I like Mr Heung said the song was writtenrn for Mr Tsang(in the movie) , that's exactly became so successful.... But the guy just tried to become funny. Why? I really thought Mr Heung said that song was for Mr tsang and he became the best actor. I hope, mr heung, this kind of great person, please don't attend this kind of talk..my God. .how old is the announcer? He has no life experience!
向, 向老师致敬...05.01.20
看完增長了很多知識 👍👏👏👏
难得這個“”33小鎮“” 有這文化聚會 探討香港珍贵的粤語流行曲文化 今天這文化区仍有這精彩聚會嗎?难得在港地以外聽眾這麽珍惜香港文化
[霑叔五字真言:「 藏、混、化、生、修(修→收) 」
Any chance Ep03 and 04 is available on youtube too?
月半小夜曲喺 當年 李克勤 出夏日之神話走紅後! 呢隻歌之後都爆返上嚟! 已經紅咗三十幾年啦傻仔!! 唔係今時今日先至紅㗎! 李克勤好多場演唱會已經有唱過呢首歌㗎喇! 精選碟裏面都出過唔知幾多次呀! 可能佢未出世啦
I like Mr Heung said the song was writtenrn for Mr Tsang(in the movie) , that's exactly became so successful.... But the guy just tried to become funny. Why? I really thought Mr Heung said that song was for Mr tsang and he became the best actor. I hope, mr heung, this kind of great person, please don't attend this kind of talk..my God. .how old is the announcer? He has no life experience!
如果冇曬年輕人聽粵語歌,得翻D 60 70年代嘅人聽,仲要唔比當時出名嘅音樂人同啲年輕人分享自己嘅心得歷程,個樂壇係真係會死噶