Me ntxhais aw ua kom tau phob thiab meb tus hneev taw nawb mog rau siab hu rau peb mloog os mog muaj peev xwm tiag tiag thov qhuas koj os mog hu tau tu siab heev li os lov hlub koj os lov me ntxhais kaj siab aw 😍😘
Muaj niam thiab txiv txhawb me ntxhais Kaj siab ces thiaj li muaj peev cem li no. Kaj siab hu Tau zoo kawg li. Kheej hu nkauj ib yam li nws niam thiab txiv.
Kaj siab Yog ib tug me ntxhais ua muaj peev Xwm tshaj plaws! Tswv huas thiab nkauj sees nkawv Yog uv khub niam txiv zoo txhawb qhia me ntxhais heev kom muaj peev xwm. Tiam 21 no, yuav tau muaj peev xwm li kaj siab nawb!
Tseem me me hu tau zoo kawg li lawm os, tiam sis hu nkauj mas yuav tau piav yuj yeev tig luj lees mus ruam ped ruam nrad mas yuav lom zem zoo saib dua ov.
Hnov zaj nkauj no ces nco txog thaum neb niam qhuav coj me ntxhais los nrog neb nyob es zaj no yog nws thawj nkauj peb tau hnov. Nws los muaj hmoo, neb los muaj hmoo thiaj tau los ua ib tsev neeg. Pom nws muaj peev xwm thiab neb txhawb txhawb thiab qhuas qhuas kom ntxiv nws lub zog xwb ces peb nrog nej zoo siab tsis txawj tag lawm os.
Nrog neb zoo siab heev li os, uas neb tus me ntxhais muaj peev xwm,thiab tshaj lij tshaj plaws li nawb.....thov kom tom ntej no tau los ua peb ib tug me ntxhais hu nkauj, rau peb mloog nawb....peb yeej raws neb txhua hnub thiab os....👏👏💞💞
It does seem like she have a closer relationship with her father, Lor because he praises her a lot. He does seem like a very loving & understanding father too.
Good job mi nxthais Kab Siab. Tij laus Lauj Aw, koj yog ib leeg txiv zoo tshaj plawv li os. I can see the love you have for your daughters. I will pray that god bless you with many sons and daughters in the near future.
Mob Siab txhawb nqa ces tsi tshaj neb lawm xwb os yog neb tsi Hlub ces neb yeej tsi txhawb nqa thaum me mus txog rau thaum loj li Os peb cov niam cov txiv yug peb kiag twb tsi txhawb nqa peb li neb txhawb Kaj Siab os 😢
Kajsiab muaj txoj hmoov zoo heev uas tau nkaujsee thiab tswvhuas ua niam thiab txiv. Qhov tseem ceeb ces yog tau nkaujsee ua tus ib tug pojniam siab loj heev es thiaj coj tau tej me nyuam no coj los hlub kom muaj lub zoo neej li tej chaws.
Sheng is annoying but Kaj Siab and Lor can bond. Kaj Siab is lucky. Not only that he is her real niece adopted to her daughter so we know no matter what yog nws tsim txaj thiab zoo Lor yeej hlub nws.
I don’t know why many people say Sheng don’t like Ka siab. I watch them often so am I missing something or I just see the bigger picture and not pick everything sheng does?
@@bubbleZone24 .. I agree with you.. a mother's love is a little more tough than the father's love.. because a mother teaches and want her daughter to be the best she can be and as a daughter in the future you'll know how to set and live your life goals.. when someone talks bad about your daughter the mother tents will hurt more than the father.. when I was younger my own mother was tough too and I will pick my dad over my mom.. but now that I have my own life and older I thank God everyday for my mom and all her tough love/teaching cause right now I'm labeled as a good nyab in my husband's family side and that make my parents proud.. so Sheng is not annoying nor hates kajsiab she wants her daughter to be the best she can be and have a good life.. the people who thinks sheng is a bad mother probably never set life goals for their kids and their kids will always need them do everything for them even when their kids are all grown ass adults..
❤❤❤good job
❤❤❤ 9:15
Keej tshaj li o kaj siab,thov qhuas koj zoo heev ....
Hu zoo heev li os
hu tau zoo heev
Me ntxhais aw ua kom tau phob thiab meb tus hneev taw nawb mog rau siab hu rau peb mloog os mog muaj peev xwm tiag tiag thov qhuas koj os mog hu tau tu siab heev li os lov hlub koj os lov me ntxhais kaj siab aw 😍😘
Zoo thiab keej tshaj li os me ntxhais kajsiab niam thiab koj txiv nkawj hlub koj kawg thov kom koj keej2 mus lawm yam tom ntej os mog
Zoo heev li os me ntxhais kajsiab aw..., muaj peev xwm kawg li lawm os. Muaj zoo ib leej txiv qhia thiaj mus tau zoo.
Hu tau zoo kawg thiab muaj peev xwm tshaj li os
Rau siab tshawb nws kom nws hu nkauj nrov kiag nawb.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Good job, Kajsiab
Me ntxhais kaj siab hu tau zoo heev li os
Keej hv li o
Me ntxhais kaj siab koj muaj peev xwm tshaj li os vim koj txiv hlub 2 koj heev nws txhawb 2 nqa koj heev kav tsij rau 2 siab hu ntxiv lawm tom ntej nawb mog💐🎈
Muaj pheej xwm kawg li me ntxhais.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹muaj cov Paj no rau koj os, yog nyob ze mas tseem yuav muaj Paj kom Ntau rau thiab nawb mog.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
very good kai siab
Nrog nej mus ncig saib kev lom zem kawg lios ❤❤❤😊😊
Lauj thoj hlub kab siab heev os❤❤❤.anh thương như con đẻ, làm tấm gương tốt mọi người nói theo🎉🎉🎉
Keej tshaj li os me ntxhais aw
me ntxhais kaj siab koj hu nkauj tau zoo kawg nkaus li os
zoo heev sib pab os
Lor koj yog ib tus zoo leej txiv rau me ntxhais kaj siab kawg nkaus. Zoo siab kawg me ntxhais tau ib leej txiv siab zoo2
Good kawg li os
Rau siab xyaum tiag ntxiv kom txawj yoog suab kom kho siab tshaj no ntxiv nawb
Thov qhua me ntxhais kajsiab os. Nws muaj peev xwm heev li. Hus tau zoo thiab tu siab heev li. Peb sawv daws hlub koj os me ntxhais.
Tij lauj, tso Kaj siab zaj nkauj rau RUclips peb hu thiab os.
Lor, koj yog ib leej txiv zoo thiab hlub me nyuam kawg li os. Thov qhuas koj nawj.
Muaj peev xwm kawg rau rau siab hu nkauj os
Mi ntxhais Kaj Siab aw koj Muaj peev xwm kawg li Thov qhuas koj. Rau2 siab lwm hnub koj yuav yog Mus Thoj thib 2
Hu tau zoo heev li os kaj siab
Hu tau zoo kawg me ntxhais kajsiab! Xyaum hu kom koj keej2 li koj niam thiab koj txiv nkawv nawb.
Kaj siab aw cas koj hu tau zaj nkauj tu siab ua luaj lis os kuv twb tsis muaj txiv lawm thiab mloog koj txoj nkauj no ces tu2..siab kawg lis os
Hu nkuaj zoo hv os
Super STAR KS muaj peev xwm tshaj li os muaj peev xwb ib yam li nws txiv nkawv ntag. ❤❤❤
Hu tau zoo kawg lawm👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Muaj niam thiab txiv txhawb me ntxhais Kaj siab ces thiaj li muaj peev cem li no. Kaj siab hu Tau zoo kawg li. Kheej hu nkauj ib yam li nws niam thiab txiv.
Kaj siab Yog ib tug me ntxhais ua muaj peev Xwm tshaj plaws!
Tswv huas thiab nkauj sees nkawv Yog uv khub niam txiv zoo txhawb qhia me ntxhais heev kom muaj peev xwm. Tiam 21 no, yuav tau muaj peev xwm li kaj siab nawb!
Kajsiab muaj peev xwm los yog vim meb thiab nav loob aib lauj thoj txhawb2. Yuav tsum ua kom nrov2 npe li koj txiv lauj thoj nawb
Me ntxhais kaj siab aw kj ma zoo nkauj thiab hu nkauj tau kho siab tshaj li os....zoo siab kj txiv thiab kj niam hlub kj tshaj li os mi ntxhais
eb kuv rov los saib tej qub no ua rau kuv los2 kua muag hlub2 neb ob niam txiv li os see aw
Me ntxhais hu tau zoo heev le os tij
Good job me Kaj Siab! Hu tau zoo heev li os.
Kuv zoo siab thiab Lor hlub hlub nws kawg. Kaj siab koj hu nkauj zoo zoo kawng. I'm very proud. Ua tsaug os
Nrog kj zoo siab heev li os me ntxhais kaj siab awll ❤❤❤❤❤👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍
Me kaj siab aw cas yuav hu nkauj kho kho siab ua luaj li na peb cov ntsuag2 nos no mloog ces kua muag los los li os
Tseem me me hu tau zoo kawg li lawm os, tiam sis hu nkauj mas yuav tau piav yuj yeev tig luj lees mus ruam ped ruam nrad mas yuav lom zem zoo saib dua ov.
Me ntxhais kaj siab koj mas yim loj yim zoo nkauj Xwb os
Good job! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 zoo tiag222222222 li os me ntxhais aw.
Me ntxhais Kaj Siab kav tsij hu nkauj kom ntau2 rau peb mloog nawb, peb xav2 mloog koj hu nkauj thiab pom koj lub me ntsej muag luag ntxhi os 💕💕💖💖
Nyob zoo os tij lau mej puag tau noj tseb os lov
Love u kaj siab!!!❤❤❤❤👍👍👍😊😊😊
Tswv huas yog ib leej txiv zoo tshaj plaws li rau tej me nyuam
Haib kawg kwv lauj
Me tshais nkeej tshaj plaws lis
Hnov zaj nkauj no ces nco txog thaum neb niam qhuav coj me ntxhais los nrog neb nyob es zaj no yog nws thawj nkauj peb tau hnov. Nws los muaj hmoo, neb los muaj hmoo thiaj tau los ua ib tsev neeg. Pom nws muaj peev xwm thiab neb txhawb txhawb thiab qhuas qhuas kom ntxiv nws lub zog xwb ces peb nrog nej zoo siab tsis txawj tag lawm os.
Me Kajsiab aws koj mas kheej thiab muaj peem xwm kawg nkaus li os me ntxhais aws. Thov Vajtswv foom koob hmoov rau koj thiab koj meb koj phob neb tsev neeg mog!
Hu tau zoo kawg li os kajsiab!😍😍😍😍
Hu tau zoo kawg os Kaj Siab. Kuv nyiam zaj nkauj no...tus siab kawg.
My heart is heavy and my tears are dropping every time she sings this song love ❤️ you me ntxhais kaj siab!
Me too! I can't imagine what she's going through or thinking when singing this song! She probably misses her mom! 😭
You can tell she miss/think about her real mom... cause this is one of her favorite song to sing...
@@mmx2025 right. I often thought of that too whenever she sang this. I feel for her. So young to not have ur mother ☹️
@@mmx2025 her mom is sheng
Nws hu xyoo twg Lm na
Wow kajsiab ma ntxim hlub tiag tiag
Me txhais kaj siab aw. Koj mas muaj peev xwm kawg li nawv, rau 2 siab hu kom tom tej no koj yog ib tug me txhais hu nkauj nawv mog
Kuv zoo siab heev neb tus ntxhais tau hu nkauj lomzem heev.
Lor pom koj hlub me ntxhais Kaj Siab kawg li os.
Nrog neb zoo siab heev li os, uas neb tus me ntxhais muaj peev xwm,thiab tshaj lij tshaj plaws li nawb.....thov kom tom ntej no tau los ua peb ib tug me ntxhais hu nkauj, rau peb mloog nawb....peb yeej raws neb txhua hnub thiab os....👏👏💞💞
Me ntxhais aw koj ma #1👍👍 kiag lawm hnub koj yuav yog peb ib tug me ntxhais hu nkauj li koj txiv nawb👍❤❤Merry Christmas and Happy New Years
Awesome job me ntxhais Kajsiab.....keej heev li os me ntxhais🤗🤗💝💗💗💖👍👍👏👏
Me kaj siab hu nkauj zoo heev li o me kaj siab a rau2 siab hu rau ped ploog nawb peb mam txhawb qa koj nawb
Laj siab hu tsis zoo li
Lor, is such a good dad. I can tell Kai Saib is more comfortable around her daddy. 👏👏👏👏 you did a very good job at singing 🎶
It does seem like she have a closer relationship with her father, Lor because he praises her a lot. He does seem like a very loving & understanding father too.
Well he is a math teacher. And he's also a Hmong singer too. So therefore, he'll teach her to the best of his abilities. He's a great father indeed.
Wow... lauj koj ua tau ib tug qauv zoo kawg rau me ntxhais kaj siab. Yav tom ntej no me ntxhais kaj siab yuav los ua ib tug ntxhais zoo heev os.
Koj txiv hlub koj heev o mi kaj siab niam laus nrog koj zoo siab o
Koj yog ib leej txiv uas zoo heev. Koj yog ib tug qaub zoo heev. Xav kom pev cov txiv neej hmoob hlub hlub lawv cov ntxhais li koj.
Me ntxhais kaj siab mas keej tshaj li o great job baby!❤❤❤❤
Hu tau zoo heev li os 💙💙💙👍👍👍👍💖💖💖 hu tau zoo kawg os me noob
Me KajSiab koj mas muaj peev xwm tshaj plaws li! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Good job Kajsiab 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍
Lauj u may have just won best dad of the year for supporting dad. I don’t see many Hmong dads do this.
Yes..lauj is a modern-minded father and also a loving father..
hu tau zoo hee
hu tau zoo kawg li os me ntxhai kaj siab
Wow hu tau zoo kawg li os mi kajsiab aw.
Me ntxhais kaj siab aw....hnub no mas koj zoo nkauj tshaj li os...koj mas phim cev khaub ncaws thiab lub kaus mom koj kawg li..
Me tshais kaj siab mas keej keej tiag lj nawb
Zoo heev os kajsiab aww
Thov Vaj tswv Foom koob hmoov rau nej cov niam txiv tub kom noj qab nyob zoo os me ntxhai aw
Koj txiv mas hlub koj tshaj li os me ntxhais
Nkauj see koj yuav tsum Nkauj rau suav daws mloog vim koj suab zoo2.
Good job mi nxthais Kab Siab. Tij laus Lauj Aw, koj yog ib leeg txiv zoo tshaj plawv li os. I can see the love you have for your daughters. I will pray that god bless you with many sons and daughters in the near future.
Neb tus ntxhais muajpheev xwm kawg
Mob Siab txhawb nqa ces tsi tshaj neb lawm xwb os yog neb tsi Hlub ces neb yeej tsi txhawb nqa thaum me mus txog rau thaum loj li Os peb cov niam cov txiv yug peb kiag twb tsi txhawb nqa peb li neb txhawb Kaj Siab os 😢
Lauj koj yog ib leej txiv zoo kawg rau kab siab thiab maiv yaj os. Me kab siab muaj hmoo kawg nawb ua tseem tau ib leej txiv siab zoo li koj. ❤👨👧👧
Ua tau zoo heev li os
finally she sings on stage...good job tau zoo tshaj li os
Hu tau zoo heev li o me kaj siab edd
Nyiam saib koj hu Nkauj tshaj li duas nawb mog
Ka siab koj tus daddy hlub2 koj kawg. Koj yog daddy tus ntxhais os.
Kajsiab muaj txoj hmoov zoo heev uas tau nkaujsee thiab tswvhuas ua niam thiab txiv. Qhov tseem ceeb ces yog tau nkaujsee ua tus ib tug pojniam siab loj heev es thiaj coj tau tej me nyuam no coj los hlub kom muaj lub zoo neej li tej chaws.
Xyoo no xb lo
Sheng is annoying but Kaj Siab and Lor can bond. Kaj Siab is lucky. Not only that he is her real niece adopted to her daughter so we know no matter what yog nws tsim txaj thiab zoo Lor yeej hlub nws.
I don’t know why many people say Sheng don’t like Ka siab. I watch them often so am I missing something or I just see the bigger picture and not pick everything sheng does?
@@bubbleZone24 .. I agree with you.. a mother's love is a little more tough than the father's love.. because a mother teaches and want her daughter to be the best she can be and as a daughter in the future you'll know how to set and live your life goals.. when someone talks bad about your daughter the mother tents will hurt more than the father.. when I was younger my own mother was tough too and I will pick my dad over my mom.. but now that I have my own life and older I thank God everyday for my mom and all her tough love/teaching cause right now I'm labeled as a good nyab in my husband's family side and that make my parents proud.. so Sheng is not annoying nor hates kajsiab she wants her daughter to be the best she can be and have a good life.. the people who thinks sheng is a bad mother probably never set life goals for their kids and their kids will always need them do everything for them even when their kids are all grown ass adults..
@@cynthiaxiong1120 .. yes Cynthia very true!
We love you KajSiab. Keep singing ok.