It’s shocking that he didn’t win the Nobel prize until 2016. This man isn’t well known and should literally be in the same conversation as Benjamin Franklin, Tesla, Edison, and the person who created the wheel
This Guy... oh my god... WE THANK YOU SIR TIM for your invention and also thank you that is FREE for everyone, as many I am sure don’t even think about the fact that we use internet and we see what we see and achieve more stuff even more efficiently because a Genius like you!!! Your invention achieved more then the humanity has developed in the last 100 years...
@瑞希登 The system that gave the world a totally corrupt Joe Biden and family, ya I really want to know that system. Screw their system, I would rather see people free to live their lives and say what ever good or bad without some SJW crying that their feelings have been hurt so we need to give them a big hug.
One of my heroes. I recently spoke in career day in my kids middle school and my talk was all about Web History, the kids were in awe. He is so underrated.
His brilliance doesn't come from ingenius ideas, it comes from simple but incredibly useful ideas. What he's suggesting in this talk would be tremendously helpful in advancing our society. I personally wish he would have spent more time on the subject of interdisciplinary research because one of the largest barriers to progress in many scientific fields is our focus on very specific professions at the highest levels of mastery. Our scientists train for depth of knowledge with no breadth.
TBL is the most generous and genius man in history. He could have dwarfed the Walton's and Gate's in wealth with this powerful program, but he chose to give it to the world for free. He sacrificed wealth for the freedom of information.
I think Tim haven't explained it as good as it should've been. LD is a great concept, but it needs more examples. E.g., we've heard the talk about interconnected web-sites, databases, but how it actually works, how to use it, how we can combine data from one site/db with another? From what I've heard that Google thingy that converts currency does this through LD, which I bet lots of people would like to do, but how it can be done? Is it available through some kind of API available from some "cloud", or you can do that on your own, with JavaScript?
Leonard Kleinrock was the first to publish a paper about the idea of packet switching, which is essential to the Internet. He did so in 1961. J.C.R. Licklider was the first to describe an Internet-like worldwide network of computers, in 1962. He called it the "Galactic Network." Larry G. Roberts created the first functioning long-distance computer networks in 1965 and designed the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the seed from which the modern Internet grew, in 1966.
11:20 I worked on building web-scrapers via a nonprofit organization, working on this very thing. Government orgs are required to put up data--but the exact format is not specified. And so you have public data that is ultimately completely useless, and sometimes with obvious inaccuracies. And the only time you can actually get use out of the data, is by combining it all into one unified format--which is not a trivial thing to do. But someone's gotta do it! There is a data fragmentation crisis, and literally priceless value hidden in between the cracks of related spreadsheets, PDFs, and databases that were always meant to be linked together.
...everyone wants to make a little difference...and with Tim B-L it started so small, as a side-project. It seems you should never underestimate the potential of small projects born from your own ideas/frustration.
15:28 To put a finer point on that power thing, that's the power of efficiency, the power to use less energy to accomplish information processing. So it's about sustainability, it's about being lean, and lean is about evolution... _For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it._ In this light it could be said that impeding access to data is impeding evolution.
that seems a good argument.i would argue back usually however my comment was actually quoting TBL exactly - responding back to a question; 'how do you feel about 'cashing in'?'
Data and the interpretation of it needs to be driving how the 2020 Covid19 pandemic is managed. Data, not politics or emotion. Sir Tim got that, decades ago. Brilliant data scientist.
You could also argue that energy is universal, but I know that around the world people pay their energy bills unless they live like a hermit or in small societies in the mountains or the high deserts. Information is key to business and the Internet allows users to share information faster than any alternatives. Please explain your theory about how the Internet would not have taken off had somebody put a price tag on it...
Thank you, HTML was one of the absolute best and easiest to learn coding systems ever created. I created a career building links and promoting websites and made tons of money from your silly little side project that changed the entire world. LOL
It would be either him or somebody else. What I am surprised about is that the elites of the world did not do to TBL as they did to Tesla, but then against TBL worked for CERN and Tesla, for the people.
maybe they do have a little some thing to do with each other, since it is the developers who decide whether to make their innovations available. so... the trend seems to be pointing towards more open source tech and info for better access to solutions, despite efforts holding back tech and info progress and availability for profit and control and politics.
THE 7 STEPS OF FREE DATA OF THE WORLD TODAY! 1.Data >>2 .Corruption>>3. Power>> 4.Information>> 5.Control>> 6.Invention>> 7.Solution = THE WORLD WHAT IT SHOULD BE! 1.Data>> 2.Information>> 3.Invention>> 4.Solution>> 5.Control>> 6.Power>> 7.Corruption = THE WORLD i could go on but i hope this inspires more data :D
@thnksmarter - another take: the nature of the internet - standardization - happened *because* it was free. his achievement is like open source, something that by definition could never be charged for (although one can still make money from associated skills)
Das Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " habe ich , Anton Gremaud , sehr gerne gespielt . Ich , " Anton Gremaud " habe noch eine Map angefangen zu machen / bauen für das Spiel " Unreal 2 XMP " , habe diese Map aber noch nicht zu Ende gebaut . Ich , " Anton Gremaud " habe da mit einer ein bisschen von mir erdachten merkwürdigen Taktik welche ich meinen Team Mitspielern befohlen habe viel gewonnen so " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen mit grossen was Welten . Ich , Anton Gremaud , wurde bester Spieler vom eigenen Team und unser Team hat gewonnen beim " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen mit mir , Anton Gremaud , und den anderen was menschlichen mitspielenden Lebewesen / Wesen . Ich , Anton Gremaud , habe meinen Team Mitspielern befohlen auf das schnell von der Geschwindigkeit her Fahrzeug vom Typ " Raptor " vom Spiel " Unreal 2 XMP " auf die Motorhaube vom Fahrzeug , Typ " Raptor " , zu stehen und mit mir mitzufahren , ich , Anton Gremaud , war damals der Fahrer vom Fahrzeug Typ " Raptor " und anderen Typen von Fahrzeugen vom Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " . Die anderen Mitspieler von meinem Team fuhren stehend auf der Motorhaube vom schnellen Fahrzeug Typ " Raptor " mit mir zur feindlichen was Basis , mir waren so schnell bei der was feindlichen Basis und sind dann ausgeschwärmt und haben die 3 " Artefakte " geholt bei der was feindlichen Basis welche man zurück zur eigenen Basis bringen muss , auf die was Motorhaube von Fahrzeugen stehen sollte man nicht machen in der Realität . Ich , Anton Gremaud , war als Fahrer auch ganz alleine mit dem schnell von der Geschwindikeit her Fahrzeug Typ " Raptor " unterwegs zur feindlichen was Basis und zurück zur eigenen Basis und habe " Arftefakte " von der feindlichen was Basis geholt und in die eigene Basis zurückgebracht zum " Siegen / Gewinnen " . Ich , Anton Gremaud , war auch alleine zu Fuss unterwegs und habe die " Artefakte " bei der feindlichen Basis geholt und die eigene Basis zurückgebracht , ich , Anton Gremaud , habe viel gemacht in Angelegenheiten Taktik so vom Computerpiel " Unreal 2 XMP " und habe viel gewonnen . Das Team welches als erstes die 3 " Artefakte " vom Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " , von der anderen , feindlichen was Basis in die eigene Basis bringt gewinnt den was " Krieg " beim Spiel " Unreal " XMP " . Reaktoren hat es auch beim Spiel " Unreal 2 XMP " , welche man aktivieren und auch deaktivieren muss vom Spiel " Unreal 2 XMP " . Es hat noch andere Fahrzeuge beim / vom Computerpiel " Unreal 2 XMP " , es gibt noch ein Typ gepanzertes Fahrzeug mit Waffe welches nicht schnell ist von der Geschwindigkeit her mit welchem andere Mitspieler mitfahren können , diese Taktik habe ich auch probiert . Ich , " Anton Gremaud " habe keine Screenshots von den Statistiken vom " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen von damals , s ist lange her als ich , Anton Gremaud , " Unreal 2 XMP " gespielt habe , weil ich Angst vor Verschmutzung vom Internet habe habe ich keine Screenshots von Statistiken vom " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen , mit mir dem Anton Gremaud Wesen , auch Lebeswesen welches lebt und anderen menschlichen Wesen / Lebewesen welche mitgespielt haben . Movies / Filme welche man mittels Screencapturing machen kann vom Spielen habe ich auch keine gemacht vom " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen von mir mit anderen menschlichen Lebewesen / Wesen . Das Compuerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " ist recht alt , das Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " ist vom Jahre 2003 , damals gab es vermutlich / möglicherweise noch kein RUclips usw . Videoplattformen . Filme / Movies vom Spielen mit dem Computer , Konsolen will / wollte ich schon lange machen mittels Screencapturing , lange ist es her , im Jahre 1991 , habe ich , Anton Gremaud meinen damaligen Freunden , ein paar von den damaligen Freunden haben sich als Feinde entpuppt , mitgeteilt , dass ich Filme / Movies vom Spielen machen will zum zeigen und auch was wie " RUclips " machen will zum die Filme / Movies raufladen und der ganzen Welt in Universen zeigen will , damals gab es vermutlich / möglicherweise noch kein RUclips , damals gab es vermutlich auch keine " Screencapturing " Software mit welcher man Filme / Movies vom Spielen machen konnte . RUclips kann man für vieles gebrauchen . Was mich interessiert , kann ich mit dem Computer und Betriebssystem welches ich momentan habe nochmals das Computerpiel " Unreal 2 XMP " wieder spielen und Movies / Filme vom Spielen davon machen, sind die Server noch am laufen vom Spiel , man kann auch eigene Server machen ist mir bekannt , aber das für mich sehr gute Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " vom Jahre 2003 spielt vermutlich niemand mehr , das und anderes muss ich noch alles rausfinden / studieren . Ich kenne da noch die Webseite " Crazy Games " und andere Webseiten mit welchen man über den Webbrowser ähnliche Spiele wie das Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen kann usw. machen kann . Ich , Anton Gremaud , habe eine lange Zeit nur Spiele vom Unreal Universum gespielt wegen Sparsamkeit usw . . Ich habe auch gute Freunde verloren wegem dem Computer , Konsolen usw . , wir sind Feinde geworden . An der Hochschule für Ingenieure und Architekten in Fribourg kann man seit noch nicht so langer Zeit " Computerspiele / Konsolenspiele usw . Spiele machen " studieren , Edouard Gremaud hat mitgeholfen die Ingenieur und Architekten Schule in Fribourg zu planen , ich , Anton Gremaud , mache schon seit langem Spiele . Ich , Anton Gremaud , wollte das Internet schon als kleines Kind für meinen C 64 Heimcomputer zulegen , damals gab es noch kein Internet , ich kenne die Geschichte vom Internet , ich sah das Internet lange Zeit bevor es das Internet gab mit ALLEM was dazugehört in meinen Visionen / Zukunftsvisionen , und ja , es gibt noch anderes wichtiges als Computer , Konsolen , Internet usw . . Und hier noch Movies / Filme vom Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " . Gruss vom Universal besseren Lebewesen / Wesen " Anton Gremaud " .
A: Not really. It was simply that had the technology been proprietary, and in my total control, it would probably not have taken off. The decision to make the Web an open system was necessary for it to be universal. You can't propose that something be a universal space and at the same time keep control of it.
they should put a susbscribe button on the page/video you're currently watching. the linked data idea .... absolutely amazing, just imagine how much clearer everything that's posted on the internet would be. imagine the increase in analysis efficiency ...
Now when people learn what he did see what happens..........a 10 to 20 years later... I will surely come again to check this mark my words today-date 17 nov 2018
Actually, to be more accurate, he didn't, he only invented the World Wide Web and has helped develop Web 2.0 while he is also helping to develop Web 3.0... The internet was already in place in the form of the ARPAnet
I think linked data and intelligent algorithms to synthesize the massive quantity of information on the web are great and revolutionary ideas that are actually achievable today. Yet it seems the Internet is content with being a static and "dead" space which requires work by the user to gain information; its more like a cooler of soda than the automated vending machine it could easily be with modern algorithms.
I suppose, if I where to draw a comparison between the internet and something else, it would have to be undoubtedly be the now destroyed library at Victoria.. the major difference here being, that all of the information amassed in this one is not all in one place, and grows infinantly faster.
Is this like a news-feed? I got the feeling content providers didn't like them because you didn't have to go to their websites. I have a feed reader and it gives me all their data that is provided and it's like a search engine but customized just to what I want.
@energysage very true.. it also adds to public confusion when they begin to hear so many varied insights... I think the future of the scientist will however begin to broaden their knowledges mostly because of the internet and ease of access to content. Self edudcation is the way.. the days of standard institution based learning are over. My own company is working ways to make interaction through content more easily. Linked Data is all about relevance to the person and their situation
Being has a tendency to 'return' to clusters ='the nature of solidarity' -a desire for empathy -(Wave)-(yin) and also, Being has a tendency to 'exist' as individuals ='the nature of self-expension' -a desire for breed-(Particle)-(Yang) Likewise, humans have two elements. We must realize that we all have both left and right elements =Solidarity and Self reliance No one has only one element. so 'Sum' derived from 'two poles' , (thesis, antithesis, synthesis) To develop intellect and ethics by harmonizing the two, It is good to realize it and balance it properly But A few people polarized the crowd(political partisanship) without balancing themselves. And They stole only the sum, only the synthesis from the triangle composition.
@manicdepressive88 I can only imagine he had already had a 30 min satnding ovation amidst several panties being hurled onto the stage and the recording starts after he begins for a second time (or fith) "I invented the world wide web".. that's what must have happened.
Luckily, Corporations don't matter in distributed networks. As long as some significant group or groups make use to and contribute to this, it will grow in spite of those against it or in the way of it. Scientist, mathematicians, academics, hobbyists, developers, designers, and prosumers will make use of the semantic web and linked data. I know I will contribute to it as I become able.
He has all the right ideas, linked data would help mankind, more than manunkind, and would excelerate science, excelerating science would make the world safer and could almost eliminate terrorism from social interaction to country interaction.
Yeah, the net existed before Tim, but it was obscure. He put the widget on the map and invented the technology that revolutionized our world in ways that still haven't played out fully. We may end up with a global meta-government honestly capable of ruling our world equitably mostly because of what Tim invented. As far as I am concerned, his insight was as good as Darwins or Einsteins. It was likely that someone would stumble onto it, but that doesn't detract from the overwhelming significance.
12 years later and almost 400k views for the creator of the web and then you scroll your feed and see a 15 million views vid of a guy farting. Today's society is so interesting man
I agree. I must be in a shitty mood today because I was just going to suggest that for Christopher Columbus it wasn't a discover as much as it was a stumble. But you gotta give credit to the man for being adventurous.
True - but the main problem might not so much lie with preventing your employer from getting access to your data, but rather attaining the point where you can access his data. There is very much a danger that this sort of thing can erode privacy, I agree; the vast part of the trouble, however, arises when there is an imbalance in the exercise of invasiveness.
I can still remember the days when everybody of every age group was advised, warned and taught to never put personal private information on the internet. It is our own fault that we didn't heed that warning. The evil of Zuck would not have taken root if we had never gotten into the habit of indiscriminately revealing our privacy into the open square.
9 year old video and less than 250,000 views?! This is one of the most important ideas around.
It takes time for good concepts to fully mature
He's being snubbed by the new age.
They did him line tela
worry not, he has not given upвидео.html , looks like he is about to change the world AGAIN. some men are immortal
You think he was unhappy with the internet in 2009, you should hear him now.
"I invented the World Wide Web." Great on job application or first date.
I love how excited he gets. He's a revolutionary
Hope you remember this Ted talk..:)
He's a pedantic little nerd
Without him there wouldn't be a web -> No Google, no Facebook no Amazon. He brought a new level of communication and economy. Superb genius!
Do not confuse the web with the internet. That was around long before he created http.
He creted the future. He actually changed human civilization.
It’s shocking that he didn’t win the Nobel prize until 2016. This man isn’t well known and should literally be in the same conversation as Benjamin Franklin, Tesla, Edison, and the person who created the wheel
@@snuglife4595 hope you know that there's no nobel prize for computer science or mathematics.
There's one Turing Award and Tim did get it. ✌🏼
@@utGort he just made the access of internet to everyone thru a protocol (internet protocol).
This Guy... oh my god... WE THANK YOU SIR TIM for your invention and also thank you that is FREE for everyone, as many I am sure don’t even think about the fact that we use internet and we see what we see and achieve more stuff even more efficiently because a Genius like you!!! Your invention achieved more then the humanity has developed in the last 100 years...
I pay 30eu month.
We wouldn't be here, commenting or watching this vid without him.
The guy who changed the world!
Ya, he changed the world and by his own account he changed the world for the worse because of the people who are in control of the web today.
@@germslover6662 u using the internet
So true
@瑞希登 The system that gave the world a totally corrupt Joe Biden and family, ya I really want to know that system. Screw their system, I would rather see people free to live their lives and say what ever good or bad without some SJW crying that their feelings have been hurt so we need to give them a big hug.
he didn't just change the world, he created an entire new future, new timeline, new event branch for humanity
One of my heroes. I recently spoke in career day in my kids middle school and my talk was all about Web History, the kids were in awe. He is so underrated.
Teaches at my uni. Legend.
Lucky you
His brilliance doesn't come from ingenius ideas, it comes from simple but incredibly useful ideas. What he's suggesting in this talk would be tremendously helpful in advancing our society. I personally wish he would have spent more time on the subject of interdisciplinary research because one of the largest barriers to progress in many scientific fields is our focus on very specific professions at the highest levels of mastery. Our scientists train for depth of knowledge with no breadth.
TBL is the most generous and genius man in history. He could have dwarfed the Walton's and Gate's in wealth with this powerful program, but he chose to give it to the world for free. He sacrificed wealth for the freedom of information.
I think Tim haven't explained it as good as it should've been. LD is a great concept, but it needs more examples. E.g., we've heard the talk about interconnected web-sites, databases, but how it actually works, how to use it, how we can combine data from one site/db with another? From what I've heard that Google thingy that converts currency does this through LD, which I bet lots of people would like to do, but how it can be done? Is it available through some kind of API available from some "cloud", or you can do that on your own, with JavaScript?
They will never reveal all the secrets?
I m from India.. you are great and you will be remembered forever
Leonard Kleinrock was the first to publish a paper about the idea of packet switching, which is essential to the Internet. He did so in 1961.
J.C.R. Licklider was the first to describe an Internet-like worldwide network of computers, in 1962. He called it the "Galactic Network."
Larry G. Roberts created the first functioning long-distance computer networks
in 1965 and designed the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the seed from which the modern Internet grew, in 1966.
I watched this video with only script. but it's certain that he's story and passion is incredible.
Thank you Tim Berners-Lee!! You've done a great job! RAW DATA
The man of his you...salute
One of the many guys I have to thank for having a job at the moment
He is soo devoted to this, wow simply brilliant stuff .. at last!
11:20 I worked on building web-scrapers via a nonprofit organization, working on this very thing. Government orgs are required to put up data--but the exact format is not specified. And so you have public data that is ultimately completely useless, and sometimes with obvious inaccuracies. And the only time you can actually get use out of the data, is by combining it all into one unified format--which is not a trivial thing to do. But someone's gotta do it!
There is a data fragmentation crisis, and literally priceless value hidden in between the cracks of related spreadsheets, PDFs, and databases that were always meant to be linked together.
This is actually the future! Real-time, connected data 🙌
Such a genius. The creator of the World Wide Web is as awesome as his creation.
...everyone wants to make a little difference...and with Tim B-L it started so small, as a side-project. It seems you should never underestimate the potential of small projects born from your own ideas/frustration.
this what makes social media and youtube great..what a
15:28 To put a finer point on that power thing, that's the power of efficiency, the power to use less energy to accomplish information processing. So it's about sustainability, it's about being lean, and lean is about evolution... _For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it._ In this light it could be said that impeding access to data is impeding evolution.
23:31:06 up 39 days, 13:28, 3 users, load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.00
11:31pm up 219 days 7:44, 12 users, load average: 0.79, 0.45, 0.19
23:32:20 up 7 days, 13:00, 4 users, load average: 1.02, 1.03, 1.23
23:32:04 up 11 days, 10:20, 7 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
And now its 30 years and 10 years since this video
Thanks for everhthing kind and big hearted humble guy
Now Solid from Inrupt released almost 10 years later.
that seems a good argument.i would argue back usually however my comment was actually quoting TBL exactly - responding back to a question; 'how do you feel about 'cashing in'?'
Ed eccomi qui, pronta a sostenere un esame per un assegno di ricerca su queste cose... Quest'uomo è un visionario!
You truly are a great man sir
Tim Berners sir huge ;ove huge respect for you..
Data and the interpretation of it needs to be driving how the 2020 Covid19 pandemic is managed. Data, not politics or emotion. Sir Tim got that, decades ago. Brilliant data scientist.
Tim: "who am I to tell you don't make a beautiful website".
well, you're the inventor of websites so if anyone can have a say in it it's you 🤣
And now Rong Chen and Elastos are the next step up. The future is here.
Tim - Berners Lee will save us.
You could also argue that energy is universal, but I know that around the world people pay their energy bills unless they live like a hermit or in small societies in the mountains or the high deserts.
Information is key to business and the Internet allows users to share information faster than any alternatives. Please explain your theory about how the Internet would not have taken off had somebody put a price tag on it...
Very interesting talk. Inspirational!!
Thank you, HTML was one of the absolute best and easiest to learn coding systems ever created. I created a career building links and promoting websites and made tons of money from your silly little side project that changed the entire world. LOL
It would be either him or somebody else. What I am surprised about is that the elites of the world did not do to TBL as they did to Tesla, but then against TBL worked for CERN and Tesla, for the people.
@manicdepressive88 I found it sad. The man is brilliant and deserves at least the humblest applause for his achievements and vision.
maybe they do have a little some thing to do with each other, since it is the developers who decide whether to make their innovations available. so... the trend seems to be pointing towards more open source tech and info for better access to solutions, despite efforts holding back tech and info progress and availability for profit and control and politics.
Holy shit that guy INVENTED THE FUCKING INTERNET. I can't get over that.
Brilliant man
1.Data >>2 .Corruption>>3. Power>> 4.Information>> 5.Control>> 6.Invention>> 7.Solution = THE WORLD
1.Data>> 2.Information>> 3.Invention>> 4.Solution>> 5.Control>> 6.Power>> 7.Corruption = THE WORLD
i could go on but i hope this inspires more data :D
Outstanding ideas for his time.
@thnksmarter -
another take:
the nature of the internet - standardization - happened *because* it was free. his achievement is like open source, something that by definition could never be charged for (although one can still make money from associated skills)
Sadly he's not a very good public speaker but you can't deny his contribution to the world.
He could have been the richest man on earth!
Yes! But instead he created it as a commons.
He is :) 💕
This is the Creator.
Our Lord!
Our Maker
It's Algebra...!!
and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions
Он и красивый)
return true;
Frustration as a key to innovation. Raw data now! Not just for transparency but because it is useful to our lives
Its always been frustration of being unable to understand or implement something that made the greatest scientists go beyond standards.
spectacular video
I couldn't imagine getting over being the creator of the web.
@MrStig691 how wrong? was being facetious but happy to be stood corrected if you would be so kind...
These Have A Problem, What If Someone Uses It for Bad Purposes?
The Internet != The World Wide Web
Das Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " habe ich , Anton Gremaud , sehr gerne gespielt .
Ich , " Anton Gremaud " habe noch eine Map angefangen zu machen / bauen für das Spiel " Unreal 2 XMP " , habe diese Map aber noch nicht zu Ende gebaut .
Ich , " Anton Gremaud " habe da mit einer ein bisschen von mir erdachten merkwürdigen Taktik welche ich meinen Team Mitspielern befohlen habe viel gewonnen so " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen mit grossen was Welten . Ich , Anton Gremaud , wurde bester Spieler vom eigenen Team und unser Team hat gewonnen beim " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen mit mir , Anton Gremaud , und den anderen was menschlichen mitspielenden Lebewesen / Wesen . Ich , Anton Gremaud , habe meinen Team Mitspielern befohlen auf das schnell von der Geschwindigkeit her Fahrzeug vom Typ " Raptor " vom Spiel " Unreal 2 XMP " auf die Motorhaube vom Fahrzeug , Typ " Raptor " , zu stehen und mit mir mitzufahren , ich , Anton Gremaud , war damals der Fahrer vom Fahrzeug Typ " Raptor " und anderen Typen von Fahrzeugen vom Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " . Die anderen Mitspieler von meinem Team fuhren stehend auf der Motorhaube vom schnellen Fahrzeug Typ " Raptor " mit mir zur feindlichen was Basis , mir waren so schnell bei der was feindlichen Basis und sind dann ausgeschwärmt und haben die 3 " Artefakte " geholt bei der was feindlichen Basis welche man zurück zur eigenen Basis bringen muss , auf die was Motorhaube von Fahrzeugen stehen sollte man nicht machen in der Realität . Ich , Anton Gremaud , war als Fahrer auch ganz alleine mit dem schnell von der Geschwindikeit her Fahrzeug Typ " Raptor " unterwegs zur feindlichen was Basis und zurück zur eigenen Basis und habe " Arftefakte " von der feindlichen was Basis geholt und in die eigene Basis zurückgebracht zum " Siegen / Gewinnen " . Ich , Anton Gremaud , war auch alleine zu Fuss unterwegs und habe die " Artefakte " bei der feindlichen Basis geholt und die eigene Basis zurückgebracht , ich , Anton Gremaud , habe viel gemacht in Angelegenheiten Taktik so vom Computerpiel " Unreal 2 XMP " und habe viel gewonnen . Das Team welches als erstes die 3 " Artefakte " vom Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " , von der anderen , feindlichen was Basis in die eigene Basis bringt gewinnt den was " Krieg " beim Spiel " Unreal " XMP " . Reaktoren hat es auch beim Spiel " Unreal 2 XMP " , welche man aktivieren und auch deaktivieren muss vom Spiel " Unreal 2 XMP " . Es hat noch andere Fahrzeuge beim / vom Computerpiel " Unreal 2 XMP " , es gibt noch ein Typ gepanzertes Fahrzeug mit Waffe welches nicht schnell ist von der Geschwindigkeit her mit welchem andere Mitspieler mitfahren können , diese Taktik habe ich auch probiert .
Ich , " Anton Gremaud " habe keine Screenshots von den Statistiken vom " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen von damals , s ist lange her als ich , Anton Gremaud , " Unreal 2 XMP " gespielt habe , weil ich Angst vor Verschmutzung vom Internet habe habe ich keine Screenshots von Statistiken vom " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen , mit mir dem Anton Gremaud Wesen , auch Lebeswesen welches lebt und anderen menschlichen Wesen / Lebewesen welche mitgespielt haben . Movies / Filme welche man mittels Screencapturing machen kann vom Spielen habe ich auch keine gemacht vom " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen von mir mit anderen menschlichen Lebewesen / Wesen . Das Compuerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " ist recht alt , das Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " ist vom Jahre 2003 , damals gab es vermutlich / möglicherweise noch kein RUclips usw . Videoplattformen . Filme / Movies vom Spielen mit dem Computer , Konsolen will / wollte ich schon lange machen mittels Screencapturing , lange ist es her , im Jahre 1991 , habe ich , Anton Gremaud meinen damaligen Freunden , ein paar von den damaligen Freunden haben sich als Feinde entpuppt , mitgeteilt , dass ich Filme / Movies vom Spielen machen will zum zeigen und auch was wie " RUclips " machen will zum die Filme / Movies raufladen und der ganzen Welt in Universen zeigen will , damals gab es vermutlich / möglicherweise noch kein RUclips , damals gab es vermutlich auch keine " Screencapturing " Software mit welcher man Filme / Movies vom Spielen machen konnte . RUclips kann man für vieles gebrauchen .
Was mich interessiert , kann ich mit dem Computer und Betriebssystem welches ich momentan habe nochmals das Computerpiel " Unreal 2 XMP " wieder spielen und Movies / Filme vom Spielen davon machen, sind die Server noch am laufen vom Spiel , man kann auch eigene Server machen ist mir bekannt , aber das für mich sehr gute Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " vom Jahre 2003 spielt vermutlich niemand mehr , das und anderes muss ich noch alles rausfinden / studieren .
Ich kenne da noch die Webseite " Crazy Games " und andere Webseiten mit welchen man über den Webbrowser ähnliche Spiele wie das Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " spielen kann usw. machen kann . Ich , Anton Gremaud , habe eine lange Zeit nur Spiele vom Unreal Universum gespielt wegen Sparsamkeit usw . .
Ich habe auch gute Freunde verloren wegem dem Computer , Konsolen usw . , wir sind Feinde geworden .
An der Hochschule für Ingenieure und Architekten in Fribourg kann man seit noch nicht so langer Zeit " Computerspiele / Konsolenspiele usw . Spiele machen " studieren , Edouard Gremaud hat mitgeholfen die Ingenieur und Architekten Schule in Fribourg zu planen , ich , Anton Gremaud , mache schon seit langem Spiele .
Ich , Anton Gremaud , wollte das Internet schon als kleines Kind für meinen C 64 Heimcomputer zulegen , damals gab es noch kein Internet , ich kenne die Geschichte vom Internet , ich sah das Internet lange Zeit bevor es das Internet gab mit ALLEM was dazugehört in meinen Visionen / Zukunftsvisionen , und ja , es gibt noch anderes wichtiges als Computer , Konsolen , Internet usw . .
Und hier noch Movies / Filme vom Computerspiel " Unreal 2 XMP " .
Gruss vom Universal besseren Lebewesen / Wesen " Anton Gremaud " .
A: Not really. It was simply that had the technology been proprietary, and in my total control, it would probably not have taken off. The decision to make the Web an open system was necessary for it to be universal. You can't propose that something be a universal space and at the same time keep control of it.
they should put a susbscribe button on the page/video you're currently watching. the linked data idea .... absolutely amazing, just imagine how much clearer everything that's posted on the internet would be. imagine the increase in analysis efficiency ...
Now when people learn what he did see what happens..........a 10 to 20 years later...
I will surely come again to check this mark my words today-date 17 nov 2018
So it's kinda like everyone that can help editing a wiki page and contributing to the database in a bigger scale?
what an amazing human being
William Tell, German Wilhelm Tell, Swiss legendary hero who symbolized the struggle for political and individual freedom.
Actually, to be more accurate, he didn't, he only invented the World Wide Web and has helped develop Web 2.0 while he is also helping to develop Web 3.0... The internet was already in place in the form of the ARPAnet
I think linked data and intelligent algorithms to synthesize the massive quantity of information on the web are great and revolutionary ideas that are actually achievable today. Yet it seems the Internet is content with being a static and "dead" space which requires work by the user to gain information; its more like a cooler of soda than the automated vending machine it could easily be with modern algorithms.
I suppose, if I where to draw a comparison between the internet and something else, it would have to be undoubtedly be the now destroyed library at Victoria.. the major difference here being, that all of the information amassed in this one is not all in one place, and grows infinantly faster.
Great idea! There will be many business opportunities using linked data.
After buiding an open web, and then what will be the next web???
@Ormaaj woh interesting. What is your alternative to help computers understand semantics on the web?
I'm bummed this was released 15 years ago and we're still slacking on making this a reality
Is Sir Tim always so jittery or is something wrong with the frame rate of the video ?
Is this like a news-feed? I got the feeling content providers didn't like them because you didn't have to go to their websites. I have a feed reader and it gives me all their data that is provided and it's like a search engine but customized just to what I want.
@energysage very true.. it also adds to public confusion when they begin to hear so many varied insights...
I think the future of the scientist will however begin to broaden their knowledges mostly because of the internet and ease of access to content. Self edudcation is the way.. the days of standard institution based learning are over.
My own company is working ways to make interaction through content more easily. Linked Data is all about relevance to the person and their situation
there are big challenge, "security" in the LInked Data
In linked data, integrity is more important than security. Knowing that the data has not been modified is critical when using it.
Just what I thought about as I heard him speak. He means well, but what could malicious people do to the whole planet with that wealth of data?
I am watching this video for my ENG102 class. Taming the Wild, WIld Web lol
Being has a tendency to 'return' to clusters
='the nature of solidarity' -a desire for empathy -(Wave)-(yin)
and also,
Being has a tendency to 'exist' as individuals
='the nature of self-expension' -a desire for breed-(Particle)-(Yang)
Likewise, humans have two elements.
We must realize that we all have both left and right elements
=Solidarity and Self reliance
No one has only one element.
so 'Sum' derived from 'two poles' , (thesis, antithesis, synthesis)
To develop intellect and ethics by harmonizing the two,
It is good to realize it and balance it properly
But A few people polarized the crowd(political partisanship)
without balancing themselves.
And They stole only the sum, only the synthesis from the triangle composition.
Fun fact, I was born the day the World Wide Web was released.
@manicdepressive88 I can only imagine he had already had a 30 min satnding ovation amidst several panties being hurled onto the stage and the recording starts after he begins for a second time (or fith) "I invented the world wide web".. that's what must have happened.
Luckily, Corporations don't matter in distributed networks.
As long as some significant group or groups make use to and contribute to this, it will grow in spite of those against it or in the way of it.
Scientist, mathematicians, academics, hobbyists, developers, designers, and prosumers will make use of the semantic web and linked data. I know I will contribute to it as I become able.
He has all the right ideas, linked data would help mankind, more than manunkind, and would excelerate science, excelerating science would make the world safer and could almost eliminate terrorism from social interaction to country interaction.
Yeah, the net existed before Tim, but it was obscure. He put the widget on the map and invented the technology that revolutionized our world in ways that still haven't played out fully. We may end up with a global meta-government honestly capable of ruling our world equitably mostly because of what Tim invented. As far as I am concerned, his insight was as good as Darwins or Einsteins. It was likely that someone would stumble onto it, but that doesn't detract from the overwhelming significance.
Inventor web. Is. Genius
12 years later and almost 400k views for the creator of the web and then you scroll your feed and see a 15 million views vid of a guy farting. Today's society is so interesting man
I agree. I must be in a shitty mood today because I was just going to suggest that for Christopher Columbus it wasn't a discover as much as it was a stumble. But you gotta give credit to the man for being adventurous.
Depois de anos... ainda atual.
without web there will not be any countless number of websites at all
feeithepain78, did you even watch the video? at 0:28 he mentions wikipedia
Finally, someone championing 3D data on the web. Please give me data I can navigate like a landscape!
True - but the main problem might not so much lie with preventing your employer from getting access to your data, but rather attaining the point where you can access his data. There is very much a danger that this sort of thing can erode privacy, I agree; the vast part of the trouble, however, arises when there is an imbalance in the exercise of invasiveness.
Thanks sir!
yes yes, put everything about your life on a database and make it available to the world, privacy is so last century
I can still remember the days when everybody of every age group was advised, warned and taught to never put personal private information on the internet. It is our own fault that we didn't heed that warning. The evil of Zuck would not have taken root if we had never gotten into the habit of indiscriminately revealing our privacy into the open square.
Yes, people tend to confuse Internet and the services available on this network.
"Invented the Internet". Wow that would be pretty cool to put on your resume!
thanks about the video
I wonder how linked data things such as "DBpedia" will compare to Wolfram Alpha (slated new search technology).
And now we can't sign off the web, we spend all of our time on data hunts.
I love it! smile
@blastarrbollaxIII they got to him, yes..... look how 'confident' the man is with his amazing speech and movements.......
He GAVE IT TO THE WORLD FOR FREEEE, he didn’t get a dime from it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 gosh THAT is a real man, damn, he’s basically everyone’s daddy at this point
Thank you for clarifying that Magnus :)