Poor Me Feminism - TFF Episode 70

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Poor Me Feminism - TFF Episode 70
    In Episode 70 of The Fiamengo File, professor Fiamengo analyzes the infinitely petty feminist claims of victimization.
    PLEASE NOTE: Hadrianus and Fallacy Excludendum are purely fictional, and are for entertainment purposes only. Any connection to real people or events are purely coincidental and accidental.
    FF-075 Poor Me Feminism

Комментарии • 113

  • @Oldhogleg
    @Oldhogleg 2 месяца назад +61

    If they're so strong and independent, why do they keep demanding men to save them?

    • @Valuvsn
      @Valuvsn 2 месяца назад +3

      Because they're not. Strong and independent is basically saying "I do what every man does and I deserve praise and empowerment.

    • @big_red_machine3547
      @big_red_machine3547 2 месяца назад +3

      And why do they only protest here about crap that goes on in other countries? If they’re really actually brave and strong- they’d go to the actual places they have a beef with to complain- like Gaza, Iran, China, Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia etc etc

    • @Oldhogleg
      @Oldhogleg 2 месяца назад +2

      @@big_red_machine3547 Because it's scary, it'll interrupt their soft living and hanging out with their girlfriends at the local restaurant for mimosa brunch while complaining about situationships with Chad.

    • @big_red_machine3547
      @big_red_machine3547 2 месяца назад +4

      @@Oldhogleg haha exactly. Plus is takes actual real strength and courage to go over there and do something about the unfairness of the world and actually do something useful- other than complaining for attention

    • @Oldhogleg
      @Oldhogleg 2 месяца назад +1

      @@big_red_machine3547 Lol, yup!

  • @shellshocktm
    @shellshocktm 2 месяца назад +40

    How do we know they wouldn't be accused of mansplaining if they spent more time answering girls' questions?

    • @RobNeeth
      @RobNeeth 2 месяца назад +2

      Mansplaining? You mean when a woman pretends to already know something a man just taught her? Name doesn't make much sense.

    • @Korschtal
      @Korschtal 28 дней назад

      I don't think that you need to worry. You will be accused of mansplaining, there's no question of that.

  • @toweypat
    @toweypat 2 месяца назад +22

    "Women aren't talking enough" isn't a complaint I expected to hear.

    • @neilreynolds3858
      @neilreynolds3858 2 месяца назад +1

      My sweetheart is about the quietest person I've ever known. It's taken time to get used to it.

    • @thedarkestowl4224
      @thedarkestowl4224 2 месяца назад

      Lol. Substance of conversation matters

    • @big_red_machine3547
      @big_red_machine3547 2 месяца назад +2

      😂 laughing. I needed this ✌️

  • @thetwelfth9987
    @thetwelfth9987 2 месяца назад +28

    Maybe the number of sexual harassment reports proportionally grows each year because the definition of it proportionally grows in width.
    If you google what counts as sexual harassment right now you’ll find that:
    “talking about your sex life”
    “discussing about sex“
    “sexual innuendos”
    “Sexual gestures”
    “making ‘sexist’ jokes”
    are included, as on the same level of gravity as “attempted rape” and “indecent exposure” which are actual crimes. Insanity.

    • @patricksullivan1827
      @patricksullivan1827 2 месяца назад +4

      Some places source 50% of women have been graped!! That's insane.

    • @big_red_machine3547
      @big_red_machine3547 2 месяца назад +1

      @@patricksullivan1827They should add in brackets (*By men they aren’t attracted to) beside all of those complaints.
      Also- women in the workplace especially freely talk about and do all of those things mentioned more than any men in my decades long experience

  • @StephenWest-t2v
    @StephenWest-t2v 2 месяца назад +21

    Just never engage with them. Ever.

    • @big_red_machine3547
      @big_red_machine3547 2 месяца назад +1

      I know by the loud complaining by women that this tactic is working for men. The worst thing that can happen to a woman is to be ignored

  • @iwacu123
    @iwacu123 2 месяца назад +7

    The brilliant Janice Fiamengo nails it as usual in her typical calm, witty and rational style! Everything from this woman is a gem, could listen to her for hours!

    • @big_red_machine3547
      @big_red_machine3547 2 месяца назад +1

      I could too, but I get too angry at all the injustice that I hear. The truth is painful but necessary

    • @MrFreeman0179
      @MrFreeman0179 Месяц назад

      She's truly a gem.

  • @Freedom-Fries
    @Freedom-Fries 2 месяца назад +4

    The intellectual version of what so many others are trying to do online by showing the absurdities and hypocrisies of modern feminism.
    Excellent ideas and explanations through examples. Thanks for the video.

  • @michaelcoslo6497
    @michaelcoslo6497 2 месяца назад +9

    Crybullies is what it is, the attempt to institute a tyranny of the most offended in weak.

  • @staffan144
    @staffan144 2 месяца назад +28

    Candance Owens calls it _oppression olympics_

    • @joejoejoejoejoejoe4391
      @joejoejoejoejoejoe4391 2 месяца назад +1

      And when they run out of things to complain about, they make things up, even if that costs someone a prison sentence.

    • @custos3249
      @custos3249 2 месяца назад

      Not a new term. Also, probably shouldn't follow people who aren't "round earthers."

    • @staffan144
      @staffan144 2 месяца назад

      @@custos3249 round earthers? What does that have to do with this video/comment? Candace is what? And what does it even mean to say: don't follow people who are not round earthers??? What does that mean, with a double negative. Does it mean: don't follow flat earthers? And refering specifically to who?

    • @custos3249
      @custos3249 2 месяца назад

      @@staffan144 Oblivious to it not being a new term and how her pseudo and anti-intellectualism is relevant to why someone shouldn't line up behind her. I see your problem.

    • @staffan144
      @staffan144 2 месяца назад

      @@custos3249 what did round earther got to do with your problems again?

  • @gregallan2842
    @gregallan2842 2 месяца назад +7

    9:00 Feminists and funny bones are a contradiction in terms.

    • @neilreynolds3858
      @neilreynolds3858 2 месяца назад

      More of an oxymoron I think but I get the point.

  • @dejavu666wampas9
    @dejavu666wampas9 2 месяца назад +5

    Complaining about trivial matters isn’t a new feminist problem.
    I remember an example of complaining about insignificant things from my days in medical school, 1989-93. A written short quiz on the physical examination of patients had two questions about examining male genitalia and only one on examining female genitalia. A committee of feminists officially complained to the administration of obvious bias against females. This before the days of DEI directors, policies, and mandatory policing.
    Talk about insignificant. I’m seriously glad I’m retired now.

    • @big_red_machine3547
      @big_red_machine3547 2 месяца назад +1

      Complaining and the tearing down of institutions is a problem of a culture who’s never known true hardships 😊

  • @josiah5776
    @josiah5776 2 месяца назад +8

    The increase of this feminist dynamic, and others, over the past 40 years is why I chose to leave the West to live somewhere more traditional and less man-hating. The rhetoric in the West has grown so insufferably loud and pervasive that it is difficult to escape it. Even living in a remote location far away from any city, I still encountered it regularly when I ventured into nearby small towns at Walmart, McDonalds, or any number of other places. No thanks. I refuse to accept any kind of collective guilt or shame just because I have a Y-chromosome. Go where you are treated best.

    • @big_red_machine3547
      @big_red_machine3547 2 месяца назад +1

      Where are the top 3 best places?

    • @josiah5776
      @josiah5776 2 месяца назад

      @@big_red_machine3547 The best places depend a lot on your situation, preferences and finances. I live in the Philippines because I am retired and don't have to work anymore to get a steady income stream. I chose the Philippines because of the climate, cost of living, visas friendly to Westerners, a culture that is closer to my traditional values and most people speak English. There are cheaper places in S.E. Asia, like Thailand and Cambodia, but more of a language barrier. Vietnam is nice too, but the culture is a bit more closed off to Westerners. It is pretty difficult to work locally in any of those places ... and if you do, you'll be earning the lower wages you came to escape. Online or international businesses are a better bet. You need to have steady income to cover things or you burn through your savings. The women in S.E. Asia are more traditional too and, in my opinion, more beautiful than Western women. No, not yellow fever ... they are just more petite, feminine and agreeable.
      Some other expats are happy with places in Central and South America. I have no personal knowledge of any places there, but some that I hear about are Costa Rica, Columbia, Peru and Brazil.
      Other expats are happy in Eastern Europe, in places like Romania and Poland. Georgia (not the US state) comes up sometimes too.
      Just list what you are looking for in an environment/nation/culture and start researching places. There are a lot of good places out there. However, don't expect them to be just like the West. You may trade a little luxury ... or just have to get used to different ways of doing things. If you're not at least a bit adventurous, consider it carefully. Also, don't put all your bets on one place or burn your ship not being able to return to the West. If I were younger, I would do online work and try to branch out into various international business so I would not depend on one nation for my banking or business. Then I would travel in different regions while still working, living a few months in each place, to see where I liked it best. I wasn't able to do that so I didn't have as many choices ... but God's grace and fool's luck landed me in a pretty good situation. I was bold enough to make the move though.
      Andrew Henderson's nomadcapitalist.com is a pretty good starting resource. I cannot afford his services, but he still gives out good information for free on his podcasts.
      Best of luck to you.

  • @mrpopsful
    @mrpopsful 2 месяца назад +4

    In 2024, having the audacity to sneeze off key makes you a misogynist

  • @p382742937423y4
    @p382742937423y4 2 месяца назад +11

    I didnt know rape culture expressed itself in horrific poems.
    Safe literature, stop rapepoems

    • @Spoonwood
      @Spoonwood 2 месяца назад +1

      And you still don't know such. There were no "rapepoems" in the above video.

    • @WallyPyneoil
      @WallyPyneoil 2 месяца назад

      Stop misandry.

    • @staffan144
      @staffan144 2 месяца назад

      ​@@Spoonwoodit was probably irony

  • @Chris-um3se
    @Chris-um3se 2 месяца назад +10

    Midtown Sacramento Salutes JANICE!!

  • @ggmiethe
    @ggmiethe 2 месяца назад +4

    Hence the old saying, “‘tis the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.”

  • @thesourcerer6504
    @thesourcerer6504 2 месяца назад +5

    I think that these women referenced have spent too much time in the female echo chamber of victimhood.

  • @tech5298
    @tech5298 2 месяца назад +2

    “You’re such a fucking strong, amazing, woman!!” I love that meme!

  • @magicsinglez
    @magicsinglez 2 месяца назад +4

    Why shouldn’t they? They have every reason in the world to claim they are a victim. At least up to now or so far this claim benefits them.

  • @mrnobody4125
    @mrnobody4125 2 месяца назад +15

    I've always found it so strange, this idea of women being silenced (love action Aladdin and all that). Women are many things. Silent isn't one of them. They're both way more verbal absolutely and way more likely to talk about whatever they're unhappy about, especially their problems. Men, on the other hand, do have a silence problem. They'll keep quiet until one day they just kill themselves out of nowhere. Guys don't share much with one another, nothing like how women do. We don't ask much, we don't say much, we don't show much. And there's often a cost to show any vulnerability for men, because the world is out to get you and judge you.
    So why the constant narrative about keeping silent from women? No one is better at sharing or airing their complaints than women. It's one of their main skills. I suppose, when it's actually something you really do a lot and really care about (and so do all the other women you know), the problem really is getting listened to, or getting heard among all the other voices. Men will try to solve your problems, but they're not used to talking about or just listening to problems a lot. Men tend to only talk about problems that are actionable. Women seem to use talking about problems as a social bonding ritual.
    Having said all that, the only people worse at listening to and caring about men's problems than men is women.
    I wonder if part of the problem isn't really just cultural and neurological. Women seem to solve problems collectively, and so they share problems expecting collective action. Their desire is to heard by the collective. Men are individualistic. They don't share things, and their expectation is that you will solve you own problems. And if you do share something, it's something that you need assistance with, and then you'll solve it.

    • @dirtfarmer7070
      @dirtfarmer7070 2 месяца назад +1

      One of the best explanations I have ever read .

    • @mrnobody4125
      @mrnobody4125 2 месяца назад +4

      21 years of marriage and having two daughters went into that. And an uncle and two male cousins' suicides.

  • @Allan_aka_RocKITEman
    @Allan_aka_RocKITEman 2 месяца назад +1

    *_"...a conveniently directable hose."_*

  • @konstantinosmanetakis3533
    @konstantinosmanetakis3533 Месяц назад +1

    There was a book published in 2019 named "Invisible women", by a feminist named Caroline Criado-Perez. In this book Perez argues that everything from cars to smartphones and airconditions are desighed for men. Just madness. Can mrs. Janice make a video about it?

  • @josiah5776
    @josiah5776 2 месяца назад +2

    The world is also physiologically designed for right-handed people. I am left-handed. I got over it in grade school.

  • @Billcarsonstobaccobox
    @Billcarsonstobaccobox 2 месяца назад +1

    I wonder what my doctor would say if I were to use the term 'convenient directable hose' if I were to address concerns about said potentially protruding implement?

    • @susansmith493
      @susansmith493 2 месяца назад +1

      I wonder if your doctor would call it "men's healthcare" if you killed your unborn child?

  • @ruperterskin2117
    @ruperterskin2117 2 месяца назад

    Appreciate ya. As always, thanks for sharing.

  • @davidhammer7410
    @davidhammer7410 2 месяца назад

    Then, an actual Patriarchy films itself inflicting horrific harm on young women and... crickets.

  • @allanparker20
    @allanparker20 2 месяца назад +1

    Thanks janice , very funny

  • @steve3131
    @steve3131 8 дней назад

    Actually women talk twice as much as men. Maybe men interrupt so much because it's the only way to get a word in edge-wise.
    Girls also develop verbal skills earlier than boys. Is this surprising when parent talk to boy babies half as much and let them cry twice as long before comforting them?

  • @tonyohalloran8817
    @tonyohalloran8817 2 месяца назад +13

    Self pity is the air they breathe.
    Self-conceit the water they drink.
    Delusion the food they eat.

  • @TheVeganVicar
    @TheVeganVicar 2 месяца назад +11


  • @justjamie6458
    @justjamie6458 Месяц назад

    Sounds like these women would be happier at women's only schools. Too bad they abolished them.

  • @kirdref9431
    @kirdref9431 2 месяца назад +1

    14:22 Excludendum fallacy

  • @bruceblunderfield5431
    @bruceblunderfield5431 2 месяца назад +1

    Whilst you have admirably kept on topic. Should I therefore add that with the triles and tribulations of males and the massive amounts of money spent by Governments, Universities and media are actually sexiest in their determination and goals?😊

  • @iohannesfactotum
    @iohannesfactotum 2 месяца назад

    Misheard that as fallacy ex pudendum😂

  • @nerychristian
    @nerychristian 2 месяца назад +1

    Fire Greg Berhalther

  • @carbon1479
    @carbon1479 2 месяца назад

    4:58 - This sounds more like a call to Porsche polygamy, not r-word culture.

  • @susansmith493
    @susansmith493 2 месяца назад

    If the arctic chick doesn't like her overalls, she can design her own. Why blame men for making things for men?

    • @janeproctor5542
      @janeproctor5542 2 месяца назад

      Yes, my mother's friend developed a lifelong interest in salmon fishing and later salmon conservation because her father always took her along fishing with him because she wanted to go.
      She jammed catalogues into her fishing boots because they didn't come small enough to fit her feet.
      If you really want to do something, you can definitely find a way to adapt, so you can do it, even peeing outdoors at sub zero temperatures.

  • @redreuben5260
    @redreuben5260 2 месяца назад +1


  • @haydn-db8z
    @haydn-db8z 2 месяца назад

    I would be more sympathetic to Silberling's views had I not spent the last two decades working to protect baby boys and the men they become from her presumed ethnicity (which is very well represented in medicine and media, and whose adherents are *more* than willing to lie about the life-long harm of circumcision).

  • @xealit
    @xealit 2 месяца назад

    l o l

  • @benchapple1583
    @benchapple1583 2 месяца назад +1

    Even an academic doesn't seem to understand big numbers! A rape rate of 0.6% translates to 600 per 100000. That is how crime stats are normally presented. 600 is beyond colossal. Has such a rate ever happened? The rape of Nan King or the Russian take over of Berlin at the end of WW2 probably did achieve (if that's the right word) this. Other than that, no chance.
    The rate in the UK and Canada is 16 as reported by their respective police forces. (I know that the UK police ignore the enormous amount of muslim child rape gang crimes, so obviously the real number is much higher). That's an embarrassing number. Compare that with Serbia at 0.7 i.e. 22 times, not %, i.e. 2200% lower.
    You will all do as you wish but my unsolicited advice is "Get to grips with big numbers." There is a book called "Is it a big number?" Read it.

    • @andrewmattox1233
      @andrewmattox1233 2 месяца назад +5

      The definition of rape seems to have changed a few times in the US (especially in college).
      I.E. Women go to a party have some drinks, and sleep with a guy who is also drunk, can be considered rape. Lol.

    • @yetanotherspuart3993
      @yetanotherspuart3993 2 месяца назад

      Amd you'll ignore false accusations and men who are graped by by woman because men cannot be victims.

  • @slappy8941
    @slappy8941 2 месяца назад +1

    Islam is right about women.