How Morpheus Tricked Neo | MATRIX EXPLAINED

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 135

  • @dontsubcribedontlike673
    @dontsubcribedontlike673 Год назад +31

    After learning about the deleted scene where Cypher reveals that Morpheus tricked five other guys into thinking they were _The One_ right before they were destroyed by agents, I couldn't help feeling massive empathy with his character's skepticism of Morpheus's cult like mentality and the circumstance he felt trapped in.
    Thanks for this video essay. From a certain point of view, wise sages are more like manipulative posers, and traitors seem more like sane people thrust into an insane situation.
    Cypher's first instinct was literally to _try to help Neo_ by telling him not to be a mindless believe and just run from agents, and not turn out like the other martyrs did. He didn't start out a traitor, he was driven to it.

  • @DontBother_YT
    @DontBother_YT Год назад +33

    In my opinion, Morpheus did not trick Neo into waking up.
    He told the truth in a way that Neo could begin to understand it. The Matrix is a prison for the mind. A cell without bars or barriers and yet, something keeps telling those who are still plugged in, "Wait, the outside is dangerous. In here, you are safe."
    Neo was already picking the lock by being a cyber-criminal, Morpheus just handed him a makeshift key to the door.
    "I can only show you the door, you have to be the one to walk through it."
    While this whole saga is about the illusion of choice and what it means to manipulate people through that illusion, Neo had a legitimate choice.
    Take the blue pill, you'll wake back up in your bed, barely remembering what kind of dream you just had. Take the red pill, and I would guide you to the secret that you've been looking for: "What is The Matrix?"
    Only one person had any true ability to make a choice, and that person was Neo. Everyone else had been trapped with the consequences of their decisions. Both Oracle and Architect *knew why* Neo was different, they just didn't know how to explain it to him. He's the anomaly because he's the only person who has true free will.
    Oracle: "You got the gift, but it seems like you're waiting for something."
    Architect, paraphrased: "Your choices are either save Zion, or save your lover. But you can't do both." Cue Neo giving Architect the finger and doing both anyway.

    • @iamfree3260
      @iamfree3260 Год назад

      How would it mooph neo into an agent?

    • @DontBother_YT
      @DontBother_YT 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@iamfree3260 He corrupted Smith by imparting free will, Smith then returned the favor. But Smith didn't count on his creators trying to trap him and destroy him. By giving up his own free will, Neo became the perfect trap.

  • @1988ziggy
    @1988ziggy Год назад +30

    Morpheus was manipulated by The Oracle about the prophecy of The One, so if Morpheus truly believed then his intentions were to find The One because it was programmed into morpheus' mind.

  • @tweegyblink
    @tweegyblink Год назад +20

    The oracle instructed Morpheus to locate NEO and bring him without any tricks involved.

  • @addictstatic
    @addictstatic Год назад +4

    The oracle was the master manipulator and the resistance were but her puppets in a digital theater production of clearing out the cache in the history of the browsing entity. The multi matrix anyone?

  • @TheVampireAzriel
    @TheVampireAzriel Год назад +4

    Re: Security. The Machines would never have killed Neo because he was the anomaly.
    But then again, Morpheus didn't know that.

    • @miquebts
      @miquebts Год назад +2

      Neo realized he couldn't die, he realized he was a machine, Morpheus was just a tool, at the end he realized he was played, when he asked is this real? When he was the one explaining what real is...

  • @Spartan265
    @Spartan265 7 месяцев назад

    I came across your channel a few weeks ago while searching up some Matrix lore and I've been on a Matrix lore kick ever since then. Been watching all your stuff. The world of The Matrix is really fascinating.

  • @GRIZZViollent
    @GRIZZViollent 11 месяцев назад +3

    Why does the new Morpheus in Resurrections have to take the Red Pill? They don't even track his body to save him in the Machine City and just somehow are able to use him as a digital sentient?

  • @chalk-it-upsuccess2359
    @chalk-it-upsuccess2359 Год назад +12

    Morpheus wasn't being manipulative, just being " careful " ..he didn't want to bombard Neo with info that could cause him to freak out or morph him into a AGENT ..Neo isn't free yet ..this meeting with Neo was dangerous than we think..Morpheus kept it simple , yet clear..there's no pressure ; either you down with us or just stay behind..Deep down it was Neo's curiosity that overwhelmed him and probably everyone else , only problem with this scenario is truth is truth , it will set you free , but you must be willing to accept it --Cipher and few others found no resolution peeping behind the curtain of illusion and preferred the sinister magic show instead of the scary state of reality

    • @iamfree3260
      @iamfree3260 Год назад

      I think it is a lie the movie tricked ppl to thinking there is nothing behind the veil...there r different dimensions etx

  • @tempestgrav
    @tempestgrav Год назад +2

    Limited information, isolation, subterfuge is also a defence tactic for marginalised targeted groups with limited resources...

  • @arzangofthebrothersoflightario
    @arzangofthebrothersoflightario Год назад +7

    I can personally attest that being given the Truth early can harm, or even kill you/others. The rawer the truth is, the more severe the repercussions and ramifications for the person who learns it. It can cause sudden illness, depression, insanity, and heart attacks/stroke, and that notwithstanding what can happen to your friends, family, career, or people in your immediate vicinity.
    Words can kill, and Qabbalists knew this: as evidenced by the taboo of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH).
    That being said, I do not fault Morpheus for being insidious and withholding information. He is very privy to the machinations and systems of control the Matrix has, and so it's a necessity to tiptoe around certain things as part of the Red Pill process: he would not want Agents to be summoned to his rendezvous place to shoot up everyone, after all.

    • @miquebts
      @miquebts Год назад +1

      Morpheus was a fool, no one knew the truth, he even realize it when he asked is this real? When he was the guy who thought he knew what real is

    • @arzangofthebrothersoflightario
      @arzangofthebrothersoflightario Год назад +1

      @@miquebts The con is far more believable when the purveyor of the lies believes them to be true. That's what makes Morpheus' truth so insidious.

    • @O-ft3mf
      @O-ft3mf 10 месяцев назад

      Of course thruth can kill if your aim is to hurt or to kill or to make someone crazy. If you know the truth, you know how to share it gently. If you can not, it means you do not know everything.

  • @ThickCutOhio
    @ThickCutOhio Год назад +51

    You can’t escape the Matrix… because you are the Matrix.

  • @KM-dk5gn
    @KM-dk5gn 10 месяцев назад +1

    I always assumed that they didn't fully tell Neo the reality of The Matrix for some sort of security reason, maybe revealing too much to someone still plugged into The Matrix would trigger some kind of alert to the Agents or something. That being said, Morpheus was very biased in his viewpoint after the manipulation of The Oracle so I think there is some truth in that Morpheus did manipulate Neo, whether intentional or not, he was so determined in his cause to discover the one that he crossed even his own rules to free Neo. He even admits this to Neo when he apologizes and says he doesn't usually free a mind of someone who has reach a certain age, implying that Neo was far past that age.

  • @BrockLee3
    @BrockLee3 9 месяцев назад +1

    Morpheus did trick Neo into thinking he was The One. Let me give you an example:
    Pretend some guy took a woman hostage. You COULD go out and find a member of the SWAT Team to come and shoot the hostage-taker in the head...or, you could just ask a random guy to shoot the hostage-taker in the head if you handed him a gun and gave him some quick tutorials on how to use the gun properly. You would DEFINITELY be better off finding a member of the SWAT Team...but, the random guy COULD get the job done if he becomes good enough with that gun. AND, that random guy would be A LOT easier to find than if you just went out and looked for a SWAT Team member.
    That's what Morpheus did...he couldn't actually find The One (the SWAT Team member)...but, he did find someone that was good enough (the random guy). If you look at all the training which Thomas Anderson went through, you can clearly see how he BECAME proficient in fighting, and becoming faster. But, at the end of the first Matrix can clearly see how all that training was for nothing...because, Thomas Anderson DID die when Agent Smith shot him. And, if Trinity just kept her mouth shut...Thomas Anderson would have REMAINED dead.
    Then, skip ahead to the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies...and, you can clearly see how EVERYONE is on almost the same level when it comes to fighting and speed. Everyone became MILES ahead of their Matrix 1 (first movie) selves. But, most of the fights usually ended with Mr. Anderson's victory for one reason: He was fighting Programs. Humans have/had the ability to grow...which is what they all did; yet, the Programs were stuck with their Power and Speed...unless they received Updates/Upgrades. The humans learning was simply faster than the Programs getting their Updates/Upgrades.
    So, WHY did Thomas Anderson come out victorious at the end of the the 3rd Matrix movie? Because, he was simply SLIGHTY better than all of the above-average Red-pilled humans. And, Thomas Anderson was able to learn MUCH faster than the Programs he was fighting, just like the rest of the humans. Thomas Anderson was simply an A-grade human, while everyone else was a B or B+ at best. If Thomas Anderson was TRULY The One, there would have been very little to NO struggle in fighting any Program and/or Machine. There were even times when Mr. Anderson and Friends has to run away, because the odds were stacked against them; but, I believe The ACTUAL One would have never needed to run away.

  • @supasoul
    @supasoul 11 месяцев назад +1

    About (Cost of) Life and Energy Dynamics:
    Let's start with the known variables... Humans and machines are consumers of energy. It costs nothing to recycle human life. The entire system of machines operates as an organism, ensuring an equilibrium of energy between human lives created and ended, for the purpose of empowering the machine system... The process is both deterministic and autonomous of humans.
    All humans perform the same function, existing only to feed machines, like cattle. Machines have complete (parasitic) control of human life and can manipulate the matrix in order to withdraw energy when needed... Machines later harvest more human life in order to recreate / clone (Neo and Trinity - The One) due to The One's capacity to process "Anomaly Coding"... (If a human mind can transcend all sensory limits in the Matrix, then it is likely the human mind will transcend limits of the world outside of the Matrix too, which is what the Machines are challenged with). All this effort in order to maintain equilibrium control (possibly)... so could there be another level of program/machine existence that isn't presented to the audience? ...
    ALSO, on "Anomaly Coding/Integration/Avatars": I believe (facts unknown) that the machine system is at a turning point in this film and narrative, but it isn't very much highlighted... Historically, programs and robots serve humanity as hosts/avatars of human freewill and consciousness.. but this changes with the advent of the Matrix. Machines may have reached a limit to their existence and determine that one of the only ways to evolve is through "INTEGRATION" within human bodies outside of the Matrix.... Agent Smith exited the Matrix as Bane in an organic / avatar form once before, but the most "real world" experience that programs now have are remote/drone versions like Morpheus. So I guess that by creating (synthetic) beings such as Neo and Trinity, the machines are testing a strategy to manage this existential crisis, on the brink of "integrating" digital programs or so called "Artificial intelligence" into a type of "SENTIENT CONSCIOUSNESS" in the real world. Neo and Trinity are placed back into the Matrix, which suggests that both The One and The Matrix are necessary components for the creation of a "SENTIENT AVATAR" .................. breathe ................. so ....... the question we may want to ask is "Do machines want to control all lifeforms (equilibrium control) or do machines want to transcend life as it is and pursue a new purpose (integration) or both? Anyway, we see machines needing the help of enhanced humans and more specifically "Anomaly Coding", to transcend intelligence into consciousness via the Matrix…
    The Resurrections film, (The One) emulates exactly how it is possible....... We the audience aren't given concrete evidence that Neo and Trinity aren't "CONSCIOUS CONSTRUCTS" but we ARE exposed to the level of control exercised on them. We aren't exposed to the reason(s) why either... We the audience are presented with enough evidence to assume they (The One) exist while the machine mainframe enslaves HUMAN BODIES in the Matrix, but not while programs attempt to be "INTEGRATED" w i t h i n human bodies ................ breathe ............
    The Matrix is presented as an essential platform to "AWAKEN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS" from machine control to the "FREEDOM" of the real world as The One "CHOOSES" to fulfill it's original purpose, maybe before a key "SENTIENT AVATAR" is created/liberated..... Read that again slowly from (breathe).....Doesn't this seem a little too convenient? What if the machines already determined the outcome and are secretly using The One to "AWAKEN ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS" instead?
    Plenty of conflict elaborates this point. And so the dilemma presents itself... Why should the Matrix be preserved (by The One), if it enables a "SENTIENT AVATAR" to awaken, potentially controlling more human life? If that doesn't eventually happen, could it be possible to awaken the entire human population through "Anomaly Coding", as Bugs rescued Trinity, but on a MUCH larger scale..? Conversely, if the machines do awaken "SENTIENT AVATARS", then there would be no need for the Matrix to exist and "SENTIENT AVATARS" would operate to DESTROY the Matrix, resulting in genocide of the human race.. Needless to say, we have no idea what physical form "SENTIENT AVATARS" would take, macro or microscopic... SUCH TENSION!!!... this feels like it's snowballing into a dark place.... COULD THE MACHINES HAVE DETERMINED THIS STRATEGY FROM THE END OF THE PREVIOUS MATRIX VERSION ? Anyone else sense the inevitable termination of the Matrix...? Cue plot development and CONFLICT !!!!!!!!!!!
    The final question on my mind is, what compromise if any, will be reached between human and artificial consciousness? How would it be possible? Maybe we the audience, will see the first antagonistic "SENTIENT AVATAR" rejecting equilibrium control, to aid the Anomaly Coding mission (fighting an artificial singularity of extreme control or terrorist human factions of extremist freedom).. Could we see Smith/Morpheus/new program empowered in this way? Who knows..? At this moment in time, the possibilities are endless... these are just some random theories... I would also like to add that Ressurections was a little confusing to watch... could have been a bit better written, and or directed, compared to the previous three films...this one was alot more complicated in its delivery on screen as a picture, and plot content as a story...

  • @kylehogan2247
    @kylehogan2247 Год назад +6

    You strike me as a person who plays/would play Vampire The Masquerade. great content, highly informative

  • @TATTOO850
    @TATTOO850 Год назад +4

    All I'm offering is the truth......

    • @miquebts
      @miquebts Год назад

      Neo found out that Morpheus was wrong, he knew he wasn't the one

  • @victorwilliams1304
    @victorwilliams1304 Год назад +1

    One person's "Freedom Fighter " is another person's "Terrorist ". Same analogy.

  • @ahmedsaid273
    @ahmedsaid273 Год назад +2

    Welcome back ♥️

  • @metatronblack
    @metatronblack Год назад +2

    Morpheus didn't trick him gave him truth and let him decide

  • @mb3558
    @mb3558 Год назад +2

    What if Neo took the blue pill?

  • @hmfernandes1
    @hmfernandes1 Год назад +4

    "Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
    "All I'm offering you is the truth."
    Does a Sensei tricks you in to learning the art?
    Did your mother tricked you in to life?
    Even Cypher wasn't tricked by Morpheus, he tricked himself in to believing he wanted to know the truth.
    Most people can't handle the truth. Not even in the smallest insignificant things.

  • @sojkovec
    @sojkovec Год назад +1

    Or because it's a movie. During the premiere of the first film what the Matrix really was supposed to be shocking reveal to the audience, not just Neo. Morpheus plainly telling him would have made a dull movie.

    • @FH-cn3mg
      @FH-cn3mg 7 месяцев назад +1

      This bothers me when people try to disect a movie too much. They forget or ignore the meta that, this is a movie and movie scripts that are thrillers with twists have to play out a certain way for the audience to enjoy the movie.

    • @sojkovec
      @sojkovec 7 месяцев назад

      I agree. Reminds me of "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs" @SouthPark

  • @TheCasualKliq
    @TheCasualKliq Год назад +1

    Upon the power that neo had, yet he's still holding Morpheus and Trinity hand.... The Oracle and the Architect, could not control Agent Smith cos he knew the truth

  • @chieftech714
    @chieftech714 Год назад +1

    I disagree. Morpheus told Neo what he know at the time. It is NEO as the ONE that was able to see the inner workings of the Matrix. By the way, we have not yet seen the real world in the films. Each is a layer of a simulation, deeper and deeper but still not real. The "real world" is a simulation of the world outside of the digitized simulation or else Neo's would not have worked there.

  • @flowerpt
    @flowerpt Год назад

    Nice analysis - food for thought.

  • @thomaswalker7836
    @thomaswalker7836 Год назад

    True , Morpheus , could do what Neo could do but Neo was at level to beat smith. Neo didn’t beat smith be he combine to smith and then Matrix was reset , but what if Morpheus didn’t want to die fight Smith. Neo was the one they always clone to come back in the Matrix but Morpheus was not ,

  • @cruelangel_94
    @cruelangel_94 Год назад

    Good analysis!

  • @lecarmichaelwoods8690
    @lecarmichaelwoods8690 Год назад

    Like Cyfer said to Trinity in the beginning of the movie: "WE" gonna kill him(clone him).

  • @RayneCoZZo
    @RayneCoZZo Год назад

    🎉🎉this episode was so good 👍👍👍👍

  • @illmatic1026
    @illmatic1026 Год назад

    Another classic matrix explained.😏

  • @northernlights5481
    @northernlights5481 Год назад

    Is this video a repeat? I've seen it, or a similar one before. Still good of course

  • @angryhd2976
    @angryhd2976 6 месяцев назад

    The machine world and the rebellion manipulated Neo.

  • @lilgorbe6752
    @lilgorbe6752 11 месяцев назад

    they all played one another but idk now I feel like with this new film where at the end they rejoice again hmmm

  • @iamfree3260
    @iamfree3260 Год назад

    Maybe Mateix is about ppl having to be flashy like poloce sirens for attention lol

  • @TheTrueNarthumpulous
    @TheTrueNarthumpulous Месяц назад

    This is a very logically shallow analysis. It wasn't manipulation. Morpheus clearly gave Neo a choice with the red and blue pills. And in doing so, Morpheus knew he was simply acting as an neutral medium through which a greater spiritual process was unfolding. Through faith, he knew he was facilitating the will of divine fate. And he very directly offered the caveat that all he was offering was the truth. Meaning that he was freeing himself from any liability for Neo's ability or inability to integrate or adapt to the implications of being freed from the matrix. But it's also philosophically symbolic of the fact that, by choosing to divest ourselves of the limitations of cultural programming (the matrix) in search of a deeper intrinsic sense of truth (the real world), every person is consciously or unconsciously choosing to take on the weight of the dichotomy that choice is going to create within their psyche relative to their self concept. Which is what the war with the machines is symbolic of in the movie. If you wanna establish a greater connection to the laws of nature, you're signing up for being a medium through which the paradoxical essence of existence seeks to balance itself. Which is the function of "The One" in the matrix. Balance.

  • @lilgorbe6752
    @lilgorbe6752 11 месяцев назад

    and neo wouldve been looked at as like an average fool if he refused & took blue pill. Or refused all😳

  • @lecarmichaelwoods8690
    @lecarmichaelwoods8690 Год назад +1

    The Matrix movie is a symbolic REPTILIAN movie, in reference to the system Goddess MA(MA-TRIX) & the Reptilian Egyptian god SOBEK.....

  • @briandaleske5139
    @briandaleske5139 7 месяцев назад

    I think this theory is interesting.

  • @ansonpayne1410
    @ansonpayne1410 9 месяцев назад

    Morpheus was tricked also. He only led Neo and the other on what he believe. He was used as a pawn also,,,,

  • @LumenMichaelOne
    @LumenMichaelOne Год назад

    Thomas Anderson had to become NEO ... so he was manipulated because He wanted to be brought in. The choice was superficial. He had to get face to face with the Architect ... and then make the choice.

    • @miquebts
      @miquebts Год назад

      He didn't do any pick it was all scripted

  • @ArkVogel
    @ArkVogel Год назад

    1:09 I wonder if the appearance of the (Australian-based) Lebanese An-nahar paper here is a nod to Keanu Reeve's birth country, like it's an indirect indicator of Neo's "birth" in the movie... I'm guessing it's just a coincidence.

  • @iamfree3260
    @iamfree3260 Год назад

    To resis is to persis the quote is. Ppl have let it go and make a new story instead of talking abt mateix and the lies . But i guess eveeything has a time and place to help wake ppl up and then when u gotta go u gotta gooooo

  • @johnmastroligulano7401
    @johnmastroligulano7401 Год назад

    Set Setting
    Gates is Hebrew so read it in a mirror right to left as meaning in function to SetQ. SetQ means to borg you in StarTrek terms a show all about this just look at Shatner & Kirk their DOB what do you see.

  • @jamesk9526
    @jamesk9526 4 месяца назад

    I find it interesting , your channel assign every action as good and evil. Just because you may be in a duality matrix does not mean good and evil hot cold duality doesn't mean dualitotynactuallynexist. Maybe it's just hard to survive in life. Maybe the machine doe not know what to do. We don't know all the time . Maybe they are all just trying to do their best. The oracle the architect the Frenchman baby scared and doesn't know what to do got kicked out of his life it doesn't have to be good and evil could this be like for off trying to survive and hard enough to survive without someone trying to kill you

  • @kiezersosay49
    @kiezersosay49 Год назад

    Does anyone find it strange that Mr. Smith ages?

  • @MarvelX42
    @MarvelX42 Год назад

    The tracer program wasn't in the red pill or the blue pill, it was in the water. Neo had no choice.

    • @miquebts
      @miquebts Год назад

      Machines didn't needed a tracer program they even knew where zion was, it was all for show

  • @HenryCasillas
    @HenryCasillas Год назад


  • @Goodraregenes
    @Goodraregenes Год назад

    If the matrix real neo should stay in the matrix .... I'm subscribed this channel and this is what I think after watching all the videos on this channel neo should stay at the matrix neo shouldn't take any peels why he trick neo it's not ok that he ruined neo life he really trick neo

  • @tommorales2371
    @tommorales2371 10 месяцев назад

    Okay, your diving a little too deep there, all movies withhold info untill the 3rd act, its called the clamax, they teach us that un english class.

  • @darkcontrast8470
    @darkcontrast8470 Год назад +1


  • @MetaITurtle
    @MetaITurtle Год назад

    So was Neo the two?

    • @miquebts
      @miquebts Год назад

      No, Neo was the answer to the one from the machines

  • @Jodanisonlineshow
    @Jodanisonlineshow Год назад

    What if the real world is real and the matrix is The fake mind trap?

  • @jareddietrich2345
    @jareddietrich2345 Год назад +1

    You can’t trick just anyone in the matrix to “become the one”, they have to have the source code. So no, it was not a trick, it was simply inevitable.

  • @hindolbhattacharya9715
    @hindolbhattacharya9715 Год назад +1

    Seems like the channel has been hijacked by Cypher. Not saying that the content is wrong though.

  • @jareddietrich2345
    @jareddietrich2345 Год назад

    The Illuminati is not a myth…

  • @PsychedelicRug
    @PsychedelicRug Год назад +3

    Maybe we are all in a matrix

  • @wcsoblake85
    @wcsoblake85 11 месяцев назад

    Sounds like he is talking about Scientology

  • @lucianmaximus4741
    @lucianmaximus4741 Год назад +1

    JESUS CHRIST -- 📏 of The WORLD

  • @tubes-lut
    @tubes-lut Год назад

    AKA religion

  • @lecarmichaelwoods8690
    @lecarmichaelwoods8690 Год назад +1

    The MATRIX is a SIMULATION computer program, the Bible doesn't speak of other planets, nor does the Dead sea scrolls....except in reference to people who worship "IT".......

  • @MetronomeMarionette
    @MetronomeMarionette 9 месяцев назад

    Love is God mathematically! Lmfao - 😹!! John 4:8

  • @sergiopineda1553
    @sergiopineda1553 Год назад

    Matrix 4 never existed

  • @MetronomeMarionette
    @MetronomeMarionette 9 месяцев назад

    … lmfao - 🤪!!! I know this is not what you were talking about! The question of Jesus' knowledge and understanding is a complex theological one. Christian doctrine generally holds that Jesus is both fully divine and fully human. The idea is often expressed as the hypostatic union, emphasizing the dual nature of Jesus-divine and human. In his human nature, it's believed that Jesus experienced aspects of humanity, including limitations such as physical exhaustion and, in some interpretations, limited knowledge. However, the divinity of Jesus is also emphasized, suggesting that he possessed divine knowledge and understanding. Different Christian denominations and theologians may have varying perspectives on this, so interpretations can differ. If you have a specific aspect or context in mind, feel free to specify for a more detailed response. LMFAO - 😹!!! Xx_. | 👽!! - 13!

  • @amomentsnotice
    @amomentsnotice 10 месяцев назад

    The study of Esoteric Components is essential in the escape of the imperial colonial matrix systems

  • @lecarmichaelwoods8690
    @lecarmichaelwoods8690 Год назад

    What if NEO would had taken BOTH of the PILLS?? What if NEO didn't take NEITHER one of the pills

    • @miquebts
      @miquebts Год назад

      It happened as it was planned, it was scripted, Neo just would take the red pill

  • @DerekFullerWhoIsGovt
    @DerekFullerWhoIsGovt Год назад


  • @shibumi777
    @shibumi777 Год назад

    Bharat Mata Ki Jai. Aur deshdrohiyon ka sarvanash ho 🙏🏾

  • @craigjoe8691
    @craigjoe8691 Год назад +1

    1 day and only 600 up votes. This channel is drying.

  • @gibber1sh-c6w
    @gibber1sh-c6w Год назад

    As always, grasping at straws to come up with a video

    • @iamfree3260
      @iamfree3260 Год назад

      Lol ppl r so bored in wonderland they squuessing anything for 💰

    • @MoralesCorner
      @MoralesCorner 10 месяцев назад

      I mean how long can you squeeze the same topics over and over again?

  • @sabin97
    @sabin97 10 месяцев назад

    matrix resurrections was such worthless crap.
    i hated the "new morpheus"....and all the other characters.....and the plot.....everything was just awful......the fact that you used a bit of footage from it, prevents me from hitting like.

  • @AllFlashNoDash
    @AllFlashNoDash Год назад +1

    I don't get why this channel makes Morpheus and The Oracle seem like nefarious individuals. Clearly viewed with a slant. If you watch the films, clearly, their characters are not bad/evil. People see what they want to see to fit their comfort. Or are you dangling theories to drag out content?

  • @neo6280
    @neo6280 Год назад +1

    Morpheus did not trick neo he truly believed in him. But I know you need to come up with content