Just got this antenna in the mail yesterday. I'm legally blind and I got it together without trying to read the instructions, it's very intuitive. Longest to shortest, back to front. Driven element is 2nd from the rear, 70cm has 3 driven elements in the front that are all the same length. Two parallel sides of the tube have 3 holes, 2 sides have 7 holes. Easy peasy. Even though it's only listed on the 30" & 40" bags, it fits the 18" bag with room to spare. If you get confused which way to put the driven elements, the wiring will only reach in the correct orientation. The entire antenna only weighs 20oz! Love it already.
Thank you for the video. I ordered mine yesterday, and I’m sure that I’ll be doing the same thing on my living room floor. I hope you had contacts with yours. I’m very excited to receive mine. Thanks again, and enjoy this wonderful hobby.
I saw a video, a customer uses a slim screwdriver and guids it round the handle, to remove, to get access to the drill hole to mount onto a tripod stand.
if you do need to get the handle off, isoproply alcohol works. If you have a syringe just shoot some underneath and twist it off. If not, slide a small screwdriver underneath and pour some down the boom - then twist around and pull off. Same process for grips on mountain bikes (I used to have a small syringe, no needle, for that purpose). Alcohol works well because it evaporates and you can also use it to slide it back on. Any lubricant will make it easy to put back on but it will spin or fall off. Need something that drys.
I just bought the same one and i was shocked and confused about removing the handle...I got it today and it sais under the black foam handle there is a screw to mount on a tripod...But the handle is so tight, dont' want to mess with it...Well, nice video bud..i subscribed..
I have that same antenna plus the 2M 146-4. I frequent north of your area (River Hill Dr) and would love to test simplex with you, with them, at some time. DE KE4NVR.
There's an option to have the radio-end of the cable sent with BNC or SMA. I had it done with SMA, it's ....like +$6? something like that. The driven element connectors are both BNC though.
Just got this antenna in the mail yesterday. I'm legally blind and I got it together without trying to read the instructions, it's very intuitive. Longest to shortest, back to front. Driven element is 2nd from the rear, 70cm has 3 driven elements in the front that are all the same length. Two parallel sides of the tube have 3 holes, 2 sides have 7 holes. Easy peasy.
Even though it's only listed on the 30" & 40" bags, it fits the 18" bag with room to spare.
If you get confused which way to put the driven elements, the wiring will only reach in the correct orientation.
The entire antenna only weighs 20oz! Love it already.
Thank you for the video. I ordered mine yesterday,
and I’m sure that I’ll be doing the same thing on
my living room floor. I hope you had contacts
with yours. I’m very excited to receive mine.
Thanks again, and enjoy this wonderful hobby.
You are a very kind pet Dad! Your dog is blessed to have you helping him in managing his house.
It comes with a free pup? Sweet!
Excellent unboxing video there, everyone should get an intrusive dog on unboxing videos!
We agree!
Speaking about dogs, Yesterday I saw a giant dog at my local Home Depot. That is also a nice antenna. 73
The dog makes it better.
I did the exact same thing you did with the duplexer.
I saw a video, a customer uses a slim screwdriver and guids it round the handle, to remove, to get access to the drill hole to mount onto a tripod stand.
I bought the Alaskan Arrow and a Kenwood Th-D72a today, going to try and work FM Satts. 73 de kgotr
love to see a tv scan with this antenna lol
if you do need to get the handle off, isoproply alcohol works. If you have a syringe just shoot some underneath and twist it off. If not, slide a small screwdriver underneath and pour some down the boom - then twist around and pull off. Same process for grips on mountain bikes (I used to have a small syringe, no needle, for that purpose). Alcohol works well because it evaporates and you can also use it to slide it back on. Any lubricant will make it easy to put back on but it will spin or fall off. Need something that drys.
Very helpful as I wait for the delivery of my antenna. Thanks for taking the time to make this video. 73 & DX. Dave N3CI
Free up vote for dog, before I even watched the video
Do you have links where to order this antenna?
Just ordered mine today. Thanks for the video!! Were u able to male contact w the iss yet??
I'm viewing this in Sept 2023 - nice video, but the Oscar winner has to be the dog, she/he is superb! Never act with children or animals!!
I just bought the same one and i was shocked and confused about removing the handle...I got it today and it sais under the black foam handle there is a screw to mount on a tripod...But the handle is so tight, dont' want to mess with it...Well, nice video bud..i subscribed..
I have that same antenna plus the 2M 146-4. I frequent north of your area (River Hill Dr) and would love to test simplex with you, with them, at some time. DE KE4NVR.
I’d say you got it right, well done and good luck. 73 Tom KC3QAC
for the cable that is running to the HT, what type of connector is it? I keep hearing bnc vs a PL259....
And its variable on the other end, whatever you need.
There's an option to have the radio-end of the cable sent with BNC or SMA. I had it done with SMA, it's ....like +$6? something like that. The driven element connectors are both BNC though.
😅🐕 il cane è più ansioso di te per cominciare a fare traffico satellitare 😊
Waiting for video about how to listen satallite with this
Yeah the passes haven't been so great while I'm off work since I got it :/
ModernHam how to track sattallite which software do you use
@@hackwithtech5323 covered this in a previous video here
Move the dog's ass!