"Corsican Chant" - Manuscrits franciscains des XVIIe / XVIIIe siècles

  • Опубликовано: 6 окт 2024
  • [0:00] - Kyrie.
    [5:16] - Tantum ergo sacramentum.
    [9:03] - Kyrie (Corsican Requiem).
    [13:40] - Sanctus.
    [17:21] - Agnus Dei.
    [21:20] - Lode di u sepolcro.
    Ensemble Organum - Marcel Pérès

Комментарии • 112

  • @dastemplar9681
    @dastemplar9681 10 месяцев назад +43

    They actually used this in the recent Napoleon movie! Really nice way to bring a bit of Corsica to the movie and remind us of where Napoleon came from.

  • @adamziccardi2578
    @adamziccardi2578 10 месяцев назад +21

    Anyone here from the napoleon movie? I immediately recognized this album as the soundtrack throughout the film

    • @DCBrick
      @DCBrick 6 месяцев назад +1

      Same here, took me longer though

    • @Christianger-gj7th
      @Christianger-gj7th 2 месяца назад

      That's because it's from a real Eastern Orthodox Christian Chant

  • @tedodumbadze7163
    @tedodumbadze7163 2 года назад +45

    This is a voices of ancient people, like georgian or caucasian tribes, in ancient time caucasian tribes, pelasgians, ibers and picts(?) share same genetics. today in corsica dominant Haplogroup is G2 and in Georgia too….it makes me feel i'm a piece of something very old. Greetings all my Corsican brothers from Georgia!!❤️

    • @Grey_M0user
      @Grey_M0user Год назад +4

      Actually, Sardinians are singing the same way, and also have G2 haplogroup.

    • @monster2422
      @monster2422 Год назад

      Because We are all brother sardinian too

    • @Christianger-gj7th
      @Christianger-gj7th 2 месяца назад

      It's an Eastern Orthodox Chant. Kyrie Eleison means " Have mercy on me" in Greek

  • @pauljeaniettam5680
    @pauljeaniettam5680 2 года назад +17

    J'ai été bercé dans mon enfance par ces chants polyphoniques sacrés et profanes. Mes racines profondes sont corses, depuis de nombreuses générations. Même si la culture française a une influence et n'est pas antinomique, je ne me sens pas français et je respecte ce pays avec lequel mon père mes grands pères ont combattu, je me sens encore moins italien contre lesquels mes anciens ont combattu, notamment la république de Gênes.
    Je peux choquer, mais c'est comme ça et je crois volontiers que la génomique des Corses est proche des caucasiens, des ibers, des pelasges.

    • @ninaheinz1377
      @ninaheinz1377 2 года назад


    • @МихаилАндгуладзе-о1л
      @МихаилАндгуладзе-о1л Год назад +2

      Georgians and Corsicans share common Iberian roots

    • @antoniettadilorenzo9064
      @antoniettadilorenzo9064 Год назад +2

      Caro fratello, anche sevizio Genovesi sono stati dispotici ( ma non tanto quanto i nostri cugini Francesi..., che non permettono più la lingua italiana come ufficiale della Corsica , dal 1860 circa), devi pur riconoscere le comuni radici avite Romano Latine, che un fato invidioso ci ha diviso. La Corsica appartiene all' Italia geograficamente ( è a un tiro di schioppo dalla Toscana e maggiormente all' Arcipelago Toscano ( Gorgona, Montecristo, Giglio e Giannutri). Abitata da popoli indoeuropei della prima ondata, primo millennio a. C ., dopo da quelli della seconda , Greci ed infine Latini, ( i Romani )che hanno dato la loro l'impronta definitiva. Dopo nei secoli , in Era Cristiana , sotto l' Impero Romano d' Oriente (alias Bizantino ) , siete stati nella Corona Unita di Aragona , assieme alla Sardegna , vostra vicina. Insieme avete combattuto gli Arabi di Spagna , sotto l'egida del Re d'Aragona, vincendoli nella battaglia di Alcoraz. E lì è nata la storia delle vostre bandiere, che raffiguranti le teste mozze dei 4 Re Mori sconfitti nella battaglia. Nella bandiera sarda ci sono tutti e quattro. Nella vostra uno solo. Dopo siete passati alla Repubblica di Pisa , per cui c'è stata una forte emigrazione di Toscani. Questo lo testimonia abbondantemente sia la lingua corsa, che è toscano arcaico medievale ( nella variante pisana), quindi italiano, sia nei cognomi. Vorrei specificare che la lingua italiana non è altro che il toscano nella variante fiorentina. Il fiorentino ( la lingua di Dante , Petrarca e Boccaccio, i magnifici Tre massimi della letteratura italiana e mondiale, tutti e tre Toscani), per ragioni letterarie ( considerata dagli intellettuali la più pura perché vicina all'antica madre lingua latina), economica e finanziaria ( le banche fiorentine dei de'Medici, Strozzi, ed altre) avevano il monopolio dell'alta finanza sia nella Penisola Italiana che in tutti gli Stati Europei e del commercio internazionale. Fu deciso che fosse la lingua internazionale e diplomatica, assieme al latino. Tutti gli Stati italiani l'accettarono e ne fecero la propria lingua. Questo specialmente dal '400 in poi. Anche con l'ascesa al potere politico dei de'Medici. Anche nel mondo della musica . Quando i Pisani furono sconfitti alla battaglia navale della Meloria dai Genovesi, la Corsica passò sotto la Repubblica di Genova. Che la governò con fatica , fino a la metà del'700, essendo i Corsi , perdonatemi la franchezza ma è così (universalmente noto), un popolo fiero e ribelle. Grandi soldati , sono stati al servizio del Sommo Pontefice, per 3 secoli ( il famoso reggimento della Guardia Papale Corsa, prima di quella Svizzara), asserviti del Re di Napoli (Reale Reggimento Corso) nel '700. Ed in altri Stati Europei. Erano i migliori soldati in Europa, assieme ai famosi Croati ed Albanesi e Svizzeri.
      Ma teste calde, indisciplinati. Perciò i Genovesi vi governatore con durezza. Però la lingua ufficiale era l'italiano! In una delle vostre rivolte agli inizi del '700 si rivolgersi ai Francesi di re Luigi XV e qui c'è il pasticciaccio. Perché la storiografia ufficiale dice che Genova vi ha venditore alla Francia. Un'altra versione è dovevano semplicemente essere aiutati . Poi dopo aver panificatori l'isola i Francesi avrebbero abbandonato per ritornare a casa loro. Così almeno ho capito.
      Ma la cosa meravigliosa che ho scoperto è IL PROCLAMA DEL GENERALE PASQUALE PAOLI, PADRE DELLA PATRIA CORSA.

    • @antoniettadilorenzo9064
      @antoniettadilorenzo9064 Год назад

      Perdonate i strafalcioni e gli errori , dovuti alla dannata tastierina del cellulare. Ahi la cosiddetta intelligenza artificiale ( che tanto intelligente non è. ..). Cercherò di correggere col seguente elenco. E saluto di cuore i nostri fratelli Corsi, che una Storia invidiosa ha bizzaramente e fatalmente separato. Ma geograficamente siete quasi attaccati allo Stivale! 😊✋❤da Napoli , dove l'eroico Padre della Patria ha studiato dal filosofo Antonio Genovesi, ed è stato allievo della prestigiosa Accademia Militare della Nunziatella. Ha servito il Re di Napoli e Sicilia ( dopo la Restaurazione Regno delle Due Sicilie ) nel Reale Reggimento Corso dell'Armata Napoletana. Finito il servizio militare , ritornò in Corsica, ove iniziò la sua sfolgorante carriera politica per la sua Madrepatria Corsa.

    • @antoniettadilorenzo9064
      @antoniettadilorenzo9064 Год назад

      2) RAFFIGURANO LE 4 TESTE ... ;

  • @GiorgiGachechiladze02
    @GiorgiGachechiladze02 2 года назад +17

    So similar to our Georgian polyphonies, Indeed We Corsicans and Georgians are true descendants of first Europeans Paleo-Neolithic farmers, first people who spread agriculture and wine making throughout all Europe, our genetics and culture still have a link till today, it's amazing.

    • @Leopold_van_Aubel
      @Leopold_van_Aubel 10 месяцев назад +1

      The first people in Europe were Western Hunter-Gatherers (WGH), not the Anatolian farmers.

    • @GODOBER
      @GODOBER 4 месяца назад

      Disgusting. We Georgians are descendants of Caucasian hunter-gatherers, not disgusting Anatolian grain farmers!

  • @TheModernHermeticist
    @TheModernHermeticist 6 лет назад +54

    My favourite of all chant music ever.

    • @vratisavslezny9394
      @vratisavslezny9394 6 лет назад +1

      phi ;P

    • @stephenm.1089
      @stephenm.1089 6 лет назад +2

      Agreed. Definitely gives me a glimpse of the divine every time I listen to it.

    • @renedessessandre42
      @renedessessandre42 5 лет назад +2

      Tout à fait d'accord. il y a quelque chose de très très ancien et de commun à nous tous dans ces chants. Un même esprit. Greetings to all my friends in the Common Wealth / English world, de la part d'un corse et continental à la fois.

    • @irenus465
      @irenus465 2 года назад +3

      Go convert to traditionnal Catholicism, let the esoteric stuff on the ground and fly in the direction to heaven, by Holy Virgin, real Door of Heaven. ✝

    • @Christianger-gj7th
      @Christianger-gj7th 2 месяца назад

      ​@@irenus465 this is something you guys ripped off from the East after the Great Schism

  • @marthazapienrosas3733
    @marthazapienrosas3733 Год назад +4

    Templarios corsos. Nuestras raíces son espirituales. Todos venimos del UNO a re-unirnos sobre la Tierra, vibrar con todas las culturas y todos los rincones. Amor desde México!

  • @lolitaberia958
    @lolitaberia958 Год назад +4

    Absolutely perfection. Divin.Only Corsicans, Sards and Georgians singing for God amazing polifonic songs like this. Canto polifonico incredibile , perfezzione. Sono commossa, non ho psrole. Sardi , Corsicani Georgiani / Iberiani/ sono fratteli.❤️♾️🇬🇪

    • @marianseitan2579
      @marianseitan2579 Год назад +1

      The male polifonic songs of Albanians and Aromanians are the "missing link" between Caucaz and Corsica-Sardinia

  • @peterjanvisee4677
    @peterjanvisee4677 Год назад +6

    Wunderbar schöne Polyphonie ❤, Urglaube in Tönen, Tränen treibend

  • @Fenixardex
    @Fenixardex 3 года назад +18

    Evviva i nostri fratelli corsi.
    Di core e spiritu uniti.

  • @adamziccardi2578
    @adamziccardi2578 10 месяцев назад +5

    Marcel Perez is an amazing singer and I'm so blessed to have sung with him in St. Louis!

  • @qwinegp2000
    @qwinegp2000 4 года назад +18

    ΚΥΡΙΕ ΕΛΕΗΣΟΝ in Greek.I salute you brothers

  • @ILNT
    @ILNT Год назад +5

    Amazing voices , and waves after waves of DNA chills

    • @SofiannP
      @SofiannP 3 месяца назад

      exaaaactly, getting goosebumps listening to this it's like back home in the small corsican taverns in villages.. beautiful memories

  • @zurabtv7624
    @zurabtv7624 6 лет назад +24

    Je suis choqué... Je suis d'origine géorgien et je l'impression que j'ecoute polyphonie géorgienne... Faut chercher profondément, je suis sûr qu'on a des mêmes racines...j aime votre caractère et votre amour à corse (points en commun avec nous)

    • @zurabtv7624
      @zurabtv7624 5 лет назад +3

      @8620marc Bonjour, je suis content déjà que ça vous interesse la musique polyphonique de Géorgie... Y a n'a pas une source précise pour cela, je vais revenir à ça mais je peut parcontre vous conseiller ce site : www.alazani.ge ça peut etre en georigen mais traduisez le avec google traduction si non directment allez sur ce lien (www.alazani.ge/folkloruli-ansambli-Shavnabada-xalxuri-simgerebi-ans10.html?qartuli-folklori) ceci est performance des instrument georgien d'ensemble Shavnabada....Après je vous conseillerair d'écouter ce Playlist : ruclips.net/video/x5bzmssDePg/видео.html
      C'est dificile de tout mettre ensemble, nous avons des danse, les chansons polyphonique mais pas seulement ... si j'ai pu a vous aider je suis content... si vous avez encore besoin de qq chose vous pouvais simplement m'ecrir ici ou bien su Facebook : Zurab Phertsuliani

    • @sotik7535
      @sotik7535 5 лет назад +4

      @@zurabtv7624 merci cest pas la 1ère fois que je vois cette comparaison et aussi avec les albanais qui ont des chants polyphoniques et qui se tiennent l'oreille comme en Corse et ont une culture avec des points communs si on compare la Corse d'avant et les albanais d'avant
      Je pense que la polyphonie témoigne d'une ancienne culture eurasienne commune qui sest préservée dans les montagnes corse du Caucase et des Balkans

    • @gerharddeusser9103
      @gerharddeusser9103 5 лет назад +3

      Les chants aramais on l'air Georgien aussi par example Le "Lords prayer" en aramais (I I sur YT)... Peut etre la langue georgienne n'est pa's seulement sur Le plan geographique entire les langue indoeuropean et Le langue afroasiatiques (semitiques) et Le kartuli a ete aux moin influence par la langue hatti et la culture de ces precurseurs des hethites...

    • @sotik7535
      @sotik7535 5 лет назад

      @@gerharddeusser9103 araméens tu veut dire ? Le lord prayer n'est pas un chant polyphonique ...

    • @lenaazela2635
      @lenaazela2635 5 лет назад +1


  • @madkea4807
    @madkea4807 9 месяцев назад +2

    Glad it's still appreciated in these modern times

  • @Niar_Production_Official
    @Niar_Production_Official 3 года назад +12

    first like is from Serbia for your amazing chants and singing

  • @walterreist2630
    @walterreist2630 2 года назад +1

    Eine archaisch-spirituelle Musik aus den den korsischen Bergen. Beeindruckend diese Ursprünglichkeit

  • @rochalainalain1103
    @rochalainalain1103 3 года назад +4

    Savoir d’où tu viens et vers où tu vas c’est inscrire l’ identité de ton Âme dans l’éternité qui au final doit être en résonance avec le tout qui est Dieu qui est UN
    Amen 🔥💓🌈🙏

    • @Vee_of_the_Weald
      @Vee_of_the_Weald 2 года назад

      Je ne sais pas si connaître ses racines et être fière de ses gènes et de sa culture a quoi que ce soit à voir avec Dieu, désolée.
      Maintenant, que la paghjella Corse soit d’inspiration divine, soit… mais ne confondons surtout pas spiritualité musicale et identité culturelle avec l’Eglise, je vous en supplie.

    • @vlcr9259
      @vlcr9259 2 года назад

      @@Vee_of_the_Weald gloire à Dieu

  • @michellejunique4976
    @michellejunique4976 4 года назад +4

    Une Musique, des Chants écrits avec leur sang ! Comme je les Aime !

  • @paullaurent6626
    @paullaurent6626 3 года назад +14

    C' est similaire de polyphonie géorgienne! La génétique de Caucase! Mes frères corses!

    • @vakhtangkiziria7820
      @vakhtangkiziria7820 3 года назад +2

      I think you may be right on point. This similaritu could be of Pelasgian roots. Pelasgians are ancient people of Peloponnese and Mediterranean islands. Greek migration of Dorians and later Achaeans were newcomers to Europe. Greeks took Pelasgian lands, and eventualy exterminated indigenous population and partially assimilated them. Pelasgians believed to be connected linguistically and culturally to ancient tribes of Caucasus.

    • @minidjames8448
      @minidjames8448 3 года назад

      @@vakhtangkiziria7820 very interesting. Where did you find this ?

    • @Vee_of_the_Weald
      @Vee_of_the_Weald 2 года назад +1

      I have been wonder for years whether there was any connection… your answer is fascinating. I will look into this.
      The Corsican people don’t look like the Italians, the Southern French or the Spaniards. They don’t even look or sound anything like the Sardinians right next door. So I’ve always wondered if there was some kind of genetic influence from further away. It seems you gave me the answer.
      I wish I could find more genetic research done on the people of Corsica. I’m only 1/4 Corsican so there’s no point in testing me. Besides, I’m also 1/2 Breton and there is firm evidence that the Celts from Brittany originated from the Caucasus… I even have a friend who did a PhD in Sinology whose thesis was about how the people of Brittany had strong Mongol and Chinese ancestry - I look like your typical Irish lass, yet my brother could pass for an Inuit so my PhD friend might be onto something…

  • @saintverenike
    @saintverenike 4 года назад +7

    I'm looking for this music since I heard it in the documentary Empires: Napoleon

  • @goxputica
    @goxputica Год назад +4

    In Cosica few centuries ago arrived a emigrants from Greek region of Mani (Morea), those people escaped in front of Turkish atrocities. That group of people were centuries ago ethnic Slavs whom by time get assimilated and become Romeos (today' s Greeks). I belive in this music is their influence.
    Im talking about historical facts.

    • @pauljeaniettam5680
      @pauljeaniettam5680 6 месяцев назад +1

      Cette polyphonie est bien plus vieille, bien antérieure à l'arrivée des grecs en corse.

  • @instaurareomniainchristo777
    @instaurareomniainchristo777 5 лет назад +8

    Impressionnant de majesté!

  • @Channel-os4uk
    @Channel-os4uk 3 года назад +3

    Ah, that's how religion keeps its hook into you Henri, mon vieux.

  • @LaMadameWang
    @LaMadameWang 5 лет назад +9

    This is so beautiful. Where could I find the scores please? Thank you

  • @MariaConcha-b5y
    @MariaConcha-b5y Год назад +2

    Que bonito!❤

  • @thatguyfromthatthing8573
    @thatguyfromthatthing8573 4 года назад +6

    19:27 - what an excellent slide.

  • @minero3628
    @minero3628 3 года назад +6


  • @mikeangel4686
    @mikeangel4686 2 года назад +5

    One Like from Serbia

  • @davidkoda1140
    @davidkoda1140 4 года назад +9

    This is unbelievable, first i thought i'm listening Caucasian Georgian polyphony songs,
    Please find on you tube Georgian polyphony songs and tell me i'm wrong .... they r identical.

    • @adrianekelly2966
      @adrianekelly2966 4 года назад +1

      I thought the same! Rustavi Choir.

    • @vakhtangkiziria7820
      @vakhtangkiziria7820 3 года назад

      I think you may be right on point. This similaritu could be of Pelasgian roots. Pelasgians are ancient people of Peloponnese and Mediterranean islands. Greek migration of Dorians and later Achaeans were newcomers to Europe. Greeks took Pelasgian lands, and eventualy exterminated indigenous population and partially assimilated them. Pelasgians believed to be connected linguistically and culturally to ancient tribes of Caucasus.

    • @moira8
      @moira8 8 месяцев назад

      I will search 😊

    • @davidkoda1140
      @davidkoda1140 8 месяцев назад

      No, you wrong about that Pelasgian languages is Hindo European and Caucasian language does not belongs to hindoEuropean its separate group of Caucasian language

  • @agrevstegvsgbytngyunm337
    @agrevstegvsgbytngyunm337 3 года назад +5


  • @gioerisioni
    @gioerisioni 5 лет назад +14

    this is unearthly and Georgian folk!!

    • @lenaazela2635
      @lenaazela2635 5 лет назад +2

      есть теория о схожести полифонии горных народов всей Земли) Но грузинская полифония признана Юнеско, как мировое сокровище, всемирное достояние

    • @prometheus5770
      @prometheus5770 4 года назад

      haha lol. But yes both their chants are folkish which on their own are so similar

    • @vakhtangkiziria7820
      @vakhtangkiziria7820 3 года назад

      I think you may be right on point. This similaritu could be of Pelasgian roots. Pelasgians are ancient people of Peloponnese and Mediterranean islands. Greek migration of Dorians and later Achaeans were newcomers to Europe. Greeks took Pelasgian lands, and eventualy exterminated indigenous population and partially assimilated them. Pelasgians believed to be connected linguistically and culturally to ancient tribes of Caucasus.

    • @edcampa2033
      @edcampa2033 Год назад

      Corsican song brother

  • @kiko_bastianovic
    @kiko_bastianovic Год назад +3

    Viva Libertà!

  • @nicolamanca7465
    @nicolamanca7465 4 года назад +2


  • @zodrazodra5408
    @zodrazodra5408 5 лет назад +3

    Si beau

  • @РумянаСтоянова-у6ы
    @РумянаСтоянова-у6ы 2 года назад +1


  • @doctorhaus1239
    @doctorhaus1239 3 года назад +4

    Can anyone help me find the Latin text for Lode di u sepolcro? I haven't been able to find it anywhere - it's an incredible chant and I want to learn it.

    • @HeligeEriksLegion
      @HeligeEriksLegion 3 года назад +5

      Qua fermiano ecco il sepolcro
      Nel cui fortunato seno.
      Sta sepolto in braccio a morte
      Jesu nostro Nazareno.
      Qui compagni, qui sta sera
      Contemplar dobiam il vero.
      E voi morti uscite, uscite
      Da le vostre tombe e poi.
      Qui sta sera qui venite
      Tutti a piandere cun noi.
      Il terribile, il più mesto tra i misteri,
      Il gran’mistero.

    • @doctorhaus1239
      @doctorhaus1239 3 года назад +1

      @@HeligeEriksLegion Thank you!

  • @philipcoriolis6614
    @philipcoriolis6614 Год назад +1

    Les Franciscains, venus d'Italie pour évangéliser la Corse, ont utilisé le Chant comme un moyen de conversion de ce grand peuple.

    • @pauljeaniettam5680
      @pauljeaniettam5680 6 месяцев назад +1

      Cher monsieur, le chant polyphonique en corse est ancré depuis toujours, avant l'arrivée des franciscains dans une île déjà evangelisée et propriété pontificale encore aujourd'hui

  • @katarzynakabacinska7070
    @katarzynakabacinska7070 3 года назад +2

    this is so good

  • @almignon941
    @almignon941 Год назад +2

    Amen 🤲🐞

  • @etiennedegaulle3817
    @etiennedegaulle3817 6 лет назад +8


  • @Boliche315
    @Boliche315 День назад +1

    It's sound like you're at the gates of heaven ready to be judged by Christ

  • @thatonepianoguy_
    @thatonepianoguy_ Год назад +2

    5:16 I have a transcription of this movement on my channel for those interested

  • @Criticalmass96
    @Criticalmass96 Год назад +2

    Sounds like something out of vikings

  • @josephsoltero7326
    @josephsoltero7326 2 года назад +1

    Which album by Ensemble Organum is this from? I've been trying to find it on Apple Music but I can't tell which one it is.

    • @airmusica6699
      @airmusica6699  2 года назад +2

      "Chant Corse" & "Corsica" chants polyphoniques

  • @andrewmicharin6751
    @andrewmicharin6751 3 года назад

    Вас нельзя было трогать, смэовсем нельзя, даже Наполеону!
    Совсем нельзя!
    Я хочу Вас посетить!

  • @fabiozanotto2975
    @fabiozanotto2975 Год назад +1

    I.... I was moved I admit it

  • @gundasauthof5551
    @gundasauthof5551 2 месяца назад

    ergreifende Gesänge und ergreifendes Singen!!!

  • @DraganKrizanovic-g2n
    @DraganKrizanovic-g2n 2 месяца назад


  • @ГалинаБурмантова-з2э
    @ГалинаБурмантова-з2э 2 года назад +4

    и органа не надо

  • @aikido735
    @aikido735 4 года назад +2

    nothing natonalistic