Short ZX6R Ride to meet my friends for pizza (GoPRO + Exhaust Sound)

  • Опубликовано: 2 дек 2024

Комментарии • 61

  • @GBDunknRollCD
    @GBDunknRollCD 3 года назад +20

    Respect for actually slowing down and not being rude around peoples houses! Need more riders like that

    • @Fuckgoogle-ok1dk
      @Fuckgoogle-ok1dk 7 месяцев назад +1

      G A Y

    • @Isaac-dr1zd
      @Isaac-dr1zd 6 месяцев назад

      He flew past a cyclist at 190km/h, need fewer riders like that.

    • @__mayo1802
      @__mayo1802 2 месяца назад

      ​@@Isaac-dr1zdnah, fuck cyclists

  • @Beaver314
    @Beaver314 4 года назад +40

    so cool how much mexico looks like slovenia

  • @megatron7862
    @megatron7862 4 года назад +33

    Man we need way more vids like this. All the damn talking people be doin while riding, please do separate videos for the talking. Jus listen to this beautiful thing.

  • @dylananderson7110
    @dylananderson7110 3 года назад +6

    That bike sounds so fresh for its age. Miss my 05 636 but finding a tidy one of these in NZ is like pulling hens teeth. Great vid.

    • @jonnyblaze4195
      @jonnyblaze4195 2 года назад

      No shit aye bro they rare asf now it took me 3 years to find my stock 04 636! But was definitely worth the wait... 💯

    • @brandonethereal1084
      @brandonethereal1084 2 года назад +1

      @@jonnyblaze4195 Facts. Got mine last Saturday. Thing is a beast.💯🏍

  • @YoungEmir
    @YoungEmir 2 года назад +2

    i love how he says in the desc "filmed in mexico on a closed track"

  • @l.p.2500
    @l.p.2500 4 года назад +2

    best sportbike video on youtube for sure!

  • @480pavel
    @480pavel 5 лет назад +10

    love the way you close the throttle lol :D

  • @danieldryden6644
    @danieldryden6644 Год назад

    Beautiful sounding bike and love the camera angle

  • @ShadowRockers
    @ShadowRockers 2 года назад +1

    Brutal acceleration! Love the 'let-off' pops on decel! 💯💯💪💪🏍🏍🤙✌🤟

  • @jeffshaw4553
    @jeffshaw4553 2 года назад

    Love the sound of zx6rs can’t wait to get mine 😀😀good content👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  • @mayhemrcworx621
    @mayhemrcworx621 Год назад

    Lack of comments from rider much appreciated. She purrs like kitten.
    Instead of opening up throttle and dropping it in few seconds try gradually closing it. Your tires, chain and valve clearances will last longer.
    Ride safe and don't ruin it for others.

  • @Qrides
    @Qrides 8 дней назад

    Duddde I love the camera angle how u mount it like that ?

  • @isacschauman254
    @isacschauman254 5 лет назад +9

    Really liked this vid. Good quality. Id like to see more u rev it out more tho

  • @zammotorsportz800
    @zammotorsportz800 4 года назад +1

    Nice riding , view ,bike & sound .. 👍-From Malaysia

  • @ZGcentaur
    @ZGcentaur 4 года назад +10

    hahaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! and Jesenice is capitol of Mexico !!!!! jesus, im gonna die......greetings from Brasilian capitol Zagreb...;)

    • @simontratnjek9389
      @simontratnjek9389 3 года назад

      i was actually wondering the same thing haha ;) se kmal vidmo na cesti stari :)

    • @ZGcentaur
      @ZGcentaur 3 года назад +1

      @@simontratnjek9389 ja se iskreno nadam...;)

  • @ZGcentaur
    @ZGcentaur 4 года назад +4

    sorry for first comment, my intention was not to be rough. im also owner of zx-6r and im big fan of that bike ( from my point of view (165cm height) best ergonomic bike on the world for me). 400 km from Zagreb to Split with one refuel and smoke pause in less then 2 hours and......fresh as standing up from my sleepeng bad, but, mexico....all grats, man. i wish you more fast, secure and LOUD journeys...;) my oppinion: good old Yoshimura exhoust on zx 6 rules....

    • @MrLawbreaker01
      @MrLawbreaker01 4 года назад +1

      Don't you struggle to put both your feet down from the zx6r, being only 1.65m? Or you have the bike lowered?

    • @ZGcentaur
      @ZGcentaur 4 года назад

      @@MrLawbreaker01 with 72 kilos enough to reach street (one foot, but enough)....Of course i have lowered both sides... with over than 148 hp (exhaust system Akrapovic, tuning...) you cant have normal acceleration without wheeling (and i hate that)....lay down, stay down and drive ;) wish you 1m miles more.....

  • @abelfitiu2737
    @abelfitiu2737 3 года назад

    Can you please tell me what gopro do you use and what settings/filter etc?

  •  2 года назад

    Mehiške Trbovle :D Ej kok je takih 636 v Sloveniji? Točno take sive barve? Sem eno kupu 2021 isti pokrov tanka pa zlate vilce :D Kok je šans da je ista?

  • @ivanstojcevic113
    @ivanstojcevic113 3 года назад +1

    Najbolji zx6r ikad

  • @allday3433
    @allday3433 4 года назад

    Where did you get the top triple t

  • @robbiefrentz9427
    @robbiefrentz9427 3 года назад

    Are you in West Virginia????

  • @yup1379
    @yup1379 3 года назад

    What year is that bike?

  • @arturtoth3185
    @arturtoth3185 3 года назад

    How many miles on that baby?

  • @motia4888
    @motia4888 4 года назад +5

    Jesenice Mexico? Hahaha, pozdrav iz glavnog grada Argentine Našice

    • @kostaglisic4774
      @kostaglisic4774 3 года назад

      Ja gledam, sve mislim neki nas put kad ono stvarno jeste

  • @sosmotorcycles
    @sosmotorcycles 4 года назад

    Where is camera mounted

    • @ArchangelV5
      @ArchangelV5  4 года назад +1

      The tank, just behind the gas cap.

  • @jablenski
    @jablenski 5 лет назад

    Je mozn nardit kak nov posnetk preden kupim tacga?

    • @ArchangelV5
      @ArchangelV5  5 лет назад

      Already sold it to a friend, ampak sploh ne razmisli sam kup x)

  • @Ofsi999
    @Ofsi999 2 года назад

    Mantap josss brader 😍👍👍👍👍

  • @revedesiles401
    @revedesiles401 4 месяца назад

    Jojo 🍕 Pizza Loyn 6❤

  • @LGD58
    @LGD58 6 лет назад +2

    Either you need a speedo healer or it looks like you going way slower than speedo says.

    • @isacschauman254
      @isacschauman254 5 лет назад +7

      Pretty sure the speedos kph not mph

    • @kowaxkowax
      @kowaxkowax 5 лет назад

      and a wide angle lens would also make it look slower

    • @PantsuGod
      @PantsuGod 5 лет назад +4

      Everyone lives in the USA amirite

    • @kikiluksic1079
      @kikiluksic1079 5 лет назад

      @@isacschauman254 u are right, it is a kph speedo

  • @Dream244
    @Dream244 11 месяцев назад

    Is there ONLY one gear on the bike……please change grats

  • @Pure844
    @Pure844 5 лет назад

    kaki so tte 636 so nizke za 184cm clouka ? drgac dobr video

    • @ArchangelV5
      @ArchangelV5  5 лет назад

      Js sm 181 pa je glih prou se mi zdi

    • @Pure844
      @Pure844 5 лет назад

      @@ArchangelV5 a vodljiva pa je fajn 😁za polaganje ovinkov

    • @ArchangelV5
      @ArchangelV5  5 лет назад

      @@Pure844 Zelo lahk motor, 180 do 190 kil wet, pa ce mas dobre gume je prava igraca za premetavat

  • @chrismoody1342
    @chrismoody1342 Год назад

    I got one.

  • @パッパグ-i9q
    @パッパグ-i9q 2 года назад

    nice sound 💖🍀 最高

  • @manifestTAL
    @manifestTAL 3 месяца назад

    This video is strange. He's doing 150-200 but it's like he just barely walk. The sense of speed in this video is broke 😅

  • @fipsassmussen1046
    @fipsassmussen1046 2 года назад

    rules on street not exist for you or ?
    constant overtaking over restricted areas, etc

    • @ArchangelV5
      @ArchangelV5  2 года назад

      You should watch the suzuki gsxr600 k9 video from a portugese guy on youtube, I'd love to see you comment that xd

  • @vietfocus555
    @vietfocus555 4 года назад

    Since i know now you live in Mexico, the tittle should be a short ride to meet friends for tacos..:)

  • @karlalton3170
    @karlalton3170 4 года назад

    Nice open roads like that and you keep backing off throttle 😂😂😂😂👎👎👎

    • @simontratnjek9389
      @simontratnjek9389 3 года назад +3

      First of all you have to be ready for any car that comes out of nowhere it's for your own safety and dude, It's for the respect for people living next to the road and you throttle it out when there are no houses. You have to respectfully ride the bike man, not just to open the gas throttle anywhere you want.