I had one of these back in the 80s and I used it with a spark gap as the input power of my tesla coil. It had some massive arcs. I have since got rid of it, but that was the largest coil I ever built
Nice, that you noticed that. It was supposed to be a half bridge sstc, but I am having some problems with the driver. I will finish it at some point tho.
I had one of these back in the 80s and I used it with a spark gap as the input power of my tesla coil. It had some massive arcs. I have since got rid of it, but that was the largest coil I ever built
that is epic!
I also recently build a large SGTC, but I used MOTs for the psu.
Great vid >:)
Thanks :)
nice tesla coil in the background
Nice, that you noticed that.
It was supposed to be a half bridge sstc, but I am having some problems with the driver. I will finish it at some point tho.