What it means to give your life to Jesus

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
    Visit me at: www.finalcall07...
    email: finalcall07@gmail.com

Комментарии • 70

  • @JohnWeichel
    @JohnWeichel 3 месяца назад +1

    I accept Jesus christ as my lord and savior amen 🙏

  • @krscanstvo-eu
    @krscanstvo-eu Месяц назад

    Years after - this words still touching my soul ...
    Dear brother... I hope You are at the place You were hopping to come!

  • @tamarahawkins6769
    @tamarahawkins6769 7 лет назад +46

    I'm following Jesus I don't care what my family children coworkers say im sorry im obeying my father in heaven ill pick up my cross and die daily so my light can shine.

    • @sarahbell9868
      @sarahbell9868 6 лет назад +4


    • @gokublack5861
      @gokublack5861 6 лет назад +1

      At least keep it to yourself

    • @dleon1000
      @dleon1000 6 лет назад +2

      Yes I hear you. Carrying that cross means being many people's enemy. I have made enemies with this world with the powers that be on my job. They are of other faiths or no faith at all. I am under constant attack but at least hat means I'm on the right track and just have to put my trust in Him that He will deliver me from all the evil that surrounds me.

  • @finalcall07
    @finalcall07  7 лет назад +27

    Video Transcript:
    Most Christian believers
    do not know what it means to give their life to Jesus. To give your
    life to Jesus does not mean to say a sinner's prayer and then to join
    a church and become religious. To give your life to Jesus means to
    commit yourself to Jesus, to live your life in such a way that you
    are pleasing to Him. Jesus Christ gave His life so that all who
    believe in Him and who obey His words, may have eternal life.
    Jesus Christ commanded
    that if we believe in Him, that we must follow Him; we must repent
    repent of sin and turn away from living our lives to please
    ourselves. We must give our lives to Jesus. To give our lives to
    Jesus means to obey what He commanded. He commanded that we come
    after Him, turn away from sin, turn away from pleasing our own
    selves, to die to self, and as a public confession, and in obedience
    to Jesus we must be baptized in water, so that the old person that we
    were, can be buried in that water and from that water will rise a new
    person, who will follow and obey Jesus Christ. Jesus promised His
    Holy Spirit to come and dwell in every person who commits to follow
    Him, in every person who gives himself to Him and His Holy Spirit,
    the Spirit of Christ, Himself, will come and live in us, be with us
    to guide us and to teach us. If we give ourselves to Jesus then we
    live our lives in obedience to His words.
    Firstly, His words as also
    recorded in the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and if we obey
    Jesus, repent and are baptized in water and He gives His Holy Spirit
    in us, then His Holy Spirit will remind us of those words that Jesus
    spoke, as also recorded in the Gospels. Further the Holy Spirit the
    Spirit of Christ in us, will guide us into living a life that is
    fruitful for the kingdom of God; into a life that is pleasing to
    Jesus. It does not mean to join a church, and it does not mean to
    become homeless, it means to come into a real relationship with
    Jesus, because a wonderful thing happens when we believe in Jesus and
    we obey his words. If we go on our knees before Him and we pray and
    we commit ourselves to Him to live for Him, to give ourselves to Him,
    then a wonderful thing happens in us. He makes us new inside, He
    makes us children of God, so that we can see the kingdom of God, so
    that we can hear His voice.
    We can only follow Jesus
    and do what is pleasing to Him, if we hear His voice, if we live in
    communion with Him, but if we do not even obey the words of Jesus as
    they are recorded in the Gospels, if we do not repent and are not
    baptized in water, then we are not serious and we will not get to
    know Jesus, because Jesus said:"Why do you call me Lord, Lord
    and you do not what I say?" Jesus Christ demonstrated His love
    for us by suffering and dying on a cross for the sins of the world,
    so that whoever believes in Him, and who obeys Him, will have eternal
    life. But we have to demonstrate our commitment to Him by obeying His
    words, firstly, repenting,turning away from sin, sin no more ,and
    seek Jesus with all our heart in prayer. Our communion with Him is in
    prayer, and if we seriously seek Him and go after Him, He will give
    His Holy Spirit in us, so that we can sense His presence all the
    time. If we sin, and if we stray from Him, He will call us back, He
    will convict us, He will discipline us, because He cares for us. But
    if we keep on straying from Him, if we keep on turning our back on
    Him, then eventually we will perish because without Jesus we can do
    nothing. If we give our lives to Jesus, we give ourselves to Jesus,
    then we must commit to live our life in such a way that we are
    pleasing to Him, and then He will reveal Himself to us. He will guide
    us, He will speak to us, but if we still love the world and the
    things of the world, then we are not committed to Jesus. If we still
    want to live our own way, go after the pleasures of sin, be accepted
    by the world, then we are not seeking for the approval and acceptance
    of Jesus Christ, then we have not given ourselves to Him. He has
    given Himself to us in total; He died for us, and therefore He
    expects of us to wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to Him, and then
    He will reveal Himself to us, He will be real to us. It is all about
    our relationship with Jesus. Most professing Christians do not know
    Jesus Christ. He is not real to them, because they were never
    serious. If you're serious with Jesus and you show by your deeds, by
    your actions, by your obedience to Him, that you truly want to follow
    Him, then He will reveal Himself to you, and He will guide you, He
    will teach you, and you will be aware of His presence at all times.
    He will never leave you, He will never forsake you, but if you turn
    your back on Hm and if you allow sin to come into life, that sin will
    separate you from Jesus. If you doubt Him, then you will go into
    darkness, and you will go into anxiety, because the Holy Spirit will
    convict you, let you know that you are in danger of Hell fire.
    There's only one safe
    place and that is to be with Jesus, to live your life in such a way
    that you can always sense His approval and His presence. Have you
    given your life to Jesus? Are you walking with Jesus everyday? Do you
    sense His presence and do you know that He is pleased with you.
    May Jesus bless you.

    • @732doglover
      @732doglover 7 лет назад

      Amen, may the Lord Jesus bless you and keep you. Jesus is Lord and one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.

    • @sweetleilani6882
      @sweetleilani6882 7 лет назад

      Brother. I have a question about when the Lord convicts & disciplines us. I havnt been water baptised yet but will b next Sunday. In June I felt the holy spirit for a few wks. So incredible, prob the best few wks of my life. I would hear from Him thru out the day, everyday. Slowly it was less & less. Now not very often but when I do, it's subtle. Is that the discipline & being conficted? I really struggle with something & been constantly praying for deliverance for months. How can I get deliverance & feel holy spirit again? Also, what if He came before my water baptism? Please help & God bless u & ur awesome channel!

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  7 лет назад +5

      Sweet Leilani - Dear friend, only Jesus has the answers to all those questions. He loves us and He cares for us, but we must seek the answers from Him. If grieves him if we go to others for answers. If we draw closer to Jesus and seek Him more, He draws closer to us and we experience Him all the time. Press on in, in your relationship with Jesus. Spend more time in prayer. seek His approval and His guidance and He will manifest Himself to you. May Jesus bless you.

    • @danielblair4413
      @danielblair4413 7 лет назад

      The gospel is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 NOT Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
      Jesus made Paul an apostle to the Gentiles and it's Paul's gospel that saves us.
      Paul stated that we are to follow him as he follows Jesus.
      If you are NOT preaching 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 then you are NOT preaching the true gospel that saves.

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  7 лет назад +3

      Daniel Blair - There is only ONE Savior, Jesus Christ, and if you do not OBEY His words you will PERISH.
      This is what Jesus said: 47“If
      anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for
      I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.
      48“He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him;
      the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.
      49“For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak.
      50“I know that His commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me.” John 12:47-50.
      Do you OBEY the words of Jesus Christ?

  • @larkbird9247
    @larkbird9247 6 лет назад +14

    Jesus said, "If you love me, obey me."

  • @naeaschools4416
    @naeaschools4416 5 лет назад +6

    I have been baptised in water. I accepted Jesus as my lord and savior. I have repented with all my heart and soul. I try very very hard to not sin. And if I do I ask for forgiveness. I am a different man now. Thank you Lord. ✝

  • @EternalCall
    @EternalCall 7 лет назад +9

    Matthew 12:30 - Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters
    God keep you brother, Jesus is Lord

  • @tubinho79
    @tubinho79 6 лет назад +11

    I don't know if He's pleased with me, but I feel His presence. The fact that I've found your videos, it's a sign that I was starting to get lost.Thank you Lord for showing me the way.... I pray to God to make me a better person and help me follow His teachings. Thank you sharing your testimony. God bless you.

  • @aaronairwaves4558
    @aaronairwaves4558 6 лет назад +17

    I have completely quit drugs and alcohol, Jesus is with me Jan, he is with YOU for LIFE :) May Jesus Christ Bless You

    • @marinal4788
      @marinal4788 6 лет назад +2

      Aaron Airwaves
      Please share how you did this
      I am struggling with cocaine

    • @christinagibson4521
      @christinagibson4521 5 лет назад +3

      @ Marina L: Get down on your knees and cry out to Father God in the name of Jesus. Repent of sins and ask Jesus to give you a heart of flesh - a pure heart and to deliver you of your addiction. Completely surrender your life to Him and ask Him to take over. Pray often and ask for guidance and deliverance. God bless you sister in Christ Jesus! 🙏🏻💗🕊💜🕊🙏🏻

  • @Dalmenco
    @Dalmenco 7 лет назад +7

    i pray this new year will be a new birth for all of us in Christ thru repentance ...and baptism in water.

  • @jmsmzrz
    @jmsmzrz Год назад +1

    Great thanks!
    Jan made a definite difference in me by His warnings!

  • @stephaniedekinger2463
    @stephaniedekinger2463 4 года назад +1

    To give your life to Jesus means leaving the worlds ways and follow Him

  • @dicipleofchrist8144
    @dicipleofchrist8144 7 лет назад +7

    Amen!! this is very encouraging brother, I thank God for you 😇☝ GODBLESS YOU in the name of Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd

  • @servejesus4980
    @servejesus4980 7 лет назад +5

    thank you

  • @rogerbeauchesne9083
    @rogerbeauchesne9083 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you for your ministering tonight.
    Only by his grace do we have a chance at eternal life, we all fall short every last one of us.
    The Holy Spirit guides me every day,the world we live in is a battle ground for our souls.
    Staying focused on Jesus is the only way I found to not fall pray to the world.
    May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you always.

    • @dayoflord
      @dayoflord 3 года назад +1

      This is the truth in the Bible. Let's pray for the fallen church. His coming is very near.
      Gospels are given a total miss in the life of majority of Christians. A great deception is on. Great falling away has already happened.
      Rarely we see this type of true teaching.
      Let's uphold this brother in our prayers.
      Let's live a life pleasing to Jesus.
      Let's pray for others.
      Let's preach the gospel with power.

  • @rooster1737
    @rooster1737 7 лет назад +3

    Psalm 139:23-24 (KJV)23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.God Bless you finalcall07 +

  • @jeanniemayer8114
    @jeanniemayer8114 7 лет назад +4

    Amen ....thank you for these wonderful words

  • @kenncounty
    @kenncounty 7 лет назад +6

    Thank you for your videos..really helpful

  • @Dalmenco
    @Dalmenco 7 лет назад +4

    very inspirational message

  • @marinal4788
    @marinal4788 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you for this
    I really needed to see this

  • @carlaifera5254
    @carlaifera5254 5 лет назад +1

    .....thank you, dear Jan......🎁.......you are a kindness from God to my life.......and your precious wife, who has released you to this ministry.......i know of those, who are not so unselfish......💜

  • @anthonymarrone7444
    @anthonymarrone7444 5 лет назад +1

    Believing in Jesus is not just believing on the work of the cross it’s believing in the worker who shall believe in him doesn’t say the work on the cross,then the work of the cross is credit to you on the day of judgment if we walk in the light which is his word as he walks in the light the blood of Christ will cleanse us from all sins it’s if it’s conditional

  • @miraclesforus2
    @miraclesforus2 5 лет назад

    Great lesson. Deepest gratirude.
    Praying for you and your family.
    Blessings in the mighty name of Jesus.💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁💝💝💝💝💝

  • @mooka3715
    @mooka3715 5 лет назад +1

    We have to turn away from ways that we are taught and wrong behaviors that we have watch for years and learned habits from people close to us in the church or in our home as kids. We have to obey God because He’s the only one that can truly save us and say what is acceptable or what we can and can’t do or even partake it. Look at your life and ask God now is getting drunk pleasing him? or hurting others , or living one life when we are in church but do things in secret when we are alone. God knows all and at some point we have to surrender our time is coming soon we have to accept all His ways and love and obey so that we can have eternal life. Say No more to the wrong things and seek him now our communication with Him must be daily. He will convict us daily and he will show us His way is right and our way is of the world 🌎. Pray tonight while you’re still here and have time . Give your life to God if you’re unsure if you have everything right or not. Be certain not Unsure

  • @MarkBH70
    @MarkBH70 7 лет назад +1

    Baptism is not a public confession, but: "an answer of a good conscience to God," 1 Peter 3:21.

  • @EricStrait
    @EricStrait 7 лет назад +2

    Amen. Amen. Amen. Yeshua is seeking our hearts to serve in Spirit and truth.

  • @sarahbrouvineove9880
    @sarahbrouvineove9880 4 года назад

    Thanks for eye opening messages.

  • @debbiestephenson171
    @debbiestephenson171 4 года назад

    Amen 🙏

  • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
    @AnzhelikaBombushkar 7 лет назад +1

    You can switch to Russian subtitles on the video bar at the bottom right corner.

  • @ThisIsTheAdvent
    @ThisIsTheAdvent Год назад

    In Chinese: 中文:把生命交给耶稣是什么意思?
    大部分基督徒不知道 把自己的生命交给耶稣是什么意思。 把生命交给耶稣并不是做一个认罪祷告,然后加入一所教会,皈依宗教。 把生命交给耶稣意思是委身于耶稣,过一个蒙耶稣喜悦的生活。耶稣给出他的生命,让所有信他、服从他的话的人能得着永生。
    耶稣基督吩咐说,如果我们信他就必须跟从他,我们必须悔改,悔改我们的罪,抛弃追求我们自己的享乐的生活,我们必须 把生命交给耶稣。 把生命交给耶稣意味着我们要遵从他的要求,他要求我们跟从他,离弃罪,不再追求自我享乐,向自己而死,为了顺从耶稣,也为了向公众承认,我们必须接受水的洗礼,这样我们曾经的旧人就被埋葬在了水中,从水中出来的就是新人,这个新人会跟从和顺服耶稣。
    如果我们犯罪,我们背离他,他会呼召我们回头,他会责备我们,他会管教我们,因为他关心我们。如果我们继续叛离他,如果我们继续转背离开他,最终,我们会灭亡。因为没有耶稣,我们什么也做不了。如果我们 把生命交给耶稣,把我们自己交给耶稣,我们必须委身于过一个蒙他喜悦的生活。他会向我们显现,指引我们,对我们说话。

  • @TheDeextra
    @TheDeextra 7 лет назад +3

    why would the lord be pleased w me I am a sinner always even when I resist

    • @732doglover
      @732doglover 7 лет назад +2

      God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! Jesus came to save sinners. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from sin as we walk in the light as He is in the light.

    • @ismaelkai7379
      @ismaelkai7379 7 лет назад +2

      Pray to the Lord. Ask him for help. We need his help. Without him you will fail. With him everything is possible!

    • @gregorouslittlechristlikeo7525
      @gregorouslittlechristlikeo7525 6 лет назад +1

      Romans 6 says reckon yourself dead to sin
      God cursed sin in the flesh

  • @anthonymarrone7444
    @anthonymarrone7444 5 лет назад

    Jesus said we have to become as little children humble ourselves today and live by the words of Jesus a little how to dress doesn’t know how to talk doesn’t know who she supposed to be or he supposed to be In Company with,complete faith as a child Jesus words is supposed to ruin every part of your life your thoughts what you say and what you do or else Jesus says you will no way enter in the kingdom of God

  • @angganahadi9532
    @angganahadi9532 7 лет назад +2

    what if my parents won't let me get baptised?

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  7 лет назад +13

      Do not let anything or anybody stop you from obeying Jesus, dear friend. We must obey Jesus more than anybody else.

    • @angganahadi9532
      @angganahadi9532 7 лет назад +3

      but there's nobody i know that can baptise me, what should i do?

    • @user-xx7pg3vw9k
      @user-xx7pg3vw9k 6 лет назад

      anggana hadi pray to have someone sent to you. I just heard about a lady who had someone baptize her through FaceTime, or Skype or something like that...

    • @itsjustrenee1320
      @itsjustrenee1320 6 лет назад

      anggana hadi one of your friends can baptize you in a tub or wading pool if they're a believer. You can also pray that your parents come to faith in Christ & get baptized. If they're those type of "Christians" who forbid water to children you'll have to go to a higher authority, our Father, and do it anyway. We have an example.of this from the Lord Himself who left His parents and taught in the synagogue doing His father's business when He was 12 against his earthly parents knowledge or approval. Our first obedience is to Jesus then to our earthly parent's.

  • @MG-qm8if
    @MG-qm8if 4 года назад

    Do you get baptised in the holy spirit after we get baptised. I am coming out of the Catholic upbringing and want to get baptised but I do not know anyone to be baptised by in the name of Jesus. I want to obey him fully and need to tell my family too. Please pray for us. I know the Holy spirit /God is guiding me and has been teaching me his word. He has spoken to me at times too but I don't know if I have the gifts of the Holy spirit/baptism in the Holy spirit.

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  4 года назад

      Jesus Baptizes with His Holy Spirit. Most Receive the Baptism of His Holy Spirit by Speaking in Tongues after their water Baptism. Jesus Decides. Pray and Ask Jesus for His Baptism in The Holy Spirit and He will Baptize you at His Time. It is for all Believers. Jesus Bless you and keep you safe in this time. Christiena Boshoff.

  • @MrCarlosVillasenor
    @MrCarlosVillasenor 5 лет назад

    Sounds hard😟

  • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
    @AnzhelikaBombushkar 7 лет назад +1

    Что значит - отдать свою жизнь Иисусу.
    Большинство верующих христиан не знают, что значит - отдать свою жизнь Иисусу. Отдать свою жизнь Иисусу не значит сказать молитву грешника, а потом присоединиться к церкви и стать религиозным. Отдать свою жизнь Иисусу - значит посвятить себя Иисусу, жить таким образом, чтобы угождать Ему. Иисус Христос отдал Свою жизнь, чтобы все, кто верит в Него, и кто повинуется Его словам, могли иметь вечную жизнь.
    Иисус Христос повелел, что, если мы верим в Него, мы должны следовать за Ним; мы должны покаяться в грехе и отвернуться от жизни угождения себе. Мы должны отдать свою жизнь Иисусу. Отдать свою жизнь Иисусу - значит повиноваться тому, что Он повелел (заповедовал). Он повелел, чтобы мы шли за Ним, отвернулись от греха, отвернулись от угождения себе, умерли для себя и публичного признания, и в послушании Иисусу мы должны креститься в воде, чтобы ветхий человек, которым мы были, мог быть похоронен в этой воде, и чтобы из воды воскрес новый человек, который последует за Иисусом Христом и будет повиноваться Ему. Иисус обещал Свой Святой Дух, чтобы прийти и пребывать в каждом человеке, который берёт на себя обязательство следовать за Ним, в каждом человеке, который отдаёт себя Ему, и Его Святой Дух, Дух Христов, Сам, придёт и будет жить в нас, будет с нами, чтобы вести нас, и чтобы учить нас. Если мы отдаём себя Иисусу, тогда мы живём в послушании Его словам.
    Во-первых, Его слова, как и записано в Евангелиях Матфея, Марка, Луки и Иоанна, и если мы повинуемся Иисусу, каемся и крестимся в воде, и Он даёт Свой Святой Дух в нас, тогда Его Святой Дух напомнит нам те слова, которые Иисус говорил, как и записано в Евангелиях.
    Далее, Святой Дух, Дух Христов в нас будет вести нас в жизнь, которая является плодотворной для Царства Божьего, в жизнь, которая является угодной Иисусу. Это не значит присоединиться к церкви, и это не значит стать бездомным, это значит прийти (вступить) в настоящие (реальные) отношения с Иисусом, потому что происходит удивительная вещь, когда мы верим в Иисуса и повинуемся Его словам. Если мы становимся на колени перед Ним и молимся, и мы берём на себя обязательство по отношению к Нему, чтобы жить для Него, чтобы отдать себя Ему, тогда происходит удивительная вещь в нас. Он делает нас новыми внутри, Он делает нас детьми Божьими, чтобы мы могли видеть Царство Божье, чтобы мы могли слышать Его голос.
    Мы можем следовать за Иисусом и делать то, что угодно Ему только, если мы слышим Его голос, если мы живём в общении с Ним, но если мы даже не повинуемся словам Иисуса, как они записаны в Евангелиях, если мы не каемся и не крестимся в воде, тогда мы - не серьёзны, и мы не будем знать Иисуса, потому что Иисус сказал: "Что вы зовёте Меня: "Господи, Господи" и не делаете то, что Я говорю?"
    Иисус Христос продемонстрировал (явил) Свою любовь к нам, страдая и умирая на кресте за грехи мира, чтобы всякий, кто верит в Него, и кто повинуется Ему, имел жизнь вечную. Но мы должны продемонстрировать своё обязательство по отношению к Нему, повинуясь Его словам, во-первых, покаяться, отвернуться от своего греха, больше не грешить, и искать Иисуса всем своим сердцем в молитве.
    Наше общение с Ним - это в молитве, и если мы серьёзно ищем Его и идём за Ним, Он даст Свой Святой Дух в нас, чтобы мы могли ощущать (чувствовать) Его присутствие всё время. Если мы грешим, и если мы удаляемся от Него, Он позовёт нас обратно, Он будет обличать нас, Он будет наказывать нас, потому что Он заботится о нас. Но если мы продолжаем удаляться от Него, если мы продолжаем поворачиваться спиной к Нему, тогда, в конце концов, мы погибнем, потому что без Иисуса мы не можем делать ничего.
    Если мы отдаём свою жизнь Иисусу, мы отдаём себя Иисусу, тогда мы должны совершать свою жизнь таким образом, чтобы мы были угодны Ему, а потом Он откроет Себя нам. Он будет вести нас, Он будет говорить к нам, но если мы по-прежнему любим мир и вещи мира, тогда мы не стремимся к Иисусу. Если мы всё ещё хотим жить по-своему, идти за удовольствиями греха, быть принятыми миром, тогда мы не ищем одобрения и принятия Иисусом Христом, тогда мы не отдали себя Ему.
    Он отдал Себя нам полностью; Он умер за нас, и поэтому Он ожидает от нас всецелого посвящения себя Ему, а потом Он откроет Себя нам, Он будет реальным для нас. Это всё о наших отношениях с Иисусом.
    Большинство, исповедующих христианство, не знает Иисуса Христа. Он - не реален для них, потому что они никогда не были серьёзными. Если ты - серьёзен с Иисусом, и ты показываешь своими делами, своими поступками, своим послушанием Ему, что ты, на самом деле, хочешь следовать за Ним, тогда Он откроет Себя тебе, и Он будет вести тебя, Он будет учить тебя, и ты будешь осознавать Его присутствие во все времена. Он никогда не оставит тебя, Он никогда не покинет тебя, но если ты отвернёшься от Него, и если ты позволишь греху прийти в жизнь, тогда этот грех отделит тебя от Иисуса.
    Если ты сомневаешься в Нём (не доверяешь Ему), тогда ты будешь идти во тьму, и ты будешь идти в беспокойство, потому что Святой Дух будет обличать тебя, чтобы ты знал, что ты находишься в опасности Адского огня.
    Есть только одно безопасное место, и это быть с Иисусом, жить таким образом, чтобы ты всегда ощущал Его одобрение и Его присутствие. Отдал ли ты свою жизнь Иисусу? Ходишь ли ты с Иисусом каждый день? Чувствуешь ли ты Его присутствие и знаешь ли, что Он доволен тобой?
    Да благословит тебя Иисус.

    • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
      @AnzhelikaBombushkar 7 лет назад

      Можно переключить на русские субтитры на панели видео в правом углу внизу.

  • @mariamasha1866
    @mariamasha1866 7 лет назад

    La mayoría de los cristianos creyentes no saben lo que es dar su vida a Jesús. Dar tu vida a Jesús no es recitar la oración del pecador y después hacerse de una iglesia y convertirse en religioso. Dar tu vida a Jesús significa comprometerte con Jesús, vivir tu vida de tal manera que le complazcas a Él. Jesucristo dio Su vida para que todos los que creen en Él y obedecen Su palabra puedan tener vida eterna.
    Jesucristo mandó que si creemos en Él, debemos seguirle; arrepentirnos del pecado y renunciar a una vida de auto complacencia. Debemos dar nuestras vidas a Jesús. Entregar nuestras vidas a Jesús significa obedecer lo que Él ordenó.
    Él mandó que le siguiéramos, nos apartáramos del pecado, dejar de auto complacernos, negarnos a nosotros mismos, y a modo de confesión pública y de obediencia a Jesús, debemos ser bautizados en agua, para que la vieja persona que éramos pueda ser enterrada en agua y del agua surgirá como una nueva persona, que seguirá y obedecerá a Jesucristo.
    Jesús prometió Su Espíritu Santo morar en cada persona que se compromete a seguirlo, en cada persona que se entrega a Él, y Su Espíritu, el Espíritu de Cristo, Él mismo, vendrá y vivirá en nosotros, estará con nosotros para guiarnos y enseñarnos.
    Si nos entregamos a Jesús, entonces vivimos nuestras vidas en obediencia a Sus palabra. En primer lugar, Su palabra registrada en los evangelios Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan, y si obedecemos a Jesús, nos arrepentimos y somos bautizados en agua y Él nos da Su Espíritu Santo, entonces Su Espíritu Santo nos recordará esas palabras que Jesús habló, como también son registrados en los evangelios.
    Además el Espíritu Santo, el Espíritu de Cristo en nosotros, nos guiará hacia una vida que sea fructífera para el Reino de Dios; una vida que complazca a Jesús. Eso no significa hacerse de una iglesia y tampoco significa convertirse en un sin techo, significa entrar en una relación estrecha con Jesús, porque algo maravilloso sucede cuando creemos en Jesús y obedecemos Su palabra.
    Si nos ponemos de rodillas ante Él y oramos y nos comprometemos a vivir para Él, nos entregarnos a Él, entonces algo maravilloso sucede en nosotros. Él nos renueva por dentro, nos hace hijos de Dios, para que podamos ver el Reino de Dios, para que podamos oír Su voz. Sólo podemos seguir a Jesús y hacer lo que requiere de nosotros, si escuchamos Su voz, si vivimos en comunión con Él, pero si no obedecemos las palabras de Jesús, como están registradas en los evangelios, si no nos arrepentimos y no somos bautizados en agua, entonces no somos serios y no conoceremos a Jesús, porque Jesús dijo: "¿Por qué me llamas Señor, Señor, y no haces lo que yo digo?"
    Jesucristo demostró Su amor por nosotros, sufriendo y muriendo en una cruz por los pecados del mundo, para que todo aquel que cree en Él, y que le obedece, tenga vida eterna. Pero tenemos que demostrar nuestro compromiso con Él obedeciendo Sus palabras, en primer lugar, arrepintiéndonos, apartándonos del pecado, no peques más, y busca a Jesús con todo tu corazón en oración.
    Nuestra comunión con Él es en la oración, y si somos serios buscándole y vamos tras Él, nos dará Su Espíritu Santo en nosotros, para que podamos sentir Su presencia todo el tiempo. Si pecamos y nos apartamos de Él, Él nos volverá a llamar, nos reprenderá, nos disciplinará, porque Él cuida de nosotros. Pero si seguimos alejándonos de Él, si seguimos dándole nuestra espalda, entonces finalmente pereceremos porque sin Jesús nada podemos hacer. Si le damos nuestra vida a Jesús, nos entregamos a Jesús, entonces debemos comprometemos a vivir nuestra vida de tal manera que seamos dignos de Él, y entonces Él se nos mostrará a nosotros. Él nos guiará, hablará con nosotros, pero si todavía seguimos amando al mundo y las cosas del mundo, entonces no estamos comprometidos con Jesús. Si todavía queremos vivir a nuestra manera, tras los placeres del pecado, ser aceptado por el mundo, entonces no estamos buscando la aprobación y aceptación de Jesucristo, entonces no nos hemos entregado a Él. Él se entregó totalmente a nosotros; Él murió por nosotros y por lo tanto espera de nosotros que nos dediquemos plenamente a Él, y entonces se nos mostrará y será real para nosotros.
    Se trata de nuestra relación con Jesús. La mayoría de los Cristianos confesos no conocen a Jesucristo. Él no es real para ellos, porque nunca fueron serios. Si eres serio con Jesús y lo demuestras con tus actos, tus acciones, tu obediencia a Él, demuestras que realmente deseas seguirlo, entonces Él se te mostrará, y Él te guiará, te enseñará, y serás consciente de Su presencia en todo momento. Él nunca te dejará, nunca te abandonará, pero si le das la espalda y permites el pecado en tu vida, ese pecado te separará de Jesús. Si dudas de Él, entonces estarás en la oscuridad y sufrirás de ansiedad, porque el Espíritu Santo te condenará, te hará saber que estás en peligro del fuego del infierno.
    Hay un sólo lugar seguro y ese es estar con Jesús, vivir tu vida de tal manera que siempre puedas sentir Su aprobación y Su presencia.
    ¿Has dado tu vida a Jesús? ¿Caminas con Jesús todos los días? ¿Sientes Su presencia y sabes si está satisfecho contigo?
    Que Jesús te bendiga.
    Jesucristo es el Señor y está vivo.
    El infierno es real y aquellos que desobedezcan a Jesús irán a parar allí.
    Estoy aquí para compartir mi testimonio y poner tu mano en la mano de Jesús, para que le conozcas y le sigas.
    Por favor, presiona el botón de la derecha para subscribirte y aprender más sobre Jesús.
    Que Jesús te bendiga.

  • @user-xx7pg3vw9k
    @user-xx7pg3vw9k 6 лет назад +1

    If I still say bad words doesn’t that mean I have demons?

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  6 лет назад +6

      T. B. You need to repent and obey Jesus, be holy. Repent and be baptized in water. Sin no more. Infant baptism is not valid. You should only be baptized after committing to Jesus.

    • @user-xx7pg3vw9k
      @user-xx7pg3vw9k 6 лет назад

      I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to sell all my stuff, no biggie, don’t have much...a bike, iPad, clothes, books, ..but what about stuff I still owe money on and am upside down in? In other words I cannot sell it to pay the debt because the debt is far greater than what it is worth.

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  6 лет назад +2

      T. B. You need to pay your debts.

    • @user-xx7pg3vw9k
      @user-xx7pg3vw9k 6 лет назад +1

      I have two jobs, but no work is coming in! I’m always looking for work...every day I submit applications to somewhere...I get interviews but no offers...except the jobs that have no work for me! Lolz working six days a month will not pay the bills...

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  6 лет назад +4

      Pray, dear friend. Ask Jesus to help and guide you to get out of debt. May Jesus bless you.

  • @rgkgoobaet7934
    @rgkgoobaet7934 7 лет назад

    I was babtised through zoom in the internet. In a group where people cast out demons