Don't forget that it was The Guardian that gave the first season of "Clarksons Farm" 1star. So everyone knew it was going to be good. Getting a 5 sar rating from The Guardian... You know it'll be shyte.
14.3 million people watched Wallace and Gromit, which came on right after Doctor Who... 4.11 million watched Doctor Who... Should I explain more, or does this shine a light on how DIRE the situation is for Doctor Who?
Wallace and Gromits first movie since the 2000s? Yeah people gonna watch that. Who beat out things like the Dancing and was the 6th most watched show that day.
@ Clownfish TV revealed the numbers. It charted at number nine by listing it as a movie on Disney Plus, and did not chart on television programs. Or did the program sell out on iTunes?
I do not begrudge the 'community' their entertainment, but I do despise it when normal spaces are co-opted for their predilections. How much longer will this seeming trend continue, I wonder.
@@InfamyOrDeath-__- I wish they could have just left the doctor out of it. Captain Jack was amazing and a fantastic addition to the show at the time. But the Doctor is NOT Captain Jack and nor should he be.
Lots of comments saying that Who died after Capaldi. I really liked Capaldi as the Doctor, but man, his last season, his writing let him down way before he actually left the show. I'm glad he got out when he did.
@TheGeoXWar most of them were actually fun and enjoyable to watch clearly since most ratings were 13 to 8 million through 2005 to 2014 XD what are you talking about? Saying most were boring if that was true where did the high ratings come from a decade ago explain that or cope i suppose lol. Ok maybe i was a bit harsh with my last sentence sorry
@@crystalbry4741 Ratings are irrelevant to the quality of the episode. It’s Christmas nobody has anything better to do but spend time with family. Most of the Christmas specials had high ratings because of the above and other things like having popular guest actors and being regeneration episodes. Voyage of the Damned had high ratings because of minogue, the next doctor because of morissey, EoT was 10’s last episode, etc
@@TheGeoXWar i mean if something has low ratings then most people don't care about the episode and won't watch it which is bad you gotta remember that doctor who used to be very popular especially with the revival series in 2005 and that had high ratings because people were actually interested in watching it. Also if people had nothing better to do then why are other shows and movies on Christmas day getting more ratings than doctor who please again explain that. It's true that sometimes people put on the tv for background noise but other than that it really didn't help the ratings much. But i think you answered your previous reply anyway like dr who having popular guest actors and it being the last episode of the series. So why are we still talking about this? I'm pretty sure you already know why this Christmas special failed so i don't see the point in continuing this conversation.
I actually refuse to believe you watched either Lady Doctor or this new Doctor if you're saying that. The 13th Doctor episodes were very boring and the Doctor's writing bland. Why do people comment on stuff they know nothing about?
*Last Christmas I went outside and touched grass, the very next day, The Doctor went gay. This year to save Gatwa from tears, I won't be watching Christmas special!* 🎄
Thank you for your sacrifice. We watched North by Northwest on a different channel while this mess was on then turned onto BBC1 for Wallis and Gromit . I'd take a sixty year old Carry Grant classic over Nuctti's "acting" any day, but especially on Christmas!
@lesigh1749 Shame the Dr Woke gang didn't watch it for lessons in how to write, direct, and act a compelling drama that entertains and holds your attention!
So many TV series have what you comically refer to as 'gay crap' that here in Britain I've given up watching live tv and have stopped purchasing a tv licence because of this agenda. I recently binge watched a series called 'Doom Patrol' and that was bad. Three out for four relationships were gay and then there's the trans story line. I wonder when the media will finally get the hint that very few people want to watch this stuff shoehorned into everything. I can't believe I'm not the only one who hits the off button when I see the direction these programmes are heading. Started watching something call 'Culprits' the other night - 10 minutes in and it was off. Next!
Apparently it is also one of the Doctor's oldest enemies... No. Just cause you write it down doesn't make it true. The Doctor's oldest enemies based on broadcast canon are a bunch of cave men. Fk off Moffat.
I watched a special edition version of The Visitation (Peter Davison era). The BBC is firmly OFF in my household at Christmas, due to it's neo-racist 'policies'.
100%, their reviews mean nothing to anyone outside the woke main stream bubble. They gave the superb season 2 of Squid Game 3 out of 5, clearly it wasn't 'diverse' enough for them.
If the star turns out to be the Star of Bethlehem, that implies Christianity is true, since the Star of Bethlehem is entirely meaningless if it doesn't signal the birth of the Savior. If Christianity is true in the Doctor Who universe and the Doctor knows it, why is he living a lifestyle he knows the God of the universe condemns? Does he foolishly think he's immune from Judgment just because he's not human? I guess that would loosely fit with times in the past when he developed a God Complex, but him being gay out of nowhere is still not at all true to the character. It was amazing how the show could get you to believe that William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, John Hurt, and Peter Capaldi were one and the same character. Then they decided to ruin that streak purely for dumb political reasons.
I finally figured out why Gatwa is so emotionally wrecked. The first Thirteen/Fourteen Doctors were severely repressed from all of the endless traumas,loss,shock and during the "bi-regeneration" Tennant's Dr. got released from the emotional baggage because Gatwa took it instead and where he is able to "feel emotions" he will be crying for the next 2 billion years to catch up and make all of his previous selves feel better . The Fourth and Fifth Drs as well as Tennant/Smith in the Modern Dr Who seemed the most "humanlike" when it came to trying to even understand "emotions". Love your video ❤❤❤☮️☮️☮️👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
I didn't watch it, I don't watch any BBC programmes, by the sound of it I didn't miss anything. Nothing will change, the BBC are only interested in making programmes for people who share their political ideology. Good for them, couldn't care less because having cancelled my licence and binned the TV I no longer fund them.
Wasn't the point of the 15th Doctor thst he was supposed to be more emotionally healthy than the 14th? He is just an emotional wreck a lot of the time. Crying and shouting and having to relearn things like how to have friends, which previous Doctors seemed to have no problem with.
Thank you for giving an Honest Review for Joy to the world and telling it like it is. I couldn't agree more with you in Everything you said. It's a shame that the BBC, Disney and Russell T Davis refuse to see what they have done to a once great science fiction show.
moffat has been doing the paradox nonsense since as early as his first series, if you recall how the doctor resolved the big cliffhanger (trapped in the pandorica) by having amy break him out using his future self’s sonic screwdriver. he’s always been super disrespectful to the rules and limitations set up by previous eras. the jj abrams of doctor who writers.
Yeah but with that story's end the previous future doctor dies and his present self has to save the future and the whole saving the world or it'll blow up thing happened. With joy to the world it sounds like gatwa is just roasting himself for no reason(unless it's more than that idk) but i get what you mean Moffat's reusing previous plots and stories lazily if i didn't misread again. And I'm pretty sure that the vortex manipulator was part of Christopher or Tennant's era first as well. But i don't see how that two part story is disrespectful to the rules and limitations.
@ the doctor is trapped in the pandorica with his sonic screwdriver, with his hands bound. amy opens the pandorica by using… the sonic screwdriver. she’s holding his future self’s sonic screwdriver, from after he had already been broken out. it doesnt make sense. it’s a paradox. it breaks doctor who’s established rules in a major way.
@@TheKanistan ok rewatched the episode again and rory opens the pandorica to let the doctor out then rory has to put the screwdriver in amy's top pocket so 11th can use it later on then he writes to young amy to restore amy by touching the pandorica and then near the end he finally gets his screwdriver back. Yeah I'll admit that part is a bit confusing lol but after all that his future self dies by dalek so present one has to not only avoid that(i think he still got lasered tho idk) but also get into the pandorica in time which he does. That's why i said that in joy to the world the doctor just roasts himself for no reason at least in big bang his future self is dead XD. Hopefully i explained it well...
I'm in the UK and a lifelong devotee of this show, and this reboot has been a desperately miserable car crash to endure. To a great extent because the show runners and cast of Dr Who now approaches everything how Disney+ would prefer it, but more broadly with US Left wing sensibilities. It's awful. Last night's one was by Steven Moffat again, so not so bad. I can, however, add that ratings in the UK in the last season were almost the lowest they have ever been since 1963, and yesterday's episode (which even included a joke about the Nativity to directly insult Christians) had one third the audience that the return of a beloved sitcom did. Many rumours around of Disney+ dropping it and then the BBC too, and it deserves it. Happy Christmas
I've been watching since Pertwee... or, we'll, I had been and then gave up during early Whittaker because even what I could say was intermittently poor writing during Capaldi just dropped off the cliff. It just stopped being enjoyable.
Yes, I used to love DW so much. It's heartbreaking what it has been turned into. I'm curious, though, what joke are you refering to? I read the very end as genuine, although I'd very much have preferred them not to go there. Moffat's last episode, Boom, was definitely insulting, but this one seemed to me to at least be trying to be respectful. Was there a joke a missed?
@@demaupinthe idea of swapping a sign sent by God with your own silly sci-fi plot about a girl who does while pretending that's good abd heroic and wonderful (and euthanizes her mother while doing so who never asked to join her) is in itself a deliberate choice, a joke pretending to be charming
I think I last watched one of the Dr Who Christmas specials 19 years ago. I seem to remember there was a giant cyberman involved. I had no idea they were still making Christmas so called "specials".
LOL I have total apathy, I don't even hate it anymore, just don't care. I have loads of old episodes to watch if I need a Dr Who fix. Was watching some Tennant and Capaldi (Early pre woke) the other day... they were GREAT! This is just RTD's boyfriend and body positivity hire spewing woke nonsense. LOLOLOL So funny!
Thanks, I watched The Wheel in Space this Christmas, great animation and Doctor Who Story that Delivers where the BBC and the current Disney version Can’t!
I'm surprised that very few reviews (even the negative ones) picked up on the fact Joy was obviously depressed at Christmas time and her suicide was promoted as a positive solution. The suitcase could actually be seen as an assisted suicide machine.
4.11 million views, compared to 4.4 million last year (the 60th anniversary/Christmas special). Seriously, this show is a pale, withered specter of its former glory. No one cares.
@@daniellewis3098 14.3 million people watched Wallace and Gromit, which came on right after Doctor Who... Viewership went from 4.11 million to 14.3 million... which show cost more to produce?
7412... implies that the Doctor is doing another Hell Bent time loop and that Joy has probably died some 7411 times before. This Starseed is yet another ultimate weapon that gains sentience... just as the TimeLords built an ultimate weapon for the Time War.
I tried, I really tried, but the premise just broke me, Time Travel is the Doctors power, you take that away and he losses his whole premise. Couldn't get past 5 mins...
The Sisterhood Of Karn put a slow acting poison in the 8th Doctor's potion when he became the War Doctor. This led The Doctor to bring more and more Magic back into the Whoniverse culminating in The Salt Line in Wild Blue Yonder. Now Khaos Magick is released and the Sisterhood can rule again! - can The Doctor can Regenerate and become a scientific Timelord again to stop them? CANON RESTORED.
but thats also part of the problem - Media courses are homogenized garbage now with Writing By Rules instead of amazing crazy ideas from amazing crazy people being crafted into workable Screenplays.
The man bashing was there tick, having a go at religion tick, giving a positive nod to same sex couple tick, so yep you are right, the usual modern DW fare, even managed to get a dig in at Boris Johnson and the Tory party. However, going beyond that this story was meh and given the emphasis on 65 million years and the birth of a star the ending was so predictable even months ago. Why the story spent a good portion with the Doctor playing handyman rather then the main arc is baffling and the less said about the mind numbing paaradox of the doctor meeting the same incarnation - surely that was not possible - nevermind good old Joy being able to give us that cringy sentimental ending. Probably my biggest gripe is what is the point of the doctor, yet another episode were others actually come up with solution while he skips around , grinning but actually doing nothing
The feel good scene you referenced seemed kind of forced. The first thing I thought about was when "filmed before a live audience" was a thing and they used to hold up signs that told the audience to "laugh" or "clap." This Doctor seems to care more about himself than his companions (remember when he almost let Ruby die because he was lusting after someone?) and he's definitely a beta male trying to pretend to be alpha. He's no alpha.
The whole ‘getting the disarm code from the universe’ after the Doctor spends a year in a time loop as a hotel janitor, still doesn’t work!? It’s just a Moffat McGuffin again and carries on the Jodie Whittaker habit of the Doctor NOT saving anyone. Plus we only got about 7 seconds of Millie Gibson so I didn’t even have any eye candy…! RTD has killed the franchise he helped to reboot.😭
You know, if there's some Get out of Paradox Free Hotel, it seems like The Doctor should have a suite or conference room where he can just go and meet all of his selves to keep on top of everything. Would it ruin the adventure of the series? Sure, but it'd make sense, and they're already ruining everything else anyway.
I hadn't watched Dr Who for years once Capaldi left. I tried to watch this Christmas day and gave up around 15 mins into it once he started crying over someone who dies that he didn't even know. He's a terrible Doctor and the story lines are even worse. I am glad to see I hadn't missed anything in the last few years. This show has gone off a cliff that I will not follow. You can clearly see Disney's interference in this and the fact RTD has lost his imaginative streak and putting inappropriate messaging in his works. This show should have ended when Capaldi did.
As writer we always analyze the writing of other pros (as loosely as that term applies sometimes). The illogical rational of "it is that way because we say so" never works for us as viewers/readers. Are they just lazy or are they creatively bankrupt? My Dark Elves have pale blue skin. Why? They have naturally pale skin, like all Elves, due to lack of direct sunlight exposure. Plus they work with silver too often, and it gets into everything, including the food. So they develop a real medical condition called Argyria. Which gives a blue tinge to their already pale skin. A potential loose end neatly tied off by a true pro. I wish everybody put in the work of doing the research and given logical explanations.
Dr Who is a children's fantasy show that uses sci-fi ideas, usually very badly. I have been watching since the second episode in 1963, so I've seen how badly this show has degenerated into a derivative pantomime, which, if anything, is kinda anti-science.
Sorry about half way through this I left your review. Even the review was sounding bad and confusing so I gave up... Not your fault, the material you were working with was pure boring senseless crap. So...
It was addressed in the "Three Doctors," that having the Doctor cross their own timelines was "breaking the First Law of Time." They "bent" it since it was different incarnations of the Doctor. His reference to the time paradox that was established in "Father's Day," a Christopher Eccleston episode, resulted in the appearance of the "Reapers." In the Big Finish audios, a time paradox problem (8th Doctor and Charley) creates a similar situation (the anti-time dilemma). So, yes, he does know his Doctor Who. Having the Doctor meet his own incarnation was bound to result in repercussions, according to the show's own lore.
@keithbk it was established in "the three doctors", but then broken on the "five doctors" and "two doctors". Oh and it was broken again in the 50th anniversary. And broken again in "twice upon a time". Any doctor who fan knows the so called "first law of time" is a joke at this point
Hmmm. Saw it. In the UK. Joy was like a chosen one for this star weapon. I almost thought it was going to be an “explanation” for the “big bang?” Nothing made sense with the year working in the hotel but it ripped ideas from the Capaldi episode where he spent a million years escaping his own hell? & the one with the two doctors with the war doctor along with the episode where the doctor lands on the spaceship Pompadour?? Different points in time through a fireplace instead of hotel doors. I felt like the best stuff had been done I previous series… (seasons.)
I agree with most of what you say Jon, but it bugs me when you infer the Doctor should be white as the driven snow! No, he shouldn't. He should have failings, that's what made the character so interesting in the first instance, until Cartmel and New Who made him space Jesus.
Oh yeah! DW still exists. I'd completely forgotten. I zoned out half way through your review because the subject itself was so weak that not even a peppy commentary could inspire interest on my part. That's a first with your channel.
You were able to watch the whole thing without nausea or mental trauma? You should be a Warhammer psyker. This new era isn't Dr Who. Peter Capaldi was the last Dr Who. Spot on about the concept being decent.
Who ended when capaldi left fir me
Likewise. I tried her first series and it was the first time it felt like a chore rather than a joy to watch a new episode
This use to be my favourite show..They destroyed it
Tom Baker for me but, Hey!, I'm an oldster. Patrick Troughton rules!
Yep, me too.
Don't forget that it was The Guardian that gave the first season of "Clarksons Farm" 1star. So everyone knew it was going to be good. Getting a 5 sar rating from The Guardian... You know it'll be shyte.
14.3 million people watched Wallace and Gromit, which came on right after Doctor Who...
4.11 million watched Doctor Who...
Should I explain more, or does this shine a light on how DIRE the situation is for Doctor Who?
Wallace and Gromits first movie since the 2000s? Yeah people gonna watch that. Who beat out things like the Dancing and was the 6th most watched show that day.
Nuff said.
And Wallace and Gromit was fantastic.
@@chazo1367 Cope more please.
@@chazo1367 ...and the excuses start! LOL
And the Christmas special is the number one watched in D*sney+.
Thanks 4 watching, so I don't need to....watched Raiders of the Lost Ark instead because it's a classic.
We watched 40 yrs old Jaws Revenge, whole family enjoyed it.
So did I, channel 4
@wonton8983 😅 that's a terrible movie
I was watching the Holy Grail at the same time 😂
@robertwood5585 Good choice, very funny.
Had you and Mr H Reviews not created videos about this, I would not have even remembered/cared that there was a Doctor Whoke special.
There is no such thing as "woke" Stop being afraid of people who are different than you.
This is the number one view in D*sney+.
@ Clownfish TV revealed the numbers. It charted at number nine by listing it as a movie on Disney Plus, and did not chart on television programs. Or did the program sell out on iTunes?
This is real news.видео.htmlsi=F5VP9I71lHk6oTVy
I missed this. I was outside touching snow.
You got snow? Lucky!
@@PixelPixie86 Yeah, nah... It was the fake powder stuff, not the real thing... Kinda like this series! 😅
I hope it wasn't yellow snow 😂
Touching snow?
That's very funny. Heck, RTD should use that gag in a future episode. 🤭
A 25 yr old farmer who skipped school and with no acting credentials can hold an audience better than Gatwa.
Your a brave man. Thanks i left Who after Peter Capaldi left.
Did not watch this Woke propoganda rubbish - Dr Who is trash now.
I do not begrudge the 'community' their entertainment, but I do despise it when normal spaces are co-opted for their predilections. How much longer will this seeming trend continue, I wonder.
God I hope it’s nearly at an end, it’s been 10 long years listening to these people.
@@InfamyOrDeath-__- I wish they could have just left the doctor out of it. Captain Jack was amazing and a fantastic addition to the show at the time. But the Doctor is NOT Captain Jack and nor should he be.
When they all go broke - because they will.
@@sterlingmartin3235 Hear, hear!
It ends with either you accepting or you being cancelled.
And I don't mean online I mean permanently.
Lots of comments saying that Who died after Capaldi. I really liked Capaldi as the Doctor, but man, his last season, his writing let him down way before he actually left the show. I'm glad he got out when he did.
Capaldi - Top notch Doctor that was bogged down by garbage stories and the ramp up of pushing modern-day agenda over story and respect to the lore.
Really? I think Series 2 had garbage stories about Rose.
@@KennethDillardModern day agenda, don't tell me 'woke stuff' theirs a simple solution instead of complaining about it, stop watching it.
A doctor who Christmas special should be anything but boring. Remember when the Christmas specials were fun cool events once a year because i do.
Majority of them are boring and sometimes garbage. Take off the nostalgia goggles
@TheGeoXWar most of them were actually fun and enjoyable to watch clearly since most ratings were 13 to 8 million through 2005 to 2014 XD what are you talking about? Saying most were boring if that was true where did the high ratings come from a decade ago explain that or cope i suppose lol. Ok maybe i was a bit harsh with my last sentence sorry
Ratings are irrelevant to the quality of the episode.
It’s Christmas nobody has anything better to do but spend time with family.
Most of the Christmas specials had high ratings because of the above and other things like having popular guest actors and being regeneration episodes.
Voyage of the Damned had high ratings because of minogue, the next doctor because of morissey, EoT was 10’s last episode, etc
@@TheGeoXWar i mean if something has low ratings then most people don't care about the episode and won't watch it which is bad you gotta remember that doctor who used to be very popular especially with the revival series in 2005 and that had high ratings because people were actually interested in watching it. Also if people had nothing better to do then why are other shows and movies on Christmas day getting more ratings than doctor who please again explain that. It's true that sometimes people put on the tv for background noise but other than that it really didn't help the ratings much. But i think you answered your previous reply anyway like dr who having popular guest actors and it being the last episode of the series. So why are we still talking about this? I'm pretty sure you already know why this Christmas special failed so i don't see the point in continuing this conversation.
@@TheGeoXWarRatings are irrelevant now, not in the past, it’s only in the last few years that you couldn’t trust the rating system.
This Doctor sucks even more than the Lady Doctor did.
Probably literally.
RTD is probably the one to ask about that! LOL
I actually refuse to believe you watched either Lady Doctor or this new Doctor if you're saying that. The 13th Doctor episodes were very boring and the Doctor's writing bland. Why do people comment on stuff they know nothing about?
Some dude said this was so boring he fell asleep during it! Lol
I did too.
Didn't even bother to go back and watch the parts I missed. That's how uninterested I was.
*Last Christmas I went outside and touched grass, the very next day, The Doctor went gay. This year to save Gatwa from tears, I won't be watching Christmas special!* 🎄
Perfection! Well done.
Bit too long at the beginning
@@GrassGrabber that’s brill as ace would say
And they say the grass is greener on the other side 😆😆😆
"Warm and moving"? No it was dull and predictable.
Not only that the BBC overnight viewing figures were borderline embarrassing.
Thank you for your sacrifice. We watched North by Northwest on a different channel while this mess was on then turned onto BBC1 for Wallis and Gromit . I'd take a sixty year old Carry Grant classic over Nuctti's "acting" any day, but especially on Christmas!
Good choice. I watched North by Northwest as well. No contest really.
@@forkinhell3545 Its a great movie. Peak Hitchcock with a stellar cast.
@lesigh1749 Shame the Dr Woke gang didn't watch it for lessons in how to write, direct, and act a compelling drama that entertains and holds your attention!
@@forkinhell3545 RTD is not fit to smell Alfred Hitchcock's farts.
@@forkinhell3545 RTD is not fit to even watch Hitchcock's films, much less capable of writing or producing on his level.
So many TV series have what you comically refer to as 'gay crap' that here in Britain I've given up watching live tv and have stopped purchasing a tv licence because of this agenda. I recently binge watched a series called 'Doom Patrol' and that was bad. Three out for four relationships were gay and then there's the trans story line. I wonder when the media will finally get the hint that very few people want to watch this stuff shoehorned into everything. I can't believe I'm not the only one who hits the off button when I see the direction these programmes are heading. Started watching something call 'Culprits' the other night - 10 minutes in and it was off. Next!
Why do they need to make a star when there are already plenty of stars around to tap energy from?
The evil company- Villenguard- was first mentioned in Moffat's Eccleston story in 2005 apparently.
Apparently it is also one of the Doctor's oldest enemies...
No. Just cause you write it down doesn't make it true. The Doctor's oldest enemies based on broadcast canon are a bunch of cave men.
Fk off Moffat.
Instead I watched Wallace and Gromit.
Excellent choice!👍
I watched a special edition version of The Visitation (Peter Davison era). The BBC is firmly OFF in my household at Christmas, due to it's neo-racist 'policies'.
Wallace and Gromit was brilliant 👏 Those characters are far more believable than anything RTD can come up with..Feathers McGraw for the next DR 😂😂😂
FIVE STAR Guardian Review means it is ZERO stars.
100%, their reviews mean nothing to anyone outside the woke main stream bubble. They gave the superb season 2 of Squid Game 3 out of 5, clearly it wasn't 'diverse' enough for them.
Really excited about this special. Well mostly because I hope Disparu is gonna sit through it and make a video though.
If the star turns out to be the Star of Bethlehem, that implies Christianity is true, since the Star of Bethlehem is entirely meaningless if it doesn't signal the birth of the Savior. If Christianity is true in the Doctor Who universe and the Doctor knows it, why is he living a lifestyle he knows the God of the universe condemns? Does he foolishly think he's immune from Judgment just because he's not human? I guess that would loosely fit with times in the past when he developed a God Complex, but him being gay out of nowhere is still not at all true to the character.
It was amazing how the show could get you to believe that William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, John Hurt, and Peter Capaldi were one and the same character. Then they decided to ruin that streak purely for dumb political reasons.
You obviously put more thought into your comment than the "writers" of this special.
@@Valehass amen to that 😂
And isn't it weird that he's gay now after fancying women throughout all the the incarnations ,including the female one!?!
The doctors always been like that have you even watched the show 😧
@Yes-hn8mg The Doctor has not always been gay.
Looks like a gay Eddie Murphy without the talent
I finally figured out why Gatwa is so emotionally wrecked. The first Thirteen/Fourteen Doctors were severely repressed from all of the endless traumas,loss,shock and during the "bi-regeneration" Tennant's Dr. got released from the emotional baggage because Gatwa took it instead and where he is able to "feel emotions" he will be crying for the next 2 billion years to catch up and make all of his previous selves feel better . The Fourth and Fifth Drs as well as Tennant/Smith in the Modern Dr Who seemed the most "humanlike" when it came to trying to even understand "emotions". Love your video ❤❤❤☮️☮️☮️👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Who is supposed to be something you can sit down with your children and watch, I just can’t imagine sitting down with my children and watching this
I don't even want to watch it. In 1963 Dr. Who blew me away, who can forge5 the Daleks? And the Dr. with that white hair?
1960’s Dr Who terrified me, I loved it! I wouldn’t watch this crap.
@@Jacky9071 Loved it and terrifying.
Brother I don't know how you stand it? I just cannot watch false Doctor for even 5 seconds without projectile vomiting...
I didn't watch it, I don't watch any BBC programmes, by the sound of it I didn't miss anything. Nothing will change, the BBC are only interested in making programmes for people who share their political ideology. Good for them, couldn't care less because having cancelled my licence and binned the TV I no longer fund them.
There is Nothing "Joyful" about this Trainwreck.
I can't wait for Bowlestrek to scream about this episode.
Wasn't the point of the 15th Doctor thst he was supposed to be more emotionally healthy than the 14th?
He is just an emotional wreck a lot of the time. Crying and shouting and having to relearn things like how to have friends, which previous Doctors seemed to have no problem with.
Thank you for giving an Honest Review for Joy to the world and telling it like it is. I couldn't agree more with you in Everything you said. It's a shame that the BBC, Disney and Russell T Davis refuse to see what they have done to a once great science fiction show.
RTD is like the government they don't listen to the out cry from the general public.
it bombed in the christmas day ratings.....
moffat has been doing the paradox nonsense since as early as his first series, if you recall how the doctor resolved the big cliffhanger (trapped in the pandorica) by having amy break him out using his future self’s sonic screwdriver. he’s always been super disrespectful to the rules and limitations set up by previous eras. the jj abrams of doctor who writers.
Yeah but with that story's end the previous future doctor dies and his present self has to save the future and the whole saving the world or it'll blow up thing happened. With joy to the world it sounds like gatwa is just roasting himself for no reason(unless it's more than that idk) but i get what you mean Moffat's reusing previous plots and stories lazily if i didn't misread again. And I'm pretty sure that the vortex manipulator was part of Christopher or Tennant's era first as well. But i don't see how that two part story is disrespectful to the rules and limitations.
@ the doctor is trapped in the pandorica with his sonic screwdriver, with his hands bound. amy opens the pandorica by using… the sonic screwdriver. she’s holding his future self’s sonic screwdriver, from after he had already been broken out. it doesnt make sense. it’s a paradox. it breaks doctor who’s established rules in a major way.
@@TheKanistan ok rewatched the episode again and rory opens the pandorica to let the doctor out then rory has to put the screwdriver in amy's top pocket so 11th can use it later on then he writes to young amy to restore amy by touching the pandorica and then near the end he finally gets his screwdriver back. Yeah I'll admit that part is a bit confusing lol but after all that his future self dies by dalek so present one has to not only avoid that(i think he still got lasered tho idk) but also get into the pandorica in time which he does. That's why i said that in joy to the world the doctor just roasts himself for no reason at least in big bang his future self is dead XD. Hopefully i explained it well...
@@crystalbry4741 my bad, it was rory not amy who broke him out, my point stands though.
@TheKanistan i guess so
I'm in the UK and a lifelong devotee of this show, and this reboot has been a desperately miserable car crash to endure. To a great extent because the show runners and cast of Dr Who now approaches everything how Disney+ would prefer it, but more broadly with US Left wing sensibilities. It's awful. Last night's one was by Steven Moffat again, so not so bad.
I can, however, add that ratings in the UK in the last season were almost the lowest they have ever been since 1963, and yesterday's episode (which even included a joke about the Nativity to directly insult Christians) had one third the audience that the return of a beloved sitcom did. Many rumours around of Disney+ dropping it and then the BBC too, and it deserves it. Happy Christmas
I've been watching since Pertwee... or, we'll, I had been and then gave up during early Whittaker because even what I could say was intermittently poor writing during Capaldi just dropped off the cliff. It just stopped being enjoyable.
Yes, I used to love DW so much. It's heartbreaking what it has been turned into. I'm curious, though, what joke are you refering to? I read the very end as genuine, although I'd very much have preferred them not to go there. Moffat's last episode, Boom, was definitely insulting, but this one seemed to me to at least be trying to be respectful. Was there a joke a missed?
@@captainz9Capaldi had some of the very best episodes the modern show has ever produced, along with the occasional poor one, yes
@@demaupinthe idea of swapping a sign sent by God with your own silly sci-fi plot about a girl who does while pretending that's good abd heroic and wonderful (and euthanizes her mother while doing so who never asked to join her) is in itself a deliberate choice, a joke pretending to be charming
I think I last watched one of the Dr Who Christmas specials 19 years ago. I seem to remember there was a giant cyberman involved.
I had no idea they were still making Christmas so called "specials".
LOL I have total apathy, I don't even hate it anymore, just don't care. I have loads of old episodes to watch if I need a Dr Who fix. Was watching some Tennant and Capaldi (Early pre woke) the other day... they were GREAT! This is just RTD's boyfriend and body positivity hire spewing woke nonsense. LOLOLOL So funny!
my first thought was "Did he cry in this episode?" so thanks for confirming 😆
I am reliable informed he didn't cry once.
Three times? Totally. But Once? technically no.
"Woke gay crap" lol. I am gonna stay away from it then 😀
Didn't even know this was still on . . .
I’m glad I watched Voyage of the Damned while this shite was on, but rewatching it showed just how bad the current state of Dr WHO is.
Thanks for taking the hit.
The 12th Doctor is still regenerating.
My guess is that this entire year gets retconned and taken out of the cannon.
Thanks, I watched The Wheel in Space this Christmas, great animation and Doctor Who Story that Delivers where the BBC and the current Disney version Can’t!
I'm surprised that very few reviews (even the negative ones) picked up on the fact Joy was obviously depressed at Christmas time and her suicide was promoted as a positive solution. The suitcase could actually be seen as an assisted suicide machine.
I have not watched Dr Who since Capaldi! So thank to the people who watch and make these reviews! The shiw went from Doctor Who to Indictoration Who!
This review was a lot kinder than I was expecting. I haven’t seen it yet. Thanks for watching so I don’t have to, but I think I will, anyway!
Mate, the minute the announcement came about the politics of the series… everyone and their mum knew it was going to be sh/t…
Such a shame!
4.11 million views, compared to 4.4 million last year (the 60th anniversary/Christmas special). Seriously, this show is a pale, withered specter of its former glory. No one cares.
4 million people still care....
Someone doesn't understand the downfall of television as a whole, and thinks no one cares about doctor who
@@daniellewis3098 14.3 million people watched Wallace and Gromit, which came on right after Doctor Who... Viewership went from 4.11 million to 14.3 million... which show cost more to produce?
@@keithbk 4 million is still a lot lmao.
@@daniellewis3098 For a cheap "dancing with the stars" show that costs nothing to produce... sure.
This version of the show makes a lot more sense if you see Gatwa as the Doctor's son.
The best way they can bring joy to the world is to cancel this travesty.
God this show is an embarrassment now
7412... implies that the Doctor is doing another Hell Bent time loop and that Joy has probably died some 7411 times before.
This Starseed is yet another ultimate weapon that gains sentience... just as the TimeLords built an ultimate weapon for the Time War.
I tried, I really tried, but the premise just broke me, Time Travel is the Doctors power, you take that away and he losses his whole premise. Couldn't get past 5 mins...
not my Dr. Who.
is that a full 5 star?? LOL! is that for the picture??
I believe that is from The Guardian's review
@@robbeach1756 yep, OC
I stopped watching on the last special when the doctor was chastised by rose for assuming the pronouns of The Meep......yep bye
The Sisterhood Of Karn put a slow acting poison in the 8th Doctor's potion when he became the War Doctor. This led The Doctor to bring more and more Magic back into the Whoniverse culminating in The Salt Line in Wild Blue Yonder.
Now Khaos Magick is released and the Sisterhood can rule again! - can The Doctor can Regenerate and become a scientific Timelord again to stop them? CANON RESTORED.
It was so bad I reckon a first year media student could've done a better job
but thats also part of the problem - Media courses are homogenized garbage now with Writing By Rules instead of amazing crazy ideas from amazing crazy people being crafted into workable Screenplays.
@joso7228 it's a shame that creativity isn't prioritised anymore
The man bashing was there tick, having a go at religion tick, giving a positive nod to same sex couple tick, so yep you are right, the usual modern DW fare, even managed to get a dig in at Boris Johnson and the Tory party.
However, going beyond that this story was meh and given the emphasis on 65 million years and the birth of a star the ending was so predictable even months ago. Why the story spent a good portion with the Doctor playing handyman rather then the main arc is baffling and the less said about the mind numbing paaradox of the doctor meeting the same incarnation - surely that was not possible - nevermind good old Joy being able to give us that cringy sentimental ending.
Probably my biggest gripe is what is the point of the doctor, yet another episode were others actually come up with solution while he skips around , grinning but actually doing nothing
More Woke shit. It sucked. I'm done with Doctor Who until they get the garbage out.
The writer's pic tells us all we need to know (and it's in the gutless Guardian newspaper) x
more like joy to nobody
It makes me wonder whether there was a long-term plan in keeping David Tennant on the back burner?
The feel good scene you referenced seemed kind of forced. The first thing I thought about was when "filmed before a live audience" was a thing and they used to hold up signs that told the audience to "laugh" or "clap." This Doctor seems to care more about himself than his companions (remember when he almost let Ruby die because he was lusting after someone?) and he's definitely a beta male trying to pretend to be alpha. He's no alpha.
thanks for the review, i will rewatch derry girls again the actress is great in that.
It wasnt really that woke, just complete and utter garbage
Doctor Poo
Good one!
It's called a 'Bootstrap paradox'. Look it up.
William Hartnell was 1st Dr Who and the best ❤❤
The whole ‘getting the disarm code from the universe’ after the Doctor spends a year in a time loop as a hotel janitor, still doesn’t work!?
It’s just a Moffat McGuffin again and carries on the Jodie Whittaker habit of the Doctor NOT saving anyone.
Plus we only got about 7 seconds of Millie Gibson so I didn’t even have any eye candy…!
RTD has killed the franchise he helped to reboot.😭
You know, if there's some Get out of Paradox Free Hotel, it seems like The Doctor should have a suite or conference room where he can just go and meet all of his selves to keep on top of everything.
Would it ruin the adventure of the series? Sure, but it'd make sense, and they're already ruining everything else anyway.
I hadn't watched Dr Who for years once Capaldi left. I tried to watch this Christmas day and gave up around 15 mins into it once he started crying over someone who dies that he didn't even know. He's a terrible Doctor and the story lines are even worse. I am glad to see I hadn't missed anything in the last few years. This show has gone off a cliff that I will not follow. You can clearly see Disney's interference in this and the fact RTD has lost his imaginative streak and putting inappropriate messaging in his works. This show should have ended when Capaldi did.
Tennant and his Tardis is just down the road in Donna's garden? Why didn't he just go to unit?
Boo Who now!
The Villengard = Valeyard
As writer we always analyze the writing of other pros (as loosely as that term applies sometimes). The illogical rational of "it is that way because we say so" never works for us as viewers/readers. Are they just lazy or are they creatively bankrupt? My Dark Elves have pale blue skin. Why? They have naturally pale skin, like all Elves, due to lack of direct sunlight exposure. Plus they work with silver too often, and it gets into everything, including the food. So they develop a real medical condition called Argyria. Which gives a blue tinge to their already pale skin. A potential loose end neatly tied off by a true pro. I wish everybody put in the work of doing the research and given logical explanations.
Doesn't the ability to make stars negate the end of the universe when all the stars go out?
YOU WATCHED IT!!! i hope via the 7 seas with an eyepatch, we dont want them thinking even 1 person watched it for entertainment purposes
Why did you do this to yourself?
I absolutely wil not waste a second on this nonsense.. Woke ruins everything good ..
I came to the comments section to say that, too.
I like every doctor except the new guy and Jodie just my opinion
Dr Who is a children's fantasy show that uses sci-fi ideas, usually very badly. I have been watching since the second episode in 1963, so I've seen how badly this show has degenerated into a derivative pantomime, which, if anything, is kinda anti-science.
Bring back tom baker!
@@llamaking447He's in his 90s.
Enjoy his audio stories because that's as much as you will get now.
Sorry about half way through this I left your review. Even the review was sounding bad and confusing so I gave up... Not your fault, the material you were working with was pure boring senseless crap. So...
I know Coughlan isn't the slimmest woman but stop making fun of her figure!
The Doctor can't meet himself? Clearly knows nothing about Dr Who.
It was addressed in the "Three Doctors," that having the Doctor cross their own timelines was "breaking the First Law of Time." They "bent" it since it was different incarnations of the Doctor. His reference to the time paradox that was established in "Father's Day," a Christopher Eccleston episode, resulted in the appearance of the "Reapers." In the Big Finish audios, a time paradox problem (8th Doctor and Charley) creates a similar situation (the anti-time dilemma). So, yes, he does know his Doctor Who. Having the Doctor meet his own incarnation was bound to result in repercussions, according to the show's own lore.
@keithbk it was established in "the three doctors", but then broken on the "five doctors" and "two doctors". Oh and it was broken again in the 50th anniversary. And broken again in "twice upon a time". Any doctor who fan knows the so called "first law of time" is a joke at this point
Hmmm. Saw it. In the UK. Joy was like a chosen one for this star weapon. I almost thought it was going to be an “explanation” for the “big bang?”
Nothing made sense with the year working in the hotel but it ripped ideas from the Capaldi episode where he spent a million years escaping his own hell? & the one with the two doctors with the war doctor along with the episode where the doctor lands on the spaceship Pompadour?? Different points in time through a fireplace instead of hotel doors.
I felt like the best stuff had been done I previous series… (seasons.)
I agree with most of what you say Jon, but it bugs me when you infer the Doctor should be white as the driven snow! No, he shouldn't. He should have failings, that's what made the character so interesting in the first instance, until Cartmel and New Who made him space Jesus.
Oh yeah! DW still exists. I'd completely forgotten.
I zoned out half way through your review because the subject itself was so weak that not even a peppy commentary could inspire interest on my part. That's a first with your channel.
Apparently Jeremy corbyn is a fan of the new series
You were able to watch the whole thing without nausea or mental trauma? You should be a Warhammer psyker. This new era isn't Dr Who. Peter Capaldi was the last Dr Who. Spot on about the concept being decent.
I chose Children of Earth instead of Misery to the World
Time Doctor Who went away for good.
I'm not interested, going outside to touch grass 😁
The Doctor Who Christmas Specials seem to be one giant Yule Log, that hasn't yet made it's way around the U-bend!! 💩💩
y'know after the Fourteenth Doctor was supposedly 'getting therapy', if this is the result of him taking care of himself, then...... yikes.
Sorry I missed it. Touching grass outside.
Too many plot holes and made no sense until 10 minutes before the end by which time I just didn't care