through bribery coercion and threats! "all Tyrannies Rule by Fraud and Forced; when the Fraud is Exposed, they will rely on Force" 1984 by George Orwell.
All EU members should be audited and their ill-gotten holdings confiscated and returned to the people; And jail time for Ursula, the most despised person in Europe...ever.
Climate change and pollution are suddenly not important for EU. Gas through pipes produce no pollution but gas loaded onto the ship and transported and offloaded and transported to location produce lot of pollution.
Who cares, as long as it is not evil Russian pipeline gas, but democratic LNG, still from Russia. It would be more funny was I not an EU citizen myself. :(
Reportedly those who are living in certain areas in Ukraine, no longer have electricity, heating, running water, and for those who use gas as a means of heating/cooking, very soon this supply will dry up. Previously reported by The World Bank There are 12.8 million Ukrainians living in Ukraine, who are existing in poverty.
Why is the Ukrainian leadership deliberately destroying the country and its people? I also wonder what ordinary Ukrainians think, especially as Zelensky, I believe, ran for election as someone in favour of ending the civil war and bringing peace.
And they all answer to the USA and the small hats... the occupational entity in Europe with its 800 + military basis in Europe i.e. the yanks never went home after WO2 they still occupy Europe today and call the shots. The UK is still playing a role aswell.
EU's "1984 logic" : "Expensive gas is cheap gas", "Propaganda is journalism", "War is peace", "Freedom is slavery", "Ignorance is strength", "..... is drmocracy", ...
Indeed, It's utterly insane. Unfortunately The z WEF globalists control these unelected, self appointed billionaire Bureaucractic dictators in Brussels, Ursula von der is on the board of the WEF, so to the once head of the Bank of England Mark Carney. Bildeberg. It's all tied into for oil and gas pipelines around the world, middle East etc. Watch Professor Mirandi on dialogue works platform.
I am Victorian (Australian). We have an enormous amount of natural gas in the Bass Strait but we have a gas shortage coming up. We sell LNG to China and Japan, they sell our natural gas for a proit. Gas prices are at an all time high here, businesses and people are struggling. This has all been orchestrated deliberately. Worldwide nonsense is no coincidence.
As a Aussie,from Perth,have just sailed over the top of Aus, now in Gladstone.The amount of iron ore,gas,coal going overseas,for our small population,we SHOULD be ,the richest country on the planet,what is going on 🤓🤓🤓🤓
A modern civilization cannot SURVIVE without cheap and reliable energy. Especially the Germans will be hit hard because they foolishly shut off their nuclear power stations. And in a situation of energy shortages it will be every country for itself.
Hungary and Slovakia might just remive themselves from the EU shackles and join BRICS, give the EU the middle finger this could be the beginning of the end for EU. One hopes Russia will shut off the gas to EU for good. BRICS is looking forward for former EU members to join them.
The forthcoming German election will be interesting. The Germans may well pull the plug on the EU and the economically destructive delusional insanity of Net Zero.
Absolutely, if Slovakia and Hungury gave the EU criminals a middle finger there is a real possibility that others will follow.The only thing is for the people of Europe to realize that it's in fact Germany which under the banner of EU is doing all the poisonous work to build the Fourth Reich
When Russia wins the war, the Ukraine capitulates completely, and there is a land bridge between Russia and those countries, then it makes economic sense for those countries to assert themselves. Given the USA, it will not be peaceful. (But given the weakness of European armies, it won't be a normal war.)
All those countries have a very poor taste in their mouths from the soviet union. One can't blame them either, so I doubt many will do that. They would be wise to go sovereign and forge their own paths.
@@big566bunny That makes sense to me, I dont think Trump will care, he will have extended his own Empire elsewhere, by taken a lump of what used to be Commonwealth, as long as he retains his bases everywhere.
Go ahead. EU is so dramatic...literally committing harakiri just to prove whatever to themselves!! Ursula loves's her favourite go to plan for anything.
Our gasfield in Groningen is the biggest in Europe but the Rutte government closed it because of small earth quakes there. 50.000 people could be compensated but they closed it up with concrete (!) because of climate !!!!
@@johnnagle7702The idea was bad from the start as having a single currency intrinsically removes sovereignty of each country, as the eventual creditor countries can dictate terms to the debtor countries enslaving them.
Indeed and my country was taken into EU without a vote back in the 90s. Same as happened with NATO last year, people did not vote on either of these decisions, it was done just like that.
@@juliancochran Indeed. Follow the money. It is a short trip from The City of London to Europe. Their 'world domination' via USA, Wall St., EU, Vatican or whoever/whatever is expedient or necessary is the same, centuries old game plan. Lust for power knows no bounds and we the commoners are being ever more bluntly reminded of that fact.
Europe would wish they were imbeciles, the problem is that they are cunning and evil. Constitutions in free countries were written with the idea that people would be protected from over reaching politicians, but since we allowed politicians to control availability of essential goods, Europeans get slowly hollowed out by those pathogens in Brussels.
Some logistics considerations 1) LNG is not container transport. It needs to be liquefied (compressed) for sea transport 2) LNG needs to be regasified at the calling port with a specific facility 3) LNG to be transported on land is impossible in large scale due to cost, so pipeline is required. 4) Therefore the route needs to be planned and built which will take years
Yes, and you need special ships for the transport and terminals to convert the gas. These ships are not built in days and the USA doesn't have much of a shipbuilding industry, they really on Korean, Japan, China.
@@WAM-v2s Your claim they adore Russia is childish! They live in Greece and UK respectively, its where their families are! Not everyone looks upon Russia as an enemy!
And on top of that your former prime minister Mark Rutte, the new chief of NATO wants European citizens to 'make sacrifices' to boost defence spending 😝
EU doubling down on stupid - its only the average person that suffers, not the elites. One can but hope that the citizens finally get some courage and put thing's right. So far not a peep!
To replace V. Orban would be absurd . IF he is voted out then........beware Hungry. You get what you vote for! Ask Germany, France, and Britain!!! Chaos.
Many Hungarians despise Orban from all the propaganda they consume in the MSM, YT, and especially Facebook. For these people facts, logic and policy are all irrelevant. It's a lot like Trump Derangement Syndrome, but it's been going on for a lot longer.
@@zzbudzz France still has plenty of nuclear power stations - inherited from previous generations and due to policy promoted by DeGaulle who was the last great statesman in Europe until the arrival of Putin.
Russia cant find a market for its Gas that goes to Europe it doesn't have pipeline capacity t0 replace that from 150bcm per yr it s pipeline to china is only about 20bcm per yr and it doesnt have much LNG capacity either
There is a popular delusion problem not a climate problem. Germany is suffering from the combined effects of the Climate Change Delusion, the Energy Transition Delusion and the Nuclear Power is Unsafe Delusion.
Yes it’s very convenient how they decide when to switch on and off the claimed climate problem , I wonder if the west are delivering ECO bombs to Ukraine and Israhell
@@rangodenalo6185Show me one solar panel made with solar energy or one wind turbine made with wind energy. There are none, not a single one. So much for "renewable" and unlike you who clearly know nothing about energy production I helped certify four of the biggest wind farms in Europe.
Condoleezza Rice stated in 2014 in a German TV interview EXACTLY what the US plan was vis-a-vis European reliance on cheap Russian energy. It is the ultimate smoking gun for what followed and it is still on YT for those interested.
My guess is that increased gas extraction in the US requires higher global market prices to make it economically viable for producers, hence the US Decree that the EU must get all of its gas from America at an inflated price.
Does EU comprehend that US costs for excess gas are basically pure profit? Most of the natural gas coming out in the US fields is just flared off ‘cuz it isn’t yet worth it to do anything else with it! For 4x they certainly will connect the exhaust to liquification use instead, that’s worth something. Most in EU probably can’t comprehend there is so much excess gas in US it’s used as glorified tiki torches instead of being processed. Then again, if EU governments could think, they wouldn’t have waited 3 years and then claim they had no idea the contract was ending… What kind of a dumb ass would keep funding the enemy that is blowing up their cities and people? I’m surprised Ukraine didn’t shut down the pipelines before now.
What many Europeans do not know about the EU and its unelected Commission: - The European Commission is the heir to the High Authority of the EEC, which in turn is the heir to the AMGOT, i.e. the Anglo-Saxon military occupation authority. - The European Commission is therefore not elected, but put together at the instigation of the Anglo-Saxons. Its sole function is to ensure that NATO standards are adopted by the Member States. This may explain some of this destructive behavior. A happy new year to all.
@@fanaticist Type the following into your search engine “The Place of the USA and Israel in the Governments of the EU and France” and read the article.
@@vumba1331 Type the following into your search engine “The Place of the USA and Israel in the Governments of the EU and France” and read the article. And your question will be answered.
The Netherlands has the largest gas field in Europe, But this had to be closed, filled with concrete, can no longer be used. All this to save the climate. 😳 😤
“Deng Xiaoping once famously said "It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white so long as it catches mice." In Europe, the colour of the cat is apparently more important than its function.”
If EU really cared about Slovakia and Hungary they would subsidies their gas levelling it to Russian gas. But they don't. Instead they will threaten both countries to cut supply if they don't obey common rules like mass immigration. I totally understand those countries preferring Russian gas.
as Russian this doesn't sounds very logical I do think some forces in the EU wanted that but ultimately they're the same forces that support the us control on the continent so they're doing the bidding of the USA so focusing exclusively on the EU seems disingenuous because it's Washington that's calling the shots
The people in the EU who decide to do this will still live comfortably with the millions of euros in kickback they’ll receive from these corporations. It’s the average EU citizen that will suffer. Sometimes I wonder, when are people ever going to hold into account the people in charge who make these ridiculous decisions? Are they supposed to always just retire lavishly with millions of dollars in their bank account?
How do people hold to account 'democratically' (sarc) unelected beaurocrats? Non of these top scumbags are voted in, they are installed... PM's & Presidents of EU countries are voted out.. the populations don't connect or understand the countries follow these beaurocrats or the scumbag beaurocrats WILL punish the 'sovereign' EU countries themselves eg. with-hold monies owed to Hungary, Ursula's "we have tools" when Meloni was elected...
EU will turn into the largest Amish community on this planet. There is absolutely nothing wrong living in an Amish community.... when one choose for this. But I am quite sure that some EU civilians within EU do not agree with this.
waging an energy war with a country with vast resources , gas & oil that literally suplies you, sure that seems like a bright idea I'm positive it won't affect the economy 😂😂😂😂😂
As I understand it Germany has not blown up its coal fired power stations & flooded the coal mines, but mothballed them. Only the British govt is that short sighted 😢
U.K. here and we live quite close to one of the biggest cement factories in the country , we also know a few of the drivers who deliver the cement in tankers , for the last year they have been fetching cement from the docks because we can no longer make it fast enough , it is imported from India
Please join us on LOCALS:
The USA has about 300 years of gas reserves....
Last nights new year celebration where the most muted in Europe I have ever seen. People know it’s very very bad. EU citizens are reaching the end of their rope
If I did this Social Services would put me in sheltered accommodation and takeover my finance and money accusing me Financially Unsafe. We give these idiots €Billions to do it.😂😂😂
We in Romania are exporting cheap electricity to Moldova and Ukraine and then we buy from Ukraine much more expensive when they have a surplus and we don't necessarily need it. All the energy companies are in the hands of the Romanian intelligence that receives orders from US and France. And we, the people, are paying for it all... All transactions are public and we all see them, but they don't make any sense other than national treason and oppression of Romanian population.
Happy Hunger Games, Europe.
“An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” - Sun Tzu
Sums up Zelensky exactly.
@@alexanderross1979And Trump, The EU, China etc
Thanking you wise clever
@@PoetofHateSpeech Trump? More like Biden and all Democrats.
China no. Nor Russia.
Banning cheap, reliable energy in order to pay up to 5 times more doesn't seem like a winning strategy.
It most certainly is for those who have been bribed in the EU
It is for those they buy it from.
4x to 8x
Ask our admin Chancellor in parliament, she's very clever at sums!
They don’t care. They personally get their kick back payments regardless of the energy prices.
"EU prepares to launch energy war". Question is: against whom? Answer: against its own people. Silver lining: this will precipitate the downfall of the EU.
Happy days.
hopefully !
hopefully very soon, so it can get better quickly.
no way the EU will survive in its present form. As. more governments go to the right they will blow the EU apart or initiate some major reforms. First step Ursula von der Crazy and her position need to go the way of the dinosaurs.
Exactly, the EU is bringing a knife to an energy war!
EU prepares energy war against EU population
What is wrong with the European population?
@@kenburroughs7709 Nothing It's just unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy.
@@kenburroughs7709 Drugged by the WEF.
The Mafia take lessons from the EU.
@@kenburroughs7709 Well, there's no democracy here. No matter who people elect the downfall just keeps getting faster and no promises are ever kept.
Van der Lying is a catastrophe for EU. How that incompetent woman got the job is beyond me.
incompetent, corrupt and dishonesty are the requirements, so they can be instructed-NONE of the people we see in charge are the real power.
Van der Lying is very arrogant in nature , but even more so as it is supported by her masters "the mad globalists"
Incompetence is a pre-requisite for getting the job. Didn't you hear?! 😂
If you can articulate dumb ideas, you'll get even farther than just being plain dumb.
She is just doing what she is told and making money off of other peoples suffering.
She competently does what she is told.....
Great, farewell eu!!!! From Russia with love
It’ll be like a European Disney land for tourists, expensive and over priced.
@@Spaceman719Yes. I have called Europe's future as an open air museum for tourists a past 10 years 🎉😂
Yes sir 👍😂
Even many of its own citizens want the EU to vanish and its leaders put to jail.
The EU can just buy gas for other countries.
However Russia can’t export their gas to any other countries. Expect for the country’s who already buy it.
Yes it might cost the EU more money.
But it’s far less than the money Russia will lose though losing the EU market.
Now is the time for Slovakia and Hungary to leave eu, and nato.
No they must stay and fight for their people rights.NOT USA,UK,NATO,ZELENSKAYIA.
Если Венгрия и Словакия выйдут, то Украина точно получит членство в НАТО.
@@Spetsnaz.Vympel good point, but I have heard it is 50-50 when it comes to voting on Nato membership of Ukraine.
there is a geographical problem There is Ukraine between them and Russia They do not share a border with Russia or Belarus
The irony of Germans destroying Germany
The alternative to politicians thinking in national interests is in the interests of others. She is likely highly corrupt. When she was defence minister in germany there was some corruption scandals.
Ironing Germany to flatten its economy. So neat and tidy now! No more wrinkles !!
@@Thorsted67 Likely.....
Its the english speaking germans in american who destroyed germany.
This is called the arts of war.
If the EU and the United States are instructing Zelensky to cut off gas to an EU country, why should Slovakia want to stay in the EU?
Or to remain a member of NATO, or any Western Axis Alliance.
Because you have tons of dissilusional people there who love EU style of life, citizens are so divided, it is such a struggle to get anything done for the country.
Maybe to still have a voice in Europe? On the other hand: Slovakia -as Austria and many more countries in the EU, especially the landlocked ones- are heavily dependent on free trade within Europe. Then there is te free movement of people, the integration in the EuRO-System: It's not so easy to become member of the EU. But to get out is not so easy either - for a small landocked country, having strong ties -economic and otherwise- to EU-countries
Same reason all poor countries want to be in the EU. IE Jobs in the EU & the remittance payments to families at home that have a family member or 3 working abroad in the EU.
Good question !!
A positive is that more people are waking up to the reality of the EU "control system"
Nord Stream needs to be Open 24/7 ..Ursula needs to be locked up mean eliminated...
Hopefully she will be in jail
among others
Ну, Путин сказал Германии, что все, что им нужно сделать, это запустить трубопровод Nordstrom 2, и тогда они получат дешевую энергию.
Too late. Russia has moved East. Nordstream I suspect will be demolished at source. Which is what people do when infrastructure is of no use. Well played to the USA, they now have a captive buyer paying big money for energy. It won't help with paying the bills and I see even the BBC is now warning of increased energy bills to come.
A more appropriate title would be: Europe prepares to launch energy war...against itself!
Absolutely. The morons must have decided that they have not FULLY destroyed ourselves yet. Who votes for these nutcases?
1000000%%%. mean time, Russia-USA having meetings behind EU's back
Energy sanctions on Russia will have their effect..... But not what the EU is after...... Or maybe they are.
@@basook6116& the EU is too stupid or stubborn to admit they lost against Russia 😂.
NATO & EU had lost this pissing contest against Russia as soon as it started. EU is pathetic
Its a good description of whats going on.
How can you wage an energy war with an energy giant, when you have no energy of your own, and winter is here ??
Very poorly I assume, but these people don't care. More expensive energy is a win to them.
It makes you laugh right, and these people in the EU look sneeringly down their noses at people like us as if we are the ones that have no idea.
All the right people in the wrong places and all the wrong people in the WRONG places!!
Through bribery coercion and threats! "all Tyrannies Rule by Fraud and Forced; when the Fraud is Exposed, they will rely on Force" 1984 by George Orwell.
It's called arrogance.
You want logic from Ursula?
The EU and USA still think they are in the drivers seat. That time is past.
You can avoid reality but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. Unfortunately the consequences fall on the tax payers.
EU you don't win wars you just embezzle money.
This is what it is all about.
EU is a circus
Eu very weak in war, Russia much stronger, and its very sad that europe isnt ally of Russia, it would benefit all of eu so much 😢😢😢😢
US as well
All EU members should be audited and their ill-gotten holdings confiscated and returned to the people;
And jail time for Ursula, the most despised person in Europe...ever.
Climate change and pollution are suddenly not important for EU. Gas through pipes produce no pollution but gas loaded onto the ship and transported and offloaded and transported to location produce lot of pollution.
They never were. Just a mechanism to scrape money
Who cares, as long as it is not evil Russian pipeline gas, but democratic LNG, still from Russia.
It would be more funny was I not an EU citizen myself. :(
2,000 gallons of diesel an hour to ship LNG. Guess climate narrative is total BS after all.
@@imrekalman9044The direct Russian one isn’t kosher :) And kosher certification is expensive:)
Where’s Greta Thumbdrive when you need her?
You will own nothing, have no heating and be happy.
those who are living in certain areas in Ukraine,
no longer have
running water,
and for those who use gas as a means of heating/cooking,
very soon this supply will dry up.
Previously reported by The World Bank
There are 12.8 million Ukrainians living in Ukraine,
who are existing in poverty.
Why is the Ukrainian leadership deliberately destroying the country and its people? I also wonder what ordinary Ukrainians think, especially as Zelensky, I believe, ran for election as someone in favour of ending the civil war and bringing peace.
how does EU grow, economically?? this is something that Ursula can't answer
@@basook6116they rake up service prices, so the GDP numbers are artificially inflated and on paper everything looks good, they're "growing".
The European Union Member States, on Mainland Europe, will become an open air museum !
The elected leaders of Europe being ordered what to do by the unelected EU Commission and it’s unelected dictatorial President 😂
That is the power obtained from using a monetary system to make countries lose their sovereignty...
And they all answer to the USA and the small hats... the occupational entity in Europe with its 800 + military basis in Europe i.e. the yanks never went home after WO2 they still occupy Europe today and call the shots. The UK is still playing a role aswell.
@@marinavis6813 correct 100%
This 😂😂😂
@marinavis6813 The elephant in the room
The EU seriously never ceases to amaze me at how amazing they are at heading towards their own destruction putting policies that will only hurt them.
Not just the EU, it's almost entirely the collective West obediently following directives from the US.
EU's "1984 logic" : "Expensive gas is cheap gas", "Propaganda is journalism", "War is peace", "Freedom is slavery", "Ignorance is strength", "..... is drmocracy", ...
Spot on, George…
Straight from George Orwells play book.
It is literally this. Democracy hasn't existed here for at least a decade now, whoever you vote in nothing changes.
Democracy is imprisonment 😂😂
Thank the EU again for making everyone's gas bill higher for private citizens and businesses as winter approaches.
EU: “”Hold the gas!”
more businesses getting out of eu to China if their largest customer base is China.
Wars have been fought over less.
Best time to hike up the prices.
The EU don't care about it's citizens, it's about control of them "the great reset"
I've never witnessed a place try to self destruct as much as EU
They are just following orders.
Have you met these two.. 🇺🇲🫱🏽🫲🏼🇮🇱
Romans 1:28 is being fulfilled these days it seems. Not ending well.
Indeed, It's utterly insane. Unfortunately The z WEF globalists control these unelected, self appointed billionaire Bureaucractic dictators in Brussels, Ursula von der is on the board of the WEF, so to the once head of the Bank of England Mark Carney. Bildeberg. It's all tied into for oil and gas pipelines around the world, middle East etc. Watch Professor Mirandi on dialogue works platform.
Canada is trying hard.
I am Victorian (Australian).
We have an enormous amount of natural gas in the Bass Strait but we have a gas shortage coming up.
We sell LNG to China and Japan, they sell our natural gas for a proit.
Gas prices are at an all time high here, businesses and people are struggling.
This has all been orchestrated deliberately. Worldwide nonsense is no coincidence.
As a Aussie,from Perth,have just sailed over the top of Aus, now in Gladstone.The amount of iron ore,gas,coal going overseas,for our small population,we SHOULD be ,the richest country on the planet,what is going on 🤓🤓🤓🤓
We in the U.K produce our own gas but then have to bid at auction within the E.U to buy back our own gas...!
How do you start a war you've already lost? Only politicians can spout this level of ignorance.
You cannot grow an economy without cheap and reliable energy.
It's an upside down world 😂😂😂😎
A modern civilization cannot SURVIVE without cheap and reliable energy. Especially the Germans will be hit hard because they foolishly shut off their nuclear power stations. And in a situation of energy shortages it will be every country for itself.
No ..we all know men in dresses with terrible ideas grow the economy...🤡🤦
But it isn’t about your economy, it’s about weakening Russia’s economy.
The EU always said the plan was to weaken Russia’s economy.
Hungary and Slovakia might just remive themselves from the EU shackles and join BRICS, give the EU the middle finger this could be the beginning of the end for EU. One hopes Russia will shut off the gas to EU for good. BRICS is looking forward for former EU members to join them.
The forthcoming German election will be interesting. The Germans may well pull the plug on the EU and the economically destructive delusional insanity of Net Zero.
Not gonna happen. Also, Slovakia lost sovereignty by adopting the Euro long time ago. All just theater.
Absolutely, if Slovakia and Hungury gave the EU criminals a middle finger there is a real possibility that others will follow.The only thing is for the people of Europe to realize that it's in fact Germany which under the banner of EU is doing all the poisonous work to build the Fourth Reich
Hope you are correct sir !
willnot happen...most citizens still support the eu, plus they would be violently regime changed if tried
Energy war?????
How stupid is the EU leadership.
All signs point to "very".
brain dead leaders
I don't have time to write a 1000 word paragraph to answer that question.
ruble is down to 1 USD = 112.301 RUB 😂😂
This is nothing but a game of "Risk" on a giant scale at the expense of the general public.
Hungary stopped receiving most of its gas from Ukraine before the war started, opting for gas deliveries from Turk Stream instead.
"To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal" - Henry Kissinger
Truth has been told and proven.
Kissinger knew it first hand
“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”
― Henry Kissinger
@@vaughnwarren8446 Thanks for sharing.
Said the most evil warmonger lizard of the 20th century
Romania, Georgia, Slovakia, Bulgaria should break ranks and turn from the EU and Join Hungary, Belarus and Russia.
When Russia wins the war, the Ukraine capitulates completely, and there is a land bridge between Russia and those countries, then it makes economic sense for those countries to assert themselves. Given the USA, it will not be peaceful. (But given the weakness of European armies, it won't be a normal war.)
All those countries have a very poor taste in their mouths from the soviet union. One can't blame them either, so I doubt many will do that. They would be wise to go sovereign and forge their own paths.
Change the leadership. Democratically of course.
@@big566bunny That makes sense to me, I dont think Trump will care, he will have extended his own Empire elsewhere, by taken a lump of what used to be Commonwealth, as long as he retains his bases everywhere.
"If you don't do what I say, I'm going to hurt myself."
I think I saw this in a comedy once yes? Where the black sheriff takes himself hostage by pointing a gun at his own head?
Go ahead. EU is so dramatic...literally committing harakiri just to prove whatever to themselves!! Ursula loves's her favourite go to plan for anything.
@@Radagast49230 Blazing Saddles. A brilliant scene from a brilliant film.
...same idiocy of a hunger strike.
'It is like watching a nation busily engaged in building its own funeral pyre'
Our gasfield in Groningen is the biggest in Europe but the Rutte government closed it because of small earth quakes there. 50.000 people could be compensated but they closed it up with concrete (!) because of climate !!!!
Orders from the WEF. In truth nothing to do with safety.
It's OK the Brussels bureaucrats will give themselves a pay rise to pay for more expensive fuel, whilst the rest of the people freeze
And they will force you to take in a illegal migrate family ..the heat from all the people packed in the homes will keep it's citizens warm 🤦
EU was the biggest mistake European countries ever made.
they wanted to be a competitor to the US/USSR/China as big boys. But they forgot to build industry/arms to make it stick.
The idea is not a bad one but it was hijacked by evil forces
@@johnnagle7702The idea was bad from the start as having a single currency intrinsically removes sovereignty of each country, as the eventual creditor countries can dictate terms to the debtor countries enslaving them.
Indeed and my country was taken into EU without a vote back in the 90s. Same as happened with NATO last year, people did not vote on either of these decisions, it was done just like that.
@@juliancochran Indeed. Follow the money. It is a short trip from The City of London to Europe. Their 'world domination' via USA, Wall St., EU, Vatican or whoever/whatever is expedient or necessary is the same, centuries old game plan. Lust for power knows no bounds and we the commoners are being ever more bluntly reminded of that fact.
End the EU
Von der Leyen should've never been more than a mother to her kids.
that demon has bred offspring?
She wasn't always like this, I think.
She has about 7.
They must have brought themselves up because she would never be home.
She believes in a Nanny State.. Litterly!
Narcissistic parents are very damaging to mental health
Happy new year guys
Imbecile EU leaders
They have an agenda.
They look stupid, they are in fact Evil.
EU leaders will hurt themselves and provoke the downfall of the EU...
MSM are going to say,as the s### hits the fan, that it's all Rushaz fault...!
"imbecile" is certainly valid but seems inadequate to describe the civilization-ending
stupidity of US and EU "leadership".
Europe would wish they were imbeciles, the problem is that they are cunning and evil. Constitutions in free countries were written with the idea that people would be protected from over reaching politicians, but since we allowed politicians to control availability of essential goods, Europeans get slowly hollowed out by those pathogens in Brussels.
The Eu is begging Trump for help I hope that Trump completely ignores them.
Обожаю видеть вас обоих вместе.Мне нравится этот формат ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Some logistics considerations
1) LNG is not container transport. It needs to be liquefied (compressed) for sea transport
2) LNG needs to be regasified at the calling port with a specific facility
3) LNG to be transported on land is impossible in large scale due to cost, so pipeline is required.
4) Therefore the route needs to be planned and built which will take years
Yes, and you need special ships for the transport and terminals to convert the gas. These ships are not built in days and the USA doesn't have much of a shipbuilding industry, they really on Korean, Japan, China.
Phh...details details for an unelected Euro Stasi-crat Cold War ideologue in Brussels on €25K per month +car +staff +perks +allowances
Exxon will buy the nordstream pipe line and is going to supply Russian gas with expensive price . No problem
I have Exxon share ….i am going to buy more
Europe is the past, just let it go. Asia is the future, let us pray it is better than our past ❤
It won't be..😉😵💫🤑
when EU becomes more expensive to live, what happens when many Europeans wants to live in Russia ?????
Why don’t these 2 Alexanders live in Russia? They adore it! Yet……. even they don’t want to live in Russia! Why?
@@WAM-v2s Your claim they adore Russia is childish! They live in Greece and UK respectively, its where their families are! Not everyone looks upon Russia as an enemy!
@@belladonna6624 but Russia is an enemy of Europe
You think they'd let any of us in? It's their country not ours, I think they'd protect it against immigration.
@WAM-v2s You're not very bright.
Right nor do they care for the dead and wounded in their proxy wars. Tough to fathom that such humans exist, but many kinds of beasts in the world.
The worst kinds of humans that probably just get more depraved and blood hungry with each passing day
The Europeans people are suffering from their politicians' weak poor decisions.
Your 💯 right i’m from Holland and the leadership is grazy
We in The Netherlands have no leadership all the do is fighting among each other
And on top of that your former prime minister Mark Rutte, the new chief of NATO wants European citizens to 'make sacrifices' to boost defence spending 😝
Dexit - Nexit - Öxit
Put up or put out. Or they'll find a way to jail you. Call you a terrorist.
The EU is just drilling more holes in their sinking ship. 😂
As it's so called "leadership" are selling all the brass parts of the ship as they tell everyone to keep bailing
Drilling? They are blowing the bottom put with a shuttling charge....
EU doubling down on stupid - its only the average person that suffers, not the elites. One can but hope that the citizens finally get some courage and put thing's right. So far not a peep!
Average person firmly stands behind the elites. The latter wouldn't be who they are without the commoners. It's oxymoron to think otherwise.
Happy New Year gentlemen, thank you for your wonderful work throughout 2024. Looking forward to your continuing contribution to presenting the truth.
To replace V. Orban would be absurd .
IF he is voted out then........beware Hungry.
You get what you vote for!
Ask Germany, France, and Britain!!!
Thank the CIA and the many tentacles of the N.E.D.
Many Hungarians despise Orban from all the propaganda they consume in the MSM, YT, and especially Facebook. For these people facts, logic and policy are all irrelevant. It's a lot like Trump Derangement Syndrome, but it's been going on for a lot longer.
Happy New Year, gentlemen! Looking forward to a 2025 with you ❤🎉
Happy new year to the Duran and its community 👏👏👏
Now I know what "cutting off ones' nose to spite one's face" means. Absurdly petty and childish doings for adults.
An energy war from countries that have no energy. 😂
The VAT on Gas in France has increased from 5% to 10% as of 1 Jan 2025.
That might be the straw that breaks Frances govt!
@@zzbudzz France still has plenty of nuclear power stations - inherited from previous generations and due to policy promoted by DeGaulle who was the last great statesman in Europe until the arrival of Putin.
Find a old diesel and run used oil mix. You can go as high as 60% used oil when warm. Even more with a little refinement.
Nice New Year present.
You can avoid reality but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. Unfortunately, these consequences fall more on the tax payers
Customer at war with supplier, supplier finds another customer!! European leaders are finished, hopefully before they finish Europe though.
Europe will become a wasteland and Putin will be victorious
Baba vanga 😎
Well, thise criminal lot will not give up easly, certainly not before European continent is totally destroyed and turned into a third word scansen.
Russia cant find a market for its Gas that goes to Europe it doesn't have pipeline capacity t0 replace that from 150bcm per yr it s pipeline to china is only about 20bcm per yr and it doesnt have much LNG capacity either
🇺🇸 to EU round trip 9,000 miles LNG gas not cheaper.
What about the pollution I thought we had a climate problem
There is a popular delusion problem not a climate problem. Germany is suffering from the combined effects of the Climate Change Delusion, the Energy Transition Delusion and the Nuclear Power is Unsafe Delusion.
Yes it’s very convenient how they decide when to switch on and off the claimed climate problem , I wonder if the west are delivering ECO bombs to Ukraine and Israhell
Ahhh now that's the point!
Orrr they could start having more renewable energy. Win win. Bye bye Russia
@@rangodenalo6185Show me one solar panel made with solar energy or one wind turbine made with wind energy. There are none, not a single one. So much for "renewable" and unlike you who clearly know nothing about energy production I helped certify four of the biggest wind farms in Europe.
EU cuts off energy to spite it's face
Sounds like the crazy girlfriend that you just can’t shake 😂
Liquid LNG also requires energy to be cooled and in the end heated. This loss of energy should is also an extra cost
Condoleezza Rice stated in 2014 in a German TV interview EXACTLY what the US plan was vis-a-vis European reliance on cheap Russian energy.
It is the ultimate smoking gun for what followed and it is still on YT for those interested.
Sie hat in Germany Chaostheorie studiert !
@@silkekoehlmann4188 that says a lot
My guess is that increased gas extraction in the US requires higher global market prices to make it economically viable for producers, hence the US Decree that the EU must get all of its gas from America at an inflated price.
1. The suspect has been identified, re the malfunction of the EU economic machine.
2. The End.
Does EU comprehend that US costs for excess gas are basically pure profit?
Most of the natural gas coming out in the US fields is just flared off ‘cuz it isn’t yet worth it to do anything else with it!
For 4x they certainly will connect the exhaust to liquification use instead, that’s worth something.
Most in EU probably can’t comprehend there is so much excess gas in US it’s used as glorified tiki torches instead of being processed.
Then again, if EU governments could think, they wouldn’t have waited 3 years and then claim they had no idea the contract was ending…
What kind of a dumb ass would keep funding the enemy that is blowing up their cities and people? I’m surprised Ukraine didn’t shut down the pipelines before now.
There aren't enough gas ⛽ export terminals because Biden blocked them so these companies can charge what they want.
What many Europeans do not know about the EU and its unelected Commission:
- The European Commission is the heir to the High Authority of the EEC, which in turn is the heir to the AMGOT, i.e. the Anglo-Saxon military occupation authority.
- The European Commission is therefore not elected, but put together at the instigation of the Anglo-Saxons. Its sole function is to ensure that NATO standards are adopted by the Member States.
This may explain some of this destructive behavior.
A happy new year to all.
israelis own the eu, slavoid
@@fanaticist Type the following into your search engine “The Place of the USA and Israel in the Governments of the EU and France” and read the article.
100% correct
What you're saying is that Ursula von der Lying is an Anglo Saxon?
@@vumba1331 Type the following into your search engine “The Place of the USA and Israel in the Governments of the EU and France” and read the article. And your question will be answered.
"The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy" Oscar Wilde
The public in western Europe are not really aware of this being a big issue. Very few people are concerned about this.
When the EU decided to wage war on Russia rather than keep to being an important trading hub it sealed its fate. Good riddance!
It’s all about de population!!!
of the white people, exclusively.
thats what i believe
Happy New Year gentlemen. Thank you for all your hard work..
Right. The US told Germany to shut their nuclear and coal plants. Also the US told Germany, Holland and Britain not to frack. So it's our fault..
Happy New Year,chaps!
The Netherlands has the largest gas field in Europe, But this had to be closed, filled with concrete, can no longer be used. All this to save the climate.
😳 😤
“Deng Xiaoping once famously said "It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white so long as it catches mice." In Europe, the colour of the cat is apparently more important than its function.”
AND it's sexual preferences 🤦
Qatar is also on the verge of ending contracts with the EU over Compliance with environmental and forced labour laws or be fined.
Yes the Ursula gender-laws.
So EU are making demands on Qatar ... lmao
That contract is now closed! 👍
Can't be real? The EU doesn't have much energy to cause or enter any economic war! Go whistle, EU!
If EU really cared about Slovakia and Hungary they would subsidies their gas levelling it to Russian gas. But they don't. Instead they will threaten both countries to cut supply if they don't obey common rules like mass immigration. I totally understand those countries preferring Russian gas.
The EU sounds like a modern day Versailles. And you know how that ended.
Oh man! 2025 is going to be wild. 🤯
Thank you for your ongoing spot on deliberations/analysis of EU circus. Happy New Year.
R.I.P. European Union, 1992-2022. Now can we have something that works for its citizens?
Sorry,citizens are now superfluous to requirements!!😂🤑🫡
It's called BRICS.
Thank you for your reporting on this.
Thanks for your effort over the past year. Much appreciated
as Russian this doesn't sounds very logical I do think some forces in the EU wanted that but ultimately they're the same forces that support the us control on the continent so they're doing the bidding of the USA so focusing exclusively on the EU seems disingenuous because it's Washington that's calling the shots
Они говорили и о Вашингтоне.
"Duran sweatshirts" are the best offered as Christmas present to my husband !
Bonne Année 2025 from Belgium❤with love !
Greetings from South Africa BRICS + with appreciation.
What a shame our politicians shut down our coal power stations…
The people in the EU who decide to do this will still live comfortably with the millions of euros in kickback they’ll receive from these corporations. It’s the average EU citizen that will suffer. Sometimes I wonder, when are people ever going to hold into account the people in charge who make these ridiculous decisions? Are they supposed to always just retire lavishly with millions of dollars in their bank account?
How do people hold to account 'democratically' (sarc) unelected beaurocrats? Non of these top scumbags are voted in, they are installed...
PM's & Presidents of EU countries are voted out.. the populations don't connect or understand the countries follow these beaurocrats or the scumbag beaurocrats WILL punish the 'sovereign' EU countries themselves eg. with-hold monies owed to Hungary, Ursula's "we have tools" when Meloni was elected...
Justice will definitely be served. It unfortunately might not be doled out by lay people or for lay people to ever see
@@456myer they call us the great unwashed
EU will turn into the largest Amish community on this planet.
There is absolutely nothing wrong living in an Amish community.... when one choose for this.
But I am quite sure that some EU civilians within EU do not agree with this.
That's the WEF plan. Destroy economies then introduce the Reset plan.
They’ll go back to windmills 😂
…horse and cart
not going to happen. The Brussel bureaucrates do not permit owning land and farming.
Trabaje con bulk gas propane y los Menonitas lo utilizan no son tontos . 🇦🇷✌️
waging an energy war with a country with vast resources , gas & oil that literally suplies you, sure that seems like a bright idea I'm positive it won't affect the economy 😂😂😂😂😂
As I understand it Germany has not blown up its coal fired power stations & flooded the coal mines, but mothballed them. Only the British govt is that short sighted 😢
Those who were betting on trump to change things to better , gonna be so disappointed
U.K. here and we live quite close to one of the biggest cement factories in the country , we also know a few of the drivers who deliver the cement in tankers , for the last year they have been fetching cement from the docks because we can no longer make it fast enough , it is imported from India
What in the hell are you guys building? Prisons for the Twitter and Facebook criminals?
@@zzbudzzmost likely
The cement is rubbish too.
@@zzbudzz hit the nail on the head
@@zzbudzz first answer was deleted
The EU is excellent at destroying its own state, you cant argue that...
the EU is not a state, nor a country, nor a nation.
@ how is that relevant to my comment?
That what happens when EU had been hijack by the clowns...
It was always a con job...and you all loved it!!🤑😂🫡
It's not stupidity it's intended.
What is energy war? Europe has no power to fight such war against the undefined.
Isn't the diminishment of Russian gas in Germany causing large scale problems for their industry? How is reducing use further a good plan?
V/W laid off 3000 more worker's 😂😅😂😅
@@danl5592DAMN SON 😮