What tips do you have? Let's leave them in the comments to help everyone have a great start! Also, I know the video is long but I really wanted to just share my experiences, tips and anything I thought would be helpful for someone transferring for their first time. A lot of these choices are permanent so having a full understanding of the mechanics and getting you on the right server with the right settings and the best start is my #1 priority.. As always, thanks for watching and if you want to see more Once Human content consider subscribing to the channel!
not so sure about the weapons part as they are costly to transfer over. my main concern would be the deviations. specially ones that take a bit to acquire, such as rain man, growshrooms, buzzybee, electric eels, higher level beavers and digby boys, lethal rabbits, then your favorite upper level combat deviations. a quick early farm for food/drinks, wood and ore will help a lot. bonus for higher level H27 if placing base near a loot-able zone.. there are a couple other nice ones to have like nutcrackers and cant remember the name of it but she helps with all other deviants. of course drills and chainsaws. if you know what you are doing you can have a topped out weapon within an hour of the map opening in 2nd phase. one loop around blackfell gets your all the acid and other parts and plastics and crystals to max it out.
No point in transfering weapon because farmin its super easy, instead used those 11k to bring calibrations either for you or to sell for stardust or acid or energylink whatever ur lacking of. First of all some wine or beer to reduce pollution and hydration problem; high request seeds (aloe vera, cucumber, morel, onion) , fertilizes (for seed, yield ad mutated), also refined detoxient( if ur going to a pvp server); also controllers. About the drill and chainshaw, either regular or advanced, no difference besides the usage of more points and slightly more durability, but not really noticeable); and room for deviants only useful ones(rabbit-meat/rebeca/ H37/maybe space turner or harveseed-livin armor) and really high tier ones like 5-5 or 5-4 (like attack ones butterfly/canine/pyro/pollar jelly). for other deviants like eels, bee and growshrooms their are pretty easy to farm at early game
Get some ores they way cheaper than alloys, demolish whole Base and take out your deviants From boxes. I destroy whole set take only calibrations its cheaper. And i have my etherland set as a warhouse and deviated crops farm. Just put growshroom and bee. Never know when you need deviated aloe vera xD
Very important note is that calibrations are ONE TIME use. If you put a best in slot cali on your weapon... you cannot take it off. You disassemble your weapon and the calibration disappears along with it. The only way to get a calibration through disassembly is from DROPPED weapons.
This is actually a super important tip. I made this mistake and put my BiS calibration on my tier 2 gun after transfer and then realized I couldn't get it back.
@@xMidnightzzz glad I can help. Just remember there are two timers. Once it ends you’ll have another time before you can join. Follow the checklist and register early. After that I would probably wait til the purification reset to do it again. Not much happening week 1. Great time to clean up before moving.
Transfering a weapon is a mistake by itself, you won't be able to use it until lvl 40, and after the lvl 40 you can already craft it on your own on a new server. What matters is these rare legendary calibration blueprints for weapons, esp rapid shot style ones (pistol/awp/rifle). You can sell those bps for tons of energy links, which is an issue at the beginning. Or trade it in any other way, the demand for these bps is over the board. Therefore you'd rather spend 1k per calibration bp to transfer and use the rest of your deposit for high-level deviations and maybe some of the resources such as orange plastic from t5 locations which is a problem in the beginning even at phase two. You can't do anything with your weapon but use it, while calibrations are high demand and tradeable. Besides, looting mystical crates, you will soon upgrade your WEAPON B.P. by stars and your old 1-2 star weapon that you have transferred becomes outdated and you have basically wasted 11k. I would recommend transferring a weapon if only you have it like 4 stars and fully calibrated, not less than that.
All valid points, but if you are a regular on my channel I share how to level up super fast and make a ton of Energy Link fast. I was 40 in the first phase rocking the weapon for awhile and when phase 2 came out I made over 1 million Energy Link on day 1. We just hit Phase 3 and i'm now over 3 million. I personally don't regret brining my weapon but if you have an extra calibration and you're not hitting 40 in Phase one then taking the weapon won't be so critical. Meanwhile I swapped to Pistol and im on week 3 without finding the right calibration :( So, if you have a good one attached to your old gun it may just be worth it.
What you do is make a lvl 1 version of all your gear then it is cheap to transfer and you can wear it immediately. Also don't transfer anything. Wait until you get to your new server and then see what you really want and need. You can always pull anything from the "bank" once you're there. Need a 100 rusted parts? Well - just get em!
If you are trying to build up energy links, I suggest you sell all the thousands of ingots that are just sitting in your crates. You don't want to waste all of your 20,000 new server cash n ingots, so sell them. 3 stacks of steel ingots is 45,000 energy links. 3 stacks of bronze ingots is 30,000. You can use the energy links to buy starchrom crates right before you transfer.
~@4:00 Energy Links don't get deleted (nothing practically does in a way), it gets converted to Astral Sand/Eternal Land currency. ~@4:45 I don't know the exchange rate, but technically you could transfer 40ish tier 3 Cortexes to your rebooted hero/server as well. So you'll hit the ground running. Provided you can set it up so you can do 40 tier 3s in phase 1.
Yes, the EL will convert to Astral sand 1:1 so it's not a total loss, but most people probably will never use it. The exchange rate for T3 cortex I believe are 200 each so that would be 8k.
awesome tips thank you !!! another tip once done with the salt leveling go border of phase 1 on oil fields and stick pumps in the ground and pump oil already for the next phase
Thank you so much for all of the great tips and tricks! One thing I will note, that came up after I transferred, is that you do sometimes have to rethink your builds. For example, on the previous server, I ran pistol and sniper (Wildfire, Bingo). On the void/balance server I moved to, pistols and snipers both only counter balance. I had nothing for void, since I was running bullseye on both. I ended up having to go with the unstable bomber Outsider to have a rifle to counter void. Yes, I know my lack of status damage build was the first issue, since it requires I use the cradle, but I thought I would mention this, as someone who moved to a server with a build that was not optimized, ie didn't need cradle perks.
Yes! I'm actually going to be putting together Meta build guides for each Server that focuses on exactly that.. What to use if your server has X/X Super Anomaly. Hopefully have the first one out by the end of the week.
As a bonus-tip: Don't just craft the Chainsaw/Drill/Adv.Chainsaw/Adv.Drill, but craft or let a fried craft one, that increases your yield. I for example crafted some Adv.-Tools with 100% Silver/Gold yield, which was a great boon for Prismverse as I ran out of Energy-Links, but I was lucky enough to get the Silver/Gold Ingot memetic, and I could just sell 8 ingots (48k; 6k each) to every Merchant (50k/week-Limit) and still had enough for the next week. If you got something similar for other ores like Iron, Aluminum or Tungsten, you're set until you get the mining-platform. Also, not sure if that enhanced Drill helped me with that, but I got A LOT digby boys. Some silver-ores even gave me 2 to catch on that Prismverse-Server.
Love the tip about simplified vs complete. I thought you only get the rewards if you go complete and do them again so I was going to pick that. Now that I know, my life will be easier. I don't have a the calibration I want on my weapon so I won't stress about bringing it over. Except for the calibration I don't see a reason to bring the weapon, when I'll be 40 I'm sure I will already be able to craft tier 5 and take it to +10. I will bring over the controllers I have left, seems like a good way to spend some of those points.
Yeah, the simplified vs complete isnt really explained well. Lots of people think they will miss out on items. Agree on the weapon too, its all about the calibration, if it's not great than don't bring it.. but it can easily take weeks to find another good one in a scenario. This is hopefully addressed in the dec patch though with increased drop rates.
@@TroyGamingtv Yes, I've been searching for 2 weeks now for the Bingo calibration (fast bolt action or how it's called) with double weakspot. Nothing yet and I'm on a dead server, going to transfer soon so no trades available. But with transfer in mind I will now always try to get 2 calibrations, 1 for using and 1 waiting for the server transfer.
@@figuresix what else would you buy that’s going to be more impactful than your fully loaded weapon. Now if your weapon isn’t calibrated and level 10 then leave it.. but a great calibration is hard to find.
@@TroyGamingtv Was just saying your the only one. Most everyone else stating blueprints come with ya just build a new one. Not hard to farm mods once your that level when ya pretty much have to wait till your 40 to use it anyways. But I expect if you got a top teir weapon exactually how you want, then why not.
@@figuresix I probably over estimate the player base that has their perfect completed weapon. If you don’t then you could bring more deviants? There’s honestly nothing else to spend it on. Once you have the drill the game is easy mode 😂
thats what i said BS at first, why would you waste 11k pts? well, we learned that we can get to lvl 40 in 2-3 days. Then we're at phase 2 in a few hrs now.
Considering the amount of 5-5/5-4 deviants I’ll need to bring across and don’t want to lose (15 x 800 = 12,000 pts), a weapon is definitely a waste. If you were really prepared, you should have farmed/bought a calibration to take with you, not an entire calibrated weapon.
Great tips, great to see your channel growing, good job! I am curious about the new harder server; how much harder are the mobs and territory purification for hard servers? Also, could you do a tutorial on your builds, and how to pass the harder dungeons?
Thanks. Ill be honest, I died more in the normal than the hard, but my hard character has better mods. The two felt similar enough that I would recommend hard over normal for the extra rewards. I haven't done a purification yet, I need to farm cortex's and check the time to see whats possible. Ill definitely be putting out some content around all of that once I'm there as well as some builds (I have like 30k starchrom saved). Appreciate the feedback!
Dint really notice any difference other than eatting more food and balanced mobs. After doing a season and running the same gear early on really makes it easy. Struggled more on normal first time round than i am now.
Top advices. Tip on weapon though. Don't bring the whole weapon. Bring mods instead. For each part of your build. Armor + wepon. This is way cheaper and you have blueprints to craft for each tier. You can also sprinkle some 2k stardust source on top for ez calibration. Also bring contaminated seed. One of each to swim in acid as early as phase 1
@@CostelloDamian ok, that makes sense. Depending on what you need and the server you could even trade for the calibration and not bring it at all. Since you can't use it until lvl 40, you have plenty of time to get everything you need.
@alex86fire I haven't play a game for quite some time now so I don't know if it has changed or not but the point of my advice was to save the transfer points. Instead of getting entire weapon through just buy spare calibration mods before moving into new server and only transfer that. Everything else is easily obtainable and you have too much 💰 at the end anyway.
I find it kind of funny that almost NO content creators for this game seem to know the difference between Deviants and Deviations. Deviants are the "zombies" you encounter early in the game (and later on again), Deviations are your companions.
@TroyGamingtv didn't mean to call you out, I just wish content creators would make sure they're calling them the right things because now the entire community doesn't know the difference as a result and everyone thinks they're called Deviants
@@billymays9296 I’m just teasing. I think you’re absolutely right and probably the reason I use the word interchangeably. It’s just been what I’m used to hearing everyone call it. I blame the devs for making them too similar 😆
Technically, EL is not deleted. It is converted to astral sand in Eternaland. Might not be useful to some, but it does end up being useful currency for those that do find that part of the game important. Great tips!
@TroyGamingtv At 16:15, you blend in "Save 1k to transfer any good ones" I guess you're talking about the weapons? Because it did cost you 11k for your Tier5-Calibrated10 Weapon, and I imagine the price might even increase if the Blueprint-Rank is higher, but maybe not. Unless the 1k was meant for the calibration, then I didn't say anything.
1k is for the calibrations :) The 11k for the weapon is mostly if your blasting ahead and sitting in phase one at 40+ for a long time, or if you have an amazing calibration on your weapon that you need to have.
my 20k eternaland currency kinda dwindled down to -- 1 drill (3k) 1 chainsaw (3k) 3 digby bois, 3 eels, 1 beaver, my only 1/1 rebecca (dont judge, i want her walking in my house early), wolf ^ which iirc i got like 7-8k left afterwards. And i pulled some '20x silver ores' for my elec grabbers thinking "yea its just a bit" -- then now i only got 2k pts. I kinda realized that yea, my fully decked out Valor ? i shouldve taken it.. the calibration (reload + CC/CC maxed) and currently im lvl 40 and ready to equip it in 2 days. Lesson learned
Yeah, it goes super fast and before you know it, its gone.. I try to emphasize saving 11k but I think a lot of people think i'm crazy for spending so much on the weapon.. but honestly, what else is going to give you a bigger impact (besides the drill) than your fully completed weapon at level 40.. I'm using mine in Phase 1 right now and topping the meters, flying through the hard content and have no regrets. Thanks for sharing, I like to hear how everyone decided to spend their currency and if they thought it was worth or not worth in the end. Great info!
Seeds. Specifically peppercorn (doesn't rot and isn't available early) are cheap AF to bring over and get you ahead on special foods. Morel is another winner especially if you already went through the process of generating Morel seed. Saves more time than a drill. Forgot aloe. Aloe seeds are hard to get and deviated aloe is used in many top foods.
I'll stay where I am until the Winter Encounter and just grab the weekly cortex for 'chrom cooking until then. Thanks a lot for the tips 👍I will bookmark this for a reminder when I do transfer. 🤗
You have time to hop in and try a PVP server while you wait. It will for sure be completed before October. Great chance to get some pvp exclusive deviants to take back to the PVE server. PVP and PVE servers are basically the same, except one has wars (which you don't have to participate in) and the other has Prime wars. There's not like actual open world pvp outside of the T4 cortex if you choose to do that.
Remember, your server will only stay in phase 6 for so long before you get booted to eternaland. I think it’s wisest to jump into season 2 as soon as you can, then join winter encounter after that, even if you start a couple weeks after it’s released. You’re losing out on a lot of starchrom and other content such as farming the new shiny deviants, better gear mods, etc. And think of how screwed you’d be if things end up getting delayed.
To transfer items you go into inventory and click the new inherit button. This will let you move everything over at a cost of astralsand. We get 20k per season to use so make sure to use them wisely.
Im really confused, my friends in season 1 only had the option to sign up to about 6 different servers and couldnt see my server thats in season 2, they have pre-signed up for one on the list, are they able to transfer their character to my server? how can they do this
They may have clicked the (Novice) list instead of the version you're on and thats why they didnt see it. Or your server is older than 14 days, which is the current cut off. They said on Sept 26th they are going to remove the 14 day cut off for "New" players so they can join friends at any age of the server. I'm dealing with the same thing, just had to restart with my friend to play with them.
@@TroyGamingtv I'm on a novice server pve01 server season 2 but they could only see sign ups to a pve-x server and when choosing the sign up server there was only 6 of them which were also different difficulties all pve-x. They tried changing the filters but still couldn't see any other servers in the sign up option. Once they "sign up" to the new season, which they did to the pve-x server but haven't entered yet, can they just enter my server and transfer their character and if so, how ? thanks for replying dude
@@dyeshan221 you can do a calibration instead if you have another good one saved but you likely won’t have the mats to bring it to 10 at 40. That’s the main reason I recommend it early. I think, like the drill, it provides the most impact. Outside of a drill and a deviant or 2 what else would you spend it on?
If you registered and waited to long say 8 days you can be removed twi friends jusy hapoend to them they waited 6 days to transfer after signing up and there sign up was revoked some how so when u sign up move dont wait cause u are registered its first come first serve
Yes, registering doesn't guarantee a spot if it's Full/Full, but that doesn't happen very often unless its like a day 1 hard mode or new scenario everyone wants to play. If that happens you can just grab another late server or try a friend code.
Does everything in your territory,crates, and ur character get saved? Besides basic materials and such that doesnt carry over? Or do i need to put everything i wna take with me on my character? Also, do i need to take my best mods off of weapons and armor or anything?
@@havenspr it could, I’d have to check. I plan on making some meta build videos this week that go over combos for each server type. Still in the research phase 😉
I think if you're paying attention and searching desperately for starchrom, you wouldn't make most of these mistakes. I was staring at the Manibus encounter progress bar and picking up the starchrom the instant it was unlocking, no chance I was going to miss out on the only thing you really need to care about in this game.
@@eksentrysyti my main came from a pvp server so the manibus reward wasn’t something I was used to. All my others I did the late phase power levels to hit 50 and stock up on starchrom
As he mentioned, the drill and chainsaw are like cheat codes in the early game. They allow you to gather materials as quickly as possible to build vehicles, structures, and weapons. Plus, these tools are extremely durable, so you don’t have to worry about them breaking. By the time they do, you’ll have progressed far enough in the game to easily create replacements.
When you go to sell you'll have two tabs. The one you want to sell from is Eternal land storage. Sorry for the misunderstanding. On the plus side you're now ready to power level your battlepass to 60!
omg, i just check the 7500 starchrome at my second acc, i still not collect it XDD your tips save me. btw, i still at my old server, it is necessary to transfer to new server or just wait for new season reset?
@@AzreePurple that’s preference. I think the best way to maximize gains would be register on a server when you hit phase 6. Then hang out on the current server and complete everything so you don’t miss out on starchrom and rewards. The new server will be limited the first three weeks and they will have catch up mechanics if you get there late to make leveling much easier. So win win.
Do controllers carry over or do I need to burn through them? Wondering if I should just burn them farming weapon calibrations as my build on current server is 100% complete and we are approaching the end (still have 70 controllers)
Burn through them. They won't carry over. You can buy them for cheap but the issue is you won't be hitting Pro (best time to use them) for weeks after. So if you can use them up at the end thats always recommended.
Yes, initially but if you wait to long even the friend code will be disabled. That's what happen to the first round of Hardmode servers. So now i'm off to make new friends! Bonus, theres a "cross-servers" friend list so I can still keep in touch and coordinate for next season.
Also you say dont wait for the new season, you'll miss starchrom, but the next season is in September? I dont think you can leave a server prematurely... Wont you be locked out of the factions pvp in september if you join an evolutions call now?
@@jaredh923 i've had time to reflect on this question and here is why I say go now. I don't think they will release early Sept, it's likely late. That puts us on like Phase 4-6 with a week or two to wait tops. Although, i think they will release when servers are hitting phase 6. If you wait you'll miss out on 20k + starchrom and be starting at a disadvantage to everyone that didn't wait. They will probably have like full set of 5 star gear. Then if it does come out before, the first week or two isn't a big deal to miss. It's extremely limited and while they are stuck in the starter zone you'll be farming Pro mode mods, which are better on the new servers. So in summary, doing a server now, will give you a much stronger start on the PVP server when it opens.
I wish they give more than 20K...(the transfer cost is very high) I'm now at L44 and I have tons of stuff in Eternaland I'm unable to use it. Do you think this will unlock once we hit the max level? BTW I brought the drill and a L2 compound bow + doggy deviant
Unfortunately that's the limit for the season. You'll be fine though, everything comes pretty easy. Watch my new video coming out in a few hours that teaches you how to get the best crafting benches.. will cut your farming time in half and you'll have more resources than you know what do with :)
@@TroyGamingtv Ok, thanks. I managed to re-build my Weapons/armor to spec but acid is still a grind. I just miss the piano playing in the background LOL. Looking forward to the video.
@@OSGamer70 if you do the furniture farm it provides a ton of acid naturally. I try to run mine every 4 hours when they are up. Mostly because I like collections formulas and it’s good mods/cortex’s for purification
@@TroyGamingtv yup, the blackfell furniture/gear crate farming route is my rinse-and-repeat, but I wish it was farmable like oil. Appreciate your videos and feedback.
@TroyGamingtv ok so is this always going to happen and so I'm better off moving sooner then later then I been playing for a few weeks but I haven't reached 50 yet and didn't beat the story I just hate to redo it all every time they do this
@@TroyGamingtv Hmm, that's kind of annoying. Because I want to switch servers now. But don't want to be locked there for the next month if the new Pvp scenario opens.
This entire game is based on bad design and terrible descriptions. 11:20 Here you can see how they didn't add any text that explain clearly what each option means. Is all ".. for those who want to spread their wings" What the fk does that mean
I agree but we have to remember that it's a foreign game developer and translations and details will be much harder to come by. I think the text under it explains it a little, but their lack of explanation in general is what makes channels like mine valuable :)
@@KatsCorner you’ll love that they added a new cradle perk that increases damage and I think healing when solo! It’s incredible for solos. However I wouldn’t wait, you’ll miss out on so much starchrom and upgrade fragments. Plus the new season is a ton of fun on hard with the new deviation variants and super anomalies.
@@micochopitea sorry, it’s 11000. Thanks for pointing that out. Also, the gun should be worth it, as in good calibration and level 10. If it’s not amazing you can just craft one and save the points for some good calibrations at 1k each or more deviations.
@@TTmicoTT yea but there’s not much else to bring and sometimes getting the right calibration can take weeks of farming. Plus it’s a huge boost at 40. Besides the drill and the deviants what else would you need
So I don’t play in server 46 anymore but I see it’s a month long phase for phase 6. Wouldn’t you want to wait till the last week to move servers? You only have 10 days to move so if I sign up week 1 I’ll be missing out on 2-3 weeks of purification.
IMO transferring guns is a bad move, it's better just to transfers calibration that you need for those weapons for example pistol rapid with 2 cr for deagle, ar rapid/precision, etc. You can easily craft those weapons in new server the calibration is the main issues. It's better just to transfer materials that needed for drills for easy farming, deviant that you can turn into EL after 12 days or use.
The recommendation was mainly for those speed leveling phase 1 so you would have your fully calibrated gun at 40. It's also for those that don't have extra calibrations like myself. I'm on week 4 now into the new season and still haven't found a decent Pistol one. If you're taking your time through the first 2 phases and have extra calibrations then that is much cheaper to bring over as you mentioned. Although, outside of the drill, chainsaw/axe and a few digbys there isn't much else you'll need for a jump start. What recommendations would you suggest for the full 20k?
@TroyGamingtv good point, last season i bring some mats for solar drills and i bring 3 or 4 digbys and bee which im glad i bring it on my server that thing is actually doesn't exist for 3 season, 4 calib for my guns and the rest i waste to bring some acids, there's no good thing to bring just like you said.
I just got the option to move but most people i played with stop had to make 3 50 to last one am happy with guess its my main but starting over makes no sense for me and content same map feals like the only whant us to keep grinding am pretty sure this is a turn off for many people the 6 v is in my opinion to short
They probably planned to have the new scenarios ready when these ended but had to refocus on bugs/enhancements/etc.. which push them back to Sept/October. I don't think going back into the same map will be the norm after this. However, most people that I know that were concerned are having a blast on the new harder servers. It's a nice chance to do it all again, but with the lessons we've learned.. and theres new mechanics (anomolies), deviant variants, better gear/mods, and harder content.. so it's been feeling pretty good. They also have no wipe servers on the horizon, so that should satisfy the needs of anyone not looking to start over.
Why would you bring over your weapons? All people just craft them again and what they bring are the calibrations. Before transfer just max out your weapon star lvl so you can craft them at a higher tier even on lvl 1 2 or 3, and when phase 2 comes out you can put your saved calibs and craft the tier 5. Calibrations only cost 1k points
Bringing the weapon is only recommended if your weapon from last season is already calibrated to 10 with a good calibration on it. The right calibration can take a lot of farming to find and breaking down your old weapon before leaving won't remove the calibration. Once its used it's gone forever.. The next big reason is to use it earlier than you would be able to if you had to wait and farm up all those mats. If you use the tips from my "Top 3 fastest leveling methods video" and get to 40 in Phase 1 early, you'll be able to equip it and destroy all the content easily. That's what i'm doing now. Still in Phase 1 with my maxed out weapon just having a blast with no regrets :) What else would you recommend bringing if it wasn't the weapon?
@@TroyGamingtv You basically grind for another calibration or buy it off from other players from your extra ELinks. I don’t know about your server but our server market here is very active in buy and sell. All Blackfell worlds have tons of parked vending machines and world chat tradings. Again YES you cant break down your weapon and get the calibration, but you can RUN all your controllers because it doesn’t make sense to bring over your controllers cuz you can only use them on phase 4 at hard servers not on phase 1 to 3. What we do and all other veteran players i know is grind everything all God Roll MODS on pro silos and lea labs, max out your weapon blueprints and have calibrations ready for the hard servers.
This server sign up system is so dumb friends and I had a miscommunication now we are in different servers and stuck without able to move characters LOL
Wasn't that complicated. Agree on what server you want to go to and just sign up as soon as you hit Phase 6. You don't have to migrate immediately, so just sign up early and then wait the couple days if you need to for your cortex purification reset. Signing up is just reserving your spot, you can choose to de-register later as long as you haven't migrated yet.
Delusional :) You get all the rewards in the simplified version without having to redo the entire quest. Essentially you'll see an echo where the quest was that when you consume, will grant you all your original rewards.
They also stated you can leave a scenerio whenever you want. No point in staying as you can jump in and then leave if and when the scenerio drops you want.
In the last dev video when they showed the diagram for season and senerio. I'm not 100 confident that you can leave when you want. They did say mid senerio though. A lot of PVE are going to PVP server hard mode because they don't want to sit in eternal land.
@@Utobe933 thanks, I’ll go back and take another listen. I asked the other content creators and none of them knew. They were under the impression our only way out is final phase too lol
@@casperinmd I listened to it again and all I got was that the PVP season isn't coming out until the "End" of September. So I think a lot of servers will be ending as that becomes available. Nothing about leaving early. Also, PVE is "Mid" October. ruclips.net/video/YjAdXydoAmY/видео.html
Yes and No.. You can bring the weapon but the items to repair aren't available in Phase 1 so youll either need to wait until Phase 2 or get the Deviation with the repair parts to repair. I also heard you may be able to repair in eternaland but I haven't tried it.
Thanks, I think they mentioned recently that mail needed to be cleared. I didn't notice an issue when i first moved but I've been clearing them just in case.
i am fucked up with this anomaly at me switch server :( i played most sharpned and i got bomber etc. its not that hard to play but sometimes u cant even kill a boss :D
I felt that the first time I encountered an anomaly that wasn't my build type lol. They murdered me after chasing me across, what felt like the whole server.. I'm going to be putting together meta build guides for each server type soon. Maybe that will give you some ideas of what to try next. I think a lot of us are sitting on a ton of starchrom waiting to see what to do.
I found that bringing over materials is a waste, you'll get them easily with the Drill/Chainsaw. I did however bring over small amounts to get a Solar panel up and running with the electric smelter but outside of that theres no materials worth grabbing. The 11k is for those that power level through Phase 1 and want to have their max level weapon at 40 or those without a good calibration to bring over. I'm week 4 on Season 2 without a good calibration for my Pistol yet so taking your gun is the biggest head start you can get.
@@TroyGamingtv but u cant farm phase 2 material, u can make max tier gravel/solar drill/backpack with those mats but yeah your idea is not wrong either
@@AussieWhitePride pretty sure you get all those mats back. However I don’t recommend moving resources over. They are too easy to regain and cost too much.
@@AussieWhitePride not if you follow my new guide to hit 50 super fast.. Method 1 will get you tons of acid in Phase 1. Then in phase 2 you can just setup a passive acid farm. ruclips.net/video/NtUe81SgUro/видео.html
@@AussieWhitePride Acid costs way too much to transfer over. Only materials I’d transfer over is maybe some rare seeds and materials for a solar drill if you get the memetics or someone will craft one for you for mats.
Technically you could get by with just a melee weapon, but theres just something nice about having a fully decked out weapon at level 40 in Phase 1. There's not much else to bring over besides the drill and a few rare deviations. Plus, it took me a bit of time to farm a good calibration and I didn't have a back up as good.
That would depend if you have an extra of the calibration you want and if you're not level 40 in Phase 1. This strategy is just to get you a head start since there isn't much else worth moving over outside of deviations. I would imagine season 3 I may consider not bringing as there will be more deviations (variants/trades) that I may want to bring. As of now I have no regrets. :)
@@shardofice good point, season 2 will be much harder than season 1 to find a spot late. Just make sure you jump around all 10 worlds to see whats available. Check out my Top 3 locations video to see if theres something you may have missed.
Yeah, I really need to upgrade it. I use some audio leveling stuff in edit so maybe ill readjust that. The issue is it sounds loud in my headphones. Ill have to try listening to it from other sources. I get this feedback often. I have a Yeti somewhere, ill brush it off and see if it's still working. Thanks!
@@millinag3817 100% what you transfer is a personal choice. What items do you think would be a better value? For me having my main weapon with the right calibration which could take a full season to find, maxed out to use at 40 seems well worth it. I don’t really see anything else needed outside of a few deviants and a drill to start. Maybe a calibration? However I am interested in your thoughts.
Farming a second calibration taking a few good calibrations for diff guns and melee, drill chainsaw, and a handful of high level deviations. Gun is level 10 upgraded at like early phase 2 so that's a huge waste to spend that much for a full gun. Take anything else.
@@Steven.Jonathan I'm in Phase 1 right now with my fully geared T5 weapon and its glorious. It is a huge amount so if you want to take like more deviants or something then do that. However, i don't think you'll find anything else as impactful outside of the drill to start. Now im broke, but no regerts :)
I'm one of the only people on my server that have figured out how to build a group lol, I cringe Everytime I see n/a 1-50 1/4 it's sad how many people can't naturally figure it out
Yeah, I see it all the time. They don't explain it well. I think if you click through what you want to do then hit create group it should be smart enough to make the group for that.
What tips do you have? Let's leave them in the comments to help everyone have a great start! Also, I know the video is long but I really wanted to just share my experiences, tips and anything I thought would be helpful for someone transferring for their first time. A lot of these choices are permanent so having a full understanding of the mechanics and getting you on the right server with the right settings and the best start is my #1 priority.. As always, thanks for watching and if you want to see more Once Human content consider subscribing to the channel!
not so sure about the weapons part as they are costly to transfer over. my main concern would be the deviations. specially ones that take a bit to acquire, such as rain man, growshrooms, buzzybee, electric eels, higher level beavers and digby boys, lethal rabbits, then your favorite upper level combat deviations. a quick early farm for food/drinks, wood and ore will help a lot. bonus for higher level H27 if placing base near a loot-able zone.. there are a couple other nice ones to have like nutcrackers and cant remember the name of it but she helps with all other deviants.
of course drills and chainsaws.
if you know what you are doing you can have a topped out weapon within an hour of the map opening in 2nd phase. one loop around blackfell gets your all the acid and other parts and plastics and crystals to max it out.
No point in transfering weapon because farmin its super easy, instead used those 11k to bring calibrations either for you or to sell for stardust or acid or energylink whatever ur lacking of.
First of all some wine or beer to reduce pollution and hydration problem; high request seeds (aloe vera, cucumber, morel, onion) , fertilizes (for seed, yield ad mutated), also refined detoxient( if ur going to a pvp server); also controllers. About the drill and chainshaw, either regular or advanced, no difference besides the usage of more points and slightly more durability, but not really noticeable); and room for deviants only useful ones(rabbit-meat/rebeca/ H37/maybe space turner or harveseed-livin armor) and really high tier ones like 5-5 or 5-4 (like attack ones butterfly/canine/pyro/pollar jelly). for other deviants like eels, bee and growshrooms their are pretty easy to farm at early game
Get some ores they way cheaper than alloys, demolish whole Base and take out your deviants From boxes. I destroy whole set take only calibrations its cheaper. And i have my etherland set as a warhouse and deviated crops farm. Just put growshroom and bee. Never know when you need deviated aloe vera xD
Very important note is that calibrations are ONE TIME use. If you put a best in slot cali on your weapon... you cannot take it off. You disassemble your weapon and the calibration disappears along with it. The only way to get a calibration through disassembly is from DROPPED weapons.
This is actually a super important tip. I made this mistake and put my BiS calibration on my tier 2 gun after transfer and then realized I couldn't get it back.
@wraith8572 I did this too, it was so sad...really should have a system warning here
Server Phase ends in 8 hours or less, this was very helpful for someone who has zero idea what to do. Thanks!
@@xMidnightzzz glad I can help. Just remember there are two timers. Once it ends you’ll have another time before you can join. Follow the checklist and register early. After that I would probably wait til the purification reset to do it again. Not much happening week 1. Great time to clean up before moving.
@@TroyGamingtv We cannot move at all now as our server ended and all PvE servers are at day 11 now. No new PvE servers have opened up for South Asia.
bro just one word, THANKS... Really helps alot as so many of us players would actually be so confused about this whole season reset thing 💖
Glad I could help, Thanks for the feedback!
for thye people looking at the comments its worthh watching 22 mins trust its really worth it
Thanks! Took a lot of pain and lessons learn to make this lol
@@TroyGamingtv 💀
Transfering a weapon is a mistake by itself, you won't be able to use it until lvl 40, and after the lvl 40 you can already craft it on your own on a new server. What matters is these rare legendary calibration blueprints for weapons, esp rapid shot style ones (pistol/awp/rifle). You can sell those bps for tons of energy links, which is an issue at the beginning. Or trade it in any other way, the demand for these bps is over the board. Therefore you'd rather spend 1k per calibration bp to transfer and use the rest of your deposit for high-level deviations and maybe some of the resources such as orange plastic from t5 locations which is a problem in the beginning even at phase two. You can't do anything with your weapon but use it, while calibrations are high demand and tradeable. Besides, looting mystical crates, you will soon upgrade your WEAPON B.P. by stars and your old 1-2 star weapon that you have transferred becomes outdated and you have basically wasted 11k. I would recommend transferring a weapon if only you have it like 4 stars and fully calibrated, not less than that.
All valid points, but if you are a regular on my channel I share how to level up super fast and make a ton of Energy Link fast. I was 40 in the first phase rocking the weapon for awhile and when phase 2 came out I made over 1 million Energy Link on day 1. We just hit Phase 3 and i'm now over 3 million. I personally don't regret brining my weapon but if you have an extra calibration and you're not hitting 40 in Phase one then taking the weapon won't be so critical. Meanwhile I swapped to Pistol and im on week 3 without finding the right calibration :( So, if you have a good one attached to your old gun it may just be worth it.
I was very beginner at first season change, and bro... I did exactly what was not supposed to do, saved all my guns and was not able to use them 😂
What you do is make a lvl 1 version of all your gear then it is cheap to transfer and you can wear it immediately. Also don't transfer anything. Wait until you get to your new server and then see what you really want and need. You can always pull anything from the "bank" once you're there. Need a 100 rusted parts? Well - just get em!
If you are trying to build up energy links, I suggest you sell all the thousands of ingots that are just sitting in your crates. You don't want to waste all of your 20,000 new server cash n ingots, so sell them. 3 stacks of steel ingots is 45,000 energy links. 3 stacks of bronze ingots is 30,000. You can use the energy links to buy starchrom crates right before you transfer.
Good idea if you're short on cash.. Either way youll end up deleting them after the season anyway.
~@4:00 Energy Links don't get deleted (nothing practically does in a way), it gets converted to Astral Sand/Eternal Land currency.
~@4:45 I don't know the exchange rate, but technically you could transfer 40ish tier 3 Cortexes to your rebooted hero/server as well. So you'll hit the ground running. Provided you can set it up so you can do 40 tier 3s in phase 1.
Yes, the EL will convert to Astral sand 1:1 so it's not a total loss, but most people probably will never use it. The exchange rate for T3 cortex I believe are 200 each so that would be 8k.
awesome tips thank you !!! another tip once done with the salt leveling go border of phase 1 on oil fields and stick pumps in the ground and pump oil already for the next phase
That's a great idea!
Thank you so much for all of the great tips and tricks! One thing I will note, that came up after I transferred, is that you do sometimes have to rethink your builds. For example, on the previous server, I ran pistol and sniper (Wildfire, Bingo). On the void/balance server I moved to, pistols and snipers both only counter balance. I had nothing for void, since I was running bullseye on both. I ended up having to go with the unstable bomber Outsider to have a rifle to counter void. Yes, I know my lack of status damage build was the first issue, since it requires I use the cradle, but I thought I would mention this, as someone who moved to a server with a build that was not optimized, ie didn't need cradle perks.
Yes! I'm actually going to be putting together Meta build guides for each Server that focuses on exactly that.. What to use if your server has X/X Super Anomaly. Hopefully have the first one out by the end of the week.
@@TroyGamingtv That's fantastic news, thank you!
Now imagine if everyone expect to get carried. solid advice.
Thanks.. yeah I have a friend or two that expects it :)
As a bonus-tip: Don't just craft the Chainsaw/Drill/Adv.Chainsaw/Adv.Drill, but craft or let a fried craft one, that increases your yield.
I for example crafted some Adv.-Tools with 100% Silver/Gold yield, which was a great boon for Prismverse as I ran out of Energy-Links, but I was lucky enough to get the Silver/Gold Ingot memetic, and I could just sell 8 ingots (48k; 6k each) to every Merchant (50k/week-Limit) and still had enough for the next week. If you got something similar for other ores like Iron, Aluminum or Tungsten, you're set until you get the mining-platform.
Also, not sure if that enhanced Drill helped me with that, but I got A LOT digby boys. Some silver-ores even gave me 2 to catch on that Prismverse-Server.
Good tip!
Love the tip about simplified vs complete. I thought you only get the rewards if you go complete and do them again so I was going to pick that. Now that I know, my life will be easier.
I don't have a the calibration I want on my weapon so I won't stress about bringing it over. Except for the calibration I don't see a reason to bring the weapon, when I'll be 40 I'm sure I will already be able to craft tier 5 and take it to +10. I will bring over the controllers I have left, seems like a good way to spend some of those points.
Yeah, the simplified vs complete isnt really explained well. Lots of people think they will miss out on items. Agree on the weapon too, its all about the calibration, if it's not great than don't bring it.. but it can easily take weeks to find another good one in a scenario. This is hopefully addressed in the dec patch though with increased drop rates.
@@TroyGamingtv Yes, I've been searching for 2 weeks now for the Bingo calibration (fast bolt action or how it's called) with double weakspot. Nothing yet and I'm on a dead server, going to transfer soon so no trades available.
But with transfer in mind I will now always try to get 2 calibrations, 1 for using and 1 waiting for the server transfer.
Your the only one ive heard say pay to have weapon transfer. Every other video i have watched say dont waste the points. But you do make a point.
@@figuresix what else would you buy that’s going to be more impactful than your fully loaded weapon. Now if your weapon isn’t calibrated and level 10 then leave it.. but a great calibration is hard to find.
@@TroyGamingtv Was just saying your the only one. Most everyone else stating blueprints come with ya just build a new one. Not hard to farm mods once your that level when ya pretty much have to wait till your 40 to use it anyways. But I expect if you got a top teir weapon exactually how you want, then why not.
@@figuresix I probably over estimate the player base that has their perfect completed weapon. If you don’t then you could bring more deviants? There’s honestly nothing else to spend it on. Once you have the drill the game is easy mode 😂
thats what i said BS at first, why would you waste 11k pts?
well, we learned that we can get to lvl 40 in 2-3 days. Then we're at phase 2 in a few hrs now.
Considering the amount of 5-5/5-4 deviants I’ll need to bring across and don’t want to lose (15 x 800 = 12,000 pts), a weapon is definitely a waste.
If you were really prepared, you should have farmed/bought a calibration to take with you, not an entire calibrated weapon.
Great tips, great to see your channel growing, good job! I am curious about the new harder server; how much harder are the mobs and territory purification for hard servers? Also, could you do a tutorial on your builds, and how to pass the harder dungeons?
Thanks. Ill be honest, I died more in the normal than the hard, but my hard character has better mods. The two felt similar enough that I would recommend hard over normal for the extra rewards. I haven't done a purification yet, I need to farm cortex's and check the time to see whats possible. Ill definitely be putting out some content around all of that once I'm there as well as some builds (I have like 30k starchrom saved). Appreciate the feedback!
Dint really notice any difference other than eatting more food and balanced mobs. After doing a season and running the same gear early on really makes it easy. Struggled more on normal first time round than i am now.
@@budman8926 I agree, but we are yet to see what these new pro mode dungeons bring :)
Top advices. Tip on weapon though. Don't bring the whole weapon. Bring mods instead. For each part of your build. Armor + wepon. This is way cheaper and you have blueprints to craft for each tier. You can also sprinkle some 2k stardust source on top for ez calibration. Also bring contaminated seed. One of each to swim in acid as early as phase 1
I guess it depends on if you have another calibration for the weapon. Finding those can take weeks. However, overall thats really good advice.
What do you mean bring mods? I thought mods are transferred automatically and you have them available.
@@alex86fire Calibration
@@CostelloDamian ok, that makes sense. Depending on what you need and the server you could even trade for the calibration and not bring it at all. Since you can't use it until lvl 40, you have plenty of time to get everything you need.
@alex86fire I haven't play a game for quite some time now so I don't know if it has changed or not but the point of my advice was to save the transfer points. Instead of getting entire weapon through just buy spare calibration mods before moving into new server and only transfer that. Everything else is easily obtainable and you have too much 💰 at the end anyway.
Beyond the drill and chainsaw I can’t imagine needing much besides a rare deviant or 2.
Yup unless you have an amazing calibration
I find it kind of funny that almost NO content creators for this game seem to know the difference between Deviants and Deviations. Deviants are the "zombies" you encounter early in the game (and later on again), Deviations are your companions.
@@billymays9296 I did know that but still call them deviants 😂 thanks for calling me out lol
@TroyGamingtv didn't mean to call you out, I just wish content creators would make sure they're calling them the right things because now the entire community doesn't know the difference as a result and everyone thinks they're called Deviants
@@billymays9296 I’m just teasing. I think you’re absolutely right and probably the reason I use the word interchangeably. It’s just been what I’m used to hearing everyone call it. I blame the devs for making them too similar 😆
Technically, EL is not deleted. It is converted to astral sand in Eternaland. Might not be useful to some, but it does end up being useful currency for those that do find that part of the game important.
Great tips!
Thanks. You can also use it to buy great calibrations from vending machines before leaving.
For the space/time backpack, are items inside storage containers in your territory automatically placed in the space/time backpack as well?
At 16:15, you blend in "Save 1k to transfer any good ones" I guess you're talking about the weapons? Because it did cost you 11k for your Tier5-Calibrated10 Weapon, and I imagine the price might even increase if the Blueprint-Rank is higher, but maybe not. Unless the 1k was meant for the calibration, then I didn't say anything.
1k is for the calibrations :) The 11k for the weapon is mostly if your blasting ahead and sitting in phase one at 40+ for a long time, or if you have an amazing calibration on your weapon that you need to have.
Definitely simplify don’t wana do side quest anymore
100%, it's so nice to get to a quest you've already done and just have to press "F" for the rewards .
awesome info, thanks!
You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback!
my 20k eternaland currency kinda dwindled down to -- 1 drill (3k) 1 chainsaw (3k) 3 digby bois, 3 eels, 1 beaver, my only 1/1 rebecca (dont judge, i want her walking in my house early), wolf
^ which iirc i got like 7-8k left afterwards. And i pulled some '20x silver ores' for my elec grabbers thinking "yea its just a bit" -- then now i only got 2k pts.
I kinda realized that yea, my fully decked out Valor ? i shouldve taken it.. the calibration (reload + CC/CC maxed) and currently im lvl 40 and ready to equip it in 2 days. Lesson learned
Yeah, it goes super fast and before you know it, its gone.. I try to emphasize saving 11k but I think a lot of people think i'm crazy for spending so much on the weapon.. but honestly, what else is going to give you a bigger impact (besides the drill) than your fully completed weapon at level 40.. I'm using mine in Phase 1 right now and topping the meters, flying through the hard content and have no regrets. Thanks for sharing, I like to hear how everyone decided to spend their currency and if they thought it was worth or not worth in the end. Great info!
@@TroyGamingtv yea, will probably change my build later on but its not too bad to have your T5 early for phase 2
Seeds. Specifically peppercorn (doesn't rot and isn't available early) are cheap AF to bring over and get you ahead on special foods. Morel is another winner especially if you already went through the process of generating Morel seed. Saves more time than a drill.
Forgot aloe. Aloe seeds are hard to get and deviated aloe is used in many top foods.
Great tips! Thanks
NP. Oh shit aloe is another good one. Especially due to the top foods that require deviated aloe.
I'll stay where I am until the Winter Encounter and just grab the weekly cortex for 'chrom cooking until then.
Thanks a lot for the tips 👍I will bookmark this for a reminder when I do transfer. 🤗
You have time to hop in and try a PVP server while you wait. It will for sure be completed before October. Great chance to get some pvp exclusive deviants to take back to the PVE server. PVP and PVE servers are basically the same, except one has wars (which you don't have to participate in) and the other has Prime wars. There's not like actual open world pvp outside of the T4 cortex if you choose to do that.
That's a great tip, I thought it was open world PvP which I would hate but now that you clarified it, I might give that a try at some point.
@@HomeWarrantyClaims yeah the pvpers hated it lol. Not really any pvp. That’s why they are adding a full on pvp server in the future.
Remember, your server will only stay in phase 6 for so long before you get booted to eternaland.
I think it’s wisest to jump into season 2 as soon as you can, then join winter encounter after that, even if you start a couple weeks after it’s released.
You’re losing out on a lot of starchrom and other content such as farming the new shiny deviants, better gear mods, etc. And think of how screwed you’d be if things end up getting delayed.
@@jdfutura 100%, this has been what i'm telling everyone. I'd even go now before the new PVP scenario in September. You'll be behind if you wait.
How did u get all of those bullets and tbi gs i to ur backpack, in order to transfer them over? I'm a noob so it's a bit confusing for me.
To transfer items you go into inventory and click the new inherit button. This will let you move everything over at a cost of astralsand. We get 20k per season to use so make sure to use them wisely.
Im really confused, my friends in season 1 only had the option to sign up to about 6 different servers and couldnt see my server thats in season 2, they have pre-signed up for one on the list, are they able to transfer their character to my server? how can they do this
They may have clicked the (Novice) list instead of the version you're on and thats why they didnt see it. Or your server is older than 14 days, which is the current cut off. They said on Sept 26th they are going to remove the 14 day cut off for "New" players so they can join friends at any age of the server. I'm dealing with the same thing, just had to restart with my friend to play with them.
@@TroyGamingtv I'm on a novice server pve01 server season 2 but they could only see sign ups to a pve-x server and when choosing the sign up server there was only 6 of them which were also different difficulties all pve-x. They tried changing the filters but still couldn't see any other servers in the sign up option. Once they "sign up" to the new season, which they did to the pve-x server but haven't entered yet, can they just enter my server and transfer their character and if so, how ?
thanks for replying dude
also my server is 6 days in and not full and on season 2 but they are season 1
If you have 2 characters on 2 different servers, can you transfer both of them to a new server?
you want to take a calibration not a fully crafted gun as its cheaper
@@dyeshan221 you can do a calibration instead if you have another good one saved but you likely won’t have the mats to bring it to 10 at 40. That’s the main reason I recommend it early. I think, like the drill, it provides the most impact. Outside of a drill and a deviant or 2 what else would you spend it on?
If you registered and waited to long say 8 days you can be removed twi friends jusy hapoend to them they waited 6 days to transfer after signing up and there sign up was revoked some how so when u sign up move dont wait cause u are registered its first come first serve
Just cause u are registered don't mean you are garenteed a spot after day 1 of server being live I've seen streamers have it happen as well
Yes, registering doesn't guarantee a spot if it's Full/Full, but that doesn't happen very often unless its like a day 1 hard mode or new scenario everyone wants to play. If that happens you can just grab another late server or try a friend code.
Does everything in your territory,crates, and ur character get saved? Besides basic materials and such that doesnt carry over? Or do i need to put everything i wna take with me on my character?
Also, do i need to take my best mods off of weapons and armor or anything?
@@nattyboro everything saves automatically. There’s no additional steps you need to take to
If you use a bullseye secondary and the axe for fortress warfare, doesn't that cover both anomalies on the phase/coherence servers?
@@havenspr it could, I’d have to check. I plan on making some meta build videos this week that go over combos for each server type. Still in the research phase 😉
This game's mechanics has so many traps waiting for player ;)
@@plejlista01 yeah, most of us messed up our starchrom early on the wish machine and I wish a lot of choices weren’t so permanent.
guess thats why you can create multiple characters lol
I think if you're paying attention and searching desperately for starchrom, you wouldn't make most of these mistakes. I was staring at the Manibus encounter progress bar and picking up the starchrom the instant it was unlocking, no chance I was going to miss out on the only thing you really need to care about in this game.
@@eksentrysyti my main came from a pvp server so the manibus reward wasn’t something I was used to. All my others I did the late phase power levels to hit 50 and stock up on starchrom
I didn't understand one thing, why take the drill over if its expendable? Like as far as I know you can't repair it once its durability goes off.
As he mentioned, the drill and chainsaw are like cheat codes in the early game. They allow you to gather materials as quickly as possible to build vehicles, structures, and weapons. Plus, these tools are extremely durable, so you don’t have to worry about them breaking. By the time they do, you’ll have progressed far enough in the game to easily create replacements.
Perfectly said @BCRamos!
Bro you just made me sell all my mats in eternalland... I didnt know it was gonna actually come out of my servers char inventory. damn im salty
When you go to sell you'll have two tabs. The one you want to sell from is Eternal land storage. Sorry for the misunderstanding. On the plus side you're now ready to power level your battlepass to 60!
can you equip maxed out transfered weapon in phase 1 if you power level on salt production ?
@@BARBARANIECNA yes. At level 40.
omg, i just check the 7500 starchrome at my second acc, i still not collect it XDD your tips save me. btw, i still at my old server, it is necessary to transfer to new server or just wait for new season reset?
@@AzreePurple that’s preference. I think the best way to maximize gains would be register on a server when you hit phase 6. Then hang out on the current server and complete everything so you don’t miss out on starchrom and rewards. The new server will be limited the first three weeks and they will have catch up mechanics if you get there late to make leveling much easier. So win win.
Do controllers carry over or do I need to burn through them? Wondering if I should just burn them farming weapon calibrations as my build on current server is 100% complete and we are approaching the end (still have 70 controllers)
Burn through them. They won't carry over. You can buy them for cheap but the issue is you won't be hitting Pro (best time to use them) for weeks after. So if you can use them up at the end thats always recommended.
@@TroyGamingtv will do! I appreciate the quick reply and awesome video!
Yes you can carry over the controllers. I've brought my controllers from my last server to current Hard server we playing.
Cant your friends/warband invite you to their server? Escape>Topright profile>Invite code
Yes, initially but if you wait to long even the friend code will be disabled. That's what happen to the first round of Hardmode servers. So now i'm off to make new friends! Bonus, theres a "cross-servers" friend list so I can still keep in touch and coordinate for next season.
Also you say dont wait for the new season, you'll miss starchrom, but the next season is in September? I dont think you can leave a server prematurely... Wont you be locked out of the factions pvp in september if you join an evolutions call now?
@@jaredh923 i've had time to reflect on this question and here is why I say go now. I don't think they will release early Sept, it's likely late. That puts us on like Phase 4-6 with a week or two to wait tops. Although, i think they will release when servers are hitting phase 6. If you wait you'll miss out on 20k + starchrom and be starting at a disadvantage to everyone that didn't wait. They will probably have like full set of 5 star gear. Then if it does come out before, the first week or two isn't a big deal to miss. It's extremely limited and while they are stuck in the starter zone you'll be farming Pro mode mods, which are better on the new servers. So in summary, doing a server now, will give you a much stronger start on the PVP server when it opens.
@@TroyGamingtv Im more afraid of no jaws pistols nerfs than I am about being behind 20-30k starchrom tbh
@@jaredh923 shhh.. i'm going to do a Jaws build this season :)
I wish they give more than 20K...(the transfer cost is very high) I'm now at L44 and I have tons of stuff in Eternaland I'm unable to use it. Do you think this will unlock once we hit the max level?
BTW I brought the drill and a L2 compound bow + doggy deviant
Unfortunately that's the limit for the season. You'll be fine though, everything comes pretty easy. Watch my new video coming out in a few hours that teaches you how to get the best crafting benches.. will cut your farming time in half and you'll have more resources than you know what do with :)
@@TroyGamingtv Ok, thanks. I managed to re-build my Weapons/armor to spec but acid is still a grind.
I just miss the piano playing in the background LOL. Looking forward to the video.
@@OSGamer70 if you do the furniture farm it provides a ton of acid naturally. I try to run mine every 4 hours when they are up. Mostly because I like collections formulas and it’s good mods/cortex’s for purification
@@TroyGamingtv yup, the blackfell furniture/gear crate farming route is my rinse-and-repeat, but I wish it was farmable like oil. Appreciate your videos and feedback.
What happens if you don't transfer to another server can you stay in the one your on
You will eventually be removed from the server after 4 weeks. You'll then need to select a new server to continue.
@TroyGamingtv ok so is this always going to happen and so I'm better off moving sooner then later then I been playing for a few weeks but I haven't reached 50 yet and didn't beat the story I just hate to redo it all every time they do this
Or you can just join a server that's midway through already right?
@@shaolinswords no. They lock after 10 days now.
@@TroyGamingtv Hmm, that's kind of annoying. Because I want to switch servers now. But don't want to be locked there for the next month if the new Pvp scenario opens.
Forgot the starcrom after my last move too. It totally sucks big ass!
Yeah it does. There should be some auto accept or reminder when leaving.
This entire game is based on bad design and terrible descriptions.
11:20 Here you can see how they didn't add any text that explain clearly what each option means.
Is all ".. for those who want to spread their wings"
What the fk does that mean
I agree but we have to remember that it's a foreign game developer and translations and details will be much harder to come by. I think the text under it explains it a little, but their lack of explanation in general is what makes channels like mine valuable :)
In all honesty I
Play mostly solo. So I will wait for winter.?
@@KatsCorner you’ll love that they added a new cradle perk that increases damage and I think healing when solo! It’s incredible for solos. However I wouldn’t wait, you’ll miss out on so much starchrom and upgrade fragments. Plus the new season is a ton of fun on hard with the new deviation variants and super anomalies.
@15:47, you said "save 11 THOUSAND points". but further on @16:30, it's 11 HUNDRED points. which is which?
@@micochopitea sorry, it’s 11000. Thanks for pointing that out. Also, the gun should be worth it, as in good calibration and level 10. If it’s not amazing you can just craft one and save the points for some good calibrations at 1k each or more deviations.
@@TroyGamingtv damn 11k is more than half of the total points haha gonna have to consider that when moving servers then. thanks!
@@TTmicoTT yea but there’s not much else to bring and sometimes getting the right calibration can take weeks of farming. Plus it’s a huge boost at 40. Besides the drill and the deviants what else would you need
I don’t even have any transfer point why?
You should have 20k, you need to go into inventory and then click on inherit
One question, can you transfer from NA to EU?
@@Nataniel0101 no, you have to stay in your region I believe.
So I don’t play in server 46 anymore but I see it’s a month long phase for phase 6. Wouldn’t you want to wait till the last week to move servers? You only have 10 days to move so if I sign up week 1 I’ll be missing out on 2-3 weeks of purification.
@@goldenKeep70 yeah they just changed the rules too. I would sign up then leave after purification reset
IMO transferring guns is a bad move, it's better just to transfers calibration that you need for those weapons for example pistol rapid with 2 cr for deagle, ar rapid/precision, etc. You can easily craft those weapons in new server the calibration is the main issues. It's better just to transfer materials that needed for drills for easy farming, deviant that you can turn into EL after 12 days or use.
The recommendation was mainly for those speed leveling phase 1 so you would have your fully calibrated gun at 40. It's also for those that don't have extra calibrations like myself. I'm on week 4 now into the new season and still haven't found a decent Pistol one. If you're taking your time through the first 2 phases and have extra calibrations then that is much cheaper to bring over as you mentioned. Although, outside of the drill, chainsaw/axe and a few digbys there isn't much else you'll need for a jump start. What recommendations would you suggest for the full 20k?
@TroyGamingtv good point, last season i bring some mats for solar drills and i bring 3 or 4 digbys and bee which im glad i bring it on my server that thing is actually doesn't exist for 3 season, 4 calib for my guns and the rest i waste to bring some acids, there's no good thing to bring just like you said.
do UPGRADED mods can be transferred?
Yes, they come over for free. No transfer required.
@@TroyGamingtv even the upgraded one right?
@@nikkosantos3643 all mods.
where to find digy boy for afk farming... for my next server
@@AbdullahQumper first time you hit Tin ore you will get one automatically
I just got the option to move but most people i played with stop had to make 3 50 to last one am happy with guess its my main but starting over makes no sense for me and content same map feals like the only whant us to keep grinding am pretty sure this is a turn off for many people the 6 v is in my opinion to short
They probably planned to have the new scenarios ready when these ended but had to refocus on bugs/enhancements/etc.. which push them back to Sept/October. I don't think going back into the same map will be the norm after this. However, most people that I know that were concerned are having a blast on the new harder servers. It's a nice chance to do it all again, but with the lessons we've learned.. and theres new mechanics (anomolies), deviant variants, better gear/mods, and harder content.. so it's been feeling pretty good. They also have no wipe servers on the horizon, so that should satisfy the needs of anyone not looking to start over.
@@TroyGamingtv yer who knows mabey i end up their but for now it´s no rush
Why would you bring over your weapons? All people just craft them again and what they bring are the calibrations. Before transfer just max out your weapon star lvl so you can craft them at a higher tier even on lvl 1 2 or 3, and when phase 2 comes out you can put your saved calibs and craft the tier 5. Calibrations only cost 1k points
Bringing the weapon is only recommended if your weapon from last season is already calibrated to 10 with a good calibration on it. The right calibration can take a lot of farming to find and breaking down your old weapon before leaving won't remove the calibration. Once its used it's gone forever.. The next big reason is to use it earlier than you would be able to if you had to wait and farm up all those mats. If you use the tips from my "Top 3 fastest leveling methods video" and get to 40 in Phase 1 early, you'll be able to equip it and destroy all the content easily. That's what i'm doing now. Still in Phase 1 with my maxed out weapon just having a blast with no regrets :) What else would you recommend bringing if it wasn't the weapon?
just a q. if i dont want to trans. my wep. and need the calibration, is it a must to disassemble 1st before moving?
@@TroyGamingtv You basically grind for another calibration or buy it off from other players from your extra ELinks. I don’t know about your server but our server market here is very active in buy and sell. All Blackfell worlds have tons of parked vending machines and world chat tradings. Again YES you cant break down your weapon and get the calibration, but you can RUN all your controllers because it doesn’t make sense to bring over your controllers cuz you can only use them on phase 4 at hard servers not on phase 1 to 3. What we do and all other veteran players i know is grind everything all God Roll MODS on pro silos and lea labs, max out your weapon blueprints and have calibrations ready for the hard servers.
@@buangthisdude7042 no, once the calibration is used you can’t get it back.
This server sign up system is so dumb friends and I had a miscommunication now we are in different servers and stuck without able to move characters LOL
Yeah 1000%, I hate that you can't move sooner. Maybe like a week cool down would be nice.
What about the friend code transfer?
Wasn't that complicated. Agree on what server you want to go to and just sign up as soon as you hit Phase 6. You don't have to migrate immediately, so just sign up early and then wait the couple days if you need to for your cortex purification reset. Signing up is just reserving your spot, you can choose to de-register later as long as you haven't migrated yet.
dont you get more stellar planulas doing the full version? or im delusional.
Delusional :) You get all the rewards in the simplified version without having to redo the entire quest. Essentially you'll see an echo where the quest was that when you consume, will grant you all your original rewards.
@@TroyGamingtv perfect :3 thanks man.
They also stated you can leave a scenerio whenever you want. No point in staying as you can jump in and then leave if and when the scenerio drops you want.
@@JS-wt8vf where did you see that?
In the last dev video when they showed the diagram for season and senerio. I'm not 100 confident that you can leave when you want. They did say mid senerio though. A lot of PVE are going to PVP server hard mode because they don't want to sit in eternal land.
@@Utobe933 thanks, I’ll go back and take another listen. I asked the other content creators and none of them knew. They were under the impression our only way out is final phase too lol
I recall seeing you can leave anytime as well, don't have the source though.
@@casperinmd I listened to it again and all I got was that the PVP season isn't coming out until the "End" of September. So I think a lot of servers will be ending as that becomes available. Nothing about leaving early. Also, PVE is "Mid" October. ruclips.net/video/YjAdXydoAmY/видео.html
I saw this video one day too late. I did all of the wrong things.
I feel your pain, i've made most of these mistakes on my first few characters. Finally got it right on the 3rd one :)
So wait you can bring a weapon but not repair it?? 🤔
Yes and No.. You can bring the weapon but the items to repair aren't available in Phase 1 so youll either need to wait until Phase 2 or get the Deviation with the repair parts to repair. I also heard you may be able to repair in eternaland but I haven't tried it.
Mail doesnt transfer over i made that Mistake
Thanks, I think they mentioned recently that mail needed to be cleared. I didn't notice an issue when i first moved but I've been clearing them just in case.
i am fucked up with this anomaly at me switch server :( i played most sharpned and i got bomber etc.
its not that hard to play but sometimes u cant even kill a boss :D
I felt that the first time I encountered an anomaly that wasn't my build type lol. They murdered me after chasing me across, what felt like the whole server.. I'm going to be putting together meta build guides for each server type soon. Maybe that will give you some ideas of what to try next. I think a lot of us are sitting on a ton of starchrom waiting to see what to do.
hmm 11k points it self could get u a lot of materials, its good for newbie who dont know anything but yeah for me just too many flaws
I found that bringing over materials is a waste, you'll get them easily with the Drill/Chainsaw. I did however bring over small amounts to get a Solar panel up and running with the electric smelter but outside of that theres no materials worth grabbing. The 11k is for those that power level through Phase 1 and want to have their max level weapon at 40 or those without a good calibration to bring over. I'm week 4 on Season 2 without a good calibration for my Pistol yet so taking your gun is the biggest head start you can get.
@@TroyGamingtv but u cant farm phase 2 material, u can make max tier gravel/solar drill/backpack with those mats but yeah your idea is not wrong either
Save a blueprint of your base in wood or you will be material gated by the metics tree.
Theres a drop down when you select the blueprint where you can choose which tier you want to build in. No need to do anything specific when saving.
BREAKDOWN YOUR HOUSE!!! Extra materials you lose when you transfer over
@@AussieWhitePride pretty sure you get all those mats back. However I don’t recommend moving resources over. They are too easy to regain and cost too much.
@@TroyGamingtv true, but acid might be worth the cost
@@AussieWhitePride not if you follow my new guide to hit 50 super fast.. Method 1 will get you tons of acid in Phase 1. Then in phase 2 you can just setup a passive acid farm. ruclips.net/video/NtUe81SgUro/видео.html
@@AussieWhitePride Acid costs way too much to transfer over. Only materials I’d transfer over is maybe some rare seeds and materials for a solar drill if you get the memetics or someone will craft one for you for mats.
man this guy learnt it the hard way, that is so miserable
why would you bring over your weapon :| just recraft it. hard server is so easy anyway not like you need a OP weapon at any point.
Technically you could get by with just a melee weapon, but theres just something nice about having a fully decked out weapon at level 40 in Phase 1. There's not much else to bring over besides the drill and a few rare deviations. Plus, it took me a bit of time to farm a good calibration and I didn't have a back up as good.
taking ur weapon is not smart just take the calibration its way cheaper
That would depend if you have an extra of the calibration you want and if you're not level 40 in Phase 1. This strategy is just to get you a head start since there isn't much else worth moving over outside of deviations. I would imagine season 3 I may consider not bringing as there will be more deviations (variants/trades) that I may want to bring. As of now I have no regrets. :)
I when to register on the only normal server that was available and I was drop into the server that was on week two
@@shardofice that’s the best. I wish I could have skipped week 1. You’re done like 3 hours after you land then it’s just waiting
@@TroyGamingtv yeah but all the good spots were all taken
@@shardofice good point, season 2 will be much harder than season 1 to find a spot late. Just make sure you jump around all 10 worlds to see whats available. Check out my Top 3 locations video to see if theres something you may have missed.
You probably have the lowest mic in existence.
Yeah, I really need to upgrade it. I use some audio leveling stuff in edit so maybe ill readjust that. The issue is it sounds loud in my headphones. Ill have to try listening to it from other sources. I get this feedback often. I have a Yeti somewhere, ill brush it off and see if it's still working. Thanks!
Just get a blue yeti or an SM7B and adjust the audio to the correct DB in post production editing.
Another guys making its OWN recommandations for tranfering, thay's a fucking personnal choice.
Transfering weapon is stupid as fuck.
@@millinag3817 100% what you transfer is a personal choice. What items do you think would be a better value? For me having my main weapon with the right calibration which could take a full season to find, maxed out to use at 40 seems well worth it. I don’t really see anything else needed outside of a few deviants and a drill to start. Maybe a calibration? However I am interested in your thoughts.
Farming a second calibration taking a few good calibrations for diff guns and melee, drill chainsaw, and a handful of high level deviations. Gun is level 10 upgraded at like early phase 2 so that's a huge waste to spend that much for a full gun. Take anything else.
@@Steven.Jonathan I'm in Phase 1 right now with my fully geared T5 weapon and its glorious. It is a huge amount so if you want to take like more deviants or something then do that. However, i don't think you'll find anything else as impactful outside of the drill to start. Now im broke, but no regerts :)
I'm one of the only people on my server that have figured out how to build a group lol, I cringe Everytime I see n/a 1-50 1/4 it's sad how many people can't naturally figure it out
Yeah, I see it all the time. They don't explain it well. I think if you click through what you want to do then hit create group it should be smart enough to make the group for that.