All of a sudden she wants to work and doesn’t wanna be bothered with the kids. Correction Toprak ‘cause she doesn’t even fool with Ece. But if Elif didn’t work and was at the Konak with her son, she wants to be there too. The neediness🙄 Sne couldn’t have gotten any work done since she’s been back and forth in Karhaman’s office. He should have nipped that in the bud after the 1 time. No I’m not available. No I don’t want any coffee and go do something…..anything and leave me alone. Karhaman was way better than I would be.
Essa Defne não se manca , esse kahraman parece que não sei
Isso aí Elif, deixa o kahraman com a assasina Defne, ele crer nela e não em
Как называется фильм по русски
All of a sudden she wants to work and doesn’t wanna be bothered with the kids. Correction Toprak ‘cause she doesn’t even fool with Ece. But if Elif didn’t work and was at the Konak with her son, she wants to be there too. The neediness🙄 Sne couldn’t have gotten any work done since she’s been back and forth in Karhaman’s office. He should have nipped that in the bud after the 1 time. No I’m not available. No I don’t want any coffee and go do something…..anything and leave me alone. Karhaman was way better than I would be.