The first girl was so distressed that her mother in law didn't make it I'm so glad that even as a prison guard she did her best to comfort her. Having a baby is terrifying enough without it being a c-section with no support. Where's she going to go exactly? I love that the guard stepped up for her I know she's in jail but she still a human being and the baby did not ask to be born into these circumstances.
That female guard in the hospital after the first lady's c-section 100% made me cry. She's seeing the good from these people and she seems to love doing it.
@LeneeLenee What she did was be there and make it as normal as possible. Many COs wouldn't even do that nor would they treat the more or cons with respect afterwards.
Women like Heather will make sure that 3rd world immigrant's don't replace the Caucasian race in the western hemisphere, Its just a shame her blood is contaminated, respect to her though for doing what most women wont!
Heather is deluded, and it's no wonder she's in prison with her incredibly stupid choices. What kind of mother would want a man who works in a meth lab in her daughters life. Perfect example of why CPS exists.
37:30 "But he never did it around me and he never did it at home" don't EVER give this woman her children Jesus Christ......that's terrifying. Still pretending her meth head ex is a good person and not dangerous. I hope that Amish family adopts her.
Maybe they've not seen what and how it is to be a good mother. Instead of judging go and help at parenting group as your the perfect parent in your own mind.
@@Lizzie-h3j Don't forget how many men grew up without fathers. Someone has to take some responsibility somewhere when we are discussing children, and obviously fathers can just bounce if they're fast enough, but women should *KNOW* that they are 100% on the hook no matter what happens in the event of a pregnancy. How many of these women were abused by their parents, or just ignored or abandoned entirely? If grandmothers are the primary caregivers for all of these infants, how is it that we can justify that so many of these women had poor motherly role models? This guy has a point to some extent, as crude as he puts it. Most women can give birth - the EXACT SAME WAY that most *men* can impregnate women. As it turns out, there are *PLENTY* of men who are absolutely incapable of being good fathers, so why should *ANYONE* excuse bad mothers for being bad mothers just because they have bad role models? He's being a bit judgy about it, sure. But his point is well-founded, and applies to men just as much as it does to women. You're *choosing* to take it negatively.
I had my granddaughter for twelve years and has been reunited with her momma for two years and have been beautiful miss her but so happy they are together 😘😘😘😘😘😘
I am a child of a former drug addict. Never give up on your kids. They may be angry and unforgiving but you never give up. I hope a parent that needs to see this does.
I feel so bad for Tammy. 15 years for drug dealing? Her poor daughters😮 need their mom ! I cried with them. Still, getting a fifteen year sentence for that . People get less for murder ffs!!!
the best thing would be if she left the baby with the Amish people, her way of thinking is terrible, the fact that she wants to have a father like that in her life and doesn't think about protecting her daughter is sad then she has 7 more children that just makes me angry
These women with their babies probably have a better start in that unit. They’ve got a support network, security, no bad temptations and the perfect opportunity to bond with their child. Being a single parent on the outside is tough and can be very isolating for some. We’ve had this system in the uk for decades
And bad boys get in between mom and babies... It's human nature for a 20 yr old girl to want to party with friends and men and most leave their babies with anyone that'll watch them so they can run.
Feel so sorry for them. Especially Iesha. She was a victim of abuse and defended herself and she‘s got punished while he is getting away with it? Unbelieveable - what a double standard. Living in a men‘s world…
The reason it was not self-defense is because she stabbed him multiple times. Self-defense is when reasonable force is used for when you believe you might get harmed; if she stabbed him once and then he left her alone, that is self-defense, but it sounds like she kept on stabbing him even when he stopped hitting her.
@ Thanks for explaining. But still it seems to be a situation of injustice. Maybe she couldn‘t prove the violence of her partner or whatever. I did not really get the context. But it sounds like quite a typical situation for women who experience violence at home. I know, most of the times these things are difficult to prove, but too often men don‘t believe women and don‘t listen until it‘s too late.
@@svenjan.5050Not all women are innocent or did you not read the title? I’ve met woman that have so much hate it unbelievable. Then there are ones that make them seem like angels. Equality is what everyone wants, correct?
@@backagain5216 I‘m not saying that she‘s innocent, but the punishment seems quite heavy to me considering the circumstances. And her ex partner should get his punishment too, right? Sounded to me that people didn‘t believe her or take her seriously. But of course we don‘t know the whole story. But after watching some documentaries about women in prison in the US I get the impression that the punishment is quite heavy. Especially for prostitution. Why don‘t men get punished? Where is equality there? But also the woman who killed her husband. Obviously she‘s guilty. But sentenced to death/60 years considering the violent circumstances? That’s just my impression…
A child needs it's mother! Don't punish the babies! My daughter is adopted. We received her at 5 days old. She went thru separation anxiety & was clingy until preschool. My father gave me up. It made me feel like trash. The women are paying for their crimes. Let them raise their babies. It'll give them incentive on the outside to be good mommies! If they can show they're good mommies in the inside, bonus!
Were you in that unit or general? I worked in a hospital that rec’d prisoners. My husband abt stroked out when I told him I’d consider working there-lol. Bless you.
Babies will benefit from the close contact with their moms and breast milk. It doesn’t matter where the babies are during the first few months as long as they are close to the mother.
These women say they feel bad and miss their children but how many will reoffend once they are released? I only have sympathy for the babies and children.
My ex don't care she's been back and forth now she's in prison. Serving years. She wanted kids from me. Look happen while she serving time. She has her mother sisters her family friend. I did visit her in jail but while she's in prison. I haven't. I haven't seen her in person in prison I'm like yeah I'm not taking photos with someone did the crime and acts like she's innocent. It's not fair
It's so important to keep mums and babies together. That bond is so critical. It's cruel to separate them. If they have been violent to their children and there's a risk of them hurting their babies then no. But if the risk isn't there then let them bond with their babies.
This is a sad situation, for sure and I cannot imagine being separated from my children, but I'm glad at least some of the Mother's and babies will have the opportunity to bond
When dairy cows give birth the baby cow is ripped away immediately so that humans can have cows milk. It’s an incredibly cruel situation- anyone compassionate needs to live vegan . You talked about human babies being ripped from their mothers and lacking the opportunity to bond. It’s the same for cows. They moo non stop when their calf is taken
@@miaowmail😂😂😂are you actually joking right now??? Sure it's super sad that that happens but cows and humans are not the same at all. That's insane to compare human children being taken from their parents. I'm literally shocked that someone would make such a comparison
@miaowmail everyone should visit a farm one in their live. To be honest. I have visited a dairy farm and saw the eyes of the mother cow and I could hear her scream. The young one as well. Being all alone in a cannel. I was heart broken. Later I find a farmer who had (in German we call it) "heard nesting". The cows keep the little ones with the mom and live in their herd. They blossom up and they are so emotional and such intelligent creatures. If someone did that to a dog or cat everyone would get mad. We should be mad for other animals too. Cows are very very sensible and they have feelings. Seriously. You are right in a way!
Why can't women use birth control? There's many types available, and in most cases they can obtain it for free. Abortion should never be used as birth control. Period. In most states now, it is considered murder, double murder, if someone takes the life of a pregnant woman. The courts consider the child as a life,not a clump of cells. Women should be responsible and help themselves. Good grief! She's had EIGHT kids, she's in prison and doesn't even know some of them. She needs to be fixed so it can't happen to anymore children. She obviously isn't responsible enough to use birth control or stay out of jail. How do you suggest that she be " helped"? The Amish couple is helping her, the system is trying to rehabilitate her, she obviously didn't have to pay for her hospital bill. It looks like everyone is helping her. Perhaps she needs to help herself. 🙄
Patting down the Amish has got to be a low point in the officer’s day. Holy moly, so focused on making sure that baby gets the accurate last name of the bio father who was in the burn unit because his meth lab blew up. Heather’s ability to reason and think through the smallest decision appears pretty limited. If her intellectual capacity is as limited as it appears, she needs help to raise a child (or 8 children). That baby could thrive with the Amish family…
Unlike most i would like to leave a word of encouragement instead of all the negative; with that being said, i hope all these inccarsersted women gain the freedom they deserve and that they truly learn from their mistakes✌️
Thank you. Perhaps I'm just a big baby, but I cried through the program. The thought of these women having to let go of their babies broke my heart. I, for one, am cheering each of them on to a better life. Negative people are so draining, I avoid them.
I think this program is extraordinary! These mothers are getting assistance during a very stressful time. I would guess that they are less likely to return to prison.
Yes a chance to bond and love their babies without all the distractions of their previous lives I would think would be very positive for their futures.
Why is nobody talking about the woman in prison with her mom who killed her father ? She clearly grew up in a jacked up household and never had a chance at life … extremely sad situation
Yes the woman are being punished as they should but why punish the innocent babies…….I do feel the newborns who the mothers are allowed to keep should be allowed to keep their babies for the first year!
That poor baby having a mother who has no idea who the father is, then decides it’s the meth lab person. Allows the Hamish to look after baby for another 6mo after she gets out of jail. No hope for that woman looking for the meth head.
@@sunfirefire45 Yes, but I don‘t get why. Why do the women get punished while for men it is okay to go to a prostitute? Or is that illegal too? Women who prostitute themselves are often in need. The only argument for illegalization of prostitution is to protect the women. But to me this does not look like protecting the women at all but to blame them instead for something that isn‘t their fault.
@@svenjan.5050 it is heavily the womans fault for choosing to prostitute her body for money. it is also against the law for anyone to hire a prostitute. both are illegal. prostitution is illegal for many reasons. Most obvious because its an easy way to spread stds/diseases. But its also extremely dangerous. People who sell their bodies are putting themselves and others in great danger. Its not a safe thing to do. Many women lose their lives to prostitution every yr.
I am so glad to see a program like this exists. I can imagine that it would decrease recidivism. And babies need their mothers, to nurse and be held so they have a good start to life. It doesn't seem right to have a child older than two there though.
Aww baby Amari, Aiesha's baby, is such a cute chonk of a baby. When Aiesha said he goes through all her pumped supply in about 4 days, she wasn't kidding!
Whether or not I committed a crime, if I was pregnant, and given the opportunity to keep my child, I would say YES, please. THere are too many kids who are forced to live without 1 or both parents. If they dont have family to go to, or family friends...these kids end up in foster care and nobody knows if the child will be safe or not. Bad things happen in foster care. Not all foster care families are horrible, but some are only in it for the money. Now unless the mother/father is violent, that's a different story because you got to protect the baby. Bottom line!
When the negative people fail to recognize is a lot of these mothers had a similar (or worse) start in life as these babies! Why feel so sorry for the babies and not the mothers? And why force pregnancy and cut social services? Some people just want all the money for themselves.
My youngest sister married a drug dealer and had five children by him and numerous abortions (eight). She was never living the life and we've not heard from her in many years. She may be dead for all we know?
I think if the mom is going to be getting out in 6 months or less they should be able to keep their baby with them but no longer. It's sad all the way around but hopefully all of them will succeed when they are out and never return !!!!!!😊
"women in prisons should have their babies taken away" like bro. no. idc what anyone says. a mother holding her child is the most beautiful thing ever. they should be able to take care of their kids in there and see them more.
and is it really right for the kids to not have their mother there when they need them. like bro cmon. sum these comments are so sick. y'all don't want women have abortions but don't want then taking care of the kid just bc she in prison.
The biggest benefit to this program, is that the mom's get to bond with their child WITHOUT their baby daddy's being around and other bad influences to take their attention away from their child.
babies should be whereverr their mothers are .. its important to let the baby feed from their mums and be shown love from thier mums... to do different is just plain cruel.. the babies should not be blamed for what the mother did...
Heather could of acted more grateful to the Sweet Lady who's taking care of her baby and brought her to see her..she didnt tell the Lady Thank you for all your doing and could of hugged her..she's like see ya next month right?I hope they adopt her so that child can have the life she deserves.
Do fathers get their kids in prison? Does a baby need to pay for the parents crimes? Maybe mom in one prison and dad in another can share joint custody. I am happy they get to be in the childrens lives. I’m not so sure about children staying in prison even if it’s a non violent crime, is a short sentence, the child won’t remember it.
My heart breaks for the babies and children. They have such a difficult start that wasn't their fault and they didn't ask for. What future will their mothers secure for them?
These are some beautiful babies. I hope and pray they don’t repeat there families errors. But the ones that are having more children when they haven’t taken care of the older ones they had, is questionable!!
@@virg0_lem0nadeAbortions are horrible! Very happy I NEVER underwent an abortion. I kept my daughter Tanya and raised her. My parents and my ex Ian helped out. Tanya is now a dentist and a part time lecturer in the faculty of dentistry @ a university and is a happily married mother of 2. Well educated and well travelled! 😊
In Qld Australia you can have a child up to the age of 5 or school age. A unit is dedicated to help Mother and Baby bond, the infant was never committed a crime or serves any prison time. Every woman deserves to have a baby, but the baby deserves a woman dedicated to being a Mother.
I think it should be on an individual case. If you were raped you had no choice and baby should not be punished but I don’t like the idea of us supporting the others and giving them everything they need when there are mothers outside that are struggling to provide for their babies and don’t get help. Some of these prisoners don’t deserve to have babies.
I think it is case by case though. It’s non violent offenders. I think most of them are just drug offenders or of the like. I kind of don’t believe babies should be in a prison anyway though. They don’t know any better but it’s sort of just a sad and miserable place. Very torn on this.
If that cute little black girl is telling the truth that he was beating her and she stabbed him in self defense she shouldn't be in jail. At a minimum he should also be in jail. A woman should be allowed to defend herself.
Interesting program, I hadn’t heard of it before. Going to look up the results of it online because I am fascinated. Also Heather… I hope she gets some mental help. It’s clear she could use therapy.
100% baby needs momma, doesn’t matter where they are, prison is actually a little community. In prison the circumstances might be better then outside where the baby is probably not taken away. At least there is some structure in the days and that’s so freaking healthy for babies. I think the most traumatic thing what can happen in a woman’s life is your baby taken away from you. This will only cause more trauma in life which will only decrease the chance of successful rehabilitation..
I don't believe it's right to condemn children to this environment for any amount of time. I just don't agree with allowing babies to stay with their mothers in prison. The damage this will inevitably cause the children will be devastating when they eventually have to separate the parent from the child, and much harder the longer they stay together. This is the wrong answer. These women chose their paths, damaged their own lives irreparably and now people think they "deserve" the chance to damage their children? Why don't the fathers of these children get the chance to raise them if they aren't incarcerated? Ridiculous.
Sorry but when Heather says “ he never did it around me” I don’t know if she actually wants to put her daughter first or just wants a drug addict in her life! I think women like her should be getting more help in regards to this when there are children involved! I think it’s better to not have that type of father in the little girls life than having her seeing all that nasty stuff !
You can’t tell a nationality of a brand new baby, even black babies are born pink, it can take months for their skin to darken up 😢 especially if they are biracial baby’s 😮
I grew up 6 blocks from this prison. That facility is nestled right between two city streets of houses on the near easy side of Indianapolis. As a child, sometimes at night my family would pile into the car and drive very slowly down the alley behind. Dad would flash his lights to say hello to a relative of his that was in there. Too bad this place hasn’t gone out of business
if it lowers the amount of people who go back into prison after being released and lowers the children’s chances of being incarcerated yes it is a good choice
Exactly. That incarcerated woman shouldnt be a mother my ex is incarcerated she wanted kids out of me. She wanted to marry me I said no. Not in prison. You have to be right in your ways.
No. I should not pay for your mistakes. You messed up, get room, board, medical care, rehab, and free education. You can't manage your own life, why mess up those innocent baby's lives?
it actually lowers the rate of children who go into jail, and having the child be with the mother after birth makes children have less trauma and do better in life
They are not a mother but just a woman who may acting a bad man.. Mother don't behave such thing. Please protect and save these childern from this kind of women, thank you. M
But these are mothers who have made mistakes, some more, some less, and I don't want to excuse it, but they will always be mothers even if some may don’t deserve it
most unfair program why are some women selected to keep their babies in prison while others are not, i could see why baby killers would be not included in a program like this anyway bottom line is babys sould not be allowed to be raised in jail
The prison funds everything whilst the baby's are with their mothers - so there's no pressure on them financially. I'd love to know, once Mum & baby are released, how they manage. To suddenly be responsible for paying for their needs plus the babies must be a reality check. Does this put them in immediate poverty? I have questions! Best wishes from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤
The first girl was so distressed that her mother in law didn't make it I'm so glad that even as a prison guard she did her best to comfort her. Having a baby is terrifying enough without it being a c-section with no support. Where's she going to go exactly? I love that the guard stepped up for her I know she's in jail but she still a human being and the baby did not ask to be born into these circumstances.
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. No sympathy for her.
@@TCG1979 Oh shuddup, clown.
So sad
That female guard in the hospital after the first lady's c-section 100% made me cry. She's seeing the good from these people and she seems to love doing it.
She didn’t do anything special
@LeneeLenee What she did was be there and make it as normal as possible. Many COs wouldn't even do that nor would they treat the more or cons with respect afterwards.
Kind hearted
@@LeneeLeneeyes she did
That resonated with me as well.
8 kids?? Time for Heather to have her baby making parts removed. Seems to me she needs to be locked up for her mental issues.
Women like Heather will make sure that 3rd world immigrant's don't replace the Caucasian race in the western hemisphere, Its just a shame her blood is contaminated, respect to her though for doing what most women wont!
Heather is deluded, and it's no wonder she's in prison with her incredibly stupid choices. What kind of mother would want a man who works in a meth lab in her daughters life. Perfect example of why CPS exists.
"He had great work/life balance! He kept all the meth dealings and apartment explosions outside of the home where it belonged!"
Why in gods earth would you have 8 children you can’t take care of ??? Ya she’ll do great in foster care r u kidding??
The baby has good foster parents
Heather should NOT get custody of this innocent child.
@@Shycrochetqueenmost Amish are not good people. They seem to be the exception but it's questionable.
Heather isn’t going to succeed. She’s already making excuses for the guy she ‘thinks’ might be the father.
I agree, unfortunately.
My thought as well. Sad for everyone.
Yeah and she needs to get a paternity test before assuming or assigning a random guys last name! She is not very bright
37:30 "But he never did it around me and he never did it at home" don't EVER give this woman her children Jesus Christ......that's terrifying. Still pretending her meth head ex is a good person and not dangerous. I hope that Amish family adopts her.
AND if that is the father!!
Nearly all females are capable of getting pregnant, not so many are capable of being a good mom.
Maybe they've not seen what and how it is to be a good mother. Instead of judging go and help at parenting group as your the perfect parent in your own mind.
@@Lizzie-h3j Don't forget how many men grew up without fathers. Someone has to take some responsibility somewhere when we are discussing children, and obviously fathers can just bounce if they're fast enough, but women should *KNOW* that they are 100% on the hook no matter what happens in the event of a pregnancy.
How many of these women were abused by their parents, or just ignored or abandoned entirely? If grandmothers are the primary caregivers for all of these infants, how is it that we can justify that so many of these women had poor motherly role models?
This guy has a point to some extent, as crude as he puts it. Most women can give birth - the EXACT SAME WAY that most *men* can impregnate women. As it turns out, there are *PLENTY* of men who are absolutely incapable of being good fathers, so why should *ANYONE* excuse bad mothers for being bad mothers just because they have bad role models?
He's being a bit judgy about it, sure. But his point is well-founded, and applies to men just as much as it does to women.
You're *choosing* to take it negatively.
I had my granddaughter for twelve years and has been reunited with her momma for two years and have been beautiful miss her but so happy they are together 😘😘😘😘😘😘
you’re a good person may God bless you fr ❤
That is amazing you are such a blessing ❤
@@molleybrackney9585 🤗
@@frieddaypim799 😘
I am a child of a former drug addict. Never give up on your kids. They may be angry and unforgiving but you never give up. I hope a parent that needs to see this does.
I feel so bad for Tammy. 15 years for drug dealing? Her poor daughters😮 need their mom ! I cried with them. Still, getting a fifteen year sentence for that . People get less for murder ffs!!!
Heather is messed up big time.
The Amish family is so incredibly sweet she’s in a great foster family ❤❤
"No one knows what goes on behind closed doors."
@@myopinion59scary thought
Depending on the woman a baby can change you forever.
the best thing would be if she left the baby with the Amish people, her way of thinking is terrible, the fact that she wants to have a father like that in her life and doesn't think about protecting her daughter is sad then she has 7 more children that just makes me angry
These women with their babies probably have a better start in that unit. They’ve got a support network, security, no bad temptations and the perfect opportunity to bond with their child. Being a single parent on the outside is tough and can be very isolating for some. We’ve had this system in the uk for decades
And bad boys get in between mom and babies... It's human nature for a 20 yr old girl to want to party with friends and men and most leave their babies with anyone that'll watch them so they can run.
Feel so sorry for them. Especially Iesha. She was a victim of abuse and defended herself and she‘s got punished while he is getting away with it? Unbelieveable - what a double standard. Living in a men‘s world…
The reason it was not self-defense is because she stabbed him multiple times. Self-defense is when reasonable force is used for when you believe you might get harmed; if she stabbed him once and then he left her alone, that is self-defense, but it sounds like she kept on stabbing him even when he stopped hitting her.
@ Thanks for explaining. But still it seems to be a situation of injustice. Maybe she couldn‘t prove the violence of her partner or whatever. I did not really get the context. But it sounds like quite a typical situation for women who experience violence at home. I know, most of the times these things are difficult to prove, but too often men don‘t believe women and don‘t listen until it‘s too late.
@@svenjan.5050Not all women are innocent or did you not read the title? I’ve met woman that have so much hate it unbelievable. Then there are ones that make them seem like angels. Equality is what everyone wants, correct?
I got a different vibe from her. She seems like someone who feels entitled.
@@backagain5216 I‘m not saying that she‘s innocent, but the punishment seems quite heavy to me considering the circumstances. And her ex partner should get his punishment too, right?
Sounded to me that people didn‘t believe her or take her seriously. But of course we don‘t know the whole story.
But after watching some documentaries about women in prison in the US I get the impression that the punishment is quite heavy. Especially for prostitution. Why don‘t men get punished? Where is equality there? But also the woman who killed her husband. Obviously she‘s guilty. But sentenced to death/60 years considering the violent circumstances?
That’s just my impression…
A child needs it's mother! Don't punish the babies! My daughter is adopted. We received her at 5 days old. She went thru separation anxiety & was clingy until preschool. My father gave me up. It made me feel like trash. The women are paying for their crimes. Let them raise their babies. It'll give them incentive on the outside to be good mommies! If they can show they're good mommies in the inside, bonus!
They have had baby units in UK for 40 + years! Successfully!!!!
That's really awesome!❤️
These are old videos but probably still ring true. I was an RN there when this was filmed. ❤
true but some of them is still in prison till this day
Were you in that unit or general? I worked in a hospital that rec’d prisoners. My husband abt stroked out when I told him I’d consider working there-lol. Bless you.
Babies will benefit from the close contact with their moms and breast milk. It doesn’t matter where the babies are during the first few months as long as they are close to the mother.
When 'baby daddy' is common in your vocabulary, you're screwingup.
I think this is a wonderful program. It's more about the kids than the women for me.
These women say they feel bad and miss their children but how many will reoffend once they are released?
I only have sympathy for the babies and children.
filmed in 2011, Rebecca Carey is the only one I looked up and she did time again in 2014 and 2017.
They all need Jesus. He changes hearts.
My ex don't care she's been back and forth now she's in prison. Serving years. She wanted kids from me. Look happen while she serving time. She has her mother sisters her family friend. I did visit her in jail but while she's in prison. I haven't. I haven't seen her in person in prison I'm like yeah I'm not taking photos with someone did the crime and acts like she's innocent. It's not fair
I absolutely applaud such programs! It’s a cycle and giving these children a chance to break the juvenile delinquency curse is amazing!
It's so important to keep mums and babies together. That bond is so critical. It's cruel to separate them. If they have been violent to their children and there's a risk of them hurting their babies then no. But if the risk isn't there then let them bond with their babies.
It's cruel to commit murder and unforgivable crimes too
@annamariachristopoulos4263 The baby didn't commit the crimes so why are they punishing a child by denying it of a bond with its mother.
This is a sad situation, for sure and I cannot imagine being separated from my children, but I'm glad at least some of the Mother's and babies will have the opportunity to bond
When dairy cows give birth the baby cow is ripped away immediately so that humans can have cows milk. It’s an incredibly cruel situation- anyone compassionate needs to live vegan .
You talked about human babies being ripped from their mothers and lacking the opportunity to bond. It’s the same for cows. They moo non stop when their calf is taken
@@miaowmail😂😂😂are you actually joking right now??? Sure it's super sad that that happens but cows and humans are not the same at all. That's insane to compare human children being taken from their parents. I'm literally shocked that someone would make such a comparison
Reported @@miaowmail
@miaowmail everyone should visit a farm one in their live. To be honest.
I have visited a dairy farm and saw the eyes of the mother cow and I could hear her scream. The young one as well. Being all alone in a cannel. I was heart broken.
Later I find a farmer who had (in German we call it) "heard nesting". The cows keep the little ones with the mom and live in their herd. They blossom up and they are so emotional and such intelligent creatures.
If someone did that to a dog or cat everyone would get mad. We should be mad for other animals too.
Cows are very very sensible and they have feelings. Seriously. You are right in a way!
@@miaowmail you are so wrong about cows there is plenty of milk for us and the there calfs
What a beautiful program! ❤❤❤❤
so many of these women don't deserve to be here. it's so sad this abuse we put on prisoners is inhumane
as long as we have for profit prisons we will :(
Its not the childs fault. Help them. Give the child a chance.
Some of the mean comments on here make me ill. Don’t want women having abortions but don’t want to help them either.
Why can't women use birth control? There's many types available, and in most cases they can obtain it for free. Abortion should never be used as birth control. Period. In most states now, it is considered murder, double murder, if someone takes the life of a pregnant woman. The courts consider the child as a life,not a clump of cells. Women should be responsible and help themselves. Good grief! She's had EIGHT kids, she's in prison and doesn't even know some of them. She needs to be fixed so it can't happen to anymore children. She obviously isn't responsible enough to use birth control or stay out of jail. How do you suggest that she be " helped"? The Amish couple is helping her, the system is trying to rehabilitate her, she obviously didn't have to pay for her hospital bill. It looks like everyone is helping her. Perhaps she needs to help herself. 🙄
Pretty much
For good reason
Patting down the Amish has got to be a low point in the officer’s day. Holy moly, so focused on making sure that baby gets the accurate last name of the bio father who was in the burn unit because his meth lab blew up. Heather’s ability to reason and think through the smallest decision appears pretty limited. If her intellectual capacity is as limited as it appears, she needs help to raise a child (or 8 children). That baby could thrive with the Amish family…
Unlike most i would like to leave a word of encouragement instead of all the negative; with that being said, i hope all these inccarsersted women gain the freedom they deserve and that they truly learn from their mistakes✌️
Thank you. Perhaps I'm just a big baby, but I cried through the program. The thought of these women having to let go of their babies broke my heart. I, for one, am cheering each of them on to a better life. Negative people are so draining, I avoid them.
You got to set a good example for your babies and kids. That’s the best gift you can give them is you.
I think this program is extraordinary!
These mothers are getting assistance during a very stressful time.
I would guess that they are less likely to return to prison.
Yes a chance to bond and love their babies without all the distractions of their previous lives I would think would be very positive for their futures.
No matter what they done it is heartbreaken to see them losing their babys. Such a lovely Amish couple. I would knew my child was in amazing care ❤
Why is nobody talking about the woman in prison with her mom who killed her father ? She clearly grew up in a jacked up household and never had a chance at life … extremely sad situation
Yes the woman are being punished as they should but why punish the innocent babies…….I do feel the newborns who the mothers are allowed to keep should be allowed to keep their babies for the first year!
That poor baby having a mother who has no idea who the father is, then decides it’s the meth lab person. Allows the Hamish to look after baby for another 6mo after she gets out of jail. No hope for that woman looking for the meth head.
“All he got was stabbed and some stitches and that’s it.” The delusion is real
Why do women get punished for prostitution???
because prostitution is illegal in the U.S.
@@sunfirefire45 Yes, but I don‘t get why. Why do the women get punished while for men it is okay to go to a prostitute? Or is that illegal too? Women who prostitute themselves are often in need. The only argument for illegalization of prostitution is to protect the women. But to me this does not look like protecting the women at all but to blame them instead for something that isn‘t their fault.
Decease control
@@svenjan.5050 it is heavily the womans fault for choosing to prostitute her body for money. it is also against the law for anyone to hire a prostitute. both are illegal. prostitution is illegal for many reasons. Most obvious because its an easy way to spread stds/diseases. But its also extremely dangerous. People who sell their bodies are putting themselves and others in great danger. Its not a safe thing to do. Many women lose their lives to prostitution every yr.
The men are also arrested for soliciting a prostitute.
I am so glad to see a program like this exists. I can imagine that it would decrease recidivism. And babies need their mothers, to nurse and be held so they have a good start to life. It doesn't seem right to have a child older than two there though.
Does not matter were they are born as long as they are loved ❤❤❤
Aww baby Amari, Aiesha's baby, is such a cute chonk of a baby. When Aiesha said he goes through all her pumped supply in about 4 days, she wasn't kidding!
This is heartbreaking
Ah, america, where prostituees are forbidden, but guns are for free...
I am American and I am horrified at my country in the last 25 years! We are a young country comparably so I'm hoping we learn but only time will tell.
Drugs. No rehabilitation centers. Just prisons.
Fifteen years? Wow the U.S. has crazy sentences.
For dealing… Not even a violent crime. Absolutely absurd and tragic 😢
Meanwhile the child molester gets a few months and first domestic violence charge is a misdemeanor!!!??
@@Bettinasisrg You're exactly right. That sickens me to the core!
@@Kim-em9cn I agree 💯 That's just crazy!
Poor children.! How selfish! Birth control, please.
Get a life, those babies get more care than some get outside of jail.
@@Statically6”than most get outside of jail?” Rethink that part.
@@backagain5216 I said some, idiot. If you're going to insult me, at least get what I said right. Also, it's true.
Oh to be as perfect as you 🙄 it's a long way to fall off that high horse of yours!
@@backagain5216she said "some" not "most".
The Amish family are so sweet. God bless them and baby
loved this!
I love the program💕
Don‘t know how great it is for kids to have this as their first experience of sourroundings in life 😢
Oh my goodness. What a great program ❤
Whether or not I committed a crime, if I was pregnant, and given the opportunity to keep my child, I would say YES, please. THere are too many kids who are forced to live without 1 or both parents. If they dont have family to go to, or family friends...these kids end up in foster care and nobody knows if the child will be safe or not. Bad things happen in foster care. Not all foster care families are horrible, but some are only in it for the money. Now unless the mother/father is violent, that's a different story because you got to protect the baby. Bottom line!
When the negative people fail to recognize is a lot of these mothers had a similar (or worse) start in life as these babies! Why feel so sorry for the babies and not the mothers? And why force pregnancy and cut social services? Some people just want all the money for themselves.
My youngest sister married a drug dealer and had five children by him and numerous abortions (eight). She was never living the life and we've not heard from her in many years. She may be dead for all we know?
I am so sorry. I know how it feels. My brother was gone for many years. He finally got his act together and came home. They do recover.
but why u dont do something her looking and serching for?
Course it works, they shouldn't be separated as it's cruel💯
I think if the mom is going to be getting out in 6 months or less they should be able to keep their baby with them but no longer. It's sad all the way around but hopefully all of them will succeed when they are out and never return !!!!!!😊
"women in prisons should have their babies taken away" like bro. no. idc what anyone says. a mother holding her child is the most beautiful thing ever. they should be able to take care of their kids in there and see them more.
and is it really right for the kids to not have their mother there when they need them. like bro cmon. sum these comments are so sick. y'all don't want women have abortions but don't want then taking care of the kid just bc she in prison.
The biggest benefit to this program, is that the mom's get to bond with their child WITHOUT their baby daddy's being around and other bad influences to take their attention away from their child.
babies should be whereverr their mothers are .. its important to let the baby feed from their mums and be shown love from thier mums... to do different is just plain cruel.. the babies should not be blamed for what the mother did...
Born in jail. Has to be the worst thing ever
Feeling so bad for the newborns..they need mothers but 😢
Who said the, baby's know where they are at the only thing they know is it's "Mother"
Excelente que hagan programas así. Ojalá aprendamos de cabezas ajenas y no tengamos que repetir estas historias
Heather could of acted more grateful to the Sweet Lady who's taking care of her baby and brought her to see her..she didnt tell the Lady Thank you for all your doing and could of hugged her..she's like see ya next month right?I hope they adopt her so that child can have the life she deserves.
15:31 glove compartment as in a car? I thought people mostly stored car service dates and car manuals?
It's also where the registration is kept.
Do fathers get their kids in prison? Does a baby need to pay for the parents crimes? Maybe mom in one prison and dad in another can share joint custody. I am happy they get to be in the childrens lives. I’m not so sure about children staying in prison even if it’s a non violent crime, is a short sentence, the child won’t remember it.
So 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔for children.
I am embarrassed to admit 😂 I burst out laughing when that flashed on the screen. Okay, now this is gonna be sad, huh😢
My heart breaks for the babies and children. They have such a difficult start that wasn't their fault and they didn't ask for. What future will their mothers secure for them?
me eating pasta while the c section scene comes up 😟 🍝
These are some beautiful babies. I hope and pray they don’t repeat there families errors. But the ones that are having more children when they haven’t taken care of the older ones they had, is questionable!!
The audio is out of sync with the video
How do folks support 'my body, my rights' for abortion, but not prostitution?
At least protection is the norm with prostitutes.
The people who want to criminalize prostitution are the same people who want to criminalize abortion, though.
@@virg0_lem0nadeAbortions are horrible! Very happy I NEVER underwent an abortion. I kept my daughter Tanya and raised her. My parents and my ex Ian helped out. Tanya is now a dentist and a part time lecturer in the faculty of dentistry @ a university and is a happily married mother of 2. Well educated and well travelled! 😊
In Qld Australia you can have a child up to the age of 5 or school age. A unit is dedicated to help Mother and Baby bond, the infant was never committed a crime or serves any prison time. Every woman deserves to have a baby, but the baby deserves a woman dedicated to being a Mother.
I think it should be on an individual case. If you were raped you had no choice and baby should not be punished but I don’t like the idea of us supporting the others and giving them everything they need when there are mothers outside that are struggling to provide for their babies and don’t get help. Some of these prisoners don’t deserve to have babies.
I think it is case by case though. It’s non violent offenders. I think most of them are just drug offenders or of the like. I kind of don’t believe babies should be in a prison anyway though. They don’t know any better but it’s sort of just a sad and miserable place. Very torn on this.
43:26 the baby said wtf I was asleep! Lol
If that cute little black girl is telling the truth that he was beating her and she stabbed him in self defense she shouldn't be in jail. At a minimum he should also be in jail. A woman should be allowed to defend herself.
☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ poor babies ☹️☹️☹️☹️
Heather's baby was huge! I would have been screaming too! And it was too late to get an epidural. OUCH!
Interesting program, I hadn’t heard of it before. Going to look up the results of it online because I am fascinated. Also Heather… I hope she gets some mental help. It’s clear she could use therapy.
100% baby needs momma, doesn’t matter where they are, prison is actually a little community.
In prison the circumstances might be better then outside where the baby is probably not taken away. At least there is some structure in the days and that’s so freaking healthy for babies.
I think the most traumatic thing what can happen in a woman’s life is your baby taken away from you. This will only cause more trauma in life which will only decrease the chance of successful rehabilitation..
I don't believe it's right to condemn children to this environment for any amount of time. I just don't agree with allowing babies to stay with their mothers in prison. The damage this will inevitably cause the children will be devastating when they eventually have to separate the parent from the child, and much harder the longer they stay together. This is the wrong answer. These women chose their paths, damaged their own lives irreparably and now people think they "deserve" the chance to damage their children? Why don't the fathers of these children get the chance to raise them if they aren't incarcerated? Ridiculous.
Sorry but when Heather says “ he never did it around me” I don’t know if she actually wants to put her daughter first or just wants a drug addict in her life! I think women like her should be getting more help in regards to this when there are children involved! I think it’s better to not have that type of father in the little girls life than having her seeing all that nasty stuff !
I wish all those mothers all the best
Very sad.😢
Aww that’s my name too Imari ❤
You can’t tell a nationality of a brand new baby, even black babies are born pink, it can take months for their skin to darken up 😢 especially if they are biracial baby’s 😮
It's unfair for the babies 😢
I grew up 6 blocks from this prison. That facility is nestled right between two city streets of houses on the near easy side of Indianapolis. As a child, sometimes at night my family would pile into the car and drive very slowly down the alley behind. Dad would flash his lights to say hello to a relative of his that was in there. Too bad this place hasn’t gone out of business
No child should be raised in prison!!!!!
if it lowers the amount of people who go back into prison after being released and lowers the children’s chances of being incarcerated yes it is a good choice
@ChantalsBulgingEyebrow no sorry
Exactly. That incarcerated woman shouldnt be a mother my ex is incarcerated she wanted kids out of me. She wanted to marry me I said no. Not in prison. You have to be right in your ways.
Heather just give the baby your last name 🤦🏾♀️
No. I should not pay for your mistakes. You messed up, get room, board, medical care, rehab, and free education. You can't manage your own life, why mess up those innocent baby's lives?
It isn't prisoners' fault that your government is one of the only ones in the world that doesn't let people have healthcare and free education, LOL.
it actually lowers the rate of children who go into jail, and having the child be with the mother after birth makes children have less trauma and do better in life
I honestly didn’t see any bonding going on with momma & lil Wyatt.
I don't get a program like this! Why should kids be in prison with their parents?! The kids haven't done the crime 🙄🤷🤬
They are not a mother but just a woman who may acting a bad man.. Mother don't behave such thing.
Please protect and save these childern from this kind of women, thank you.
But these are mothers who have made mistakes, some more, some less, and I don't want to excuse it, but they will always be mothers even if some may don’t deserve it
most unfair program why are some women selected to keep their babies in prison while others are not, i could see why baby killers would be not included in a program like this anyway bottom line is babys sould not be allowed to be raised in jail
Not to mention who’s supporting these kids?
The prison funds everything whilst the baby's are with their mothers - so there's no pressure on them financially. I'd love to know, once Mum & baby are released, how they manage. To suddenly be responsible for paying for their needs plus the babies must be a reality check. Does this put them in immediate poverty? I have questions! Best wishes from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤