Interview with Dr. Norman McNulty - From Here to the End

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024

Комментарии • 6

  • @carolsuzz
    @carolsuzz 8 лет назад +3

    Of course the structure of the Gods Church will go thru..:) Interesting and much appreciated to hear.

  • @BrookDesHarnais
    @BrookDesHarnais 5 лет назад +1

    The teaching "The (SDA) ship is going through." - was inspired by satan and even credited to Ellen White - even though she did not believe this.
    Ellen White wrote: "Babylon is the church..." {GC 606.2}
    "Babylon is said to be "the mother of harlots." By her daughters must be symbolized churches that cling to her doctrines and traditions, and follow her example of sacrificing the truth and the approval of God, in order to form an unlawful alliance with the world."
    {Great Controversy 382-383, Ellen White}
    "Licentiousness, unlawful intimacy, and unholy practices are coming in among us in a large degree; and ministers who are handling sacred things are guilty of sin in this respect. We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, a cage for every unclean and hateful bird; and will we be clear unless we make decided movements to cure the existing evil?" - {21MR 380.1, 1886}
    SDA's who trust their church and human leaders try to water this down and cling to excusing and purifying the SDA churches' cherished bold satanic abominations and apostasy. The disciples did the same until Jesus died in front of them - while they all still refused to abhor themselves, their church, and their temple. God will not accept excuses for sin and wicked apostasy, nor will He allow this rebellion to go unpunished. The greatest wonders and strongest delusions of the antiChrist spirit and the antiChrist are just ahead of us.
    "Christ's statement is ‘that the gates of hell shall not prevail against' the church...Let us stay with the ship. The going through and will surely drop anchor on the ‘sea of glass' because a ‘Divine hand is on the wheel’ - the hand of Christ."
    {Theodore Carcich, former vice-president of the General Conference, Adventist Review, July 28, 1983, p 5}
    “I lately read of a noble ship that was plowing its way across the sea, when at midnight, with a terrific crash, it struck upon a rock; the passengers were awakened only to see with horror their hopeless condition, and with the ship they sank to rise no more. The man at the helm had mistaken the beacon light, and hundreds of souls were at a moment’s warning launched into eternity.” {2SM 128.3, Ellen White}
    Whose "hand is on the wheel"?
    Do we want to be on this ship?
    “You are in danger of failing to hold fast the faith once delivered to the saints, of making shipwreck of your faith.”
    {CH 519.1, Ellen White}
    "In our day few of the professed followers of the Reformers are actuated by their spirit. Few are listening for the voice of God, and ready to accept truth in whatever guise it may be presented. Often those who follow in the steps of the Reformers are forced to turn away from the churches they love, in order to declare the plain teaching of the word of God. And many times those who are seeking for light are by the same teaching obliged to leave the church of their fathers, that they may render obedience."
    {Desire of Ages, 232 Ellen White}
    Concerning the ‘Loud Cry’ tract:
    “If you are teaching that the seventh-day adventist church is Babylon, you are wrong.” {TM 521.2}
    In the church at this time (1893), there was no open practice of abominable apostasy. There was no homosexuality or abortion. There was no clasping hands in fellowship with the papacy and the world. There was no roman church-state church-government such as the current 501(c)3 SDA tax apostasy. There were no trinity teachings.
    The above statement concerning the ‘Loud Cry’ tract, and the following statements, were all addressed to certain individuals who were calling the advent movement of THAT time Babylon:
    “THOSE who have published THE 'LOUD CRY' TRACT have not consulted me upon the subject. THEY have quoted largely from my writings and put THEIR own construction upon them. THEY claim to have a special message from God to pronounce the Seventh-day Adventist Church Babylon, proclaim her fall, and call the people of God to come out of her, and try to make the testimonies substantiate their theory.
    How could THEY come from THAT MEETING where the power of God was revealed in so marked a manner, and proclaim that the loud cry WAS that the commandment-keeping people WERE Babylon?
    How dare mortal man pass his judgment upon them, and call the church a harlot, Babylon, a den of thieves, a cage of every unclean and hateful bird, the habitation of devils, making the nations drunk with the wine of her fornication, confederating with the kings and great men of the earth, waxing rich through the abundance of her delicacies, and proclaiming that her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities? Is this the message WE HAVE to bear to the Seventh-day Adventists? I tell you, No! God HAS GIVEN no man any such message. Let THESE MEN humble their hearts before God, and in true contrition repent." (emphasis supplied)
    {1MR 348.1 - 353.4 1893}
    Clearly, the message of Ellen White (in 1893) quoted above - is specifically directed to certain men in that certain (past) time (1893), stating: "THEY pronounce the SDA Church Babylon..."
    If that message to those men really was for all time,
    how is it that Ellen White herself also wrote:
    "Babylon (apostate protestantism/SDA) is the church..."
    {Great Controversy 606.2}

  • @malcolmrichards1254
    @malcolmrichards1254 7 лет назад

    sorry. the Paulson page number is wet. mick

  • @malcolmrichards1254
    @malcolmrichards1254 7 лет назад

    my computer has a bug. It's page 344