Prince of Persia The Sands of Time STORY ONLY - SUBTITLED

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024
  • I've tried to extract the dialogues and the cutscenes to present the game only as a story. The Prince of Persia game series was my favorite for a very long time and that's also one of the reasons I've decided to replay it and if we're lucky, the series will get the deserved remastered editions. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did! If you have any suggestion on how can I improve this kind of video in the future, please leave a comment with it.
    The second part of the story:
    • Prince of Persia Warri...
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Комментарии • 58

  • @TheLatiosnlatias02
    @TheLatiosnlatias02 Год назад +8

    -- Part 8 --
    Refilling his Dagger at a nearby Sand Cloud, he heard Farah call over.
    "Come on!"
    "It's too far," he replied. "I can't jump it."
    "You can do it!" she urged.
    Well, there was one way to find out.
    Then again...
    "If I fall to my death," he suggested, "will that convince you?"
    "There's no need to get nasty."
    Luckily there was another pillar at the far edge of his balcony and another crack in the wall on Farah's side. Using the pillar to gain the necessary height, he was back over on her side in no time. Still he was unable to get inside where Farah stood.
    "I know where I am," she announced. "This gate leads to the baths. Do you think you could you find your way there?"
    "Of course, finding my way to the baths from here should be easy."
    "Good," was the pert response. "I'll meet you there."
    At which, the Princess disappeared into the palace. The Prince made his way around to where a gigantic collapsed pillar stopped up a gap he might otherwise have used to join her. He dropped down to shimmy along under it.
    The situation struck him as faintly ridiculous.
    "I'll just ask the first Sand Creature I run into: Could you direct me to the baths, please? Well, thank you. 'Don't mention it, I used to be a bath attendant back when I was alive...'"
    He was still indignant at the Princess's manner towards him. He mimicked:
    "'I'll meet you at the baths!' She orders me around as if I were a servant!"
    He reflected on the cause.
    "It's my own fault. With women you need to show them you're in charge right from the start or they'll walk all over you. I've been too indulgent - probably because I felt sorry for her." He made a firm decision, "Well, it stops now! From now on, she'll have to toe the line. That is..." (a sobering thought), "assuming that I can find her."
    He had reached a narrow wall connecting two parts of the Palace of Azad. With the grace of a tightrope walker, he edged cautiously along it, trying not to look down. A narrow ledge on the other side brought him safely to a balcony, where he was grateful to find a small fountain. He took a long drink, and made his way through an open doorway.
    Here was a terrace balcony. A table laid with food and drink stood upon it; the diners had evidently departed in haste. The balcony overlooked a courtyard, somewhat ruined. Large black birds flapped indolently. He had seen enough of these to know that they would not leave of their own accord. Down below he observed a Sand Cloud, and on a low rooftop opposite, a Vision Cloud. That seemed a good place to head.
    By running off the edge of the walkway ahead - his footsteps cracking the crumbling stone as he went - the Prince was able to jump to a series of flag posts. He swung effortlessly from each, swooshing through the air to leap and drop down directly into the Vision Cloud.

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 Год назад +1

      -- Part 9 --
      He was now in an area of neatly kept grass, with nothing to see or do other than go through a stone portal ahead. The end of the short tunnel within had, at first sight, been solidly walled up. Yet light shone through cracks... He took out his sword and struck out with all his might. Several blows later the wall collapsed. Here was plenty of water but not the baths he was looking for. He wondered how Farah was faring.
      "Oh, have you been waiting here all this time? I didn't realise you meant these baths! I went to the other baths clear across the other side of the city. I had a lovely wash and a rub with fragrant oils. Too bad you weren't there..."
      What was he doing, he wondered?
      "Stop talking to yourself!"
      He balanced carefully across a wooden beam to a platform ahead and took stock.
      He was in a huge cavern, lit icy blue with light pouring from high above. Far below was a river and rocky pools, with the sound of plunging waterfalls all around. The platform on which he stood had signs of being used for storage of some provisions or other, and he could see far below another wooden beam. With no better option, he decided to make his way down and see where it led.
      He moved along crumbling ledges, which restricted his passage to a single path. He dropped down where he could and presently saw a number of Scarabs hovering in the waters below. Dropping eventually into the wide river over the cavern's basin, he set about the undead pests with his sword, and very nearly didn't notice that the powerful current was sending him drifting to the rushing edge of a waterfall! He fought his way off to safer ground. With every demon insect despatched, the Prince had for certainty a plentiful supply of water to restore him for the surely perilous journey ahead. He first looked out over the fast flowing waters and spotted a Sand Cloud nearly lost amid the rainbow-haloed sheen of a waterfall close behind the rock on which it stood. After collection, he made his way over on to the wooden beam he'd spotted from above.
      Here now he saw the full extent of the cavern, with its treacherous waterfalls crashing to the icy depths, ledges and beams winding all the way down among them. There was nothing for it but to make a start. He negotiating once again crumbling ledges that forced him on a fixed path, but as before, one way down suited as well as another. Through a series of ledges he dropped to a platform by a waterfall. A running jump across the face of this brought him - a little wetter - to another wooden beam. He started across.
      From the depths of the cavern rose a dozen fluttering bats, possessed by the Sands and intent on his blood! There seemed no choice other than to swipe as best he could as they gathered close about him, and with each successful slash a flurry and scattering of the creatures, which then regrouped to close in once more. Again and again they came, and he slashed with a satisfying spatter of yellow Sand and a screech at each hit. Even on the occasion that he was caught off guard and slipped from the beam, he managed to scramble up and resume as they attacked again. When he had thinned the demonic flock to two or three alone, they scuttled away, yellow eyes blazing. He guessed they would make further attempts at his flesh, and made greater haste.
      Sure enough, as the Prince dropped down to a smaller waterfall, the possessed creatures returned, still intent on nipping at his body, perhaps sending him plunging to his doom in the process. He stood his ground and slashed in a timely manner, reducing their number such that they retired defeated a second time.
      Over a series of beams and with a few running leaps, the Prince made it to the sanctuary of another Vision Cloud, which by now he was eager to use to find the way in difficult situations. He saw that he should prepare for more beam walking and running over collapsing wooden platforms, clinging to and jumping from fragile icicles along the way. There was, too, a further Vision of Farah, this time more troubling: the Dagger and great pain somehow between them.

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 Год назад +1

      -- Part 10 --
      As he came out of his Vision-induced trance state, the Prince heard a distant voice, tender and familiar.
      "Don't leave me... My love, please don't leave me."
      He awoke with a start to find his head cradled in Farah's arms.
      "What did you call me?" he asked.
      Farah gave an impatient snort and stood up sharply.
      "It doesn't matter," she said. "The important thing is, I know how we can reach the Tower of Dawn."
      "Of course, the Hourglass. All right," he relented, "but this time stay with me and pay attention. Can't spend all day chasing after you."
      According to the Vision before last, after battle around the baths he had seen himself moving some kind of statue, for what purpose he could not tell. Here now was just such a statue, and perhaps he would find out. Entirely unexpectedly, a crack was revealed.
      Well?" he asked. "What are you waiting for?"
      "I'm afraid," she replied coyly. "What if I get into trouble and you have to come chasing after me?"
      "Please," he said candidly.
      "Do you mean to say you actually need my help?" she responded.
      He seemed reluctant to admit it. "Yes."
      "Oh well," she said brightly, "in that case..."
      The Princess slid into the small gap and squeezed out the other side. The Prince watched as she scampered to a hanging lever.
      "The gate is open!" she called.
      As he exited the now open gate, the Prince mimicked her under his breath. "I'm afraid... What if I get into trouble?"
      He was in a small yard, and here was a capstan. It opened a gate nearby. It was evidently easier to leave the Harem than gain entrance.
      "Over here!" called Farah. The Prince ran to the now open gate.
      "There you are," said the Princess playfully. "Are you sure I'm not slowing you down?"
      The Prince wasn't playing. "All right, all right."
      He stood for a moment considering her. Had he heard her correctly before?
      "What?" she asked irritably. "Please don't look at me like that."
      "Like what?" he replied innocently. Well, perhaps he had imagined it.
      He shook himself together and headed along the corridor. Around the corner was a curious device that reflected light from the ceiling back along the corridor. It gave off a resonant harmonic hum, but served no obvious purpose. Of more concern was the movement that could be seen in the room beyond.
      "The Hall of Learning," said the Princess solemnly. It was a vast space, lined with bookshelves. And filled with Red and Blue Guards.
      "We must have come out the wrong side of the baths," she continued. "We'll need to go back through the Royal Palace."
      "All right then," he agreed. "Let's find a way out."
      Farah shot an arrow into the room. Battle was joined.
      The Prince made the most of the space in the Hall, circling around the Blues and using his Vault Attack on the Reds. He kept one eye on Farah but she showed she could cope if they did not press too close. He need only break off combat for a second to freeze any that caused her to gasp for help. He spread his own strikes among two or three at once, and in this manner kept all at bay.
      He did not have to stray far from a fountain against the base of a plinth at the centre of the Hall. From here he had room to move among the study tables that could usefully block creatures moving towards him. In the intervals between massed assaults, he topped up his health with a quick drink from the fountain. The attacks seemed relentless; no sooner had he cleared them away than they came again. He lost count of how many he had slain but their thirst for his blood was undiminished.
      "Where are they coming from?" cried Farah desperately.
      That he could not answer, but the Prince did not rest until he had sent every last one to a place they belonged.

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 Год назад +1

      The Prince explored the room thoroughly. There were two gates marked with switch symbols. A large one with an orange symbol he assumed was their exit, the other with a yellow symbol appeared to be an anteroom containing the relevant switch. Therefore he would need to find and activate a yellow switch first. There was something else in there too.
      "Look." exclaimed Farah, "a sword."
      "It would have to be quite a sword to be worth trading in this one," the Prince remarked.
      As he peered closely into the ante room, he tried to make out a curious symbol set into its floor. He had seen that somewhere before.
      He scaled the large plinth to take stock of the Hall. The Sands of Time had swept through here. There were broken pillars and books lay scattered with odd pages blowing lazily and drifting in the air. He could see balconies and ledges higher up, but he could not climb on any of the bookcases, and it was not possible to jump to any higher point from the plinth, though the top of a nearby arch looked promising, yet just out of reach. There had to be a way to get up there. He jumped down.
      "That's an odd symbol on that pillar," remarked Farah. "I wonder what it means?"
      The Prince recalled the Vision in the Harem, and knew that his task involved directing beams of light in this very room, to what end he could not guess. He made his way to the curious device they passed on the way in. This proved to be a mirror on a pedestal, and had a handle very like the ones on the capstans he'd been turning. He pointed the beam of light into the Hall, then went to see where it shone.
      The beam focused on another pedestal mirror, but this directed it nowhere useful. The Prince observed that this pedestal had handles. Keeping the beam focused on the mirror, he slid the pedestal away from the wall.
      "There's a crack," noted Farah. "I'll go!"
      She slipped easily through and left him with his thoughts.
      "She said 'My love' - I know she did! I didn't dream it; at least I think I didn't. It's quite natural really. Her kingdom's conquered, she has nothing, no-one to protect her... She needs me, I can see it in the way she looks at me. All I'd have to do is reach out and take her hand, and she'd be mine! ...Why am I talking to myself?"
      "I'm up here!" the object of his fascination called from the balcony overhead.
      Back to the matter in hand. The Prince saw that the beam of light deflected at an angle, into the bay next to it. Here was another mirror pedestal. The Prince dragged this so that the light beam struck onto it, then noticed a darker area upon the floor, about the size of the pedestal base, which seemed likely to be its accustomed spot. He moved the pedestal over it and fancied the humming noise increased.
      The light beam now shone all the way back towards the door where they entered. He ran back to see. In this corner stood another mirror pedestal, and again there was a dark spot on the floor where it seemed most obviously to go. As he dragged the mirror over it, the beam struck out once more, and again there was the resonant sound. Yet now there was a problem - the beam crossed over itself and then struck a wall, with no pedestal to deflect it anywhere!
      The Prince examined the spot where the light struck the wall. It showed every sign of crumbling. A few blows of his sword and he was through. Here now was another pedestal, and another dark spot on the floor where it seemed to belong. As he heaved the pedestal over it, the light shone directly onto the symbol Farah had noticed mounted on the side of the central plinth. As the beam of light struck it, the symbol lit up with a golden glow.
      The Princess cried out from her balcony, "You did it!"
      From the top of the plinth a column ground out and extended upwards. An iris focused in the domed roof and a thin beam of light struck down, its purpose as yet unknown. This action had an unexpected benefit, for now in the raising of the pillar from the plinth could be seen a way of jumping up to the higher ledges. The Prince wasted no time in climbing up on the plinth again, and this time he was able to climb on the taller pillar, and from there leap over to the arch. A quick balanced walk and he could leap to a platform directly over the locked gate.
      From here he ran to one side and found a small platform on top of a pillar, with a ledge leading from it, at the end of which he leapt back and off two flag poles, easily flipping off them to land on a balcony lined with books on shelves. Farah called across.
      "There's something odd about this bookcase."
      She jumped upwards to a hanging lever, and the odd bookcase slid open, revealing a symbol set into the wall.
      "Look!" she exclaimed. "It's the same symbol that was on the pillar."
      "Stay there!" he told her. "I'll come to you."
      But how? The Prince looked around his balcony. Here was another mirror pedestal, this with a handle. He turned it hopefully.
      "It's no use moving the mirror," insisted the Princess, "there's no light beam."
      The Prince seemed irritated. "I can see that."

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 Год назад +1

      -- Part 11 --
      He moved it back. It was no use climbing the ladders either; he had no time to read any of the books. On the pillar at the middle of the balcony was a wall switch. He activated it, and a bookcase slid out into the room. This was much too tall to reach onto, even from the ladder beside it. As he examined the possibilities, the bookcase slid back in. Evidently on a timer. The only chance was to use the protruding pillar alongside it as a chimney to jump up to the top. Had he seen that in one of the Visions? Sometimes they were unclear.
      He activated the switch again, then tried to keep a clear head to run up the pillar and start his rebound jumps, back and forth against the extended bookcase to the top. He gathered himself there, knowing he had just seconds in this elevated position before the bookcase would retract, sending him plunging back down. He quickly spotted another flat pillar top further along, and ran as fast as he could along the wall towards it. Even as he heard the bookcase slide back behind him, he managed to grab onto the pillar and pull himself on top.
      Now he saw a ladder hanging from a small platform above. They never made these ladders long enough. He ran out along the wall once again and leapt out towards the ladder and clung on. Moving himself around so that he could climb up, the Prince heard a familiar but unwelcome slow, regular, snapping sound. Sure enough, as he climbed up, there was a pair of rasping metallic blades waiting to greet him on the platform.
      The scissor blades were just out of his way as he bent to collect a Sand Cloud in the corner of this platform, and they did not prevent him running up the wall there, off which he sprang back to grab a beam up above. He balanced along this and even as a section crumbled away, leapt over to another. He and Farah were not alone in the Hall it seemed, for now a fluttering horde of bats attacked. A few patient slashes did the trick once more, and he dropped down to another wooden platform.
      From this new platform he looked across two pairs of scything saw blades to a third platform, where stood what seemed to be a glowing lamp. He timed his run past the blades to inspect it. The object showed similarity with the mirror pedestals but he was unable to move it. His best guess was that it was a lens of some kind. About to return, he noticed that the far wall appeared to be crumbling. A moment's work brought its familiar, though mysterious reward. By now he did not question the process, but was grateful for the restorative power it gave him.
      Back on the middle platform, the Prince balance walked out on a masonry beam. Though it collapsed across the middle he was able to jump to reach the central platform. Here was another rotating pedestal. A light beam entered from the centre of a dome high above, straight down to the pedestal, where it deflected uselessly against a wall.
      "Where is that glow coming from?" he wondered.
      More importantly, where could it be directed? Looking carefully around the room, the Prince spotted what appeared to be a mirror pedestal in one corner. Guessing that this should play some part in the purpose of this beam's power, he rotated the pedestal so that the light beam shone to that side. Now to work his way over there.
      Another narrow masonry beam led out from the side of the central platform. As he edged along it, one branch crumbled to the floor. Careful! He turned onto the remaining branch and from there jumped over to the safety of a recessed platform. Above his head was a set of wall bars. He jumped and grabbed the lower one and easily rebounded off the wall to catch the one above, from where he swung to a higher beam. As he slapped against it, one end broke off, crumbling and falling to the floor of the Hall, now very far below.
      With care, the Prince balanced out to the end of that beam and jumped forward to another. Again, part of it crumbled at the impact of the jump, but the rest stayed firm. As he slid along it towards the safety of a platform, the bats returned, thirsty as ever! He slashed as best he could, and as before, when their number was sufficiently reduced they retired to lick their wounds. The Prince dropped down to a wooden platform.
      Here were two more pedestals, already approximately in position. He adjusted the first to catch the beam of light.
      "Listen to this," came Farah's voice. "'Of what use is reason against the power of love? Love is life; so if you want to live, die in love. Die in love if you want to stay alive.'"
      "What's that supposed to mean?" he said mockingly.
      "I thought you'd like it," she snapped back.
      "If you want to be useful," he replied, "try finding a book that'll tell us how to get out of here."
      "This isn't that kind of game."
      "Game?" he thought to himself. "She thinks this is a game..."
      He moved the second pedestal to its mark on the floor and once again adjusted slightly to direct the beam of light.
      "Try to hit the symbol on the wall!" Farah explained.
      "What do you think I'm trying to do?" he returned. Women!
      He hit the right spot and looked across the room, where the light was being angled downwards through the lens he had examined. Directly underneath was the revolving pedestal he had tried earlier, now with the necessary beam of light, ready to be directed to the symbol on the opposite wall. The Prince eagerly ran out along the wall to drop and traverse some ledges, finally dropping down beside the mirror. He turned the pedestal to shine the beam of light on the symbol where Farah waited. At this, stone platforms slid out from the wall between them.
      "Stay there!" he repeated. "I'll come to you."
      He hopped over the balcony rail and jumped backwards to the first platform, then on to the second and across to the last.
      "Be careful!" Farah called.
      He joined her on the balcony.
      "Now what?" she asked.
      What indeed. There was nothing to do that she couldn't already have done on that balcony - except that he heard the faint ringing that signified the close presence of a Sand Cloud. He hopped down off the far side of the balcony to retrieve it.
      "There was one more symbol, do you remember?" Farah suggested. "It was in the main Hall."
      That was right, behind the closed gate. But how to open it? Looking around, the Prince spotted a rope suspended from the ceiling. He leapt back to the last platform to jump out and grab it.
      "Fine, take all the time you need," said Farah pointedly. "I'll read a book."
      Building momentum, he leapt for another rope hanging alongside. From this, another leap flung him against some crumbling ledges on the far wall. Losing no time, but showing probably unjustified faith in the solidity of the ledges he was now negotiating, the Prince made his way around a pillar to where he could jump back and grab a suspended ladder. Scaling this, he emerged through a hatch onto a wooden platform, where a glance revealed a crumbling wall...
      In a small room beyond was another mirror pedestal. Checking outside on the platform, the Prince noticed a darker area upon the wooden floorboards, identical to the ones he had already found. There was no doubt that this pedestal belonged there. He returned inside, and was about to drag the mirror out when he noticed another crumbling wall beyond it. Sure enough, as he broke this down he uncovered a hanging lever. It didn't escape him that there appeared to be yet another crumbling wall in this room as well.
      The last room contained a lens, which he had already seen was the method for redirecting the beam of light downwards. Things were taking shape. He operated the hanging lever and was gratified to hear stone ledges rumble from the wall just outside. Now he could get across to where the first mirror pedestal was and redirect the beam of light. On his way out, he hauled the secret mirror pedestal to its proper place.
      The stone ledges made a platform he could cross to where the light beam struck the first mirror. He needed now to direct it back to the new pedestal, and a simple way seemed to be to rearrange the two here that had already done their job. He moved the first one out of the way against the back wall and dragged the second one to replace it. The humming increased as the light struck this mirror and he guided it so that the beam just caught the secret one. In this way the light now entered from the ceiling, deflected off two mirrors and struck the lens hidden inside. This directed the beam of light to the floor below, and the light was enough to activate the final symbol.
      "You opened the gate!" declared Farah with undoubted respect.
      The Prince could hardly contain anticipation as he followed the course of the beam through to the final chamber with the illuminated lens. He clambered over the ledge here and dropped swiftly down the ledges on the outside.
      "Be careful!" cried Farah.
      Finally he dropped down to the now open chamber. Here the light beam shone brilliantly on the last of the three symbols, thereby opening this gate. On the back wall under the orange symbol was a pull switch, which surely opened the main door from the Hall of Learning. As he approached, the Prince claimed from a carved plinth the magnificent sculpted sword Farah had spotted. He tested its balance, felt its power, and sheathed it in triumph. Quite a sword indeed. With renewed confidence, he activated the pull switch.
      "Come on!" urged the Princess from the Hall.

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 Год назад +1

      -- Part 12 --
      As fast as he could, the Prince made for the main door. A familiar and unloved mechanical ticking told him there would be only seconds to reach it before it closed, and he dived underneath just in time. The pair caught their breath on the other side as the heavy door dropped firmly shut behind them.
      They ran down steps along a tiled corridor, suspended lamps swaying high overhead. At the foot of more steps at the end could be seen a room patrolled by Red and Blue Guards. The Prince made his way cautiously forward.
      From the doorway he caught a glimpse of the room beyond. Strange glowing orbs hung from the ceiling very high above, where a platform held the key to opening a door down near where he stood, on a platform in the middle of the room. It seemed a long way up and, should he fall from this platform, a very long way down. Closing on him now were the angry Sand Creatures.
      Standing aside from the door to leave Farah a clear shot with her Bow, the Prince struck out at his nearest attacker. Space on the platform was limited, and he realised that a careless leap could too easily send him over the edge, so he stayed close to the entrance, knowing that the possessed creatures would not leave through it, in order that he might have a moment's respite should he need it.
      The Power of Restraint the Dagger gave him proved most useful here, and he reserved it for any Blue that he could not vault past when he became otherwise cornered. Methodically he dealt with each one and with Farah's help managed to prevail.
      They headed out onto the platform, and to a walkway leading off it. There did not seem to be a fountain or water of any kind, although after his exertions against the Guards the Prince felt he could sorely use one. He considered the platform they were on.
      "There should be a way to make this thing go up," he said to Farah. "See if you can find a switch."
      "What makes you think--?" she replied indignantly. "Never mind..."
      She ran ahead down the other side of the platform. As the Prince made his way to the Vision Cloud over there, she slipped through a crack. Shortly afterward the Princess called out.
      "I found one!" she said. "Shall I pull it?"
      "Not yet!" he called back. "Wait till I'm on the platform."

  • @samueljuniorgamer
    @samueljuniorgamer 3 месяца назад +5

    Eu amo essa franquia, marcou muito a minha infância. Obrigado pelo vídeo!

  • @sangeetakolase2139
    @sangeetakolase2139 Год назад +7

    Hey, thanks for this man ❤

  • @NaregPapazian
    @NaregPapazian 9 месяцев назад +4

    thank you for posting this!
    so many memories!!
    may I ask the Kakolokia reference?? I have forgotten

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  9 месяцев назад

      If you refer to the moment at the end when he tells her that word to make her believe him, it is mentioned in the story at 30:47 when she tells him that her mother told her when she was young that if she speaks that magic word, a door will open.

  • @theelusiveman9706
    @theelusiveman9706 Месяц назад +1

    Such an amazing story, from start to finish.

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  5 дней назад +1

      Nowadays they don't make games like this anymore sadly...

    • @theelusiveman9706
      @theelusiveman9706 5 дней назад

      @@battlegroundofgaming I agree, but I actually really enjoyed the new one.

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  5 дней назад

      @@theelusiveman9706 Haven't played Lost Crown yet. Maybe sometime I'll do. I hope it stands at least near the quality of the old PoP games

  • @Matt_bechillin
    @Matt_bechillin 9 месяцев назад +2

    This game doesn’t get enough credit for being wayyyyy ahead of its time. This was 2003. First God of war, 2005, first assassins creed 2007.
    Stop trash talking Bethesda

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  9 месяцев назад +1

      I think the same and maybe, besides the great story, this is one of the things that made me fall in love with this game. I hope I'll recover soon and get back to making videos, so I can get to Assassin's Creed also. Thank you for your time! 🙏

    • @Matt_bechillin
      @Matt_bechillin 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@battlegroundofgaming I hope you recover to full health and get back to what you wish to do 💙

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  8 месяцев назад

      @@Matt_bechillin Thank you very much for the good thoughts! Feeling better already and I think I'm on the right track. Gonna come back with more videos soon I hope!

  • @superzaiyan2117
    @superzaiyan2117 10 месяцев назад +7

    How did he get medallion in warrior within?🤔

    • @Luckas9
      @Luckas9 9 месяцев назад +1

      Farah give to him later

    • @wronowaty69
      @wronowaty69 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@Luckas9 When he made great rewind he had amulet and dagger of time when time was restarted

    • @Luckas9
      @Luckas9 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@wronowaty69 I thought so too, but no. In the cutscene when Prince goes to see Farah dead he puts the medallion next to her

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  9 месяцев назад +2

      I think they missed that detail really, as I don't remember to be shown anywhere. But, from my deduction, when he returns the dagger to Farah, I think she gifts him her medallion as a sign of gratitude later on. Even if it is not shown, from The Sands of Time to Warrior Within, there are some good years between in the storyline, in maybe they have met again and that's when she gave him the medallion.

    • @devonsmith8542
      @devonsmith8542 8 месяцев назад +2

      This Is not mortal kombat I hear saying now finish him

  • @mukundkaul1037
    @mukundkaul1037 3 месяца назад +2

    Awesome music

  • @maryjanecadorna8360
    @maryjanecadorna8360 3 месяца назад +1


  • @pardeepsingh-rz9kx
    @pardeepsingh-rz9kx 3 месяца назад +1

    ah classic

  • @eduardmanecuta5350
    @eduardmanecuta5350 2 месяца назад +1

    What's the name of the prince?

    • @kidarachnid6262
      @kidarachnid6262 Месяц назад +1

      He doesn't have one. He's just called the Prince throughout the series it wasn't until the lost crown when ubisoft gave the main character a name

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  5 дней назад +1

      You got the answer. He is right. I think it is done on purpose so anyone could impersonate the prince.

    • @eduardmanecuta5350
      @eduardmanecuta5350 5 дней назад

      @@battlegroundofgaming If I'm not wrong they later gave the Prince a name. Either in thr movie (which I don't think it's cannon). Or in the last game they made. Or both.

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  5 дней назад +1

      @@eduardmanecuta5350 Yes. The Prince's name in the movie is Dastan and in the Lost Crown game he also has a name, but that's all.

  • @杰哥-u3n
    @杰哥-u3n 3 месяца назад +1

    現在我的電腦沒辦法玩這個遊戲了 已經不支援了😢

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  2 месяца назад

      If you get it from the official ubisoft store it should work! For me, and with the right settings made, it works!

    • @杰哥-u3n
      @杰哥-u3n 2 месяца назад +1

      @@battlegroundofgaming can you teach me ?

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  2 месяца назад

      @@杰哥-u3n Of course, my friend!
      1. Go to their official site:
      2. On the right top corner of the page click on "Download Ubisoft Connect"
      3. After you download their app and make an account, you can enjoy free games when they are offered, or wait until you get great discounts for games you like
      All the games you buy will be forever binded to your account so if you don't lose your account, you will always keep your games, no matter if you change the computer. Have fun!
      You can do this with other game producers like Epic Games, EA Games, Blizzard etc. Download their apps and get great games :D

    • @杰哥-u3n
      @杰哥-u3n 2 месяца назад +1

      @@battlegroundofgaming Mine is a CD version. Is there any way to do this?

    • @battlegroundofgaming
      @battlegroundofgaming  2 месяца назад

      @@杰哥-u3n Yes! After you follow all the steps I told you, open the Ubisoft Connect desktop app, login and click on your profile, then click on "Key activation". Enter your CD key from your CD case there and it should bind the game to your account forever, allowing you to download the updated version of the game from their store. Have fun! 😁