Masha-Allah, another excellent talk by Maulana Dawood. This serves as a powerful reminder to say: AL'HAM'DU'LIL'LAAH Allah hum’ma sal’li a’la Say’yid’di’na Mo’ham’mad wa a’la a’lee Mo’ham’mad Ka’ma sal’lay’ta a’la Eb’ra’hee’ma wa a’la a’lee Eb’ra’hee’ma in’na’ka Ha’mi’dum’ Ma’jeed Allah hum’ma Ba’reek a’la Mo’ham’mad wa a’la a’lee Mo’ham’mad ka’ma Ba’rak’ta a’la Eb’ra’hee’ma wa a’la A’lee Eb’ra’hee’ma in’na’ka Ha’mee’dum’ Ma’jeed To the reader: May Allah, Most Gracious, fill your life with abundance, rozi, rizq, blessings and Barakah, Ameen, Yaa Rabb-al-Aa'la'meen. Al'ham'du'lil'laa'hi Rabb-al-Aa'la'meen. Quran is our LIFE...Jannah awaits the believer, Ameen, Yaa Rabb-al-Aa'la'meen. At the LOWEST point in his life, the Beloved Nabi, Sal'lal'laa'hu A'lay'hi Was'sal'lam, was taken to the HIGHEST Place, in Laylatul Me'raaj, Ameen. Yaa Rabb-al-Aa'la'meen. Salaah is the MERAJ of the believer...Ameen
Alhamdulillah, my heart is full and I cannot hold back my tears. May Allah forgive us and give us Hiddiya
Masha-Allah, another excellent talk by Maulana Dawood. This serves as a powerful reminder to say: AL'HAM'DU'LIL'LAAH
Allah hum’ma sal’li a’la Say’yid’di’na Mo’ham’mad
wa a’la a’lee Mo’ham’mad
Ka’ma sal’lay’ta a’la Eb’ra’hee’ma
wa a’la a’lee Eb’ra’hee’ma
in’na’ka Ha’mi’dum’ Ma’jeed
Allah hum’ma Ba’reek a’la Mo’ham’mad
wa a’la a’lee Mo’ham’mad
ka’ma Ba’rak’ta a’la Eb’ra’hee’ma
wa a’la A’lee Eb’ra’hee’ma
in’na’ka Ha’mee’dum’ Ma’jeed
To the reader: May Allah, Most Gracious, fill your life with abundance, rozi, rizq, blessings and Barakah, Ameen, Yaa Rabb-al-Aa'la'meen. Al'ham'du'lil'laa'hi Rabb-al-Aa'la'meen. Quran is our LIFE...Jannah awaits the believer, Ameen, Yaa Rabb-al-Aa'la'meen. At the LOWEST point in his life, the Beloved Nabi, Sal'lal'laa'hu A'lay'hi Was'sal'lam, was taken to the HIGHEST Place, in Laylatul Me'raaj, Ameen. Yaa Rabb-al-Aa'la'meen. Salaah is the MERAJ of the believer...Ameen