  • Опубликовано: 20 июл 2015
  • (27 Jul 1997) Spanish/Nat
    Thousands of supporters of the Basque separatist group ETA marched in San Sebastian on Sunday for the first time since the guerrilla group killed a Basque politician earlier this month.
    The murder sparked a huge outcry from Spaniards, and nearly 3 (m) million people took part in marches against ETA and its political wing Herri Batasuna after the politician's body was found.
    Security was high for the march, which passed without violence.
    Initial estimates for the march put attendance at 30-thousand.
    The leaders of ETA's political wing, Herri Batasuna, led demonstrators past the beach and into the old section of this Atlantic resort city.
    Demonstrators shouted Basque-language slogans in support of ETA and independence from Spain.
    The march leaders claimed the high turn-out as a victory.
    SOUNDBITE: (French)
    "They want to annihilate the people but they can't do it. All they have to do is give us self-determination."
    SUPER CAPTION: Yoseba Alvarez, Herri Batasuna national directive
    ETA kidnapped Miguel Angel Blanco, a Basque town councillor, on July 10 and threatened to kill him within 48 hours unless the Spanish government transferred some 500 ETA convicts to the Basque region.
    Blanco's body was found tied up in the woods shortly after ETA's deadline expired, with two fatal gunshots to the head.
    Herri Batasuna was the only Spanish party that did not condemn the killing.
    On Sunday, demonstrators carried placards with photographs of some of the prisoners, demanding their transfer to Basque prisons.
    Some passers-by looked on sadly, and said the protesters did not represent the feelings of all Basques.
    SOUNDBITE: (Spanish)
    "They have a's because they think that they're the only ones who defend the Basque people, but it's not only them. We're all Basque people, there are more people than just them."
    The party is backed by between 10 and 15 per cent of voters in the three-province northern Basque region.
    Some of the marchers shouted "No peace without amnesty!" and "Basque prisoners to the Basque Country!"
    Despite the violent actions of ETA, Herri Batasuna are calling for political dialogue.
    They want the government to discuss the possibility of moving the political prisoners.
    SOUNDBITE: (English)
    "The only way for political problems are political solutions and that's the reason we are asking today for political solutions now."
    SUPER CAPTION: Carlos Rodriguez, national executive of Herri Batasuna
    But the government has said it will not reverse Spain's long-standing policy of keeping ETA convicts dispersed in prisons throughout Spain.
    Herri Batasuna argue the policy violates the constitution.
    SOUNDBITE: (Spanish)
    "With regard to the prisoners the Spanish government has to make some sort of movement, it has to make progress in this direction. And also they have to understand that here, as in other political conflicts world-wide there's only one solution - which is dialogue. The government has to understand that the radical nationalist left want this, because it's costing the government as it's costing the whole of society."
    SUPER CAPTION: Floren Aoiz, Herri Batasuna leader
    Other Basque nationalist parties had also sided with Herri Batasuna but have changed their position since the Blanco murder. The other parties call for achieving Basque independence by peaceful means.
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