[Lesson 04] Takbirat al-Ihram & Its Description, Saying Takbir & Prayer of A Woman by Abu Afnaan

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • 14.02.2024
    [Episode 4]: The Takbirat al-Ihram (The Opening Takbir) & Its Description, Saying The Takbir (Allahu Akbar) & The Prayer of A Woman
    Points Covered In This Lesson:
    • The initial Takbīr, Takbīr Al-Iḥrām
    • Actions done in the prayer and their rulings.
    • If a person intentionally leaves off a wājib or rukn of the prayer, his prayer is invalid.
    • The Takbīrat Al-Iḥrām should be verbalized if a person is able.
    • The statement of Allāhu Akbar is tawqifiyyah.
    • Should a person say Allāhu Akbar if they do not know Arabic?
    • The ruling regarding elongating the Takbīr.
    • Raising the hands during the Takbīrat Al-Iḥrām is a sunnah (mustaḥab) action and not obligatory. (It is neither a rukn nor a wājib part of the prayer.
    • The timing between verbalizing the Takbīr and raising of the hands.
    • The Muslim should do different prescribed acts of worship at different times.
    • The prayer of a woman is just like that of a man.
    • Raising the hands during prayer is a way of glorifying Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى).
    • Benefits of not repeating the same act of worship every time.
    • The physical description of the hands and raising the hands during the Takbīrat al-iḥrām.

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