I’m teaching my 6th child to read and it’s definitely my favorite part of home schooling. They’ve. All started at different ages and all are doing well.
I learned about homeschooling with a Bible, library card, and a math book from Carole Joy Seid from Homeschool Made Simple podcast. She was a pioneer. And her knowledge is a breath of fresh air.
I love Bomb Pops and sunburn and sticky arms thay come clean in the pool (✨️👊😘)... and this talk was astoundingly empowering & soul food level nourishing. Thank you for getting me through planting the onions AND throwing some good gas on my thinking fires. Bless you both and your summertimes, too 💛
Thank you for the bible study advice 🙏
I’m teaching my 6th child to read and it’s definitely my favorite part of home schooling. They’ve. All started at different ages and all are doing well.
Fix it grammar is another grammar through editing approach.. we LOVE it!
Yes! Thank you!
I learned about homeschooling with a Bible, library card, and a math book from Carole Joy Seid from Homeschool Made Simple podcast. She was a pioneer. And her knowledge is a breath of fresh air.
I totally agree!
I love Bomb Pops and sunburn and sticky arms thay come clean in the pool (✨️👊😘)... and this talk was astoundingly empowering & soul food level nourishing. Thank you for getting me through planting the onions AND throwing some good gas on my thinking fires. Bless you both and your summertimes, too 💛
Sounds like a beautiful, productive day :)
I have never used a curriculum for my 10 years, but now i would really like to use one, but I no idea what to use. Any recommendations?
Does the learning well journal ship overseas? Is it possible to download and print the journal?
We do ship overseas :)